Tesla Coil Impedance

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Tesla Coil Impedance

Dr. Gary L. Johnson

Professor Emeritus
Electrical and Computer Engineering Department
Kansas State University


The input impedance of a Tesla coil operated as an ‘ex-

tra’ coil, or as a quarter-wave antenna above a ground C1


plane, is given here. Effects of coil form, wire size, wire
insulation, and humidity are discussed. va 
 vb dG L1 

iron core air core

1. Introduction
A classical Tesla coil contains two stages of voltage Figure 1: The Classical Tesla Coil
increase. The first is a conventional iron core trans-
former that steps up the available line voltage to a
voltage in the range of 12 to 50 kV, 60 Hz. The second
very high. The impedance during conduction depends
is a resonant air core transformer (the Tesla coil itself)
on the geometry of the gap and the type of gas (usually
which steps up the voltage to the range of 200 kV to
air), and is a nonlinear function of the current density.
1 MV. The high voltage output is at a frequency much
This impedance is not negligible. A considerable frac-
higher than 60 Hz, perhaps 500 kHz for the small units
tion of the total input power goes into the production
and 80 kHz (or less) for the very large units.
of light, heat, and chemical products at the spark gap.
The lumped circuit model for the classical Tesla coil
The arc in the spark gap is similar to that of an elec-
is shown in Fig. 1. The primary capacitor C1 is a low
tric arc welder in visual intensity. That is, one should
loss ac capacitor, rated at perhaps 20 kV, and often
not stare at the arc because of possible damage to the
made from mica or polyethylene. The primary coil L1
eyes. At most displays of classical Tesla coils, the spark
is usually made of 4 to 15 turns for the small coils and
gap makes more noise and produces more light than the
1 to 5 turns for the large coils. The secondary coil
electrical display at the top of the coil.
L2 consists of perhaps 50 to 400 turns for the large
coils and as many as 400 to 1000 turns for the small When the gap is not conducting, the capacitor C1
coils. The secondary capacitance C2 is not a discrete is being charged in the circuit shown in Fig. 2, where
commercial capacitor but rather is the distributed ca- just the central part of Fig. 1 is shown. The inductive
pacitance between the windings of L2 and the voltage reactance is much smaller than the capacitive reactance
grading structure at the top of the coil (a toroid or at 60 Hz, so L1 appears as a short at 60 Hz and the
sphere) and ground. This capacitance changes with the capacitor is being charged by the iron core transformer
volume charge density around the secondary, increas- secondary.
ing somewhat when the sparks start. It also changes
A common type of iron core transformer used for
with the surroundings of the coil, increasing as the coil
small Tesla coils is the neon sign transformer (NST).
is moved closer to a metal wall.
Secondary ratings are typically 9, 12, or 15 kV and
The symbol G represents a spark gap, a device which 30 or 60 mA. An NST has a large number of turns
will arc over at a sufficiently high voltage. The simplest on the secondary and a very high inductance. This
version is just two metal spheres in air, separated by a inductance will limit the current into a short circuit at
small air gap. It acts as a voltage controlled switch in about the rated value. An operating neon sign has a
this circuit. The open circuit impedance of the gap is low impedance, so current limiting is important to long

by the symbol M . The coefficient of coupling is well
C1 C1


under unity for an air cored transformer, so the ideal


@ transformer model used for an iron cored transformer

that electrical engineering students study in the first
course on energy conversion does not apply here.

Figure 2: C1 Being Charged With The Gap Open R1 M R2

∧∧∧ ∧∧∧

∨∨∨ ∨∨∨
- -

i1 i2
transformer life. However, in Tesla coil use, the NST

v1 C1 L1 C2 v2
inductance will resonate with C1 . The NST may supply
two or three times its rated current in this application.
Overloading the NST produces longer sparks, but may
also cause premature failure. Figure 4: Lumped Circuit Model Of A Tesla Coil, arc
When the voltage across the capacitor and gap
reaches a given value, the gap arcs over, resulting in At the time the gap arcs over, all the energy is stored
the circuit in Fig. 3. We are not interested in efficiency in C1. As time increases, energy is shared among C1,
in this introduction so we will model the arc as a short L1 , C2, L2 , and M . The total energy in the circuit
circuit. The shorted gap splits the circuit into two decreases with time because of losses in the resistances
halves, with the iron core transformer operating at 60 R1 and R2. There are four energy storage devices so a
Hz and the circuit to the right of the gap operating at fourth order differential equation must be solved. The
a frequency (or frequencies) determined by C1, L1, L2 , initial conditions are some initial voltage v1 , and i1 =
and C2 . It should be noted that the output voltage of i2 = v2 = 0. If the arc starts again before all the
the iron core transformer drops to (approximately) zero energy from the previous arc has been dissipated, then
while the input voltage remains the same, as long as the initial conditions must be changed appropriately.
the arc exists. The current through the transformer is
limited by the transformer equivalent series impedance With proper design (proper values of C1, L1, C2,
shown as Rs + jXs in Fig. 3. As mentioned, this oper- L2 , and M ) it is possible to have all the energy in C1
ating mode is not a problem for the NST. However, the transferred to the secondary at some time t1 . That
large Tesla coils use conventional transformers with per is, at t1 there is no voltage across C1 and no current
unit impedances in the range of 0.05 to 0.1. A trans- through L1 . If the gap can be opened at t1 , then there
former with a per unit impedance of 0.1 will experience is no way for energy to get back into the primary. No
a current of ten times rated while the output is shorted. current can flow, so no energy can be stored in L1 , and
Most transformers do not survive very long under such without current the capacitor cannot be charged. The
conditions. The solution is to include additional reac- secondary then becomes a separate RLC circuit with
tance in the input circuit. nonzero initial conditions for both C2 and L2, as shown
in Fig. 5. This circuit will then oscillate or “ring” at

a resonant frequency determined by C2 and L2 . With



Rs C1 the gap open, the Tesla coil secondary is simply an

RLC circuit, described in any text on circuit theory.

gap The output voltage is a damped sinusoid.

shorted L1 C2



Figure 3: Tesla Circuit With Gap Shorted. -


C2 v2
The equivalent lumped circuit model of the Tesla coil
while the gap is shorted is shown in Fig. 4. R1 and R2
are the effective resistances of the air cored transformer
primary and secondary, respectively. The mutual in- Figure 5: Lumped Circuit Model Of A Tesla Coil, arc
ductance between the primary and secondary is shown off.

Finding a peak value for v2 given some initial value above 2 cm. It requires 0.02/80 = 25 µs for the disc
for v1 thus requires a two step solution process. We to turn this distance. This time can be shortened by
first solve a fourth order differential equation to find making the disc larger or by turning it at a higher rate
i2 and v2 as a function of time. At some time t1 the of speed, but in both cases we worry about the stress
circuit changes to the one shown in Fig. 5, which is limits of the disc. Nobody wants fragments of a failed
described by a second order differential equation. The disc flying around the room. The practical lower limit
initial conditions are the values of i2 and v2 determined of arc length seems to be about 10 µs. With larger coils
from the previous solution at time t1 . The resulting this may be reasonably close to the optimum value.
solution then gives the desired peak values for voltage
The third reason for concern about the above calcu-
and current. The process is tedious, but can readily
lations is that the Tesla coil secondary has features that
be done on a computer. It yields some good insights
cannot be precisely modeled by a lumped circuit. One
as to the effects of parameter variation. It helps estab-
such feature is ringing at ‘harmonic’ frequencies. Nei-
lish a benchmark for optimum performance and also
ther distributed nor lumped models do a particularly
helps identify parameter values that are at least of the
good job of predicting these frequencies. For example,
correct order of magnitude. However, there are several
a medium sized secondary might usually ring down at
limitations to the process which must be kept in mind.
160 kHz. Sometimes, however, it will ring down at
First, the arc is very difficult to characterize accu- 3.5(160) = 560 kHz. A third harmonic appears in many
rately in this model. The equivalent R1 will change, electrical circuits and has plausible explanations. A 3.5
perhaps by an order of magnitude, with factors like i1 , ‘harmonic’ is another story entirely.
ambient humidity, and the condition, geometry, and
temperature of the electrode materials. This intro- 2. The Extra Coil
duces a very significant error into the results. As mentioned above, the classical Tesla coil uses two
Second, the arc is not readily turned off at a precise stages of voltage increase. Some coilers get a third
instant of time. The space between electrodes must be stage of voltage increase by adding a magnifier coil,
cleared of the hot conducting plasma (the current car- also called an extra coil, to their classical Tesla coil.
rying ions and electrons) before the spark gap can re- This is illustrated in Fig. 6.
turn to its open circuit mode. Otherwise, when energy

starts to bounce back from the secondary, a voltage will


appear across the spark gap, and current will start to


flow again, after the optimum time t1 has passed. With C1 @


fixed electrodes, the plasma is dissipated by thermal @
 vb dG L1 
 L2 C2 @  
and chemical processes that require tens of microsec- @
onds to function. When we consider that the optimum   @ 
t1 may be 2 µs, a problem is obvious. This dissipation magnifier
iron core air core
time can be decreased significantly by putting a fan on
the electrodes to blow the plasma away. This also has
the benefit of cooling the electrodes. For more powerful Figure 6: The Classical Tesla Coil With Extra Coil
systems, however, the most common method is a rotat-
ing spark gap. A circular disc with several electrodes The extra coil and the air core transformer are not
mounted on it is driven by a motor. An arc is estab- magnetically coupled. The output (top) of the classi-
lished when a moving electrode passes by a stationary cal coil is electrically connected to the input (bottom)
electrode, but the arc is immediately stretched out by of the extra coil with a section of copper water pipe
the movement of the disc. During the time around a of large enough diameter that corona is not a major
current zero, the resistance of the arc can increase to problem. A separation of 2 or 3 meters is typical.
where the arc cannot be reestablished by the following
Voltage increase on the extra coil is by transmission
increase in voltage.
line action (field theory), or by RLC resonance (cir-
The rotary spark gap still has limitations on the min- cuit theory), rather than the transformer action of the
imum arc time. Suppose we consider a disc with a ra- iron core transformer. Voltage increase on the air core
dius of 0.2 m and a rotational speed of 400 rad/sec transformer is partly by transformer action and partly
(slightly above 3600 RPM). The edge of the disc is by transmission line action. When optimized for ex-
moving at a linear velocity of rω = 80 m/s. Suppose tra coil operation, the air core transformer looks more
also that an arc cannot be sustained with arc lengths like a transformer (greater coupling, shorter secondary)

m m
than when optimized for classical Tesla coil operation.

Although not shown in Fig. 6 the extra coil depends

on ground for the return path of current flow. The

capacitance from each turn of the extra coil and from

the top terminal to ground is necessary for operation.
Impedance matching from the Tesla coil secondary to
the extra coil is necessary for proper operation. If the

extra coil were fabricated with the same size coil form
and wire size as the secondary, the secondary and extra Driver vi
coil tend to operate as a long secondary, probably with
inferior performance to that of the secondary alone.
There are guidelines for making the coil diameters and Figure 7: Drive for Tesla Coil
wire sizes different for the two coils, but optimization
seems to require a significant amount of trial and error. higher order resonances are not exact multiples of the
fundamental frequency. That is, I apply a square wave
In my quest for a better description of Tesla coil
of voltage to the feed point, and observe a current that
operation, I decided that the extra coil was the appro-
looks sinusoidal at the fundamental frequency. The
priate place to start. It looks like a vertical antenna
lumped RLC model automatically excludes higher or-
above a ground plane, so there is some prior art to draw
der resonances, so if they are of significance, we must
from. While the classical Tesla coil makes an excellent
use a distributed model to describe them. I believe that
driver to produce long sparks, it is not very good for in-
higher order resonances are not a problem, at least not
strumentation and measurement purposes. There are
enough of a problem to exclude the use of the lumped
just too many variables. The spark gap may be the
model. The input impedance of the Tesla coil is the
best high voltage switch available today, but inability
(fundamental) input voltage divided by the current i.
to start and stop on command, plus heating effects,
make it difficult to use when collecting data. The lumped model used here is the series resonant
RLC circuit shown in Fig. 8.
I therefore decided to build a solid state driver.
Vacuum tube drivers have been used for many years

VL Vbase
and several researchers have developed drivers us- i-
ing power MOSFETs, so this was not entirely new ∨∨∨
Ltc Rtc
territory. I used this driver to measure the input
impedance of several coils under various operating con- vi Ctc VC
ditions, and compared these results with what the-
ory I could find. This paper describes my results.
Some data on my driver can be found on my web site, Figure 8: Tesla Coil with Series Resonant LC Circuit
3. The Lumped RLC Model The resonant frequency is given by

There are two ways of modeling the Extra Coil: dis- 1

tributed (fields) and lumped (circuits). I spent con- ωo = √ (1)
siderable time with the distributed model, but was un-
able to predict all the interesting features. The lumped At resonance, the inductive reactance ωo Lw is can-
model is not perfect either, but may be easier to visual- celed by the capacitive reactance −1/ωo Ctc so the cur-
ize. The system we are attempting to describe is shown rent is
in the next figure.
The voltage input vi at the base of the Tesla coil may i= (2)
be either a sine wave or a square wave. The square wave Rtc
is composed of an infinite series of cosinusoids, the fun- The magnitude of the voltage across either the in-
damental and all odd harmonics. The harmonics of the ductance or the capacitance is
exciting wave will drive higher order resonances of the
Tesla coil, if these resonances are harmonically related.
vi 1 vi
It appears, at least for the coils I have built, that any VC = iXC = = (3)
Rtc ωo Ctc ωo CtcRtc

Books on circuit theory define the quality factor Q ceiling) with the coil setting on a large copper sheet.
as However, most coils are operated indoors without any
copper sheet. Ground then consists of some combi-
r nation of a concrete floor, electrical wiring, grounded
ωo Ltc 1 1 Ltc
Q= = = (4) light fixtures, and soil moisture. That is, the geometry
Rtc ωo CtcRtc Rtc Ctc
necessary even for a numerical solution of capacitance
is difficult to describe precisely.
so we can write
To obtain the capacitance of a sphere to ground, we
start with the capacitance of a spherical capacitor, two
VC = Qvi (5)
concentric spheres with radii a and b (b > a) as shown
in Fig. 9.
We see that to get a large voltage on the toroid of

a Tesla coil that it needs to be high Q. We need Rtc
small, Ltc large, and Ctc small. Let us look at ways of
2a 6 6
calculating or estimating these quantities. ?  2b
4. Inductance
Figure 9: Spherical Capacitor
An empirical expression for the low-frequency induc-
tance of a single-layer solenoid is [14, p. 55].
It is not practical to actually build capacitors this
way, but the symmetry allows an exact formula for ca-
r2 N 2 pacitance to be calculated easily. This is done in most
Ltc = µH (6)
9r + 10` introductory courses of electromagnetic theory. The
where r is the radius of the coil and ` is its length in capacitance is given by [12, Page 165]
inches. This formula is accurate to within one percent
for ` > 0.8r, that is, if the coil is not too short. It is 4π
known in the Tesla coil community as the Wheeler for- C= (7)
1/a − 1/b
mula. The structure of a single-layer solenoid is almost
universally used for the extra coil, so this formula is If the outer sphere is made larger, the capacitance
very important. In normal conditions (no other coils decreases, but does not go to zero. In the limit as
and no significant amounts of ferromagnetic materials b → ∞, the isolated or isotropic capacitance of a sphere
nearby) it is quite adequate for calculating resonant of radius a becomes
The classical Tesla coil has a short primary that is C∞ = 4πa (8)
magnetically coupled into a taller secondary. The pa-
per by Fawzi [5] contains the analytic expressions for
Assuming a mean radius of 6371 km, the isotropic
the self and mutual inductances necessary for this case.
capacitance of the planet earth is 709 µF. A sphere of
A relatively simple numerical integration is required to
radius 0.1 m (a nice size for a small Tesla coil) would
get the final values. We can get the same results as
have an isotropic capacitance of 11.1 pF.
the Wheeler formula by this numerical integration, but
with somewhat less insight as to how inductance varies The other type of top load used for Tesla coils is
with the number of turns, and the length and radius of the toroid. The dimensions of a toroid are shown in
the coil. Fig. 10.
5. Capacitance
 D -
Ctc is much more difficult to calculate or to estimate side
with any accuracy. The capacitance value used to de- d view
termine the resonant frequency of the Tesla coil is a
combination of the capacitance of the coil and the ca-
pacitance of the top load, usually a sphere or a toroid, Figure 10: Toroid Dimensions
with respect to ground. As a practical matter, ground
will be different in every Tesla coil installation. Easiest The analytic expression for the isotropic capacitance
to model would be an outdoor installation (no walls or of a toroid involves Legendre functions of the first and

second order. It is much more difficult than the ca- coil near a ground plane, the capacitance increases. As
pacitance of a sphere. I discuss this expression at my we add walls and a ceiling, the capacitance increases
web site, and give two corrections to formulas found some more. The same is true for the toroid. The ca-
in the Moon and Spencer textbook. For our purposes, pacitance increases as it is brought to the vicinity of a
empirical formulas for the capacitance of a toroid are ground plane.
more than adequate. The following are given by [13]
But if we want the isotropic capacitance of the com-
bination of the coil and the toroid (the two items as-
sembled at a remote location), shielding occurs such
1.8(D − d)
CS = (d/D < 0.25) (9) that the effective capacitance is less than the sum of
ln(8(D − d)/d) the two isotropic capacitances. We have two oppos-
ing trends. The actual isotropic Tesla coil capacitance
is smaller than the sum CM + CS but when the coil
CS = 0.37D + 0.23d (d/D > 0.25) (10) and toroid are brought near grounded surfaces, the ef-
fective capacitance to be used in calculating resonant
where D is the toroid major diameter, outside to out- frequency will increase. The opposing trends suggests
side, in cm, d is the toroid minor diameter in cm, and that Ctc might be within 20% of CM + CS for most
the capacitance is given in pF. Tesla coils. The resonant frequency is related to the
Empirical equations for the isotropic capacitance of square root of Ctc so a 20% error in capacitance results
a coil were developed many years ago by Medhurst. in only a 10% error in resonant frequency.
These can be expressed in several different versions, to The main benefit of the expressions for CM and CS
meet different needs. The simplest expression for the is that they allow us to do ‘what if’ analyses relatively
isotropic capacitance of a cylindrical coil of wire, with quickly. Questions about the effect of changing coil di-
diameter D and coil length `, is ameter, coil length, or toroid diameter can be answered
with adequate accuracy.
CM = HD pF (11) It is possible to calculate Ctc numerically using
where D is in cm, and H is a multiplying factor that Gauss’s Law. If one is careful about measuring and en-
equals 0.51 for `/D = 2, 0.81 for `/D = 5, and varies tering all the dimensions and the locations of grounded
linearly between 0.51 and 0.81 for `/D between 2 and surfaces, one should get a value for Ctc well within 5%
5. Most coilers prefer values for `/D between 3.5 and of the correct value. There are programs available in
4.5, so this linear range is adequate for most purposes. the Tesla coil community that do this.

An expression for H that works for `/D between 2 6. Copper Resistance

and 8 is Rtc includes all the different types of losses observed
in an actual Tesla coil, including radiation losses (the
` coil putting some of the input power into Hertzian
H = 0.100976 + 0.30963 (12)
D waves being radiated into space) and dielectric losses
(heat produced in the coil form and the wire insula-
Another expression for H that works for `/D be- tion). The largest component of Rtc in a well-built coil
tween 1 and 8 is is the ‘copper’ resistance Rcu. (Most Tesla coils are
wound with copper wire, but other conductors could be
used as well. The ‘copper’ resistance is the effective re-
` 4 ` ` sistance of the conducting metal, excluding other types
H = 0.0005( ) − 0.0097( )3 + 0.0648( )2
D D D of losses.) This is found in three steps: First we find
` the dc resistance Rdc given the length and diameter of
−0.0757( ) + 0.4723 (13)
D the wire, and the temperature. We can either look up
the resistance per unit length in a table and multiply
We now have expressions for the isotropic capaci- by the length, or we can simply use a ohmmeter.
tance CS of a toroid (or sphere) and the isotropic ca-
pacitance CM of a coil. We want to somehow use these Second, we find the ac resistance of the same wire in
expressions to find the effective capacitance Ctc for the one single straight length (not in a coil). Rac is greater
Tesla coil with the toroid (or sphere) on top the coil. than Rdc because of the skin effect that causes less of
Unfortunately, life is not that simple. As we bring the the total current to flow in the center of the wire. We

can write and z1 is the center-to-center spacing between adja-
cent turns, all in consistent units. This table indicates
that the proximity effect can easily double or triple the
Rac = KskinRdc (14) measured input resistance over that predicted by Rac
where the multiplying factor due to skin effect is for a straight wire of the same length.
greater than unity and less than perhaps three. The We now need to return to a discussion of the skin
general procedure for finding this multiplying factor is effect. An expression for skin depth can be derived as
found in many electromagnetic theory books.
Third, we find the ac resistance of the wire when 1
δ= √ (17)
formed into a coil. The resistance is increased be- πfµσ
cause of the proximity effect. I have not found a treat- where f is the frequency in Hz, µ is the permeabil-
ment of the proximity effect for a solenoid in a text- ity of the conductor (4π × 10−7 for nonferromagnetic
book. I found two papers that deal with this effect, materials), and σ is the conductivity.
by Medhurst [10] (of Medhurst capacitance fame), and
Fraga [6]. Neither paper deals with the typical values The skin depth for copper at 20o C is
of skin depth δ versus wire diameter found in Tesla
coils. Medhurst looked at the high frequency case 0.066
δ= √ m (18)
where b  δ while Fraga looked at the low frequency f
case (b ≤ δ). Tesla coils are usually operated at fre-
quencies where the wire radius will be between one and Most introductory electromagnetic theory books de-
five skin depths. rive the expression for ac resistance as
We might define a Medhurst copper resistance Rcu,M
and a Fraga copper resistance Rcu,F from these two b
Rac = Rdc (19)
papers where 2δ
where b is the radius of the wire and δ is the skin depth,
in consistent units. This equation is only valid for δ 
Rcu,M = KM Rac (15) b. As might be expected, this excludes most Tesla coils,
so we must find other expressions.
A typical analytic approach is to start with
Rcu,F = KF Rac (16)
Maxwell’s Equations and write a differential equation
where KM and KF are looked up in Table 1. for the current density inside the wire. The solution of
this differential equation is a Bessel function. Things
start to get tedious as one tries to keep track of the
Table 1: Experimental values of KM and KF (last col- real and imaginary parts of the Bessel function (the
umn), the ratio of high-frequency coil resistance to the ber and bei functions). I show some of the details at
resistance at the same frequency of the same length of my web site.
straight wire.
The approximations developed by Terman [14], who
`w /D has a detailed discussion of this topic, will be quite
d/z1 1 2 4 6 8 ∞ KF sufficient for our purposes. He defines Rac in terms of
1 5.55 4.10 3.54 3.31 3.20 3.41 3.19 a parameter x, where
0.9 4.10 3.36 3.05 2.92 2.90 3.11 3.03
0.8 3.17 2.74 2.60 2.60 2.62 2.81 2.86 2f
0.7 2.47 2.32 2.27 2.29 2.34 2.51 2.67 x = πd (20)
0.6 1.94 1.98 2.01 2.03 2.08 2.22 2.48
0.5 1.67 1.74 1.78 1.80 1.81 1.93 2.26 for nonmagnetic materials. Here, d is the conductor
0.4 1.45 1.50 1.54 1.56 1.57 1.65 2.03 diameter in meters, f is the frequency in Hz, and ρ is
0.3 1.24 1.28 1.32 1.34 1.34 1.40 1.75 the resistivity in ohm meters. As x gets very small,
due to either low frequency or small wire, the ac re-
sistance approaches the dc resistance. Above about
In this table, `w is the coil winding length, D is the x = 3, Rac /Rdc varies essentially linearly with x ac-
coil diameter, d is the diameter of the copper wire, cording to the expression

64.08 mils or 1.628 mm, and the number of turns
Rac was 387. The center-to-center spacing between ad-
= 0.3535x + 0.264 (x > 3) (21) jacent turns z1 was z1 = `w /(N − 1) = 3.02 mm.
The quantity d/z1 = 1.628/3.02 = 0.54. The quan-
tity `w /D = 1.166/0.396 = 2.94. By interpolation
Terman gives the following tabular values of Rac/Rdc in Table 1, KM is found to be 1.85. Therefore, the
for x between 0 and 3. predicted ohmic resistance Rcu,M of the coil would
be (1.85)(10.85) = 20 Ω (at sufficiently high frequen-
Table 2: Rac/Rdc for various values of x. cies). Interpolation in the last column of Table 1 gives
x Rac/Rdc x Rac /Rdc KF = 2.348 and Rcu,F = (2.348)(10.85) = 25.5Ω. The
0 1.0000 1.5 1.026 measured input resistance is about 23 Ω at resonance.
0.5 1.0003 1.6 1.033 This measured resistance includes dielectric losses, ra-
0.6 1.0007 1.7 1.042 diation losses, etc. in addition to ohmic losses. The
0.7 1.0012 1.8 1.052 Medhurst estimate Rcu,M allows 3 Ω for these losses,
0.8 1.0021 1.9 1.064 which is probably not far from reality. The Fraga esti-
0.9 1.0034 2.0 1.078 mate Rcu,F is at least 10% too high, and perhaps 20%
1.0 1.005 2.2 1.111 too high for this particular coil.
1.1 1.008 2.4 1.152
The Medhurst estimate appears to be better for some
1.2 1.011 2.6 1.201
coils, while the Fraga estimate seems better for other
1.3 1.015 2.8 1.256
coils. I tested nine different coils, eight with three dif-
1.5 1.020 3.0 1.318
ferent top loads to get three different frequencies, so I
had a total of 25 cases where I could compare the calcu-
lated Rcu,M and Rcu,F with the measured Rtc. Rcu,M
For copper, ρ = 1.724 × 10−8 ohm meters. For those was less than Rtc by a ‘reasonable’ amount 15 times,
of us still using wire tables in English units, where wire while Rcu,F was less than Rtc by a ‘reasonable’ amount
diameters are given in mils (1 mil = 0.001 inch), Ter- 11 times. When both calculated values were greater
man [14] has reduced the expression for x to than the measured, Rcu,F was closer to the measured
case twice, while Rcu,M was closer three times. There
x = 0.271dm fM Hz (22) were six cases (all three frequencies for two short, fat
coils) where RF was less than Rtc by an ‘unreasonable’
where dm is the wire diameter in mils and fM Hz is the amount. One example was a coil wound with 16 gauge
frequency in MHz. wire on a barrel where I measured Rtc = 93.1Ω, and
For example, I used 482 meters of 14 ga copper wire calculated Rcu,M = 80.9Ω and Rcu,F = 51.1Ω. The
to wind a coil. The dc resistance is 3.99 Ω at 20o C. The conclusion seems to be that as long as we stay away
nominal diameter of 14 ga wire is 64.08 mils. Assume from short, fat coils, either Medhurst or Fraga esti-
the resonant frequency to be 160 kHz. We calculate x mates will be in the right ball park.
as Table 3 illustrates a common but non-intuitive ob-
√ servation in the Tesla coil community, that coils with
x = 0.271(64.08) 0.16 = 6.946 a smaller wire size (higher resistance per unit length)
may work as well as coils wound with larger wire. We
The ac resistance of the wire in the coil (assuming see this as we compare coils 18T and 22T. Coil 18T is
the wire is uncoiled and is supported in one straight tight wound with 18 gauge Essex copper magnet wire,
line) is then coated with what they call Heavy Soderon. Coil 22T is
tight wound with 22 gauge tinned copper hook-up wire,
with what I assume to be PVC insulation. The thicker
Rac = 3.99(0.3535(6.964) + 0.264) = 10.85 Ω insulation means the copper of each turn has a greater
spacing, which reduces the proximity effect. The Med-
We see that skin effect makes a significant differ- hurst factor KM drops from 3.15 to 1.62 between the
ence in resistance, especially where larger wire sizes or two coils, due mostly to this greater spacing.
higher frequencies are used.
The dc resistance of coil 22T is twice that of coil 18T,
The diameter D of this coil was 0.396 m, the wind- so the natural assumption would be that Rtc would be
ing length `w was 1.166 m, the wire diameter d was larger for coil 22T. However, the thinner wire is more

We are now ready to discuss (at least qualitatively)
Table 3: Predicted and Measured Coil Resistance for
other losses besides those due to copper resistance.
Several Coils
These are illustrated in the next figure.
14S 18T 22T
d, mm 1.628 1.024 .6439

∧∧∧ ∧∧∧ ∧∧∧ ∧∧∧
∨∨∨ ∨∨∨ ∨∨∨ ∨∨∨

D, meters .396 .214 .214 Ctc Rcu Reddy Rspark Rrad

`w , meters 1.166 .881 .945 ∨∨∨

wire, meters 482 534 424 vi Rwi Ltc
turns N 387 794 631 Rcf
Ltc , mH 17.2 29.1 17.2
CM , pF 23.95 15.45 16.08
KM 1.85 3.15 1.62 Figure 11: Detailed Lumped Model of Tesla Coil
Rdc 3.99 11.2 22.4
f0 , kHz 247.6 236.9 301.5 Rrad refers to the power radiated away into space
Rcu,F 29.99 67.55 65.94 as an electromagnetic wave. In all my tests, Rrad was
Rcu,M 24.7 76.50 58.38 very close to zero, probably not larger than 0.01 Ω. I
Rtc 24.5 70.5 47.0 was unable to detect a signal from the coil more than
f 217.3 176.1 227.9 perhaps 100 m away, using a high quality short wave
Rcu,F 28.10 58.23 56.76 receiver that functioned down to 150 kHz. A Tesla coil
Rcu,M 23.13 66.52 51.57 is a really bad antenna.
Rtc 25.6 65.9 46.7 Reddy refers to eddy current losses in the toroid (or
f 158.8 122.5 158.1 sphere) on top the coil, and in any other conducting
Rcu,F 24.02 48.57 45.76 surfaces nearby. Eddy current losses can be substantial
Rcu,M 20.06 57.03 44.56 in some engineering applications. A power frequency
Rtc 24.5 58.1 42.4 transformer built of solid steel rather than thin steel
laminations would melt quickly! A spun aluminum
toroid exposed to the magnetic field of the Tesla coil
current will certainly have eddy currents. There has
been more than one serious Tesla coiler who has been
effective in its use of available cross section. Rac = 24Ω
tempted to cut radial slots into the toroid to reduce
for coil 18T at 236.9 kHz, and 35.8 Ω for coil 22T at
these eddy currents.
301.5 kHz, a difference of 49% rather than 100%. Then
when we multiply by KM , we get Rcu,M = 76.50Ω for I built a toroid of 0.25 inch copper tubing pieces on
coil 18T, and 58.38 Ω for coil 22T. Coil 22T has 200% insulating disks, connected together at one point by a
of the dc resistance of coil 18T, but only 76% of the conducting disk. The ends were placed into heat shrink
effective resistance during operation at frequency f0 . tubing, which was then shrunk to hold the ends a fixed
The proximity effect increases the resistance of both small distance apart. This toroid was then compared
coils above the ac resistance value, but far more for with a spun aluminum toroid of similar capacitance,
the tighter effective spacing of coil 18T, so coil 22T is and also with a smaller toroid made of one inch cop-
actually the superior coil for Tesla coil activity. The per tubing with diameter slightly greater than that of
same observation holds as larger top loads are used, the coil form. The smaller toroid was an attempt to
driving the resonant frequency down. get a shorted turn as near to the coil as possible. It
lacked the capacitance to be an effective toroid for long
The measured values for Rtc are even less than the
sparks, of course. I could not find any significant differ-
Medhurst predicted values, 11 Ω less for coil 22T and 6
ence in input impedance between the insulated toroid
Ω less for 18T at frequency f0 . It is always possible that
and the spun aluminum toroid. The shorted copper
my experimental technique was lacking on these two
ring, however, had about 10% higher input impedance
tests. I prefer to think, however, that the assumptions
than the toroid that was not a shorted turn. This sug-
made by Medhurst do not match reality for these two
gests that you would not notice any improvement if you
coils, so that the ‘correct’ proximity factors would be
cut your beautiful spun aluminum toroid into pieces to
a little less than shown in Table 1 for these particular
eliminate eddy currents. The effect is there, and can
coil parameters.
be measured if one really works at it, but is not that
7. Other Losses significant in most situations.

Overall, my tests indicated that Reddy is no more formance. In cases where moisture is a factor, perfor-
than a few percent of RT C . If a little thought is given to mance might improve after a period of operation which
separation of conducting materials from the immediate caused the coil form to heat up and dry out.
vicinity of the coil, eddy current losses can be ignored.
Effects of humidity are shown in two sets of input
The model indicates that when a spark occurs, the impedance data in Table 4 for 3/17/01 and 4/6/01.
equivalent resistance Rspark increases from zero to The coils were located in the bay of a large Morton
some finite value, so the input resistance increases dur- building (a metal skin building, not heated or air con-
ing a spark. This is exactly what happens experimen- ditioned, that might be used for storage of tractors and
tally. The input current drops when the spark starts, other agricultural equipment). The Tesla coil driver
for a constant supply voltage. and other test equipment were located in a climate-
controlled room built into a corner of the Morton build-
The copper, eddy current, and radiation losses are
ing. The 3/17/01 data were collected when the bay
all proportional to the square of the current in the coil.
temperature was about 9o C and the relative humidity
The losses in the hot plasma of the spark are such that
was about 28%. On 4/6/01 the temperature was about
the spark losses may not be proportional precisely to
17o C and the relative humidity was 100%. It had been
the square of the current, but are definitely related to
damp all week with heavy fog the day before. It would
some function of the current. On the other hand, the
be rare for a Tesla coil to be operated with significantly
dielectric losses are proportional to the square of the
lower relative humidity or total moisture in or on the
voltage across the coil. I try to show that with resis-
dielectrics than the conditions of 3/17/01, and likewise
tors across the capacitance CM . There are two distinct
for more moisture than 4/6/01.
dielectrics, the coil form and the wire insulation, rep-
resented by Rcf and Rwi. Air forms a third dielectric,
but dry air is basically lossless. Humidity in the air Table 4: Rtc Measured on Two Different Days
does add losses, but this humidity soaks into the coil
form and wire insulation, increasing the losses there. I Coil f Rtc Rtc
did not try to distinguish between losses in humid air 3/17/01 4/6/01
and losses of the coil and coil form. 14S 249.1 24.5 27.6
14T 266.1 43.5 45.5
For single-frequency, steady-state operation, the par- 16B 145.5 93.1 175.8
allel combination of a capacitor and two resistors can 18T 242.6 70.5 75.7
be modeled as a series capacitor and resistor, call it 20T 183.6 94.2 100.0
Rdie. This is straightforward Circuit Theory I, but a 22T 307.0 47.0 53.4
bit tedious. We write an expression for the parallel 22B 148.3 73.0 126.7
impedance of Rcf , Rwi, and the capacitance, rational-
ize it, and simplify the real term. We assume that the
parallel resistances are much larger than the capacitive
We see that two of the coils experienced large
reactance, as they will be for any coil with acceptable
changes in Rtc, coils 16B and 22B. Both coils used
losses. Calculation details can be found at my web site.
a plastic barrel as a coil form that I thought was
2 polyethylene. I got the barrels at the local recycling
One line of analysis shows that Rdie √ varies as 1/f .
Generally speaking, Rac increases as f, and Reddy in- plant. Coil 22B used the same type of wire as coil 22T
creases as f 2 . Rrad will increase at a rate somewhere which was wound on a piece of PVC, so the difference
between f and f 2 . Rspark can be ignored below the in Rtc between these two coils had to be the coil form.
spark inception voltage. Depending on which terms These results indicate that some coil forms are worse
are dominant loss terms, we may not see a pronounced than others. These barrels evidently soak up water in
change in input impedance with frequency. That has amounts sufficient to raise the input impedance by a
been my experience. Input impedance will drift from factor of two.
day to day, (mostly with humidity), but there is no
Coils 14T, 18T, 20T, and 22T were wound on PVC
obvious frequency dependence. Of course, other things
while coils 14S and 18B were wound on polyethylene.
are happening. We know that Rac increases with tem-
Only coil 20T had any type of coating put on top the
perature, while Rdie increases with humidity. If these
winding (polyurethane). Both PVC and polyethylene
were the only factors, we would expect a cold, dry win-
appear to have about the same increase in Rtc with
ter day to have the lowest impedance, and a hot, muggy
humidity, so it is hard to argue that one should spend
day to have the highest impedance and the worst per-
more money on the more expensive polyethylene.

Figure 12: Square wave of voltage, sine wave of current at base of coil 12T below breakout.

As long as one stays with good quality coil forms, 8. Impedance During Sparking
it appears that high humidity will raise Rtc by 5–10%
I calculated the input impedance of the Tesla coil
from the low humidity case. This variation of Rtc with
from measured values of vi and i1 , at or very near res-
humidity makes it pointless to do more analytical or
onance. I would apply a square wave voltage from my
computational work to get better estimates of Rcu,M
driver and measure it and the resulting current with a
or Rcu,F , since we appear to be within the 5–10% range
HP54645D oscilloscope. If the voltage was below that
of accuracy for most cases already.
necessary for a spark to occur, current would rise to
In my opinion, a complete distributed model will not a steady-state value. Steady-state waveforms are illus-
be any better in dealing with skin effect, proximity ef- trated in Figure 12.
fect, and dielectric losses, and would certainly be more
Voltage is actually the voltage output of a 10:1 volt-
of a programming problem. The one thing that this
age divider. The vertical scale for channel A1 is thus
lumped model cannot deal with directly is the displace-
500 V/div rather than 50. At the lower left of the
ment current effect. In a lumped model, the current
screen image we see Vrms(A1)=44.34 V. The rms value
must be the same at all points of the circuit. Actu-
would actually be 443.4 V. The rms of a perfect square
ally the current varies from one point in the coil to
wave is the same as the peak value, so I am applying a
another point, due to capacitive and inductive effects.
voltage of approximately ±443.4 V to the coil.
It is counter-intuitive, but the current may actually in-
crease from the base feed point to about a third of the The current waveform is the voltage across a 20 mΩ
way up the coil before starting a monotonic decrease to resistor. The current corresponding to a voltage of
a minimum at the top of the coil. A distributed model 293.3 mV is
can determine the actual current distribution, which
can then be used to find a predicted effective resistance
V 293.3mV
of the coil. The computational effort is much greater i1 = = = 14.67 A (23)
than the table look-up techniques used to get Rcu,M R 20mΩ
and Rcu,F for the lumped case. Whether the accuracy
The combination of a square wave voltage and a si-
of the predicted resistance is sufficiently improved to
nusoidal current is different from what we are used to,
justify the extra effort is open to question.
so we need to go back to circuit theory to make sure
we have all the correct multiplying factors.

Suppose that we apply a sinusoidal voltage Vp sin ωt increase slows as losses increase. Current will hit its
to a non-inductive resistor. The resulting current is limit when the input power is equal to the losses, in
Ip sin ωt. The average power is this case between 2 and 3 ms after start.
As current increases, the voltage drop across the
Z π MOSFETs/IGBTs and the droop in the electrolytic
1 Vp Ip Vp Ip
Pave = Vp Ip sin2 θdθ = √ √ = = Vac Iac capacitors becomes greater. The decrease in voltage
π 0 2 2 2
applied to the Tesla coil is not great, but is most eas-
ily noticed when the gate drives are turned off at the
When the square wave voltage produces a sinusoidal 2.1 ms point. Energy stored in the Tesla coil has to
current, the integral for average power becomes be dissipated somehow. Instead of power flowing from
inverter to coil, it now flows in the opposite direction.
Z Voltage is constrained by the built-in diodes of the IG-
1 π 2 BTs. Power supply capacitors are now being charged
Pave = Vp Ip sin θdθ = Vp Ip
π 0 π instead of discharged. All the voltage drops in wiring
2 √ and the IGBTs reverse in sign. We therefore see a small
= Vp ( 2Iac ) = 0.9VacIac (25) step increase in voltage when the gate drive signals are
For this case, the average power is no longer the sim- About 0.6 ms after gate drive turn-off, the stored
ple product of rms voltage and rms current (as for dc energy is no longer able to force the IGBT diodes into
and single frequency sinusoids), but has a 0.9 multiply- forward conduction. Without a power supply affect-
ing factor. The difference is due to the fact that the ing the circuit, we now have a classic RLC ring down.
square wave voltage is composed of an infinite series of Both voltage and current are decreasing exponentially.
harmonics (fundamental, third, fifth, etc.). Each har- During this portion of the cycle, the IGBTs are acting
monic contributes to the rms value of the square wave. as capacitors.
The current has no harmonics, so the higher voltage
harmonics do not produce any contribution to the ap- When the supply voltage is increased, a spark oc-
parent power. curs when the toroid reaches a sufficient voltage. Fig-
ure 14 shows the current building up slowly until spark
Actually the product 0.9VacIac is the apparent power initiation at about 1.4 ms and then a more rapid de-
S for these two waveforms, which happens to be equal cline. The jagged appearance of the wave envelope is
to the average power when the waves are in phase. If due to the scope’s algorithm to select representative
there is a phase shift, Pave will be less than S by a points from the long waveform data set and does not
factor cos θ, where θ is the phase angle between the imply that the current is experiencing rapid excursions.
two waves. I can readily determine S from the product When one spreads out the waveform, it can be seen
of rms voltage and rms current (and a 0.9 multiplying that the current looks as well behaved as the current
constant). I always try to operate with voltage and in Figure 12 except that it grows by a small amount
current in phase, so S can be used as an approximation each cycle until breakout.
for Pave.
One cycle at 176.7 kHz lasts for about 5.66 µs. If the
The average power being applied to the coil in Fig. 12 spark starts at 1400 µs, then it took 1400/5.66 = 247
is approximately cycles to get to breakout. Just before breakout, the
voltage was about 604 V and the current was 17.1 A. I
had to expand the waveforms near the 1400 µs point to
Pave = 0.9VacIac = (0.9)(443.4)(14.67) = 5854 W get these values. The instantaneous power (the average
(26) power at that instant) was about 9.3 kW. The current
during the spark was about 4 A.
Fig. 13 shows the voltage applied to another Tesla
coil and the resulting current for about 4.5 ms. The I increased the voltage about 50% and got the cur-
voltage is A1 at the top of the figure and the current is rent waveform in Figure 15. The spark now starts at
A2 at the bottom. Operation is well below breakout. about 0.93 ms. Just before breakout, the voltage was
The driver is supplying voltage from storage capacitors about 914 V, the current was 21.5 A, and the instan-
for about 2.1 ms. Current builds up as predicted by ei- taneous power was about 17.7 kW. The current during
ther transmission line theory or lumped RLC analysis. the spark remained at about 4 A.
Current builds nearly linearly at first, then the rate of

Figure 13: Tesla Coil Voltage and Current Waveforms

The coil appears to operate as a constant-current particle from a radioactive decay. At higher levels of
device in breakout. Both the input dc current and the voltage, one gets a streamer each pulse train, but the
ac current into the coil stay about constant, perhaps time from start to discharge, and the resultant power
even decreasing a little, as the supply voltage is in- input just before discharge, can still easily vary by 10%.
creased. The input impedance increases proportional
If power continues to be supplied to the discharge
to the input voltage, in order for the current to remain
after the onset, the discharge does not get longer, but
constant. This is somehow caused by the dynamics
instead gets ‘fatter’. Figure 16 shows two streamers
of the hot plasma in the discharge. I do not have a
where the driving voltage was removed soon after the
detailed explanation.
streamers started. The streamers have a thin, vio-
The ‘inertia’ of the electrons and ions on and around let, anemic appearance. Figure 17 shows two differ-
the toroid play an important part in the length of the ent streamers where the driving voltage was left in
streamer. Increasing the supply voltage causes the cur- place for perhaps 2 ms after the onset. The stream-
rent and the energy stored in the coil to build up more ers now appear richer, fuller, and whiter. The trend
rapidly. This more rapid growth allows less time for continues with even longer applied voltage as shown in
the breakdown of air to occur, with the result of more Fig. fig:fat.
energy stored in the coil when breakdown does occur.
The camera is able to show details that the eye
This greater energy translates to a longer streamer.
cannot follow. The streamer does not get uniformly
The nature of the discharge process causes variabil- thicker, but rather shows charge leaving the main dis-
ity in the exact amount of current necessary to produce charge path at all the ‘corners’ of the original discharge
a streamer for any given shot. At lower levels of volt- path and then curving back toward the main path. It
age, a streamer might be produced one time out of ten is almost as though the charge carriers in the discharge
applied pulse trains. The time lag between start and have inertia, such that they want to continue traveling
discharge might vary by a factor of two, probably de- in a straight line when a ‘corner’ is encountered. If the
pending on the chance arrival of a gamma ray or a beta only forces involved were the Coulombic forces, the es-

Figure 14: Current Waveform with Voltage = ±604 V

caping charges would not be drawn back to the main remains valid at higher powers, an input power of 1
path. But there are also Amperian forces. Two par- MW would produce a spark length of 14 feet. If we
allel currents experience an attractive force. Evidently use IGBTs that can safely deliver 50 A at Tesla coil
these Amperian forces are stronger than the Coulom- frequencies, this requires a supply voltage of ±20, 000
bic forces in this case. I have not made any attempt to V. If the individual IGBTs have a working voltage of
quantify these forces. 1000 V, then a chain of 20 IGBTs would be necessary
for each side of the power supply. I will not predict that
A casual examination of these (and many other) pho-
such a driver cannot or will not be built. I will just say
tos suggests that the escaping charges travel in a spi-
that getting long sparks from a solid state driver is not
ral around the main path before returning to it. This
might be an optical illusion. It would require two or
more cameras orthogonal to the streamer and each
other to prove or disprove this appearance. This would
be something to check in any further research. References
I put a bump on the toroid so all sparks started from [1] Corum, J. F. and K. L. Corum, “A Technical
the same point, and placed a sheet of plastic with con- Analysis of the Extra Coil as a Slow Wave He-
centric circles behind the bump. I then set the driver lical Resonator”, Proceedings of the 1986 Interna-
to produce a few sparks per second and observed the tional Tesla Symposium, Colorado Springs, Col-
length of the discharges to air. I would also determine orado, July 1986, published by the International
the average power input just before discharge. Then I Tesla Society, pp. 2-1 to 2-24.
would increase the voltage and repeat the process. I
found the spark length to be related to the square root [2] Corum, James, F., Daniel J. Edwards, and Ken-
of power according to the formula neth L. Corum, TCTUTOR - A Personal Com-
puter Analysis of Spark Gap Tesla Coils, Pub-
√ lished by Corum and Associates, Inc., 8551 State
`s = 0.17 P inches (27) Route 534, Windsor, Ohio, 44099, 1988.
where P is measured in watts. For the current wave- [3] Couture, J. H., JHC Tesla Handbook, JHC Engi-
forms of Figure 14 and Figure 15 the corresponding neering Co., 19823 New Salem Point, San Diego,
spark lengths were 16.4 and 22.6 inches. If the formula CA, 92126, (1988).

Figure 15: Current Waveform with Voltage = ±914 V

Figure 17: Onset plus 2 ms

Figure 16: Onset plus 0.5 ms

2, March/April 1978, pp. 464-468.

[4] Cox, D. C., Modern Resonance Transformer De-
sign Theory, Tesla Book Company, P. O. Box [6] Fraga, E., C. Prados, and D.-X. Chen, “Practical
1649, Greenville, TX 75401, (1984). Model and Calculation of AC Resistance of Long
Solenoids”, IEEE Transactions on Magnetics, Vol.
[5] Fawzi, Tharwat H. and P. E. Burke, The Ac- 34, No. 1, January, 1998, pp. 205–212.
curate Computation of Self and Mutual Induc-
tances of Circular Coils, IEEE Transactions on [7] Hull, Richard L., “The Tesla Coil Builder’s Guide
Power Apparatus and Systems, Vol. PAS-97, No. to The Colorado Springs Notes of Nikola Tesla”,

[11] Peterson, Gary L., “Project Tesla Evaluated”,
Power and Resonance, The International Tesla
Society’s Journal, Volume 6, No. 1, Jan-
uary/February/ March 1990, pp. 25-34.
[12] Plonus, Martin A., Applied Electromagnetics,
McGraw-Hill, New York, 1978.
[13] Schoessow, Michael, TCBA News, Vol. 6, No. 2,
April/May/June 1987, pp. 12-15.
[14] Terman, Frederick Emmons, Radio Engineers
Handbook, McGraw-Hill, 1943.
[15] Tesla, Nikola, Colorado Springs Notes, A. Marin-
cic, Editor, Nolit, Beograd, Yugoslavia, 1978, 478

Figure 18: Onset plus 4 ms

Tesla Coil Builders of Richmond, 1993.

[8] Johnson, Gary L., “Using Power MOSFETs To

Drive Resonant Transformers”, Tesla 88, Inter-
national Tesla Society, Inc., 330-A West Uintah,
Suite 215, Colorado Springs, CO 80905, Vol. 4,
No. 6, November/December 1988, pp. 7-13.

[9] Johnson, Gary L., The Search For A New Energy

Source, Johnson Energy Corporation, P.O. Box
1032, Manhattan, KS 66505, 1997.

[10] Medhurst, R. G., “H.F. Resistance and Self-

Capacitance of Single-Layer Solenoids”, Wireless
Engineer, February, 1947, pp. 35-43, and March,
1947, pp. 80-92.


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