Extract Watts Book Re CVRs
Extract Watts Book Re CVRs
Extract Watts Book Re CVRs
The Historyof
On 27 November1987Flight SA295was scheduledto deparifrom
T ; i o e i s C h i " n g K a . S h p k A i r f n r t " t t J : 0 0l o r P l a i . a n c ;A i r p o r t .
Maudtius,on a scheduled internationalflight.Adverseweatherand
l l - pl . r t p" r r i v d o
. ' a c o n n p u t i n g ' r rd" "hlta y p d " p a , r u r"en d t h p" i r -
crafttook off an hour and 23minuLes late.On boardwere149 000 ka
n ' ' U e l . 4 12 2 " l q n f o " g g " g ea n dc a r g o .1 4 0p " r . o n g o . 'a n d " c r " r ^
of five flight crew membersand 14 cabin crew members.The cal-
culatedflight time was 10hours:14minutes.Take off was normalin
all respectsand for thefirst few hoursof theflight routinecommuni-
cationswere madewith Hong Kong radar and flight information
c€niresat Hong Kong, Bangkok,Kuala Lumpur, Colonbo, Cocos
l . a n r l sr n d M " u r i t r u s .
At 15:55:18a roulinereportwas madeto Springbokfohannesburg
RadioStationIcodename ZUR],the internationalradio commLrnica-
tionscentreadjacentlo SAA'Sbaseai Ian SmutsAirport. The flight
cre\,vconfirm€dto ZUR their take off from Taipeiat 14:23,ihaLthe
Heiderberg r,r'asflying at flight lev€l 310 and that arrival time at
Maurilius r'las estimaiedat 00:35.ZUR's radio oDeratorinformed
F r i ; n l5 A 2 q ht h a l h es , l e r l i r , p" ,l l i n g . 1 . . r nl S t L C A L l .. j ! \ h i ,h
lhe radiostationcouldcall an individualaircraft,was unserviceable
and requesteda flighl crew call at 18:00.
ZUR cam€underheavyfire duringthe publicheafingot the Board
of lnquiry into the Helderbefgaccideni.It was qLrestioned on its
failurc to contactthe Heiderbergh'henth€ llighl crer'\'hadnot made
th€ ZUR requ€sted call at 18:00,on the lossof ihe ZUR tapeh'hich
rvould have recorded communicationbetween ZUR and the
Helderberg and alsoon log entries.
Evidencewas given bir Eliennedu Toil, CommunicationsOffi.er
at ZUR, $'ho explainedthat ZUR'Spurposewas'. . . to assistour
aircraft,includingany otherjnternationalaircraflon the domestic
and int€rnationalroutes,r\ith taking do\,\,npositionreporlsand
also1oassistiftherearean-vtechnical snagsthai wecouldpossibl-v
pass onlo engin€ering, and anythineto assjstthesepeople.The
SELCALsyslem,t€stifiedDu Toit,hadbeenout ol opefationtor two
accidentA log bookas $e as
rrceksat ihe lime of the Iieidr:rberg
',"r,:::., ;;;l;;" "i"ir,zui
;",'j;il;;; "o"*'"r""yli:,1':,\:pJ"I'::
;; ,'' ;: '";'ir' ''-"' ' '".,'f-:-'fl "'r'':Ll,,h:lr,i:
' " , , ' ' n s' o , \ " I . d , ' o . h "
; J , ; ' + ; " " : ; : i:l : p , . - ; . , ; ;
5LrJ b'1"ll " ",B"Jt o{lnquir\l
,q':" "' sF!",:h-ou'
a ion that lhere \!as a
conlronted Du Toit \'vilh '
' ,n' i ' t, ," ; '. ". : sj r rpul,".ril _l l" :
: : i ; . " ; . . "- :.r : i . " "r hr. a, "\ "-, b" m hrt
Jt,h,rnr"l,',ru h'ul Tll " ", " -
:l'ii;hN"l "; , " a ' . " t " . ' p , n $ n " " r ' , t t " , l- l : : -
ir"" *","-.""".i"J r'r""aisapPeafedrhe €nsuins
W.d , !!-.
: ;,
23148:51 295 Eh, Mauritius, Springbok Two Nine
23:49:00 MRU SpringbokTwo Nine Five,eh,good
morning, eh, go ahead.
23:491O7 295 Eh,goodmorning,we have.eh,a
snoke,ehp,eh,problemand we're
doingemergency descenlto level one
five, eh. one four zero.
23:49:18 MRU Confirm you wish to descendto flight
teveloneI0ur zero.
23:49:00 295 Ya, we havealreadycommenced, eh,
due to a smokeproblemin the
23:49:25 MRU Eh, Roger,you are clearto descend
immediately to flight level one four
23:49:30 295 Roger,we will appreciateif you can
aleri,eh,fire, ehp,ehp,eh, eh. . .
23:49140 MRU Do you wish to, eh,do you requesta
full emergencv?
23.49148 295 O k a yJ o ek, a n 1 ' y .. . v i r o n s . . .
23:49.51 MRU Springbok Two Nine Five, Plaisance.
23i49i54 255 Sorry,go ahead.
23:49:56 MRU Do you, eh,requesta full emerqencv
pleasea full emergencv?
23:50:00 295 Allirmative.that'sCharlieCharlie.
23:5O:O2 MRU Roger,I declarea full emergency,
23t'OiM 295 Thank you.
00:02:4'l MRU
l::ii,*.*, I
00:02i43 2 S 5 Were now si\l\ tive mlles'
00:02:45 MRU Confirm sixtYfive miles'
2813'I Fire alarm
bell IStoppeda]mostimmediately.l
28:35 lntercom
28:36 Ioe What'sgoingon now?
28:37 ! Huh?
28..40 Joe Cargo?
28142 loe It cameon afierwards.
28145 IStrongclick sound.]
? And where is ihat?
28:46 ? (Clicksound.l
28148 Ioe Iust to the right.
28149 ! Say again[?].
28i52 Ioe Main deckcargo.
28157 loe Then the otheronecameon as well.
I've got two,
29:O1 Ioe ShallI lget/push]the [bottle/button]
291O2 la,
29:05 Captain Leesvir ons die checklist daar hoor'
IDoubleclick sound.]
29:08 ? Die buik [?] se lig is af [?].
29:09 Huh.
[Two click sounds.)
29:11 ? Checkiistmain deckcargolight
29i12 Captain Ja.
Isoundsof movementcan be heard
with clicks and clunks.l
As had beenthe casewilh olher internaiionalair disasters,lhe
contentandcorrectness oftransoriptsofthe Heldcfbcrg's CVRrape
as well as the MauritiusAir'l'rallic Controltape wefe disputed.
Olficial and non-otficial versionslvere debatedbeforc LheBoard of
Inquiry.Readtogelher thoughpefhapsnot at all iimesvalid -
lhe transcriptsfill in cfucialgapsin ihe historyof thedisaslerflighi.
- 2Fj
01r36r00 295 : . .
00:02:10 295 Prcssuretwelve Lhousand.
00:02::14 2S5 . . . genoegiF . . . and€rstekan ons vlLrg
verongeluk. lTranslatedby Jansenas
. . is enough.. . otherwisewe could
havean a.cidenl. . .'.1
Dr Lecnd..t.ld,sen. o
loferstc erpe.i, wos
.r0ni.ocied 1o tr0ns.rribc
ih.r..co.diDgs oI li.l
cocApll vonxr fecorder
0 n o c o r v r i . s - . o r i o nD e
tween tlre Hclde.bers
fJjsi,r crew drd Ai.
T.dlfic Contro/ or Pldj
s a n . e A r r y r o d .A l t i r n r s
Ils inlcrp.ctolion of
c o n v e . s o l ( ) nc o n l l i c l e d
wrri tie opi"iims ol
{Th{r Sta4
ZUR cam€underheavyfire duringthe publicheafingot the Board
of lnquiry into the Helderbefgaccideni.It was qLrestioned on its
failurc to contactthe Heiderbergh'henth€ llighl crer'\'hadnot made
th€ ZUR requ€sted call at 18:00,on the lossof ihe ZUR tapeh'hich
rvould have recorded communicationbetween ZUR and the
Helderberg and alsoon log entries.
Evidencewas given bir Eliennedu Toil, CommunicationsOffi.er
at ZUR, $'ho explainedthat ZUR'Spurposewas'. . . to assistour
aircraft,includingany otherjnternationalaircraflon the domestic
and int€rnationalroutes,r\ith taking do\,\,npositionreporlsand
also1oassistiftherearean-vtechnical snagsthai wecouldpossibl-v
pass onlo engin€ering, and anythineto assjstthesepeople.The
SELCALsyslem,t€stifiedDu Toit,hadbeenout ol opefationtor two
accidentA log bookas $e as
rrceksat ihe lime of the Iieidr:rberg
',"r,:::., ;;;l;;" "i"ir,zui
;",'j;il;;; "o"*'"r""yli:,1':,\:pJ"I'::
;; ,'' ;: '";'ir' ''-"' ' '".,'f-:-'fl "'r'':Ll,,h:lr,i:
' " , , ' ' n s' o , \ " I . d , ' o . h "
; J , ; ' + ; " " : ; : i:l : p , . - ; . , ; ;
5LrJ b'1"ll " ",B"Jt o{lnquir\l
,q':" "' sF!",:h-ou'
a ion that lhere \!as a
conlronted Du Toit \'vilh '
' ,n' i ' t, ," ; '. ". : sj r rpul,".ril _l l" :
: : i ; . " ; . . "- :.r : i . " "r hr. a, "\ "-, b" m hrt
Jt,h,rnr"l,',ru h'ul Tll " ", " -
:l'ii;hN"l "; , " a ' . " t " . ' p , n $ n " " r ' , t t " , l- l : : -
ir"" *","-.""".i"J r'r""aisapPeafedrhe €nsuins
W.d , !!-.
: ;,
23148:51 295 Eh, Mauritius, Springbok Two Nine
23:49:00 MRU SpringbokTwo Nine Five,eh,good
morning, eh, go ahead.
23:491O7 295 Eh,goodmorning,we have.eh,a
snoke,ehp,eh,problemand we're
doingemergency descenlto level one
five, eh. one four zero.
23:49:18 MRU Confirm you wish to descendto flight
teveloneI0ur zero.
23:49:00 295 Ya, we havealreadycommenced, eh,
due to a smokeproblemin the
23:49:25 MRU Eh, Roger,you are clearto descend
immediately to flight level one four
23:49:30 295 Roger,we will appreciateif you can
aleri,eh,fire, ehp,ehp,eh, eh. . .
23:49140 MRU Do you wish to, eh,do you requesta
full emergencv?
23.49148 295 O k a yJ o ek, a n 1 ' y .. . v i r o n s . . .
23:49.51 MRU Springbok Two Nine Five, Plaisance.
23i49i54 255 Sorry,go ahead.
23:49:56 MRU Do you, eh,requesta full emerqencv
pleasea full emergencv?
23:50:00 295 Allirmative.that'sCharlieCharlie.
23:5O:O2 MRU Roger,I declarea full emergency,
23t'OiM 295 Thank you.
00:02:4'l MRU
l::ii,*.*, I
00:02i43 2 S 5 Were now si\l\ tive mlles'
00:02:45 MRU Confirm sixtYfive miles'
2813'I Fire alarm
bell IStoppeda]mostimmediately.l
28:35 lntercom
28:36 Ioe What'sgoingon now?
28:37 ! Huh?
28..40 Joe Cargo?
28142 loe It cameon afierwards.
28145 IStrongclick sound.]
? And where is ihat?
28:46 ? (Clicksound.l
28148 Ioe Iust to the right.
28149 ! Say again[?].
28i52 Ioe Main deckcargo.
28157 loe Then the otheronecameon as well.
I've got two,
29:O1 Ioe ShallI lget/push]the [bottle/button]
291O2 la,
29:05 Captain Leesvir ons die checklist daar hoor'
IDoubleclick sound.]
29:08 ? Die buik [?] se lig is af [?].
29:09 Huh.
[Two click sounds.)
29:11 ? Checkiistmain deckcargolight
29i12 Captain Ja.
Isoundsof movementcan be heard
with clicks and clunks.l
As had beenthe casewilh olher internaiionalair disasters,lhe
contentandcorrectness oftransoriptsofthe Heldcfbcrg's CVRrape
as well as the MauritiusAir'l'rallic Controltape wefe disputed.
Olficial and non-otficial versionslvere debatedbeforc LheBoard of
Inquiry.Readtogelher thoughpefhapsnot at all iimesvalid -
lhe transcriptsfill in cfucialgapsin ihe historyof thedisaslerflighi.
- 2Fj
01r36r00 295 : . .
00:02:10 295 Prcssuretwelve Lhousand.
00:02::14 2S5 . . . genoegiF . . . and€rstekan ons vlLrg
verongeluk. lTranslatedby Jansenas
. . is enough.. . otherwisewe could
havean a.cidenl. . .'.1
Dr Lecnd..t.ld,sen. o
loferstc erpe.i, wos
.r0ni.ocied 1o tr0ns.rribc
ih.r..co.diDgs oI li.l
cocApll vonxr fecorder
0 n o c o r v r i . s - . o r i o nD e
tween tlre Hclde.bers
fJjsi,r crew drd Ai.
T.dlfic Contro/ or Pldj
s a n . e A r r y r o d .A l t i r n r s
Ils inlcrp.ctolion of
c o n v e . s o l ( ) nc o n l l i c l e d
wrri tie opi"iims ol
{Th{r Sta4