This document outlines a course in statistical techniques and numerical methods for electrical engineering students. The course is divided into 4 units that cover various numerical techniques: (1) root finding methods, interpolation, and curve fitting; (2) differentiation, integration, and error analysis of numerical integration; (3) solutions to linear algebraic equations and ordinary differential equations; and (4) statistical techniques including hypothesis testing. The course is worth 4 credits and includes 30 hours of theory classes. Student evaluation includes tests, computer-based assignments, and an end-semester exam.
This document outlines a course in statistical techniques and numerical methods for electrical engineering students. The course is divided into 4 units that cover various numerical techniques: (1) root finding methods, interpolation, and curve fitting; (2) differentiation, integration, and error analysis of numerical integration; (3) solutions to linear algebraic equations and ordinary differential equations; and (4) statistical techniques including hypothesis testing. The course is worth 4 credits and includes 30 hours of theory classes. Student evaluation includes tests, computer-based assignments, and an end-semester exam.
This document outlines a course in statistical techniques and numerical methods for electrical engineering students. The course is divided into 4 units that cover various numerical techniques: (1) root finding methods, interpolation, and curve fitting; (2) differentiation, integration, and error analysis of numerical integration; (3) solutions to linear algebraic equations and ordinary differential equations; and (4) statistical techniques including hypothesis testing. The course is worth 4 credits and includes 30 hours of theory classes. Student evaluation includes tests, computer-based assignments, and an end-semester exam.
This document outlines a course in statistical techniques and numerical methods for electrical engineering students. The course is divided into 4 units that cover various numerical techniques: (1) root finding methods, interpolation, and curve fitting; (2) differentiation, integration, and error analysis of numerical integration; (3) solutions to linear algebraic equations and ordinary differential equations; and (4) statistical techniques including hypothesis testing. The course is worth 4 credits and includes 30 hours of theory classes. Student evaluation includes tests, computer-based assignments, and an end-semester exam.
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Course:- Bachelor of Technology (Electrical Engineering)
Computer Based Numerical and Semester Fourth Subject Title Statistical Techniques Course Components Credits L Contact Hours Core Course (CC) 04 03 Examination Duration (Hrs) Unit No.
Computer Arithmetic and Errors:
Floating Point Arithmetic, Machine epsilon, Round off Error, Chopping Error, Truncation Error, Associative and Distributive Law in Floating Point arithmetic, Inherent Error, Error propagation, Numerical Instability Roots of Equation: Secant Method, Newton Raphson Method and Fixed point Iteration Unit -1 Methods for Simple roots and derivation of their rate of convergence, Aitken Acceleration of Convergence, Modified Newton Raphson Method for Multiple roots, Birge-Vieta Method for Polynomials, Bairstrow Method for quadratic factors, Computer Algorithms of these methods. Interpolation: Algorithms and Error Analysis of Lagrange and Newton divided difference interpolations, Relationship in various difference operators, Piecewise Linear Interpolation, Cubic Spline Interpolation, Natural Spline, Chebshev Polynomial Unit -2 Approximations, Lanczos Economization of Power Series Curve fitting: Linear and Non Linear Least Squares Approximation, ill Conditioning in Least SquaresMethods, Gram-Schmidt Process of Orthogonalization. Computer Algorithms of Least Square Curve Fitting Differentiation: Methods based on Interpolation and Finite Differences, Richrdson Extrapolation Integration: Error Analysis of Trepezoidal and Simpson Methods, Newton Cotes Unit -3 Integration Methods, Guassian Integration Methods: Guass Legendre Method, Lobatto Integration Method and Radau Integration Method, Error Terms in Integration Methods Solution of Simultaneous Linear Algebraic Equations: Guass Elimination Method, ill Conditioned Systems, Condition Number, Successive Over Relaxation Method, Rate of Convergence Solution of Ordinary Differential equations: Single Step Methods-Runge-Kutta Unit -4 Second Order, Third Order and Fourth Order Methods, Multi Step Method-Predictor- Corrector Method Statistical Techniques: Statistical Hypotheses, Test of Hypotheses, Type-I and Type-II Errors, Level of Significance, Test involving Normal Distribution Total Hours Text Books: 1. Numerical MethodsM.K. Jain, S.R.K. Iyenger and R.K. Jain 2. Schaum's Outline of Theory and Problems of Statistics: Murray R. Spiegel References: 1. Applied Numerical Analysis: Curtis F. Gerald and Patrick O. Wheatley
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