Otcl Programming Basics Syntax

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# Study of OTCL programming syntax

# ------------------------first---------------------#
#set a value to a variable:"set a 1"note in Tcl,variables are not
typed.The value assigned to a variable determines the type of
the variable.
set a 1
# declare a variable named "a" with a value "1"
# warning dont use captial S alphabet for "set" keyword

# By using Tcl's substitution operator "$" will replace

"variableName" with the content of that variable
# $variablename

puts $a
# print a value

# line by line debugging - otcl interpreter

#TclCL linkage between c++ and otcl programming language
# users write program in otcl script language and saves in
filename.tcl and runs using tcl filename.tcl (tcl8.4 installed) or
ns filename.tcl (ns2 installed)
# use ctrl+c for type mode in or return to terminal window

# To use the value assigned to a variable ,we need to use the $
sign:set x $a
set x $a
# declare a variable named "x" with a value equal to the value
of the variable "a"
puts $x
#gedit : if c variable is not set (i.e set c $c is not present)
#terminal displays: can't read "c": no such variable
# # --> write a comment

#A mathematical operation is done using the expression
command expr as follows: set b [expr $x +-*/% $a]
#declare a variable named "b" with a value equal to the sum of
"x" and "a"
set b [expr $x + $a]
puts "add a with b and the addition b : $b"
# Puts "text" print out the word "text"
# if x Puts "The value of x is $x" -> print out "The value of x is
set b [expr $x - $a]
puts "Substract a from x and the substraction b : $b"

set b [expr $x * $a]

puts "x multiply by a and the multiplication b : $b"
set b [expr $x / $a]
puts "x divided by a and the division b : $b"
set b [expr $x % $a]
puts "x divided by a and the remainder is i.e modulas b : $b"
#use curved brackets for complex operation
set b [expr (($x+$a)/$a)%$a]
puts "complex equation value is $b"
puts "b complex linear equation : $b"

# To comment a line,use the symbol #
puts "comment a line use # followed by statements"

#To create a le, we need to give it a name that will identify it
by our system. Then we need to assign a pointer to it that will
be used within the Tcl program in order to relate it:
set tclFilePointer [open ourFile.txt w]
# create a file, say "filename" or "ourFile" or "out1" ... and
assign a pointer to it within tcl program in order to relate it
"tclFilePointer" or "file1" ...

set file1 [open out1.tr w]

# i.e., set filel [open out1.tr w] # define a file named "file1" and assign it to "out1.tr"

# The command puts is used for printing an output. Note:
each time the "puts" command is used, a new line is started.
# To avoid new line, one has to add -nonewline after the "puts"
#If we want to print into a file (say the one we defined above)
we type
# puts $filel "text"
# Tabulating is done by inserting \t.
#To print an output, use the command puts "". For instance, to
print into our File.txt the previous variable b with its tabulated
value, use the following line:
#puts $tclFilePointer "b \t a"
#puts $tclFilePointer "b \t $a"
puts $tclFilePointer "$a \t $x"
set a [expr $a+1]
set b [expr $b+2]
puts $tclFilePointer "$a \t $x"
set a [expr $a+1]
set b [expr $b+2]

puts $tclFilePointer "$a \t $x"

set a [expr $a+1]
set b [expr $b+2]
puts $tclFilePointer "$a \t $x"
puts $tclFilePointer "[expr ($a + 1)] \t [expr ($x + 2)]"
#puts $tclFilePointer "$x [expr (2 * $x)]"
close $tclFilePointer

#puts $file1 "b \t a"

puts $file1 "$a \t $x"
set a [expr $a+1]
set b [expr $b+2]
puts $file1 "$a \t $x"
set a [expr $a+1]
set b [expr $b+2]
puts $file1 "$a \t $x"
set a [expr $a+1]
set b [expr $b+2]
puts $file1 "$a \t $x"
puts $file1 "[expr ($a + 1)] \t [expr ($x + 2)]"
#puts $file1 "$x [expr (2 * $x)]"
close $file1


#To execute a unix/Linux command from the Tcl script, use

the command exec.
#For example, to plot the curve of the data contained in our
#e.g., use: exec gnuplot ourFile.txt &
# & is to allow the command gnuplot or xgraph to execute in
the background.
# exec gnuplot our.txt &

#exec xgraph data.tr & -> execute the program "xgraph",

#which takes the file "data.tr" as an input
#exec xgraph ourFile.txt &

#exec xgraph out1.tr &

#if { expression } {
# some commands
#} else {
#some commands

# The if command can be nested with other "ifs and with

"else"s that can appear in "<execute some commands>" part.

Note that when testing equality, we should use "==" and (not
"=" ie., The inequality is written with !=).

#for { set i 0 } { $i < 5 } { incr i } {

#some commands

#Proc example {x1 x1 ....} {

# some commands ...
# return $something

#warning: invalid command name "If" use "if"

if {$x > $a} {
puts "print a $a"
} else {
puts "print x $x"

#warning: invalid command name "For" use "for"

for { set i 0 } { $i < 5 } { incr i } {
puts "print a $a"

#Proc example {x1 x1 ....} {

# some commands ...
# return $something

#Create a procedure for doing arithmedtic operations

proc test {} {
set a 43
set b 27
set c [expr $a * $b]
set d [expr [expr $a - $b] * $c]
puts "c = $c d = $d"
for {set k 0} {$k < 10} {incr k} {
if {$k < 5} {
puts "k < 5, pow = [expr pow($d,$k)]"
} else {
puts "k >= 5, mod = [expr $d % $k]"
#calling the procedure


# tcl allows to create procedures. They can return some value

in which case they contain a "return" command. The general
form of a procedure which we name "blue" is
#proc blue { pari par2 ... } {
#global varl var2
#return $something

#The procedure receives some parameters that can be objects,

files or variables. In our case these are named pari, par'2, etc.
These parameters will be used within the procedures with
these names. The procedure is called by typing blue x y ...
where the values of x and y will be used by the procedure for
pari and par2. If pari and par2 are changed within the
procedure, this will not affect the values of x and y. On the
other hand, if we wish the procedure to be able to affect
directly variables external to it, we have to declare these
variables as "global". In the above example these are varl and

# obtain prime number upto 11

# Usage: ns prime.tcl NUMBER

# NUMBER is the number up to which we want to obtain the
prime numbers
if {$argc != 1} {
# Must get a single argument or program fails.
puts stderr "ERROR! ns called with wrong number of
exit 1
} else {
set j [lindex $argv 0]
# it is not one ie 1 index : it is l alphabet index
proc prime {j} {
# Computes all the prime numbers till j
for {set a 2} {$a <= $j} {incr a} {
set b 0
for {set i 2} {$i < $a} {incr i} {
set d [expr fmod($a,$i)]
if {$d==0} {
set b 1 }
if {$b==1} {
puts "$a is not a prime number"

} else {
puts "$a is a prime number"
prime $j

Ns2 programming
#-->--> Create a scheduler
#- set ns [new Simulator]
set ns [new Simulator]

# To be able to use nam, we should Create a nam trace

set namfile [open results/versuch1.nam w]
$ns namtrace-all $namfile

#-->--> Creation of Network Topology

# i.e.,


# i.e., (1)


#--> option1 : Create Nodes

#- set n_0 [$ns node]
#- set n_1 [$ns node]
#- set n_2 [$ns node]

# i.e.,


# i.e., (2)


#--> option2 : Create Nodes (using a loop)

for { set i 0 } { $i < 3 } { incr i } {
set n_$i [$ns node]

# examples: create 6 nodes

# After that, we should create the nodes
#for { set i 0 } { $i < 6 } { incr i } {
#set node($i) [$ns node]

#-->--> Creation of Network Topology

#--> Create links between the nodes

#- $ns <link type> $n_0 $n_1 <bandwidth> <delay> <queue

#--> <link type>: duplex-link, simplex-link
#--> <bandwidth>: in Mb
#--> <delay>: in ms
#--> <queue type>: DropTail, RED, CBQ, FQ, SFQ, DRR

# example: Creation of Network Topology

# i.e.,


# i.e.,

/ \

# i.e., (1) --- (2)

#--> Create links between the nodes of our example (3 nodes)

$ns simplex-link $n_0 $n_1 1Mb 5ms DropTail
$ns simplex-link $n_0 $n_2 1Mb 5ms DropTail
$ns duplex-link $n_1 $n_2 10Mb 25ms DropTail

#--> Define the properties of the links between the nodes

#- $ns duplex-link-op $n_0 $n_1 <attribute> <value>
#- <attribute>: orient, color, queuePos, label
#- orient: the orientation of a link (up, down, right, left, rightup, right-down, left-up, left-down)
#- color: the color of the link (black, green, red,...etc)

#- queuePos: angle of the queue line with horizontal (default

#- Label: label of the link

#--> example: Creation of Network Topology

# i.e.,


# i.e.,

\ /

# i.e.,


#--> Define the orientation of the links between the nodes of

our example
#- $ns duplex-link-op $n_0 $n_1 orient right
#- $ns duplex-link-op $n_0 $n_2 orient right-down
#- $ns duplex-link-op $n_1 $n_2 orient left-down

# example: six nodes: After that, we should connect the nodes

with each other
#$ns duplex-link $node(0) $node(2) 1.0Mb 20.0ms DropTail
#$ns duplex-link $node(1) $node(2) 1.0Mb 20.0ms DropTail
#$ns duplex-link $node(2) $node(5) 1.0Mb 20.0ms DropTail
#$ns simplex-link $node(5) $node(2) 0.125Mb 20.0ms
#$ns duplex-link $node(3) $node(5) 1.0Mb 20.0ms DropTail
#$ns duplex-link $node(4) $node(5) 1.0Mb 20.0ms DropTail

#-->--> Connection and Traffic

# i.e., (0)-----------------------------(1)

connect the agents




# Transport layer protocol


# Application
# (CBR,FTP, HTTP(Hypertext Transfer Protocol),
# SMTP(Simple Mail Transfer Protocol for email)
# TELNET(for remote virtual terminal)
# Domain Name Service (DNS for mapping comprehensible
# host names to their network addresses)
# File Transfer Protocol (FTP for file transfer))
# Define an application on the top of the src-agent

#--> Creation of TCP/UDP agents connection

#--> UDP agent
set Srcagent [new Agent/UDP]
$ns attach-agent $n_0 $Srcagent

set Destagent [new Agent/Null]

$ns attach-agent $n_1 $Destagent
$ns connect $Srcagent $Destagent

#--> TCP agent

#--> set Src-agent [new Agent/TCP]
#--> $ns attach-agent $n_0 $Src-agent
#--> set Dest-agent [new Agent/TCPSink]
#--> $ns attach-agent $n_1 $Dest-agent
#--> $ns connect $Src-agent $Dest-agent

#--> Creation of Traffic

#--> FTP
# set src [new Application/FTP]
# $src attach-agent $Src-agent

#--> Telnet
# set src [new Application/Telnet]
# $src attach-agent $Src-agent

#--> CBR
# set src [new Application/Traffic/CBR]
# $src attach-agent $Src-agent

#--> Exponential or Pareto on-off

# set src [new Application/Traffic/Exponential]
# set src [new Application/Traffic/Pareto]
# $src attach-agent $Src-agent

#-->--> Parameterize a Traffic Source

#example: --> CBR
set src [new Application/Traffic/CBR]
$src attach-agent $Srcagent
$src set interval_ 40ms
$src set packetSize_ 500

# examples: six nodes: After that, we have to create the agents

#set agent(0) [new Agent/UDP]
#$ns attach-agent $node(1) $agent(0)
#$agent(0) set fid_ 6
#$ns color 6 "red
#set sink(0) [new Agent/Null]
#$ns attach-agent $node(4) $sink(0)
#$ns connect $agent(0) $sink(0)

# examples: six nodes: After that, we have to create traffic

source and add it to the agent
# set traffic_source(0) [new Application/Traffic/CBR]

#$traffic_source(0) set interval_ 0.001950

#$traffic_source(0) set paketSize_ 230
#$traffic_source(0) attach-agent $agent(0)

#-->--> Schedule an event

# A scheduler maintains a list of events and their execution
# During a asimulation it moves along a simulation clock and
# events in the list chronologically.
# Start and Stop a Traffic Source
#- $ns at <time> <event>
#- Example: $ns at 10.0 "record_data"
$ns at 10.0 "$src start"
$ns at 100.0 "$src stop"

# examples: six nodes: Now, we have to schedule starting and

stopping the traffic source
#$ns at 3.0 "$traffic_source(0) start"
#$ns at 100.0 "$traffic_source(0) stop"

# examples: six nodes: Now, we have to start the finish


proc finish {} {
global ns namfile
$ns flush-trace
close $namfile
exec nam results/versuch1.nam &
exit 0

# After that, we have to schedule the stop procedure

$ns at 110.000000 "finish"

#-->--> Start the scheduler

$ns run

#--> After that the file should be saved "filename.tcl"

#--> The executing of the example is through writing: "ns
filename.tcl" in linux commands window (Console)

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