Corporate Governance & Insurance Industry.
Corporate Governance & Insurance Industry.
Corporate Governance & Insurance Industry.
The concept of corporate governance is poorly defined because it covers various
economics aspects. As a result of this different people have come up with
different definitions on corporate governance. It is hard to point on any one
definition as the ultimate definition on corporate governance. So the best way
to define the concept is to provide a list of the definitions given by some
noteworthy people.
Various definitions of corporate governance:
According to Sir Adrian Cadbury.
The system by which companies are directed and controlled
Corporate Governance is concerned with holding the balance between economic
and social goals and between individual and communal goals. The corporate
governance framework is there to encourage the efficient use of resources and
equally to require accountability for the stewardship of those resources. The aim
is to align as nearly as possible the interests of individuals, corporations and
According to Mathiesen (2002)
Corporate Governance is a field in economics that investigates how to
secure/motivate efficient management of corporations by the use of incentive
mechanisms, such as contracts, organizational designs and legislation. This is
often limited to the question of improving financial performance, for example,
how the corporate owners can secure/motivate that the corporate managers will
deliver a competitive rate of return.
The definition given by Mathiesen means that corporate governance is a method
which tries to find out the different incentives which would motivate the
managers of a corporate to give a good return to the owners of the corporation.
The seeds of modern corporate governance were probably sown by the
Watergate scandal in the United States. The global movement for better
corporate governance progressed in fits and starts from the mid-1980s up to
1997. There were the odd country-level initiatives such as the Cadbury
Committee Report in the United Kingdom (1992) or the recommendations of
the National Association of Corporate Directors of the US (1995). It would be
fair to say, however, that such initiatives were few and far between. And while
there were the occasional international conferences on the desirability of good
corporate governance, most companies both global and Indian knew little of
what the phrase meant, and cared even less for its implications. More recently,
the first major stimulus for corporate governance reforms came after the SouthEast and East Asian crisis of 1997-98. This was no classical Latin American
debt crisis. Here were fiscally responsible, healthy, rapidly growing, exportdriven economies going into crippling financial crises. Gradually, governments,
multilateral institutions, banks as well as companies began to understand that
the devil lay in the institutional, microeconomic details the nitty-gritty of
transactions between companies, banks, financial institutions and capital
markets; the design of corporate laws, bankruptcy procedures and practices; the
structure of ownership and crony capitalism; sharp stock market practices; poor
boards of directors showing scant regard to fiduciary responsibility; poor
disclosures and transparency; and inadequate accounting and auditing standards.
Suddenly, corporate governance came out of dusty academic closets and
moved centre stage. Barring Japan and possibly Indonesia, countries in Asia
recovered remarkably fast. By the year 2001, Thailand, Malaysia and Korea
were on the upswing and on course to regain their historical growth rates. With
such rapid recovery, corporate governance issues s were in the danger of being
relegated to the back stage once again. There were projects to be executed,
under-value assets to be bought, and profits to be made. International investors
were again showing bullishness. In such a milieu, there seemed no urgent need
to impose concepts like better accounting practices, greater disclosure, and
independent board oversight. Corporate governance once again settled into a
phase of extended inactivity.
Indias experience was somewhat different from this Asian scheme of things.
First, unlike South-East and East. Asia, the corporate governance movement did
not occur due to a national or region-wide macro economic and financial
collapse. Indeed, the Asian crisis barely touched India.
Secondly, unlike other Asian countries, the initial drive for better corporate
governance and disclosure, perhaps as a result of the 1992 stock market scam,
and the onset of international competition consequent on the liberalization of
economy that began in 1990, came from all-India industry and business
associations, and in the Department of Company Affairs.
Thirdly, it is fair to say that, since April 2001, listed companies in India are
required to follow some of the most stringent guidelines for corporate
governance throughout Asia and which rank among some of the best in the
Even so, there is scope for improvement. For one, while India may have
excellent rules and regulations, regulatory authorities are inadequately staffed
and lack sufficient number of skilled people. This has led to less than credible
enforcement. Delays in courts compound this problem. For another, India has
had its fair share of corporate scams and stock market scandals that has shaken
investor confidence. Much can be done to improve the situation.
Just as the global corporate governance movement was going into a bit of
hibernation, there came the Enron debacle of 2001, followed by other scandals
involving large US companies such as WorldCom, Qwest, Global Crossing and
the exposure of lack of auditing that eventually led to the collapse of Andersen.
After having shaken the foundations of the business world, that too in the
stronghold of capitalism, these scandals have triggered another more vigorous
phase of reforms in corporate governance, accounting practices and disclosures
this time more comprehensively than ever before.
As a US based expert recently put it, Enron and WorldCom have done more
to further the cause of corporate transparency and governance in less than one
year, than what activists could do in the last twenty.
This is truly so. In June 2002, less than a year from the date when Enron filed
for bankruptcy, the US Congress introduced in record time the Sarbanes-Oxley
Bill. This piece of legislation (popularly called SOX) brought with it
fundamental changes in virtually every area of corporate governance and
particularly in auditor independence, conflicts of interest, corporate
responsibility and enhanced financial disclosures. The SOX Act was signed
into law by the US President on 30 July 2002. While the US Securities and
Exchanges Commission (SEC) is yet to formalize most of the rules under
various provisions of the Act, and despite there being rumbles of protest in the
corporate world against some of the more draconian measures in the new law, it
is fair to predict that the SOX Act will do more to change the contours of board
structure, auditing, financial reporting and corporate disclosure than any other
previous law in US history.
Although India has been fortunate in not having to go through the pains of
massive corporate failures such as Enron and WorldCom, it has not been found
wanting in its desire to further improve corporate governance standards. On 21
August 2002, the Department of Company Affairs (DCA) under the Ministry of
Finance and Company Affairs appointed this Committee to examine various
corporate governance issues.
Good governance in a corporate entity should be a voluntary exercise and
managements should not reduce it to a function that is statutorily enforced.
While the bottom line undoubtedly is making a point, entities should realize that
they are in business to enhance the stockholders value. Thus they owe a
fiduciary responsibility to each of their shareholders. One can analyse corporate
governance as a delicate balance between the twin tasks of performance and
compliance. When profit making becomes the solitary objective, managements
tend to lose sight of their responsibilities and throw caution to winds. When the
auditors and other officials associated with surveillance join the black deeds, the
problem assumes humongous proportions. It is exactly in this background that
we had the occasion to witness several major corporate debacles; and suddenly
corporate governance hogs the limelight like never before. The series of fiascos
led to several important legislations being enacted in some of the most
developed economies and being
followed closely globally. We hear of
corporate governance in almost all sections of business, irrespective of their
size. Corporate governance has a different dimension as far as the insurance
business is concerned. On the one hand, insurers have to be prudent in
protecting the policyholders interests as regards reasonableness in charging
premiums; objectivity in settling the claims and so on. On the other, they also
have the responsibility of profitably investing the policyholders funds. This
demands that insurers additionally have to be sensitive to the management
styles of
the organizations where the funds are being lodged. To this extent, they have a
dual function to play.
The multi-disciplinary Working Group on Enhanced Disclosure, appointed by
the IRDA, while examining the need for improving the public disclosure
practices of financial intermediaries, put forward three broad recommendations:
The working Group while giving its recommendations reiterated the need for
extensive disclosures, stating that these can increase market discipline and may
increase the stability of the financial system and lead to an improved allocation
of capital and other resources. Greater transparency can allow participants in
the financial system to make more informed judgment about risks and returns
and to place new information in proper context. More generally, with greater
transparency there may be fewer tendencies for markets to place emphasis on
positive or negative news and in this way; volatility in the financial markets and
an important source of fragility can be reduced. The Working Groups
conclusions had three general themes: first, a healthy balance is necessary
between quantitative and qualitative disclosures; second, intermediaries
disclosure should be consistent with how they assess and manage their risks;
and third, intra-period information is necessary for a more complete view of an
institutions exposure to risks. The IAIS Task Force on Enhanced Disclosure
approved the Guidance Note on Public Disclosures by Insurers in January,
2002. Public disclosure of reliable and timely information facilitates the
understanding by prospective and existing policyholders and other market
participants of the financial position of insurers and the risks to which they are
exposed. Supervisors are concerned with maintaining efficient, safe, fair and
stable insurance markets for the benefit and protection of policyholders. Risk
disclosure is critical in the operation of a sound market. When provided with
appropriate information that allows them to assess an insurers activities and the
risks inherent in those activities, markets can respond efficiently, rewarding
those companies which manage risk effectively and penalizing those that do not.
This is often referred to as Market Discipline, and it acts as an adjunct to
Corporate Governance (CG) encompasses the processes,
structures, information and relationships used for directing and overseeing the
management of the institution in the best interest of the institution and the key
stakeholders that have a significant interest in the on-going viability of the
company. CG is a complex interweaving of legislation, regulation business
practices, institution, cultures and social values. Good governance is the means
of ensuring that there is adequate control over objectives, strategies, controls
and operations within the company. In addition, factors such as business ethics
and corporate awareness of the environmental and societal interests of the
communities in which a company operates can also have an impact on its
reputation and on its long term success. Two elements of CG which make it an
important part of effective insurance supervision are:
Effective CG allows the supervisor to rely on the work performed by the Board
of directors and senior management and in doing so allows the supervisory
process to operate more efficiently and effectively than it would in the absence
of such a relationship. This reliance relationship, however, needs a review from
time to time to ensure that it is well founded. Both the capital market regulators
and the insurance supervisors are interested that companies adopt CG practices.
In case of the capital market regulators it is to ensure that the interests of the
investors are protected. In respect of insurance supervisors, the interest in good
CG practices stems not just from the need to protect the rights and interests of
the shareholders. It is the money that the investors have tied up in a company
that forms at least a part of its capital base that the supervisors are relying on to
protect the rights of the policyholders in the event that the company fails.
Insurance supervisors are interested in having insurance enterprises that are well
managed, that treat their customers fairly, that are in compliance with the
legislation and other requirements, and are well managed by competent ethical
individuals. In many insurance companies, there is more policyholders money
than the shareholders money the size of the policy and claims liabilities (and
provisions or reserves) exceed the amount of assets held in respect of shares and
other capital instruments that the company has issued. The investor while
making a decision to invest in the insurance company is aware of the risks.
Policyholders, on the other hand, are unaware of the risks rather they seek the
services of the insurance company to relieve their unwanted risk exposure.
While, both the shareholders and the policyholders have a common interest in
the company being run in a prudential, profitable and sound manner, board
decisions which may benefit the shareholders may not necessarily benefit the
policyholders, and vice-versa.
Boards are found to be usually reactive and not proactive. They may exercise
negative virtues of compliance. Making sure that things are running in order
may be good enough. But its main job is to oversee management is effective
and satisfy itself that the management is solving company problems and is risktaking enough to build improved performance.
Role of CEO:
What one wants from a CEO is that he is able by virtue of ability, expertise,
resources, motivation and authority, to keep the company not only just ready for
change but ready to benefit from changes, and ideally to lead them. The CEO
must be powerful enough to do the job, but accountable enough to do the job
correctly. The decisions he makes should be in the long-term interests of the
shareholders. Who is the best position to make a decision about the direction of
the corporation, and does that person or group have the necessary authority?
That is determined by two factors: conflicts of interest and information.
Decisions must be made with the fewest of conflicts and most information.
Accountability must come from within; and that requires a corporate
governance system that is itself accountable. It must be continually reevaluated
so that the structure itself can adapt to changing times and needs.
In the area of corporate governance in India, the approaches would require to
be refined. However, the task of the regulatory bodies would be considerably
eased once proper governance
standards are in place, observes R. Krishna Murthy (MD, Watson Wyatt
Insurance Consulting and former MD & CEO of SBI Life Insurance Co. Ltd.).
Corporate governance simply put is just being honest about in every way an
enterprise is run governing relationship with every stakeholder in the company.
While honesty is the best policy everywhere and at all times, it needs to be
practiced particularly in the case of insurance industry which bears a fiduciary
relationship with clients, and where the industry is judged by its long term
performance. At a time when financial institutions are increasingly under public
scanner; and some of the icons in the insurance industry in mature markets are
under attack for breaking laws and their key management personnel charged for
personal aggrandizement; the issue of corporate governance acquires new
Urgency in India
There are four major factors why drawing up a set of governance standards for
the Indian insurance industry, covering life as well as general insurance
companies, public and private sector, is important at this stage.
Firstly, in life insurance, a well drafted governance code and their adherence
would help to shore up the level of public confidence in the new generation
insurance companies, which seem to suffer in comparison to LIC due to the
absence of a level playing field, with the insurance policies issued by the latter
carrying the stamp of sovereign guarantee. While there is reportedly a move by
the government to level this field by removing the privilege enjoyed by LIC, it
is perhaps quite a long way off. Meanwhile, as an industry which engages with
clients on long term contract, the new generation life insurance companies
should be keen to have a set of standards against which they could benchmark
their own governance to strengthen the public image that the new players can be
considered as trustworthy and dependable as their public sector counterparts.
We dont have to accept that the world has become a less ethical place and
learn to live with it. Even if it has, we can change it say Dr. K.C,
Mishra(Director National Insurance Academy, Pune) & Dr. Geetanjali
Panda(Mgmt Faculty, Finance & Economics, IMIS, Bhubaneswar).
Modern society can place individuals in situations where they find themselves
at odds with principles of personal ethics and character. Our desire for
independence and freedom has left us less community-oriented. Our pursuit of
happiness in the form of wealth has made a disturbing degree of socially
acceptable greed and selfishness. Our ability to demonstrate integrity is
challenged by conflicting values and social imperatives .
Seven accepted principles of personal ethics and character encompass:
1. Willing compliance with the law
2. Refusal to take unfair advantage
3. Concern and respect for others
4. Prevention of harm
5. Trustworthiness
6. Benevolence
7. Fairness
Individuals in a monetized society constitute the community of corporate
citizens. Corporate Governance is about promoting corporate fairness,
transparency and accountability. Functionally, Corporate Governance means
doing everything better, to improve relations between companies and their
shareholders; to improve the quality of Directors; to encourage people to think
long-term, to ensure that information needs to all stakeholders are met and to
ensure that executive management is monitored properly in the interest of
shareholders. Corporate Governance becomes an organic system when
companies are directed and controlled by the management in the best interest of
the stakeholders and others ensuring greater transparency and better and timely
financial reporting.
How the day to day affairs of the insurance company are proposed
to be run in every functional area in the company, and what kind of
internal controls are sought to be established and enforced.
While the IRDA licensing norms. The most important aspect of governance
code is to ensure that the collective expertise is available on the board to meet
the competitive challenges of the market place while maintaining soundness of
the company, require that the company is run by persons who are fit and
proper for the respective positions, the regulator has largely left issues
concerning the constitution of board and defining its responsibilities to the
wisdom of the promoters. The most important aspect of governance code is to
ensure that the collective expertise is available on the board to meet the
competitive challenges of the market place with maintaining soundness of the
company. It is important to ensure that board members, especially those
appointed to represent the policyholder interests, are qualified for the position,
and they have a clear understanding of their role and are able to exercise sound,
independent judgment duty of loyalty as well as duty of care.
There are five key aspects of governance expected of boards in insurance
Setting and enforcing clear lines of responsibility and accounting
throughout the organization. In insurance companies where the risk
experience emerges over several years, demarcating areas of
responsibility, and ensuring that there is an appropriate oversight by the
senior management in every functional area are crucial.
Periodically assess the effectiveness of the companys own
governance practices with due understanding of the regulatory
environment, identify areas of weakness and make changes where
Regularly assess that the risk management systems and policies in
the company are sound; and they are rigorously adhered to.
Identify, disclose and resolve conflicts between the personal
interests of promoters; as well as senior managers and the
company. The conflict resolution issue is particularly important
where the insurance operations are part of a large business group of
a financial conglomerate.
Overseas that every type of communication to clients and potential
clients is clear, fair and not misleading.
It is important that the board consists of persons who have the expertise, as well
as ability to commit sufficient time and energies to fulfill their responsibilities.
The Board members should regularly meet with the senior management, as well
as the internal audit team, to monitor progress towards the corporate objectives.
They should however never participate as members of the board with the day to
day management of the company. The board as well as the senior management
would need to ensure that the corporate objectives and the corporate values are
clearly set, and they are clearly communicated throughout the organization. As
they say, the tone is always set at the top.
- In A Risk Based Rating Environment
In a de-tariffed regime, governance for the insurers would be a different ball
game and various issues would come up in the areas of fair rating, equitable
policy conditions etc. feels Mr. P.C. James(Executive Director, Non-Life,
Insurance and Corporate Governance
Corporate Governance is a subject of significance for the insurance industry.
Insurers manage the funds of the public, i.e. the premium of their customers, as
well as capital and other resources on behalf of the shareholders. Companies
also have other stakeholders such as employees, partners, intermediaries, the
government and the society. There is a growing concern that a companys
accountability and transparency requirements need to be aligned with the
expectations of stakeholders concerned. Insurance Core Principles No.9
brought out by the IAIS (International Association of Insurance Supervisors),
says that the corporate governance framework recognizes and projects the rights
of all interested parties. Corporate governance is thus required as a voluntarist
agenda for the Board and the top management on how to oversee the success
and sustainability of the organization in the wider context of satisfaction of all
the stakeholders concerned. Business organizations work in an environment of
increasing risks. Risk is anything that can impede on the negative side or
accelerate on the positive side, the achievement of business objectives.
Responding to risks involves instituting the necessary tools to discover, analyse
and make transparent the potential risks. It also means that while taking steps to
minimize or eliminate the downside of risks, the upside that can be generated by
managing risks successfully needs to be fully exploited. This linkage between
business objectives, risk, controls and their alignment to business outcomes is
important for enhancing shareholder and stakeholder value. All successful
companies excel because they have the necessary risk management capability,
internal control systems and procedures to sustain them. This naturally involves
Board level interventions in deciding strategies and policies which can ensure
that the entire company becomes risk aware; and has one uniform risk
language in the organization.
Risk Governance
When insurers are se to move from a rule based tariff regime to a risk based
pricing environment, risks for such insurers generate both opportunities as
well as vulnerabilities. Risk exposures heighten because the deeply held
mental models of yesterday which were versed in interpretation of given
rules need to move onto divination of an ever changing risk landscape in the
many businesses that the company may wish to offer protection. The Board
needs to put in place new mental models and systems thinking that can
create and nurture the necessary skills of seeing the insurable world in the
hard reality of risks and realistic pricing of such risks without the comfort of
tariffs. Similarly it is to be ensured that the independence of the risk
assuming function is clearly maintained and not subordinated to the
compulsions of those departments not familiar with the discipline of
insurance risk and pricing characteristics. Guidelines will need to be given
for the disciplined application of underwriting powers, with clear reporting
lines and accountabilities. The underwriting department must be endowed
with stature, experience and authority to carry out it expected functioning.
There must be the planned churning and rotation of personnel to garner everricher experience and bring in new learnings, experience and perspectives.
New skills and knowledge will have to be built up and must flow through the
organization to ensure constant up gradation and benchmarking against the
best in the market. Risk specialists need to be encouraged to probe and
question till satisfactory answers and solutions are obtained, and there should
an openness that is not afraid to challenge the experts.
Sensitivity to regulatory requirements is an important part of corporate
Companies need to guard against possible clash between the interests of the
policyholders and the owners of companies. It is well accepted that having
satisfied and happy consumers is good business, and the Board needs to
continuously strengthen the alignment of interests between the company and
its consumers through better governance standards.
management is the beginning of corporate wisdom and is an expression of
the wiliness to develop the continuum towards developing self-accepted
norms of governance based on an inclusive agenda that looks to the
betterment of all interests in a holistic manner. A
disdain for regulatory accountability as manifest in non-compliance of laws,
regulations, guidelines is indicative of a mindset that may block
internalization of the best practice codes that can help to enhance business
success. Insurance also
involves issues of public good; and the legislative and judicial intent
wherever spelt out and point to the development of the business in the best
interest of the community, need to be kept in mind while dealing with
business practices. This means that insurers are prevented by the intent of
law and judicial precedents from acting in a manner that is arbitrary, unfair,
untenable or adverse to the interest of the consumer. Thus there cannot be
arbitrary freedom for private contracts. Corporate governance would have to
internalize the nature of insurance business in the context of the law of the
land and should keep in mind the moral and social responsibilities involved
while fashioning the templates of corporate success. Various issues thus
come up in the areas of fair rating, equitable policy conditions, proper
disclosures, acceptable methods of solicitation, terms of renewal,
cancellation of policies, loading of premium, denial of insurance, repudiation
of claims and so on. These will need to be addressed and homogenized
across the company to prevent regulatory or judicial strictures that can have
a bearing on the reputation or legitimacy of the insurer. Failing to meet
societys expectations can pose risks to organizations and at the same time a
proper understanding and effective management of generally recognized
social duties can help to build shareholder value, corporate recognized social
duties can help to build shareholder value. Corporate social responsibility is
also an area which, if neglected, can pose risks for insurers.
For ensuring good corporate governance, the importance of overseeing the
various aspects of the corporate functioning needs to be properly understood,
appreciated and implemented avers Vepa Kamesam (Former Deputy Governor
of RBI, Former MD of SBI and presently MD, institute of Insurance and Risk
Management, Hyderabad).
Historically attention was paid to the subject following the collapse of Savings
and Loan companies in USA in the mid 1980s and the SEC of USA taking a
tough stand on the same. It is ironical that once again it was the US which
brought in Sarbanes Oxley Act and along with it very stringent measures of
Corporate Governance. In passing, we may add that there is no corresponding
legislation in India. Later, Adrian Cadbury report was an important milestone,
which spelt out 19 best practices called the Code of Best Practices, which the
companies listed on the London Stock Exchange, began to comply with. Some
of those guidelines applicable to the Directors, Non-executive Directors,
Executive Directors, an d others responsible for reporting and control are as
follows:Relating to the Directors the recommendations are:
- The Board should meet regularly, retain full and effective control over the
company and monitor the executive management.
- There should be a clearly accepted division of responsibilities at the head
of a company, which will ensure balance of power and authority, such
that no individual has unfettered powers of decision. In companies where
the Chairman is also the Chief Executive, it is essential that there should
be a strong and independent element of the Board, with a recognized
senior member.
- The Board should include nonexecutive Directors of sufficient caliber
and number for their views to carry significant weight in the Boards
- The Board should have a formal schedule of matters specifically reserved
to it for decisions to ensure that the direction and control of the company
is firmly in its hands.
- There should be an agreed procedure for Directors in the furtherance of
their duties to take independent professional advice if necessary, at the
companys expense.
- All Directors should have access to the advice and services of the
Company Secretary, who is responsible to the Board for ensuring that
Board procedures are followed and that applicable rules and regulations
are complied with. Any question of the removal of Company Secretary
should be a matter for the Board as a whole.
Relating to the Non-executive Directors the recommendations are:
- Non-executive Directors should bring an independent judgement to
bear on issues of strategy, performance, resources, including key
appointments, and standards of conduct.
- The majority should be independent of the management and free from
any business or other relationship, which could materially interfere
with the exercise of their independent judgement, apart from their fees
and shareholding. Their fees should reflect the time, which they
commit to the company.
- Non-executive Directors should be appointed for specified terms and
reappointment should not be automatic.
- Non-executive Directors should be selected through a formal process
and both, this process and their appointment, should be a matter for
the Board as a whole.
For the Executive Directors the recommendations in the Cadbury
Code of Best Practices are:
- Directors service contracts should not exceed three years without
shareholders approval.
- There should be full and clear disclosure of their total emoluments
and those of the Chairman and the highest-paid Directors,
including pension contributions and stock options. Separate
figures should be given for salary and performance-related
elements and the basis on which performance is measured should
be explained.
- Executive Directors\ pay should be subject to the recommendations
of a Remuneration Committee made up wholly or mainly of NonExecutive Directors.
The Audit Committee should discharge various roles such as, reviewing
any change in accounting policies and practices; compliance with
accounting standards; compliance with Stock Exchange and legal
requirements concerning financial statements; the adequacy of internal
control systems; the companys financial and risk management policies
The Board of Directors should decide the remuneration of the nonexecutive Directors.
Full disclosure should be made to the shareholders regarding the
remuneration package of all the Directors.
The Board meetings should be held at least four times a year.
A Director should not be a member in more than ten committees or act as
the Chairman of more than five committees across all companies in
which he is a Director. This is done to ensure that the members of the
Board give due importance and commitment of the meetings of the Board
and its committees.
The management must make disclosure to the Board relating to all
material, financial and commercial transactions, where they have personal
In case of the appointment of a new Director or re-appointment of a
Director, the shareholders must be provided with a brief resume of the
Director, his expertise and the names of companies in which the person
also hold Directorship and the membership of committees of the Board.
A Board committee should be formed to look into the redressal of
shareholders complaints like transfer of shares, non-receipt of balance
sheet, dividend etc.
There should be a separate section on Corporate Governance in the
annual reports of the companies with a detailed compliance report.
Apart from these, the Kumar Mangalam Committee also made some
recommendations that are nonmandatory in nature. Some of are:
The Board should set up a Remuneration Committee to determine the
companys policy on specific remuneration packages for Executive
Half-yearly declaration of financial performance including summary
of the significant events in the last six months should be sent to each
Non-executive chairman should be entitled to maintain a chairmans
office at the companys expense. This will enable him to discharge the
responsibilities effectively.
The Department of Company Affairs, in May 2000, invited a group of leading
industrialists, professionals and academics to study and recommend measures to
enhance corporate excellence in India. The Study Group in turn set up a Task
Force, which examined the subject of Corporate Excellence through sound
corporate governance and submitted its report in Nov. 2000. The task force in
its recommendations identified two classifications namely essential and
desirable with the former to be introduced immediately by legislation and the
latter to be left to the discretion of companies and their shareholders. Some of
the recommendations of the task force include:
Greater role and influence for nonexecutive independent directors
Stringent punishment for executive directors for failing to comply with
listing and other requirements
Limitation on the nature and number of directorship of managing and
whole-time directors
Proper disclosure to the shareholders and investing community
Interested shareholders to abstain from voting on specified matters
More meaningful and transparent accounting and reporting
Tougher listing and compliance regimen through a centralized national
listing authority
Highest and toughest standards of Corporate Governance for listed
A code of public behaviour for public sector units
Setting up of a centre for Corporate Excellence
Recently, the Government has announced the proposal for setting up the Centre
for Corporate Excellence under the aegis of the Department of Company Affairs
as an independent and autonomous body as recommended by the study group.
The centre would undertake research on Corporate Governance; provide a
scheme by which companies could rate themselves in terms of their corporate
governance performance; promote corporate governance through certifying
companies who practice acceptable standards of corporate governance and by
instituting annual award
for outstanding performance in this area.
Governments initiative in promoting corporate excellence in the country by
setting up such a center is indeed a very important step in the right direction. It
is likely to spread greater awareness among the corporate sector regarding
matters relating to good corporate governance motivating them to seek
accreditation from this body. Cumulative effect of the companies achieving
levels of corporate excellence would undoubtedly be visible in the form of
much enhanced competitive strength of our country in the global market for
goods and services.
A large number of public sector companies both in the banking industry and
financial sector have on their Boards representative of the Government /
Reserve Bank of India. It is for debate whether functionaries of the
Government should sit on their boards.
While there is no easy or
straightforward answer to this question, at some distant future it is hoped, all the
Directors would be truly independent. The subject is no doubt complex and can
be looked upon from various angles. Frauds in the banking system are also
increasing but computer Management Information Systems should be able to
detect them early and the Board must have the will to deal with such mischief
makers in an exemplary manner. Zero tolerance should be the goal for frauds in
the banking system. It is the leader at the helm of affairs who makes a
difference. A close coordination exists through High Level Co-ordination
Committee (HLCC) between RBI, SEBI, IRDA and the Secretary Finance,
Government of India who has a formal structure for reviewing the affairs which
impact the whole financial system. Although the US and UK models are
different, this model has served us well and we seem to be comfortable to
continue with the same for some more time to come.
It would be appropriate to dwell upon the Corporate Governance standards
as applicable to the insurance industry. Capital markets, banks, insurers and
other financial institutions are all closely linked and international benchmarks
have been established and adopted by the regulators under the aegis of IAIS at
Basle. The basic principles are no doubt adopted from the OECD model.
Unlike active regulation and supervision in the banking sector, insurance
regulations are still under evolution as fundamentally the contract of insurance
is basically a promise to pay at some time in the future.
Events like Enron, Sumitomo, 9/11 or even natural calamities like the Tsunami
or Katrina can all change the risk comprehension and call for superior
underwriting and actuarial skills. The problem of opacity arises due to the
underlying contracts whose risk-return profiles keep changing. Therefore, the
asset liability management in insurance companies must be very dynamic and
strategies need to be fine tuned on a continuous and daily basis depending upon
the markets in which these companies operate and the risks get covered.
Insurance industry is also confronted with intensified agency problems from
informational asymmetries and complex structures of the principal agent
relationship and often times, conflicts of interest arise amongst the insurance
companies and with other players in the financial markets. Therefore, there is a
clear need for maintaining excellent Corporate Governance standards in this
industry. The IAIS principle ICP 9 is the anchor principle which gives the
entire criteria of the responsibilities of the Board of Directors and the senior
management, and the oversight responsibilities. Simultaneously it also covers
the relationship between the responsible actuary and the board of the insurance
company. All the other insurance core principles are cohesively connected to
ICP 9 and it is worth referring to ICP 7, 8, 10, 13, 18 and lastly to 26, which
deal on the suitability of persons; controls measures and portfolio changes;
internal controls; inspections; risk management and assessment; and lastly
information and disclosure requirements.
There is no escape from the governance structure and the guideline functions;
and responsibilities of the board covers inter-alia, Reviewing and guiding the
strategy of the insurance entity, including reinsurance strategies; major plans of
action, risk policy related to the main insurance risks and annual budgets;
approving the pricing strategy; setting performance objectives; overseeing
auditing and actuarial function/other oversight structures; and monitoring the
administration of the insurance entity in order to ensure that the objectives set
out in the by-laws, statues or contracts, or in documents associated with any of
these, are attained (e.g. diversified asset allocation, cost effectiveness of
administration, etc.) The guideline further state Board Members are
accountable to the entitys shareholders and / or policy holders, or participating
policy holders and / or to the competent authorities. The above guidelines got
modified in April 2005 by OECD relating to the actuaries and boundaries
between life and non-life insurers and the responsibility of the external and
internal auditor. Thus, although the process of evolution is still taking place in
view of the peculiar situations faced, there is a much greater need, so that the
highest ethics and corporate governance are followed in the insurance industry,
so that men at the helm of these Boards set exemplary standards.