2.6.a-Reshaping Our Lives

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Thomas Y. Canby

WE HAD JOGGED a hundred feet, and already the man beside me was straining. But his face
showed triumph--triumph over the impossible.

Sixteen years ago in Fremont, Nebraska, a seed truck crushed Roger Charter's legs. Both were
amputated above the knee. For more than a decade the onetime star athlete fought for a normal
life with traditional wooden legs. But the hopelessness of it ate away at his spirit.

Now, thanks to that resilient spirit and new limbs made possible by the miracles of advanced
materials, Roger Charter (opposite) is the first such amputee ever to run.

"My old wooden legs weighed 15 pounds apiece and hurt my stumps--I'd clomp two blocks and
have to sit and rest," said Mr. Charter, today a dispatcher for the Union Pacific Railroad in Omaha.
"My new legs weigh half as much and flex like real."

Those high-tech legs comprise a tidy little inventory of advanced materials: knees and ankles
of light titanium alloys born of the space age, shins of a powerful composite of carbon fibers
pressed into a matrix of resin, sockets of a flexible but strong new polyethylene to fit comfortably on
the residual limbs.

And the feet? "The most difficult part," acknowledged John Sabolich, president of a prosthetics
firm in Oklahoma City and a pioneering designer in advanced materials. "The human arch is like a
complex leaf spring, almost impossible to duplicate. Fortunately a new plastic provided the

Like Roger Charter, all of us will find our future shaped in part by profound changes taking place in
the stuff things are made of.

Plastics, so versatile that the same substance that makes your garbage bags also armors U.S.
Army tanks, have surpassed metals in volume sold. For tomorrow manufacturers are talking about
synthetic fibers--cousins of the plastics--bringing us sweaters that change color with the turn of a dial
and suits that change their cut at fashion's whim.

Composites, pound for pound the strongest of all materials, have moved beyond pricey tennis
rackets and golf clubs into the sinews of aircraft and missiles and now enter mass production.
Ceramics, everyone's dream material but a nightmare to work with, soon will bring cleaner-running
auto engines in the fight against air pollution and global warming.

What about steel and other alloys, shouldered aside by the flashy synthetics? They are
countering with new blends to recapture old markets. Even staid concrete is blossoming. There's a
materials scientist out there who is casting cement coil springs, and another who built a concrete
hang glider.

* REPRINTED FROM: Thomas Y. Canby, "Reshaping our Lives: Advanced Materials" in
National Geographic (December 1989).

The people concocting these materials will tell you they are working a revolution.

"For the first time in history," observed Merton Flemings of the Massachusetts Institute of
Technology, "we can design materials precisely to fit our needs, molecule by molecule, atom by

They get help from incredibly sophisticated tools. New microscopes reveal atoms nestled in
their lattices almost as clearly as we see eggs in a carton. Lasers lay down atoms on surfaces
so artfully as to endow them with entirely new properties: Insulators become conductors,
metals become glasses. Magnetic cannons firming ion beams harden metals and ceramics against
corrosives. Fulfilling an age-old dream, computer graphics enable materials scientists to study a
complex molecule on a screen, rotate its shining galaxy of atoms, and select where to place an
additional atom for a desired effect.

Yesterday materials makers were mainly metallurgists. Today they must also be chemists,
ceramists, engineers, and physicists. In their labs you often see them staring at the wall; follow
their gaze and you see a copy of the periodic table, that cryptic tabulation of the elements they so
cleverly manipulate.

Little to their liking, these scientists find themselves caught up in global competition. Japan, the
Soviet Union, the major European countries, China--all are locked in the crucial struggle to
develop new materials and processes. At present the United States leads in research but
often lags in commercialization. And the stakes are high.

"Materials are the building blocks of the future," observed Rudy Pariser, former research director
for the Du Pont Company. "Today's advanced material is tomorrow's commodity."

"Tomorrow" can be a long time. On average, a decade elapses between test tube and
marketplace for a new material, with exhaustive testing in between. Many deplore this slowness.
But haste can be costly. I heard some of the horror stories:

How Britain's Rolls-Royce Ltd., switching from metal jet-engine blades to light composites, went
bust because the blades had not received a rigorous "goose test" to determine the effect of bird
impacts--and they shattered.

How U.S. Liberty ships, welded together by the hundreds during World War II, often sank with
tragic loss of life because defective steel lost its toughness in the icy North Atlantic, permitting
small cracks to explode into catastrophic rents.


THE USUAL CAUTION flew out the window, though, with the recent uproar over superconductors.

Even in the arcane world of physics, superconductivity stands as a marvel: a state of matter in
which electricity flows forever without resistance. No current is lost, no heat generated in

It does not come easily. Superconductors lose electrical resistance only when subjected to
intense cold. Traditionally this has required immersion in liquid helium at 4 Kelvin (-452 oF). This
makes superconductivity cumbersome and vastly expensive, sharply limiting its uses. (We
encounter it most frequently in the costly medical process known as magnetic resonance

Since its discovery in 1911, scientists have searched for materials that would "go
superconductive" at higher temperatures. They made little progress until 1986, when physicist
Georg Bednorz and Alex Muller in Zurich cooled a black ceramic pellet and saw it lose resistance at
30K. Many compare the significance of their Nobel Prize-winning achievement to the development
three decades earlier of the famed transistor.

Scientists rushed to their laboratories, spurred by the new discovery. Their goal was a material
that would superconduct at a temperature above 77K--still cold, but the point at which nitrogen
liquefies. Nitrogen is easier to handle than liquid helium and could reduce costs to one-tenth.

The Bednorz-Muller ceramic contained the rare earth lanthanum--not your everyday
conductor--along with barium, copper, and oxygen. Experiments that followed successfully
replaced lanthanum with yttrium, then bismuth, and then thallium, and steadily increased the critical
temperature. The historic leap--to 90K--came with an yttrium compound.

It triggered a scientific Mount St. Helens. Around the world TV cameras focused on coin-size
magnets magically floating above superconducting ceramic disks amid mists of liquid nitrogen.
Scientists regaled the press with visions of miniaturized superconducting motors, massive
underground magnets storing electricity to power entire cities, transmission lines carrying current
without loss of an electron, and, most exciting of all, magnetically levitated trains whispering across
the land at 300 miles an hour.

How far off are such dramatic applications? Impressive progress is being made, but the
obstacles are daunting. The crumbly ceramics of high-temperature superconductors lack the
flexibility of metallic wires. They balk at carrying heavy current loads: Exceed the critical current
point, and they cease to superconduct. Solutions lag because scientists do not yet understand the
basic physics involved--how high-temperature superconductors work.

The fact that they do work, however, has stimulated prodigious efforts to harness them.

One of the most intriguing artifacts to date is a small superconducting generator made in
England. Its fist-size coil carries ceramic wire fabricated by Imperial Chemical Industries (ICI) in
Runcorn. Though years from commercialization, it generates small amounts of power--and

Simpler superconducting devices are also being developed, mainly for use in passive
electronics systems such as communications receivers and amplifiers.

"We were already in the ceramics business when the new superconductors came on the
scene," said Richard Cass of HiTc Superconco in New Hope, Pennsylvania. "Radar receivers with
our superconducting components give a signal at least 50 times stronger than copper; half a
dozen of them are already being tested by the Army."

IN WHAT GUISE will high-temperature superconductors first serve us consumers?

"Possibly in your TV antenna," said Mr. Cass. "A component the size of a golf ball gives vastly
better reception than conventional metal. Companies are developing liquid-nitrogen coolers the
size of a cigarette pack. The two could fit inside your TV. Allow three years for the superconducting

The advantages that superconductors offer in electronics are not lost on the U.S. military. The
Army, Navy, Air Force, and Strategic Defense Initiative Office have strong programs for

applications research. DARPA, the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency, funds 37
separate projects at a total cost of 30 million dollars a year. The appeal is strongest in space
defense, where launch costs of $10,000 a pound inspire miniaturization.

"We're going to need tremendous computational power in space," said Harold Weinstock,
who coordinates the Air Force program. "A Cray 2 computer is not large--no bigger than a few file
cabinets. But there's the monstrous cooling system, with its huge power requirements.
Superconductors could slash its size and reduce the power need drastically."

Computer circuitry itself offers an obvious market for superconductors. Here the current would
be carried by thin films of gold and other conductors form the nerve systems of today's chips. Film
experiments held high priority when I visited IBM's Thomas J. Watson Research Center in New York.

"We're working with all three of the ceramic superconductors," said IBM's Robert
Laibowitz in his lab. "They can carry millions of amps per square centimeter--enough to operate
many electronic devices.

"But it's hard to reproduce the films reliably. Further, the heat required to make
superconducting films is too much for the silicon chips they attach to. It could take years to work
things out, but we're making progress."

So important is this technology to national competitiveness that a presidential advisory

committee has urged special collaboration between business, universities, and government.
IBM has joined forces with two other research leviathans, AT&T Bell Laboratories and MIT. A
similar consortium links Du Pont, Hewlett-Packard, and Los Alamos National Laboratory in New

The effort to tame high-temperature superconductors ferments worldwide. I saw intensive

programs in Britain, France, and West Germany. All three are dwarfed by Japan's.

Japanese scientists have filed more patent applications for superconductors than the rest of the
world combined. More than 600 have flowed from Sumitomo Electric, Japan's leading
manufacturer of electric wires and cables. While U.S. consortia are still organizing, a Japanese
consortium headed by the renowned physicist Shoji Tanaka counts more than 90 scientists in
elaborate new facilities.

What about the ultimate goal, a material that superconducts at room temperature? No need then
for awkward liquid nitrogen. Many believe that if such a substance exists, its discovery awaits
understanding of how high-temperature superconductivity works.


ODDLY it was ceramics, today's headline material, that gave birth to materials science some 13,000
years ago. Villagers in Japan discovered that if you cooked a clay vessel, it hardened into an
entirely new substance--ceramic pottery--and retained its hardness ever after. Unknowingly
these early ceramists caused atoms in the clay to lock tightly together, in what chemists call
covalent and ionic bonding.

Today ceramics are riding a resurgence of interest that some call the New Stone Age. Partisans
point out that compared with steel, ceramics can be harder, lighter, stiffer, and more resistant to
heat and corrosion.

They can. But go back again to that ancient pottery: Drop it and it shatters. Today's ceramics
behave somewhat the same.

"The problem is brittleness," explained Victor Zackay, a materials specialist with Teledyne
Corporation. "Companies have spent billions of dollars to develop useful ceramic devices, and in
most cases they have failed because of brittleness. Metals, because of their crystalline structure,
can deform under stress instead of fracturing, and still do their job. Stress ceramics, and their
atomic bonding prevents the crystalline planes from sliding over each other--deforming. Instead a
crack opens, and the object fails catastrophically.

"Before ceramics are accepted as reliable, they must be made so they can fail gracefully. This
will not be easy. But ceramics offer far too many advantages to discourage trying."

The driving dream is the ceramic engine. "Ceramic engine parts offer enormous advantages
over metals," said Richard Alliegro of the Norton Company, a Massachusetts research and
development firm that already markets ceramic ball bearings. "Engines would run more
efficiently if they could run hotter. But metal would melt; instead we install costly radiators to get rid
of that valuable heat. With ceramics we can harness the heat--and get rid of the bulky radiator."

MOST EXPERTS AGREE that the greatest advances are being made in Japan. Here, where
pottery began, government and industry have poured money into ceramics development.

The Japanese also have kindled intense grass-roots interest, known as ceramic fever. The
fever traces in part to the relentless drive of the Kyocera Corporation, the leading maker of
ceramic packages for computer chips.

"We saw a need to stimulate public acceptance of ceramics to help drive industry," said Ryusho
Nagai, Kyocera's director of international affairs. "We began producing consumer items--ceramic
scissors, ballpoint pens, sushi knives. Meanwhile MITI, the Ministry of International Trade and
Industry, built the Fine Ceramics Center. The fever spread."

With Kyocera chairman Kazuo Inamori, I admired ceramic products gracing the lobby of his
Kyoto headquarters: scissors made of zirconium oxide, so hard as to rarely need sharpening;
ceramic prostheses--skullcaps, elbows, hip joints, knees. We paused at turbocharger rotors
being built for an experimental Isuzu diesel. They were made of silicon nitride, increasingly the
ceramic of choice.

"We minimize brittleness by quality control," said Mr. Inamori. "By a precise mix of our
ceramic powders, in clean rooms kept free of contamination."

Mr. Nagai and I toured a Kyocera plant just outside the sacred imperial city. Ball mills
pulverized powders of aluminum oxide and silicon nitride to the fineness of particles in cigarette
smoke. Products cooked inside squat furnaces, aglow like Shinto shrines. Technicians processed
sheets of sapphire--aluminum oxide ceramic--that would become tooth implants and microchip
wafers. I stroked a slab bigger than my notebook.

To see ceramic auto parts in action, photographer Chuck O'Rear and I followed the beacon of
snow-sheathed Mount Fuji to Yokahama, to Isuzu's Ceramic Research Institute.

Institute director Hideo Kawamura gestured, and technicians raised the hood of a low sedan
emblazoned with the name Ceramic (page 769). Nothing fancy, I thought on seeing the metallic-

looking diesel engine. But wait! The radiator was missing, the engine tiny. This car was using its
heat, not rejecting it.

"We've put 5,000 kilometers on it at high speed, up to 150 kilometers an hour," said Mr.
Kawamura. "Our tests indicate a ceramic engine will last five times as long as metal."

I spun the Ceramic around Isuzu's test track, and it handled nicely. But it gave trouble starting.
"Ceramic engineering is very difficult," acknowledged Mr. Kawamura.

Another Japanese partnership has staked a bold claim on the ceramic frontier. Each month
NGK, the huge manufacturing company, casts 8,000 turbocharger rotors that give pep and power
to new Nissan Cedrics and Fair Ladys--appealing inducements to buyers in the land of ceramic
fever. But there is a downside: The rotors require costly individual spin testing for flaws, and the
bulk price of ceramic powders hovers about $150 a pound.

The U.S. government effort, like Japan's, has focused on the ceramic auto engine. To me it
seemed quite skimpily funded; R&D for ceramic car parts received only 11.3 million dollars for
fiscal 1989. A similar program develops ceramics for diesel truck engines. Both are run by the
Department of Energy.

The auto engine that emerges from the DOE program will be different from the one in your car.
Instead of being powered by pistons, it will use a ceramic gas turbine strikingly similar to a jet
aircraft's propulsion system.

"Ceramic car engines will run at 2500oF," said Saunders Kramer, manager of the DOE
program. "So far the rotors and other ceramic parts test well to 2200o and then fail rapidly. We need
better ceramic powders to remove flaws and eliminate additives used in sintering--the baking

How long before ceramic engines hit U.S. highways? "We have millions of test miles to go before
we prove them," said Arvid Pasto of GTE, the electronics giant. "We've reduced parts failures
to one in a million. The goal is one in a billion. I see commercialization in the late 1990s."
Asserts Saunders Kramer of DOE: "We'll have automotive gas turbines on the road by the year
2000--at worst."

Some experts wonder if the Japanese will maintain their costly commitment. "They've
invested 20 years and billions of yen," observed Sylvia Johnson, a ceramist at SRI International.
"Some day they must decide how long they want to continue losing money. I've found them to be

Two advanced ceramics, both developed by Corning Incorporated, already play roles in
our daily lives. One is the catalytic converter in your car's exhaust system--a triumph of ceramic
fabrication. The other is Corning Ware, a basic feature in 70 percent of U.S. kitchens.

Ceramics find increasing use as thin coatings on objects made of conventional materials.
When next you visit your hardware store, look at the drill bits--the ones with the high price tags.
These are coated with titanium nitride, a ceramic that extends the cutting life fivefold over steel.
Many experts see in coatings a way to escape ceramics' vexing problems of brittleness and

The expertise of U.S. ceramics makers is growing. The Carborundum Company, a U.S.
subsidiary of British Petroleum, is building a plant in West Germany to manufacture silicon carbide
seal rings for European autos. GTE turns out tens of thousands of small ceramic cutting tools

daily. At Norton, Jack Lucek conducted me through the process that converts silicon nitride
powder into gleaming black ball bearings.

Could these intriguing spheres defy the ceramics' age-old curse of brittleness? "Try and break
them," suggested Mr. Lucek.

I took two the size of marbles to a blacksmith shop in Maryland. Smithies Peter Austin and
Dana Dameron locked tongs around one, then bludgeoned it mercilessly with a sledgehammer.
Not a nick marred the ball bearing. But the steel plate beneath wore deep dimples from the blows.
The tingling wonder we felt--was it a touch of ceramic fever?


FOR A NEW MATERIAL to succeed, it usually must be able to muscle aside a metal or glass; after
all, they got there first. The masters of this have been the synthetic plastics, a family of materials
that didn't exist a century ago.

In 1907 Belgian immigrant Leo Baekeland invented Bakelite, a hard synthetic substance for
making billiard balls and wire insulation. But Baekeland did not completely understand the
complex chemistry he exploited.

That triumph fell to Du Pont chemist Wallace H. Carothers. In the 1930s he combined carbon,
hydrogen, nitrogen, and oxygen--the basic ingredients of you and me--into long molecular chains.
Neoprene and nylon were the results--the first wholly synthetic materials ever made by a knowing
manipulation of molecular structure. They launched the materials revolution that now reshapes
our world.

"Our building units," explained Du Pont's Dr. Pariser, "are simple carbon-based molecules
known as monomers, derived from oil, natural gas, and coal. With the help of catalysts we
connect monomers into long molecular chains known as polymers. The shape of a chain helps
determine a polymer's properties.

"With Kevlar, an aramid fiber, the molecules lie straight, giving strength and stiffness. In
synthetic rubber they're a tangle; stretch them straight and they try to curl up again like rubber
bands, giving springiness."

Competition is keen in every area of materials development. But nowhere is it as fierce as in the
group of polymers called plastics.

Today 60,000 different plastics vie for a place in the market. Each week six or so new ones
arrive at Underwriters Laboratories outside Chicago, where rigid testing for flammability and
other properties qualifies plastics for components of UL-listed products.

Key targets, naturally, are Detroit's auto assembly lines, which feed so heavily on metals and
glass. At GE's Application Development Center in suburban Southfield, a display of plastic car
parts--fenders, bumpers, control panels--peered like safari trophies from a lobby wall.

"One of our best known successes is plastic headlamps," said Adgild Hop, the center's director.
"Most Ford models use our integrated Lexan units." He referred to GE's renowned see-through
plastic that also gives bulletproof protection to the Pontiff in his Popemobile. More recent
breakthroughs for the auto industry are thermoplastic bumpers and fenders.

But the plastics people admit to problems. Plastics can cost a dollar or two a pound, while
metals cost pennies. And in the cutthroat auto business a difference of pennies makes
decisions. Further, plastic parts don't always work as one-for-one replacements for metal.

EACH YEAR U.S. companies make 30 million tons of plastics--half the tonnage of the nation's wheat
crop. Thirty percent goes into packaging--the myriad bags, bottles, and boxes that find niches in
every environment from freezer to microwave. Far too many of these find a final niche in landfills or
on the roadside.

Are the manufacturers responding?

They are, along with a score of concerned state legislatures. The major debate is not whether
to act, but how: Should plastics be required to be degradable, like paper? Or should they be
recyclable, like steel and aluminum?

Your average plastic container will linger on the roadside perhaps two centuries before those tight
polymer molecules break down. How to hasten this? Research takes three approaches:
biodegradability, in which a natural additive such as cornstarch gives bacteria a toehold; chemical
degradation, in which additives cause the plastic to crumble away; and photodegradability,
in which the sun's ultraviolet light attacks the molecules.

But degradability can weaken plastics. And environmentalists question the effects of decay
residues. Degradability also could conflict with recycling, now gaining momentum.

To foster recycling, which now recaptures less than one percent of all plastics, nine states
have laws requiring a deposit on plastic bottles. States are also weighing mandatory collection of
plastics, now law in Rhode Island.

Recycling gets a boost with a joint venture by Du Pont and Waste Management, Inc. Next
spring Du Pont will open the first two of five planned recycling plants, with trucks delivering an initial
30 million pounds a year.

GE is pushing both reusability and recycling. Harking back to the days of milk bottles, the
company produces Lexan resin for milk containers that some dairies will buy back from the
customer. GE's recycling effort is tied to the expectation that thermoplastics will score as major
new materials in autos and housing. Last October GE opened a prototype dwelling that is 30
percent plastic; the eventual goal is 75 percent. Still some years down the road are GE's
recyclable plastic car bodies--sedan, convertible, pickup, van--that fit interchangeably on the
owner's steel frame.

Polymers often are called the most versatile material. Part of the promise:

[] BODY IMPLANTS. All too many of us will have a polymer part in us someday. Silicone elastomer,
the soft springy polymer developed by Dow Corning, already replaces arthritic finger joints and
forms a base for breast reconstruction. When little Jessica McClure was trapped for two and a half
days in a Texas well and suffered severe head abrasions, silicone balloons stretched the
adjoining skin until it was sufficient to cover her wounds.

[] OPTOELECTRONICS. When electronic circuitry yields to faster, light-activated devices, polymers

could provide the switches. "Light moves along the chain molecules," explained Ivan Goldfarb of
Wright State University in Dayton, Ohio. "Polarizing polymers could switch the light on and off
100,000 times as fast as a chip."

[] MAGIC MEMBRANES. The same polymer membrane used for concentrating frozen orange
juice can remove salts from seawater. Du Pont has a joint venture with Saudi Arabia to build such
a desalination facility. Allied-Signal Corporation uses membranes to separate out and recover
industrial acids that would otherwise escape into the environment.

[] CONDUCTORS. Plastic has long coated electric wirings as insulation. Can it also be
conductive? "Its potential for carrying current approaches that of copper," said Alan Heeger at the
University of California in Santa Barbara. Added colleague Paul Smith: "Conductive polymers could
give us the ultralight batteries we need for the electric auto."


TAKE a polymer resin, add some tough fibers, and cook it awhile, and you have an example of
another breed of material, the composites. Far stronger than steel by weight, composites are
light. And their use is growing by leaps and bounds.

"In nature most useful things are made of fibrous composites," explained Frank Ko of
Drexel University in Philadelphia. "A tree is a magnificent composite, with flexible fibers of
cellulose in a matrix of rigid lignin."

Composites enjoy another priceless advantage: The fibers deter cracking in otherwise brittle
materials. Israelite builders knew this in Old Testament times. Exodus 5 tells how they mixed
straw with clay, doubtless to blunt the cracks that plague drying brick.

Many of us first met man-made composites in leisure equipment: the fiberglass boat, the
fiber-reinforced tennis racket, golf club, or fishing rod. They capitalize on composites'
extraordinary strength and lightness--and on sportsmen's willingness to pay: Composites can be

Lightness and strength endear composites to those who make things fly. The master artist in
this medium is designer Burt Rutan, whose all-composite Voyager circled the globe without
refueling in 1986. Rutan's composite kits for homebuilt planes have been assembled in thousands
of U.S. garages. He also helped design Beech Aircraft's Starship, the first all-composite corporate

Military aircraft and commercial airliners have clung longer to metals, but here too composites are
gaining, especially with fighters and helicopters. "The F-14, F-15, and F-16 use composites for
the empennage, or tail feathers," said Tobey Cordell of Wright-Patterson Air Force Base in Dayton.
"The next generation of Air Force craft could be 50 percent composites."

At the vast McDonnell Douglas assembly plant in St. Louis, some 70 fledgling fighters were
sprouting composite plumage. They included F-15s, F/A-18s, and Harrier IIs.

The stubby Harriers caught my eye. "The Marines wanted to double the range of the Harrier to
give better support to ground troops," said Gerald Ennis, vice president of production operations
at McDonnell Aircraft, or "McAir." Improved Rolls-Royce engines could increase the power, but still
the vaunted fighter was too heavy for the needed range or payload. Only composites could peel
off enough weight without sacrificing strength.

A VITAL AEROSPACE COMPOSITE is known as carbon-carbon--carbon fibers fused in a

carbon matrix. It is unusual in that it thrives on heat. Where most other materials soften as

temperatures rise, carbon-carbon tenaciously grows stronger. But it has a mortal enemy: oxygen.
Heat it in air and it deteriorates. One cure is a protective coating, usually ceramic.

Not surprisingly, coated carbon-carbon is a favorite of spacecraft and missile makers, whose
products endure torments of heat.

"We're making 101 different hot parts for the new space shuttle Endeavor," said Garland
Whisenhunt, a production manager for the LTV Corporation near Dallas. "The leading edges of the
wings reach 2600oF. During reentry the astronauts see them glow."

Here at the LTV factory technicians were cutting plies of woven fiber and stacking them for the
shuttle's laminated leading wing edges. Slowly a stack grew, until a final fabric sandwich stood 38
plies thick in places. Then the stack disappeared into an ovenlike autoclave for curing. Afterward it
would be soaked four times in alcohol and recooked four times, densifying the carbon matrix.
Next would come a ceramic coating to protect against oxygen.

This laborious process helps explain composites' costliness. Automation has proved difficult; only
human hands can reliably lay up those floppy plies. This shortcoming reportedly has been partly
solved at the Northrop Company in making the composite B-2 "Stealth" bomber. The process still is

WHAT IF you could braid your fibers in a three-dimensional pattern, like the strands of a rope?
That would get rid of the tedious lamination process and the threat of delamination, which is always
a worry.

The industry is moving fast in this direction. A guiding force is Drexel's Dr. Ko, whose ingenuity
with fibers has spread its web worldwide. I followed a thread to the Atlantic Research Corporation in

"Frank Ko helped us set up in 3-D braiding," said ARC's Jerry L. Fields. "Our initial output was
small--primarily rocket nozzles for the Strategic Defense Initiative--but applications are doubling
every year." Richard Brown showed me ARC's newest cost cutter: a high-speed braider developed
at North Carolina State University that handles 9,000 fiber ends simultaneously, doing in one hour
what takes a manual braider a week.

Such advances are leading the new composites into punishing arenas that are becoming too
hostile for most metals: jet engines and the National Aerospace Plane, or X-30.

If the remarkable X-30 ever flies--and that is not a certainty--it will launch America into the
era of hypersonic travel. Attaining orbital speed of 17,000 miles an hour, it will subject materials to
stresses of unprecedented ferocity.

Jet engines, properly called gas turbines, have demanded miracle materials since they first flew
in World War II. They are extraordinary machines. Pratt & Whitney's powerful F-100 can propel an
F-15 fighter straight up at a thousand feet per second. Yet military and commercial jets must perform
flawlessly. "If something goes wrong," engineers like to say, "you can't go off and park on a cloud."

Jet engineers turned to titanium for lightness, then to superalloys of nickel and cobalt to handle
fierce temperatures. Even so, turbine blades in an engine's "hot section" must be air-cooled or they
will melt; this waste of heat and oxygen slashes combustion efficiency.

An ambitious government program aims to double engine performance by the year 2000.
Composites dominate prospective materials, as they do for the X-30. In a handful of leading
laboratories I saw newborn composite materials that someday will reign in sky and space:

[] At United Technologies Corporation in Connecticut, a glass matrix grips silicon carbide fibers
to form the composite Compglas. Strong and heat resistant, it holds promise both for engines and

[] Textron of Massachusetts encases continuous silicon carbide fibers of its own manufacture in a
powerful matrix of titanium--part of the family of materials known as metal-matrix composites. A
strong candidate for the X-30's skin or skeleton.

[] Martin Marietta Laboratories in Baltimore is perfecting the X-D process, in which microparticles of
titanium diboride, formed chemically in a titanium-aluminum alloy, create a composite that withstands
prolonged heat. Another X-30 possibility.

[] Lanxide Corporation of Delaware holds patents on an ingenious process in which molten metal,
penetrating a fiber preform, reacts with a gas to form a ceramic matrix, producing densified
composites that require little or no shaping. For jet-engine parts.

[] SEP, France's Societe Europeenne de Propulsion, boasts a ceramic-matrix process that is the
recognized leader for making large, high-temperature engine parts. Du Pont has the license for the
U.S. market.

To retain the advantages of composites but reduce problems of shaping and densification,
companies often turn to short fibers that can be batch-mixed with the matrix.

A growing number of automobile flat-parts--hoods, doors, roofs--are pressed from sheet-

molding compound, a plastic reinforced with inch-long glass fibers. This technology began with
Chevrolet's Corvettes and now is much improved.

Smaller fibers, grown as single crystals, are known as whiskers. Advanced Composite
Materials of South Carolina mixes whiskers derived from rice hulls in a ceramic matrix. Because of
the compatibility of whiskers and matrix, they form a composite that is strong and tough--a
historic defeat for ceramic brittleness.

These silicon carbide whiskers are minute--shorter than the thickness of a human hair. "They pin
ceramic crystals together just like nails join two boards," said Paul Becher of Oak Ridge National
Laboratory, which developed the composite.

At Wright-Patterson I saw what may become the perfect composite--now merely an embryonic
goo in a beaker. "The polymer molecules are tiny rods," explained Tobey Cordell. "Dissolved in a
solution, they could potentially be processed into self-reinforced finished shapes--the ultimate


A BAD TIME, one might say, to be in the metals business: plastics invading, composites on the
march, ceramics poised to strike.

But in the tradition of challenge breeding response, steel and aluminum are fighting back.

Steel has reversed its retreat from the auto assembly line with alloys whose stiffness allows
them to be stamped out with remarkable thinness, slashing weight.

Military needs generate remarkable alloys. In Vietnam helicopters often crashed when lube
lines were hit. Using a specially steel made by the Carpenter Technology Corporation of
Pennsylvania, the gears of the Marine Corps' new vertical take-off plane, the Osprey, can work as
long as 30 minutes without librication.

Aluminum alloys find a welcome new ally in the metal lithium.

"You realize why," said Donald Lovell of Boeing, "when you look at the periodic table. Lithium
is the third lightest element, after hydrogen and helium. Each percent of lithium you add reduces
aluminum's weight by 3 percent."

Lithium is dangerous to handle, reacting explosively with water when molten. But several
aluminum companies, led by Alcoa and Alcan, have revamped furnaces to make these alloys.
"Lightness and stiffness make them ideal for satellites," said Jeffrey Wadsworth of Lockheed
Missiles and Space Company, the biggest user.

Aluminum alloys came under scrutiny with the disaster that crippled an Aloha Airlines 737 in
1988. The plane, 19 years old, was making its 89,681st flight when a third of its roof ripped off.
Miraculously the hulk landed with the loss of only one life.

Inspection by the National Transportation Safety Board identified the villain as metal fatigue--
the opening of tiny cracks by the repeated stresses of takeoff and landing. In countless labs I
saw experimental alloys being bent millions and billions of times--tests on the ground to avoid failure
in the sky.

SINCE THE BRONZE AGE new metals have been made by alloying. Today they often are created
by new methods of milling or processing. Some of the more promising new processes:

[] SUPERPLASTIC FORMING. Metals having small crystalline grains often can be stretched
outlandishly--1,000 percent--and grow stronger in the process. Long a laboratory curiosity,
superplasticity emerges as a bonanza, particularly in forming complex shapes with minimal
energy at low temperature. A superplastic ultrahigh-carbon steel invented by Oleg Sherby of
Stanford University, for example, shrinks five costly operations into one.

[] RAPID SOLIDIFICATION. Spray molten metal in a cold environment, and the tiny particles
cool at a breathtaking rate--a million degrees a second. Known as rapid solidification, the process
freezes the atoms in place before they can align in a crystalline lattice. "RS creates a new state of
matter," said Nicholas DeCristofaro of Allied-Signal, "metals with new structures and new
properties of magnetism, strength, stiffness, and heat and corrosion resistance."

RS appears poised for explosive application. Allied-Signal has invested heavily in a magnetic iron
alloy now being installed in the nation's 40 million transformers; the annual energy savings may
reach three billion dollars. Pratt & Whitney is introducing RS super alloys into jet engines and the
power system for the X-30. The process could banish problems associated with using beryllium and
magnesium--both much lighter than aluminum.

[] MECHANICAL ALLOYING. In a conventional alloy two or more molten metals combine to form
a third, different metal. Mix metals cold and pulverize them, however, and they combine, yet retain

their individual properties. this is mechanical alloying. The novel process, pioneered by Inco Alloys,
already produces some of the hottest parts for jet engines.

An irascible family of metals, so brittle they can shatter if you drop a wrench on them, is gaining
favor with engineers who value lightness and heat tolerance. These are the intermetallics,
chemical combinations of two metals, such as titanium and aluminum, that form a compound
unlike either individual constituent. "They're moving up amazingly fast and could fly on the
aerospace plane," said Donald Shockey of SRI International.


CAN A SUBSTANCE as weak as uncooked spaghetti be the world's number one structural material?
Cement is that weak, and when mixed with sand and gravel it is indeed number one--the concrete
of our buildings. Each year the world uses five billion tons.

"Concrete is 3,000 times more brittle than steel," said Derek Birchall of Imperial Chemical. "Yet
nature, using calcium salts similar to those in cement, makes extremely tough objects--seashells,
ivory, bone. We've learned the secret.

"In shells nature uses a polymer to unite the calcium carbonate particles so they pack tightly,
without voids. We discovered that our cement was full of microscopic air holes left by water during
curing. By adding a polymer lubricant, we came up with a doughlike cement you can mold in all kinds
of shapes."

All kinds indeed. Dr. Birchall strummed a cement guitar, bounced cement coil springs on his
desk, shone a light through a sheet of cement as thin as paper.

Supple canoes made of concrete already navigate lakes and streams. On gossamer wings of
concrete reinforced with fiberglass mesh, a hang glider built by Robert Wheen of the University
of Sydney in Australia has made its maiden manned flight.

The traditional concrete is a composite, often strengthened by fibers of steel reinforcing bars. This
is the stuff of buildings and bridges. When bridges collapse, the cause often lies in corrosion
attacking the rebars because of an electrical reaction with the concrete--a process greatly
accelerated by use of de-icing salts.

Collapses occur in the United States all too frequently--and often with loss of life. Of the nation's
576,000 bridges, 135,000 are considered structurally deficient. "Bridge deterioration is one of
the largest problems facing our transportation system," said Damian Kulash of the Strategic
Highway Research Program.

Epoxy-coated rebars now help fight salt corrosion. Low-porosity concretes and glass-fiber
reinforcement are under development. The state of Missouri has taken the lead in a promising
technology known as cathodic protection, in which a weak electric current draws corroding ions
away from the rebars.

WHAT ABOUT making materials in space? Would orbiting laboratories open new opportunities?

Unquestionably. But I found less enthusiasm than I had expected. A problem is launch costs.
Call it the Rumpelstiltskin syndrome.

"If the legendary Rumpelstiltskin were to take up straw in the shuttle and fulfill his dream of
turning it to gold," said Frank Lemkey of NASA, "he would lose money. Transportation is too
costly. Only a few photonic devices and pharmaceutical materials could come close to acquiring
the needed added value if made in space.

"Space offers definite advantages," he continued. "A high-quality vacuum, cosmic radiation,
micro-gravity. But gravity is a weak force that we're used to coping with. On the positive side, we
can accomplish valuable science in space, studying principles that offer pathways to new materials
on earth."

AS MATERIALS grow more complex, they become more difficult to make uniformly. An answer lies
in intelligent processing, a program of automated quality control spearheaded by the National
Institute of Standards and Technology (formerly the Bureau of Standards).

Explained Lyle Schwartz of NIST: "Sensors analyze a material as it is being processed,

warning computers to correct errors. We're now doing this experimentally with aluminum products
and metal powders, working with industry."

Today's materials serve us mutely, unable to warn of problems of overload or impending

failure. How helpful if they could give warning: to an aircraft about ice forming on the wings, to
an office building about the mounting stresses of a hurricane, to a window about sunlight
overheating a room. And how helpful if those structures could respond with remedial action.

Such vocal materials (naturally they are called "smart") already are in the research labs. The
secret is built-in sensors: in the wing to signal a microcomputer to change the configuration for
more lift, in the building walls to activate braces against sway, in the window glass to suffuse it
with reflective coloration. "The materials will respond like nature does," said Du Pont's Richard Hess,
"like a tree leaf curling protectively in a drought."

Like nature. For materials scientists, the perfection of a tree, a bone, a spiderweb remains the
distant goal. "We still can't begin to match them," acknowledged ICI's Birchall.

The quest will go on, for the soundest of reasons. "Ultimately," observed Mary Good of Allied-
Signal, "materials development will determine our standard of living."

And then there's Frisch's Law, as expounded by Eldon Frisch, a longtime body-parts specialist
with Dow Corning. "In the world of materials," he observes, "nothing is ever good enough."



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