Testing Solid Insulation of Electrical Equipment: Facilities Instructions, Standards, and Techniques Volume 3-1
Testing Solid Insulation of Electrical Equipment: Facilities Instructions, Standards, and Techniques Volume 3-1
Testing Solid Insulation of Electrical Equipment: Facilities Instructions, Standards, and Techniques Volume 3-1
Volume 3-1
Par. Page
1. Purpose . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
5. Definitions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
absorption measurement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
7. Skill required in making insulation resistance
9. Effect of temperature . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
15. General . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
returning to service . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
frequency of tests . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
40. General . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
44. Grounding . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
Par. Page
High-Voltage DC Tests - Cables
Power-Factor Tests
50. Application . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
55. Cables . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18
Ionization Tests
57. Application . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18
59. Application . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
62. General . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21
64. Cables . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21
Turn-to-Turn Testing
65. General . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21
Bibliography . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22
Table Page
I . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
II . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
Figure Page
for Grand Coulee unit L-6 108,000 kV, 120-r/min, 13.8 kV,
60-Hz generator . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54
Figure Page
10 Template analysis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 61
of winding insulation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 63
failure in rotating machines is turn-to-turn Methods e. and f. are used primarily in factory
failures occurring and progressing into ground- tests and after initial erection of the equipment
wall breakdowns. in the field. Practically all routine field tests are
made using nondestructive methods a., b., c.,
4. Insulation Test Methods.- The principal and d. Neither the insulation resistance nor
methods used today for testing insulation are: power-factor test methods can accurately predict
the breakdown voltage of insulation. The
a. Insulation resistance and dielectric ab- results must be compared with values when the
sorption by high-voltage dc insulation test. insulation was new and of known voltage with-
stand. Therefore, power-factor or insulation re-
b. Insulation resistance and dielectric ab- sistance measurements must be made
sorption by high-voltage, dc (direct-current) periodically, beginning when the equipment is
test. new and in good condition, and the trend noted
of the test results. The great amount of data
c. Insulation current by dc, high-voltage, collected from insulation tests reveals that no
ramped test. single test method can be relied upon for indicating
all conditions of weakened insulation.
d. Power factor There are cases on record where transformer
insulation resistance tests gave no indication of
e. AC (alternating-current) voltage with- moisture, but power-factor tests on the windings
stand. definitely showed moisture. There are other
cases where the reverse was found. Therefore,
f. DC (voltage withstand) to minimize chance of deterioration escaping
notice, it is recommended that the periodic tests
on equipment be made by more than one of the
following tests:
Motor and generator stator and (1) Insulation current by dc high-voltage ramped test
field windings or
(1) Insulation resistance and dielectric absorption
Power transformer (1) Power factor and (2) Insulation resistance and
dielectric absorption
(1) AC voltage withstand of oil and (2) Power factor
Circuit breakers (1) Power factor and (2) Insulation resistance and
dielectric absorption
periodic measurements of insulation resis- time lapse should not exceed 1 hour. For
tance, it is necessary either to take each transformers, a delay of about 1 hour after
measurement at the same temperature, or shutdown is recommended to reduce the
to convert each measurement to the same temperature gradient. Any type of forced
base temperature. A correction curve for cooling should be shut off at the same time
conversion of each measurement can be load is removed.
made by taking two successive dielectric
absorption curves, such as "C" and "D" in 10. Effect of Moisture.- Moisture, which
figure 2 , at two well-separated can enter the insulation of a generator or
temperatures by the standard procedure motor winding from damp air or which can
outlined in paragraph 12. The first or "hot" enter the winding of a transformer from wet
dielectric absorption curve "C” should be oil, will make a surprisingly large difference
obtained from a test made soon after in the insulation resistance. This is clearly
shutdown from a stable, full-load shown by the curves of figure 2 for a Grand
temperature condition. The second or Coulee generator. Curve "A" was taken
"cold" curve should be obtained after the shortly after the generator was placed in
equipment has cooled to a considerably service, at a temperature of 36 EC. Curve
lower temperature. Using only the two 10- "C" was taken after a dry-out run of 168
minute points of the two curves, plot a hours on the generator. The generator
straight line on semilog paper as in figure 3. winding was, therefore, more thoroughly
Extend the straight lines through a dried out in curve “C” than in curve "A,"
temperature range of 20 to 75 EC. As although evaporation of the volatile content
recommended by IEEE, 40 EC should be of the insulation or other curing or aging
used as the base temperature to which all effect may have had an appreciable effect.
measurements are corrected. Once this Low insulation resistance resulting from
conversion curve for the dry winding is exposure to moisture does not mean that the
established for a machine, the curve can insulation is unsuitable for operation,
be used as long as no rewinding or major particularly if the insulation resistance value
repair work is done. By means of this is comparable to that obtained from recent
curve, insulation resistance measurements periodic tests. Dry out of thermosetting
taken at any temperature can be converted insulation is not as big a factor, and is
directly to any other temperature within the sometimes not done, except to cure field
range of the curve. If this temperature applied insulation.
conversion curve is not available,
approximate conversion factors can be ob- 11. Effect of Age and Curing.- Insulation
tained from figure 4 which corrects to a with semisolid binder, such as asphalt-mica,
base temperature of 40 EC. Careful undergoes a curing process with time. This
measurement of temperature is important in curing process increases the dielectric ab-
making insulation resistance sorption current taken by the insulation, and
measurements. For generators with thus insulation resistance meter or high-
resistance temperature detectors, the voltage, dc test measurements show a
average of the readings from all detectors decrease in insulation resistance with
should be used. Otherwise, the average increasing age. The more noticeable effect
reading of several strategically placed of age on the leakage current is mainly the
thermometers should be used. The elapsed development of cracks and contamination.
time during removal of load, disconnection
of associated equipment, and preparation Solid insulations, such as porcelain, do not
for test will help to minimize the undergo a curing process and thus age, in
temperature gradient between insulation itself, does not change their dielectric
and temperature measuring device, but the absorption or leakage current components
12. Polarization Index.- The steepness 13. Test Procedures and Records. The
of the dielectric absorption curve taken at a test procedure for making dielectric ab-
given sorption tests is:
temperature indicates the relative dryness of
the insulation. This steepness may be ex- a. Hot resistance test - following
pressed as "polarization index" and is defined shutdown from full-load operation of at
as follows: least 4 hours, or until temperature is
Polarization index = R10/R1 = I1/I10
(if the voltage is constant) (1) Disconnect the equipment to be
tested from other equipment by opening
breakers, opening disconnecting
where: switches, or unbolting connections. Dis-
connect any potential transformers or
R10 = megohms insulation resistance other devices connected between
at 10 minutes phases and ground, or neutral and
R1 = megohms insulation resistance ground. Any external circuits which
at 1 minute cannot be readily disconnected should
I1 = insulation current at 1 minute be recorded in the test record.
I10 = insulation current at 10 minutes
(2) For at least 10 minutes, ground the
Table I shows the polarization index for the winding to be tested to drain off any
four curves of figure 2. As these data charge.
indicate, the difference in polarization index
between dry and moist insulation is more (3) Remove the ground connection,
pronounced at higher temperatures and connect the insulation resistance
therefore, the hot test is more sensitive. The tester, and begin taking dielectric
increase in polarization index with dryness of absorption readings. Take read-
insulation is also illustrated by the diverging 1- ings at 1 - minute intervals for 10
and 10-minute curves in figure 5. minutes. Make tests between entire
Table I
B Moist 75 2.50
C Dry 75 3.11
D Dry 36 2.16
IEEE Standard No. 43 indicates the recommended minimum values of polarization index for a-c
(alternating current machines) are:
An understanding of the value of the test is a. The potential stress in some cases, such
aided by considering its advantages and as at the generator winding end turns, is not
disadvantages: entirely representative of that produced in
normal service.
b. Longer time required to complete the dc
a. Very little supply power is required to test as compared to an ac test.
operate the test set.
c. Care necessary to distinguish change of
b. The test set is portable enough to be true leakage current from change of absorp-
readily useful. (Although larger than an tion current.
insulation resistance meter, it is far
smaller than an ac, high-voltage tester.) In order to obtain valid data on the condition of the
machine winding using high-voltage, dc tests, it is
c. The high-voltage, dc test is less destruc- necessary to disconnect the buswork from the
tive than other available high-potential unit. Unit buswork will quite often break down at a
tests. lower voltage than the winding. Figures 6 and 7
illustrate the difference in the results that can be
d. The small leakage current is not masked obtained with the buswork connected and
by ac charging current and therefore affords disconnected.
a quantitative measure of insulation quality.
23. Correlation Between DC and AC
e. Much less damage is done if breakdown Tests.- The dc puncture voltage may range from
should occur, because the capacity of the 1.41 times the rms ac puncture voltage for a
test set is small. cracked and abraded winding, where the puncture
path is essentially an air gap, to 2.5 times the
rms ac puncture voltage for well-compacted ac test. Consequently, on any but new
and impregnated mica insulation. IEEE windings, if the dc test indicates weakness,
Standard No. 95 mentions the factor 1.7 as ac overpotential test should not be applied.
appropriate for used insulation. Cases have Deteriorated coils should be located by
indicated that on winding insulation with some testing groups of individual coils by the dc
deterioration, the application of ac method or by use of a clip-on ammeter.
overpotential tests may cause further Ionization and power-factor tip-up tests may
deterioration, even though the insulation may be useful supplements in important repair
not puncture in the 1 -minute duration of the work.
24. Description of Test.- The stepped- curve is being plotted, the insulation
voltage technique of high-voltage, dc testing resistance (in megohms) can be calculated
of insulation consists of measuring the at the end of each voltage step. A resistance
insulation current at scheduled times for a versus voltage curve should be plotted, as
series of voltage steps up to an indicated shown on figure 8B. After the final reading at
insulation weakness or to well above the the first voltage step, the megohm scale for
the curve should be chosen so the first
normal operating ac peak voltage ( 2 x V
plotted point will be above the zero axis
rms). The insulation is then discharged about equal to the distance from zero along
through a microammeter and measurements the horizontal scale to the maximum test
are taken of current versus time. The data voltage. This will yield an approximately
are interpreted to determine insulation "square" plot for test of any size specimen,
quality. For interpretation, it is convenient to permitting comparison of curve shapes on a
graphically plot the insulation current against more uniform basis.
test voltage and to calculate and plot the
resistance versus test voltage.
27. Log-log Plots and Discharge
Curves.- In addition to the current versus
25. Current Versus Voltage Curve. -
voltage and resistance versus voltage
As the data are recorded on the data sheet,
curves, the following curves should be
a graph should be plotted of the insulation
plotted on three-by-three cycle, log-log paper
current (at the end of each voltage step)
(K&E No. 359120): (1) current versus time
versus the test voltage, see figure 6A. This
for the first voltage step, and (2) the
form of plotting has the advantage of
discharge current versus time after the last
employing readings taken directly from the
voltage step, see figure 9. The latter curve
test instrument. An incorrect reading or an
permits determination of the absorption
incorrectly plotted point is promptly apparent
exponent "n" and the proper template to be
and may be checked immediately. As long as
used for determination of the true leakage
the insulation current is not excessive (see
and absorption components of current from
paragraph 19 for standard insulation
the current versus time curve (1). Ordinarily,
resistance values) and continues in a
the template analysis will be performed later,
straight line with increasing test voltages,
see figure 10.
the test may be continued up to the
recommended maximum shown in table A.
28. Data Sheet and Voltage/Time
Schedules.- Form PO&M-155 should be
26. Resistance Versus Voltage used for recording data as shown by
example in table B. Table C gives voltage
Curve.- While the current versus voltage
time schedules for various insulation 31. Reason for Voltage/Time Sched-
ratings The data recorded should include ules.- The absorption current will seldom
the following: subside to a stable value within any practical
allowable time. Besides leakage current,
Date of test
some absorption current will be present in the
final readings. This will not confuse results,
Test voltage (kV)
however, if sufficient time is allowed at each
Test current (FA)
voltage for the absorption current to subside
Resistance (MO)
to a proportional value. This requires a
Temperature of winding(EC)
schedule of progressively shorter absorption
Identification of apparatus under test,
times at successive steps of voltage,
and test instruments because at the beginning of each voltage
Parts of winding, bus, or equipment step after the first, part of the absorption has
included in test already been satisfied by the preceding
Relative humidity steps. Consequently, the proportional
absorption is reached in less time. Test
29. Test Technique.- The machine schedules with steps chosen to be conve-
winding should be grounded for at least 1 nient for insulation of various voltage ratings
hour immediately preceding the test, thus are shown in table C for stator windings.
ensuring that any absorbed charge is
drained off. The phases should be 32. Applicability of Test Schedules.--
separated and tested individually. Lightning The test schedules are arranged to include a
arresters and capacitors must be discon- minimum of three points up to and including
nected. Cables and/or buswork should be approximately normal peak operating voltage.
disconnected if it is convenient to do so. If Smaller voltage steps at the higher voltages
the separation of phases is unusually are chosen as this affords indication of any
difficult, the separation may be made once weakness with less danger of unexpected
for the benchmark tests, and thereafter the puncture. The additional points occasioned by
phases may be tested together until the smaller voltage steps add very little to the
deviation from normal is detected. Similarly, total time of the test. Therefore, the same
a winding and its cable or bus lead should schedules are practical for routine tests.
be separated and tested individually. If Departures from the schedules for finer steps
separation is difficult and the leakage of the when weakness is detected will seldom be
cable and of the winding are of the same necessary. The voltage steps are sufficiently
order (one not more than twice the other), conservative that the gradual raising of
they may be tested together thereafter until voltage in the former 30 minute test schedule
deviation from normal is detected. is no longer necessary. The schedules of
table C allow for raising the voltage
30. Polarization Index.- The voltage rapidly. To protect the microammeter during
should be raised abruptly to the first the rapid voltage change, it should be
voltage level with the start of timing for the switched to the next higher range.
test. Readings should be recorded of
insulation current at 1 minute, at 10 Schedules employing only 10 minutes on the
minutes, and at other 2- or 3-minute first voltage step, as shown in table C, are in-
intervals to the final reading The ratio of the tended to supersede the former schedules
1-minute to the l0-minute reading of which employed 20 to 30 minutes on the first
insulation current will afford useful step. The advantages of the change are:
indication of polarization index. This gives shorter overall time for testing, adequate
the test engineer an idea of insulation indication of weaknesses, the resistance
dryness early in the test. (Even though results for all steps will be on 10-minute basis
500 volts has been the standard for comparable to 10-minute insulation
determination of polarization index, the val- resistance meter readings for which
ues yielded at the first voltage steps of the there is much background, and the
respective schedules are very close to exponent of -0.8 on which the schedule is
those at standard voltage.) calculated is more representative of the
11 (FIST3-1 12/91)
average machine insulation. See figure 11 the test set. If random variations still persist,
for a comparison of test curves between the the currents may be averaged graphically. If
10- and 30-minute schedules for the same absorption currents are plotted against time
machine. on log-log paper, the mean will be a smooth
curve and almost a straight line from which
33. Maximum Voltage for Test.-If the the mean reading of the appropriate time
insulation microampere versus voltage plots may be selected. For this plotting, the time is
are straight lines, the test may be continued reckoned from zero when voltage is raised
to the maximum test voltages shown in table from the preceding step.
A. If curvature appears, the test should be
stopped when the resistance has dropped to 35. Discharge of Winding After Test.-
approximately one-third the maximum value Upon completion of the dc, high- voltage
unless it is desired to locate the weakness test, the winding should be discharged
by puncture so that it can be repaired. through the special discharge resistor
Cases of abrupt breakdown before the ordinarily provided with the test set. The
resistance curve approached zero have discharge resistor consisting of several
occurred in insulation where mechanical kilohms is for the purpose of retarding the
abrasion, cracking, or acute mica migration discharge current so no destructive surge is
existed. Hence, as a general practice, but produced. The winding may be solidly
particularly where mechanical defects are grounded when the voltage has dropped to
known to exist, tests should only be zero or after a few minutes of discharge
performed when time could be taken for have occurred.
bypassing a coil or other maintenance if a
weak point should be punctured. This allows 36. Minimum Period of Grounding
taking best advantage of the "proof" feature After Test Before Returning to Ser-
of the test. For the most conservative, vice.- A winding should remain solidly
nondestructive use of the test, a very abrupt grounded long enough after test for the ab
increase in insulation current (excluding the sorbed charge to be completely drained off
random variations of absorption current before restoring the machine to service.
often found) is also warning that the test Windings vary greatly in the length of time
should be stopped. An abrupt rise in an absorbed charge will remain, but in
insulation resistance (drop in leakage absence of actual checks, it is
current) is rarely found, but when it occurs recommended the winding be grounded for
above the peak operating voltage for the at least 1 hour. If the dc, high-voltage test
winding, it has usually preceded breakdown precedes a maintenance ac overpotential
of the insulation. The increase of resistance test, it is advisable to double the minimum
is thought to be caused by vaporization of ground time to assure that absorbed charge
the moisture trails in the insulation, which does not contribute to puncture. Also, the
would immediately precede puncture. time spent in making a discharge test can be
credited to the total grounding time.
34. Importance of Regulated Power
Supply. - It is important that voltage 37. Effects of Temperature and Hu-
variations in the power supply to the test set midity.- The influence of temperature upon
be avoided. Because of the capacitance of leakage current of winding insulation under
the winding under test, even minor dc, high-voltage test is similar to the
fluctuations in supply voltage to the test set influence of temperature on insulation
will cause wide fluctuations of the resistance meter readings. However, the
microammeter and contribute to a random most significant factor of the dc, high voltage
scattering of test points. A voltage stabilizer test, the position of the curvature, is not
or electronic regulator in the power supply is appreciably affected by temperature; con
recommended. Magnetic voltage stabilizers sequently, correction of individual test points
usually perform better when working into a to the standard temperature of 40 °C is not
resistance load than when driving a rectifier necessary. Because the dc, high-voltage
only. A 500-volt ampere regulator is usually test does require appreciable time, it is
sufficient so that about 200 volt amperes of desirable that the insulation be near ambient
resistance load can be used in addition to
40. General.- The ramped voltage test (17 volts per second) is less apt to damage
technique automatically linearizes the insulation than the step-method voltage
dielectric absorption component of insulation increments (approx. 1 kV/s).
current eliminating many of the problems
encountered in dc, stepped-voltage testing Typical ramped-voltage test responses are
methods. Automatic compensation of shown in figures 14 through 17. These
absorption current eliminates the need for curves are a composite of the capacitive
extensive absorption current calculations charging, absorption, and leakage currents.
and complex volt/time testing schedules.
Further improvements have been made For a full description of the operation and
through utilization of state-of-the-art au- theory of the ramped-voltage method, refer
tomatic testing equipment which has to Bureau of Reclamation Report REC-
removed the uncertainty of the human factor ERC-78-7, "A Programmable D-C High-
in adjusting test voltages and in recording Voltage Ramped Test System for Electrical
data. DC testing controllability, sensitivity, Insulation."
and repeatability are significantly improved
through the use of this test method. 42. Ramped DC Test Schedule. - A
ramp rate of 1 kV/min is normally used to
41. Description of Test.- The ramped test stator winding insulation. This rate
technique of insulation testing uses a produces a current response similar to the
programmable dc, high-voltage test set and stepped test and is somewhat of a
automatically ramps the high voltage at a compromise between maximum sensitivity
preselected rate (usually 1 kV/min). and minimum test duration.
Insulation current versus applied voltage is
plotted on an x-y recorder providing The maximum voltage limit is the same as in
continuous observation and analysis of the stepped test. However, the increased
insulation current response as the test pro- sensitivity and continuous-current
gresses. To evaluate an insulation, it is no monitoring features of the ramped test
longer necessary to hand plot insulation provides more information even when the
current and resistance versus applied test is terminated at approximately 85
voltage. Insulation quality can be evaluated percent of the maximum voltage limit. A
directly from the automatically recorded reduced voltage test can be used to
insulation current curves, because the evaluate very old, weak, or problem
observed insulation current nonlinearities insulation characterized by extensive
are directly proportional to leakage current corona damage, excessive abrasion, loose
variations. blocking, etc. Under no circumstances
should a reduced voltage test be used for
The test technique was designed so acceptance testing. Regardless of the
automated test results are similar in nature insulation quality, a reduced voltage limit is
to previous data obtained using USBR's dc, not recommended when the dc test is also
step testing schedules. to serve as a withstand or proof test. In any
event, to avoid an insulation failure, testing
The principal advantages of the ramp test should be terminated whenever leakage
over the conventional step method are that current starts to become excessive.
it requires only one person to perform the
test and provides that person with better The ramp test should be terminated when a
control and sufficient foresight of impending 1- to 2-FA, or larger, sharp increase in
failure to avoid damage to the insulation. The insulation current is observed. If the
elimination of the human factor from the time, increase is only a fraction of a
voltage, and current parameters yields microampere, testing can continue.
overall test results which are much more However, if the current is unstable or there
accurate and repeatable. In addition, the are more stepped type of increases directly
slow and continuous increase in applied following, testing should be halted.
46. Cable Testing.- When the cables can current drawn can be readily measured and
be isolated from other equipment, they may tendencies to increase and decrease noted;
be tested to much higher limits than rotating (3) much less damage is done if a
machine insulation. Accordingly, a table of breakdown occurs because the capacity of
cable test voltages allowable for the equipment is small; and (4) the test
maintenance tests is included (see table D). equipment is relatively small and light
The recommended limits for maintenance because it needs to be only large enough to
tests of cables are much higher than for supply the insulation leakage current. A
rotating machine insulation because: (1) special precaution to be observed with the
cable insulation is less subject to cracking, dc method is the long time required to drain
ionization, and erosion than rotating machine off the charge after a test is made.
insulation; (2) a higher voltage is likely to be
necessary to show up the defects; and (3) a 48. Test Technique.- In maintenance test-
higher voltage is allowable in manner of a lng of cables, it is practical to combine the
proof test as there is less investment at more searching ability of the step-voltage
stake and the cost in time and expense of method with test to reasonable proof level
repairing a cable failure from test is (see table D). For most cable, insulation
comparatively small. The deterioration of absorption is not so prominent as to require
sheathed cables in service is most likely to a voltage/time schedule as extensive as for
occur at the potheads or the joints due to generator insulation. Five to seven equal
loss of impregnating oil or pothead voltage steps up to the desired test level,
compound, entrance of air, moisture, and co- allowing 2 minutes at each step, are usually
rona action in the air voids. sufficient. If the insulation is type with much
absorption, a generator insulation test
schedule may be used. The ramped-voltage
WARNING test technique may be used for cable testing
if the test set has a high enough voltage
High voltage cables should be tested with rating to reach a reasonable proof level for
negative voltage dc applied to the test the cable.
specimen. Never apply positive voltage
dc. Experiences by other utilities indicate 49. Interpretation of Test Curve.
that positive voltage dc greatly accelerates Warning of approaching breakdown on test
deterioration. is usually given by upward bend of the V-I
curve. However, with cables when weakness
is indicated, it is less important that the test
be terminated than with generators for the
47. Advantages of DC High-Potential reasons previously pointed out.
Test.- AC high-potential tests on long high-
Upward bend of the V-I curve is most often
voltage cables would be impractical because
an indication of trouble in the pothead such
of the high-charging kilovolt amperes
as voids, moisture, or imperfect makeup.
required and nonuniform voltage distribution
See figure 18.
over the length of the cable. The DC, high-
potential test method has the following
If resealing of potheads is required, it is
advantages over the ac method: (1) direct-
advised that another recheck be made a
potential testing causes no deterioration of
year later. Otherwise, routine tests of cables
the insulation up to within a few percent of
need to be conducted only at intervals of
the breakdown point; (2) the small leakage
about 5 years.
All windings not at test potential should be and Canada has been by means of
grounded. Each winding should be measured equipment supplied by the Doble Engineering
to all other windings and to ground, and also Co. The Doble test sets consist of a
all of the windings measured together to completely shielded, high-voltage, 60-Hz
ground. All possible winding combinations power supply which applies up to 10 kV to
should be tried. Refer to IEEE Standard No. the equipment being tested. Readings are
262, 1973, for more information concerning taken of volts, milliamperes, and watts, from
this test technique. which power factor is determined. The
equipment is suitable for use near high-
55. Cables.- The power-factor test on ca- voltage circuits without interference from
bles is usually an insensitive indication of induced voltages. The capacitance-test
deterioration except on very short lengths. bridge, a much simpler and less expensive
Cables often require more charging current tester, is available on some Bureau projects.
than the power-factor test set can supply. It applies about 80 volts to the equipment
However, "hot-collar" power-factor tests on being tested. Capacitance and dissipation
cable potheads are useful, sensitive factor are read directly on dials when the
indications of moisture and voids or other bridge is balanced. This equipment is not
substandard conditions in the potheads. sufficiently shielded against induced voltages
Abnormally high values of current and power to be suitable for use near high-voltage
indicate the presence of moisture and circuits, thus limiting its usefulness for field
abnormally low values indicate a void or the maintenance work. Although shields of sheet
absence of filling compound or oil. Hot-collar metal or screen can be used to enclose the
tests do not require a high-capacity test set. equipment bushings during tests, this method
is not desirable because of the danger in
56. Test Equipment.- Most of the power- handling these large metal parts near
factor testing done in the United States energized equipment.
57. Application.- The ionization test is of the conductors where the insulation has
used primarily for detecting ionization been softened by the other effects.
(corona discharge) and slot discharge in
generator windings. Both ionization and slot Slot discharge is a capacitance discharge
discharge may cause deterioration of and occurs across poor contact points
insulation. Ionization generally occurs in between the coil surface shielding and the
voids inside the insulation within the ground stator iron. Deterioration is from the
shield section of the coil. destructive effect of this relatively
concentrated discharge. Coils which fit
Some internal ionization is present in most loosely in the slots may be subjected to this
higher voltage stator insulation. If it is trouble.
intense enough, it produces destruction of
the binder and other organic components by Test apparatus for corona detection requires
the chemical effects of the ozone and oxides much higher sensitivity than detection of slot
of nitrogen generated by the discharge (plus discharge. It is still of specialized category
moisture) and eventually by direct electronic and beyond the scope of this chapter.
bombardment. Destruction is often
aggravated finally by mechanical vibration
58. Test Methods for Slot Discharge.- discharge occurs at particular parts of the
A method used for detecting slot discharge in voltage cycle. Because the detector cannot
ac generator windings consists of energizing distinguish between hash originating in the
the winding from a high-potential ac test set winding and that originating in the power
at voltages of approximately 50 to 125 source, it is essential that the stator winding
percent of normal rated machine voltage or be energized from a good high-potential test
running the unit self excited and isolated from set or a transformer operated well below its
the system and observing on an oscilloscope rated voltage. Voltage of about 50 percent,
the resulting induced potentials from slot dis- normal or below which no corona occurs, is
charges. The detecting apparatus is first applied as a calibration point or base.
essentially a band pass filter passing a band The voltage is gradually raised until there is
of frequencies between 1,000 and 2,000 Hz distinct change in the hash on the
to an oscilloscope. The detecting apparatus oscilloscope screen. This is the point where
is coupled through a condenser to the slot discharge is considered to begin. A
terminal of the winding being tested or to a winding properly protected from slot
probe which is placed ill contact with the discharge should not produce hash at
stator coil shielding. With the oscilloscope voltages below approximately 125 percent of
sweep set for one-half the applied frequency, normal. Experience and special calibration
the characteristic hash indication appears at apparatus are necessary in order to properly
two or four places along the sweep since the interpret the results.
19 (FIST3-1 12/91)
bring the insulated wire to the vicinity voltage should then be lowered smoothly
of, but not connected to, the test set. to zero in approximately 1 minute.
e. If the test set being used does not k. Repeat steps 3, 4, 9, and 10 for the
have a built-in potential transformer for other phases to be tested.
high-side metering, a separate potential
transformer should be used to provide 60. Induced-Potential and Impulse
high-side metering. Tests.- Factory tests on new transformers or
regulators may include (a) 120- to 400-Hz
f. Check accuracy of test set indicating induced-potential test and (b) reduced full-
voltmeter by comparing it to a calibrated wave, chopped-wave, or full-wave impulse
voltmeter connected to the high-side tests. These tests require special equipment
potential transformer. and are not performed in the field, and will not
be covered in this bulletin. The standard 60-
g. Adjust spherical gap oil test set to Hz high-potential test, however, are simple to
flash over at the specified test voltage, perform and require only a transformer of
as calculated from charts. Then suitable voltage and capacity, with current
energize the test set without connecting limiting equipment and means for controlling
it to the stator-winding phase to be and measuring the output voltage.
tested. Raise voltage until gap flashes
over, noting reading of test-set 61. Voltage Values for AC Tests.-High-
voltmeter to verify reasonable potential, ac tests, if used in the field, should
agreement and that voltmeter scale and be performed in accordance with Standard
potential-trans-former ratio are correct. Techniques for High- Voltage Testing, IEEE
Some tests sets are not equipped with Standard No. 4, 1978, or its latest revision.
a spherical gap, so a separate The test voltage values to use are shown in
spherical-gap voltmeter should be used table F. All values in the table apply to 1 -
in conjunction with these sets. minute application of 60-Hz test voltage
applied between winding and ground, for
h. With the test set deenergized, adjust clean, dry windings at a temperature not
the spherical gap to flash over slightly below room temperature and preferably not
above the required test voltage. This will above 40 EC. The data given in table F under
provide protection in the event of a test "Periodic field tests on equipment in service"
set malfunction resulting in higher are manufacturers' recommendations, as no
voltage. ANSI standards have been adopted for this
purpose. The high-potential test voltage
i. Connect the test set to both ends of values for use on power cable vary with a
the stator winding phase to be tested. number of conditions and should be obtained
from the current cable standards. The
j. Energize the test set and raise the capacity of the high-potential test set (in
voltage smoothly until the mark on the kilovolt amperes required to test generator
test set indicating voltmeter is reached. stators of various ratings) is shown in figure
The rate of rise should be such that the 19.
test voltage is achieved within 1 minute.
Care should be exercised so as not to
overshoot the test voltage. This voltage
should be held for 60 seconds. The
62. General.- High-potential, dc proof tests machinery windings rated 6,000 volts and
are ordinarily limited to 1- minute duration un- above, and when agreed upon by the man-
less otherwise specified. It is a pass or fail ufacturer and the user, the test voltage may
type of test and no particular significance is be a direct voltage of 1.7 times the ac, rms,
placed upon current values. The principal test voltage. IEEE No. 95 (1977)
advantage over the more common ac proof recommends that a ratio of 1.7 be used for
test is the smaller, simpler test apparatus. maintenance overvoltage tests.
IEEE Recommended Practice for Testing Recommended Guide for Making Dielectric
Insulation Resistance of Rotating Machinery, Measurements in the Field, IEEE Standard No.
IEEE Standard No. 43, November 1974 62, April 1958
IEEE Standard Test Code for Resistance Marcroft H. C., Field Studies of Generator
Measurement, IEEE Standard No. 118, 1978 Windings, AlEE Transactions, vol. 71, part III, p.
822, 1952
IEEE Guide for Insulation Maintenance of Large
Alternating-Current Rotating Machinery (10,000 Sidway, C. L., and B. R. Loxley, Techniques and
kVCA and Larger), IEEE Standard No. 56, March Examples of High Voltage D-C Testing of Rotating
1977 Machine Windings, AlEE Transactions, vol. 72,
part III, p. 1121, 1953
Hill, G. Leslie, Testing Electrical Insulation of Johnson, J. S., and A. W. Zwiener, D-C Testing
Rotating Machinery with High Voltage Direct Experience in Rotating Machine Insulation, AlEE
Current, AlEE Transactions, vol, 72, part III, Transactions, vol. 76, part III, pp. 416-420, 1957
p.159, 1953
Schleif, F R., and L. R. Engvall, Experience in
D-C High Voltage Testing, National Coil’s COIL Analysis of D-C Insulation Tests for Maintenance
TANK, October 1952 Programming, AlEE Power Apparatus and
Systems, pp. 156-161, June 1959
Cameron, AW.W., and A. M. Sinclair, Experience
and Development in Non-Destructive DC Testing Duke, Smith, Roberts, Cameron, Investigation of
for Maintenance of High-Voltage Stators, AlEE Maintenance Tests for Generator Insulation,
Transactions, vol. 75, part III, pp. 201-210, 1956 Power Apparatus and Systems, No. 55, pp. 471-
478, August 1961
Schleif, E R., Corrections for Dielectric
Absorption High Voltage D-C Insulation Test, Milano, U., A Programmable D-C High-volt-age
AlEE Transactions, pp. 513-517, August 1956 Ramped Test System for Electrical Insulation,
Report REC-ERC-78-7, Bureau of Reclamation,
Schurch, E. C., Experience with High Voltage October 1978
D-C Insulation Testing for Generator Stator
Windings, AlEE Transactions, vol. 75,part pp.
Table A
4.16 10 8.5 12
11 - 13.8 20 - 25 17 - 21.25 30
Normal limit for ramp testing. See paragraph 42 for more information on maximum test voltages for
* Any winding showing visible signs of deterioration should be considered old insulation for test
purposes regardless of age.
Table C
All voltage changes with no time delay. Time tabulated are time form start of test to final reading for
respective voltage steps. Voltage is then raised to next step. The times scheduled under column A
are normally used. To save time, the first step may be increased as shown in Columns B, C, and D.
Dashed line indicates usual test limit for old insulation (5 years or more).
Insulation grade
Other than
Maximum ozone-resisting Ozone-resisting
rated Conductor Conductor d-c/a-c ratio = 3.0 d-c/a-c ratio = 3.0
circuit size insulation
voltage (AWG or - thickness Mils Maximum conductor to ground d-c test
(kV) kcmil) mm values in kV*
* All test values rounded off to 1 decimal place, and voltages are 60 percent
of factory test.
** Not applicable to shielded cables, armored cables are 80 percent test
value and metallic sheathed cables are 90 percent test value.
Table D (Continued)
d-c/a-c ratio = 2
Type of cable
*All test values rounded off to 1 decimal place, and voltages are 60 percent of
factory test.
**Nonbelted or belted with material other than varnished cloth.
Table D.- Cable d-c test voltage guide (continued)
Part 2
d-c/a-c ratio = 2
Type of cable
Single conductor, shielded multiple
Conductor Conductor conductor and non-belted**,
size insulation nonshielded multiple conductor
(AWG or thickness Maximum conductor to sheath or
kcmil) mils mm groung d-c test values in kV*
Grounded and ungrounded neutral service
8 125 3.18 13.2
7 125 3.18 13.8
6-5 125 3.18 14.4
4-2 125 3.18 15.0
1-4/0 125 3.18 16.2
213+ 125 3.18 16.8
8 140 3.56 16.2
7 140 3.56 16.8
6-5 140 3.56 17.4
4-2 140 3.56 18.0
1-4/0 140 3.56 18.6
213+ 140 3.56 19.2
8 155 3.94 18.6
7 155 3.94 19.2
6-5 155 3.94 19.8
4-2 155 3.94 20.4
1-4/0 155 3.94 21.6
213+ 155 3.94 22.2
6-5 170 4.32 22.2
4-2 170 4.32 22.8
1-4/0 170 4.32 23.4
213+ 170 4.32 24.0
6-5 190 4.83 24.0
4-2 190 4.83 24.6
1-4/0 190 4.83 25.2
213+ 190 4.83 26.4
6-5 205 5.21 26.4
4-2 205 5.21 27.0
1-4/0 205 5.21 27.6
213-500 205 5.21 28.2
501+ 205 5.21 28.8
6-5 220 5.59 28.2
4-2 220 5.59 28.8
1-4/0 220 5.59 29.4
213+500 220 5.59 30.6
501+ 31.2
*All test values rounded off to 1 decimal place, and voltages are
Table D. - Cable d-c test voltage guide (continued)
Part 2
d-c/a-c ratio = 2
Type of cable
*All test values rounded off to 1 decimal place, and voltages are
Table D. - Parts 3 to 7
1 2 3 4 5 6
Part 3
*All test values rounded off to 1 decimal place, and voltages are
60 percent of factory test.
Table D. -Cable d-c test voltage guide (continued)
Part 3
*All test values rounded off to 1 decimal place, and voltages are
60 percent of factory test.
Table D. - Cable d-c test voltage guide (continued)
Part 3
*All test values rounded off to 1 decimal place, and voltages are
60 percent of factory test.
Part 4
Rated Conductor
kV size Conductor
phase (AWG or insulation Multiple
to kcmil) thickness conductor
phase Round and mils mm shielded*
Gr. Ung. sector
*All test values rounded off to 1 decimal place, and voltages are
60 percent of factory test.
Table D. - Cable d-c test voltage guide (continued)
Part 4
Rated Conductor
kV size Conductor
phase (AWG or insulation Multiple
to kcmil) thickness conductor
phase Round and mils mm shielded*
Gr. Ung. sector
*All test values rounded off to 1 decimal place, and voltages are
60 percent of factory test.
Table D. - Cable d-c test voltage guide (continued)
Part 4
Rated Conductor
kV size Conductor
phase (AWG or insulation Multiple
to kcmil) thickness conductor
phase Round and mils mm shielded*
Gr. Ung. sector
*All test values rounded off to 1 decimal place, and voltages are
60 percent of factory test.
Part 5
Conductor Conductor
Rated size insulation Multiple conductor
kV (AWG or thickness belted
phase kcmil) grounded and
to Round and ungrounded
mils mm
phase sector neutral service*
*All test values rounded off to 1 decimal place, and voltages are
60 percent of factory test.
Part 6
Conductor Conductor
Rated size insulation Multiple conductor
kV (AWG or thickness belted
phase kcmil) grounded and
to Round and ungrounded
mils mm
phase sector neutral service*
*All test values rounded off to 1 decimal place, and voltages are
60 percent of factory test.
Table D. - Cable d-c test voltage guide (continued)
Part 7
Conductor Conductor
Rated size insulation Multiple conductor
kV (AWG or thickness belted
phase kcmil) grounded and
to Round and ungrounded
mils mm
phase sector neutral service*
*All test values rounded off to 1 decimal place, and voltages are
60 percent of factory test.
Table E. - Temperature correction factors for the
power factor of power transformer windings*
FP20 = FPT
T = test temperature
Test temperature T
C Correction factor K
10 0.80
15 0.90
20 1.00
25 1.12
30 1.25
35 1.40
40 1.55
45 1.75
5O 1.95
55 2.18
60 2.42
65 2.70
70 3.00
Figure 2. - Dielectric absorption curves before and after initial dryout for Grand
Coulee unit L-6 108,000-kVA, 120-r/min, 13.8-kV, 60-Hz generator.
Figure 5. - One- and ten-minute resistance values during dry out of 37 500-kVCA,
13.8-kV hydrogenerator.
Figure 7. - D-c ramped-voltage test with unit buswork not connected-Yellowtail unit
2, k A, March 13, 1979.
Figure 11. - Comparison of text curves between 30- and 10-minute schedules, kB,
Grand Coulee, L-8 June 28, 1960.
Figure 13. - Characteristics of very dry winding before and after varnishing. (Note
that the insulation resistance meter reading may be lower but indicated
puncture strength higher after varnishing.)