World Bank Report On Malaysia
World Bank Report On Malaysia
World Bank Report On Malaysia
APRIL 2010
Philip Schellekens
The World Bank
30th Floor, Siam Tower
989 Rama I Road, Pathumwan
Bangkok 10330, Thailand
(662) 686-8300
PREFACE ........................................................................................................................................................ 9
Conclusion .....................................................................................................................................................117
In November 2009, the Government of Malaysia and the World Bank signed a three-year
Partnership Agreement focused on the policy challenge of growing into a high-income economy.
The Malaysia Economic Monitor series is a key pillar in this Partnership and represents an effort to
promote discussion, analysis, and the sharing of knowledge on the challenges ahead.
This second issue of the Malaysia Economic Monitor: Growth Through Innovation reviews recent
economic developments, updates the World Bank’s view on the economic outlook, and analyzes—in the
report’s thematic section—how Malaysia’s economy can improve its growth performance through
innovation. The report is accompanied by an outreach effort to a wide audience of policymakers, private
sector leaders, market participants, civil society, think tanks, journalists and the public at large.
This report was prepared by Philip Schellekens (Task Team Leader) in collaboration with Yue Li and
Ashley Taylor, with contributions from Natasha Beschorner, Ximena del Carpio, Louis Kuijs, Chanin
Manopiniwes, Juan Pradelli, Martin Reichhuber, Vatcharin Sirimaneetham, Tihomir Stucka, and Roy Van
der Weide, and under the overall guidance of Vikram Nehru and Mathew Verghis. An external
contribution by Cassey Lee of the University of Wollongong is gratefully acknowledged. The team thanks
Frederico Gil Sander, Manny Jimenez, Homi Kharas, Cassey Lee, Magnus Lindelow, Kaoru Nabeshima,
Jeeva Perumalpillaies, John Roome, Tham Siew Yean, Xiaoqing Yu and Shahid Yusuf for helpful
discussions and exchanges, Indra Irnawan for designing the cover and back, and Ruangrong Thongampai
and Anissa Amador Tria for administrative and web production assistance.
The Malaysia Economic Monitor benefited as well from fruitful discussions with and comments and
information from the Bank Negara Malaysia, the Prime Minister’s Economic Council, the Economic
Planning Unit, the Ministry of Finance, the Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovation, the National
Economic Advisory Council, numerous other government ministries and agencies, private sector
participants, think tanks and academics. The report benefited furthermore from the assistance provided
by JETRO, JAIC and JICA in a related study on the electrical and electronics industry in Malaysia. Last but
not least, the team is indebted to the Economic Planning Unit for their continued support and in
particular the International Cooperation Section of the EPU for their assistance with the launch of this
A robust recovery is underway in Malaysia after the downturn in global trade in 2009 hit the
economy particularly hard. The reduction in Malaysia’s GDP growth rate was the steepest amongst
middle-income countries in East Asia. Private consumption and the boost from fiscal stimulus provided
support earlier in 2009. Inventory investment has taken over in recent quarters. Exports continue their
climb out of one of their most severe slumps in history, driven by regional and, increasingly, global
demand. Manufacturing is becoming the locomotive of growth again after services had provided a
beacon of strength through the crisis. Strong private capital outflows, particularly portfolio investments,
were also experienced in late 2008 and early 2009 but the trend abated as global financial conditions
and domestic activity improved over 2009
While aggregate unemployment has shown limited movement, the labor market churning that has
been a feature through the crisis has continued. Shifts into self-employment have been particularly
strong, which might be associated with a rise in informal employment, as expected during a downturn.
Patterns of employment and wage dynamics through the downturn and rebound have varied across
sectors, in part reflecting exposures to the external demand shock. The labor market outlook is
improving with vacancies on the rise and retrenchments sharply down from their crisis levels.
Monetary, fiscal and financial sector policies played a supportive role during the crisis. As in other
countries, a key policy question has been when, and how, to withdraw support without derailing the
recovery. The strength of the recovery to date, and the improved outlook, has prompted recent moves
towards monetary policy normalization. With the stimulus packages pushing up the federal government
deficit to around 7 percent of GDP in 2009, ongoing fiscal consolidation is required.
Real GDP is expected to rebound strongly in 2010. Momentum behind domestic private
consumption and investment is building as the recovery in external demand continues. As a result,
growth of 5.7 percent is projected for 2010, following a contraction of 1.7 percent in 2009. The future
strength of the external demand recovery is one of the main near-term risks. The other is the extent to
which there is a transition to growth that is driven by the revival of domestic private investment and
continued private consumption growth as fiscal and monetary policy support unwinds.
The main upside risk to the long-term outlook is if the reform program under the New Economic
Model will be comprehensively and expeditiously implemented. Along with progress on fiscal
consolidation it could also help reverse the recent sharp rise in Malaysia’s government debt due to the
fiscal stimulus spending. On the flip side, the potential stalling of reform momentum could drive down
growth prospects and lead to rising government debt relative to GDP.
Innovation—the successful exploitation of new ideas—is the cornerstone of sustained growth and
prosperity. It is also central to Malaysia’s high-income aspirations. Climbing up the income ladder
through innovation-led growth is, however, easier said than done. Many countries aspire to innovate
more. The challenge is therefore not only to boost innovation capabilities but also to do so quickly.
The opportunities are vast. Malaysia can extract more value from its growing integration with global
production networks and improve its productivity performance, which stalled after the Asia crisis.
Malaysia can promote more innovation in business and encourage more businesses to engage in
innovation. Government can also contribute to innovation by itself.
Malaysia can address the innovation challenge by improving its innovation capabilities, enhancing
the driving force of innovation, and enabling the amplifiers of innovation.
Nurturing, attracting and retaining talent. Innovation rests in the first place on the talent of
people: their creativity to develop new ideas, their capacity to absorb knowledge, and their
entrepreneurship and skill to turn ideas into results. A talented workforce is the bedrock of
innovation. A key priority is to nurture entrepreneurial initiative and address skills shortages—
which occur across the skills spectrum including social abilities such as communication,
creativity and leadership. As strengthening the education system to address such challenges
takes time, Malaysia could also tap into the global talent pool.
Upgrading home-grown technological capabilities. Malaysia has had mixed success in facilitating
technology transfers from multinational companies and in multiplying domestic linkages with
them. The capabilities of Malaysian firms are presently highly dispersed, creating room for the
beneficial diffusion of knowledge through best practice programs, SME assistance and global
technology brokers. Technology development takes time and requires continuous investments
by firms in themselves. Yet, policies can support this process by strengthening the science base
and infrastructure (e.g., broadband).
Improving access to finance for innovation. An agile banking system and a responsive venture
capital market are further requirements for innovation. Malaysia tops the world in the Doing
Business indicator of access to credit. Yet, according to the latest National Innovation Survey
(2005-08), some 43 percent of innovating firms consider access to finance a ‘very important’
obstacle that could be addressed. Even if currently the limited deal flow represents most likely a
lack of demand, the venture capital market can be strengthened to allow for future growth.
Enhancing the Driving Force of Innovation: Competition
Leveling the playing field. Competition—the main driving force of innovation—incentivizes those
capable of innovation to innovate. The competitive landscape in Malaysia is however not even.
Manufacturing is exposed to international competition, but many services subsectors lack both
international and domestic competition. Investment climate surveys suggest that one fifth of
services firms list anti-competitive practices as a ‘severe’ or ‘very severe’ investment obstacle
(World Bank, 2009c). A competition law is being discussed in Parliament, which if enacted and
well-enforced would be an important step forward. But fostering competition will also require a
rethink of the overlap between public and private activity and potential crowding-out effects.
Facilitating the fluid entry and exit of Firms. Competition requires the entry and exit of firms.
New entry can spur incumbents to innovate incrementally. New entrants are also more
commonly a source of radical innovations. Barriers to entry and exit thus constrain the
innovation process, the costs of which may not be immediately visible but slowly accrue over
time through a gradual deterioration of productivity, price and quality competitiveness and
relative market share. Improvements in the ease of starting and closing a business in Malaysia
are crucial to facilitate the entry and exit of firms at the heart of the competitive process.
Supporting labor market flexibility. Greater competition in product markets will not yield its full
potential without supportive labor market institutions and practices. Internal labor markets
benefit from good workplace practices that motivate and reward performance. External labor
markets benefit from flexibility in employment and wages to link the best talents with the best
opportunities—and also to send correct signals for decisions on education and training. Of
concern are Malaysia’s firing practices, whose restrictiveness stands out within the region.
Managing the side effects of greater competition. For competition to be effective in spurring
innovation, elementary risk mitigation and coping mechanisms need to be in place to protect
individuals—though not necessarily firms—from the downside risk of failure. Similarly, the
upside benefits of innovation need to be protected temporarily with appropriate patent policies
so innovators find it worthwhile to make costly upfront investments in innovation.
Focusing efforts on selected niches. Malaysia would do well to specialize further on selected
growth niches where it can achieve global excellence. Identifying these requires close
collaboration with the private sector, reflection on current strengths and capabilities, and
analysis of global demand conditions and the specific obstacles to private sector development.
Subject to these caveats, it will be important for the scarce public resources to be sharply
focused—so as not to dilute impact.
Fostering spatial concentration in clusters. Innovation thrives and spreads in clusters, but market
forces produce less clustering than socially desirable. Policies to concentrate skills and
infrastructure and to develop network linkages with other centers of economic activity
domestically, regionally and globally will be critical to creating more economic density in
Malaysia. To try and spread out economic activity is to discourage it—even though side effects
such as congestion and pollution need to be managed. Providing good connectivity between
leading and lagging regions, spatially unbalanced growth yields better outcomes.
External revival, particularly from China, Industrial production is rebounding,
is aiding Malaysia’s recovery especially for E&E and consumer goods
Merchandise imports from all countries, nominal USD levels (Jan-07=100) Industrial production, year-on-year growth, percent
40 40
Export-oriented Domestic-oriented
E&E Construction
Primary Consumer
140 20 20
0 0
US -20 -20
60 Japan
China -40
40 -40
Jan-08 Jan-09 Jan-10 Jan-08 Jan-09 Jan-10
Jan-07 Jan-08 Jan-09 Jan-10
Source: CEIC and World Bank staff calculations. Source: CEIC and World Bank staff calculations.
Manufacturing is again a locomotive of growth Net capital flows improved with the recovery
Contribution to real GDP quarter-on-quarter growth, sa, percentage points Net flows as share of GDP, percent
4 Portfolio Other
30 FDI Financial Account
-2 Agriculture -15
-4 Mining and quarrying -30
-6 -45
2007 Q2 Q3 Q4 2008 Q2 Q3 Q4 2009 Q2 Q3 Q4 2007 Q2 Q3 Q4 2008 Q2 Q3 Q4 2009 Q2 Q3 Q4
Q1 Q1 Q1 Q1 Q1 Q1
Source: Haver and World Bank staff calculations. Source: CEIC and World Bank staff calculations.
Quarterly GDP growth set to maintain momentum Yet, spare capacity may temper private investment
Real GDP year-on-year growth, actual and forecast, percent Capacity utilization, percentage points
10 90
4 8.5
7.4 6.6 6.8
2 4.8 4.5 4.9
0.1 2.9
-2 -3.9
-4 60 Export oriented
-6 Domestic oriented
2008 Q2 Q3 Q4 2009 Q2 Q3 Q4 2010 Q2f Q3f Q4f
Q1 Q1 Q1f 2007 2008 2009
Growth outlook favorable, but conditional Reform implementation matters not only
on implementation of reform agenda for growth itself, but also for debt sustainability
Actual and forecast GDP percent growth, yoy, percent General government debt to GDP, percent
6 Baseline
65 Slower growth
4 60
5.7 5.3 5.6
4.6 55
-2 40
2007 2008 2009 2010f 2011f 2012f
2005 2007 2009 2011p 2013p 2015p
Source: CEIC and World Bank staff projections.
Note: Slower growth is at an average of 4.2 percent over projection period.
Source: Malaysian authorities and World Bank staff projections.
Growth in recent history has been driven Productivity gains slowed after the Asia crisis
by capital and labor accumulation Contributions to labor productivity growth of total factor
productivity (TFP), land, skills and capital, percentage points
2.5% 7
5 Skills
Labor 4.4 Capital
Skills 7.8
2.7% 4.5
0.3% 3 2.3
Growth 2.2
Labor 1 1.3
productivity Land
3.7% 0.0% -1 -0.4
87-97 98-07 87-97 98-07 87-97 98-07 87-97 98-07
Total factor
productivty Services Industry Agriculture Memo:
0.9% Manufacturing
Growth through innovation occurs in multiple ways Innovation could be spurred by improving skills…
Share of managers indicating skill as „poor‟ or „very poor, percentage points
Product 50 English
Creation & Innovation Diffusion &
commercialization Communication
absorption 40
of knowledge of knowledge Creativity/innovation
30 Problem solving
New to a firm, 20
New to the world Process Organizational industry, country
Innovation Innovation 10
Manufacturing Services Manufacturing Services
Local professionals Local skilled production workers
Source: Based on Dutz (2009).
Source: World Bank (2005 and 2009c).
...guaranteeing a level competitive playing field … and concentrating economic activity further
Share of firms indicating „anti-competitive practices‟ as Urban share of population
„severe‟ of „very severe‟ problem, 2002-2007, percentage points
25 Urban density: persons per hectare (capital city)
2002 250 Job density: jobs per hectare (capital city)
20 2007
10 20 100
14 14 50
The downturn in global trade in 2009 hit Malaysia particularly hard. The reduction in its GDP growth
rate was the steepest amongst middle-income countries in East Asia. However, a robust recovery is
underway. Private consumption and the boost from the fiscal stimulus packages provided early support.
Inventory investment has taken over in recent quarters. Exports continue their climb out of the most
severe slump since 1967, increasingly driven by regional demand. As a result, the manufacturing
rebound is increasingly the locomotive of growth after services had provided a beacon of strength
through the crisis. High frequency indicators, although noisy, also point to the strong rebound in activity.
While aggregate unemployment has shown limited movement, the labor market churning that has
been a feature through the crisis has continued. Shifts into self-employment have been particularly
strong, which might be associated with a rise in informal employment. The patterns of employment and
wage dynamics through the downturn and rebound have varied across sectors, in part reflecting
exposures to the fall in external demand. For example, although manufacturing production picked up in
mid 2009 as export performance improved, the numbers employed have yet to rise. However,
increasing number of vacancies suggest that companies actually want to hire workers but cannot find
employees with the right skill set.
Monetary, fiscal and financial sector policies played an important supporting role during the crisis.
As in other countries, a key policy question has been when, and how, to withdraw economic stimulus
measures without derailing the recovery. The strength of the economic performance to date, and the
improved outlook, has prompted recent moves towards monetary policy normalization. With the fiscal
stimulus packages pushing up the federal government deficit to around 7 percent of GDP in 2009, moves
towards fiscal consolidation cannot be postponed.
The pace of the global recovery picked up in the second half of 2009. Extraordinary stimulus
measures worldwide and inventory restocking have been key to the recovery in global GDP, along with
the resilience of large emerging economies such as Brazil, India and China. While GDP growth has
resumed in the major developed economies the recovery is in its early stages.
Developed economy growth remains subdued and differentiated across regions (Figure 1.1).
Supported by larger and timelier stimulus measures and lower reliance on exports, the GDP recovery in
the US appears stronger than in Europe and Japan. In Q4 2009 US growth was 5.6 percent on a
seasonally adjusted annualized rate (saar) basis, but much of the growth came from private inventory
investment. Private consumption growth remains relatively weak. High frequency data have also
provided a mixed picture, although with more positive releases in recent months, for example on
consumer confidence. GDP growth for Q4 in Japan came in at 3.8 percent saar with the EU recording an
anemic 0.5 percent. Wholesale and retail sales have also picked up but still remain down on the pre-
crisis levels, by up to 25 percent in the case of Japan (Figure 1.2).
Figure 1.1. Developed economy growth has resumed Figure 1.2. Wholesale and retail sales remain at or
Real GDP growth (percent, saar)
below pre-crisis levels
Wholesale and retail sales (sa, January 2007=100)
US 120
2 110
-2 100
-6 90
-8 US
-10 EU
80 Japan
2008 Q2 Q3 Q4 2009 Q2 Q3 Q4
Q1 Q1 Jan-07 Jan-08 Jan-09 Jan-10
Source: CEIC and World Bank staff calculations. Source: CEIC and World Bank staff calculations.
Note: Sales in local currency.
Figure 1.3. Global imports have stabilized with the Figure 1.4. Spillovers to Asian credit markets from the
exception of strong growth for China euro-zone debt crisis appear limited
Nominal merchandise imports in USD (January 2007=100) Sovereign five-year senior credit default swap spread (basis points)
160 1000
800 Greece
700 Spain
100 500
US 300
60 Japan
China 100
40 0
Jan-07 Jan-08 Jan-09 Jan-10 Jan-08 Jul-08 Jan-09 Jul-09 Jan-10
Source: CEIC and World Bank staff calculations. Source: Thomson Financial Datastream.
Emerging markets are driving the global recovery. For example, China’s GDP growth accelerated in
Q4 2009 to 10.7 percent year-on-year driven by investment promoted by the stimulus packages. The
strength of activity in China, and also other major developing economies such as India, has contributed
to commodity prices steadily making up their earlier sharp declines of the second half of 2008.
World trade volumes have risen due to the effects of stimulus packages and inventory restocking.
This follows a contraction of 14 percent in 2009. The recovery in global external demand, which is of key
importance to Malaysia and other export-oriented economies in the region, is increasingly due to
China.1 Even during the pre-crisis period of 2003-2007 China’s annual contribution to global fixed
investment demand was roughly equal to that of the US. While its contribution to global domestic
demand growth was smaller it has been growing fast. Although all major economic blocs saw a sharp
decline in imports during the crisis in late 2008, China’s recovery in imports started earlier and was
stronger (Figure 1.3).
Timmer (2010).
Financial and credit market normalization continues. The initial acute phase of the economic crisis
involved intense financial and credit market turmoil. The normalization of many financial and credit
market indicators, for example interbank lending rates, has continued in recent quarters. Tightening of
bank credit standards has moderated in the US and the EU, according to lending officer surveys. Global
equity markets have rebounded. The stock market indices of US, EU and Japan, which had halved from
early 2007 to the lows of 2009, are now roughly between 20 and 35 percent down.
Spillovers to Asia from the Euro-zone public debt turmoil have been limited. International bond
issuance has jumped worldwide as fiscal financing needs have ballooned with stimulus expenditures.
The risk of a fiscal debt crisis in Greece led to a sharp rise in sovereign credit default swap (CDS) spreads
on certain other Euro-zone economies such as Portugal and Italy. However, the impact on the cost of
default insurance for sovereign credits, and more broadly indices of spreads over US Treasuries, in
emerging Asia, including Malaysia, has been muted (Figure 1.4).
The downturn in global trade in 2009 hit Malaysia particularly hard. Total exports in 2009 were
down by 17 percent against 2008 with the trade surplus declining by a similar proportion. The
percentage point reduction in GDP growth from 4.6 percent in 2008 to -1.7 percent in 2009 was the
steepest amongst middle-income countries in East Asia. The region in aggregate, excluding China, is
estimated to have suffered a fall in growth from 4.5 percent in 2008 to 0.9 percent in 2009.
Figure 1.5. Quarterly real GDP growth has remained Figure 1.6. Annual real GDP growth has also resumed
strong in recent quarters
Percentage point contribution to quarter-on-quarter GDP growth (sa) Percentage point contribution to year-on-year GDP growth
20 15
Private consumption
Public consumption
15 Fixed investment
Inventory investment
10 Net exports
0 0
-10 Private consumption
Public consumption
-10 Fixed investment
-15 Inventory investment
Net exports
-20 -15
2007 Q2 Q3 Q4 2008 Q2 Q3 Q4 2009 Q2 Q3 Q4 2007 Q2 Q3 Q4 2008 Q2 Q3 Q4 2009 Q2 Q3 Q4
Q1 Q1 Q1 Q1 Q1 Q1
Source: Haver and World Bank staff calculations. Source: CEIC and World Bank staff calculations.
The tide turned in the second quarter of 2009. On the back of improved external conditions and
fiscal stimulus, quarter-on-quarter growth resumed after two consecutive quarters of contraction. The
positive momentum continued in the second half of the year, with quarterly growth at about 3 percent
(Figure 1.5). Thanks to these developments, annual growth resumed in the fourth quarter (Figure 1.6),
and the level of GDP has made up for its lost ground and exceeds the pre-crisis peak by 2 percent. As a
result, the speed and strength of Malaysia’s recovery compares favorably with those other countries in
East Asia similarly exposed to the external demand shock arising from the global recession (Box 1).
The final quarter of 2009 saw all emerging East Asian economies enjoying robust annual output
growth, after the sharp downturns seen in late 2008 and 2009. This box considers Malaysia’s recession
and recovery in the context of the GDP performance of five other regional economies that similarly
experienced a steep downturn followed by a sharp recovery, namely Hong Kong, China; South Korea;
Singapore; Taiwan, China; and Thailand.a
Despite a generally V-shaped recovery, the timing and length of the recessions vary rather markedly
across crisis-affected economies (Figure 1.7). Growth performance became more diverse as the crisis
deepened. On a quarterly, seasonally-adjusted basis GDP in Singapore and Hong Kong, China, already
showed sharp contractions in the second quarter of 2008. Malaysia was the last country to enter the
recession in East Asia, primarily due to more supportive private consumption (see Box 1 of the
November Malaysia Economic Monitor; World Bank, 2009a).b The rebound in all six economies clearly
commenced from the second quarter of 2009. This was first supported by resilient Chinese demand and
later augmented by a turnaround in G-3 economies and revival in global trade from mid-2009.
Nonetheless, the recovery remains somewhat uneven and fragile for some, as evident in the weak
quarterly GDP growth for Korea and Singapore in Q4 2009, despite favorable headline year-on-year
In terms of levels, the trough for Malaysia’s seasonally adjusted real GDP (reached in Q1 2009) was
around 7 percent below the pre-crisis peak of Q3 2008. This was a slightly shallower contraction than a
peak-to-trough fall of over 9 percent for Singapore and Taiwan, China, but deeper than Korea’s 5
percent (Figure 1.8). Malaysia’s recovery was relatively strong—the seasonally-adjusted GDP level in Q4
2009 surpassed the pre-crisis peak by around two percent. Hong Kong, China, and Singapore remain 3-4
percent below their respective peaks, reflecting their particularly high trade openness and exposure to
global demand (with exports of goods and services at over 200 percent of GDP in 2008).
Malaysia emerged from the global recession stronger than others due to more resilient domestic
demand and the recovery in net external demand. This was mainly led by robust private consumption
(Figure 1.9), but also supported by public consumption and fixed investment (Figure 1.10 and Figure
1.11). All crisis-affected economies introduced extraordinary fiscal packages with priorities on
minimizing job retrenchments and maintaining personal income. But what was noticeable for Malaysia
and Korea, who both have recovered relatively quickly to pre-crisis GDP levels, was the relative
timeliness of the support—Malaysia launched the first fiscal package in November 2008, in addition to
the expansionary Budget 2009 announced in August 2008, ahead of the output contraction beginning
early 2009.
The contraction in Malaysia’s real exports of goods and services in the second half of 2008,
seasonally adjusted, was second only to Taiwan (Figure 1.12). The fall in merchandise shipments is even
greater given healthy tourism revenue. But net external demand contributed positively to growth
because imports fell much more sharply than exports in the first half of 2009. Malaysia’s high-tech
export products have high import content, so the free fall in export orders from advanced economies
resulted in a sudden drop in intermediate imports. This was also reflected in huge inventory destocking.
In terms of the structure of export demand, Malaysia, Singapore, and Thailand rely proportionally
more on the (weak) G-3 economies and less on the (buoyant) Chinese market. This was one reason why
their exports fell so markedly. For Malaysia, the G-3 economies plus other large East Asian economies
excluding China, which are part of the regional production network producing goods finally destined to
G-3 economies, accounted for around 72 percent of exports in 2007/2008. This is the highest in this
sample of economies, for example for Korea the fraction is around 50 percent.
Figure 1.7. A V-shaped recovery in East Asia but with Figure 1.8. Malaysia emerged from the global
varying degree of output loss recession more favorably than others
Real GDP growth, yoy, percentage point change Ratios of real GDP levels, sa, percent
10 Malaysia
6 Korea Korea
Taiwan, China
4 Hong Kong, China
2 Taiwan, China
-4 Hong Kong, China
Q4 09/peak
-8 Singapore
08 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 09 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 80 85 90 95 100 105
Source: Haver and World Bank staff calculations. Source: Haver and World Bank staff calculations.
Note: Peak is Q3 08 for Malaysia and Korea, and Q1 08 for others.
Except Korea (Q4 08), trough is Q1 09.
Figure 1.9. Resilient private consumption in Malaysia Figure 1.10. Public consumption also contributed
has helped to sustain domestic demand positively…
Real private consumption growth, percentage point change from Real public consumption growth, percentage point change from
preceding period, sa preceding period, sa
6 14
12 H1 08 H2 08 H1 09 H2 09
2 8
-2 2
-6 H1 08 H2 08 H1 09 H2 09 -4
Malaysia Singapore Thailand Korea Taiwan, Hong Malaysia Singapore Thailand Korea Taiwan, Hong
China Kong, China Kong,
China China
Source: Haver and World Bank staff calculations. Source: Haver and World Bank staff calculations.
Figure 1.11. …along with fixed investment in late Figure 1.12. The decline in exports was relatively
2009 large
Real gross fixed capital formation growth, percentage point change Real good and services exports growth, percentage point change from
from preceding period, sa preceding period, sa
20 20
H1 08 H2 08 H1 09 H2 09 H1 08 H2 08 H1 09 H2 09
15 15
10 10
5 5
0 0
-5 -5
-10 -10
-15 -15
-20 -20
Malaysia Singapore Thailand Korea Taiwan, Hong Malaysia Singapore Thailand Korea Taiwan, Hong
China Kong, China Kong,
China China
Source: Haver and World Bank staff calculations. Source: Haver and World Bank staff calculations.
These economies suffered at least two quarters of negative, year-on-year output growth during 2008-2009. Other
large regional economies such as Indonesia, the Philippines, and Vietnam have so far been more resilient with
positive growth throughout.
This is true for both GDP growth calculated on a year-on-year basis (which first declined in the first quarter of
2009) and on quarter-on-quarter, seasonally adjusted basis (which first declined in the fourth quarter of 2008).
High frequency indicators, although noisy, also point to the strong rebound in activity. Tracking the
recovery in the level of global imports, industrial production continued to rise through 2009 (Figure
1.13). The performance in January 2010 was particularly strong, up almost 6 percent on the month (sa).
Focusing on the levels to gauge the extent of the recovery, the industrial production index excluding
construction has made up around 12 percentage points of the 19 percent fall from its peak in January
2008. It is 2 percent above the level in September 2008 before GDP began to contract. The
improvements in domestic, and external, demand supported the return of annual consumer price
inflation to positive territory in December 2009 after the deflation of mid-2009 (Figure 1.14). Similarly,
the direction of producer price changes has also seen a turn around—the roughly 2 percent rise in
December followed 13 consecutive months of annual price declines.
Confidence indicators suggest continuing improvement. Coincident indicators continue to rise and
lagging indicators are making a come-back (Figure 1.15). Consumer and business sentiment indices have
seen sharp improvement (Figure 1.16). What is particularly noticeable about the current crisis and the
recovery is both the depth of the fall, and the speed of the rebound, of the consumer sentiment
measures. This may reflect both the strong domestic policy response to the crisis and the change in
perceptions over time from initial fears of a broad-based downturn through to the realization that much
of the domestic economy was relatively insulated from a shock which focused on the manufacturing-for-
exports sector.
Figure 1.13. The industrial production revival gathers Figure 1.14. As activity recovers, consumer and
steam producer prices are rising again
Percent change in sa index Percent change, year-on-year
15 20
10 15
5 10
0 5
-5 0
-10 -5
-15 -10
-20 -15 PPI (for goods in domestic economy)
Jan-07 Jul-07 Jan-08 Jul-08 Jan-09 Jul-09 Jan-10 Jan-07 Jul-07 Jan-08 Jul-08 Jan-09 Jul-09 Jan-10
Source: Haver and World Bank staff calculations. Source: CEIC and World Bank staff calculations.
Note: Industrial production excluding construction.
Figure 1.15. Coincident and lagged indicators Figure 1.16. Sharp recovery in business and consumer
continue to improve sentiment indices
Month-on-month growth in 3mma sa index, percent Index
4 140
3 130
2 120
70 Business
Coincident Index Condition Index
-3 60 Consumer
Lagging Index Sentiment Index
-4 50
Jan-08 Jul-08 Jan-09 Jul-09 Jan-10 1994 1997 2000 2003 2006 2009
Source: CEIC and World Bank staff calculations. Source: Malaysian Institute of Economic Research (MIER), CEIC,
Note: Seasonal adjustment using Tramo-Seats. Haver and World Bank staff calculations.
Note: Shaded areas indicated recessions (defined as two or more
consecutive quarter-on-quarter GDP contractions, sa). For Business
and Consumer Sentiment Indices a value above (below) 100 indicates
improvement (deterioration) of sentiment.
Manufacturing surveys confirm these positive developments. For example, the assessment of the
negative effect of the crisis on export sales and new orders has declined as the global high-tech and
manufacturing cycle has moved into recovery mode (Table 1.1). The average assessment of the decline
in profit has moderated through 2009. In addition, almost all indicators are also expected to improve
going forward through Q1 2010.
Table 1.1. Survey of manufacturers points to moderation of impact of global economic and financial crisis
Percent of respondents considering global economic and financial crisis has negative/positive impact on factor
Underneath the recovery lies a differentiated picture across sectors. The aggregate picture is one of
a robust momentum building behind improved economic data. However, the path of the downturn and
recovery has involved shifts in expenditures, trade and activity across sectors.
Annual growth in recent quarters has been strongly supported by domestic demand. For the year as
a whole private consumption rose 0.8 percent and public consumption by 3.7 percent. The economic
stimulus packages, through promoting job creation in the public sector for example have contributed to
both these consumption components. They also supported fixed investment expenditures through
infrastructure spending. The quarterly level of seasonally adjusted real private consumption, having
fallen by around 5 percent from 2008 Q3 to 2009 Q1, has now almost recovered its pre-crisis level and
has been boosted by real wages gains in many sectors and rising consumer confidence (Figure 1.17).
While gross fixed investment, seasonally adjusted, remains down by just under 3 percent on the pre-
crisis level, total investment including changes in inventories is around 20 percent higher.
Figure 1.17. Real GDP back to pre-crisis levels, with the exception of external demand
Index of real GDP components (2008Q3=100, sa)
115 130
110 110
105 90
100 70
95 50 70
90 30 50
2008Q3 2009Q1 2009Q3 2008Q3 2009Q1 2009Q3 2008Q3 2009Q1 2009Q3
Private consumption GCF External demand
Public consumption GFCF Exports
Source: Haver and World Bank staff calculations.
Note: GCF: gross capital formation; GFCF: gross fixed capital formation.
Figure 1.18. The role of inventories in the recent Figure 1.19. Exports and inventory investment have
growth dynamics has been marked both supported growth in recent quarters
GDP growth, qoq, sa, percentage point change Export growth, qoq, sa, percentage point contribution
5 5 2009Q3
0 2008Q3
-5 -10
GDP excluding inventory investment -15
2007 Q2 Q3 Q4 2008 Q2 Q3 Q4 2009 Q2 Q3 Q4
Q1 Q1 Q1 -15 -10 -5 0 5 10
Source: CEIC and World Bank staff calculations. Inventory investment, qoq, sa, percentage point contribution
Note: Inventory investment includes statistical discrepancy. Source: Haver and World Bank staff calculations.
Note: Dots indicate observations from 1996Q2 to 2007Q3. Inventory
investment includes statistical discrepancy.
One of the most remarkable features of recent GDP dynamics has been the role of inventories
(Figure 1.18). The importance of inventories in Malaysia’s business cycle comes as no surprise. The
manufacturing sector is export oriented, which exposes inventories to the caprices of world demand.
Adding to this are the modern supply management techniques of multinational manufacturers, allowing
these firms to play ever more closely to the ball. What did come as a surprise was the unprecedented
magnitude of inventory adjustment.2 The sharp decline in exports at the end of 2008 triggered a
massive inventory adjustment in early 2009, which was five times as large in real value terms as the
largest quarterly contraction during the Asian financial crisis (or 50 percent higher in terms of
percentage point contribution to GDP growth). After the initial shock, inventories resumed their positive
contribution, not unlike recent economic history (Figure 1.19).
The changes in inventories include statistical discrepancies arising from balancing, which may not accurately
portray the actual magnitude of the inventory adjustment.
Figure 1.20. Annual growth has resumed in all Figure 1.21. Manufacturing’s contribution to
sectors except mining and quarrying quarterly growth has risen through the recovery
Percentage point contribution to year-on-year GDP growth Percentage point contribution to quarter-on-quarter GDP growth (sa)
10 4
8 3
6 2
Agriculture Agriculture
-4 Construction -4 Construction
Manufacturing Manufacturing
-6 Mining and quarrying -5 Mining and quarrying
Services Services
-8 GDP -6 GDP
2007 Q2 Q3 Q4 2008 Q2 Q3 Q4 2009 Q2 Q3 Q4 2007 Q2 Q3 Q4 2008 Q2 Q3 Q4 2009 Q2 Q3 Q4
Q1 Q1 Q1 Q1 Q1 Q1
Source: Haver and World Bank staff calculations. Source: Haver and World Bank staff calculations.
Figure 1.22. Industrial production evolved differently Figure 1.23. The gap in capacity utilization widened
across sectors between domestic and export-oriented firms
Year-on-year growth, percent Percent
Export-oriented Domestic-oriented
40 40 Construction
E&E 85
30 30 Consumer
20 Primary 20
10 10
0 0
-10 -10
-20 -20 Export oriented
55 Domestic oriented
-30 -30
-40 -40 50
Jan-08 Jan-09 Jan-10 Jan-08 Jan-09 Jan-10 2007 2008 2009
In contrast to manufacturing, services provided a beacon of strength throughout the crisis (Figure
1.20). Growth in the services sector has been a key support to economic activity over 2009, contributing
1.4 percentage points to annual growth versus a negative contribution of 2.7 percent by manufacturing.
Retail and wholesale trade picked up with improved consumer sentiment and the strong performance of
private consumption, particularly in the first three quarters. The rebound in activity also supported
finance and insurance, which provided the largest service sub-sector contribution to growth of 0.5
percentage points. Government services were buoyed by the fiscal stimulus packages while the
communications sub-sector saw continuing growth in broadband and mobile services. The only services
sub-sector to contract in 2009 was transport and storage, reflecting its tight linkages with the decline in
international trade.
Recent data point to a shift back towards manufacturing as the key driver of the recovery (Figure
1.21). Having led the downturn it is now making a strong contribution to growth, outstripping that of
services (with contributions of 1.5 and 1.3 percentage points respectively to seasonally adjusted
quarterly growth in Q4). Construction, although a smaller share of the economy, also posted annual
growth of 8.5 percent in the second half of 2009, boosted by the fiscal stimulus measures. For example,
the first stimulus package announced RM 1.2 billion for the construction of low and medium cost houses
and RM 600 million for small projects under the public amenities maintenance and basic infrastructure
projects. Agriculture also rebounded in the fourth quarter, up 5.7 percent quarter-on-quarter seasonally
adjusted on the back of higher production of palm oil and rubber stimulated by external demand.
Electronics has undergone the most pronounced contraction and rebound in production. Within the
manufacturing sector, as expected, domestic-oriented industries such as food products and beverages
have undergone a much shallower downturn than export-oriented industries (Figure 1.22). However this
characterization is also subject to caveats. Some export sectors, such as primary goods, have received a
boost from the recovery in external commodity prices and suffered a less severe crisis than for example
the domestic-oriented industry of construction products such as iron and steel and fabricated metals.
Despite the recovery there remains considerable spare production capacity. Capacity utilization
rates continued to rise with the recovery, up from a low of 59 percent in Q1 2009 to 74 percent in Q4
2009 (Figure 1.23). However, this remains down on the average levels of over 80 percent in the early
2000s. The business tendency survey of the Department of Statistics points to a higher proportion of
respondents reporting a favorable view on the current volume of orders for export than for domestic.
Indeed, the divergence between the utilization rates in export- and domestic-oriented industries has
risen further (which were 76 percent and 62 percent respectively in Q4).
Climbing out of the most severe slump in history, the exports recovery is gaining momentum. Over
the course of 2009, global demand has turned around as fiscal and monetary stimulus measures started
to bear fruit and replenishment of inventories got underway. Against this backdrop, Malaysia’s exports
witnessed consistent growth in the second half of 2009, at 2.5 percent per month (3-month moving
average, 3mma, sa). As of February, exports have regained much of their losses during the crisis and
returned to 90 percent of the pre-crisis level (Figure 1.24).
The recovery stands on the back of a rebound in demand from the region. As growth prospects
improved firms in China resumed restocking parts and components from regional suppliers, particularly
electronics from Malaysia. Exports to China have more than made up their losses, exceeding the pre-
crisis level by about 40 percent (sa). The upward trend, especially of E&E exports, somewhat moderated
in February due to the holiday season in China—but is expected to resume. Overall, China and other
emerging East Asian economies contributed the majority of quarterly export growth (sa) in recent
quarters (Figure 1.25).3 Demand from Japan, the United States and EU has improved considerably,
especially since Q4 2009 but remains weak in comparison to pre-crisis levels.
Emerging East Asian economies include Hong Kong, China(HKG); Indonesia (IDN); Philippines (PHL);
Singapore (SGP); Republic of Korea (KOR); Taiwan, China (TWN); Thailand (THA); and Vietnam (VNM).
Figure 1.24. Unlike the Asia crisis, export values took Figure 1.25. Exports to the region have been key to
a deep dive and remain down on pre-crisis levels the export recovery
Export value index, sa Percentage point contribution to quarter-on-quarter (sa) export growth
170 15
130 0
Asia Crisis -5
Global Recession -10
Figure 1.26. Electrical and electronics are leading the Figure 1.27. Imports are also rising, dominated by
export revival intermediates
Export value index Sep 2008=100, sa Percentage point contribution to quarter-on-quarter (sa) import growth
110 Parts, Accessories & Industrial Supplies
Fuel, Food & Beverages
100 E&E
Total 15
90 Commodity
10 Others
Gross Imports
80 5
40 -20
Sep-08 Dec-08 Mar-09 Jun-09 Sep-09 Dec-09 2008Q4 2009Q1 2009Q2 2009Q3 2009Q4
Source: CEIC and World Bank staff calculations. Source: CEIC and World Bank staff calculations.
Note: Seasonal adjustment using Tramo-Seats. Note: Seasonal adjustment using Tramo-Seats.
E&E remains the main driver behind the rebound thanks to improved global consumption demand
and inventory restocking (Figure 1.26). The monthly growth rate slowed somewhat in the last quarter of
2009 highlighting the weak demand from the G-3. In contrast, the export growth of commodities, which
suffered the largest magnitude contraction in value during the downturn, continued apace over the
same period with an average growth rate of about 5 percent (three-month moving average, seasonally
adjusted). The rebound in international commodity prices over 2009 has played some role. For example,
the average unit value of crude petroleum exports in the second half of 2009 was up about 40 percent
on that in the first half. Improved demand for agriculture products, led by palm oil and rubber, also
contributed. For example, growth in the volume of exports of palm oil in volume resumed its
momentum in the last quarter of 2009 and continued to improve through early 2010.
With exports rising again, import demand has picked up significantly. Imports of intermediates grew
particularly fast and regained much of the earlier loss. The contribution of parts and components as well
as industrial supplies was the most eminent, around 4 percent out of the 9.4 percent quarterly import
growth (sa) in the third quarter of 2009 and 3 percent of the 8.3 percent growth in the last quarter
(Figure 1.27). Capital goods imports have also shown a strong improvement in growth over the last
quarter of 2009, returning to the pre-crisis seasonally adjusted level and in line with the rise in domestic
fixed investment.
Services trade is also on the path to recovery. While services contribute over half of GDP, Malaysia
has limited international services transactions, especially in comparison to its buoyant merchandise
trade. However, services trade held relatively firm during the crisis and is improving quickly. As of the
final quarter of 2009, services exports were almost back to their pre-crisis level, as were imports. A key
contributor was receipts from foreign travelers, reflecting for example a successful marketing campaign.
In addition, exports in a range of management, construction-related and engineering-related services
exhibited resilience as well, registering positive annual growth in three quarters of 2009.
The labor market churning that has been a feature of the crisis has continued. Employment shifted
across sectors and there has also been a rise in moves into self-employment, which might be associated
with greater informal employment. Employment and wage dynamics have varied across sectors and
industries, in part reflecting their export-orientation but employment–particularly in the manufacturing
industry–lags behind. As a result, the impact of the crisis across households has been varied depending
on their sources of income and employment.
Throughout the second half of 2009 aggregate labor market indicators remained almost unchanged,
but churning in the labor market continued. The official unemployment rate in Q4 was 3.5 percent,
down 0.1 percentage points on the quarter (unadjusted) and up on 3.1 percent in Q4 2008. Labor force
participation was unchanged in the third and fourth quarters of 2009 compared to a year earlier, at
around 63 percent. However, underneath these numbers retrenchments continued to fall, returning to
pre-crisis levels (Figure 1.28). The tightening of labor demand, which took off mid-year, is indicated by
the rise in vacancies, particularly in the manufacturing sector, although the number of job seekers
(termed registrants in the statistics) has continued to increase (Figure 1.29). In addition, registered
placements more than doubled towards the end of 2009 compared to the first half of the year.
The movement of workers across sectors—identified in the November 2009 Malaysia Economic
Monitor (World Bank, 2009a)—continued in the second half of 2009. In particular, reflecting the GDP
figures, manufacturing was the sector most affected in terms of employment during the crisis. The share
of the total employed who work in manufacturing has fallen to 16.2 percent in Q4 2009, down by three
percentage points on two years earlier. In addition, labor productivity in manufacturing, measured as
real value added per worker, contracted by roughly 9 percent in 2009 as a result of the crisis, compared
with a 2 percent fall for the entire economy.4
Bank Negara Malaysia (2010).
Figure 1.28. Labor demand has continued to soften Figure 1.29. Numbers of job searchers, vacancies
and placements have picked up
400 5,000
600 Vacancies (000s), LHS 9,000 Number of Active Registrants
Number of registrants/vacancies
Retrenched Workers, RHS New Vacancies: Manufacturing
400 6,000
5,000 200
4,000 2,000
200 3,000
0 0
0 0
Jan-06 Jan-07 Jan-08 Jan-09
Jan-08 Apr-08 Aug-08 Dec-08 Apr-09 Aug-09
Source: CEIC and World Bank staff calculations.
Source: CEIC and World Bank staff calculations.
Workers moved into retail and wholesale trade as well as the public sector (Table 1.1). Jobs in
services–especially in the trade sector–are usually considered to be of lower productivity and more
informal, with lower earnings and no access to formal safety nets. Jobs created in the public sector–i.e.
jobs in education, social services administration–also increased as the stimulus packages helped to
offset some of the labor market impact of the crisis. For example, one of the measures detailed in the
government’s second stimulus package was the recruitment of 63,000 staff to fill vacancies and serve as
contract officers in various government agencies. Another measure was the provision of on the job
training and temporary job placements in government agencies and government-linked companies for
another 100,000 individuals.
Most newly created jobs have been as self-employed or wage workers (Figure 1.30). The number of
unpaid family workers remained almost constant (Figure 1.31). Again this is suggestive of more workers
entering the informal sector as the rise in own account workers in Q4 2009 almost quadrupled
compared to Q4 2008 – a pattern seen in most countries in the region. Box 2 discusses the issue of labor
market informality in more detail. This trend suggests increased stress for families to complement
household income, which decreased because of the food and fuel crisis of the past two years.
Figure 1.30. The number of self-employed workers Figure 1.31. The recent growth rate of the self-
has increased markedly employed is double that of employees
Change in employment, 000s Growth in employment year-on-year, percent
250 5%
Own-account Q4 2008
200 4%
Unpaid family worker Q4 2009
150 3%
Q4 2008 Q4 2009
-1% Employee Own-account Unpaid family
-50 worker
Source: Malaysia Department of Statistics and World Bank staff Source: Malaysia Department of Statistics and World Bank staff
calculations. calculations.
What has happened to the level of informal employment during the economic crisis? Although real-
time evidence is not available, studies show that the share of informal employment tends to increase
during downturns because the informal market can act as a buffer; especially for workers with fewer
labor opportunities. Similarly, rapid economic growth can also be accompanied by increasing
informality. The level of informality matters since, while it can serve as a means of sustaining livelihoods
during difficult economic times, it comes at a cost in the longer term.
60 60
50 50
40 PHL 40
30 KOR 30 SGP
Informality can lead to losses in productivity and adversely affect growth. For example, it may
encourage firms to stay small, reduce incentives to innovate or improve human capital, promote tax
evasion, and promote unfair competition and tactics to work around the rule of law. Empirical
estimations, which account for the fact that informality not only affects growth but can also be affected
by it, show that rising informality leads to lower growth. A one standard deviation rise in informality can
lead to an almost 1 percentage point decline in the growth of GDP per capita (Loayza and Wada, 2010).
Informality predominantly affects smaller firms, which are a key source of employment and growth
dynamics. In Malaysia micro, small and medium firms (MSMEs)a account for about 99 percent of all
establishments in the manufacturing, services, and agriculture sectors.b In addition, over three quarters
of all MSMEs have less than 5 workers, and these are predominantly concentrated in services and
agriculture (Aris, 2007). As most informal firms typically come from the MSMEs pool, and about 65
percent of the Malaysian workforce is employed by such firms, informality is a very relevant concern.
Informality also affects workers’ well-being. Formal workers have higher earnings, even accounting
for differences in education. Informal workers, as well as their dependents, have fewer savings buffers
available to them and face greater income uncertainty. Similarly, they have limited access to formal
social services and benefits (other than basic health care and education), such as pensions or out of
work compensation, leaving their well-being more exposed to adverse shocks.
Informality is more prevalent when the business and employment regulatory environment is
burdensome, the quality of public services is low, and the monitoring and enforcement of formality are
weak (Schneider and Enste, 2000; Loayza and Rigolini, 2009; and Loayza and Wada, 2010). The extent to
which informality reflects voluntary exit or involuntary exclusion depends on policies and regulatory
frameworks. Informality may be preferred when costs of abiding by the legal and regulatory framework
exceed the benefits (OECD, 2008). For example, smaller firms may find it hard to amortize fixed costs of
regulatory compliance. Newer firms may choose to avoid the red tape and costs associated with
formalization until they have sufficient evidence on their future profitability.
Alternatively, informality may be the only option due to market segmentation or segregation. Some
labor market rigidities, such as high wage-setting and high and inflexible non-wage costs, can ration out
workers from salaried employment, even though they would prefer it if given the choice (Fiess, Fugazza
and Maloney, 2002). In Malaysia, private sector and non-pensionable public workers, except for the self-
employed and a few other groups, are required to make social security contributions, pay taxes, and
contribute about 11 percent of monthly earnings to the employee provident fund (EPF), with employers
also contributing 12 percent. These costs entitle formal workers to receive benefits such as retirement
benefits and some funds for housing, education, and medical needs. Despite the seemingly flexible use
of these funds, evidence suggests workers perceive the fund to be rigid and that they receive low
dividends from their EPF accounts (Thillainathan, 2002a and 2002b).
Other factors closely associated with being informal include educational achievement, production
structures, demographic composition, and government presence. Perhaps the most important factor is
educational achievement. The likelihood of a worker being informal declines significantly with higher
levels of education. Education increases productivity, thus making business costs less onerous and
returns to formality potentially larger. Malaysia’s emphasis on moving to a knowledge-based economy
and developing its human resources is a likely driver of its lower relative informality as compared with
regional middle-income economies; however, evidence suggests that the emphasis on education is not
equal in all areas of the country.
The main determinants of cross-country informality levels identified in a recent study can be used to
benchmark Malaysia’s position (Loayza and Wada, 2010). These determinants include measures related
to the opportunity costs of remaining formal; business and labor market regulatory freedom; secondary
schooling levels; socio-demographic factors, e.g. the share of rural or young workers; the share of
production in agriculture, where public services are less prevalent; and, the level of public sector
employment which can be a proxy for the ability to monitor and enforce formality. Figure 1.33 illustrates
the level of the basic determinants for Malaysia, Korea, and Singapore; each compared to world
medians. Unlike Korea and Singapore, Malaysia has a below-median rating for its law and order strength
and has relatively lower education levels (although high compared to the world median).
Government expenditure
Rural population
Youth population
Self employment
This overview highlights that even though informality in Malaysia is not particularly high for its
income, it remains a concern due to the prevalence of MSMEs and its potential adverse effects on
productivity and growth. Failure to address this issue risks continuing such losses. However, policy
makers should not rely on deterrence strategies. Rather, they should focus on reducing the incentives to
go and stay informal, i.e. further improving the quality of publicly provided services, streamlining
corporate taxes and business regulations, simplifying labor laws, and when possible, easing the tax
burden on workers.
MSMEs employ less than 5 people and up to 150 in manufacturing, and up to 50 in services or agriculture.
Another definition is through annual sales turnover; MSMEs sell less than RM 250,000 to RM 25 million in
manufacturing, and between RM 200,000 and RM 5 million in services and agriculture.
The Malaysian Department of Statistics firm census estimates that 519,000 firms in these sectors are classified as
SMEs while 4,100 are classified as large firms.
The responsiveness of employment to the manufacturing rebound has been limited. Although
industrial production in the manufacturing sector picked up in mid-2009, the numbers employed have
yet to rise (Figure 1.34). However, increasing vacancies in the manufacturing sector suggest that
companies actually want to hire workers but are finding it hard to add new employees with the right skill
set to their payroll. The government’s more restrictive policy on the hiring of foreign labor added to this
Labor market dynamics also vary within manufacturing. Within the manufacturing sector the labor
market responded differently according to its exposure to exports. As an example, consider splitting the
manufacturing sector into three broad groups, i.e. processing of agricultural products, manufacturing for
the domestic markets and export-related manufacturing.5 All three subsectors shed employment
throughout 2008 and 2009 after a period of growth in the preceding years (Figure 1.35). With the
rebound in industrial production, employment numbers stabilized for both domestic- and export-
oriented manufacturing and even started to increase slightly for the latter. Nevertheless, in sub-
industries that were most aggressive in reducing headcounts there has not been a complete revival of
employment. As an example of this pattern, the level of employment in the computers and peripherals
industry fell around 30 percent from the beginning of 2008 to mid-2009 and in the final half of 2009 only
rose by just over 1 percent.
Figure 1.34. Employment has not tracked the Figure 1.35. Export-oriented industries have shown
recovery in manufacturing production some limited uptick in employment
Thousands Index Thousands Thousands
140 140
Employment in
manufacturing (lhs) 500 45
130 Manufacturing industrial 130
production index (rhs)
120 120 44
110 110
100 100 Domestic
manufacturing (lhs)
420 Export
90 90 manufacturing (lhs)
Food processing
manufacturing (rhs)
80 80 400 41
Source: CEIC and World Bank staff calculations. Source: CEIC and World Bank staff calculations.
The classification of industries is based on Lee (2010).
Figure 1.36. Nominal wages show divergent paths Figure 1.37. Real wages in export manufacturing
across sub-industries have trended down over late 2009
Nominal wages in MYR Real wages in 2006 prices
2400 21
Food processing manufacturing Food processing manufacturing
1900 17
1800 16
Jan-08 Jul-08 Jan-09 Jul-09 Jan-08 Jul-08 Jan-09 Jul-09
Source: CEIC and World Bank staff calculations. Source: CEIC and World Bank staff calculations.
Average nominal and real wages for the three manufacturing subsectors illustrate the effect of both
the food and fuel price shock of 2008 and the economic slowdown of 2008 and 2009. In 2008, nominal
wages for both domestic- and export-oriented manufacturing industries remained almost unchanged. In
contrast wages in the agricultural products processing industry increased substantially in the second
quarter of 2008 (Figure 1.36). This suggests that the impact of increased food prices was positive for
earnings in this sector and was transmitted fairly quickly to the labor market. However, because overall
consumer prices also increased—albeit at a lower rate compared to other countries in the region—real
wages declined for both domestic- and export-oriented manufacturing industries and the positive
impact on nominal wages in the processing of the agricultural products industries was almost offset
(Figure 1.37).
As exports contracted sharply from late 2008, average wages in export-oriented manufacturing
industries fell significantly. Wage bills fell through both reductions in the number of employees through
retrenchments, and also through reduced hours worked for those still employed, including temporary
closures. Wages for the other two subsectors also fell, although to a lesser extent. Nominal wage rises
were seen in the second half of 2009 as the economic recovery gained pace. The drop in wages in early
2009 was almost reversed by September 2009. Although the recovery in average wages in the export-
oriented sectors leveled off through the second half of 2009, wages for both domestic manufacturing
and agricultural product processing continued to increase until the end of the year. With consumer
prices almost stable, this is true for both nominal and real wages.
The crisis is likely to have led to higher poverty incidence, for example through the lowering of real
wages or through the impact of remittances. Malaysia’s sustained economic growth in the years prior to
the recent crisis contributed to a gradual lowering in the poverty rate to around 4 percent in 2008.
However, as discussed in Box 3, there remain important differences in poverty rates across geographic
regions and between urban and rural populations. Levels of inequality have also remained relatively
persistent. In terms of the recent crisis, updated survey data on the impact in Malaysia at the household
level, and how this varies with their characteristics such as their skills, education, sector of employment
and location, are unfortunately not available. However, at least from the relative importance of
manufacturing in regional activity (Figure 1.38) it appears that this dimension of the crisis is focused on
the middle income regions within Malaysia.6 Moving forward, the development of timely monitoring
frameworks to analyze the impact of economic developments could play an extremely useful part of the
government’s surveillance of the economy and help in designing the appropriate, targeted, policy
50 Melaka
30 Pahang Sarawak
20 Perak
10 Sabah
0 10,000 20,000 30,000 40,000 50,000 60,000
State GDP per capita
Source: Department of Statistics and World Bank staff calculations
Note: Bubble area proportional to share of state in Malaysia real GDP.
All data for 2007. WPKL is Federal Territory of Kuala Lumpur.
As in the cross-country empirical evidence, the share of manufacturing in GDP in regions rises with their
income per head before falling as services take over (although in the case of Malaysia only the Federal Territory of
Kuala Lumpur is on the second part of this inverted-U relationship).
Much of the development literature shows that economic growth reduces poverty,a and more so if
growth takes place in labor intensive sectors, such as agriculture, where many of the poor work.b The
relation between inequality and economic growth is not as straightforward. Most agree that some
inequality is expected in a dynamic economy and embraced when it reflects individual effort,
innovation, or other reasons stemming from the dynamism of the market. However, when inequality
stems from predetermined circumstances that lead to unequal opportunities, it can hamper social
cohesion, foment sociopolitical instability, and disincentivize investment in human capital, which in turn
can slow down economic growth.c
Malaysia has experienced rapid economic growth since its independence in 1957, with large per
capita income increases, resulting in a reduction of aggregate poverty. On the other hand, like other
developing (and some developed) countries, Malaysia has experienced a rise in inequality over the same
Figure 1.39. Geographic view of the poverty
Share of number of households (percent)
14 Urban
1995 1997 1999 2002 2004 2007 2008
Source: Malaysia Income Surveys.d
There was a measurable decrease in the aggregate incidence of poverty (based on the national
poverty line), from 10 percent in 1995, to 5.5 percent in 2004, and 3.8 percent in 2008. The incidence of
poverty varies within Malaysia, resulting from regional and urban-rural disparities. Figure 1.39 shows
that poverty is largely a rural problem.e Overall poverty has been steadily declining (except for 1999,
following the Asian crisis); for 2008, urban estimates are at 2 percent and rural poverty near 8 percent.
Within Malaysia, estimates show that poverty in Peninsular Malaysia is low and decreasing while the
poverty incidence in Sabah/Labuan remains high, at around 25 percent in 2004. Using the international
poverty line of $2 per day, Malaysia has about 7 percent of its inhabitants living with less than $2 per
day; this is lower than comparable countries in the region, such as Thailand with about 11 percent, but
at least four times the number for Singapore or Korea.
Though the incidence of poverty has fallen in Malaysia, evidence shows that it is still largely
concentrated in certain geographic areas, where in-roads in economic growth and poverty have not
decreased inequality in a meaningful manner. Figure 1.40 shows that the Malaysian inequality index, as
measured by the Gini coefficient of the income distribution, was near 0.44 in 2008 (where zero indicates
perfect equality and one perfect inequality). This is comparable to countries such as Indonesia and
Some reasons identified for the persistence of inequality in Malaysia are the export-oriented
industrialization process, equity ownership restructuring, and (unevenness in) access to education and
training.f Within Malaysia, the highest levels of inequality are in the states of Perlis and Sabah, closely
followed by WP Kuala Lumpur (Figure 1.41). Perlis and Sabah are also the two states whose economies
are most reliant on agriculture (which accounted for around 30 percent of their respective GDPs in
2007). Sabah, for example, also exhibits a high concentration of poverty with clear urban-rural
disparities (rapidly industrializing urban sectors contrasting with the agriculture-dominated rural areas).g
Figure 1.40. Inequality over time Figure 1.41. Inequality within state (2007)
Inequality index (Gini) Inequality index (Gini)
0.48 0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5
0.47 Sabah
0.46 Sarawak
P. Pinang
0.45 Kelantan
0.44 Terengganu
WP Labuan
0.43 N. Sembilan
0.42 Pahang
1995 1997 1999 2002 2004 2007 2008
Dollar and Kraay (2002).
Ravallion and Datt (1996); Loayza and Raddatz (2006).
World Bank (2006b).
Estimates are derived from United Nations Development Program (2007), “Measuring and Monitoring Poverty
and Inequality”, using the raw data from Household Income surveys for the reference years. Estimates for 2007
and 2008 were derived from the Economic Planning Unit, income based estimates.
These estimates are based on household income, not household expenditure; income-based estimates can differ
from expenditure-based estimates. However, findings and implications are consistent with expenditure-based
Ragayah (2008).
Given the industrial structure in these poorer states, the global financial crisis may have a lesser impact than in
other states, where economic activity depends more strongly on export-oriented manufactures.
Financial indicators continued to demonstrate a strong domestic financial sector. The system-wide
risk-weighted capital ratio remains high and has stabilized at more than 14 percent since August 2009
(Figure 1.42), providing a large buffer to absorb unexpected losses. Profitability appeared to start
improving in the third quarter of 2009 after a long decline since early 2008. In the fourth quarter of 2009
the return on assets was around 1.2 percent and the return on equity 13.9 percent. These are down on
around 1.8 percent and 23 percent respectively in 2008 Q1. However, on both of these measures
Malaysia’s performance is in the upper distribution for the region (see Tables 26 and 27 of International
Monetary Fund, 2009). The overall non-performing loan (NPL) ratio is low, at 1.9 percent (Figure 1.44).
The aggregate ratio continues to decline although with the caveat that there may be lags in the
realization of any problem credits due to the downturn. The manufacturing-for-exports crisis has
contributed to a rising relative share of NPLs in the manufacturing sector compared with its share of
total lending (Figure 1.43). However, manufacturing loans constitute only about 10 percent of total
loans with households, which remain in good financial health with moderate indebtedness compared
with other countries such as Korea and Singapore, accounting for around 55 percent.
Figure 1.42. Capitalization remains strong Figure 1.43. Manufacturing accounts for increasing
relative share of NPLs
Capital adequacy indicators, percent
NPL share /loan share -1, percent
14% Household Sector
80% Wholesale and Retail Trade
60% Manufacturing
Figure 1.44. Downward trend in NPLs continues Figure 1.45. Credit conditions showing signs of
Percent Change yoy, percent
16 30%
3-month nonperforming loan ratio Large corporations
6-month nonperforming loan ratio 20% SMEs
12 Households
8 0%
6 -10%
2 Change in ratio Change in Change in ratio Change in
of loan approvals loan of loan approvals loan
0 -30% to loan disbursement to loan disbursement
applications applications
99 00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 2009 H1 2009 H2
Source: Bank Negara Malaysia. Source: Bank Negara Malaysia.
Financing conditions are improving. The level of total financing to the private sector through banks
and capital markets improved in the fourth quarter, up 29 percent year-on-year in gross terms in Q4 or
8.5 percent on a net basis. Lending activity is picking up, with disbursements to corporates in the second
half of 2009 rising by 7.2 percent year-on-year (Figure 1.45). There was also an improvement in the ratio
of loan approvals to loan applications in the second half for large businesses. At the firm-level, what is
noticeable in the Federation of Malaysian Manufacturers (FMM) survey (Table 1.1 above) is that the
majority of respondents over repeated periods feel that there is no overall impact of global economic
and financial crisis on access to short- and long-term credit. On the supply-side this is in line with the
underlying health of the banking sector and its limited exposure to the economic crisis. However, there
is also the demand-side angle of the fall in fixed investment over 2009.
Capital market activity also rose over 2009. The volume of public sector debt securities to finance
the deficit increased sharply from RM 62.6 billion in 2008 to RM 96.8 billion in 2009, largely due to the
issuance of Malaysian Government Securities (MGS) and Government Investment Issues (GII). The long-
term government bond yield is up on last year as issuance levels have increased to finance the deficit.
However, it has remained at around 4 percent since early in 2009 (see Box 8 for further discussion). New
private sector debt issuance has also risen, up from RM 48.7 billion in 2008 to RM 58.6 billion in 2009. In
the equity markets, the KLCI index has continued its recovery. After a peak-to-trough decline of around
40 percent it has recovered to roughly 12 percent below the pre-crisis high. As analyzed in more detail in
Box 4, volatility, which rose sharply during the crisis, has come down. New IPOs jumped from RM 1.2
billion in 2008 to RM12.1 billion over the year although this was due primarily to a single offering by
Maxis, a telecom company, which is the largest IPO in Southeast Asia of RM 11.5 billion in November
The domestic financial sector was resilient despite the rapid deterioration in Malaysia’s financial
account in the face of the crisis. As financial market turmoil and the economic downturn took hold
globally, capital flows to emerging markets weakened substantially. Malaysia witnessed one of the most
severe cases of capital flights in East Asia (Figure 1.46). Net capital inflows of 15 percent of GDP in the
first quarter of 2008 shifted to net outflows of 30 and 40 percent of GDP in the third and fourth
quarters, respectively. At its height the magnitude of net outflows to GDP exceeded even Singapore, the
regional financial center. As investor sentiment stabilized over 2009, the level of net outflows declined.
Full-year outflows, having almost tripled from 2007 to RM 118 billion in 2008, fell back to RM 83 billion
in 2009.
Portfolio investment was a key driver of financial account volatility (Figure 1.47). Net outflows of
portfolio investment amounted to almost 28 percent of quarterly GDP in Q3 2008. By the third quarter
of 2009, the situation had reversed to a net inflow of 10 percent of GDP, mainly reflecting foreign
participation in bonds issued abroad by the oil and gas sector. Stresses in the international banking
system, along with reduced levels of trade credit associated with the lower levels of exports,
contributed to the net outflows of “other” assets, which include bank credit. The medium-term trend of
net FDI outflows has continued through the crisis period. FDI inflows remained depressed in 2009, at
around 20 percent of their 2007 levels.
Figure 1.46. Malaysia suffered the largest drop in Figure 1.47. Net portfolio investment has
net financial account flows within the region rebounded
Percent of GDP Percent of GDP
Malaysia Indonesia Other Investment Net Flows, Official Sector
Singapore Philippines Other Investment Net Flows, Private
20 Thailand Portfolio Investment Net Flows
30 FDI Net Flows
10 Financial Account
0 10
-10 0
-50 -50
2007Q1 2007Q3 2008Q1 2008Q3 2009Q1 2009Q3 2007Q1 2007Q3 2008Q1 2008Q3 2009Q1 2009Q3
Source: CEIC and World Bank staff calculations. Source: CEIC and World Bank staff calculations.
Note: Data in USD.
Figure 1.48. Portfolio flow movements explained Figure 1.49. Exchange rate appreciation and
much of the deterioration in financial account reserve accumulation in recent months
Percent of GDP Index (Jan 2007=100) US$ billion
Fund Inflows Fund Outflows Reserves (US$ billion), RHS
115 REER (Jan 2007=100), LHS 140
Portfolio Investment Portfolio Investment NEER (Jan 2007=100), LHS
Loans Loans US dollar per RM (Jan 2007=100), LHS
Direct Investment Direct Investment 110 130
80 80
70 70 105 120
60 60
100 110
50 50
95 100
40 40
30 30 90 90
20 20
85 80
10 10
Jan-07 Jan-08 Jan-09 Jan-10
0 0 Source: Haver, Thomson Financial Datastream and World Bank
07Q1 08Q1 09Q1 07Q1 08Q1 09Q1 staff calculations.
Note: REER and NEER are IMF IFS real and nominal effective
Source: CEIC and World Bank staff calculations. exchange rates (rebased). A rise indicates an appreciation.
Both inflows and outflows contributed to the dynamics of net portfolio investment (Figure 1.48).
Thanks to the deepening of domestic capital markets, measures to liberalize international financial
transactions and strong growth performance, Malaysia witnessed rising inflows of foreign portfolio
flows, or hot money, in the pre-crisis period (around 60 percent of GDP in 2007).7 However, as risk
appetite reduced sharply during the crisis there was a flight-to-safety and heightened home bias in
equity holdings, i.e. a preference by investors for equities in their own domestic markets. Foreign
Portfolio investment here includes corporate securities, Malaysian and foreign government securities,
private debt securities, money market instruments and financial derivatives. For details, please see Bank Negara
Malaysia monthly bulletin.
portfolio investors quickly withdrew from the Malaysian market leading to a sharp reversal of the
previous rising trend: the full-year flow dropped by 30 percent to RM 262 billion in 2008. Noticeably, the
negative effect on financial account was offset somewhat as Malaysian investors quickly also pulled back
on their international outflows. As risk appetite has recovered, inflows from foreign portfolio investors
have rebounded amid low developed market expected returns. In the last quarter of 2009, gross
portfolio inflows were 35 percent of GDP, up from 20 percent in Q4 2008.
The improvement in the balance of payments is reflected in the resumption of the accumulation of
international reserves (Figure 1.49). The financial account outflows put downward pressure on the
ringgit in the second half of 2008 and reserves fell sharply (down by US$ 16 billion in Q3 and US$ 18
billion in Q4). As the financial account position improved through 2009, the pressure on the ringgit
eased and reserves were built up. The current level of reserves of US$ 97 billion however remains down
just over US$ 25 billion from the high of May 2008. Overall, the ringgit has appreciated against the dollar
since early 2009 but the nominal effective exchange rate has continued a shallow depreciation. These
dynamics reflect the weakness of dollar against the currencies of other trading partners. The real
effective exchange rate has followed a similar pattern over 2009, after rising through 2007 and 2008 as
domestic inflation rose.
The size of the current account surpluses in recent years indicates the extent to which domestic
savings in Malaysia outstrip domestic investments.8 Private savings fell to around 17 percent of Gross
National Income (GNI) in 2009, down from 27 percent in 2008, as households adjusted their savings
behavior to maintain expenditures in the face of declining incomes. This fall outweighed the slight rise in
public savings, which reached 13.9 percent of GNI due to higher surpluses of non-financial public
enterprises. On the investment side, as mentioned above, private investment fell sharply (both due to a
fall in gross fixed capital formation and, in particular, marked draw down in inventory stocks) while
public investment rose with the fiscal stimulus packages. Overall, the fall in the national savings ratio
was slightly above that of the investment ratio, leading to the limited decline in the current account
This excess of domestic savings over investment is reflected in the build-up in Malaysia’s net foreign
asset position over time which is described in more detail in Box 5. The flow of funds overseas reflects
both push and pull factors. On the one hand, international investments in the form of FDI can provide
access to new markets for firms and more generally foreign investments can expand the risk-return
universe available to domestic investors. On the other hand, as in other capital-exporting countries
within the region, there are push factors either through institutional or regulatory arrangements
affecting firms which limit the potential domestic returns or a failure of domestic financial systems to
effectively intermediate savings through to such investment opportunities.
The previous issue of the Malaysia Economic Monitor contains an extensive discussion (World Bank, 2009a).
The phase of acute financial market distress of the global recession has passed. Although the most
pronounced effects were in financial markets in high-income economies, where the crisis started, the
impacts were felt in a sharp downturn in capital flows to emerging markets. Malaysia was no exception.
In fact, Malaysia’s net capital flows, particularly portfolio flows, dropped sharply in late 2008. How did
this affect the volatility of Malaysia’s equity markets? What do recent, and medium-term, equity market
dynamics suggest about Malaysia’s financial integration with countries in the region and beyond? These
are the questions addressed in this Box.
Figure 1.50. The rise in Malaysia’s equity market
volatility during the crisis was relatively moderate
Conditional standard deviation of daily equity price returns
0.05 Singapore
0.04 US
Feb-08 Aug-08 Feb-09 Aug-09 Feb-10
Equity price market volatility is associated with both uncertainty and risk. Unsurprisingly, therefore,
market volatility rose around the globe as a direct result of the financial turmoil. Surprisingly, however,
despite the sheer openness of its economy, its relatively high levels of equity market capitalization and
the significant recent portfolio outflows, Malaysia has been one of the least affected in the region by the
crisis as measured by equity price volatility indicators (Figure 1.50).a All markets experienced rising
volatility through late 2007. The distress following the collapse of Lehman Brothers resulted in a bout of
particularly high volatility in late 2008, but in Malaysia this was relatively less intense. The financial
turmoil was transmitted more swiftly and strongly in terms of equity price volatility to regional financial
centers, such as Singapore. As signs of the recovery emerged and investors’ expectations stabilized,
volatility levels have quickly declined over 2009. Considering also periods where market volatility did not
reach extreme levels, Malaysia continued to be the least volatile in the region.
Has Malaysia always been a low-volatility market relative to the rest of the region? Not really.
Malaysia was considerably more volatile than Singapore for much of the 1990s and matched the
volatility of Thailand when the Asian Financial crisis hit (Figure 1.51).b It is clear that, judged by the
levels and changes of financial volatility, Malaysia was much more impacted by the Asian Financial crisis
than the recent global one. Following the Asian crisis, though, Malaysia moved from a relatively high-
volatility to a low-volatility and low-return market. The return, however, is significant given the low
level of volatility. As a result, portfolio positions by foreign investors built up prior to the current crisis.
Figure 1.51. Malaysia’s equity market volatility is Figure 1.52. Malaysia’s co-movement with regional
relatively low and has trended downwards and US equity markets has risen over time
Conditional standard deviation of weekly equity price returns Conditional correlation of weekly equity price returns
0.18 0.9
Malaysia Singapore
0.16 0.8
Singapore Thailand
Thailand 0.7 US
0.12 0.6
0.1 0.5
0.08 0.4
0.06 0.3
0.04 0.2
0.02 0.1
0 0
1993 1996 1999 2002 2005 2008 1993 1996 1999 2002 2005 2008
Source: Thomson Financial Datastream and World Bank staff Source: Thomson Financial Datastream and World Bank staff
calculations. calculations.
What explains the transition to the lower-volatility environment and more resilient performance
during the current crisis?
Improved fundamentals, especially in the strength of the corporate and financial sectors.
Following the Asian crisis the balance sheets of the financial and corporate sectors in Malaysia
were strengthened significantly. Corporate leverage ratios were reduced, NPLs were cleaned up
and significant precautionary international reserves built up. Interest rate volatility, exchange
rate volatility, and industrial production volatility are key economic determinants of market
volatility. All of these usual suspects have been relatively muted in the case of Malaysia and are
among the lowest in the region.c
Malaysia’s equity markets are more integrated with other Asian countries than with the US—
where the global crisis had its roots (Figure 1.52). Capital controls, which were gradually
removed following the Asian crisis, played a role in limiting international integration in earlier
years. Malaysia has been closely integrated with regional stock markets, attributable to strong
intra-regional trade and investment linkages, economic structure similarity, and geographical
and culture proximity. In contrast, Malaysia was much less integrated with U.S. prior to the crisis
despite the fact that U.S. had significant influence over Asian stock markets. It helped to
mitigate initial spillovers of the crisis and the contagion factor.
In addition to these trends, there is the substantial involvement of government-linked companies and
funds in domestic asset markets. For example, the Employee Provident Fund accounts for around 50
percent of the daily Bursa volume of trades. As the holdings of such funds or GLCs will tend to be longer-
term they are likely to reduce volatility due to short-term buying and selling, although of course they
may limit liquidity, which could have the opposite impact on volatility during crisis periods.
The analysis is based on daily log returns derived from daily market price data denoted in US dollars for Malaysia,
China, Indonesia, Japan, the Philippines, Singapore, Thailand and Taiwan, China, obtained from DataStream. First-
order auto-correlation is removed from the data. Conditional variances and correlations are estimated on the basis
of the GO-GARCH multivariate volatility model (Van der Weide, 2002).
The estimates here and in Figure 1.52 reflect weekly volatility measures, estimated with GO-GARCH. With trading
in Asia and the US occurring in different time zones, the use of weekly returns avoids the problem of having to
synchronize opening and closing times.
See, for instance, Engle et al. (2008) for the determinants of stock market volatility. See Kim and Yang (2009) for
developments in Malaysia.
Malaysia has been a net exporter of capital in almost every year since the Asian crisis. While the
volatile short-run movements in the financial account over 2008 and 2009 may grab the headlines, the
underlying picture is that, in flow terms, Malaysia’s purchases of foreign assets abroad (‘foreign assets’
or claims of Malaysia on foreigners) have consistently exceeded the purchases by foreigners of assets in
Malaysia (‘foreign liabilities’ or claims of foreigners on Malaysia). In a dramatic turn of events, the stock
of Malaysia’s net foreign assets turned positive in 2008, in stark contrast to 1996 when Malaysia
registered net foreign liabilities of some 40 percent of GDP (Figure 1.53). This Box examines the factors
behind this remarkable change and provides an interpretation of its implications.
The substantial rise in foreign exchange reserves—which yield a relatively low real return—tells an
important part of the story. Emerging markets were hit particularly hard by capital flight during the
Asian Financial Crisis and subsequently have accumulated significant foreign reserves as a precautionary
measure. By 2007, Malaysia’s reserves had reached 52 percent of GDP, up from less than 30 percent
prior to the Asian crisis.
The past decade also witnessed an up-tick in the volume of international portfolio flows, both
inward and outward. Speculative portfolio inflows may have played a role in anticipation of exchange
rate realignment prior to the floating of ringgit in July 2005. Malaysia’s sound macroeconomic
fundamentals, the rapid development of its domestic financial market and the improved outlook for its
corporate sector are likely to have added to these inflows, which became particularly pronounced from
Recent years have also seen a rise in Malaysian holdings of foreign portfolio equity and debt assets.a
The easing of capital controls may have played a role. Most portfolio equity funds went into foreign
corporate securities and money market instruments with the bulk of funds going through regional or
international financial centers. On the debt side, from 2004 the majority of loan outflows have gone
through Labuan, Malaysia’s International Offshore Business and Financial Center, coinciding with the
growing of debt assets. The expansion of trade credits by exporters has also continued, albeit with
volatility in line with trade flow dynamics.
Initial net foreign assets -22.5 -39.0 -36.5 -33.9 -26.8 -14.3 -4.1 -2.9
Change in net foreign assets 8.2 2.6 2.6 7.1 12.5 10.3 1.2 21.0
Trade balance 18.0 13.7 17.5 17.2 19.1 19.7 17.9 20.8
Rate-of-return effects (a+b) -9.6 -13.5 -17.8 -15.4 -4.2 -5.9 -14.3 3.8
Investment Income (a) -4.1 -6.2 -5.2 -4.9 -4.5 -3.0 -2.1 -3.1
Capital Gains (b) -5.5 -7.3 -12.7 -10.5 0.3 -3.0 -12.2 6.9
Errors, omissions and capital account transfers -2.1 -0.4 0.0 1.5 -4.8 -4.8 -2.7 -3.8
Growth effect 2.1 3.1 3.1 4.0 2.5 1.3 0.4 0.4
Source: CEIC, Bank Negara Malaysia, Balance of Payment, Investment Position data and World Bank staff calculations.
To disentangle these various developments, Table 1.2 presents the decomposition of the changes in
net foreign assets from 2002 to 2008.b,c Before discussing the results it is useful to briefly review how
the change in a country’s net foreign assets in a period can be attributed to different factors. First, there
are the flow contributions from the trade balance. The flip-side of a trade surplus is that claims on
foreigners (foreign assets) are accumulated in return for the transfer of Malaysian goods and services to
foreigners. Second, there is the flow of investment income arising from the net foreign asset position of
the previous period. Third, there are the valuation changes on the stocks of assets and liabilities, which
may translate in net capital gains or losses. The total returns to net foreign assets—captured below as
the rate-of-return effect—comprises both the sum of investment income and capital gains. Fourth, there
are the residual factors, which comprise—for the purpose of this exercise—of errors and omissions as
well as capital account transfers. These factors drive a wedge between the current account and the net
inflow of capital. Finally, since this exercise evaluates the net foreign asset position as a ration to GDP,
one also needs to consider that changes in the denominator—the GDP growth effect—affect the ratio as
As an export-led economy, Malaysia has traditionally enjoyed strong trade surpluses, one of the
driving forces of foreign asset accumulation. Interestingly, however, the accumulation of foreign assets
was for most years much smaller than what would have been implied solely by these trade surpluses.
This conundrum is explained by sizeable negative rate-of-return effects throughout the period. Table 1.2
suggests this is the natural consequence of two factors. First, payments to foreign investors have
significantly exceeded the receipts by domestic residents. Second, valuation effects have generally—
though not always—translated into negative net capital gains.
Zooming in on these rate-of-return effects for different assets and liabilities, Table 1.3 documents a
number of interesting patterns.d First of all, it is clear that, on average, the returns on Malaysia’s
domestic assets were higher than those on foreign assets possessed by Malaysian residents. Average
returns on FDI and portfolio equity are considerably higher than on debt assets and reserves, reflecting
their relative risk.e One remarkable feature of the period following 2005 is the increase in returns on FDI
assets—underpinned by an expansion of outward FDI—whereas returns on FDI liabilities remained
much more stable. As a result, return differentials for FDI became significantly positive over 2005-2007,
which represents a reversal from the negative position experienced before 2005. Most recently
however, the differential dipped again into negative territory. Similarly, portfolio equity investment
abroad started to see significantly higher returns over 2005-2007 compared to earlier. Equity
investment in Malaysia attracted relatively stable returns. As a result of global turmoil, the return
differential sharply narrowed in 2008. The rate of returns on debt assets and reserves was relatively low
over 2005-2007 and improved only slightly in 2008—reflecting the size of Malaysia’s FX reserves and the
relatively low yield on such assets.
FDI 2.7 14.6 -11.9 42.0 16.9 25.1 -1.9 3.1 -5.0
Portfolio equity 0.6 25.6 -24.9 77.9 25.6 52.4 -23.9 -41.9 18.0
Debt and FX reserves -7.4 6.3 -13.7 -2.5 1.8 -4.3 -1.1 13.8 -14.9
Total -6.8 11.6 -18.4 6.4 11.7 -5.2 -2.3 -5.8 3.5
Source: CEIC, Bank Negara Malaysia, Balance of Payment, Investment Position data and World Bank staff calculations.
Debt assets include portfolio debt and other investments.
The methodology in this box follows Tables 2.1-2.4 in “A Global Perspective on External Positions” by Lane and
Milesi-Ferretti (2007a). All variables are based on data in local currency and scaled by GDP. Initial Net Foreign
Assets (NFA) equals the Net International Investment Position (NIIP) at the end of the previous period. The change
in the NFA of year t is the difference in the NIIP between end-year t and end-year t-1. The trade balance is
constructed as the sum of the total trade balance and net transfers. Investment Income equals net annual
investment income flows. Capital gains refer to the change in asset value due to revaluation and are given by the
change in the stock of assets between end-year t and end-year t-1, minus the asset flows during year t. Capital
gains on net foreign assets are calculated as the capital gains on foreign assets net of the capital gains on foreign
liabilities. Rate-of-return effects are constructed as the sum of investment income and capital gains.
Due to rounding errors, the sum of trade balance, rate-of-return effects, errors & omissions and capital account
transfers, and growth effect is slightly different from the changes in NFA. The magnitude of the differences is
comparable to Tables 2.1-2.2 in Lane and Milesi-Ferretti (2007a) for advanced economies. In addition, capital
account transfers are not reported from 2002 to 2005. It may help explain the differences during the period.
Real rates of return on assets (liabilities) equal the sum of investment income and capital gains of year t divided
by the stock of net assets (liabilities) at the end of year t-1 and are deflated by the domestic consumer price index.
The estimated rate of returns on FDI assets and liabilities, and the return differentials for 2002-2004 is
comparable to Sheng (2006), who uses data from Lane and Milesi-Ferretti (2007b).
Macro and financial sector policy support has been an important components in managing the
downturn and recovery, even if the primary driver has been external demand. This has included the
supportive monetary and financial sector policy and the fiscal stimulus packages.
The stimulus packages have pushed up the fiscal deficit. Direct fiscal injections from Malaysia’s fiscal
stimulus packages are estimated at around 3.3 percent of GDP, against an overall package equivalent to
around 9.9 percent of GDP (Bank Negara Malaysia, 2010). Expenditure under the first stimulus package
had reached around 94 percent of the RM 7 billion allocation with spending under the second stimulus
package around 51 percent of its RM 15 billion fiscal allocation (Figure 1.54). The latter was below the
government’s expectation of RM 10 billion expenditures under the second package by end-2009 as
indicated at the time of enactment of the related legislation. Of the total disbursement allocations
under the two packages around 15 percent was to the Ministry of Finance, including agencies such as
RM 630 million to SPNM (Housing for all), 6.5 percent to the Ministry of Works and 6.5 percent to the
Ministry of International Trade and Industry. As a result of these expenditures, preliminary data
indicates a federal government deficit of around 7 percent of nominal GDP for 2009, up from 4.8
percent of GDP in 2008 (Figure 1.55). This exceeds the public sector deficit, which also includes state
and local governments, statutory bodies and non-financial public enterprises. The preliminary public
sector deficit for 2009 was around 3.8 percent of GDP. As mentioned, and discussed further in Chapter
3, government debt has risen sharply, particularly domestic securities, to finance the deficit (Figure
Monetary policy normalization has begun. In early March Bank Negara Malaysia increased the
overnight policy rate by 25 basis points to 2.25 percent, the first rate movement in a year and the first
rate rise since early 2006. This comes as GDP returns to its trend level and price inflation has picked up
(Figure 1.57). The rate hike in Malaysia is one of the first in the region and amongst developed and
emerging markets. Vietnam increased its rates in November, Israel in their policy meeting in late
December and Australia just before Malaysia. India has followed in March with a rise in its repo rate
following January’s increase in reserve requirements. With sustained low interest rates and ample
liquidity raising some concerns in other countries of renewed asset price bubbles or inefficient credit
allocation, the BNM indicated that it wished to adjust the rate “towards normalising monetary
conditions and preventing the risk of financial imbalances that could undermine the recovery process”.
Financial sector policies have also played a supportive role in addition to the overall monetary policy
stance. For example, the SME Assistance Guarantee which was launched in early February 2009 closed
its books on new applications at the end of 2009 with participating financial institutions having
approved financing of around RM 1.85 billion with just under 80 percent of successful applicants micro
to small enterprises. At the other end of the lending process, i.e. debt resolution rather than origination,
a wider array of large corporates are now able to access the assistance offered by the Corporate Debt
Restructuring Committee (CDRC), which was established in July 2009. For example the thresholds for the
level of indebtedness and the number of creditors involved have been reduced.
Figure 1.54. Fiscal stimulus package status Figure 1.55. Public sector deficits widened, reflecting
the crisis impact and response
RM billion Deficit as percent of GDP
16 8 Federal
Consolidated public sector
14 6
Remaining balance
12 4
Payments to date
10 2
8 0
6 -2
4 -4
2 -6
0 -8
First stimulus package Second stimulus package 1991 1993 1995 1997 1999 2001 2003 2005 2007 2009
Source: Malaysia Ministry of Finance. Source: Malaysia Treasury, Bank Negara Malaysia.
Note: Consolidated public sector covers the federal government, local
and state governments, statutory bodies and non-financial public
enterprises. 2009 data is preliminary.
Figure 1.56. Federal government debt has risen Figure 1.57. Monetary policy has begun to adjust to
sharply the recovery in activity and prices
Debt stock by contractual maturity as percent of nominal GDP (4Q Percent
rolling sum) CPI inflation year-on-year
External 10 Deviation in real GDP from trend
Domestic government securities >11 years maturity
Policy rate
Domestic government securities 6-10 year maturity 8
Domestic government securities <5 year maturity
Domestic Investment Issues
50 Domestic other 4
40 2
20 -4
10 -6
Jan-07 Jan-08 Jan-09 Jan-10
Dec-07 Jun-08 Dec-08 Jun-09 Dec-09
Source: CEIC, Haver and World Bank staff calculations.
Source: Bank Negara Malaysia, CEIC and World Bank staff Note: Trend of real GDP (sa) from Hodrik-Prescott filter. Policy rate is at
calculations. end of period.
Note: Domestic other includes Treasury Bills and other loans.
Real GDP is expected to rebound strongly in 2010. There is rising momentum behind domestic
private consumption and investment and the recovery in external demand continues. As a result,
growth of 5.7 percent is projected for 2010, following a contraction of 1.7 percent in 2009. The strength
of the recovery remains dependent on external demand and in particular the robustness of the
worldwide recovery. It also hinges on internal demand and the ability of private sources of domestic
demand to strengthen the recovery as the unwinding of fiscal and monetary policy support is needed to
reduce fiscal deficits and prevent financial imbalances.
The economic outlook is subject to both external and internal risks. The strength and timing of the
economic recovery in developed markets looms over the near-term outlook. This external factor could
both surprise on the upside and downside. Growth could also surprise on the upside if the reform
program under the New Economic Model is comprehensively and expeditiously implemented. Along
with progress on fiscal consolidation, this could also help reverse the sharp recent rise in Malaysia’s
government debt due to the fiscal stimulus spending. On the flip side, however, the potential stalling of
reform momentum could drive down growth prospects and increase debt sustainability risks.
After the initial rebound, growth in developed economies is expected to remain sluggish through
2010. This reflects a weakening over the year of the drivers of the rebound in 2009, i.e. the fiscal
stimulus packages, accommodative monetary policies and the rebuilding of inventories. Lending
conditions are likely to remain relatively weak globally due to the need to rebuild capital and absorb
ongoing loan losses. For 2010 as a whole, growth in high-income economies is expected to recover to
1.8 percent after contracting by 3.3 percent in 2009 (Table 2.1). This compares with world growth of 2.7
percent in 2010, after 2.2 percent in 2009.
Developing economies will drive world growth in 2010. East Asia and South Asia, which showed their
resilience during the global recession, will take the lead (Figure 2.1). This is largely underpinned by
sustained expansion in China and India. However, it remains an open question of whether China, and
the rest of the larger emerging markets, can provide sufficient support to global demand for consumer
and capital goods to return it to pre-crisis levels, particularly with the prospect of progressive
withdrawal of some of their economic stimulus measures.
The ongoing recovery in trade volumes will continue. But, trade may remain well below pre-crisis
levels. The weakness and uncertainties in the developed market outlook limits the rebound in
international trade, despite eased trade credits and higher commodity prices. World trade volume is
likely to expand by only 4.3 percent in 2010, clawing back less than a third of the slump last year. Even
by the end of 2012, global trade volumes are expected to remain 2.4 percent below the pre-crisis levels.
The outlook for commodities is mixed. Stronger global demand over 2010 will push up average
energy and metal and mineral prices (Figure 2.2). The average oil price is projected to reach around
US$76 per barrel in 2010, but, with inventories strong and the rebound in demand still limited, the
forecasted price remains a fifth below the peak in 2008. Prices of non-energy commodities are expected
to rebound much less forcefully. Strong supply conditions, for example due to good harvests, contribute
to the projected marginal decrease of agricultural and food prices over 2010-2011.
Developed economy inflation is set to rise gradually. Given moderate increases in commodity prices
and the limited pace of recovery, inflation rates in G-7 economies are expected to remain relatively low
at 1.1 percent in 2010, picking up to 1.7 percent in 2011. As a result, and despite the likely move to
normalization of monetary policy over the next year or so, international interest rates are expected to
stay low in the near-term.
The outlook for international capital flows to emerging Asia is mixed. On the one hand, the ongoing
realization of losses from the financial crisis and deleveraging of balance sheets is likely to constrain
global liquidity supply. Increased issuance by developed economy governments with their own fiscal
problems may also crowd out some of the demand for emerging market sovereign credits. In aggregate,
net private capital flows to developing countries are projected to fall by roughly a third in 2010 relative
to 2009. On the other hand, with interest rates low in high-income economies, investors may
particularly look to East Asia, with its strong growth prospects, for higher yielding assets.
Table 2.1. A modest global economic recovery with subdued trade and low inflation
Growth year-on-year, percent
2008 2009e 2010f 2011f
World GDP 1.7 -2.2 2.7 3.2
High-income economies 0.4 -3.3 1.8 2.3
USA 0.4 -2.5 2.5 2.7
Euro Area 0.5 -3.9 1.0 1.7
Japan -1.2 -5.4 1.3 1.8
Developing countries 5.6 1.2 5.2 5.8
World trade volume 3.0 -14.4 4.3 6.2
Consumer prices in G-7 countries 3.1 -0.2 1.1 1.7
Commodity prices
Non-energy commodities 21.0 -21.6 5.3 0.7
Oil price 36.4 -36.3 23.1 0.8
Interest rates ($, 6-month, %) 3.2 1.2 1.8 2.8
Source: World Bank Global Economic Prospects 2010 (World Bank, 2010d).
Figure 2.1. All developing regions resume output Figure 2.2. Energy and metal prices rebound in 2010
growth this year, led by East Asia and South Asia but food and agriculture prices remained stable
Real GDP growth year-on-year, percentage points Actual and projected international commodity prices (2005=100)
-8 -6 -4 -2 0 2 4 6 8 200
Middle East & North Africa 120
South Asia 100 Metal and minerals Energy
Food Agriculture
Sub-Saharan Africa 80
2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010f 2011f 2012f
Source: World Bank (2010d). Source: World Bank.
Growth in the second half of 2009 exceeded the forecasts made in the November 2009 Malaysia
Economic Monitor (Figure 2.3). While private consumption came in at a similar growth rate to the
projections, public consumption was much stronger. The pick-up in fixed investment was below the
projected level, but the recovery in exports in the fourth quarter was above expectations. This
decomposition of performance does however point to the importance of temporary growth drivers. The
contributions of the fiscal stimulus and the inventory adjustment are likely to weaken over the next
Expectations of growth for 2010 have been upgraded. Since mid-2009 market views on the
prospects for growth in 2010 have improved as the domestic and global economies began their recovery
(Figure 2.4). The mean Consensus forecast from the March 2010 survey is 5.4 percent, 2 percentage
points higher than in April 2009. In addition, the dispersion of forecasts has narrowed even as the
average has risen.
Figure 2.3. Actual growth in H2 2009 exceeded the Figure 2.4. Growth forecasts for 2010 are being
projections in the November 2009 MEM upgraded
Actual and forecast year-on-year GDP growth rates, percentage points GDP growth year-on-year, percentage points
-6 -4 -2 0 2 4 6
8 World Bank projections
Official projection (mid-point of range)
Private consumption
Public consumption
Shaded area indicates
1 range of forecasts
Jan-09 Apr-09 Jul-09 Oct-09 Jan-10
MEM Nov 2009 projection Actual
Survey date
Source: CEIC and World Bank staff projections. Source: Consensus Economics, Ministry of Finance Malaysia, Bank
Negara Malaysia and World Bank.
Leading indicators point to continued recovery momentum in early 2010. Figure 2.5 shows a
selection of variables whose annual growth has historically led the growth in Malaysia’s industrial
production index (IPI). 9 For example, the cross-correlation of the US stock of computers to shipments
ratio is highest with a lead time of four months relative to Malaysia’s industrial production. Although
domestic business sentiment has the highest correlation, the importance of external demand is clear,
with lead times of three to six months. Recent trends in these leading indicators point to positive
momentum in the annual growth of industrial production going forward (Figure 2.6), although some of
the rebound reflects level effects due to the depth of the downturn.
Leading variables of investment and consumption are also supportive of growth in the first half of
2010. A similar cross-correlation analysis was applied to indicators of quarterly total fixed investment
and private consumption in real terms (Figure 2.7 and Figure 2.8 respectively). High excess production
capacity and lowering of business sentiment are often followed by subdued investments. High rubber
prices, secured employment conditions, and favorable equity movements are typically followed by
strong consumer spending in the following few quarters. As outlined in Chapter 1 many of these
measures have shown movements in support of consumption and investment in recent quarters. This
partial analysis suggests that the robust expansion in the fourth quarter of 2009 will continue at least in
the first half of 2010.
A total of 82 variables were included in the cross-correlation analysis. Only eight variables met two selection
criteria: having the cross-correlation coefficient with IPI of at least 0.50 (with an expected sign) and a lead time of
at least three months. The data set includes Malaysian data as well as those from Malaysia’s key trading partners
(US, EU, Japan, China, and Singapore).
Figure 2.5. External demand historically leads Figure 2.6. External and domestic leading indicators
Malaysia’s industrial production of industrial production continue to improve
Cross-correlation with industrial production Months of lead time Growth year-on-year, percent
Cross-correlation (LHS)
0.8 7 Singapore purchasing manager index
Lead time (RHS) 20
6 US computer stock-shipments ratio (inverted)
0.6 5 Malaysia Domestic Leading Index (DoS)
0.2 2
0.0 0
MIER US Singapore US durable Vessel
business computer purchasing goods' arrivals -20
conditions stock- manager unfilled
index shipments index orders-
ratio shipments -30
Jan-07 Jul-07 Jan-08 Jul-08 Jan-09 Jul-09 Jan-10
Note: Cross-correlation is the highest calculated value across lead
Note: DoS: Department of Statistics.
Source: CEIC, Department of Statistics (DoS) and World Bank staff
Source: CEIC and World Bank staff calculations.
Figure 2.7. Low spare production capacity and Figure 2.8. Sentiment and income-related factors
capital cost generally lead investments guide private consumption movements
Cross-correlation with investment Quarters of lead time Cross-correlation with private consumption Quarters of lead time
0.4 1 0.4
0.2 2
0.0 0 0.0 0
MIER business Capacity utilization 3-month KLIBOR Stock market MIER Retrenched Rubber price
conditions index rate index consumer workers
Note: Cross-correlation is the highest calculated value across lead index
Source: CEIC and World Bank staff calculations. Note: Cross-correlation is highest calculated value across lead
Source: CEIC and World Bank staff calculations.
Real GDP is expected to rebound strongly. In 2010 as a whole, real GDP growth is expected to reach
5.7 percent, up from a contraction of 1.7 percent in 2009 (Figure 2.9). This rebound can be attributed to
a low base in 2009, improved export outturns, and the build-up of momentum in both fixed and
inventory investment. The strength of the recovery depends in the first place on the robustness of the
worldwide recovery, which will affect external demand. In addition, the recovery will depend on a
transition to growth that is driven by the private sector as the unwinding of fiscal and monetary policy
support is needed to reduce fiscal deficits and prevent financial imbalances. As economic activity picks
up, inflation is projected to continue to rise moderately in 2010, reaching 2.2 percent (Figure 2.10).
Increases in domestic costs, such as wages, and external commodity prices will contribute to a
continuation of the recent trend rise in prices.
Growth in 2010 is expected to be front-loaded. Annual growth rates in the first quarter will reach
over 8 percent (Figure 2.11)—given the low base in the previous year. The second half of 2010 could
experience a deceleration in growth rates due to higher base levels, waning fiscal stimulus, and further
normalization of monetary policy. But at the same time, improvements in the global trade cycle and
domestic business sentiments are expected to continue. In fact, a survey by the Federation of Malaysian
Manufacturers in October 2009 shows that around 40 percent of surveyed companies believe that a firm
recovery will take place in the second half of 2010.10
The private sector is expected to lead the revival in consumption. As the public stimulus packages
are withdrawn, the private sector will dominate the contribution of consumption to growth. This follows
a mere one-percent growth in private consumption in 2009, which is the slowest pace in many years. In
addition to the low base levels, a number of factors are expected to contribute to improved consumer
confidence and spending: (i) stronger labor market conditions, (ii) the rise in commodity prices
(especially rubber and palm oil) from the second half of 2009 since these prices have a lagged positive
effect on private spending, (iii) improved earnings in the corporate sector, (iv) resilient tourism sector,
(v) favorable stock market performance, and (vi) the ongoing improvement in the credit conditions of
In terms of the labor market, after the economic rebound, conditions are also expected to pick up
with increasing employment, vacancies and upward adjustments to wages. Survey data from the
Department of Statistic’s Business Tendency Survey and from the Federation of Malaysian
Manufacturers suggests that the businesses expect the labor market in the first half of 2010 to improve
(Table 1.1). A Bank Negara Malaysia survey also suggests that in 2010 most firms in the manufacturing,
services and construction sectors plan to increase their workforce by 5 percent.11
Momentum is expected to build in both fixed and inventory investment. As external and domestic
demand recover, the incentives for firms to invest, and rebuild inventory stocks, will rise. This follows a
deep contraction in private investment in 2009 when public investment took the lead. However, this
revival in private sector investment is dampened by the continued low capacity utilization rates,
particularly in the domestic sector. It will also depend on the success of reforms to promote private
investment. The government has announced that it will introduce more incentives for Malaysian firms,
such as government-linked companies, to invest locally. Public-private partnerships will also be
Federation of Malaysian Manufacturers (2009b).
Bank Negara Malaysia (2010).
Figure 2.9. Robust recovery in annual GDP growth Figure 2.10. Average consumer price inflation will rise
Actual and forecast GDP percent growth, yoy, percent Percent, year-on-year
7 6
4 4
3 6.2
5.7 5.6
5.3 3
4.6 5.4
1 2
0 2.7
1 2.0 2.2
-1 -1.7
-2 0
2007 2008 2009 2010f 2011f 2012f 2007 2008 2009 2010f 2011f
Source: CEIC and World Bank staff projections. Source: CEIC and World Bank staff projections.
Figure 2.11. Quarterly GDP growth to continue its Figure 2.12. Private sector to sustain the recovery
momentum in H1 2010
Actual and forecast GDP percent growth, yoy, percent Index, 2007=100
10 Private consumption
140 Public consumption
8 Private investment
130 Public investment
6 Exports of goods & services
Imports of goods & services
4 8.5 120
7.4 6.8
4.8 4.5 4.9
2 110
-1.2 100
-2 -3.9
-6.2 90
-6 80
2008 Q2 Q3 Q4 2009 Q2 Q3 Q4 2010 Q2f Q3f Q4f
Q1 Q1 Q1f 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012
Source: CEIC and World Bank staff projections. Source: CEIC and World Bank staff projections.
Merchandise exports will continue to rise. Demand from China remains solid, and is improving in
other emerging East Asian economies. But returning to pre-crisis shipment levels will likely take more
than a year given the slow recovery projected for global trade. This is despite the possibility that
Malaysia will outperform the global average because its key export markets, such as the US, China, and
other countries in emerging Asia that are part of the regional production network, are projected to show
relatively strong growth. In terms of products, the ongoing improvement in exports of electrical and
electronics products should be sustained. The Semiconductor Industry Association projects growth of
around 10 percent in world semiconductor sales in 2010, after registering a 9 percent drop in 2009.
Prices of oil and liquefied natural gas will be supportive of export values in 2010 although key
agricultural items such as rubber and palm oil will suffer from lower or stable prices. On the services
side, tourist arrivals should strengthen further in 2010 on the back of strong growth in the ASEAN region
(which account for close to 80 percent of Malaysia’s overseas tourist arrivals, with over 50 percent from
Singapore alone).
However, despite the predicted rebound in exports, the contribution of net external demand to GDP
is projected to weaken slightly in 2010. Growth of real imports of goods and services is expected to
outpace that of exports due to a surge in imports of capital and intermediate goods to meet rising
export orders (given the high import content of export goods) and of final goods imports to fulfill
expanding domestic demand. However, the value of the trade surplus is roughly unchanged from 2009
while the services account should continue to post a small surplus. As a result, the current account
surplus is expected to fall slightly from around 17 percent of GDP in 2009 to around 15 percent in 2010
and 2011 (Figure 2.13). The strong current account position, along with the potential capital inflows
searching for higher yields and attracted by potential rises in interest rates, is expected to support a
modest appreciation of the Malaysian ringgit over the next few quarters.
Fiscal consolidation, along with the recovery in growth, is expected to contribute to an improvement
in the deficit in 2010 (Figure 2.14). With growth targeted at 6 percent, the government plans to cut the
federal government deficit to 5.3 percent of GDP in 2010 from 7 percent in 2009. World Bank
projections for 2010 are similar with the deficit of 3.8 percent of GDP projected for 2011 by the
Economic Planning Unit. In addition to the gradual withdrawal of the stimulus spending, the fiscal
consolidation effort is mainly made through a reduction in the subsidy bill, but also through reducing
non-priority spending. Other areas of fiscal reform which could strengthen the government’s financial
position include managing the fiscal volatility associated with Malaysia’s natural resource wealth and
broadening the revenue base.
There has been recent uncertainty over a number of proposed fiscal reform measures. CIMB
estimates put fuel subsidies at RM 5.3 billion in 2009, equivalent to 5.7 percent of operating
expenditures and 1.3 percent of GDP.12 The subsidy also leads to indirect costs such as forgone sales tax
revenue. The 2010 budget announced a reform of the fuel subsidy scheme, with planned savings of as
much as RM 2 billion. However, the reform is now postponed from May 2010 to as late as October,
limiting the associated reduction in operating spending relative to budget projections. The government
has set up a new unit to review all forms of subsidies, including food items. On the revenue side it has
also been reported that plans to introduce the goods and services tax to replace the sales and services
tax, which would have expanded the tax base, have been rescheduled to give ample time to get
feedback from the public before the second reading of the Bill in Parliament.
Gradual normalization is also expected in monetary policy over 2010. But, a return to the pre-crisis
policy rate of 3.5 percent is unlikely in the near future. Sizeable spare capacity, and the potential fragility
of the outlook for developed economies, temper against strong upward pressures on rates.
Furthermore, raising the policy rates too much or too quickly could deter an upswing in private
CIMB (2010).
Figure 2.13. Current account surplus to decline but Figure 2.14. Near-term consolidation is expected to
will remain high reduce the deficit
Current account surplus, percent of GDP Federal government deficit, percent of GDP
18 0
-2 -3.8
16 -5.5
15 -4
16.7 -5
14 15.7
15.3 15.3
12 -8
2007 2008 2009 2010f 2011f 2007 2008 2009 2010f 2011f
Source: CEIC and World Bank staff projections. Source: CEIC and World Bank staff projections.
The baseline forecasts over the near-term remain subject to a considerable degree of uncertainty,
both on the upside and the downside.
One factor of uncertainty relates to the strength of the global recovery. In particular, as in
Malaysia’s domestic situation, the key question is how private sector activity in these markets will
respond to the future withdrawal of fiscal stimulus packages and liquidity support along with possible
hikes in domestic interest rates. A weaker-than-expected global recovery and possibly prolonged
economic weakness in advanced economies would reduce the role of external demand as an engine of
growth. In such a case, domestic demand projections would need to be adjusted downward as well, as
the build-up of fixed and inventory investment related to manufacturing-for-export industries may well
be reversed.
The recovery may however as well surprise on the upside. Although signals are mixed, high income
industrial production and import data showed a strong pick up in January, with imports up 15 percent
on a seasonally adjusted basis on the month. To give a further indication of the potential upside to the
forecast, World Bank forecasts for GDP growth in the US for 2010 and 2011 of 2.5 and 2.7 percent
respectively are below the lower bound of the central tendency forecasts of Federal Reserve Board
Governors and Presidents.13 These ranges, which exclude the three highest and lowest projections, are
2.8 to 3.5 percent for 2010 and 3.4 to 4.5 percent for 2011. If China continues its growing contribution
to global demand growth, despite the need for a gradual tightening of its macro policy stance, then this
is another source of potential upside for Malaysia’s external environment.
Federal Reserve (2010).
On the other side of the coin, it is also worth noting that there are global risks to the continuing of
stimulus support for too long. In some countries there may be risks in terms of government
indebtedness (and the potential for debt distress concerns to rise) or a return to the problems of excess
liquidity, such as asset price bubbles, which contributed to the initial crisis.
A second near-term risk pertains to the question of how private sector growth will perform as fiscal
policy and monetary policy support is withdrawn. The baseline forecasts are predicated on a strong
recovery in private investment. However, the experience of the post Asian crisis years highlights that
falls in investment levels, albeit in that case from a much higher base, can take a considerable time to
reverse. In particular, capacity levels remain relatively low and output in 2009 is estimated to be around
1.4 percent below its potential.14 This is just below the recent low in 2001 of an output gap of 1.6
percent, with real private investment remaining weak in the subsequent year. On the consumption side,
improvements in real incomes and employment over 2010 are projected. However, there remains the
risk as to how these gains will be allocated between increased consumption expenditures or the
replenishment of the buffer savings which were depleted during 2009 to ease the impact of the crisis.
Progress on the structural reform agenda is critical for Malaysia to maintain its competitive edge in
the global market place. Indeed, for Malaysia to remain competitive, it will need to shift the source of its
competitive advantage from low cost to high value, as discussed at greater length in Chapter 3. An
integrated strategy to achieve this objective includes four key elements to address current weaknesses
(see the November 2009 issue of the Malaysia Economic Monitor; World Bank, 2009a):
Specializing the economy further in order to leverage limited resources—both public and
private— and achieve agglomeration economies.
Improving the skills of the workforce, demand for which will rise with increased specialization.
Meeting this demand requires simultaneous efforts to improve the quantity and quality of
skilled labor.
Making the growth process more inclusive, helping households not only cope with poverty but
also promoting entrepreneurship and prudent risk-taking. Effective social insurance programs
and well-targeted social safety nets have an important role to play here.
Bolstering public finances to address the rising fiscal deficit and also to reconsider the relative
role between government and private sector.
Bank Negara Malaysia (2010).
To address the challenge of moving to high income status through inclusive and sustainable growth,
the government has announced the broad contours of a New Economic Model (NEM) for Malaysia.15
The proposed NEM sets out various Strategic Reform Initiatives (SRIs), ranging from improving the skills
of the labor force, promoting private-sector driven growth to ensuring the inclusiveness and
sustainability of the growth process. Box 6 provides a brief description of the NEM and how the
proposed approaches represent a shift relative to previous economic policy frameworks for Malaysia.
The NEM forms the third-pillar in the government’s Vision 2020 program of national transformation,
including reaching high-income status by 2020. The first pillar 1Malaysia was announced in April 2009,
focusing on “preservation and enhancement of unity in diversity”. The second pillar, the Government
Transformation Programme (GTP), focuses on improving the efficiency of delivery of government
services and was announced in early 2010. The final fourth pillar is to be the 10th Malaysia plan which
will focus on macro growth targets and the allocation of expenditures and is due in June 2010.
Progress on the structural reform agenda could produce a significant tangible growth dividend. The
proposed reforms follow on from measures already announced in 2009 which targeted foreign
investment and the growth of services in the economy. For example, Foreign Investment Committee
guidelines were removed and requirements for 30 percent Bumiputra ownership in domestic equity
IPOs were abolished. In 2009, measures were also announced to liberalize service sub-sectors such as
health, transport, tourism and business services. The NEM proposes further moves to free up the scope
for private investment and to level the competitive playing field through, for example, divestment of
GLCs in sectors where the private sector is operating effectively and ensuring that GLCs operate on a
strictly commercial basis.
The positive implications for growth of the NEM structural reform agenda are however dampened
by two factors. The first one is the fiercely competitive environment for trade and FDI, as the global
economy continues to rebalance and countries around the region catch up along the value chain. In
addition, the need to deliver on structural reforms may become even more important if cyclical
pressures for real exchange rate appreciation serve to limit the price competitiveness of Malaysia’s firms
in the global market place (Box 7). In particular, the relatively strong recoveries by the Asian economies
may mean that pressures for monetary tightening arise more quickly than in higher income economies.
This, along with the secular trends of a deepening and broadening of domestic financial markets, may
attract increasing investment from overseas. As a result upward exchange rate pressures may
materialize, which, all things being equal, could lead to rising relative unit labor costs in the region,
increasing the productivity challenge for Malaysia.
National Economic Advisory Council (2010).
In March 2010, the Government of Malaysia unveiled the broad contours of the proposed New
Economic Model (NEM). The announcement is to be followed by a period of public consultation to
gather feedback on the key principles. Afterwards, the recommendations will be translated into
actionable policies, which can then be implemented.
The objective of the NEM is for Malaysia to join the ranks of the high-income economies through
a process of growth that is both inclusive and sustainable. Inclusive growth enables the benefits of
growth to be shared across all communities. Sustainable growth augments the wealth of current
generations in a way that does not come at the expense of future generations. A number of strategic
reform initiatives have been proposed, aiming at: greater private initiative, better skills, more
competition, a leaner public sector, pro-growth affirmative action, a better knowledge base and
infrastructure, the selective promotion of sectors, and environmental as well as fiscal sustainability.
The proposed New Economic Model represents a shift of emphasis in several dimensions:
Quality rather than quantity. Mere accumulation of capital and labor quantities does not
suffice for sustained long-term growth. To boost productivity, the focus is shifted to the
quality of physical and human accumulation and the efficient use of resources.
Private versus public. This involves rolling back the government’s presence in some areas,
promoting competition and exposing all commercial activities (including that of GLCs) to the
same rules of the game.
Bottom-up rather than top-down decision-making. Bottom-up approaches involve autonomy
and accountability in decentralized and participative processes—often a source of healthy
competition at the subnational level, as China’s case illustrates.
Unbalanced rather than balanced regional growth. Growth accelerates if economic activity is
geographically concentrated rather than spread out. Malaysia needs to promote clustered
growth, but also ensure good connectivity between where people live and work.
Selective incentives rather than sector-based approaches. Transformation of industrial
policies into smart innovation and technology policies will enable Malaysia to direct scarce
public resources to activities that raise value.
From developed to emerging markets. Malaysia can benefit from emerging market growth by
leveraging on its diverse workforce and fostering linkages with Asia and the Middle East.
Embracing rather than keeping out foreign talent. As Malaysia improves the pool of talent
domestically, foreign skilled labor can fill the gap in the interim. Foreign talent generates
positive spill-over effects to the benefit of the whole economy.
Overall, the New Economic Model demonstrates the clear recognition that Malaysia needs to
introduce far-reaching structural reforms to boost growth. The proposed measures represent a
significant and welcome step in this direction. What matters most now is the translation of the
principles into actionable policies and the multi-year commitment to implement them.
The global recession has had a much milder impact in East Asia than in high income countries. GDP
declined by 3.3 percent in 2009 in high income countries, opening up large output gaps which will take
years to close even in a fairly benign scenario. However, in East Asia the downturn has been much
milder. East Asian GDP grew by 6.8 percent in 2009. This average has been influenced by China, where
GDP growth was 8.7 percent last year, keeping output close to potential (Figure 2.15). Growth in other
East Asian countries was not as fast (1.3 percent in 2009 excluding China), but even there the downturn
has been substantially milder than in the high income countries, and spare capacity substantially
-3 US output gap
China's output gap
1993 1997 2001 2005 2009
What does this cyclical divergence imply for monetary and exchange rate conditions in East Asia?
With a robust growth outlook ahead, Asian policymakers have started to look towards normalizing
monetary policy, even though monetary policy in the US is likely to remain accommodative this year and
next. Traditionally, many countries in the region have had a US dollar-oriented exchange rate regime.
Several, including Malaysia, have moved away from a rigid peg towards a managed float against a basket
of currencies, largely reflecting the rising importance of regional trading partners and the need to
maintain exchange rate stability against them. However, many countries in the region still manage their
exchange rates with an eye to the US dollar. As long as the economic cycles in East Asia were broadly in
line with that of the US this caused few tensions. US monetary conditions were typically broadly
appropriate for the region. However, the divergence of cyclical conditions in the region from those in
the US is likely to lead to a divergence in monetary conditions, with interest rates likely to rise in the
region. Rising relative interest rates in the region, and stronger relative growth prospects to developed
markets, could drive further capital inflows, putting upward pressure on regional exchange rates.
The current cyclical configuration may not be one-off. Since the early 1990s, many developing
countries and emerging markets have grown substantially faster than the high income countries,
increasing their economic importance. This has especially been the case for East Asian countries, notably
China. Given its size, China is becoming a growth pole for the world economy in its own right. As this
happens, the importance of China’s economic cycle for the cycle in South East Asian economies is
increasing and that of the US and other high income countries is decreasing, relatively.
How things will evolve will in part depend on the evolution of China’s own exchange rate policy.
Since the RMB was de-pegged in July 2005 and became managed “with reference to a basket of
currencies” it was allowed to strengthen by about 20 percent against the US dollar until it was re-pegged
in mid-2008. But, if China’s cyclical conditions will continue to differ substantially from those in the US,
China will need higher interest rates to mitigate inflation pressures and asset prices even though US
rates may stay low. The fear of interest rate sensitive capital inflows has at times made China’s
policymakers rely on administrative measures, including credit quotas, to tighten monetary conditions.
While these measures have been effective, they are distortive and create volatility. China’s government
has since long had a more flexible exchange rate regime and a more interest rate-oriented monetary
policy as a long-term goal. The current divergent cyclical positions may speed up this evolution.
Potential strengthening and increased flexibility of the RMB versus the US dollar may provide room for
other countries in East Asia to strengthen exchange rates and increase exchange rate flexibility.
Strengthening real exchange rates within the region would put additional pressures on firms to
remain competitive in global markets. In the face of rises in their international prices due to exchange
rate movements, firms will need to improve further their cost efficiency to retain market share in a
given product line or to upgrade along the value chain into new products and services. Achieving such
goals is already a key priority for Malaysia as part of making the jump to high-income status. The
potential dynamics of regional exchange rates going forward emphasize the importance of meeting this
challenge and heighten its magnitude.
The second factor dampening the growth outlook is the difficulty of implementing structural
reforms quickly and comprehensively. In any country, an effective package of structural reforms is likely
to lead to a change in the economic structure and in the distribution of pay-offs to firms and
households. While the long-term benefits in terms of growth and opportunities may be spread widely, in
the short-term there may be some who will gain and others who may temporarily suffer losses. The
potential distributional consequences are expected to dampen the pace of reform.
Against this background, real GDP growth of just below 6 percent is projected in the medium term.
As the economy continues to recover, real GDP growth is expected to average 5.7 percent between
2011 and 2015 and would reach nearly 5.8 percent by 2015. This forecast prices in the realities of a
more difficult external environment and the constraints on the structural reform implementation front.
The main risk to the medium-term outlook concerns the implementation progress on these
structural reforms. If weak, potential growth would slip as a result of the anticipated incremental loss of
competitiveness of the Malaysian economy. For example, under the NEM framework, private sector
investment is expected to revive strongly (the NEM report projects private fixed capital formation to
reach around 18 percent of GDP by 2020 compared with around 12 percent in recent years). Failure to
implement measures to improve the business climate (such as the proposed single-window online
approach to licensing, reduce the involvement of GLCs in economic activity and improve the competitive
environment) may limit such a strong revival of private investment, and in turn the growth outlook.
Growth in such a scenario in which structural reform implementation is weak, abstracting from
other risks, is projected by the World Bank to reach 4.5 percent in 2010. It then declines to 3.8 percent
in 2011 as the base effects of the rebound unwind before gradually rising and stabilizing at 4.3 percent
by 2015 (i.e. the average growth of 4.2 percent over 2010-2015 is 1.5 percentage points lower relative
to the baseline).
Implementation of the structural reform agenda is not only critical for growth in itself, but also for
government debt sustainability. The debt of the consolidated general government increased from 41
percent of GDP in 2008 to 54 percent in 2009 as a result of the fiscal response to the crisis. Box 8
outlines the results of recent analysis of Malaysia’s government debt position going forward. The
baseline scenario projected by the World Bank assumes growth to rebound to an average of around 5.7
percent over 2011-2015, pricing in difficulties that may materialize with respect to implementing the
NEM reforms comprehensively and swiftly. Oil prices are projected by the World Bank to be in the range
of USD 82-84 per barrel from 2010 to 2015. The economic recovery and oil prices are reflected in the
fiscal projections which also incorporate consolidation measures. Under this baseline scenario, the
current set of policies would not reverse the upward jump in debt-to-GDP over 2009, with the ratio to
GDP remaining at around 57 percent of GDP in 2015.
Government debt is anticipated to rise further if slippages on the structural reform implementation
mean that output growth averages well below the 5-6 percent range of the baseline. With average
growth of 4.2 percent over 2011-2015, debt accelerates to almost 70 percent of GDP in 2015. A lack of
fiscal consolidation, and lower oil prices compared to prices assumed under the baseline, also have a
clear detrimental effect on the debt-to-GDP ratio. Rising government debt ratios may lead to increased
financing costs, both domestically and in international markets, with the additional risk of increased
crowding out of, already weak, private investment.
These concerns are mitigated by a number of important factors. Malaysia’s current debt structure
has extremely limited exposure to foreign exchange risk (with external debt less than 5 percent of the
total). The share of short-term debt is similarly low. Furthermore, a high proportion of debt is held by
longer-term domestic institutions, in particular the Employee Provident Fund. In terms of market
indicators, there has been a leveling off in the rise in domestic bond yields which was seen earlier in
2009, associated with concerns over the level of issuance to finance the rising deficit. Levels of external
credit spreads have also improved over 2009, returning to levels last seen in mid-2008. There appear to
be little spillovers from the Euro-area fiscal troubles. While these variables may be imprecise gauges of
credit-worthiness, the structural characteristic of the debt are also supportive of the current health of
the government’s debt structure.
The sharp rise in government debt in Malaysia over 2009 has raised concerns over the sustainability
of the debt position going forward. A recent World Bank debt sustainability analysis (DSA), in
collaboration with the IMF, examines this question, focusing on the debt of the consolidated general
government (which includes federal, state and local government as well as statutory bodies, and
excludes non-financial public enterprises). A DSA exercise is a tool used to analyze the evolution of debt
levels and debt service ratios of a country under a range of different scenarios. The two inputs to the
analysis are the country’s existing debt levels and structure and a set of economic projections which
determine debt levels and their composition going forward. These include, for example, GDP growth,
interest rates, exchange rates, oil prices, inflation and the government’s primary deficit (i.e. the deficit
excluding interest payments).
The fiscal projections in the analysis incorporate the impact of the expected economic recovery and
the gradual increase in oil prices. In particular, the recovery would be accompanied by a fiscal tightening
resulting from the cyclical increase in revenues and the unwinding of one-off measures and capital
spending plans introduced as part of the fiscal stimulus packages. Grants, pensions, and gratuities make
the single largest contribution to the anticipated fiscal consolidation as these items accounted for much
of the direct fiscal injections of the stimulus packages. Policy actions to curtail or rationalize subsidies
are also an important part of the prospective consolidation.
Deficits are projected to improve temporarily due to consolidation and economic growth. The
primary deficit of the consolidated general government is expected to narrow from 5.9 percent of GDP
in 2009 to 4.2 percent in 2010. It posts a minimum of 1.2 percent of GDP in 2011, but subsequently
engages in an upward trend and reaches 3.4 percent in 2015. The subsequent widening reflects a
decline in revenues to GDP over time, mainly due to oil-related revenues growing slower than nominal
GDP, which more than offsets the decline in expenditures.
Similarly, the overall consolidated general government budget deficit drops to 6.4 percent of GDP in
2010 after recording 8 percent in 2009. The projection is also U-shaped, with a minimum of 3.6 percent
of GDP in 2012 and a 2015 end-point at 6.2 percent. The terms of financing of these deficits are also
expected to deteriorate somewhat going forward, in line with the expected global monetary tightening.
Combined with the rising debt stock this has the effect of increasing the burden of interest expenditures
over time, rising from 2.1 percent of GDP in 2009 to 2.8 percent in 2015.
Under the baseline scenario, with the unwinding of one-off measures and the resumption of output
growth, the rise in Malaysia’s government debt due to the recent crisis response is not reversed over
the next six years. The debt-to-GDP ratio remains close to 60 percent of GDP in 2015 compared to 43
percent in 2008. Over the longer term, the current set of policies does not seem to ensure sustainability
as rising fiscal deficits are unlikely to be tamed by higher oil prices and/or a return to sustained growth.
Discontinued fiscal stimulus measures, structural changes to fuel subsidies, and temporary larger oil-
related income revenues do not seem to be sufficient to place placing the debt trajectory on a
sustainable path. A tighter fiscal stance in line with historical outcomes would however place the debt
trajectory on a downward path.
DSAs also include sensitivity analysis through examining a range of alternative scenarios and bound
tests. Malaysia’s debt dynamics appear resilient to a range of standardized shocks, such as temporary
shocks to the interest rate, primary balance and the exchange rate, notwithstanding an increasing debt
path under the baseline. For example, while lower oil prices accentuate structural weaknesses within
the budget, they have a limited impact on the budget balances.
The debt dynamics are, however, vulnerable to a continuation of the expansionary fiscal stance
experienced in 2009. The no-policy change scenario, under which the consolidation plan fails to
materialize and deficits persist at the 2010 level during the period 2011-2015, depicts a continuous,
notable increase in the debt ratio relative to the baseline scenario (Figure 2.16).
The debt-to-GDP ratio would also rise if the wider structural reform agenda under the New
Economic Model were to stall, leading to lower growth relative to the baseline. Under such
circumstances, Malaysia’s competitive position in the global market place is expected to slip and growth
could fall to levels averaging at 4.2 percent over the projection horizon. As a result, the debt level would
accelerate to close to 70 percent of GDP in 2015 (Figure 2.17). Conversely, if the reform program under
the New Economic Model is comprehensively and expeditiously implemented and growth rises above
the baseline projections then this could serve as important factor in pulling down debt ratios going
Figure 2.16. Fiscal consolidation is required to Figure 2.17. The growth outlook is crucial to debt
prevent upward debt-to-GDP trajectory sustainability projections
General government debt to GDP, percent General government debt to GDP, percent
70 70
Baseline Baseline
65 No policy change (constant primary balance over 2010-2015) 65 Slower growth
60 60
55 55
50 50
45 45
40 40
2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010p 2011p 2012p 2013p 2014p 2015p 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010p 2011p 2012p 2013p 2014p 2015p
Source: World Bank staff projections and authorities‟ data. Note: Slower growth scenario assumes real GDP averaging 4.2 percent
over projection period.
Source: World Bank staff projections and authorities‟ data.
Market indicators can provide a complementary lens through which to examine the health of a
country’s fiscal position. While the DSA provides a valuable illustration of the impact of different policies
and macro scenarios on the debt profile it does not capture market reactions to changes in a country’s
actual fiscal indebtedness, or financing position, or other shocks to investor confidence. In thinking
about the impact of such shocks it is important to assess the liquidity, foreign exchange, interest rate
and maturity risks that are embodied in the structure of country’s debt stock. For example, if the debt
stock is in foreign currency, of low maturity and at floating interest rates then rises in international risk
aversion will likely lead to rollover difficulties and a rise in the cost of credit. In turn, ongoing financing at
a higher rate will have implications for the debt-to-GDP profile going forward via the contribution of
debt servicing costs to the deficit. Modeling the feed-back loops between asset market movements,
policy adjustments and debt dynamics presents a further, considerable challenge.
Malaysia’s debt is primarily domestic, medium- to long-term with a high level held by domestic
investment funds. The degree of exchange rate risk appears limited—external debt accounts for just
under 4 percent (or 2.1 percent of GDP) of the total consolidated general government debt. Around one
quarter of the total debt, is in the form of federal government domestic securities held by the Employee
Provident Social Security Fund (around 40 percent of total such securities). Insurance companies, which
would also be expected to have a longer-term investment strategy, account for a further 9 percent of
federal domestic securities. Banks and foreign investors hold an additional 22 and 15 percent
Market price indicators suggest that the appetite of investors for Malaysia’s government debt
remains strong. On the domestic side, government bond yields at longer maturities of 5 and 10 years
rose in early 2009 on the expectation of increased issuance associated with the fiscal stimulus packages.
However, the upward movement in yields has stabilized over the course of the year (see Bank Negara
Malaysia, 2010, for further details). The five- and ten-year maturities are currently around 3.75 percent
and 4.75 percent respectively, up around 100 basis points on January 2008. On the external debt side,
the five-year CDS spread is around 80 basis points, down from over 500 basis points at the height of the
crisis. Too much weight should not be put on a single such indicator but CDS spreads on external debt
have declined across the maturity spectrum and the composite EMBIG bond spread has followed a
similar trend.
Innovation—the successful exploitation of new ideas—is the cornerstone of sustained growth and
prosperity. To consumers, innovation brings new, higher-quality or simply better-value products, and
this contributes to higher living standards. To firms, innovation helps break into new markets, improve
market share in existing markets, and raises returns for investors and shareholders. To employees,
innovation creates new types of jobs and opportunities for skill-intensive work at higher wages. To the
nation as a whole, innovation holds the key to sustained growth and prosperity.
The theme of growth through innovation ranks highly on the reform agenda. Innovation takes
center stage in the New Economic Model that has recently been announced. The focus on innovation is
also reflected in other initiatives such as the recent establishment of a National Innovation Centre, the
designation of 2010 as the Year of Creativity and Innovation, and the introduction of outcome-based
approaches to foster the implementation of policies, including those aimed at spurring innovation.
Climbing up the income ladder through innovation is however easier said than done. Few have been
successful in breaking the glass ceiling between middle and high income. The competitive landscape has
changed with new economic powerhouses vying for capital, skill, and trade. Many countries in the
region and around the world now aspire to drive growth through innovation. The challenge for Malaysia
therefore is not only to innovate but also to do so efficiently.
Innovation is key to long-term prosperity. It allows countries to produce goods and services of
higher value at greater efficiency. Innovation is a key determinant of long-term productivity growth—
which modern growth theory considers as the sustained driver of growth. Growth through innovation
needs to be supported by a healthy level of investment in physical capital and a creative,
entrepreneurial and skilled workforce. But where growth in the past was primarily driven by greater
quantities of capital and labor, growth in the future will need to rest on Malaysia’s ability to upgrade the
quality of these factors of production. Innovation-led growth is likely to lead to greater income
inequality, higher spatial disparity, and economic restructuring leading to temporary joblessness for
some but new opportunities for other workers. To ensure that innovation-led growth is also inclusive,
these challenges will need to be carefully managed with complementary policies.
Innovation is defined as the successful exploitation of new ideas. Two aspects of this definition are
important. First, ideas need to be exploited successfully. Innovation thus differs from invention, as an
innovation is commercialized and an invention is merely an idea made manifest. Second, innovation is
concerned with new ideas. But what is new to some may be long-known to others. Some ideas may be
new to the world, but most may be new to just a firm, an industry or even a country. The concept of
innovation thus encompasses not only the creation and commercialization of new knowledge (e.g.
invention of mobile telephony) but also the diffusion and absorption of existing knowledge (e.g. the
implementation of best practice management techniques or usage of modern production methods).
Creation & Innovation Diffusion &
commercialization absorption
of knowledge of knowledge
Product, process and organizational innovation are the three most important forms of innovation
for growth (Figure 3.1). Product innovation involves the development and commercialization of new or
better-quality products. Process innovation is concerned with changes in production processes,
distribution methods and support activities that improve the efficiency of production. Organizational
innovation is the implementation of new firm structures, management methods and business processes
that enhance the value and flexibility of production.
Innovation is neither linear nor formulaic. Derived from creativity, experimentation and knowledge
transfer, innovation can materialize in multiple ways. Often the outcome of formal R&D programs, but it
may well result from the interaction with end-users. Innovation may also occur as a natural by-product
of the production process. Innovation does not necessarily require ground-breaking ideas; more often it
crops up in incremental fashion, though once in a while it is radical and revolutionary. Finally, as
mentioned earlier, innovation need not be concerned with new discoveries and may simply result from
the transfer of existing knowledge to those that were previously not in the know.16
Innovation matters for growth in two main ways. First, innovation creates new value-added and
improves existing value-added, by creating new products that are desired by consumers and improving
existing ones. This is where product innovation matters most. Second, innovation improves the
efficiency with which the existing mix of products is produced. This is where process and organizational
Schumpeter (1934), Lipsey, Carlaw and Bekar (2005), Von Hippel (2005).
innovation play their key role. In sum, innovation allows a country to produce goods and services of
higher value and at greater efficiency, thus increasing its potential growth of output.17
A country’s growth performance can be explained by many factors. Distinguishing between these
factors is useful to monitor and target the drivers of growth. At the most basic level, output growth is
driven by growth in the quantity of labor employed and its level of productivity. Labor productivity—
that is, output per worker—is an elementary performance indicator of economic efficiency and also a
fundamental determinant of real wages. Labor productivity depends in turn on the stock of (physical)
capital, the quality of the skills base of the workforce, the available mass of land, and an unexplained
residual termed total-factor productivity (TFP). TFP provides the most comprehensive measure of
productivity and represents the ability of an economy to produce more without changing any of the
inputs of production—and this is where innovation makes its greatest contribution.
Productivity growth is the lynchpin of the high-income economy—it is also where Malaysia has
performed relatively weakly (Figure 3.2 and Table 3.1). After the Asian crisis, labor productivity growth
slowed down to a rate of only 3 percent compared to almost 6 percent before. The reason for this has
been the slowdown in investment, the skills shortages in the Malaysian economy, and lack of significant
innovation as measured by TFP growth.
Figure 3.2. Capital and labor accumulation have Table 3.1. Labor productivity growth slowed
driven recent growth in Malaysia significantly after the Asian crisis
Empirical studies suggest that the benefits of innovation are large. R&D-related innovations, for example,
which represent a small subset of the range of innovations, are found to contribute no less than 1.4 percentage
points of annual GDP growth in the United States. The benefits of innovation go much beyond the private returns
to innovation. Again for the United States, R&D is estimated to provide a return to the country as a whole of as
much as 30 percent (Jones, 2002).
Growth through innovation will need to be supported by a healthy level of high-quality private
investment, which will promote learning and technological change. Malaysia’s private investment share
in GDP fell dramatically following the Asian financial crisis and, unlike other countries in the region, it
never fully recovered (Figure 3.3).
There are a few reasons, however, why investment shares should not be expected to fully recover to
pre-crisis levels. First, some of the high level of pre-crisis investment, for example in the construction
sector, was likely above the optimal level to start with. Second, an economy increasingly reliant on
services may warrant lower levels of fixed capital investment—in contrast for example to China, where
the high investment share reflects an industrial structure reliant on heavy manufacturing.18 Third, the
pursuit of opportunities abroad is not without merit, as investment in the region allows Malaysia to
repatriate the financial benefits and such investment together with those of other countries allows for
greater trade in the region.
30% Private
1989 1992 1995 1998 2001 2004 2007
These qualifiers do not remove the concern that the current level of investment may be too low
relative to the needs of a dynamically efficient economy. Recent investment climate studies suggest that
institutional and structural factors are at play, which have likely dampened the appetite for domestic
investments.19 These include skilled labor shortages, tax regulations and/or high taxes, lack of business
support services, bureaucratic burdens and anti-competitive practices. Addressing these investment
climate constraints will help Malaysia in ensuring a good return on investment domestically and
attracting foreign capital.
Growth through innovation needs to be supported by a skilled labor force. Table 3.1 suggests that
the contribution to labor productivity growth arising from skills augmentation is minimal and has been
minimal during the periods before and after the Asian financial crisis. The limited contribution is
indicative of the skills shortages that continue to exist in Malaysia. Firms consider the skills issue a main
investment climate obstacle, a result that will be discussed more fully later in the Chapter.
World Bank (2009b).
World Bank (2005 and 2009c).
Not necessarily. Innovation-led growth is likely to lead to a more narrowly specialized economy. This
builds on the empirical observation that, while middle-income countries appear to be much more
diversified than low-income countries, rich countries have a much less diversified economic structure.
The growth process from middle to high income therefore seems to be associated with greater
specialization of production and a greater focus on higher-value added products.
The gains from specialization may not accrue equally in terms of incomes and geography. Income
inequality may rise. Those with skills and already high earnings may benefit more in the short-term than
those at the bottom of the earnings distribution who may need to reskill to take advantage of new job
opportunities. Innovation may accentuate spatial disparities. Innovation thrives in cities that act as a
magnet for a skilled, diverse and creative workforce. Innovation benefits from the geographical
clustering of activity and may lead to greater spatial concentration of economic activity.
As the economy specializes, innovation may require labor to reallocate across firms and industries.
Not all firms or industries are likely to benefit equally from innovation. Innovation in one firm may
render another firm uncompetitive, contributing to its decline and eventual closure. Innovation in one
industry may pull resources away from other industries. Innovation may also result in less labor-
intensive production techniques—even if at the macro level innovation is found to be strongly
associated with job growth through stimulating demand for new, higher-quality or better-value
Even if innovation may give rise to disparity and friction, it is still essential for long-term growth.20 In
other words, the need to manage the side effects does not obviate the need to enlarge the ‘pie’ of
aggregate economic activity through productivity growth and innovation. The challenge therefore is to
complement innovation policies with targeted inclusiveness strategies, to make sure that the benefits of
growth are shared widely and any short-term negative effects are cushioned with adequate social
protection mechanisms.21
Is Malaysia well positioned to grow through innovation? The host of indicators reviewed below
suggests that Malaysia has yet to enter the stage of innovation-led growth. Malaysia’s innovation
performance is in line with that of other middle-income countries but shows a significant gap with high-
income countries. While there has been improvement in some dimensions such as patenting, this
occurred from a relatively low base. International comparison also suggests that Malaysia’s relative
position to other middle-income countries has not significantly improved. The review of these indicators
is useful to highlight the point that Malaysia faces a growing challenge to innovate. Given Malaysia’s
innovation performance thus far, innovation capabilities will need to be upgraded—particularly in view
of the progress other countries in the region are making on the innovation front.
See Gill and Kharas (2007) on specialization. Dew-Becker and Gordon (2005) and Rose (2007) on income
inequality; World Bank (2009b) on clustering; and, Nordhaus (2005) on job creation.
To the extent that innovation generates rapid growth, innovation also facilitates implementing inclusiveness
policies, as these are more easily introduced in an environment of a growing economy.
Following the Asian financial crisis, the Malaysian economy saw a significant decline in labor
productivity growth compared to the period preceding the crisis, but total factor productivity gains
remained roughly unchanged (Table 3.1 above). The 2.6 percentage point drop in labor productivity
growth was accompanied by a slowdown in employment growth as well as a significant fall in the rate of
physical capital accumulation. TFP growth, in contrast, saw only a slight decline of 0.1 percent.
Underneath these aggregate developments lie interesting differences, as the examination of labor
productivity trends at the sectoral level in Table 3.2 suggests:
In services, labor productivity growth declined significantly from some 6.4 percent in the pre-
Asian crisis period to a mere 1.8 percent in the period afterwards. Employment growth in the
sector remained robust at 4.1 percent before the crisis and 3.3 percent afterwards. The
productivity slowdown was due to output growth slowing down while labor kept on flowing into
the sector.
In industry, labor productivity growth rose from 2.7 percent before the crisis to 3.6 percent
afterwards. This increase was accompanied by a drastic decline in employment growth—from
8.1 percent to just 1.4 percent. Since the decline in employment growth exceeded the
slowdown in output growth by a significant margin labor productivity growth rose. These
patterns obtain as well for the manufacturing subsector, even though labor productivity growth
there remained roughly constant.
In agriculture, labor productivity saw continued growth following the Asian crisis, at 3.9 percent,
up on 3.3 percent in the period beforehand. Employment growth was on a steady decline both
before the crisis at -2.2 percent and after the crisis at -0.8 percent. The increase in labor
productivity is explained by the fact that output growth tripled even though labor continued to
flow out of the sector.
Figure 3.4. Total factor productivity growth weakened in all sectors, except
Labor productivity growth and the contribution of TFP, capital, skills and land, percentage points
4.4% 7.8%
1% 1.3%
87-97 98-07 87-97 98-07 87-97 98-07 87-97 98-07
Gauging the performance of total factor productivity, which relates to broad measures of
innovation, the data suggests a weakening dynamism in key sectors of the economy (Figure 3.4). To
arrive at this conclusion, the contributors to labor productivity growth—capital, skills, land and TFP—are
examined in further detail. In services, TFP growth slowed from 4.4 to 1.3 percent. In industry, the
slowdown was from 3.4 to 2.2 percent—masking an even larger drop in manufacturing from 7.8 to 4.5
percent. The agriculture sector on the other hand improved notably from -0.4 to 2.3 percent. The
slowdown in TFP growth in services, industry and—within industry—manufacturing points to weakening
Finally, it should be noted that economy-wide productivity is not only affected by productivity
developments within each sector but also by the movement of workers and other resources between
sectors. Efficiency gains could result from the movement of workers from low-productivity to high-
productivity sectors. The analysis suggests that this sectoral “reallocation effect” added about 1 percent
of growth a year in the period before the crisis—primarily on account of movement out of agriculture
into services. After the crisis, however, this positive effect became negligible.
Malaysia has been highly successful in deriving growth from export-led industrialization. Since the
establishment of a free-trade zone in Penang in 1971, Malaysia successfully attracted multinational
companies (MNCs), initially from Japan and the United States and later from Europe. The export-led
industrialization transformed Malaysia into Asia’s third-most open economy trade, with trade at its peak
reaching twice the value of annual GDP.
Not unlike other countries in the region, the particular pattern of export-led industrialization
strongly favored the electrical and electronics (E&E) sector. Over the last four decades, E&E came to
represent some 40 percent of all exports (Figure 3.5). This was accompanied by a parallel diminishing
importance of the resource-based sector, which initially accounted for some 95 percent of all exports
and declined to 30 percent in recent years (Figure 3.6). In addition to E&E, engineering and low-tech
manufactures also rose in importance. Other sectors that contributed markedly in the region were low-
tech goods, textiles, and engineering in Thailand, engineering in the Philippines, and textiles in Indonesia
(Table 3.3). As a result of Malaysia’s growing reliance on the E&E industry, the sophistication of its
export mix—as measured by the proportion of high-technology goods in total exports—now ranks
amongst the highest internationally (Figure 3.7).
Figure 3.5. The export share of electrical and Figure 3.6. The export share of resource-based
electronics industries has seen a substantial rise industries has declined in relative importance
Percent of total exports Percent of total exports
80% 100%
1980 1980
20% 20%
0% 0%
Table 3.3. A more detailed look into changes of the Figure 3.7. Malaysian exports are highly technology-
export mix intensive
Percentage point change in export share over 1970-2007 60
Hi-tech share of manufactured exports
Does the greater sophistication of the export mix suggest that industry is moving up the value
chain? Malaysia is at the top of the world league when measured by the share of high-tech exports to
total exports and also Malaysia’s manufactured exports to total exports are large. But comparison of
domestic value-added to total output value suggests that Malaysia remains highly reliant on low- and
semi-skill intensive assembly-type manufacturing.
The value-added ratio has stagnated or declined for most industrial sectors over the 1981-2002
period for which a consistent set of data is available (Table 3.4). Only in a few sectors (footwear,
apparel, plastics, rubber and nonferrous metals) did the share of domestic value added rise. In other
important sectors (especially machinery, food products and equipment products) the ratio fell
substantially. The fall was more pronounced where value-added was initially high relative to output
value, most notably in the production of machinery (Figure 3.8). The share of domestic value-added in
machinery, for example, is one of the lowest in the region (Figure 3.9).
Table 3.4. The value-added ratio fell or stagnated for most products
Value-added as percent of output value
1981- 1981-
Worst performers 1981 1990 2002 2002 Best performers 1981 1990 2002 2002
Figure 3.8. Especially products with initially high value Figure 3.9. Malaysia’s domestic value added in
added ratios saw value added decline machinery is among the lowest in the region
Value-added as percent of output value, 1981 versus 2002 Value-added as percent of output value
50% 50%
Value added
ratio in 2002 Electrical
40% 40% Machinery
except electrical
30% 30%
20% 20%
10% 10%
Comparison between 2002 and 2004 suggests that the value added ratio continued to decline on
average, even though there was a greater dispersion around the average.22 The simple average value-
added ratio declined from 28.5 to 26.9 percent during this period. Considering subsectors that account
for more than 10 percent of manufacturing output , the value added ratio fell for food and beverages
(1.6 percentage points down) and radio, TV and telecommunications equipment (1.2 percentage points
down), whereas it increased for machinery for office and computing (2.4 percentage points up) and coke
and petroleum products (3.8 percentage points up).
Survey analysis provides a complementary angle to the examination of productivity and value-added
data. The recent World Bank investment climate survey data for example reveals interesting aspects
about the innovation efforts of Malaysian manufacturing firms (Table 3.5). The survey conducted based
on 2007 data suggests that less sophisticated forms of innovation activities, such as upgrading existing
product lines or machinery and equipment, are conducted more widely. Filing patents—a tangible
innovation outcome—is less prevalent. While electronics firms scored much better on all dimensions,
innovation efforts were also relatively focused on the less sophisticated activities.
Comparing firms that participated in both the 2002 and 2007 surveys, innovation efforts slightly
deteriorated across most dimensions. There is also no strong evidence that electronics firms spent more
efforts on innovation, even though a larger number of firms reported subcontracting R&D projects and
introducing new technologies. This begs the critical question: if firms in the E&E sector are not
innovating more, who will?
Table 3.5. Innovation efforts by firms generally Figure 3.10. Innovation efforts by firms lagged those
declined between 2002 and 2007 of other countries in the region
Share of manufacturing firms carrying out innovation activities, percent Innovation effort index against GDP per capital (natural log)
All firms E&E firms
Innovation activity Change Change 0.6
2007 from 2007 from
2002 2002
Innovation effort index
Upgraded an existing THA
48.0 - 4.6 81.3 0.0
product line
Developed a major new 0.4 PHL KOR
26.2 - 3.6 46.9 -18.7
product line VNM
Upgraded machinery and
60.3 - 2.0 84.4 0.0 IDN
equipment 0.3 MYS
Introduced new technology
27.6 - 1.7 50.0 +12.5
to change prod. process
Filed patent/utility or 0.2
11.1 - 3.2 9.7 -6.4
copyright protected materials
Subcontracted R&D projects
6.1 + 1.5 6.3 +6.3 0.1
to other organizations
Agreed a new joint venture 4.5 5.5 6.5 7.5 8.5 9.5 10.5
5.2 + 1.0 6.3 -9.3
with foreign partner
GDP per capita (natural log)
Source: World Bank (2005, 2009a and 2009c) and World Bank staff Source: World Development Indicators and World Bank staff
calculations. calculations.
The difference between the 1981-2002 data set and the 2000-2004 data set lies in industry classification.
The longer data set used Rev 2 classification, whereas the shorter one is based on Rev 3 classification.
Based on investment climate surveys for many countries around the world, an index is constructed
that captures the innovation efforts of firms. The index equals the average number of innovative
activities conducted by each firm out of: (i) developing a major new product line, (ii) upgrading an
existing product line, (iii) introducing new technology that has markedly changed the way the main
product is made, and (iv) establishing a new joint venture with foreign partner.
Figure 3.10 plots the innovation index against the natural log of real GDP per capita for 59
economies (where the data corresponds to years when an investment climate assessment was made,
ranging from 2002 to 2006). On average, Malaysian firms carried out only one out of four activities, well
below the outcomes of other countries at similar income levels but also emerging East Asian countries
such as Thailand, the Philippines, and Vietnam.
These results are confirmed by other surveys. The World Bank’s Knowledge Economy Index ranks
Malaysia 48th out of 145 countries in 2009—roughly the same rank as a decade ago. This index captures
the ability to generate, adopt and diffuse knowledge, and to create an environment that allows the
effective use of knowledge. Comparison with high-income and other East Asian economies suggests that
Malaysia lags in the areas of innovation and education. Other economies in the region (e.g. China;
Singapore; Taiwan, China; and Vietnam) have made improvements as measured by this index.
The Technological Readiness indicators of the World Economic Forum measure the agility with
which an economy adopts existing technologies to enhance the productivity of its industries. The index
captures the extent to which technologies are diffused to the benefit of various economic participants in
the country. Whether the technology used has or has not been developed within national borders does
not matter for its effect on competitiveness. The indicator suggests that Malaysia occupies the middle
ground, in line with its income position, and points to scope for more diffusion. The potential for raising
productivity growth through diffusion therefore exists but seems to be insufficiently exploited (Table
R&D spending and personnel in Malaysia rose over the last two decades but remains low when
compared internationally (Table 3.7 and Figure 3.11 to Figure 3.13). While R&D captures innovation only
narrowly, this low level is a cause of concern if Malaysia wishes to upgrade its own technological
capabilities. The evolution in the number of personnel engaged in R&D mirrored the developments in
R&D spending.
Table 3.7. R&D spending rose and then stabilized at a Figure 3.11. R&D spending remains at low levels
low level of GDP when compared internationally
R&D spending as percent of GDP R&D spending as percent of GDP, 2006
1996 1998 2000 2002 2004 2006 2007 5%
Japan 2.8 3 3 3.2 3.2 3.4 3.4
Korea 2.4 2.3 2.4 2.5 2.8 3.2 3.5 4%
US 2.5 2.6 2.7 2.7 2.6 2.6 2.7
Singapore 1.4 1.8 1.9 2.2 2.2 2.3 2.6 3%
Australia 1.7 1.5 1.6 1.8 1.9 2.2 ...
UK 1.9 1.8 1.9 1.8 1.7 1.8 1.8 2%
China 0.6 0.7 0.9 1.1 1.2 1.4 1.5
HK ... 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 ... 1%
India 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.7 0.7 0.8 0.8
Malaysia 0.2 0.4 0.5 0.7 0.6 0.6 ... 0%
Figure 3.12. International comparison points to low Figure 3.13. The pool of technicians in R&D is also
numbers of R&D researchers very low when compared internationally
Researchers in R&D per million people, 2006 Technicians in R&D per million people, 2006
10,000 5%
8,000 4%
6,000 3%
4,000 Malaysia 2%
2,000 1%
0 0%
5 6 7 8 9 10 11 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
Natural Log of GDP per Capita, 2006
Natural Log of GDP per Capita, 2006
Source: UNESCO and World Bank staff calculations. Source: UNESCO and World Bank staff calculations.
Patenting activity in Malaysia expanded from 2001, but then fell due to the crisis (Figure 3.14 and
Table 3.8). Most patents granted in Malaysia were granted to foreigners. In recent years, however, an
increasing share went to locals, reaching about 8 percent in 2009. The patents issued domestically are
mainly for chemistry and metallurgy, human necessities, operational technology, electricity and physics.
Patenting activity outside of Malaysia by Malaysian residents also increased.23 Patenting with the US
Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO), in particular, saw a significant rise. Between 1995 and 2008, US
patents issued to residents of Malaysia rose twenty-fold (Figure 3.15). However, this increase took place
from a very low base. From an international perspective, Malaysia’s patenting performance normalized
by population size—remains close to what its per capita income level would predict (Figure 3.16).
Figure 3.14. Domestic patenting activity accelerated Table 3.8. Domestic patents cover a range of
before the crisis technology classes
7,000 Share of domestic patents in total patents granted, percentage points
Patents to foreigners (left axis) 14%
1993 2001 2009
6,000 Patents to locals (left axis)
Local share (right axis) 12% Chemistry, metallurgy 39 20 24
5,000 Human necessities 17 11 19
Performance of operations, transport 13 16 18
8% Electricity 11 27 14
3,000 Physics 12 16 14
Mechanical engineering & other 4 7 5
2,000 4% Fixed constructions 3 3 3
Textiles, paper 1 1 2
1,000 2%
Source: Intellectual Property Corporation of Malaysia (MyIPO).
0 0%
1989 1993 1997 2001 2005 2009
Source: Intellectual Property Corporation of Malaysia (MyIPO).
Figure 3.15. US patents granted to Malaysia rose Figure 3.16. Normalized by population, US patenting
rapidly is low but in line with other middle-income peers
US patents issued to residents of Malaysia US Patents issued to foreign residents per million people, 2008
200 400
160 300
60 100
40 Malaysia
20 0
5 6 7 8 9 10 11
95 96 97 98 99 00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 Natural Log of GDP per Capita, 2008
Source: United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO). Source: United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) and
World Bank staff calculations.
Overseas patent indicators are useful as they offer higher international comparability. Patents taken
overseas often also serve to protect a firm’s most valuable innovations.
Table 3.9. US patents to Malaysia residents cover primarily E&E technology classes
US patents issued to residents of Malaysia according to technology class
2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 Total
Active Solid-State Devices (e.g., Transistors, Solid-State Diodes) 9 12 11 17 20 69
Radiant Energy 1 1 14 18 25 59
Semiconductor Device Manufacturing: Process 7 8 9 16 10 50
Illumination 0 2 5 13 4 24
Electricity: Measuring and Testing 3 6 4 6 4 23
Electronic Digital Logic Circuitry 0 0 3 7 3 13
Computer Graphics Processing and Selective Visual Display Systems 1 1 2 5 4 13
Plastic and Nonmetallic Article Shaping or Treating: Processes 5 0 4 1 1 11
Electric Lamp and Discharge Devices 2 0 4 3 2 11
Electric Lamp and Discharge Devices: Systems 1 2 4 2 1 10
Electricity: Electrical Systems and Devices 1 4 2 2 1 10
Supports: Cabinet Structure 0 2 2 2 3 9
DP: Design and Analysis of Circuit or Semiconductor Mask (Data Processing) 0 1 3 4 1 9
Television 0 0 1 1 6 8
Source: United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO).
Figure 3.17. Korea and Taiwan, China, are leading the Figure 3.18. Normalized by population, Taiwan,
way in patenting China, stands out
US patents issued to foreign residents US patents issued to foreign residents per million people
Korea 350
8000 Taiwan, China
4000 150
HKG, China
2000 Singapore
HKG, China
Singapore China
0 Malaysia 0 Malaysia
96 98 00 02 04 06 08 96 98 00 02 04 06 08
Source: United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO). Source: United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO).
Most of the USPTO patents are granted to MNCs located in Malaysia. With the exception of
individually-owned patents, only four Malaysian organizations—Silterra, MPOB, Harn Marketing, and
UPM—were granted five or more patents each between 2003 and 2007.24 Most of the patents extended
are within technology classes related to the E&E sector (Table 3.9). Malaysia’s most patented technology
class is that of active solid-state devices (for example, transistors and solid-state diodes).
What is also remarkable is the rapid increase in US-registered patents for some countries in the
region and the relative stagnation or even decline for others. In terms of absolute number of patents, it
is clear that both Korea and Taiwan, China, are the leaders in the Asia ex-Japan group (Figure 3.17). They
also recorded a very rapid increase in patenting, especially Korea in the second half of this decade. China
is picking up very rapidly from a lower base, in contrast to Hong Kong, China, and Singapore which
registered initially good growth but are now experiencing a decline. The numbers normalized by
population make Taiwan, China, stand out, and as expected reduce the performance of China (Figure
Yusuf and Nabeshima (2009).
What does the preceding analysis suggest about the innovation challenge which is key to the long-
term prosperity of the Malaysian economy?
Malaysia registered tremendous success over the last few decades in expanding export volumes. It
has done so by plugging the tradable segment of the economy into the cross-border production
networks of multinational companies. In consequence, the export mix shifted progressively into
products of increasing technological sophistication.
Malaysia has been less than successful, however, in extracting domestic value added from its
growing integration with the global and regional economy. This is reflected in the fact that the value-
added contributed domestically remains at only a fraction of total output value. The growing
sophistication of Malaysia’s export products has therefore not yet significantly seen a greater reliance
on domestic innovation.
A review of Malaysia’s innovation performance confirms this picture. While innovation is a concept
hard to grasp and measure, with many intangible aspects, the triangulation of the evidence available
supports two key conclusions. First, Malaysia’s innovation performance improved in some dimensions—
for example, patenting—but this improvement occurred from a low base. Second, international
comparison does not indicate that Malaysia has significantly improved its position relative to other
middle-income countries.
Simply put, the innovation challenge for Malaysia is to intensify and broaden innovation. As
innovation relies in the first place on the knowledge, skills and creativity of those working in businesses,
the key challenge is to see more innovation in business and more businesses engaging in innovation.
Government can also contribute to innovation, both by innovating itself and encouraging innovation
elsewhere. The innovation challenge will be to put innovation at the heart of the strategies of all players
in the Malaysian economy.
Given this complexity, policy approaches that facilitate rather than orchestrate innovation are likely
to stand the greatest chance of success. Three sets of policies in particular are deemed to be critical:
The capabilities for innovation: talent, technology and finance. For innovation to take place, a
number of key preconditions need to be satisfied: a competent, entrepreneurial and creative
workforce, the ability to acquire or develop technology assets, and the adequacy of financial
systems to supply funds at reasonable cost to innovating firms.
The driving force of innovation: competition. Competition is what drives individuals and
organizations to seek out new value and do things more efficiently. Competition enables the
transformation of capabilities into results.
The amplifiers of innovation: niches and clusters. For public sector interventions to yield
maximum effect, they are sharply focused on selective niches, so as not to dilute impact. For
innovation to thrive and spread, economic activity is best concentrated in clusters.
Facilitate or Orchestrate?
Addressing the innovation challenge requires in the first place an understanding of potential
bottlenecks to innovation. These may arise from two main sources: market failures and imperfections in
the enabling environment. When left to their own, markets innovate less than what is socially desirable,
which justifies a role for policy to boost innovation (Box 9). Imperfections in the enabling environment
are a second source of bottlenecks. To unleash the innovation potential, policymakers can tackle
these—self-inflicted—obstacles directly.
Promoting innovation is a complex undertaking since innovation outcomes are affected by so many
factors and result from the interactions between so many players (Box 10). The simple solutions of the
past—such as, providing tax incentives to attract assembly manufacturing—are no longer sufficient to
attract and develop the innovation-intensive activities of the future.25 The agenda is more complex now
and success in raising innovation is likely to be favored by more nimble approaches that emphasize
facilitation over orchestration.
World Bank (2006a, 2010b).
Facilitating innovation will require close cooperation between government and business. The type of
fine-grained knowledge required to identify market failures and respond to them effectively is not the
kind of knowledge that traditional bureaucratic agencies can easily acquire or use. Instead, a very close
and collaborative relationship with business is required to address the market failures effectively.
Public policy interventions for innovation have traditionally combined the tackling of cross-cutting
issues with the provision of selective incentives to address specific market failures (Figure 3.19).
Intellectual property
Macroeconomic stability Public procurement Best practice programs
Physical and IT
R&D tax credits
Access to global
Science policy
knowledge base
It should be noted that the success of innovation-led growth will depend to an important degree on
the private sector itself—on its ability to take on the challenges that arise from an increasingly
competitive environment. The need to innovate applies to all players in Malaysia’s economy.
To be successful, any strategy aimed at facilitating innovation will need to be both comprehensive
and well-sequenced. A comprehensive reform strategy—as advocated under the New Economic
Model—is clearly favored over piece-meal approaches as the bottlenecks holding back innovation are
widespread and deep-rooted. In addition, the reform agenda needs to be well-sequenced. Reforms in
some areas (for example, competition policy) may not bear fruit if other conditions are not in place (e.g.
sufficient labor market flexibility and adequate social protection mechanisms).
Innovation strategies also need to reach out to a wide spectrum of players. The need to improve
innovation capabilities extends beyond a few large firms and universities; it encompasses all sectors and
players of the economy—including small and large firms, private and government-led firms, as well as
government itself.
The innovation concept is much broader than cutting-edge R&D that moves out the international
knowledge frontier. Non-technological forms of innovation that rest on the diffusion of existing
knowledge and result in productivity improvements in lagging firms may produce larger growth
dividends as well.
Economic theory suggests a strong rationale for policy intervention to facilitate and support
innovation in the economy. This rationale derives from the problem that markets—when left to their
own—do not allocate sufficient resources for innovation. In economics jargon, these market failures
arise from fixed and sunk costs, externalities, coordination failures, and informational asymmetries. The
resulting innovation efficiencies create a powerful role for policy, without which the incentives to
innovate would be compromised.
Innovations may require large upfront, fixed and sunk costs. Firms are willing to innovate only if
the potential market for their innovations is deemed sufficiently large to recover these fixed
costs. Cost recovery may be hampered if the cost of reproducing an innovation is small. This
could lead to a drop in the price of a commercialized innovation and eliminate the incentive to
innovate in the first place. Intellectual property rights serve to provide innovating firms with
temporary monopoly power in the use of the knowledge that they created and make it possible
for them to control the terms on which others can subsequently use that knowledge.
Since the returns to innovation cannot be fully privately appropriated, firms will innovate less
than society needs. Knowledge spillovers may occur in different ways. An entrepreneur may
develop a new business model that others copy. A university transfers discoveries from the lab
to the market place. A company invents a new technology that leads to innovations in other
companies. These spillover effects can be substantial and the social returns from corporate R&D
may be at least double the private returns (Jones and Williams, 1998; Mansfield, 1991).
The interests of key players in the innovation process may not be aligned, resulting in
coordination failures. Industry-university collaboration is an example. University researchers
may not always be keen to work on problems that are relevant to the commercial needs of
firms. Universities may also be less than proactive in licensing university intellectual property to
firms. Conversely, individual firms sometimes may wish to ‘rent’ the research capabilities of
firms, appropriate discoveries for themselves and thereby impede the diffusion of knowledge
(Litan, Mitchell and Reedy, 2008; Lester and Piore, 2004).
Private financiers may be unwilling to provide early-stage financing for innovation activities.
Innovation is an activity with a highly uncertain outcome and a large degree of information
asymmetry may exist between the information available to inventors and investors. External
capital may only be available at large cost and financial markets may supply insufficient funds,
especially for small and start-up firms in R&D intensive and high-technology sectors.
Inertia in the diffusion of new ideas may mean that innovations are not broadly spread. Entire
industries may lag in the adoption of more productive processes and organizational forms. Small
and medium-sized enterprises may not be benefiting from ideas that have been around for
decades. They may not realize how their performance compares with their peers, they may not
know how to access information and how to effect change, and they may not know how to
innovate by themselves (Hall, 2004; Black and Lynch, 2004; Mansfield and others, 1977).
Innovation is an elusive concept: it is hard to pin down, hard to measure, and most of all hard to
control. Innovation is multi-dimensional, occurs at many levels, and is influenced by many players.
Innovation is often hard to qualify—let alone quantify—and the information available is typically spotty,
outdated or both. Under these circumstances, it comes as hardly a surprise that innovation is difficult to
Given the complexity of the reform agenda and the need to press ahead on the implementation
front, the government of Malaysia has emphasized the introduction of novel techniques to connect
policy efforts with economic outcomes. While outcome-based frameworks are useful in many respects,
their design features matter greatly in determining whether better economic outcomes can be achieved.
Contract theory offers some basic lessons as to how outcomes in environments like these are best
managed. In a seminal paper on multi-tasking, Holmstrom and Milgrom (1991) examine how to
structure incentives when outcomes depend on multiple factors that can only be measured or verified
with varying degrees of precision. Their analysis concludes that, in environments where outcomes
depend to a large extent on factors that cannot be easily measured, linking strong incentives to those
factors that are easily measured may cause neglect of other more-difficult-to-measure factors and
produce overall worse outcomes.
The implication for the design of policies aiming to boost innovation is that a narrow focus on the
easy metrics of innovation is likely to be counterproductive. Aspects of innovation that are more easily
measured are primarily concerned with numbers—the number of patents, the number of scientific
papers, the amount of money spent on R&D. Aspects of quality are much more difficult to grasp. On top
of this, the linkages between innovation inputs and outcomes are still far from fully understood.
Under such circumstances, fitting the innovation challenge into a straight jacket by capturing what
can be easily measured may eventually cause other dimensions that are less easily measured to be
ignored. This could result in worse overall outcomes. The ultimate metric of innovation is market
success and the key is to allow firms to fail if they do not meet the market test. Approaches that
facilitate, rather than orchestrate, innovation complemented with selective and highly focused
incentives may in this context be the most likely avenue to success.
For innovation to be able to take place, a number of key preconditions need to be satisfied. This
includes first and foremost the talent of the workforce. Innovation rests on people and their skills,
creativity, and entrepreneurship. It also rests on how organizations bring out the best in people. Second,
innovation requires access to technologies (both soft and hard) which provide the means of
transforming ideas into results. A supportive infrastructure is equally important. Third, innovation hinges
on the ability of the financial system to provide suitable instruments that help to fill the financing gaps.
Innovation rests in the first place on the talent of people: their creativity to develop new ideas, their
capacity to absorb knowledge, and their entrepreneurship and skill to turn ideas into results. A talented
workforce is the bedrock of innovation.26 Strategies to promote innovation would therefore in the first
place need to nurture talent and also encourage talent to come to and stay in Malaysia.
Recent investment climate assessments by the World Bank have indicated that firms consider the
quality of the skills base of Malaysia’s workforce as a cause for concern. Some 40 percent out of 1,400
firms sampled in a recent survey reported the skills issue as a top investment climate obstacle. 27 This
concern is held across the board, regardless of the region where the firm operates, the size of its
operations, the export orientation, the ownership structure, and the industry it belongs to.
Figure 3.20. Skill deficiencies for local production Figure 3.21. Skill deficiencies for local professional
workers workers
Percent of managers considering the listed skill of local skilled Percent of managers considering the listed skill of local professionals as
production workers as „poor‟ or „very poor‟. „poor‟ or „very poor‟.
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14
IT Creativity/innovation
English language proficiency IT
Professional communication Time management
Creativity/innovation Technical/professional
Technical/professional English proficiency
Problem solving Leadership
Numerical Adaptability
Time management Problem solving
Leadership Manufacturing Communication Manufacturing
Adaptability Services Numerical Services
Social Teamworking
Teamworking Social
Source: World Bank (2005 and 2009c). Source: World Bank (2005 and 2009c).
The concerns about quality apply to broad segments across the skills spectrum, both cognitive and
non-cognitive (Figure 3.20 and Figure 3.21). Firms are particularly concerned about the skills of local
production workers, especially in manufacturing but also in services. The key concerns are in the area of
technical/professional, communication, IT, leadership and English language proficiency skills for
Berry and Glaeser (2005).
World Bank (2009c).
These skills problems harm productivity growth as firms have no other choice than to hire someone
who is less than ideally qualified for the job. Employee surveys confirm these suboptimal hiring policies.
Only 7 percent of manufacturing workers (15 percent in services) feel that the ideal field of education
best suited for their job is the one they possess. As much as 17 percent of manufacturing workers (15
percent in services) feel the ideal field is completely different from their own.
Attention will need to be given to the role of skills as a foundation for innovation. Science,
technology, engineering and mathematics skills are not sufficient—even though improving these will be
necessary as Table 3.10 suggests. For innovation to thrive, non-cognitive skills are also important. For
example, strong leadership, management and problem-solving skills of those at the helm of new
businesses are key to the survival and success of a business. In addition, for innovation to be a broad-
based inclusive process, the disparities in the skill base need to be addressed (Box 11).
Addressing the weaknesses will require strengthening the education system—as discussed in the
November 2009 Malaysia Economic Monitor.28 But improving the education system inevitably takes
time. In the meantime, Malaysia can tap the global talent pool. But to compete for the best brains in the
world, immigration and employment restrictions may need to be reviewed. The country can also tap
into its diaspora and offer returning migrants programs that welcome them and their families to stay.
Leveraging on the diversity of Malaysia’s human capital is another avenue to pursue. A diverse
workforce is better able to predict the demands of the diverse market place and develop innovative
products to meet these demands.
World Bank (2009a).
Education is essential in enabling knowledge capability and readiness to participate in the labor
market. It is also an important determinant of an individual’s earning potential and the economic
welfare of his or her family; thus, inequalities in education contribute to inequalities in other socio-
economic dimensions. Malaysia has put in place many national programs aimed to increase the quality
and effectiveness of education; some examples are scholarships, smart schools, boarding facilities, and
textbooks-on-loan programs. Despite the large push in access and participation in school, especially in
primary education, the quality of education remains below other comparable economies—and
decreasing. More specifically, out of 48 countries worldwide, Malaysia ranked 20th and 21st in math and
science, respectively, in the latest Trends in Mathematics and Science Study. The average scores for
Malaysian students were closer to those obtained by Thai students than scores from students in
Singapore, Korea, Japan, and Hong Kong, China; all which placed in the top tier for both subjects.
Relative to an earlier ranking in 2003, Malaysia lost ground in math (from 10th to 20th place) and science
(from 20th to 21st place).
th th
Figure 3.22. Scores for top 90 and bottom 10 percentiles in math and science show stark disparities
Score of 13-year olds in math, according to percentile Score of 13-year olds in science, according to percentile
Though the difference in average scores between Malaysia and other benchmark countries is large,
the disparity identified within students in the country is also important (Figure 3.22). In science, the top
90th percentile of Malaysian students (right panel) performed similar to Thai students; however, the
lower 10th percentile had a lower score than Thai students. The size of the 90th to 10th percentile
disparity in math is 55 percent; this disparity is similarly high among students in Hong Kong, China, but
much higher than students in Korea and Japan, both countries with 49 percent or less. The disparity in
science is more accentuated for Malaysia; the top students obtained a score 63 percent higher than the
bottom students.
These disparities indicate that there may be differences in educational participation and quality that
affect learning and leave some students less prepared to work in a knowledge-based economy. There is
some evidence that participation of students from low-income and remote areas, especially in Sabah
and Sarawak, continue to lag behind (United Nations Development Program, 2003). In terms of
achievement, the performance of students from rural areas lags behind that of urban students; one
reason is that urban schools attract and keep more experienced teachers, thus facing increased
opportunities in education quality. Another reason is that the digital divide between rural and urban
areas is still large; and even if the ICT infrastructure is improving, technological skills are not evenly
Figure 3.23. Differences between scores for males and females are large
Score of 13-year olds in math, average difference between males and Score of 13-year olds in science, average difference between males
females and females
Australia Australia
England US
Korea England
Japan Korea
US Russian
Taiwan, China Taiwan, China
Indonesia Japan
Russian Indonesia
Hong Kong, China Hong Kong, China
Malaysia Singapore
Singapore Malaysia
Thailand Thailand
Education is one of the main instruments used by the Malaysian government to improve the socio-
economic status of its population and bring about equitable development. Given its importance, most
countries aim to decrease gender gaps in education that stem from factors such as policies, cultural
norms, among others. Since its independence Malaysia has put in place many programs to promote
gender equality and have women as active participants in the development process. The illiteracy rate
for women decreased from 35 percent in 1980 to 12 percent in 2004; though the illiteracy rate for males
is still significantly lower, at 5 percent (Ministry of Women, Family and Community Development of
Malaysia and United Nations Development Program, 2007). As an example of the gains from changes in
government policy to promote gender equality, the Ministry of Higher Education reports that in 2005,
about 55 percent of all enrollees in higher education were women. Policy effects are not only clear in
terms of participation but also in terms of achievement. At the upper school level, there are significant
gender disparities in math and science achievement; female students achieved significantly higher
scores than their respective male counterparts (Figure 3.23).
Unfortunately, educational gains are not fully reflected in the labor market, where about 70 percent
of all people outside the labor force are women, and a good number of them are engaged in house-
related work. Similarly, women’s share of jobs in high-skill categories, such as legislators, senior
officials, managers, professionals, technicians, and associate professionals, is still low (35 percent)
compared to men’s share (65 percent), which likely reflects lower opportunities to fully participate in all
areas of the economy. Further analysis would be useful to investigate the disconnect between
achievement (and participation) in education and job type in the labor market to understand how policy
makers can improve opportunities and harness educational gains in the economy better.
The technological capabilities of firms are critical to the innovation process. Technological
development is not a process that can be promoted instantly, but requires continuous investments by
firms in their own technological capabilities. Simply purchasing new machinery or entering into a
partnership with MNCs is likely insufficient to enable catch up with global leaders. Development of
technological capabilities also extends beyond the firm level and needs to take into account the linkages
between firms and other economic agents, combined with all the factors and institutions that support
the technology enabling environment.
Recent work by the World Bank (2005 and 2009c) examines the technological capabilities of some
1,400 Malaysian firms according to three key dimensions (discussed further in Table 3.11).
Investment technological capabilities refer to 7 capabilities, which matter before and while an
investment is undertaken and are primarily concerned with project preparation, technology
identification and technology transfer.
Figure 3.24. Investment and production technological Figure 3.25. Two-thirds of firms undertake fewer than
capabilities improved only slightly from 2002 to 2007 40 percent of technological capability activities
Share of technology capability activities being undertaken Share of firms reporting technology capability activity < x percent
40% 100%
2002 2007 Investment
30% 80% Linkages
0% 0%
Investment Production Linkages TCI<20% TCI<40% TCI<60% TCI<80% TCI<100%
Source: World Bank (2005 and 2009c). Source: World Bank (2005 and 2009c).
Note: Technology capability index (TCI) identifies 7 activities for Note: Technology capability index (TCI) identifies 7 activities for
investment, 14 for production and 9 for linkages. investment, 14 for production and 9 for linkages.
Figure 3.26. As expected, the technological Figure 3.27. Despite stronger capabilities in other
capabilities of SMEs are weaker aspects, foreign firms lack in linkages
Share of technology capability activities being undertaken Share of technology capability activities being undertaken
60% 60%
Investment Investment
50% Production 50% Production
40% Linkages
30% 30%
20% 20%
10% 10%
0% 0%
Large SME Foreign Domestic
Source: World Bank (2005 and 2009c). Source: World Bank (2005 and 2009c).
Note: Technology capability index (TCI) identifies 7 activities for Note: Technology capability index (TCI) identifies 7 activities for
investment, 14 for production and 9 for linkages. investment, 14 for production and 9 for linkages.
A striking result is that technological capabilities in these three dimensions are persistently low
(Figure 3.24). The average firm conducts only a third of the technological capability activities in
investment, production and linkages. These results seem to persist over 2002-2007. The low level of
technological capabilities is problematic in that it is likely to hamper innovation performance. Linkages
capabilities have declined between 2002 and 2007. As linkages are crucial in expanding the knowledge
economy throughout Malaysia, emphasis can be laid on developing an economic environment that
fosters cooperation, interaction and interdependence between economic agents.
Examining the distribution of these results, the analysis suggests that more than two-thirds of the
firms sampled carry out less than 40 percent of the technological capabilities activities (Figure 3.25-
Figure 3.27). The results also show a large degree of dispersion across regions (with as expected the
poorer regions performing less well), industries (with garments, wood, textiles and food processing
scoring lowest), firm characteristics (with SMEs, non-exporters and domestically-owned firms
performing less well). 29 These disparities suggest substantial opportunity for upgrading technological
For a detailed description of these variations, see World Bank (2005 and 2009c).
capabilities and through them productivity growth. To make the next step up the income ladder,
Malaysia’s firms will need to achieve this objective. This does not just involve improving the capabilities
of the best performers but also reducing the dispersion in capabilities across firms.
Diffusion of innovation provides a powerful avenue to realize productivity gains in relatively short
periods of time. Government can provide advice and support to businesses through best practice
programs, support to access the global knowledge base, support in the acquisition of technology and
customization for commercial purposes.
Bringing laggards up to par is also important to make the effect of greater competition in the
economy more palatable. While greater competition is generally advantageous to innovation, it is likely
that those firms operating further away from the technology and efficiency frontiers will be discouraged
rather than encouraged by greater competition.30 It is therefore desirable to put in place ‘distance-
shortening measures’ alongside measures to inject greater competition within the economy.
The significant presence of multinational companies has provided the country with export-oriented
platforms, but Malaysia appears to have had more limited success in transferring the technological
capabilities of MNCs to indigenous companies and in multiplying the linkages of MNCs with the
domestic economy. As a result, while various clusters have developed around the MNC-led
manufacturing core, these clusters have remained primarily logistical clusters. Such clusters derive their
benefit from the reduction of total supply chain costs. What has happened to a much more limited
extent is the development of knowledge clusters, where close proximity and interaction fosters the
sharing of knowledge, technology and expertise.
Why has this been the case? Two factors seem relevant. First, local content sourcing rules do not
appear to have been effectively implemented. This may have been partly due to the fear of driving away
relatively footloose MNCs. The size of Malaysia’s domestic market may also have played a role here.31
Second, the quality of human capital in Malaysia and, relatedly, the capacity to absorb new technology
have likely also contributed to the limited transfer of knowledge from MNCs to indigenous firms.
Ultimately, knowledge remains ‘local’ and does not automatically flow across borders. For countries
that engage more in R&D and have a strong science base it is easier to comprehend, adopt and adapt
innovations. Building a strong absorptive capacity is therefore essential to take full advantage of
international knowledge spillovers. In addition, a strong local R&D base makes it more attractive for
foreign investors to locate their activities in the country.32
As Box 12 illustrates, the future plans of MNCs matter as well. Considering the spectrum of Japanese
multinational firms in the E&E industry, it is clear that the economic geography of foreign direct
investment and trade continues to be redrawn, with the center of gravity shifting increasingly towards
China. These ongoing developments underscore the importance to complement technology acquisition
through FDI with domestic efforts to upgrade technological capabilities.
Howitt (2009).
Market size appears to be one factor why China has met with less resistance from MNCs to transfer
MNCs locate R&D activities on the basis of the size and growth prospects of the market, the quality of local
R&D skills, and the protection of intellectual property (Thursby and Thursby, 2007).
Yet, in addition to relying on technology transfers from FDI and developing home-grown
technological capabilities, Malaysia can also leverage on more direct forms of cross-border technology
acquisition. Technology brokers can assist in the global procurement of technology, where the broker
acts as an intellectual property intermediary. By tapping into the global technology markets and seeking
customized solutions Malaysia can upgrade its technological capabilities rapidly, while it simultaneously
improves home-grown capabilities and attempts to foster further integration and technology transfer
from MNCs.
To build local technological capabilities, Malaysian firms can also more fully leverage on university-
firm linkages. As Table 3.12 suggests, universities and research centers are only limited sources of
inspiration for innovation in Malaysia. Firms do not feel that universities and research houses can render
services that are relevant to their operations. To remedy this, consideration could be given to
developing intermediary organizations that facilitate matchmaking between the university and the firm.
However, in the long run, the more effective approach will be to improve universities’ teaching and
research capabilities and develop reputations for scientific excellence.33
In addition to assisting firms’ efforts to improve technological capabilities, government can also put
in place a supportive infrastructure for technological development. While investment in transport and
other energy infrastructure helped in the promotion of traditional industries and services, the emphasis
is now shifting to laying the ‘soft’ infrastructure groundwork for a knowledge-based economy–such as
the regulatory and institutional framework for new information and mass communication technologies–
and the hard infrastructure requirements such as the communications infrastructure. Malaysia’s
ambitious broadband agenda is one such area of reform (See Box 13).
Yusuf and Nabeshima (2009).
As technology leaders in the electrical and electronics (E&E) industry and one of the largest sources
of foreign investment in Southeast Asia, Japanese firms have played a pivotal role in the development of
Malaysia’s manufacturing sector. Alongside multinationals from other countries, they have remained
key players in the E&E industry of Malaysia, which accounts for the lion’s share of the country’s exports.
This Box examines, on the basis of a rich set of data supplied by the Japan External Trade
Organization, the perspectives of Japanese E&E firms as well as their intentions to invest in Malaysia, the
region and the rest of the world. The data provides insights into the nature of existing operations in
Malaysia, the concerns held by firms about doing business in the country, how these compare with
other countries in the region, and what the future of foreign direct investment beholds.
The significance of China as a basin of attraction for not only manufacturing but also R&D is striking.
Figure 3.28 suggests that 20 percent of E&E firms have R&D bases in China—compared to just 5 percent
in other individual countries in the region. China also stands out for its production base, with 60 percent
of firms represented. Next come Thailand and Malaysia at 30 and 24 percent. Other higher-cost
countries seem to have lost their appeal somewhat as a cost-competitive production base. Many firms
have also established regional HQs in China, and market size has been a key determinant for establishing
sales bases. The rise of China in both manufacturing and R&D is consistent with the fact that R&D,
especially of the new product development and localization kind, is typically conducted around a
manufacturing core.
Figure 3.28. Japanese E&E firms maintain a large Figure 3.29. Malaysia compares favorably with China
presence in Malaysia for production, but not R&D on doing business indicators
Share of Japanese E&E firms with overseas bases in 2008 by function, Share of Japanese E&E firms reporting item as risk or issue in doing
percentage points business in 2008, percentage points
China Labor costs are high or rising
Legal system
Thailand Production base
Sales base Tax-related risks or issues
Malaysia R&D base
Regional HQ Inadequate infrastructure
Taiwan, China
Intellectual property rights
Labor issues
Lack of clustering Malaysia
Hong Kong, China High forex risk China
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 0 20 40 60 80
Source: Japan External Trade Organization (JETRO). Source: Japan External Trade Organization (JETRO).
Note: Out of a total of 68 firms that had overseas bases. E&E refers to Note: Out of a total of 74 firms in China and 41 in Malaysia. E&E refers
electrical and IT equipment and electronic parts and devices. to electrical and IT equipment and electronic parts and devices.
Table 3.13. Labor costs are a concern especially in China, Singapore and Malaysia
Share of Japanese E&E firms reporting item in selected country as risk or issue in doing business in 2008, percentage points
Market Size Has Been the Key Driver of Foreign Direct Investment
As is evident from Figure 3.29, the appeal of market size seems to dominate any concerns about the
business climate. Examining the concerns of Japanese firms about the business environment, Malaysia
does better than China on all dimensions. The size of China’s market has been a key factor of appeal,
compared to the relatively saturated Malaysian market—as is also evident in the regionalization
strategies of Malaysian firms. Labor costs rank as a top concern in Malaysia, but this must be seen in
perspective. As Table 3.13 suggests, labor costs are of a concern in China, Singapore and Vietnam,
whereas they are much less relevant in India, the Philippines and Indonesia.
Table 3.14 indicates a number of interesting patterns about the future intentions of Japanese E&E
firms. The continued attractiveness of China as a destination for sales, manufacturing (from low to high-
tech), R&D and regional HQ is apparent. Sales expansion is anticipated especially for the BRIC countries,
Europe and US. Interest to expand lower-tech goods is registered for China, Vietnam and Thailand; for
higher-tech goods, interest is primarily in China. Interest to locate primary research functions outside of
Japan is limited—and where this does take place, the likely recipients will be the advanced economies of
Europe and US. Only few countries are likely to benefit from R&D for new product development and
localization. The rise of China here is notable again. China and Singapore are likely destinations for new
regional HQ establishments, whereas China and Hong Kong, China, are likely candidates for new
distribution activities.
The implications for Malaysia are twofold. First, Malaysia can take advantage of emerging
opportunities by plugging itself into the changing configurations of regional production networks and
leveraging on market growth in China and elsewhere. Second, while the data indicates that the
prospects for R&D expansion in new product development, the relative shift in R&D investment towards
China will necessitate other countries, including Malaysia, to increasingly rely on home-grown efforts in
acquiring technological capabilities and upgrading along the value chain.
Table 3.14. The Prospects for Business Expansion are Becoming Increasingly Focused on China
Share of firms planning business expansion in the next 3 years or so in selected country according to function relative to total of Japanese
E&E firms planning expansion in 2008 (percentage points)
Broadband internet has become increasingly important in everyday life and has transformed how
the world is doing business. Worldwide, fixed-line broadband subscribers have been increasing at the
average rate of approximately 40 percent annually (2001-2007 data). By the end of 2009, there were
about 1 billion broadband subscribers worldwide for both wired and wireless, and the number continues
to grow, particularly for wireless.
Broadband internet is also important for economic growth. Among many studies, a World Bank
study found out that in low- and middle-income countries, every 10 percent increase in broadband
penetration is associated with an increase in economic growth by 1.38 percent (Qiang, 2009). McKinsey
& Company estimates that a 10 percent increase in broadband household penetration can boost GDP by
a range of 0.1 percent to 1.4 percent. The direct impacts include actual investment plus multiplier
effects through upstream and downstream businesses, whereas the indirect impacts can come through
foreign direct investments, productivity increases, and human capital improvement (McKinsey &
Company, 2009).
Figure 3.30. Fixed broadband subscribers are rising Figure 3.31. Malaysia’s international bandwidth is
from a low base low
Bits per second per person relative to GDP per capita (constant
Fixed broadband subscribers per 100 people 2000US$, logarithmic scale)
United Kingdom
KOR Singapore
HKG Hong Kong, China
United States
JPN Australia
SGP Korea, Rep.
Malaysia 2007
Thailand 2001
10 AUS
NZL Vietnam
CHN Philippines
MYS Indonesia
2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008
Malaysia’s broadband infrastructure is more advanced than many of its regional neighbors but lags
that of higher-income economies in the region and OECD economies. Malaysia’s percentage of fixed
broadband subscribers was around 4.8 percent in 2007 (Figure 3.30). This is about the same level
observed in the other Southeast Asian economies of Vietnam, the Philippines and Thailand (not shown
in the Figure), but is much lower than the region’s high-income economies. The household penetration
rate improved significantly from 1 percent in 2004 to 31.7 percent in 2009, where access occurs mostly
through fixed broadband. From the supply perspective, the ratio of international internet bandwidth
(bits per second per person—which impacts the speed and price of Internet access)—is quite far behind
Japan, Hong Kong (China), and Singapore (Figure 3.31).
While broadband access and usage are on a positive upward trend, the challenge is to accelerate
this. How can Malaysia achieve this challenge? It appears that the combination of regulatory incentives,
investment stimulus through private-public partnerships and demand aggregation would be most
On the regulatory side, the Malaysian Communications and Multimedia Commission (MCMC) has
adopted pro-competition and pro-convergence regulations including, for example, technology and
service-neutral licensing. However, fixed broadband provision is not yet competitive on the grounds of
avoiding infrastructure duplication.
The government recognized supply constraints in the early 2000s. Under its National Broadband
Plan (2004) and the subsequent MyICMS 886 (Malaysian Information, Communications and Multimedia
Services) strategy, the government emphasized broadband infrastructure investment and demand
aggregation measures. The intention was to connect enough communities to develop a critical mass that
would make private investment attractive. The target of 75 percent household penetration by 2010 has
however proven to be overly ambitious. Of course, many unexpected developments occurred such as
the recent global economic and financial crisis. With the economy slowing down, the target has been
revised to 50 percent household penetration rate in 2010.
Moreover, the government has since developed a more targeted approach for deploying
broadband, in partnership with the private sector and based on demographic and geographic
differences. The government has been partnering with the largest fixed line and fixed broadband service
provider, Telekom Malaysia Bhd (TM), in rolling out RM 11.3 billion high speed (fixed) broadband (HSBB)
infrastructure over the next 10 years. This would cover more than 1.3 million premises in priority
economic areas or major urban, industrial and commercial centers (referred to as Zone 1). Semi-urban
areas and more rural areas are being addressed under the original MyCSM 886 or Broadband for the
General Population (BBGP) initiative (fixed and wireless). Under this scheme, wireless broadband
infrastructure is spread out to four main cellular service providers. For example, there are over 466,500
subscriptions for third-generation high-speed downlink packet access (3G HSDPA) services with 183,800
accounted for by household subscriptions (MCMC, 2010). An additional RM 125 million has been
allocated to a program that aims to bring telecentres to the very remote and largely poor areas.
The Government has also undertaken measures to stimulate demand for broadband including the
multimedia supercorridor (MSC), plus Internet connections for government offices, schools, universities
and healthcare facilities, and has considered fiscal incentives for increasing access to computers.
Looking ahead, the key regulatory challenge is to promote market growth through greater
competition and to stimulate more affordable pricing and better service quality. Malaysia’s
telecommunications market is generally competitive, though there are limitations on fixed broadband to
limit “duplication”. While open access to such infrastructure may be regulated, the limitation may need
to be revisited. The average price for a 1 Mbps subscription in Malaysia is currently RM80 or about US$
23.50. The comparison with South Korea at US$ 0.45 per Mbps with a maximum available speed of 46
Mbps or with Singapore at US$ 19.95 for 3 Mbps suggests that opportunities to enhance quality and
reduce prices do still exist.
With respect to demand-side policies, more demand stimulation will be needed, including through
further development of applications/content value-added services to attract users. In the face of
demand uncertainty, private investors may however be reluctant to move forward. Cognizant of this
challenge, the government has focused demand-side policy on (1) creating public awareness of benefits
and availability of broadband, (2) promoting e-commerce, e-learning, and provide key public services
online, and (3) providing incentives to improve affordability. These efforts will need to intensify. Faster
roll-out of value-added applications, and government services, and ICT in education programs—
accessible via fixed or mobile broadband access devices—would likely create an additional demand pull
for high-speed Internet access.
In sum, international experience suggests broadband matters for growth. But, Malaysia still has a
distance to go to reach the levels of provision and penetration of higher income economies. The
ambitious policies have been put in place with impressive progress. But even so, challenges remain for
Malaysia in driving broadband development toward the next level.
Responsive financial markets and institutions are yet another foundation of innovation. Finance for
innovation requires a strong financial services sector with a supportive banking system and a venture
capital market for early stages and expansion financing.34 The availability of equity risk capital through
venture capital markets assists emerging technology-based firms and contributes to the development of
radical innovation.35 Venture capital is more than just providing money. It can transfer a range of skills
and knowledge, for example, relating to processes, markets, and management for example, through the
involvement of venture capital companies via directorships on boards and active engagement with
management. Moreover, a well-developed domestic and international financial sector more generally
provides greater risk-sharing capacity for firms and households, across sectors and regions. This
facilitates greater specialization, allowing the development of niches and clusters which, as discussed
below, can amplify the impact of innovation.
Early-stage venture capital consists of seed capital for developing initial concept and start-up financing for
product development and initial marketing. Expansion venture capital funds the growth of firms to develop
production capacity and build market share.
Kenney (2008).
The World Bank’s Doing Business indicators rank Malaysia top of the world on the ease of getting
credit based on institutional features (Table 3.15). This is supported by a generally adequate availability
of credit through Malaysia’s banking system, a good performance on legal rights and depth of credit
information indicators, and a good coverage through public registries and private bureaus. In addition,
Government has played an integral role in providing the necessary funding for innovation through
grants.36 Finally, some 88 percent of total SME financing in Malaysia is sourced from banks and the loan
approvals rate stood at a high level of 82 percent as of January 2010.
Table 3.15. Malaysia ranks top of the world on ease Figure 3.32. Yet, a lack of finance appears to be
of getting credit constraining innovation
Ease of getting credit rank and sub-indicators Share of firms considering „lack of appropriate source of finance‟ as
factor hampering innovation activities, according to importance
Strength Public Private 100%
Depth of
of legal registry bureau 15%
Rank rights coverage coverage 23%
information 32% 29%
index (% of (% of 80%
index (0-6)
(0-10) adults) adults)
Table 3.16. Private-sector driven sources of venture Table 3.17. Venture capital deal flow is highly
capital have risen from a low base dispersed over several sectors
Amount in US$ million
Cumulative number of firms receiving investment by sector
2003 2006
Government agencies 300 366 1990 1995 2000 2007
Corporations 114 338 Medical 0 1 5 9
Foreign investors 6 68 IT internet 0 0 14 26
Banks 97 66 IT non-internet 0 0 7 39
Individuals 35 45 Nontechnology 1 5 26 44
Insurance 1 10 Total 1 6 52 118
Pension and provident funds 1 7
Total 553 899 Source: Lyons and Kenney (2007).
The Malaysian Government provides through ministries and agencies a number of grants and funds to
promote research and scientific activities, and to support the National Innovation Model. Under the Ninth
Malaysia Plan a total of about RM3 billion was provided for the purposed through the Ministry of Science,
Technology and Innovaton (MOSTI). The government also provides RM1.4 billion to various government-linked
venture companies to promote and part-finance innovation, technology acquisition and commercialization of R&D
findings. All of these incentives are also available to SMEs.
Despite these positive indicators and programs, the results from Malaysia’s National Innovation
Surveys suggest that firms with innovative ideas continue to find it difficult to finance the activities
required to translate these ideas into outcomes (Figure 3.32). Whereas in the early 1990s some 29
percent of firms considered access to finance as ‘moderately or very important’, this figure rose to 84
percent in recent years. The share of innovating firms that considered the financing constraint ‘very
important’ has increased significantly to 43 percent in recent years.
The difficulties of obtaining finance seem to apply especially to smaller firms.37 Data from the latest
national innovation survey (2005-2008) suggest that some 40 percent of small- and medium-sized firms
consider access to finance a ‘very important’ constraint hampering innovation activities, as opposed to
30 percent of large firms. This finding thus suggests that even though from an institutional perspective
the ease of getting credit in Malaysia is world-class, select groups of smaller firms seem to be falling
through the cracks. Government policies that assist small firms unleash their innovation potential could
in this context contribute significantly to economy-wide productivity growth.
In addition to banking finance, the availability of venture capital funds is also important. On this
front, Malaysia has seen a steady increase in recent years in the volume of venture capital and
increasingly from private sources, which is a welcome development (Table 3.16). But while the volume
of venture capital appears to have increased, the number of deals has not. They peaked in 2000 with 20
venture capital deals and have afterwards declined.38 The cumulative deal flow between 1990 and 2007
is also strongly dispersed (Table 3.17). This diffuse approach also suggests that deal flow is weak.
The economics of venture capital are characterized by high risk and high returns. Investing in young
firms is risky with many of them failing and becoming total losses. The compensation for the failures
comes from investments that yield 10, 20, or even 100 times the initial capital invested by the venture
capitalists. This asymmetric return profile means that venture capitalists only invest in firms offering the
opportunity for extremely large returns. But for venture capitalists to be able to realize these returns,
they need to be able to liquidate the holdings and exit the investment with ease. In environments where
exit (either locally or internationally) is impossible, venture capitalists cannot invest.39
Initial public offerings and mergers & acquisitions are the two main indicators to assess the success
of the venture capital industry of Malaysia (Figure 3.33). Yusuf and Nabeshima (2009) report that there
are only few firms which venture capitalist have successfully exited from as well as a lack of mergers.
The evolution of new listings on the Malaysian stock market seems to have declined as well in recent
years. These outcomes suggest that Malaysia is still at an early stage of venture capital development.
Whether this has up to now posed a constraint to Malaysia’s innovation performance is not clear
given that the limited innovativeness of Malaysian firms has also reduced the demand for such financing
mechanisms. Also, in historical terms, technology clusters have not been sparked by pools of venture
capital per se, but rather by technology-based entrepreneurship that provided a persistent flow of
investment opportunities. It thus appears that the more important priority therefore is to invest in
creating capable technical entrepreneurs and improving the environment for entrepreneurship.
Lee and Lee (2006).
Lyons and Kenney (2007).
Lyons and Kenney (2007).
Source: CEIC.
As a cautionary note, however, it is useful to point out that greater competition does not
automatically lead to more innovation. Preconditions need to be satisfied in that firms need to
be first enabled to innovate—and this is where the earlier discussion on talent, technology, and
finance comes in. If greater competition is introduced without having these fundamentals in
place, innovation activity may well decrease instead of increase—as some firms may be
discouraged by the prospect of entry by superior competitors.41
For competition to effectively spur innovation, both the downside and upside risks to
households and firms need to be managed. Elementary risk mitigation and coping mechanisms
need to be in place to protect individuals—though not necessarily firms—from the downside
risk of failure. Similarly, the upside benefits of innovation need to be protected temporarily with
appropriate patent policies so innovators find it worthwhile to make costly upfront investments
in innovation.
Ex-ante competition or contestability is of particular importance. Somewhat paradoxically, more
competitive markets are more likely to be more concentrated, as eventually only the most innovative survive.
Concentration is not necessarily a sign of lack of competition. What matters more is that markets are contestable
(Howitt, 2009).
Aghion, Harris and Howitt (2001).
Malaysia with its large export-oriented manufacturing sector has certainly acknowledged the value
of product market competition. The MNC-led manufacturing sector is exposed to fierce competition in
international markets. What is more, it appears that competition in products where Malaysia has
developed comparative strengths is intensifying. The share of overlapping trade values between
Malaysia and China is rising very rapidly, creating greater competitive pressure for market share (Figure
Figure 3.34. External competition is rising with China Table 3.18. Internal competition rankings middle
Overlapping trade value share between Malaysia and selected those of the region
countries, percent
Rank based on executive survey
US 4
2007 Taiwan, China 5
60% Hong Kong, China 7
Japan 9
UK 10
India 11
Australia 18
China 27
Singapore 30
20% Malaysia 31
Indonesia 44
Thailand 45
Korea 49
New Zealand 58
Source: UN Comtrade; Yusuf and Nabeshima (2009). Source World Economic Forum (2009c).
Note: PHL data is for 1996; TWN data is for 1997.
Yet, competition within Malaysia’s economy is uneven. While the MNC-led manufacturing sector
may be exposed to ferocious external competition, the competitive pressures arising in other parts of
the economy are weak either due to the presence of public corporations and private monopolies or
simply because the goods and services are not tradable.
Malaysia’s organization of industry and structure of ownership may have limited the contestability
of markets. Major conglomerates and government-linked corporations crowd the economic landscape.
The turnover in the list of leading firms is low and there are few additions to the ranks of the largest
business entities.43 In spite of recent liberalization measures, the services sector remains highly
protected. Malaysia remains the third-highest in the number of regulations it needs to revise to meet
ASEAN’s service sector liberalization requirements. These findings point to limited dynamism in the
business environment.
The overlapping trade value for a commodity exported by two countries is the minimum of the export
values of the commodity by both countries. The pairwise overlapping trade share is the sum of value for all
overlapping commodities expressed as a proportion of the total trade value of exports by a country.
Yusuf and Nabeshima (2009).
World Bank surveys of Malaysian firms suggest that anti-competitive practices in the services sector
were considered of major—and rising—concern (Figure 3.35).44 Based on information available in 2007,
some 20 percent of services firms sampled considered anti-competitive practices as a ‘severe or very
severe’ investment climate obstacle. This represents a 6.3 percent increase compared to the previous
investment climate assessment in 2002. With this, the concern about anti-competitiveness practices
ranks among the top-three areas of rising concern.
20 2007
10 20
14 14
Manufacturing firms Services firms
Source: World Bank (2005 and 2009c).
Leveling the playing field by fostering greater openness and competition could produce large growth
dividends. Greater competition would lift the productive efficiency of domestic producers and induce
them to innovate and develop better products. These benefits could be especially large to the services
Raising competition by removing foreign equity investment constraints could raise services
productivity by as much as 40 percent (Table 3.19). This would help reverse the dramatic
slowdown observed in services productivity after the Asian financial crisis (Figure 3.4).
A better services sector will also benefit other sectors. The current lack of business support
services is considered a major investment climate obstacle (Figure 3.36 and Figure 3.37).
A more dynamic services sector will also allow Malaysia to insert itself into tradable services—a
rapidly growing dimension of global trade.
World Bank (2009c).
Figure 3.36. Manufacturing firms are increasingly Figure 3.37. … and this is even more so for services
concerned about a lack of business support services firms themselves
Share of manufacturing firms indicating problem as one of top three Share of services firms indicating problem as one of top three concerns,
concerns, percentage points percentage points
44 33
Skilled labor shortage Skilled labor shortage
44 39
13 21
Bureaucratic burden Bureaucratic burden
19 22
Source: World Bank (2005 and 2009c). Source: World Bank (2005 and 2009c).
Malaysia’s Parliament is currently considering a Competition Bill and a Competition Commission Bill.
If enacted and well enforced, the competition law would provide ammunition against anti-competitive
practices and contribute to leveling the uneven playing field. The proposed legislation is discussed in
further detail in Box 14.
While the enactment of a competition law would be an important step forward, it may not be
sufficient to improve competition unless other policy reforms are introduced as well. Competition policy
goes beyond anti-trust and also encompasses the openness of trade policies, investment policies, and
regulatory frameworks that govern and circumscribe the environment within which private actors can
Liberalization measures that allow for freer market entry play a role here, but so do deregulation
measures that remove government restrictions on economic activity. This will require a rethinking of the
role of government-linked companies, which is significant in the Malaysian economy. To the extent that
such companies compete with the private sector, it is beneficial to ensure that they are subject to the
same competition framework. Rebalancing the role of government-linked corporations in Malaysia’s
economy would also give breathing space for the private economy to develop.
A key ingredient for greater competition is the entry and exit of firms. When markets function well,
new entry can spur the incumbents to incrementally innovate. New entrants are also more commonly a
source of radical innovation. Barriers to entry and exit constrain the innovation process, the costs of
which may not be immediately visible but slowly accrue over time through a gradual deterioration of
relative market share. The accumulated costs of keeping nonviable and unproductive firms artificially
afloat may well exceed the benefits that would arise from introducing a new technology. For the
economy as a whole, this is clearly a no-win situation.
Table 3.20. Malaysia ranks low on the doing business Table 3.21. Closing a business is also burdensome in
indicators for business start-ups Malaysia
Cost (% of Min. capital Recovery
Procedures Time Cost (% of
Rank income per (% of income Rank rate (cents on Time (years)
(number) (days) estate)
capita) per capita) the dollar)
New Zealand 1 1 1 0.4 0 Japan 1 92.5 0.6 4
Australia 3 2 2 0.8 0 Singapore 2 91.3 0.8 1
Singapore 4 3 3 0.7 0 Taiwan, China 11 80.9 1.9 4
Hong Kong, Korea 12 80.5 1.5 4
18 3 6 1.8 0
Hong Kong, China 13 79.8 1.1 9
Taiwan, China 29 6 23 3.9 0
Australia 14 78.8 1 8
Korea 53 8 14 14.7 0
New Zealand 17 76.2 1.3 4
Thailand 55 7 32 6.3 0
Thailand 48 42.4 2.7 36
Malaysia 88 9 11 11.9 0
Malaysia 57 38.6 2.3 15
Japan 91 8 23 7.5 0
China 65 35.3 1.7 22
China 151 14 37 4.9 130.9
India 138 15.1 7 9
Indonesia 161 9 60 26 59.7
Indonesia 142 13.7 5.5 18
India 169 13 30 66.1 210.9
Source: World Bank (2010a).
Source: World Bank (2010a).
More can be done in Malaysia to reduce entry costs for new firms—and indeed efforts are under
way to reduce such costs. The World Bank’s Doing Business indicators shown in Table 3.20 suggest that
Malaysia has a relatively high regulatory burden of starting a business. Business start-ups can be
encouraged by reducing the number of procedures and the time taken to implement them, cutting the
minimum capital requirement, introducing a one-stop shop, standardizing incorporation documents,
cutting formalities and allowing for online start-up.
Similarly, nonviable and unproductive firms must be allowed and facilitated to fail (Table 3.21). The
Doing Business indicators for Malaysia suggest that it is relatively costly, cumbersome and time-
consuming to close a business in Malaysia. Reforms in this area are important not only in improving
recovery rates for residual shareholders, but also in promoting new business start-ups and encouraging
the reallocation of labor and capital resources to their most productive uses.
Greater competition in product markets will not yield its full potential without the cooperation of
labor and capital markets. Labor and capital need to be able to flexibly respond to and support the
never-ending process of economic restructuring.45 To this end, factor markets need to work well and a
better functioning of these markets is also a function of their exposure to competition.
The competition for labor occurs both inside firms and between them. Internal labor markets
benefit from the introduction of supportive workplace practices that reward good performance and
improve worker motivation. External labor markets benefit from the flexibility to expand and shrink
headcount and also from the responsiveness of wages to performance and economic conditions. This
helps ensure that human resources are efficiently allocated across firms and industries. It also helps
provide the right price signals for human capital decisions on education and training.
Figure 3.38. Making staff redundant is costly in Table 3.22. Malaysia ranks in the middle on the
Malaysia enforcement of intellectual property rights
Redundancy costs, weeks of salary Ranking
0 20 40 60 80 100 Singapore 2
Australia 10
Japan New Zealand 13
Japan 14
US 18
Hong Kong, China
Hong Kong, China 21
Thailand UK 22
India Korea 26
Malaysia Taiwan, China 28
China Malaysia 33
China 53
Thailand 55
Taiwan, China India 57
Indonesia Indonesia 102
Source: World Bank (2010a). Source: World Economic Forum (2009c).
While these recommendations may appear conventional, they are nevertheless important. Of
particular concern are the restrictive firing practices in Malaysia. A worker with 20 years of employment
in a medium-sized business is entitled to a severance payment of 75 weeks—compared to just 4 weeks
in Singapore and 10 weeks in Hong Kong, China (Figure 3.38).
Managing the cost of failure for individuals will be an important challenge to be met if greater
competition is introduced. Adequate social protection mechanisms for workers in this regard will be
helpful. The current practice of requiring firms to pay large severance payments is a policy that protects
the jobs and not the workers. In higher-income countries, public unemployment insurance schemes
typically provide protection to workers. Such schemes transfer the burden of social protection from
firms to the government, making firms more competitive and making it easier for them to fail if the need
Capital markets were discussed earlier in the context of financing for innovation.
Entrepreneurs need to receive some form of protection as well. Innovation intrinsically involves a
high dose of experimentation and risk taking. It is inevitable that some, if not many, attempts will fail. If
the cost of failure is however punitive, this will reduce the incentive of entrepreneurs to undertake
innovation activities. Reducing the stigma of failure is also key to promoting innovation, as a stigma of
failure may lead entrepreneurs to shy away from inherently risky activities—which may produce large
risk-adjusted returns from a social point of view. Entrepreneurs who fail must be given the opportunity
to restart. Bankruptcy laws need to be supportive of innovative ventures that involve an element of high
Greater competition may dilute innovation’s rewards. To encourage innovation, a certain level of
profitability must be achieved so firms can recover the large sunk costs from upfront investment. This is
where patent policy and the enforcement of intellectual property rights comes in, with the objective of
providing firms with at least temporary ex post monopoly power for their innovations (Table 3.22).
In addition to the need to manage the cost of individual failure, the benefits of innovation success
must also be protected. Patent policy can play an important role that is complementary to competition
policy. Anti-trust works better when patent policies are relatively lax. 46 This is because the ex-post
concentration that may result from fierce competition could result in satisfied leaders with no incentive
to innovate and discourage laggards that have given up. Allowing patents to lapse earlier or be broken
more easily creates beneficial conditions for the lagging firms to make a come-back eventually.
Another way for firms to recoup the costs from sunk investment while accepting greater
competition is to ensure they have access to a sizeable market. This will allow firms to sell new products
on a larger scale and exploit economies of scale, increasing hereby the expected profits and therefore
rate of innovation. To the extent that the domestic market is saturated, trade policies can work towards
enlarging the market available to domestic firms. Trade promotion, regional trade integration and
bilateral trade arrangements may all be helpful in this respect.
Aghion, Harris and Howitt (2001).
Malaysia’s development policies in the past thirty years can be characterized by several key
elements: export-oriented industrialization, poverty eradication and wealth redistribution. One
consequence of these policies has been the relative neglect of competition policy as a potentially
important ingredient of the national development strategy. As a result, the policy emphasis has been on
‘national competitiveness’ rather than competition in domestic markets. This state of affairs is also
manifested in the delay in implementing a national competition policy in the form of a broad,
comprehensive and consistent framework that guides policy making with the objective of promoting
competition within the various sectors in the economy.
Firm concentration—an imperfect proxy for product market competition—varies widely across
industries. Consider first the manufacturing sector—accounting for close to 30 percent of GDP and
about 80 percent of exports. The sector is highly dualistic and comprises both export-oriented industries
(e.g. electrical and electronics) and domestic-oriented ones (e.g. food and beverage). Within both of
these groups, the degree of producer concentration is relatively high for a number of industries (Table
3.23). The concentration in export-oriented industries poses less of a concern, since a significant
proportion of output is exported abroad (Table 3.24). In contrast, high concentration levels in domestic-
oriented industries are of concern especially if import penetration ratios are low (as in the soft drinks
Similarly, in the services sector, producer concentration also remains relatively high in a number of
industries. Privatization followed by selective liberalization has certainly promoted competition in a
number of industries, such as mobile telephony. However, market competition appears to be
constrained in industries such as pay satellite TV and independent power production. Producer
concentration in some sectors has also increased as a result of mergers whether induced by government
(e.g. commercial banking) or by market players themselves (mobile telephony).
Malaysia currently does not have a de facto national competition policy. The Fair Trade Practices
Policy was formally launched in 2005 to promote competition, amongst others, but has had little effect
on policy making in a broader sense across the different economic sectors. Overall, most policies
affecting competition are formulated and applied on a sectoral basis, which can create inconsistencies
with the basic principles of competition policy. Take, for example, the telecommunications sector–
where market liberalization in some markets was accompanied by the issuance of monopoly license and
fixed price (e.g. in power purchasing agreement in the electricity sector) in other markets. Sector-based
policies and legislations to promote competition—such as in the Communications and Multimedia Act
(1988) and the Energy Commission Act (2001)—have had limited impact in promoting competition.
The Proposed Competition Bills Are a Step Forward, But More Needs to Be Done
The enactment of a competition law such as the proposed Competition Bill 2010 (CB 2010) and
Competition Commission Bill 2010 (CCB 2010) is definitely a step in the right direction and will provide
Malaysia an opportunity to address some of the above problems. The two Bills, if enacted and enforced
carefully, represent one of the most significant legislations affecting the domestic trade sector since the
Consumers Protection Act was passed in 1999.
The effectiveness of the competition legislation will, however, depend on a number of factors.
These include the independence and capacity of the enforcement agency. Even though the Competition
Commission, as proposed under the CCB 2010, is not a fully independent agency, the CB 2010 proposes
good governance practices (e.g. public submissions and appeal tribunal). The fact that the bills highlight
the promotion and protection of the process of competition as the singular objective is also a welcome
development. As such, conflicts with other industrial policy-type goals have been avoided (such as the
promotion of SMEs participation and socio-economic considerations). Even though the government-
linked companies (GLCs) are not outright exempted from the CB 2010, there are provisions for individual
exemptions which should be applied carefully. Unfortunately, both the telecommunications and energy
sectors have been exempted.
Finally, to promote the degree of competition within and across all economic sectors, the reform
agenda should not stop at competition policy. The broader policy framework focusing on the
importance of promoting competition needs to be enhanced as well. Against this background, the
prospects for further liberalization of the services sector need to be examined. For example, a more
open and competitive public procurement system would be helpful. Finally, the government could
reassess the role of GLCs in the economy and hasten the withdrawal of their roles in areas of overlap
with private commercial activity.
Competition policy is key for Malaysia to boost its future global competitiveness. This is because the
promotion of competition in domestic markets both in the manufacturing and services sectors is crucial
to enhance the efficient allocation of resources within the country. This will ensure the economy’s long-
term dynamism as well as provide a conducive environment for innovation and entrepreneurship to
flourish. Only then will the country’s vision of becoming an economically developed country be realized.
For Malaysia to join the league of high-income economies against the backdrop of an increasingly
competitive external environment, it needs to specialize further on a limited number of products and
services and deepen its comparative advantage in them. Blind diversification is often an expensive
mistake and, by “trying to be good at everything, one may turn up being excellent at nothing”.47
Specialization is therefore in order and this is best achieved by focusing on a few growth niches where it
is possible to achieve global excellence.
With the launch of the blueprint of the New Economic Model (NEM) in March 2010, National Key
Economic Activities were suggested, where Malaysia can develop and further deepen its comparative
advantage.48 Subject to further public consultation, the NEM has identified possible growth drivers in
the electrical and electronics industry; palm oil-related downstream industries; high-end commercial
agriculture; oil and gas industry; educational, medical and bio tourism services; green technology
industries and services; integrated Islamic finance (banking, capital markets and insurance);
biotechnology and life sciences; IT industry; creative industries (music, film, arts and culture).
The identification of new growth areas is not the same as the identification of public policy
interventions to support such activities. The latter must be based on a detailed understanding of the
obstacles to private sector development and the opportunities for public policy to coordinate activities
(critical mass issues), compensate firms for market externalities (discovery and learning externalities),
and to provide appropriate incentives, policies and infrastructure. 49
Yet, once the new growth areas are identified and the rationale for public policy intervention is
determined, it is important that the limited resources available are sharply focused on a few selected
areas. Ideally, these would consist of a few high value-added sectors with strong global growth
prospects and where Malaysia can develop global brands through innovation.50
Hidalgo, Klinger, Barabási and Haussmann (2007).
National Economic Advisory Council of Malaysia (2010), and the Keynote Address at the Invest Malaysia
2010 conference by Prime Minister Najib on March 30, 2010.
World Bank (2010b).
This is in the spirit of the government’s announcement to rationalize all research funds and grants and to
establish a National Innovation Center.
Innovation thrives and spreads in spatially concentrated clusters of economic activity. Clusters
facilitate the creation and diffusion of knowledge. Clustering allows firms to benefit from the availability
of common resources (e.g. a workforce with particular skills and a common supplier base), facilitates
better labor market matching, and helps with the sharing of knowledge. Clusters need not be made up
of high-tech firms and are neither confined to manufacturing—clusters can also develop around a broad
range of service industries.
Market forces however can produce less clustering than is socially desirable. The benefits of
clustering spill over beyond the boundaries of the firm. Each firm in the cluster benefits from the
presence of other firms in the cluster, but no individual firm takes these ‘external’ benefits into account
when it makes its own location decisions. Firms in a cluster may also have common needs (e.g. for
worker training or infrastructure) that they cannot meet on their own.
By concentrating skills and infrastructure and developing network linkages with other economic
centers domestically, regionally and globally, Malaysia will be able to develop concentrations of
economic activity within which reinvigorate the growth process through agglomeration benefits.
When the market for inputs is broad, suppliers can reap internal, plant-level scale economies
and reduce prices because of large volume production runs. Suppliers can also afford to
customize products to meet the exact specifications of the firm.
When many firms producing similar goods are in one location, the labor market deepens. Firms
can more easily find specialized skills and training programs can be organized. Workers and
employers face reduced risks of a mismatch between the skills on offer and those needed.
Common locations permit the rapid diffusion of cutting-edge ideas in an industry. For businesses
that compete in global markets, the ability to operate on the frontier of new products is critical.
Learning and innovating are key strategies for survival. 51
World Bank (2010b).
As the World Bank’s 2009 World Development Report has argued, to try and spread out economic
activity is to discourage it.52 Malaysia has thus far favored a spatially balanced approach to regional
development—by spreading out activity with the objective of ensuring that all regions share in the
growth process. Paradoxically, however, spatially unbalanced economic growth is more likely to achieve
this objective, providing simultaneous efforts are made to ensure good connectivity between the
leading and lagging regions. The challenge for Malaysia is to build density and allow unbalanced
economic growth to take place (Table 3.25). By concentrating economic activity in selected clusters,
density can build and the positive spillovers will benefit the rest of the country.
Continued success in the global market place requires an unrelenting commitment to innovation. In
today’s fast-paced globalized world, the innovation challenge is not a one-off challenge. Sustaining
competitiveness on the basis of costs has become a risky proposition. New players have entered the
game of low-cost high-volume production. The Malaysian economy needs to shift its comparative
advantage from one based on relatively low costs to one based on high value and innovation.
Innovation is best facilitated, not orchestrated. This is because innovation is hard to manage in a
systematic fashion. The process of innovation is neither linear nor formulaic and involves risk and
randomness. Innovation is about the creation and use of novel forms of value, and is the outcome of a
process of creativity coupled with entrepreneurship.
Innovation should not solely be the preserve of high-technology firms. Innovation can bring large
benefits to large segments of the Malaysian economy. Moving up the value chain and competing on
value rather than cost does not mean that Malaysia must cede entire industries to lower-wage
countries. Even in low-tech industries, dominated by labor-intensive production, some firms will be able
to carve out innovation-based product niches.
As productivity growth accelerates, companies will be able to produce at costs equal or below those
of lower-wage countries. Enhancing productivity will require sustained process and organizational
innovation, including the adoption of advanced technologies which cannot be easily replicated in lower-
wage countries.
Energizing the sources of innovation requires policy intervention. Multiple market failures as well as
imperfections in the enabling environment hold back Malaysia’s innovation potential. The experience of
countries around the world suggests that putting in place the right combination of policies can make a
large difference in unleashing the innovation potential.
Growth through innovation requires targeted reforms in three dimensions. The first relates to
capabilities, where talent, technology and finance need to be fully supportive to enable firms to
innovate. The second is competition which is the driving force of innovation, and here competition
policy, market flexibility, and social protection and patent policies are of key importance. The third
concerns the amplifiers of innovation. Niches and clusters are essential to make sure that efforts yield
their maximum economic impact by concentration in products and across space.
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