Myanmar Anti-Trafficking in Persons Law English

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The Union of Myanmar

The State Peace and Development Council

The Anti Trafficking in Persons Law
( The State Peace and Development Council Law No. 5/ 2005)
( The

Waxing Day of Tawthalin, 1367, M.E. )


,September, 2005)

The State Peace and Development Council hereby enacts the following Law:Chapter I
Title, Jurisdiction and Definition

This Law shall be called the Anti Trafficking in Persons Law.


This Law shall have jurisdiction on any person who commits any offence

cognizable under this Law in the Union of Myanmar, or on board a vessel or an

aircraft registered under the existing law of the Union of Myanmar, or on a Myanmar
citizen or foreigner residing permanently in the Union of Myanmar who commits the
said offence outside the country.

The expressions contained in this Law shall have the meanings given here-


Trafficking in Persons means recruitment, transportation, transfer, sale,

purchase, lending, hiring, harbouring or receipt of persons after
committing any of the following acts for the purpose of exploitation of
a person with or without his consent:

threat, use of force or other form of coercion;








abuse of power or of position taking advantage of the

vulnerability of a person;



giving or receiving of money or benefit to obtain the consent of

the person having control over another person.



Exploitation includes receipt or agreement for receipt of money

or benefit for the prostitution of one person by another, other
forms of sexual exploitation, forced labour, forced service,
slavery, servitude, debt-bondage or the removal and sale of
organs from the body.

Explanation (2)

Prostitution means any act, use, consummation or scheme

involving the use of a person by another, for sexual intercourse or
lascivious conduct in exchange for money, benefit or any other

Explanation ( 3)

Debt-bondage means the pledging by the debtor of his / her

personal labour or services or those of a person under his/ her
control as payment or security for a debt, when the length and
nature of service is not clearly defined or when the values of the
services as reasonably assessed is not applied toward the
liquidation of the debt.

( b)

Pornography means representation through exhibition, indecent show,

publication, cinematography or by use of modern information
technology of a sexual activity or of the sexual parts of a person for
primarily sexual purpose.

(c )

Trafficked victim means a person on whom trafficking in person has

been committed.

(d )

Organized criminal group means a structured group of three or more

persons, for a certain period with the aim of committing a serious crime,
in order to obtain directly or indirectly a benefit relating to money or

Structured group means a group that is not randomly

formed for the immediate commission of an offence and


that does not need to have formally defined rules for the
functions and duties of its members, continuity of its
membership or a developed structure.

Serious crime means an offence punishable with imprisonment for a

term of four years or more under any existing law.


Transnational crime means an offence committed in more than one

State, or an offence committed in one State but a substantial part of its
preparation, planning, direction or control takes place in another State,
or an offence in which the offenders are involved in an organized
criminal group of another State or an offence committed in one State,
which has affects on another State.


Controlled delivery means the technique to expose and take action

against the principal offenders, effect control with the consent of the
relevant authority and proceed on their arrangement, when the import,
export, entry, passing through or departure of illegal or suspected
property or person in the Union of Myanmar or into the territory of a
foreign State is found, on inspection.


Property means movable property in any form, being corporeal or

incorporeal, tangible or intangible, animate or inanimate or immovable
property. This expression also includes legal documents evidencing title,
negotiable instruments and benefits pertinent to property.


Imprisonment for life means imprisonment passed on a convicted

person to serve in the prison until death.


Child means a person who has not attained the age of 16 years.


Youth means a person who has attained the age of 16 years but has not
attained the age of 18 years.


Central Body means the Central Body for Suppression of Trafficking in

Persons formed under this Law.


Chapter II

The aims of this Law are as follows:


to prevent, and suppress the trafficking in persons as a national duty as it

damages the pride and pedigree of Myanmar nationality that should be
valued and safeguarded by Myanmar race;


in preventing and suppressing trafficking in persons to pay particular

attention to women, children and youth;


to enable effective and speedy investigation to expose and take action

against persons guilty of trafficking in persons and to prevent further
trafficking in persons by passing effective and deterrent punishment;


to liaise and coordinate with international organizations, regional






governmental organizations and non-governmental organizations in

accordance with the international conventions relating to suppression of
trafficking in persons which Myanmar has acceded;

to perform effectively the functions of rescuing, receiving, safeguarding,

rehabilitation and reintegration into society of trafficked persons.

Chapter III
Formation of the Central Body and Functions and Duties Thereof


The Government shall form the Central Body for Suppression of

Trafficking in Persons comprising the Minister for the Ministry of Home
Affairs as the Chairman, the Deputy Minister for the Ministry of Home
Affairs, the Deputy Minister for the Ministry of Social Welfare, Relief
and Resettlement and the Deputy Attorney General as Deputy Chairman,
Director-General of Myanmar Police Force as Secretary and suitable
persons from among the following as members:(1)

heads of relevant government departments and organizations;




representatives from the non-governmental organizations;


relevant experts;

The Chairman of the Central Body may if necessary assign a suitable

person from among the members as the Joint Secretary.


The functions and duties of the Central Body are as follows:


submitting suggestions to the Government for laying down a State

policy and working programmed relating to suppression of trafficking in


forming the required working groups to implement its functions and

duties and determining the functions and duties thereof;


forming the different levels of State, Divisional, District and Township

Bodies for Suppression of Trafficking in Persons and determining the
functions and duties thereof;


forming the bodies comprising experts to perform research works for

carrying out suppression of trafficking in persons effectively and
assigning duty thereto and supervising thereof;


forming sector-wise Monitoring Mechanism and Evaluation Team

comprising experts and assigning duty thereto to obtain the necessary
substantive data relating to suppression of trafficking in persons;


laying down the necessary arrangements for the relief, resettlement,

rehabilitation, and reintegration into the mainstream of society for the
trafficked victims;


communicating and coordinating with international organizations,

regional organizations, foreign States, local and foreign nongovernmental organizations, and obtaining assistance for works relating
to suppression of trafficking in persons, protection and rendering


resettlement and rehabilitation;

directing as may be necessary to seize immovable properties involved

in an offence under this Law as exhibit;



directing when necessary the attachment and sealing of immovable

properties involved in the offence, which have been seized as exhibits;
in prosecuted offence, disposal as may be necessary in accordance with
the final order of the relevant Court;


reporting to the Government from time to time the implementation

activities under this Law;


carrying out functions and duties relating to suppression of trafficking in

persons assigned by the Government from time to time.


The Central Body shall form the following working groups comprising suitable

persons and may form other required working groups to carry out the
implementation of the suppression of trafficking in persons:

Working Group on Prevention of Trafficking in Persons and Protection

of Trafficked Victims, headed by the Deputy Minister for the Ministry of
Home Affairs;


Working Group on Legal Framework and Prosecuting Measures headed

by the Deputy Attorney General;


Working Group on Repatriation , Reintegration and Rehabilitation of

Trafficked Victims, headed by the Deputy Minister for the Ministry of
Social Welfare, Relief and Resettlement.

Chapter IV
Functions and Duties of the Working Groups

The functions and duties of the Working Group on Prevention of Trafficking in

Persons and Protection of Trafficked Victims are as follows:


forming Sub-Working Groups to carry out effectively the prevention of

trafficking in persons according to schemes approved by the Central



performing effectively works relating to educating and publication of the

danger of trafficking and evil consequences to the people for the
prevention of trafficking in persons;


sharing information by laying down the prevention of trafficking in

persons programmes, communicating and exchanging news with
domestic and foreign network;


communicating and coordinating with different levels of State,

Divisional, District and Township bodies on suppression of trafficking in


supervising the set-up of specially trained force for the prevention of

trafficking in persons, speedy and effective investigation and exposure;


scrutinizing and permitting to enable the use of the controlled delivery

system upon requirement when exposing and investigating the
trafficking in persons and liaising and coordinating with foreign States,
if necessary;


laying down and carrying out working programmes relating to

protection and assistance to the trafficked victims programmes
especially women, children and youth;


laying down and carrying out

working programmes relating to

protection and assistance in conformity with the stipulations to

foreigners who are trafficked victims and have arrived in Myanmar;

arranging the required training and educating of persons who will

undertake the duty of protecting the trafficked victims;









organizations and non-governmental organizations for the effective

implementation of this Law;



recommending the enhanced communication and cooperation with

international organizations and regional organization and entering into
bilateral or multilateral agreements;


carrying out other functions and duties assigned by the Central Body.

The functions and duties of the Working Group on Legal Framework and

Prosecuting Measures are as follows:


drafting and submitting to the Central Body the necessary draft of the
rules, procedures, notifications, orders and directives for the
determination of security status of related information of trafficked
victims for the dignity and security and identification of trafficked
victims, in respect of the prevention of trafficking in persons;


coordinating with the relevant prosecution bodies to impose effective

and severe punishment upon the persons who have committed the
offence of trafficking in persons and to prosecute with valid evidence in
accordance with law;


laying down and carrying out necessary arrangements for the effective
protection of trafficked victims and witnesses in prosecution cases under
this Law;


submitting to the Central Body, in respect of the commission of

trafficking in persons offence as transnational organized crime, if
necessary, to give assistance or to obtain assistance between States;


communicating and coordinating with the different levels of State,

Divisional, District and Township Bodies for suppression of trafficking
in persons;


implementing by laying down the training programme and enhancing

skills programmes in order to take effective action under this Law;


obtaining assistance of relevant government departments, organizations,




implementation of this Law;







carrying out other functions and duties assigned by the Central Body.

The functions and duties of the Working Group on Repatriation, Reintegration

and Rehabilitation of Trafficked Victims are as follows:


coordinating and cooperating with relevant government departments,

organizations and non-governmental organizations for the repatriation of
the trafficked victims, to their native place, enquiring the circumstances
of the relevant family, medical examination of trafficked victims with
their consent, consolation and education and other necessary assistance;


laying down schemes and implementing to get the vocational education

based upon the education and technical knowledge and to get
employment opportunities for the rehabilitation of trafficked victims;


communicating and coordinating with different levels of State,

Divisional, District and Township Bodies for Suppression of Trafficking
in Persons;


arranging to enable utilization from the rehabilitation fund established

under this Law for the suppression of trafficking in persons and
protection of trafficked victims, in carrying out the rehabilitation works
for the trafficked victims;









organizations and non-governmental organizations for the effective

implementation of this Law;

carrying out other functions and duties assigned by the Central Body.

Chapter V
Safeguarding the Rights of Trafficked Victims

In order not to adversely affect the dignity of the trafficked victims:


if the trafficked victims are women, children and youth, the relevant
Court shall, in conducting the trial of offences of trafficking in persons,

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do so not in open Court, but in camera for the preservation of their

dignity, physical and mental security.

with respect to trafficking in persons, the publication of news at any

stage of investigation, prosecution, adjudication shall be made only
after obtaining the permission of the relevant Body for the Suppression
of Trafficking in Persons.


person not involved in this case shall not be allowed to peruse or make
copies of documents contained in the proceedings.


The Central Body shall, if the trafficked victims are women, children and

youth, make necessary arrangements for the preservation of dignity, physical and
mental security.

The Central Body:


shall not take action against the trafficked victims for any offence under
this Law.


shall determine whether or not it is appropriate to take action against the

trafficked victims for any other offence arising as a direct consequence
of trafficking in persons.


shall, if the trafficked person who re-entered the country has a right of
permanent residence protect his right to get permanent residence,
security and relevant status.


The Central Body shall arrange and carry out for the security of life of

trafficked victims and to arrange according to their wishes for repatriation and
resettlement as much as possible.

The Central Body shall in the prosecution of a person guilty of trafficking in

persons coordinate with the relevant Ministries for the temporary residence in
Myanmar and repatriation to the relevant State of the trafficked victim who is a
foreigner, after giving the testimony.

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Chapter VI
Special Protection of Trafficked Victims, Women
Children and Youth

The Central Body and relevant Working Groups shall, with respect to the

trafficked victims who are women, children and youth:


give special protection of their dignity and identification and necessary

security and assistance.


carry out to send them back to their parents or guardian if after scrutiny
it is found that it is the best condition for them.


arrange other suitable and secure protection when there is no condition

for repatriation to the parents and guardian or inappropriate condition
for repatriation.


arrange with emphasis on freedom of expression of their desire and

freedom of choice according to their age and maturity.


carry out with special arrangement for remedy of their physical and
mental damage, giving vocational education based upon education and
technique and medical examination and medical treatment with their


give protection by keeping confidential the information relating to them.

The Central Body shall lay down and carry out programmes of security and

other protection for the trafficked victims women, children and youth during the
period of prosecution of persons guilty of any offence of trafficking in persons under
this Law or during the period of instituting a suit for compensation for tort by the
trafficked victim for the trafficking in persons.

The Central Body shall lay down and carry out the programmes to conduct

necessary training courses for persons performing the functions and duties relating to
the protection of trafficked victims especially women, children and youth.

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Chapter VII
Repatriation, Reintegration and Rehabilitation

The Central Body shall, after coordination with the relevant departments,

organizations and non-governmental organizations for the repatriation of trafficked

victims, reintegration into the mainstream of the society resettlement and
rehabilitation the trafficked victims carry out as follows:

arranging and carrying out necessary coordination for the


of the trafficked victims;


arranging the temporary shelter at a safe place or appropriate house for

the trafficked victims;


rehabilitating the social aspect;


hiring a lawyer if necessary in a suit instituted by the trafficked victim

for his/her grievance, requesting the Office of the Attorney General for a
Law Officer to conduct in the case or assisting in hearing with


laying down the security programmes and arranging for other rights
entitled while the trafficked victims are giving testimony or contesting a


arranging medical examination and giving medical treatment with the

consent of the trafficked victims;


arranging for teaching of vocational education based upon education and

technical opportunities for the survival of the life of the trafficked


The responsible officials of the Embassies of the Union of Myanmar in foreign

States shall provide necessary protection for trafficked victims of Myanmar citizens or
permanent resident foreigners of Myanmar and coordinate with the relevant
responsible persons for sending them back to Myanmar.

The expenditures relating to suppression of trafficking in persons may be borne

by the State in accordance with the provisions of this Law.

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Chapter VIII
Establishment of the Fund

The Central Body may for the purpose of utilizing for the suppression of

trafficking in persons, repatriation and rehabilitation of trafficked victims:


establish a fund with money supported by the State and money donated
from local and foreign sources.


accept and administer the property supported by the State and property
donated from local and foreign sources.


The Central Body shall:


in coordination with the Auditor General's Office determine the

procedures relating to the maintenance of the fund and the
administration of the property supported and donated.


keep the functions under sub-section (a) in accordance with the

procedures and shall submit to the inspection by the person assigned by
the Auditor General.
Chapter IX
Offences and Penalties


Whoever is guilty of trafficking in persons especially women, children and

youth shall, on conviction be punished with imprisonment for a term which may
extend from a minimum of 10 years to a maximum of imprisonment for life and may
also be liable to a fine.

Whoever is guilty of trafficking in persons other than women, children and

youth shall, on conviction be punished with imprisonment for a term which may
extend from a minimum of 5 years to a maximum of 10 years and may also be liable
to a fine.

Whoever is guilty of any of the following acts shall, on conviction be

punished with imprisonment for a term which may extend from a minimum of 3 years
to a maximum of 7 years and may also be liable to a fine:

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adopting or marrying fraudulently for the purpose of committing

trafficking in persons.


causing obtaining unlawfully the necessary documentary evidence

documents or seal for enabling a trafficked victim to depart from the
country or enter into the country.


Whoever is guilty of making use or arranging with a trafficked victim for the

purpose of pornography shall, on conviction be punished with imprisonment for a

term which may extend from a minimum of 5 years to a maximum of 10 years and
may also be liable to a fine.

Whoever :

is guilty of trafficking in persons with organized criminal group as

provided in section 24 shall, on conviction be punished with
imprisonment for a term which may extend from a minimum of 20 years
to a maximum of imprisonment for life and may also be liable to a fine;


is guilty of trafficking in persons with organized criminal group as

provided in sections 25, 26 or 27 shall, on conviction be punished with
imprisonment for a term which may extend from a minimum of 10 years
to a maximum of imprisonment for life and may also be liable to a fine;


is found to be a member of an organized criminal group shall, on

conviction be punished with imprisonment under sub-section (a) or subsection (b) whether he has personally taken part or not in the
commission of the offence.


Whoever is also guilty of a serious crime provided in sub-section (e) of section

3, in committing trafficking in persons shall, on conviction be punished with

imprisonment for a term which may extend from a minimum of 10 years to a
maximum of imprisonment for life or death sentence.

Any public official who demands or accepts money and property as

gratification either for himself or for another person in carrying out investigation,
prosecution and adjudication in respect of any offence under this Law shall, on

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conviction be punished with imprisonment for a term which may extend from a
minimum of 3 years to a maximum of 7 years and may also be liable to a fine.

Whoever is guilty of any offence provided in this Law shall, after a prior

conviction for the same offence be liable to the maximum punishment provided for
such subsequent offence.

Whoever prepares, attempts, conspires, organizes, administers or abets, or

provides financial assistance to commit or in commission of any such offence shall be

liable to the punishment provided in this Law for such offence.

The Court shall, in passing a sentence for any offence provided in this Law,

pass an order for confiscation or disposal in accordance with the stipulations of the
property involved in the offence, which have been seized as exhibits. It may pass an
order to pay damages to the trafficked victim from the money confiscated or from the
proceeds of sale of property or from the fine.
Chapter X

If an exhibit involved in any offence prosecuted under this Law is not easily

producible before the Court, such exhibit need not be produced before the Court.
However, a report or other relevant documentary evidence as to the manner of custody
of the same may be submitted. Such submission shall be deemed as if it were a
submission of the exhibit before the Court and the relevant Court shall pass an order
for disposal of the same in accordance with this Law.

The Ministry of Home Affairs shall form the Staff Office as may be necessary

in accordance with the stipulations for the purpose of assistance in carrying out the
functions and duties of the Central Body.

Notwithstanding anything provided in any existing Laws, action shall be taken

only under this Law on offences relating to trafficking in persons.


In prosecuting any offence under this Law, prior sanction of the Central Body

or any Body assigned by the Central Body shall be obtained.


In implementing the provisions contained in this Law:

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the Ministry of Home Affairs may with the approval of the Government;
issue such rules and procedures as may be necessary.


the Central Body and the relevant Ministries may issue such
notifications, orders and directives, and the Director General may issue
such orders and directives as may be necessary.

(Sd) Than Shwe

Senior General
The State Peace and Development Council

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