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Management Science Letters 4 (2014) 10991102

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Management Science Letters


A study on the effects of different factors influencing on customer loyalty, profitability and
word of mouth advertisement for gaining competitive advantage in tourism industry

Naser Azad*, Maryam Safaei and Mahdieh Shahrabi Farahani

Department of Management and Accounting, South Tehran Banch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran

Article history:
Received December 2, 2013
Accepted 8 May 2014
Available online
May 15 2014
Customer loyalty
Tourism industry
Word of mouth
Competitive advantage

This paper presents an empirical investigation to study the effects of various factors influencing
on customer loyalty, profitability and word of mouth advertisement for gaining competitive
advantage in tourism industry. The study designs a questionnaire in Likert scale and distributes
it among a random sample of 500 people who purchased some tours from travel agencies.
Using structural equation modeling, the study has determined a positive and meaningful impact
of pricing strategy, amenity, tourism services, content of trip, marketing mix elements, brand
equity, competitive advantage and being exclusive on gaining competitive advantage. In
addition, being exclusive and value creation influence positively on word of mouth
advertisement. Finally, value creation influences on profitability, positively.
2014 Growing Science Ltd. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction
During the past few years, there have been various factors influencing tourism industry in the world
such as customer loyalty, word of mouth advertisement, etc. (Ma, 1999, 2002; Timms, 2006;
Bandyopadhyay & Martell, 2007; Grnhaug & Ottesen, 2007; Halim, 2011). According to Burmann
et al. (2009), in the context of increasingly interchangeable product and service offerings, brands are
important drivers for product purchasing and consumer decisions even in tourism industry. Bendixen
et al. (2004) described the concept of brand equity in a specific industrial marketing setting. They
also investigated the sources of brand equity as well as the suitable communications strategy and the
relative importance of brand relative to other purchase criteria. They reported that while brand equity
had essential role on marketing and price and delivery were more important. Bennett and Smith
(2002) applied a survey of SMEs in the UK to evaluate the factors associated with their competitive
conditions and their competitive advantage and confirmed that, as SME businesses grow, they tend to
develop their strategy to look for specialization and differentiation of their products and services and
diversification of their customer base.
*Corresponding author.
E-mail addresses: (N. Azad)
2014 Growing Science Ltd. All rights reserved.
doi: 10.5267/j.msl.2014.5.023


Chailan (2008) tried to understand more about brand portfolio management by describing the brand
portfolio strategies of four leading cosmetics firms. They concentrated on two questions including the
reasons lead firms to develop, or not, a brand portfolio strategy, and how brand portfolio management
may generate a higher and stronger level of competitive advantage, which is harder to achieve. They
explained that an aggregation of brands was not in and of itself a brand portfolio. Dacko (2012)
synthesized, organized, and explained multidisciplinary study influential to a service firm's
application of a cyclical time-based marketing method, which could be aptly termed time-of-day
services marketing, to express a general process and framework to help in the evaluation of its
strategic use. They reported that the principal advantages to service companies of adopting a time-ofday services method in varying degrees were that it was able to help the firm in offering multiple,
unique value-propositions, providing superior contextual value to the customer, enhancing customer
perceptions of value in relation to their requirements.
Eraqi (2006) made an assessment on the customer's views associated with tourism quality in Egypt
and tried to measure the extent to which tourism business environment was creative and innovative as
necessary conditions for internal customer satisfaction. They reported that quality could be
considered as a philosophy for helping tourism organization/destination when taking decisions
associated with tourism services; tourism business environment in Egypt did not support the internal
customer satisfaction due to the lack of an appropriate system for helping people be creative and
innovative. Grandy and Wicks (2008) explored how small companies in the tattooing industry could
shape institutional expectations of value for consumers in a changing industry. The results disclosed
efforts of companies to build and to increase organizational legitimacy through the prominence of
discourses of professionalism. Halim (2011) attempted to detect new potential objects of coastal
tourism, which could be implemented as parameter of the competitive advantage coastal tourism
business, which would match with the implementation of ecotourisms concept. Kuikka and
Laukkanen (2012) explored the antecedents of brand loyalty in the chocolate market and reported that
brand satisfaction was the most important factor for brand loyalty within the chocolate market,
followed by brand value and brand equity. Kim and Hyun (2011) presented a model to study the
effect of marketing-mix efforts and corporate image on brand equity in the IT software sector. Kim et
al. (2011), in another study, investigated the impacts of customers perceptions of brand personality
in casual theme restaurants. Netemeyer et al. (2004) developed and validated various measures of
facets of customer-based brand equity.
2. The proposed study
This paper presents an empirical investigation to study the effects of various factors influencing on
customer loyalty, profitability and word of mouth advertisement for gaining competitive advantage in
tourism industry. Fig. 1 demonstrates the structure of the proposed model.
Pricing strategy



Content of trip
Tourism services




Marketing mix elements

Fig. 1. The proposed study

Word of mouth

N. Azad et al. / Management Science Letters 4 (2014)


The study designs a questionnaire in Likert scale and distributes it among a random sample of 500
people who purchased some tours from travel agencies. The study uses structural equation modeling
to verify the effects of various factors.
3. The results
The paper uses structural equation modeling to verify the effects various factors on development of
tourism industry. Fig. 2 shows the results of the implementation of our survey.

The results of standard coefficients

The results of t-student values

Fig. 2. The results of structural equation modeling

The results of some statistical observations are Goodness of Fit Index (GFI) = 0.96, Adjusted
Goodness of Fit Index (AGFI) = 0.91, NFI=0.94 and NNFI=0.95 with Root Mean Square Error of
Approximation (RMSEA) = 0.036 and they are within desirable limits.
4. Discussion and conclusion
Based on the results of structural equation modeling, we can confirm the effects of various variables.
Table 1 demonstrates the results of the survey.
Table 1
The results of testing the effects of various factors
Pricing strategy Competitive advantage
Amenity Competitive advantage
Tourism services Competitive advantage
Content trip Competitive advantage
Marketing mix elements Competitive advantage
Brand equity Value creation
Competitive advantage Value creation
Being exclusive Value creation
Loyalty Word of mouth
Value creation Profitability
Value creation Word of mouth




As we can observe from the results of Table 1, pricing strategy, amenity, tourism services, content
trip and marketing mix elements influence on competitive advantage, positively. In addition, brand


equity, competitive advantage and being exclusive influence on value creation, positively. Finally,
customer loyalty and value creation create more word of mouth and value creation influences on
word of mouth, positively.
The authors would like to thank the anonymous referees for constructive comments on earlier version
of this paper.
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