Interactive Advt
Interactive Advt
Interactive Advt
Thus it can be assumed that interactive advertising would include the ability to
track the customer or potential lead in some manner that required a response or
required them to click through and arrive at your site, your information, or your
product. Interactive advertising uses online or offline interactive media to
communicate with consumers and to promote products, brands, services, and
public service announcements, corporate or political groups.
There are many different facets to Interactive Advertising, including varying methods and types. Using
many different types of cognitive tools and advert presentations, organizations can enhance the
impact of their campaigns with this type of advertising. According to Thorson (1996), all
advertisements can be classified into one of five basic categories, including: product/service, public
service announcement, issue, corporate and political. Advert types also interact with the user's
motives to influence outcomes, or consumer responses, reinforcing the need for Interactive
Advertising as a means of persuading potential consumers and target audiences.
Using the Internet as the main medium for Interactive Advertising to study the methods, types and
outcomes, we can then sound out the different user or advertiser controlled aspects.
Thus , some of the methods of online interactive advertising or internet
advertising are:
Many web surfers regard these advertisements as highly annoying because they distract from
a web page's actual content or waste bandwidth. (Of course, the purpose of the banner ad is to attract
attention and many advertisers try to get attention to the advert by making them annoying. Without
attracting attention it would provide no revenue for the advertiser or for the content provider.) Newer
web browsers often include options to disable pop-ups or block images from selected websites.