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Pré-Produção de Cinema em Estúdio: Assignment #2 1. Developing A Concept For Advertising

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de Cinema em Estdio
Rui Nunes, sj

Assignment #2

Developing a Concept for Advertising

Every year, a multitude of media and market researchers spend billions of

euros trying to persuade people into buying their products. While the efforts
marketers endure to gain access to the desires and needs of every consumer have
become increasingly sophisticated, consumers have never been more resistant,
resilient, and even cynical towards commercial and political campaigns.
To overcome consumers resistance, marketers try to fill every visible spot
in our daily landscape with fascinating ads visual journeys. From public bathrooms
to walls, from books to the web and TV, we are constantly bombarded with
headlines craving out for peoples attention.
To get on our senses, marketers have been mastering the art of rhetoric for
ages. Since the sophists era in ancient Greece, communication techniques can be
organized into three main categories:

i. Pathos (Greek: ) refers to commercials build upon emotions and

passions fostering an emotional response in potential consumers: 1) it
can be a positive emotion such as happiness (example: image of people
enjoying themselves while drinking Pepsi, Coke-cola, or any other soft
drink); 2) or negative emotion such as pain (example: a person having
back problems after buying the wrong chair), fear or guilt (example:
image of a starving child in Sudan to persuade you to send money for an

ii. Logos (Greek: ) appeals to consumers sense of logic or reason.

Commercials based on this technique will offer evidence and facts
(numbers, statistics, research, anecdotal evidence, etc.) and will make
consumers see advertising companies as knowledgeable and savvy
about a specific topic. (Example: One bottle of Isostar contains 75% of

your daily Vitamin C needs.)


Ethos (, ) appeals to consumers sense of credibility or

character. Commercials with this technique will try to convince

consumers that the company is more reliable, honest, and credible for
them to buy their product. Ex: ethos based commercials often involve
statistics/opinion from reliable experts or celebrities that endorse their
product to lend it more credibility.


A brief outline of persuasive communication

Based on the classic categories of rhetoric or persuasion mentioned above,

you may also find below some of the most common propaganda strategies.


Name Calling

Plain Folks




Snob Appeal



Appealing to the consumers hidden

If you dont want ring around
fears, need to protect their family,
the collar, use a particular
desire to fit and be accepted, to follow detergent.ORQuit Smoking:
a tradition, to be healthy, to look good, https://www.youtube.com/watch?
to be proud of your country, etc.
v=SfAxUpeVhCg&spfrelo ad=10
Using negative words, usually in
My opponent didnt tell you the
politics, to turn you against a
competing person without giving
evidence or facts.
Blue Bell ice cream first taste
Trying to show that a person or
goes back to your childhood
product is good for ordinary people,
because a person is just like you and
understands you.
v=zIRsvm3r7lo&spfreloa d=10
Telling only positive things about
something or someone, without giving
evidence or facts.
Commercials that show
everybody have got one, or
Convincing us to accept someone or
everyones doing it!Example:
something because of its popularity.
Nike: just do it!
Tiger Woods wears Nike clothing,
Using a famous person to try to make and if you want to be like him,
you buy or support something or
then you should, too!
Suggesting that association with a
Aston Martin: The people who

1 See Appendix 1 for more techniques commonly used in advertising.

person or product can make you

Using tests, statistics or information
Evidence, Facts, that sounds scientific to prove that
and Figures
one product or person is better than

Comparing a product or person to

another, without providing the other
half of the comparison.
Repeating a name, slogan or product
over and over in the same

drive this kind of car wear fancy

clothes, live in mansions, or go
to great places.
v=lZGEDjyh6f4&spfreloa d=10
Close the tap tap, be responsible
when brushing your teeth:
This soap cleans better!
better than what?
Splenda : sweeeeeeet...
v=75YiRTqYT08&spfrelo ad=10

3.Pitch perfect slogan or motto...

Organizing a marketing strategy or developing a brand can be both an
exciting and overwhelming endeavor. Once marketers have something to say,
serve, or sell, its time to start thinking about the attention-grabbing techniques
better suited to spread the word. Let me introduce you five criteria for you to
begin your creative journey into a great attention-grabbing slogan:

Keep it short. Slogans should never be longer than a sentence and,

ideally, should hit the sweet spot between six to eight words. Any longer
than a sentence and your slogan will become jumbled and ultimately
forgettable, unless it rhymes or has an accompanying jingle. Brevity and
simplicity lends itself to memorability, which is the primary goal with
slogan writing. Remember: limit your slogan to 1 (one) sentence or less.
Example: "Think different." (Apple)

Highlight a rhythm, rhyme, and ring: A slogan longer than a single

word should fulfill at least two of these three criteria: 1) it should have a
rhythm, it 2) should rhyme, and 3) it should have a ring to it. Slogans,
whether read or heard, should be pleasing to the ear; rhythmic and fluidsounding slogans are much more recognizable and memorable for later
recall. Remember that words presented in a song are remembered
significantly better than words presented in normal speech. Example:
"The quilted quicker picker upper."

Highlight a key benefit of your product: The point of a slogan is to

differentiate your product or brand from that of your competitors, while
also underscoring the company's general mission. If you have an
advantage over your competitors, or if your product or service has a
unique benefit, you need to use it. Slogans are the first impressions for
many potential consumers, so it absolutely needs to stress the

company's worth. Isolate one key area of your business, and find a way
to integrate it into the slogan.

Explain the company's commitment. Winning slogans will explain a

company's dedication to its customers. Slogans devoted to customer
service, especially ones that guarantee quality and satisfaction even if
it's at the company's expense, play extremely well with the public. So if
other companies sell the same products as your company does, let
them; instead, sell the public on trust and customer care. Example: AVIS:
"We're number two, so we try harder."

Be honest. When writing a slogan, it's extremely easy to get carried

away. However, it's imperative that the slogan accurately reflects your
companys business. In other words, hyperboles are extremely
discouraged. Language like "The No. 1 ___," or "The best ___ in the
business," is not only untrue, but also extremely generic, and a big turnoff to consumers. Instead, be realistic, and find a clever but real way to
emphasize your company's perks. Example: "It's everywhere you want
to be." (Visa)


PSA/Commercial assignment requirements

4.1 Deadlines
Email your assignment no later than March 4, 2015@14h00 in PDF

FORMAT. Always provide carefully written and/or visual explanations for your
decisions and/or ideas regarding visuals, music, script, symbols or directing notes
that support your commercial. Do not assume! Be concise, be precise, and original
about what you say and present.

4.2 Assignment description

You will make a thirty (30) seconds professional style commercial for a
product/service or a sixty (60) seconds public service announcement (PSA) for an
NGO (non governmental organization). Your commercial should be shot and edited
in a high-energy style that encourages the target audience to buy your
product/service. Each student must direct/produce his or her own commercial.

4.3 PSA/Commercial requirements

If you choose to produce a PSA, your announcement must be EXACTLY

60 seconds long (EXACTLY!); if you decide to do a Commercial, it must
be EXACTLY 30 seconds long (EXACTLY!). Please, check your treatment
from last semester.

Create a powerful SLOGAN or CATCH phrase. VERY IMPORTANT!

5 shot/sequence minimum: like music videos, most commercials use

shots two to five seconds long revealing emotions and capturing
consumers attention.

Use a variety of shots: must include Long Shot (LS) transition to

Extreme Close up (ECU); traveling along horizontal Axis; front shots for
reactions (3/4 view is the strongest)

Minimum of 3 camera movements or combination shots (Pan, Tilt, Arc,

Dolly In/Out, Truck R/L).

Use music appropriate for your PSA/commercial.

Use text in your PSA/commercial to emphasize in writing what you are

trying to sell. USE WISELY & SPARINGLY.

4.4 Pre-Production Workflow

As you organize your shooting plan, consider the following pre-production
4.4.1 Write your slogan
a) Introduce your slogan (one brief and powerful sentence)Be clear about
the rhetorical appeal you want to use to drive your commercial. Be creative and
precise with the selection of words you pick to add value to (or detract from) your
product. Evaluate the overall effectiveness of your commercial by promoting your
slogan among your friends: do they look persuaded or dissuaded when you say it?
Would they buy your product after the slogan? Does it trigger a necessity/need?
b) In a brief statement, comment on each sequence or shot you will make to
sustain your slogan motto.
4.4.2 Organize your shot list
Consider the Banco Popular PME commercial we analyzed in class22. The
opening sequence is a 5 seconds one continuous shot on Paulo... Fill out the table
below, or a similar one, for your PSA/Commercial.
Time Code





Against a brown
background with
Entrance lobby
Repare na
grey and dark
of a hotel, with Cheerful and
cadeia de hoteis tones, red is the
lots of people Repetitiv e
A confident and happy Paulo walks i
do Paulo! ....
colour that pops
carrying their Piano tune.
Que Charme! up in several
items focusing
our attention...






2 http://vimeo.com/59398280.

4.5 Grading rubric

[Pre-production: 40 points for Pre-Production planning + 40 points for

Creative Storytelling and originality] Show that you are going into this
project with a carefully constructed plan. Casting should be appropriate
to the qualities of the characters in the story. The choice of sets, props
and locations should also be appropriate for the story. Your planning
documents (script, shot list, storyboards, casting, mise-en-scne,
directors notes, etc.) will be collected for review and evaluation. You
may begin with your treatment from last semester or change it

[Cinematography: 20 points for variety of shots + 20 points for variety

of camera movements] Make sure to have sharp focus, effective
composition, proper exposure, and smooth camera moves (if
applicable). Make sure to gather the best-shot variety to allow the editor
to compose the scene with seamless flow. Use minimum of 5 different
type of shots, different camera movement, shot length: 3-5 seconds.

[Post-Production: 40 points for professional editing + 20 points

audio/text/music to enhance storytelling Cinematography] Does the
scene flow seamlessly? An effective master scene exercise should look
like the action all took place in one seamless flow. Grading will consider
the quality and effectiveness of your editing workflow (logging, initial
assembly, rough cut, picture lock) as well as the professional looking
style of you final cut.

[ATTENTION: Draft presentation: 20 points for quality and

effectiveness of your presentation on November 23, 2015].

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