For most employers, the habitual absenteeism of an employee will result in, at best, a very poor
performance review and, at worst, the immediate termination of employment.
Absenteeism means either habitual evasion of work, or willful absence as in a strike action. It
does not include involuntary or occasional absence due to valid causes, or reasons beyond
one's control, such as accidents or sickness. See also attendance management.
The guy never showed up for work and it made me think he practiced absenteeism and would
only show up when he wanted.
The absenteeism of the employee was a factor in the verbal warning as we needed consistent
participation in the new training method.
The absenteeism of the employee was a factor in the verbal warning as we needed consistent
participation in the new training method.
Lord, words do not express my thankfulness. For Your mighty power is at work in me,
transforming me, renewing my mind. To You Lord belong thanks eternal.
Thanks to almighty god, because some student do the research ,so I thank you god for giving a
strength to do this research paper ,and thank also for guiding me always for what we are doing
and I know also that you are there for us to guide .THANKS GOD .
This research is not easy to do because we need the strength for doing this .not only to
others we need also to be active for doing this research paper .And this is for students for their
Absenteeism can be an effect of employee discontent. it can translate into employees taking an
extraordinary amount of sick days, making excuses for not coming in to work which could
disrupt productive
Student absenteeism is when a student misses class. Absenteeism has a significant impact on a
student's grades. It also sets a bad precedent when they enter the job market.
Absenteeism is often centered around the frequent or habitual missing of school or work.
Absenteeism most often occurs in work areas or schools that are not very protective of workers
or students so they feel that they are unsafe in the area and do not go to school/work
Absenteeism in school is the habit of staying away from school without providing a genuine or
any reason for not attending classes. Absenteeism is a truant behavior that negatively affects the
performance among students.
Causes of Absenteeism
Absenteeism is caused by many factors as such as:
1. Phobic Adolescence: During this stage in the growth of a teen, there is a lot of fear developed
as a result of physical changes of the body for example growth of pimples, turbulent emotions
e.t.c. This scares teens away from school.
2. Lack of Interest: Students could be lacking interest in the study, which could be as a result of
content that is difficult for them to grasp hence pushing them away from school.
3. Teacher approach: The approach used by teachers may not be understood by the student and
this could lead them to lose interest in school. Punitive attendance policy plays a big role in
absenteeism too.
4. Pamperness from the family: Students who get excessive pocket money from their families are
most likely to absent themselves from school since they need time to spend the money.
5. Private Couching: Flexible private couching encouraged by some parents could drive a
number of students away from the conventional school timetable.
6. Diseases: Some diseases like asthma which requires attention and care as well as an
environment that is warm and not dusty could make students remain home.
7. School Infrastructural Facilities: Lack of libraries, sports facilities is a hindrance to attendance
of school among students.
8. Entertainment: Accessibility of entertainment facilities like cinemas could divert attention of
some students from school.
Absenteeism can lead to depression and also result in poor quality of education as a result of
time lost while being away from school. It could also lead to moral degradation that leads to drug
abuse, early pregnancies and unruly behavior.
Absenteeism can be remedied by providing adequate co-curricular activities to students. It could
be curbed by creating of clubs and societies to keep students busy when they are out of class.
Schools should strive to have up to date learning facilities like libraries as well as sporting
facilities to make students enhance student retention.
Every student deserves a safe and positive learning experience where they are engaged and
supported to reach their full potential.
The Student Engagement and Inclusion Guidance provides advice, resources and strategies for
schools on:
Identifying the Cause: Engage in a one-on-one discussion with the student in order to identify
the probable cause of his absenteeism. This information can help you to better address these
Imparting knowledge: Educate the students regarding the importance of attendance, the adverse
effects of absenteeism and school rules concerning the same.
Involving Parents: Parents should be made aware of the excess number of classes missed by
their child. This can be done by arranging regular meetings and working with parents to plan out
strategies best suited for their child. For example, in case of health related issues, the teacher can
arrange for an extra class to help the student with the missed out classes. Parents should also be
informed of other issues like bullying and poor peer relations, so as to provide the necessary
support and encouragement.
Second home: The school is like a second home for students. Therefore, you need to ensure that
they it is a safe and happy place for them. Teachers should be perceptive to a students
fluctuating behavioral or performance changes. It is important to develop a warm open relation
with them and create opportunities that encourage them to approach you with their problems.
Engaging classroom: Plan for active1, interactive and engaging class sessions to rule out
boredom and disinterest as causes of absenteeism. This can be done by incorporating various
active strategies like role playing, debates or through use of technologies like smart boards,
clickers etc.
Motivation: Use different reinforcements to motivate students to attend classes. Pinning an
attendance sheet on the classroom board is a visual reminder of all the classes they have missed.
Rewards can be handed out to the student with the maximum attendance (works well in the lower
classes) and instead of punishments, students with lower attendance can be given the duty of
performing different class chores (students and teacher can collectively decide this, in advance).
Extracurricular sessions: Organize various clubs and class activities (planning out a birthday or
festival celebration) and encourage students to participate in the same. This helps break the
monotony of every day classes and livens up the classroom.
Thus, we need to try to create an environment of fun and learning and instill in our students a
positive feel towards studies and class activities, which will in turn reduce absenteeism.