Unit 3: Objectives

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Introduction To The Concept and Basic Instruction Of Programming C++


Introduction To The Concept And Basic

Instruction Of Programming C++


General Objective : To introduce techniques used in program design.

Specific Objectives : At the end of the unit you will be able to :

 state the techniques of program designing tools

 briefly explain the techniques of designing program by

different designing tools

 use algorithm and flowchart to develop computer program


Introduction To The Concept and Basic Instruction Of Programming C++


A recipe provides good and simple example of a plan.

The ingredients and the amounts are determined by what
is to be baked. That is the output determines the input
and processing. The recipe or plan reduces the number of
mistakes you might make. Many programmers
particularly beginners frequently try to write without first
making a careful plan. Step-by step process will enable
you to use your time efficiently and help you design error
free program that produced the desired output

3.0 Introduction The Technique To Develope C++ Programming

The first step in writing instructions to carry out a task is to determine what the
output should be – that is, what the task should produce. The second step is to
identify the data, or input, necessary to obtain the output. The last step is to
determine how to process the input to obtain the desired output. The general process
of writing program is to analyze the problem, design and plan the solution, coding

Introduction To The Concept and Basic Instruction Of Programming C++

which is to translate the algorithm into a programming language and finally testing
and debugging.
In this unit we shall discuss the logical sequence of precise steps that solve the
problem known as algorithm and three popular programming tools or techniques
used to develop the logic plan: flowcharts, pseudo code and structure chart or input-
process-output chart.

3.0.1 Algorithm

The techniques of selecting program statements and their logical sequencing

which emphasize the translating of each step of program outline into one or
equivalent C++ instruction is known by algorithm. Every detail, including obvious
steps , should appear in algorithm.
You use algorithm everyday to make decisions or perform tasks. For example, a 30%
discount sales at the supermarket, you must be able to write program that calculate
and display the price of item after discount according to the price entered by
i. Request price of item (Input)
ii. Value of discount = rate of discount * price (Process)
iii. Price after discount = price - value of discount (Process)
iv. Display of discount price (Output)

3.0.2 Flowcharts

Graphic representation of algorithm is known as flowchart which consist of

geometric symbols. These symbols are connected by line of arrows called flowlines
which indicate the direction of flow of processes or activities. The shape of the
symbol indicates the type of operation that is to occur. Flowchart should flow from
the top of the page to the bottom. The symbols used in flowchart are standardized.

Introduction To The Concept and Basic Instruction Of Programming C++

Symbol Name Meaning

Flowline Used to connect symbols

and indicate the flow of

Used to represent the

Terminal beginning (start) or the end
(End) of a task

Used for input and output

Input/output operations, such as reading
and printing. The data to be
read or printed are describe

Used for arithmetic and

Processing data-manipulation
operations. The instruction
are listed inside the symbol

Used for any logic or

Decision comparison operations.
Unlike the input/output and
processing symbols, which
have one entry and one exit
flowline, the decision
symbol has one entry and
two exit paths. The path
chosen depends on whether
the answer to a question is
“yes” or “no”

Used to join different

Connector flowline

Used to indicate that the

Offpage connector flow chart continues to a
second page

Introduction To The Concept and Basic Instruction Of Programming C++

Used to represent a group

Predefined Process of statements that perform
one processing task.

Used to provide additional

Annotation information about another
flowchart symbol

The main advantage of using a flowchart to plan a task is that it provides a pictorial
representation of the task, which makes the logic easier to follow. We can clearly see
each and every step and how it is connected to the next step. For example lets look at the
discount sales program.


Read price input


Calculate discount value = price *

discount rate

Price of item after discount

= price - discount value process

Display price after discount output


Figure 3.2 Flowchart for the discount sale

(An Introduction To Programming Using Visual Basic 6.0- David I. Schneider),


Introduction To The Concept and Basic Instruction Of Programming C++

The major disadvantage with flowcharts is that when a program is very large, the
flowcharts may continue for many pages, making them difficult to follow and modify.

3.0.3 Pseudocode
Pseudocode is an abbreviated version of actual computer code. The
geometric symbols used in flowcharts are replaced by English-like statements that
outline the process. Pseudocode looks more like computer code than does flowchart.
It allows programmer to focus on the steps required to solve a problem rather than on
how to use computer language.

The programmer can describe the algorithm in computer language form

without being restricted by the rules of the computer language. When the
pseudocode is completed it can be easily translated into any computer language.
The following is pseudocode for the price of discount sales item problem:

Program: determine the price of discount item on sale.

Read price (Input)
Set the value of discount = rate of discount * price entered (Process)
price of discount item = price of item - value of discount (Process)
Display the price after discount (Output)

Pseudocode has several advantages. It is compact and probably will not

extend for many pages as flowcharts commonly do. Also the plan looks like the code
to be written and preferred by many programmers.

3.0.4 Structure Chart

Structure chart is also known as input-process-output or hierarchy chart

shows the overall program structure. It refers to planning diagrams similar to a

Introduction To The Concept and Basic Instruction Of Programming C++

company’s organization chart. Structure chart depicts the organization of program

but omit the specific processing logic. They describe what each part, or module, of
the program does and they show how the modules relate to each other. Each module
may be subdivided into succession of sub-modules that branch out under it. The
charts are read from top to bottom and left to right. Figures 3.3 shows an example of
a structure chart. This price of discount item problem was solved by a series of
instructions to read data, perform calculations, and display results. Each steps was in
sequence; that is we moved from one line to the next without skipping over any

The main benefit of structure charts is in the initial planning program. We

break down the major parts of a program so we can see what must be done in
general. From this point, we can then refine each module into more detailed plans
using flowcharts.

Price of discount item program

Calculate price

Read price Display discount price

discount value = price * rate of discount discount price = price – discount value

Figure 3.3: Structure Chart

(An Introduction To Programming Using Visual Basic 6.0- David I. Schneider),


Introduction To The Concept and Basic Instruction Of Programming C++

Activity 3A



Question 3.1

Draw the standard flowcharts symbol for

i. input/output
ii. processing
iii. decision

Question 3.2

State the 3 most popular programming tools

Question 3.3

What is an algorithm?

Introduction To The Concept and Basic Instruction Of Programming C++

Feedback To Activity 3A

Question 3.1

i. input/output

ii. processing

iii. decision

Question 3.2

1. Pseudocode

2. flowchart

3. structure chart

Question 3A.3

Algorithm is the techniques of selecting program statements and their logical

sequencing which emphasize the translating of each step of program outline into one

or equivalent computer language instruction.


Introduction To The Concept and Basic Instruction Of Programming C++


3.1 Using Algorithm and Flowchart in programming

Class average Algorithm

Problem: Calculate and report the grade-point average for a class.

Discussion: The average grade equals the sum of all grades divided by
number of students. We need a loop to read and then add (accumulate) the
grades for each student in the class. Inside the loop, we also need to total
(count) the number of students in the class.

Input: Students grades

Processing: Find the sum of the grades; count the number of students;
calculate average grades = sum of grades / number of students.

Output: Average grade


Introduction To The Concept and Basic Instruction Of Programming C++

3.1.2. Class Average Flowchart


counter and
Initialize sum start at 0
counter and
sum to 0

There more No
read next
Get next

add 1 to
Increment counter

Add grade sum of grades
to sum

find the average

Set average to

Display display the

average answer


Introduction To The Concept and Basic Instruction Of Programming C++

Activity 3B



Question 3.1

You are to plan a program to sum two integer entered by user and display the result

of the summation by using the flowchart technique, from the following pseudocode;

1. Print text “ Enter first number “

2. Read first number
3. Print text “ Enter second number “
4. Read second number
5. Calculate sum of two number
6. Print the sum of two number

Introduction To The Concept and Basic Instruction Of Programming C++

Feedback To Activity 3B

Question 3.1


Print text “ Enter

first number “

Read first number

Print text “ Enter

second number “

Calculate sum of
two number

Display the sum of two



Introduction To The Concept and Basic Instruction Of Programming C++


1. The algorithm should be tested at the flowchart stage before being coded
into a program.
2. Pseudocode, flowcharts and structure charts are universal problem
solving tools that can be used to construct program in any computer
3. Flowcharts are used to provide visualization of the flow of certain
programming tasks

Introduction To The Concept and Basic Instruction Of Programming C++


You are approaching success. Try the question in this self-assessment section and
check your answers with those given in the Feedback on Self-Assessment given on
the next page. If you face any problems, discuss it with your lecturer. Good luck.

Question 3-1

Every employee who earns more than RM 50,000.00 per annum is required to pay
2.5 % of their nett yearly income. Write a complete program algorithm which will
calculate and display all the employees income tax return. Also, show the flowchart
for the program.

Introduction To The Concept and Basic Instruction Of Programming C++

Feedback To Self-Assessment

Have you tried the question????? If “YES”, check your answer now:

Question 3-1

Problem: Calculate and display income tax return

Discussion: The program must read the yearly income entered by user and select
income more than RM 50,000.00 to be multiplied by 2.5 %. Income less than
RM50,000.00 will be multiplied by 0. The result will be displayed..

Input: Employee yearly income

Processing: Select the value of income; more than 50000.00 calculate the income
tax return = yearly income * 0.025. Less than 50000.00 calculate the income tax
return = yearly income * 0.00.

Output: Income tax return


Introduction To The Concept and Basic Instruction Of Programming C++


Print text “ Enter

yearly income “

Read yearly income

More than Yes


Calculate income Calculate income

tax return = tax return = yearly
yearly income * 0 income * 0.025

Display income tax return


May success be with you

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