The Cpa Licensure Examination Syllabus Auditing
The Cpa Licensure Examination Syllabus Auditing
The Cpa Licensure Examination Syllabus Auditing
This subject covers the candidates knowledge of the principles and concepts of auditing and the practical application
of these principles and concepts. There shall be two parts of this subject: Auditing Theory and Auditing Problems.
This part covers the candidates' conceptual knowledge and understanding of assurance and related services
performed by professional accountants. Candidates should know and understand the nature of assurance and
related services particularly independent audits of financial statements, the responsibilities of professional
accountants; the audit process; audit objectives, evidence, procedures, auditing standards, and the elements of the
independent auditors' report. In all the areas included, the candidate shall apply the Philippine Standards on Auditing
(PSA) and other regulatory laws and regulations in effect at the time of examination.
This part covers the candidates proficiency in applying audit standards, techniques, and procedures to a typical
independent audit of a medium-sized service, trading or manufacturing concern. Candidate shall be able to plan and
perform an audit, analyze data for possible errors and irregularities, formulate adjusting entries, resolve audit issues,
prepare audit working papers and complete the audit including the preparation of the audit report. In all the areas
included, the candidate shall apply the Philippine Standards on Auditing (PSA) and other regulatory laws and
regulations in effect at the time of examination.
The knowledge of the candidates in the competencies cited above is that of an entry level accountant who can
address the fundamental requirements of the various parties that the candidates will be interacting professionally in
the future.
The candidates must also be able to communicate effectively matters pertaining to the audit work that will be
Only new standards, interpretations and other issuances shall be included in the examinations if these are in effect
for at least six (6) months at the date of the examination..
The examination shall have seventy (70) multiple choice questions.
1.0 Fundamentals of Auditing and Assurance Services
1.1 Introduction to assurance engagements
1.1.1 Nature, objective and elements
1.1.2 Types of assurance engagements (audits, reviews, other assurance engagements)
1.1.3 Assurance service vis-a-vis attestation services
1.2 Introduction to auditing
1.2.1 Nature, philosophy, and objectives
1.2.2 Types of audit