Sentinel-Event Root Cause Analysis RCA
Sentinel-Event Root Cause Analysis RCA
Sentinel-Event Root Cause Analysis RCA
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Attachment A
Level of Analysis
Sentinel Event
Why did it
The process or
activity in which
the event
What are the details of
the event? (Brief
When did the event
occur? (Date, day of
week, time)
What area/service was
What are the steps in the
process, as designed? (A
flow diagram may be
helpful here)
What steps were involved
in (contributed to) the
Human factors
external factors
What type of infection did the patient have that caused the death or permanent loss of
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Level of Analysis
Why did that
happen? What
systems and
underlie those
To what degree is staff
properly qualified and
currently competent for
their responsibilities?
(Common cause
variation here may
lead to special cause
variation in
Is the right skill level person performing the function? Is orientation adequate? Have
the staff demonstrated competency on the equipment they are using? Has
competency with the process been demonstrated? Are the learning needs of the
individual taken into consideration when training/orienting new employees?
This is the time to ask all relevant questions about adequate education and
training for the process.
Was the department running short that day? Did the therapists have time to do their
rounds? Were tubing changes let go due to inadequate staff? Are there enough
people to do the job?
Ideal staffing levels are difficult to determine. Comparison with industry
standards, if available, can be helpful.
What does the department do if they are short-staffed for the day? Who prioritizes?
What realistic options for replacement personnel are available to the manager?
How do we know the staff is competent to do the procedure? Is there adequate
supervision? Are the staff allowed to find creative shortcuts?
Does staff understand their role in reducing infectious complications as part of
the process they work in?
Brainstorm and listen carefully to the front-line caregiver that knows best what
will and will not work. Once an event of this nature occurs, staff really think
about their role and what could be done better. They dont want a repeat
Are there procedures available to the staff? What information about the patient was
passed on in report? Any critical information omitted? Did the therapist know they had
to see the patient? Is the procedure for sterile dressing changes complete? Did the
pre-op nurse know the pre-op antibiotic had not been given?
This information can be found in documents, on-line, direct communications,
shift reports, etc
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- Corporate culture
- Encouragement of
- Clear
communication of
To what degree is
communication among
participants adequate?
To what degree was the
physical environment
appropriate for the
processes being carried
What systems are in
place to identify
environmental risks?
What emergency and
failure-mode responses
have been planned and
To what degree is the
culture conducive to
risk identification and
What are the barriers to
communication of
potential risk factors?
To what degree is the
prevention of adverse
communicated as a
high priority? How?
What can be done to
protect against the
effects of these
uncontrollable factors?
Was the technician comfortable telling the physician that the skin prep was not
complete? That the equipment had been rushed through the sterilization process?
This is a critical question when doing a root cause analysis communication
breakdown has been the root cause in many events
Is the staff member able to work uninterrupted? Is the sink placed in such a way that it
makes hand washing cumbersome? Are fans blowing through dirty work areas? Is the
ventilator equipment stored appropriately? Are the surgical supplies in a clean, dry
area, away from contamination?
This sometimes requires a site visit by the team to the area in question.
Does the hospital have a process for content experts to make assessments of
environmental risks? Is the ICP a welcome visitor in Surgery? Are the issues
identified acted upon and is there accountability?
The group can brainstorm all potential failure modes associated with the
process and determine what interventions would be most helpful to prevent that
potential failure mode? This is a very labor-intensive process.
Is the staff comfortable in reporting risks? Is their manager responsive? Does the staff
know what to do if no action is taken?
Asking this question may reveal some serious systems issues or management
issues that leadership should be aware of and must act on.
Is the manager available to the staff? Are all opinions respected, regardless of skill
Processes may need to be developed to allow free and open communication
Has the staff been educated on patient safety and prevention of adverse outcomes?
Do they understand the rationale for each step in a process to reduce risk of infectious
outcomes? Does the Environmental Services employee understand how critical their
role is in infection prevention and control?
How is the department-specific orientation to infection prevention and control
communicated to the staff?
Brainstorm with the group.
For each of the findings identified in the analysis as needing an action, indicate the planned action expected, implementation date and associated measure of effectiveness. OR.
If after consideration of such a finding, a decision is made not to implement an associated risk reduction strategy, indicate the rationale for not taking action at this time.
Check to be sure that the selected measure will provide data that will permit assessment of the effectiveness of the action.
Consider whether pilot testing of a planned improvement should be conducted.
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Improvements to reduce risk should ultimately be implemented in all areas where applicable, not just where the event occurred. Identify where the improvements will be implemented.
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Attachment B
F ind An
O rganize a Team
Outbreak Investigation
Step 1
Organize a Team
Step 2
Step 3
3. Prepare or investigation
Step 4
U nderstand
Step 5
Step 6
Step 7
Step 8
Step 9
P lan the
D o the
Improvement and
Collect Data
C heck and Study
the Results
Step 10
Step 11
Step 12
Step 13
Step 14
Step 15
Design Improvements
Step 16
Step 17
Step 18
Step 20
Step 21
Step 19
A ct and Hold the
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Attachment C
Scenario One
A 73-year-old male was admitted with aortic stenosis. The patient also had diabetes
mellitus. He underwent an aortic valve replacement. He had an uneventful recovery
and was ready for discharge nine days post-op.
On the day of discharge, the staff RN was removing the saline lock from the right
forearm. The nurse noticed a small, reddened area around the site. The nurse
reported the findings to the physician, who ordered wet soaks, but did not delay the
discharge. The patients temperature was 99.4F. This was not reported to the
Twenty-four hours after discharge, the patient was readmitted with a temperature of
103F and was acutely ill. Cultures from the saline lock site, spinal fluid, blood, urine,
and sputum were all positive for Staph aureus. The patient expired.
Would this be considered a sentinel event?
While the risk of any operative procedure certainly includes infection, this patients
infection and death were most likely not related to his surgical procedure. He had a
very normal post-operative course. There appeared to be an infection starting at his IV
site that was left untreated. While we cannot say with 100% certainty that the true
source of infection was the IV site, it did appear this was the proximate cause of his
ultimate demise.
A root cause analysis in this unexpected death would analyze several systems issues:
What is the policy for changing saline locks? What are the assessment
expectations if the saline lock is not changed?
Does this nursing unit have a policy that all patients on their unit will have a
saline lock, regardless of the patient condition?
Were the nurses doing the assessment competent in assessment and
maintenance of IV saline locks?
Was the appropriate information communicated to the physician?
Were the staffing levels appropriate for the needs of the patients on this unit?
Did the nurses feel rushed to discharge a patient?
Where there other factors that could have potentially diverted the nurse from
conveying all necessary information to the physician prior to discharge?
Should the physician have delayed discharge? Were there external factors
influencing the surgeons decision to discharge (monitoring of LOS by the MD
group for example)
Typically, several systems issues will be identified that will result in a plan of action. In
this case, it may be policy and procedures changes, staff competency assessment, and
peer review.
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Scenario Three
A nine-year-old child was admitted to the Pediatric Unit with acute lymphocytic
leukemia. This was a new diagnosis for this patient. Following six weeks of
chemotherapy in the hospital, her immune system became extremely compromised.
She was maintained in an isolation room for the last three weeks of therapy as her white
count had dropped to very low levels.
During week six in the hospital, the child spiked a fever to 104F and became
tachycardic. She complained of a new onset of pain in her head. This was reported to
the oncologist immediately and cultures were obtained from blood, nasopharynx and
spinal fluid. The spinal fluid and NP cultures grew Aspergillus fumigatus. Despite
aggressive treatment, the child was taken to the operating room for removal of her left
eye and cheekbone to prevent further damage from the Aspergillus. She was ultimately
discharged home.
Would this be considered a sentinel event?
Some ICPs would argue that infections of this nature are a rare but well-known
complication of this diagnosis and treatment regimen. This could be considered
permanent loss of function. Many safeguards were probably put in place to prevent this
tragic outcome. This event would warrant intense analysis at a minimum.
An intense analysis (or perhaps root cause analysis) could analyze several systems
What engineering controls are in place to prevent acquisition of Aspergillus?
Were the engineers adequately oriented and trained in the role of environmental
pathogens for this patient population?
What education and training did the nurses receive for this high-risk patient
population? How are new employees oriented?
What is the staffing ratio for these children? Do the assignments require nurses
or other members of the health care team to care for children with infection as
well as these immune suppressed children?
What equipment was involved in the care of this patient? Any system
breakdowns in cleaning processes?
Is the medical staff working with these patients educated on appropriate barrier
precautions and hand hygiene?
Was there any construction going on in or around the facility?
Were the parents taught about hand hygiene?
Because the ICP comes armed with the knowledge of microorganisms and how they
are introduced or spread, the ICPs knowledge will be invaluable in reviewing the
systems issues associated with this type of event.
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