EAMCET Formula in Physics1

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Ph : 9391326657,
Mohammed Asif 64606657


1. If a physical quantity P. is given by

Absolute errorin P P  X  y
P x  y  x  y 
Relative error  ,% errorin P    100
P xy  xy 
2. IfP  x  y, P  x  y;
P x  y P
 % errorin p  100
P xy P
3. IfP  xm y n or x m / yn .
P mx ny
 
P x y
i.e., % error in P = m. % error in x + n. % error in y.
4. P  M L T .
 a b c

If ,  and  are the percentage errorsin the measurement x ofM,L andT

then percentage errorin P  a  b  c.
Significant figure
i) all non-zero digits are Significant
Ex. 23.56 No. of s. f – 4
ii) Zero in between two nonzero digits are Significant
Ex. 230405 No. of s. f – 6
iii) All zeros to the left of the first nonzero are not Significant
Ex. 002356, 0.002356 No. of s. f – 4
iv) All zeros to the right of the last nonzero digit in a measured value are Significant
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Ex. 235600 m No. of s. f – 6
d  d  d  ...dn
Mean deviation  1 2 3 (Deviation     )
d12  d22  ...  dn2
Standard deviation   (whennisl arg e.)
Probable error = r = 0.6745  True value x  X  r Probable errorr 

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M – I: Magnitude and direction of a vector:

1. IfA  ai  b j  ck
Then (a) magnitude A  a2  b2  c2 .
 A
(b) Unit vector in the direction of A is givenby A   .
(c) If , and  are the angles madeby Awith x, y andz axes then
a b c
Cos   Cos   Cos   .
AlsoCos2  Cos2  Cos2   1.

(d) IfAis aunit vector then a2  b2  c2  1.

(e)VectorparalleltoAandhavingmagnitude equal

 A 
to another vectorBis givenby  B .

M – II: Triangle law of vectors:

2. A simple pendulum of weight w and length 1 is pulled aside by a horizontal force
F through a distance r so that the string makes an angle Ө with vertical. Then
F  WTan  W.
l2  r2
w l
TensionT  w.
cos  l  r2

 T
W 
b) Lami’s theorem:
If three coplanes forces acting on a particle as shown in the fig
keep it equilibrium then
 
Sin  Sin  Sin 

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 P

M – III: Parallelogram law of vectors:
  
If R  P  Q (sum of the vectors)
Magnitude of the resul tan t R  P 2  Q 2  2PQCos . Q
Q sin  P sin   R
Direction tan   tan  
P  Q cos  Q  P cos 
    
If R  P  Q (difference) R  P 2  Q 2  2PQCos P
 Q sin  P sin 
tan   tan  
P  Q cos  Q  P cos 
If P  Q then  
If P  Q then  
If P  Q then  .

M – IV: Resolution of vectors:

If a vector P makes an angle  with horizontal then its horizontal component
Px = Pcos  ; Vertical component = Py = P sin 
P  px 2  py2
Px 
tan   P  Px i  Py j

P y


P x

M – V: Polygon law of vectors:

n equal force each of magnitude F are acting simultaneously on a particle.
Each force makes an angle Ө with one then
a) If n  then the resultan t forceiszero.

 360 
b) If n     1then the resultan t forceisF.
  

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M – VI: Dot product:
  AB
A.B  ABcos  cos  
 
A.B  ABcos  (i.i  j.j  k.k  1)
 
If   90 0 A.B  0.(i.j  j.k  k.i  0)
(a1i  b1 j  c1k).(a2i  b2 j  c2k)  a1 a2  b1b2  c1c2
  
A.B  B.A
   1
a) Work W  F.S b)PowerP  F.V c)Kinetic energyKE  m .
 
d) P.E  mg.h
 
Component ofA alongB  Acos  
 
Vectorcomponent ofA alongB  (Acos )B.

 
Component ofB alongA  Bcos  
 
Vectorcomponent ofB alongA  (Bcos )A.

M – VII: Cross product:

a) AxB  AB sin .n Wherenis
 aunit vectorprependicular to the plane

containingA andB
 
b) A  B  ABSin
c) Direction ofAxBcanbe found fromright  handedscrew rule
d) Examples :
   
Torque q  r  F r  Positive vector

F  Force vector
   
AngularmomentumL  r  P r  Positive vector

P  Linearmomentum
   
Linear velocityV  w  r w  Angular velocity

r  Radius vector
  
e) ifC  AxB
   
then C.A  0 C.B  0

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   
Area of parallelogram  A  B A and B are the two adjacent sides of a parallelogram
1    
Area of triangle  A  B A and B are the two adjacent sides of a triangle.
f) Unit vector prependicular to vectors A and B is
 
A B
n 
A B

A  Ax i  Ay j  Az k,
 B  B i  B j  B k
x y z
   
If A and B are parallel then A KB
Ax Ay Az
 
Bx By Bz

M – VIII: Application of triangle law:

Boat and river:
If the man wants to reach the exactly opposite point on the other bank (or) to cross
the river along the shortest path, he has to swim along AC.
Re sultan t velocity VR  VB2  VW2
Direction of motion of boat Sin  
   Sin 1 with normal to direction of flow.

V w
V m

(or) 90   with direction of flow.
Time taken to cross the river t  .
VW  Velocity of water.VB  Velocity of boat. d  Width of the river.
2. If the man wants to cross the river in shortest time.

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V w

V m V R

a) Direction of motion of boat → Along the normal (or) 900 with direction of flow.
b) Re sultan t velocityVR  VB2  VW2 .
c) Time taken tocross the river t  .
d) Horizontaldis tan ce traveledby theboat x  VW x t(or)drift.

Rain and umbrella:

Rain is falling vertically down wards with a velocity Vr and a man is moving horizontally
with a velocity Vm (or wind is flowing with a velocity Vm). To protect himself from rain
the man has to hold his umbrella at an angle Ө with vertical
where Tan   m


V m V m

Change in velocity:
V1 and V2 are the initial and final velocities of a body and Ө is the angle between
 
V1 and V2 then
Change in velocity  
  
V  V2  V1
Magnitude V  V22  V12  2VV
1 2Cos Acceleration a  .
Relative velocity
If V1 and V 2 are the velocities if two bodies A and B respectively then
    
1) Velocity ofArelative toBis givenbyVR  V1  V2

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VR  V12  V22  2VV
1 2Cos

a) If   00 VR  V1  V2
b) If   1800 VR  V1  V2
c) If   900 VR  V12  V22
    
2) Velocity of B relative to A is given byVR  V2  V1
VR  V22  V12  2VV
1 2Cos

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M – I: Freely falling body:

1. Equations of motion:
1 g
(a)V  gt (b)H  gt2 (c)   2gH (d) sn  (2n  1)
2 2
2. Time ofdescent td  . 3.Finalvelocity   2gH.
u   gt gH
4. Average velocity    .
2 2 2

M – II: Vertically projected body:

1. Equations of motion:
(a) v = u – gt (b) h = ut - ½ gt2 (c) V2 = u2 – 2gh d) Sn = u 
(2n  1)
u 2u 8H
ta   time ofdescent 3.Time offlightT  
2. Time of ascent. g g g

4.MaximumheightH 
5. A body thrown vertically upward with a velocity U crosses a point p in its path after
t1 sec while going up and after t2 sec while coming down, then

2u 1
(a) t1  t2  (b)Height ofthe pointh  gt1t2
g 2
M – III: Body projected vertically upwards from the top of a tower:
1. Equations of motion:
(a) v = -u + gt (b) H = -ut + ½ gt2 (c) V2 = u2 + 2gH (d) Sn = u  g/2(2n  1)
2. A balloon is moving upwards with uniform velocity U. A body is dropped from it
when it is it at a height H above the ground then,
a) Velocity of the body after t sec V = -U + gt
b) Time taken by the body to reach ground cane be found from H = -ut + ½ gt2
c) Separation between body and balloon after t sec = ½ gt 2

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d) Height reached by the body above ground = H  .
3. A body thrown vertically upwards with a velocity u from the top of a tower
reaches the ground in t1 sec. Another body thrown vertically downwards with same
velocity from same tower reaches the ground in t 2 sec. Then
(a) Height of the tower H = ½ gt1 t2
(b) Time taken by a body dropped freely from same tower to reach ground is
t  t1t2
(c) t1  t2 
M – IV: Body thrown vertically downwards with initial velocity u:
1. Equations of motion:
(a) V = u + gt (b) H = ut + ½ gt2 (c) V2 = u2 + 2gH (d) Sn = u  (2n  1)
M – V: Oblique projectile:
u sin 
1. ta  td 
ta  time of ascent td  time ofdescent
U  Velocity ofprojection   angle ofprojection
2u sin 
2. Time offlightT 
u2 sin2 
3. MaximumheightH  .
u2 sin2
4. Horizontalrange R  .
Velocity of the projectile after t sec.: V x = u cos Ө [Horizontal component]
Vy = u sin Ө - gt. [Vertical component]
V   x2   y2 .
Magnitude of Resultant velocity

Direction   tan 1 (withhorizontal).
5. Displacement after t seconds.
Horizontal displacement X = u cos Ө. T
Vertical displacement Y = u sin Ө t - ½ gt2
Resultant displacement = x2  y 2 .

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6. Range is max. if Ө = 45 and Rmax =
7. Range is same for angle of projection Ө and (90 - Ө).
8. Tan   (Relationbetween ,H andR).
9. Two bodies are projected with same velocity u so that their horizontal ranges
are same (i.e., Angles of projection are complementary).
If H1 and H2 are the max. Heights reached by them and T1 and T2 are their
time of flights and R is range. Then
1 2R u2
(a)R  4 H1H2 (b)R  gt1t2  t1t2  (c)H1  H2 
2 g 2g
10. Path of the projectile is represented by Y = Ax – Bx 2 where A = TanӨ,
g A2 A
B 2 ,Maximum height H  ,Range R  .
2u cos 
11. Initial energy of the projectile E = ½ mu 2

At maximum height K.E = E cos2 Ө, PE = E Sin2Ө.

12. Minimum velocity of a projectile = u cos Ө (at max height)
M – VI: Horizontal Projectile:
If a body is thrown horizontally with a velocity U from a tower of height H then
 y  gt  2gH.
1. Velocity after t sec Vx = u,
   x2   y2 tan  

2. Displacement after t sec.

Horizontal displacement x = ut, Vertical displacement y = ½ gt2.
2H 2H
3. Time of descent t  . 4.Horizontal range R  u .
g g
V  U2  2gH
5. Velocity just before reaching ground

6. The angle at which it hits the ground tan   Vy /Vx

Resultant displacement s  x2  y2
7. The time after which the velocity is perpendicular to initial direction t = u/g sinӨ

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8. Two bodies are projected horizontally in opposite directions with a velocities V 1
and V2 from a tower
i) The time after which the displacement vectors are perpendicular t 
1 2

ii) The time after which the velocity vectors are perpendicular t  2
1 2

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d d
1. Force F  (m)  m  ma when mass is cons tan t
dt dt
d dm
F  (m)   if m is changes in the case of a variable mass
dt dt
System like a rocket.
2. a) When a lift moves upwards with acceleration a (or) downwards with a
deceleration a then apparent weight of a body in the lift w = m (g + a).
b) When a lift moves upwards with deceleration a (or) downwards with an
acceleration a, then apparent weight of a body in the lift w = m (g - a).
c) When the lift is stationary or moving with uniform velocity the w 1 = mg.
d) Percentage change in weight  g 100.

e) If h is the depth of water in a bucket placed in the lift then pressure at the
bottom of the bucket is P = hd (g  a).
3. When a machine gun fires ‘n’ bullets in a time t then the force required to hold
the gun is
mn 
F   .
 t 
4. a) When a metallic plate of mass m is held in mid air by firing ‘n’ shots/second with a
velocity u, if the bullets stop dead after striking the plate, then mnu = mg.
b) If the shot comes back with a velocity V then nm (v+u) = mg.
5. If water from a narrow pipe hits a wall horizontally with a velocity v and stops dead,
force acting on the wall F  Ad2   dQ where Q  av
(volume flow rate).
A = area of cross section of the pipe
d = density of water.
If water bounces back with same speed F = 2 Adv 2
6. If a ball hits a wall normally with a velocity v and rebounds with same velocity change
in momentum = 2 mv.

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Force acting on the wall  where ‘t’ is the time of collision.
7. a) A body of mass m, moving with a velocity v hits wall and rebounds with same
velocity, then change in momentum perpendicular to the wall p  2mv sin , force
2m sin 
on the wall F  (  is the angle made with the wall)
b) Change in momentum parallel to wall = 0.
8. Extra force required to keep the conveyor belt moving with a velocity V when
dm  dm 
Sand (any mass) is falling on it the rate of is given by F    V.
dt  dt 
 dm 
9. If hot gases are coming out of the rocket at the rate of   with a velocity V
 dt 
 dm 
a) Thrust on the rocket F    .
 dt 
b) If the rocket moves up with uniform velocity then F = Mg
M → mass of the rocket.
c) If the rocket moves up with uniform acceleration a then F = M(g + a).
If gravity is neglected then F = Ma
 dm 
 dt  
  (neglecting gravity).
d) Acceleration of the rocket after t sec a 
 dm 
M  t
 dt 

M – I: Law of conservation of momentum:

A body of mass m1 moving with a velocity u1 collides with another body of mass m 2
moving with a velocity u2, if v1 and v2 are their final velocities then According to law of
conservation of momentum
m1 u1 + m2 u2 = m1 v1 + m2 v2
If the two bodies stick together after collision then common velocity
m u  m2u2
V 1 1
m1  m2
1. If bodies are moving in mutually perpendicular directions before collision then
2 2

common Velocity V 
 m1u1    m2u2 
m1  m2
2. In case of obliquic collision i.e., after collision, if the direction of motion of bodies

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makes an angle  with initial direction
a) m1u1  m2u2 = ( (m1v1  m2v2 ) cos  (Pxi  Pxf )
b) m1v1  m2v2 . (Pyi  Pyf )
3. If a bullet of m come out with a velocity  from a gun of mass M the Recoil velocity
of gun V  .
KEbullet M
 .
KEgun m Velocity of bullet relative to gun = v + u.
4. If a stationary shell breaks into two fragments, they will move in opposite
directions, with velocities in the inverse ratio of their masses.
V1 m2
 .
V2 m1
5. In the above case, the Kinetic energy of the two fragments is inversely proportional
to their masses.
KE1 m2

KE2 m1
1 1
6. The total energy released in the explosion  m11  m22
2 2

2 2
7. If a shell at rest explodes into three fragments having masses in the ratio m 1 : m2 :
M3 if first two fragments travel in mutually perpendicular direction with velocities
v1 and v2 then the velocity of the third fragment is given by
2 2
 m1u1    m2u2 
V3  .
8. If a shell of mass m moving with a velocity V explodes into two fragments having
 
masses m1 and m2 and if V1 andV 2 are the velocities of the fragments then
  
m  m1 1  m2 2

M – II: Elastic collision:

1. For one dimensional elastic collision v2 – v1 = u1 – u2.
 m  m2   2m2u2 
1   1  u1   
 m1  m2   m1  m2 
 m  m1   2mu1 
2   2  u2   
 m1  m2   m1  m2 
Special cases
a) When m1 = m2; v2 = u1, v1 = u2.
b) If u2 = 0, (i.e. second body is at rest)then

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If m1 = m2 v2 = u1, v1 = 0
If m2 >> m1 v1 = -u1, v2 = 0
If m1 >> m2 v1 = u1, v2 = 2 u1.
2. In case of elastic collision, if the second body is at rest
The fraction of K.E transferred or lost by the first body
4m1m2 4n
  .
(m1  m2 )  n  1  2 Where n = m1 / m2

3. Fraction of K.E retained by the first body is

2 2
 m2  m1  KEf  1  n 
     Where n = m1 / m2
 m1  m2  KEi  1  n 
If m1 = m2 fraction of KE transferred is maximum and that is 100 %.
M – III: In elastic collision:
1. a) m1u1  m2u2 = m1v1  m2v2
2  1
b) e 
u1  u2
Final velocity can be found by using above two equations
1 1  e
2. If u2 = 0 i.e., if the second body is at rest ratio of final velocities  .
2 1  e
u1 u1
1   1  e  1  e .
2 
2 2
1 1  1 1 
3. Loss of KE   m1u12  m2u22    m112  m222 
2 2  2 2 
1 m1m2
 u1  u2   1  e2 

2  m1  m2 

4. A block of mass M is suspended freely. A bullet of mass m is fired in to the block

with a velocity  . If the bullet gets embedded in to the block then
a) Velocity of block after collision  
M m
b) Height rised by the block H 
c) Maximum angle made by the block with vertical cos  
2 gl
Mm 2
d) Loss of K.E  2 M  m 
 

M – IV: Coefficient of Restitution:

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2 1
1. Coefficient of restitution e  u  u .
1 2

a) When a body falls from a height h, and rises to a height h 1 after first collision
with the ground then e  1
b) Height rised after n bounces hn = e2n . h
2 gh
c) Velocity after n bounces vn = en. V = en
2. If a body falls from a height h the total distance traveled before coming to rest.
 e2 
x h  2 
 e 
3. If a body falls from a height h, the total time taken to come to rest.
2h  1  e 
t  .
g 1 e 
4. If a body hits the ground with a velocity v1 and rebounds with a velocity v2 then
 p KE 2
e 2 2
 1 p2 KE1
5. Percentage loss of velocity after n bounces = (1 - en) X 100.
6. Percentage loss of momentum after n bounces = (1 - en) X 100.
7. Percentage loss of KE after n bounces = (1 – e 2n) X 100.
8. A body hits ground with a velocity u making an angle 1 with vertical and rebounces
with a velocity v at an angle 2 then
 cos 2
u cos 1
tan 1
If it is a smooth surface then e  tan  .

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M – I: Work:
1. a) If a force ‘F’ acts on a body making an angle '' with horizontal and displaces the
 
body through a distance ‘S’ work done, W  F.S  FScos .when   90 ,W  0.

b)W  Cos (If F and S are same).

c)W  Cos2 (If F and t are same).
2. Work done against gravity W = mgh.
3. Work done in imparting velocity to a body W  m

4. Work done against friction on a level surface. W  F x S  mgs.'' coefficient
of friction.
1 F2 1
5. Work done in compressing or elongating a spring W  kx2   Fx.
2 2k 2
K – spring constant x – elongation
6. Work done in moving a body up on to a smooth inclined plane is W = (mg sin  ) S.
7. Work done to compress or expand a gas W  P x V at constant pressure.
8. a) Work done in pulling the bob of a simple pendulum aside through an angle  from
the vertical is

W  mgl  1  cos    2mglsin2   .
m – mass of the bob l- length of pendulum
b) Work done in displacing the pendulum from an angle '1 ' to an angle '2 ' is
W  mg1  cos 1  cos 2 
9. Work done in pulling aside a bar through an angle  from the vertical is
1 
W  mgl  1  cos    mglsin2  
2 2
m – mass of the rod l- length of the rod

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10. The work done in lifting a body of mass ‘m’ and density ‘d s’ in a liquid of density ‘d1’
through a height ‘h’ under gravity is
 d 
W  mgh  1  1  .
 ds 
11. Work done by external resultant force on a body is equal to change in KE of the
W  m  2  u2   KE.
 m0 
12. Work done in lifting water from a well from a well of depth h is W   m   gh
 2 
m→ Mass of water m0→ Mass of rope
13. A rod of mass m and length l lies horizontally on a ‘floor’. The work done in rotating
the rod through an angle  about one edge in a vertical plane is given
W = ½ mgl sin  .
14. In the above point, the work done in bringing the rod to vertical position is
W = ½ mgl.
15. A uniform chain of length l and mass m is placed on a friction less table such that
1/nth of its length hanging over the edge. The work done in pulling the hanging part
on to the table is W  2 .
M – II: Power:
1. Average power P = W/t.
 
2. Instantaneous power = F x V = F V . .
3. The power of machine gun firing ‘n’ bullets, each of mass ‘m’ in one second with
velocity ‘v’ is P  n . m .

4. A motor sends a liquid with a velocity ‘V’ in a tube of cross section ‘A’ and ‘d’ is the
density of the liquid, then the power of the motor is P  AdV .

5. A motor lifts m kg of water to a height h in t sec. Then the power of the motor is
P .
If  is the efficiency of the motor then   P  .
 mgh  m 2
If the water comes at of the pipe with a velocity then P  2 .
6. Extra power required to keep a conveyor belt moving with constant velocity  if

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 dm  2
gravel is falling the belt at a rate of dm/dt is P    .
 dt 
7. A vehicle moves with a constant velocity V on a rough horizontal road. The frictional
force acting on the vehicle is f then the power o f the engine P= f x v.

M – III: Energy:
1. KE = ½ mv2.
2. PE = mgh.
3. PE of a liquid in a capillary tube PE = (d) (ah) g h/2 = dagh 2 / 2.
d – density of liquid
a – area of cross section of the capillary tube.
h – height of the liquid in the capillary tube.
4. PE of a block placed on the ground = dlbh  g. .
5. P.E in a spring = ½ kx . 2

M – IV: Law of conservation of energy:

1. A body is dropped freely from a height h, during collision with ground it looses x %
 100  x  mgh  mgh1 ;
of energy and then rises to a height ‘h’ then
1  100  x 
(100-x) remaining energy; h   h.
 100 
2. In the above question if the body is thrown vertically downwards with a velocity V
 100  x  1 2
 mgh  m   mgh

 100  2 
3. A body of mass m is dropped from a height h on to a spring of spring constant K.
If x is the compression produced in the spring then
mg  h  x   kx2
If x < < < h mgh = ½ kx2
4. A body of mass m moving with a velocity V collides with a spring of spring constant
K and comes to rest. If x is the compression produced in the spring then
½ mv2 = ½ kx2
M – V: Work – Energy theorem:
1. Work done = Change in KE;
F x S = ½ m (V2 - u2 ).
2. A body of mass m is dropped from a height h it reaches the ground with a velocity
 
V V  2gh work done by air resistance W = mgh – ½ mv 2 .

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3. A knife edge of mass m is dropped from a height h on to a table. It penetrates a
distance x into the table. If the resistance offered by the table is F then
F x x = mg (h+x). if x < < < h then Fx = mgh

M – VI: Relation between KE and Momentum:

P2 1
1. KE   KE  if P is same  .
2m m
KE  P  if m is cons tan t  .

2. P  2mkE  P m  If KE is same 
P KE  If m is same  .
3. Two bodies of different mass are moving with same momentum if same break
force is applied on them. Then
KE Accordingly w.e.theoremW.D  KE.
1 S m
a)F xS  KE  0  KE  SKE  1  2
m S2 m1
Lighter body will travel more distance between coming target.
b) In pulse = change in momentum
 Fxt=P–0 Sin F and P are same t will
F x t = P t1 : t2 = 1 : 1.
So both take same time to come to rest.
4. Two bodies of different mass are moving with same KE. If same break force is
applied on them then
P m
a)F xS  KE SinceF and KE;are same
Swillbe same S1 :S2  1 :1.
So both travel same distance before coming to rest.
b) F x t = Pi – Pf t  Pi  m
ti :t2  m : m2
Heavier body takes more time to come to rest.

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M – I: Coordinates of center of mass:

1. Particles distributed in space. If (x1y2z1) - (x2y2z2) – are the position coordinates
of particles of masses m1, m2 – the position coordinates of their center of mass
m x  m2 x2  .....  mn xn
xcm  1 1
m1  m2  .....  mn
m1 y1  m2 y2  .....  mn yn
ycm 
m1  m2  .....  mn
m1 z1  m2 z2  .....  mn zn
zcm 
m1  m2  .....  mn
2. In vector notation. If r1, r2, r3….. Are the position vectors of particles of
masses m1, m2, m3…… Then the position vector of their center of mass is
m r  m2 r2  .....  mn rn
r 1 1
m1  m2  .....  mn
M – II: Velocity Center of Mass:
3. a) Velocity of center of mass
If V1 ,V2 ,V3 .....Vn are the velocities of particle of masses.
m1, m2, m3…… mn the velocity of their center of mass is
m   m2 2  m3 3 .....  mn n P  P  P  ...Pn
Vcm  1 1  1 2 3
m1  m2  m3 .....  mn m1  m2  m3 .....mn
   
b) MV cm  P1  P2  ...  Pn i.e., total momentum of the system is the product of mass
of the whole system and the velocity of the center of mass.
c) If V1 and V2 are the magnitudes of velocities of two particles of masses m 1
and m2 then the magnitude of velocity of c.m.

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m1 1  m2 2
V + ve for same direction
m1  m2
- ve for opposite direction.
d) If two particles of masses m1 and m2 are moving with velocities V1 and V2 at
right angles to each other, then the velocity of their center of mass is given

m1212  m2222
Vcm 
m1  m2
M – III: Acceleration of center of mass:
4. a) if a1, a2, a3 ….an are the acceleration of particles of masses m 1, m2, m3…… mn
Then the acceleration of their centre of mass is
m a  m2 a2  .....  mn an F1  F2 ...Fn Fext
acm  1 1  
m1  m2  .....  mn M M
Macm  F ext .
If a1 and a2 are the magnitude of acceleration of two particles of masses m 1 and m2
then the magnitude of acceleration of their centre of mass.
m1 a1  m2 a2
a) a 
m1  m2
2 2
 m1 a1    m2 a2 
(If they are moving at right angles to each other)
b) a 
m1  m2
M – IV: Two particle system:
5. Position of centre of mass:
Two particles of masses m1 and m2 are separated by a distance ‘d’. If x1 and x2
are the distance of their center of mass from m1 and m2 then
m1 x1 = m2 x2
d d
x1  m2 x2  m1
m1  m2 m1  m2
If m1 is moved through a distance x1 towards the c.m and m2 is also moved
through a distance x2 towards the c.m the position of c. m remains same if
m1 x1 = m2 x2
6. Out of a uniform circular disc of radius R, if a circular sheet of radius r is
removed, the centre of mass of the remaining part shits by a distance
x if r =R/2 then x = R/6
R r
7. Out of a uniform solid sphere of radius R, if a sphere of radius r is removed, the

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centre of mass of the remaining part, shifts by
r3  R  r 
 R3  r3  if r = R/2 then x = R/14
8. When a person walks on a boat in still water centre of mass of person, boat
system is not displaced.
a) If the man walks a distance L on the boat, the boat is displaced in the
opposite direction relative to shore or water by a distance.
M – mass of the man M – mass of the boat
b) Distance walked by the man relative to shore or water is (L – x).
9. If a square sheet of side a is cut in a square sheet of side A then the distance
of centre of mass of remaining portion from the centre of origin sheet is
x .
2 (A  a)
If a  A/2; x  A/ 6 2.
10. A uniform wire of length l is bent at the mid point into L shape then the
l l
coordinates of c. m from the bent point is (x, y)  ,
8 8
Distance of c. m from bent point is  x  y 
2 2

4 2

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M – I: Motion on the horizontal plane:
1. Limiting friction = fL = fs (max) = smg
Normal reaction N = mg
Kinetic friction fk = k mg
Rolling friction fR = R mg . FL > fK > fR
2. If F = 0, f = fs = 0 → Body does not slide.
F < fL f = fs = F→ Body does not slide.
F = fL f = fL = F – Body is just ready to slide
F>fL f = fk – Body slides.
Here F = applied force (or) force that tries to displace the body, f = frictional force.
3. Minimum force required to displace a body = fL= smg .
4. minimum force required in displacing a body placed in a lift moving with
fL   sm  g  a  . if the lift is falling freely f = 0
5. If a body is moving with uniform velocity then F = f k
6. Work done against frictional force = fk x S = k mg x S
7. When applied force makes an angle  with horizontal (pulling).
Normal reaction N = mg – F sin 
Frictional force f =  [mg - Fsin  ]
F cos   fk
Acceleration of body a  .
Minimum pulling force required to displace the body

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F r ic tio n
F s in 

F cos 

m g

mg w sin 
F  .   angle offriction
cos    sin  cos     
F will be minimum if  =  .
Fmin  w sin   .
1  2
8. In case of pushing:
N = mg + F sin  .
F =  [mg + F sin  ]
F cos   fk
a .
Minimum pushing force required to displace the body
mg w sin 
F  .
cos    sin  cos     
if    900 F becomes infinity.
Hence     90    90  

F s in  F

Fcos 

m g

F  fk
9. Acceleration a  (If force is applied horizontally).
10. Acceleration of a freely falling body a  g  .
11. Deceleration of a vertically projected body a  g  .
(f → friction force due to air).

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u mu
12. For a vertically projected body ta  g  f/ m  mg  f .

(If air resistance is taken into account)

 f
2 g  
 m
mg  f
Velocity before reaching ground   u
mg  f
13. Minimum force required to displace a body is applied and the same force is
continued then the acceleration of the body a    s  k  g.
14. A chain of uniform length ‘L’ is placed on a rough horizontal table. The
coefficient of friction between the chain and table is  then the maximum
fractional length of chain that can be hung freely from the edge of the table is.
x 

L 1
Minimum fraction of length of chain that can be on the table is .
 1
15. Block on a lorry:
a) The maximum acceleration of the lorry for which block beings to slide on the
floor of the lorry is
a  s g
ma   s mg
a  s g.
b) If a block of mass m is placed on a lorry moving with uniform acceleration a
The force acting on the block F = ma.
c) If a   s g block does not slide and friction force on the block is f = ma.
If a  s g block slips or slides on the floor. Frictional force on the block
 k mg. The acceleration (a) of the block relative to lorry is
a1  a  k g
16. Car moving on an umbanked circular road:
a) When a car goes around an unbanked circular road, the static frictional force
between the wheels and the road provides the necessary centripetal force.
b) Maximum speed with which curve can be negotiated without skidding is
Vmax   s rg
s  coefficient of static frictional between wheels and the road.
c) The maximum angular velocity is

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Wmax 
17. a) If a block having initial velocity u slides on a rough horizontal surface and
comes to rest, the acceleration of the block is
a   k g
b) Distance traveled by the block before coming to rest is
S  S  U2
2k g
c) Time taken by the block to come to rest is
t  t U
k g
Body on vertical surface.
18. When a body of mass m is pressed against a vertical surface with a force P then
a) Normal reaction N =P.
b) Limiting frictional force fL  P.
c) Frictional force between the body and surface P or mg which ever is less.
d) Minimum force required to slide the body upwards.
F = mg + P
e) Minimum force required to prevent the body from sliding down F = mg- P


m g

19. A book of mass m is pressed between two hands by applying a horizontal force P
with each hand the book does not slide if   .
20. A vehicle is moving on a horizontal surface. A block of mass ‘m’ is stuck on the
front part of the vehicle. The coefficient of friction between the truck and the
block is ''. The minimum acceleration with which the truck should travel, so
that the body does not slide down is
a  . [mg =  ma]

Smooth inclined plane:

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21. Block on a smooth inclined plane:
a) N = mg cos 
b) Acceleration of sliding block a = g sin 
c) If 1 is the length of the inclined plane, h is the height and x is base. The time
taken to slide down starting from rest from the top is
2L 1 2h 4x
t   .
g sin  sin  g g sin2
d) t will be minimum if if   45 tmin 

 m g
e) Velocity of the block at the bottom of the inclined plane is same as the speed
attained if block falls freely from the top of the inclined plane.
V  2glsin   2gh.
f) If a block is projected up the plane with a velocity u, the acceleration of the block is
a   g sin .
g) Distance traveled up the plane before its velocity becomes zero is
S .
2g sin 
h) Time of ascent is t  g sin  .

i) Horizontal force required to prevent the body from sliding down F = mgtan  .
j) The minimum acceleration of the inclined plane so that a body placed on it does not
slide down is given by a = gtan  .
Rough inclined plane:
22. A body of mass m is placed on a rough inclined plane of inclination  . If  is angle
of repose. N = mgcos  .
a) If    body does not slide fs  mg sin .
b) If    body is ready to slide fL  mg sin   s  tan .
c) If    body slides down with uniform
acceleration given by a  g(sin   k  cos ).

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d) If the body is sliding down with uniform velocity then
a  0  fk  mg sin   k  tan .
e) Net contact force acting on the body = f2  N2 .

 m g

23. If the block slide down from the top of the inclined plane. Velocity at the
bottom of the plane is
V  2gl  sin   k cos    2gh  1  k cot  
24. In the above case time of descent is
g  sin   k cos  
25. The time taken by a body to slide down on a rough inclined plane is ‘n’ times the
time taken by it to slide down on a smooth inclined plane of same inclination and
length, then coefficient of friction is
 1
  tan  1  2  .
 n 
26. If a block is projected up a rough inclined plane, the acceleration of the block is
a   g sin   k cos  
27. a) The distance traveled by the block up the plane before the velocity becomes
zero is
2g  sin   k cos  
b) The time of ascent is t  g sin    cos  .
 k 
c) If the body slides down with uniform velocity on the same plane, then
U2 U
sin   k cos  then S  t
4 g sin  2g sin 
28. In the above case if time of decent is n times the time of ascent, then
 n2  1 
  tan   2  .
n  1 
29. a) Force needed to be applied parallel to the plane to move the block up with

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constant velocity is
F  mg sin   k mgcos   mg  sin   k cos   .
b) Force needed to be applied parallel to the plane to move the block up with an
acceleration a is
F  mg sin   k mgcos   ma.
30. If block has a tendency to slide, the force to be applied on the block parallel and
up the plane to prevent the block from sliding is
F  mg sin    s mgcos   mg  sin    s cos   .

31. If a force P is applied on the body up the plane then the acceleration of the
body is sin .
P  mg  sin   k cos  
a .
32. An air craft of mass m travels through a distance S on a runway and take off
with a velocity V in t sec. Then.

a) Force applied by the engine F  mg 
b) Work done by the engine W  mgs  m

mgs  m2
c) Power of the engine P  2 .

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M -I: Horizontal circular motion:

1. Linear velocity   r;angular velocity 
2. Linear acceleration a  r ; angular acceleration
d d  2
  .
dt dt2
3. Time period T  .

4. In a circular path centripetal acceleration or radial acceleration
ar   R2  .
5. Tangential acceleration in non-uniform circular motion
dw d2
aT  r  r r 2 .
dt dt
6. The resultant acceleration in non-uniform circular motion
2 2
a  a 2r  a 2T   r     r   .
m 2
7. Centripetal force Fr   mR2  m.
Tangential force FT  ma  mr .
Innon  uniformcircularmotion the resultan t forceF  F2r  F2T .
8. When a stone attached to a string is whirled in a horizontal circle with constant
m 2
speed v, tension in the string T   mR2 .
Since  2n,T  mR 4  n .
2 2

If T is the maximum tension that the string can withstand then,

n .
mR4 2
9. In an unbanked road the centripetal force is balanced by frictional force,
 mg    gr.
When a body on a rotating platform is just about to fly off,
mg  mR2   .

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M -II: Motion of a body in a vertical circle:
Case I: If a body of m is tied to a string of length 1 and rotated in a vertical circle

with uniform speed v. v  g1 . 
10. Tension in the string when it makes an angle  with vertical is given by
m 2
T  mgcos .
a) Tension at the highest point (  = 1800 )
m 2
Th   mg  ml2  mg   Tmin  .
b) Tension when the string is in horizontal position    90 

m 2
T  ml2
c) Tension at the lowest point    0  .

TL   mg  ml2  mg   Tmax  .
d) Different between maximum and minimum tensions.
Tmax  Tmin  2mg.
Tmax n  1 2
e) If  n then  .
Tmin n  1 1g
2l l
f) Time period T 

 2

Ifv  g1 . 
g) Total energy at the highest point
Eh  KEH  PEH  mv2  2mgr.
h) Total energy at the lowest point
1 1
i) EL  KEL  PEL  mv  0  mv .
2 2

2 2
j)  KE  KE H  KEL  0;  E  EH  EL  2mgr; PE  PEH  PEL  2mgr.

Case –II:
11. If the body rotated with non uniform speed. If u is the velocity at the highest
point and v is the velocity at the lowest point then.
a)   u2  4gl.
b) TH   mg  Tmin u  gl 
l  
m 2
TL   mg  Tmax

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Tmax u2  5gl
c)  .
Tmin u2  gl
u Tmax 5n2  1
d) If  n then  .
 Tmin 5  n2
Case –III:
12. If the body is revolving with critical speed
a) Minimum or critical speed of the body when the string makes an angle  with
vertical is given by
  gr  3  2cos   .
At the lowest position 1  5gr    0  0

At the horizontal position 1  3gr   90  0

At the highest point 3  gr   180 0

 v1 : v2 : v3  5 : 3: 1
KE1 : KE2 : KE3  5 : 3 : 1.
b) Tension in the string when it makes an angle  with vertical T = 3mg (1 + cos  ).
At the lowest position T1  6mg  Tmax    0  .

When the string is in horizontal position T2  3mg  Tmax    90  .


At the highest position T3  0  Tmin    180  .


Tmax  Tmin  6mg.

c) Total energy at the highest position.
mgr 5
EH  KEH  PEH   2mgr  mgr.
2 2
Total energy at the lowest position
5 5
EL  KEL  PEL  mgr  0  mgr.
2 2
KE  KEL  KEH  2mgr; E  EH  EL  0; PE  PEH  PEL  2mgr.
Case –IV:
13. Simple pendulum is given a horizontal velocity u at the lowest position (mean
Position) then
a) Ifu  2gr the body oscillates about A.
b) If 2gr  u  5gr the body leaves the without completing the circle.
c) Ifu  5gr the body completes the circle.
d) Height at which velocity u = 0. is h = u2/2g.

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u2  rg
e) Height at which tension T  0ish .
f) Angle with vertical at which velocity v  0.is Cos   1  .
g) Angle with vertical at which the tension T  0.is Cos   2/3  u /3gr.

h) Tension in the string at an angular displacement  with vertical is

T  mu2 /r  mg(2  3cos ).
14. Safe speed of a car going on a convex bridge to travel in contact with the bridge
is v  gr.
15. A ball of mass ‘m’ is allowed to slide down from rest, from the top of a incline of
height ‘h’. For the ball to loop in a loop of radius ‘r’
a) Minimum height of incline h = 5r/2.
b) ‘h’ is independent of mass of the ball.
16. A ball of mass ‘M’ is suspended vertically by a string of length ‘l’. A bullet of mass
‘m’ is fired horizontally with a velocity ‘u’ on to the ball sticks to it. For the
system to complete the vertical circle, the minimum value of ‘u’ is given by
u 5gl.
17. If the bob of the simple pendulum is given an initial displacement  then
a) Velocity at the lowest position   2gl  1  cos   .
b) Tension at the lowest position T  mg 3  2cos   .
18. A body is placed on the top of a hemispherical bowl and it is given a horizontal
velocity v then
a) Thrust on the bowl when the radius vector turns through an angle 
m 2
N  mg  2  3cos  
 2 2 
The body looser contact at Cos    .
 3rg 3
b) If v = 0 then N = mg [2 – 3 cos  ].
The body looser contact at   Cos 2/3  or  h  2r/3.

19. Equation of motion:

a)w2  w1  t c)   w1t  t2
 w  w2
b) w22  w12  2 d)   1 t
 2 
Also w = 2  n (if n is r.p.s)
W= 2  n/60 (if n is in rpm).
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l l d
20. Torque   I  2 1  L .
t dt
21. Work done w =  x.
22. Power P =  x w.
23. KE = ½ Iw2.
24. Work done w  I  w22  w12  .
25. If a body of mass m is revolving in a circular path of radius r, with a velocity v
then angular momentum of the body about origin is
L = mvr = mr2 w = Iw where I = mr2
26. A body of mass m is moving with a velocity v along a straight line p represented
by ax + by + c = 0 then the angular momentum of the body about origin
L  m .
a2  b2
27. Angular momentum of a projectile about point of projection when it is at its
highest point.
u2 sin2 
L  mucos   H  mucos  .
28. KE 
29. Moment of inertial I   mr2  Mk2 .
Parallel axes theorem I  Ig  Mx2 .
Perpendicular axes theorem Ix  Iy  Iz .
30. For a uniform circular ring.
I  MR2  aR3d
a  area of cross sec tion
d  density.
i.e.,I  R2 if m is same; I  d if R is same . I  R 3 if d is same
31. For a uniform circular disc.
IMR dR t
2 4

 t  thickness 
i.e., I  R2 if m is same.
I  R5 if d is same.
m5 / 3
32. For a sphere IMR2dR5 t
D2 / 3 .
i.e., I  R2 if m is same.

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I  R5 if d is same.
33. Rolling of a body without slipping on a horizontal surface.
a) The body possesses both transnational and rotational kinetic energy.
b) Total energy of the body
1 1 1
E  mv2  I2 .E  mv2  1  K 2 /r2  .E  KT  1  K 2 /r2  .
2 2 2
KT  Transalational KE of the body.
c) Fraction of energy associated with translation motion  1/  1  K /r  .
2 2

d) Fraction of energy associated with rotational motion R /E  1/  1  r /k  .

2 2

34. Rolling of a body down an incline without slipping.

a) Acceleration of the body
g sin 
1  K 2 /r2
   inclination ofthe plane. 
b) Velocity acquired by body on reaching the bottom
V .
1  k2 /r2
h - height of the incline.
c) Time taken to reach the bottom
 k2 
2h  1  2 
 r 
t  1/ sin    .
35. When a body rolls down without sliding on an inclined plane with an inclination
 and height ‘h’.

S.No. Body K2 Acceleration Velocity at the bottom

g sin  2g
a 
1  k2 /r2 1  k2 /r2
1. Solid sphere 2/5 r2 5/7 g sin  10gh/ 7
2. Disc ½ r2 2/3 g sin  4gh/3
3. Solid cylinder ½ r2 2/3 g sin  4gh/3
4. Hollow sphere 2/3 r 2
3/5 g sin  6gh/5
5. Ring r2 ½ g sin  gh
6. Hollow cylinder r2 ½ g sin  gh

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S.No. Body Axis Moment of
1. Circular ring a) Passing through centre and normal to its plane Mr 2

b) Any diameter Mr2/2

c) Any tangent in its plane 3Mr2/2
2. Circular a) Passing through centre and normal to its plane Mr2/2
Disc b) Any diameter Mr2/4
c) Any tangent in its plane 5Mr2/4
3. Solid a) About its axis Mr2/2
Cylinder b) About an axis through its CG and normal to length M[12/12+ r2/4]

4. Hallow About its axis Mr2

5. Solid sphere a) Any diameter 2/5 Mr2
b) Any tangent 7/5 Mr2
6. Hallow a) Any diameter 2/3 Mr2
sphere b) Any tangent 5/3 Mr2
7. Thin a) Passing through its centre and normal to length M12/12
uniform rod b) Passing through one end and normal to its length M12/3

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M – I: Kepler’s Laws:
1. If T is the time period of plant and R is average distance of the planet from Sun
42 3
T 2 R 2  or  T 2  R
2. If v1 is the velocity of the planet when its distance from Sun is d, and v 2 is the
velocity when the distance is d2 then according to law of conservation of angular
d1v1  d2v2  d2w1  d22w2 .
M – II: Newton’s Law of gravitation:
3. Gravitational force between two bodies of manes m1 and m2 separated by
d is given by. F  .
4. When two similar spheres each of radius r are in contact then the gravitation
force between then F  r .

5. Gravitational force acting on a body of mass m placed at a distance x distance x

from the centre (x < R) is given by F  x
M – III: Relation between g and G:
GM 4
6. g  2 . g  GDR D  Density of earth
R 3
M – IV: Variation of g with height:
7. Acceleration due to gravity at a height h above the surface of the earth is given
a) g1
 g .
 R  h

b) Percentage change in weight of a body or (% change in g value).

g1  g  R2 
  100    1   100
  R  h 
g 
 2h  2h
c) Ifh    R g1  g 1   Changein g value g  g.
 R R

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Percentage change in weight of a body  100
M – V: Variation of g with depth:

8. Acceleration due to gravity at a depth d below the surface of the earth is given
 d
g1  g  1  
 R
Change in g value g  g .
Percentage change in weight of a body  100
M – VI: Variation of g with latitude:

a) Acceleration due to gravity at a latitude  is given by g  g  Rw cos .

2 2
W  angular velocity of earth.
At equator   0  g  g  Rw .
0 2

So due to rotation of the earth the value of g at equator decreases by

Rw2 = 0.034 ms-2. If earth stops rotating the value of g at equator
increase by Rw2.
At poles   90 g  g.

So at poles rotation rotation of earth does not have any effect on g

b) If the weight of a body at equator becomes zero then
g R
g  Rw2  0  w   T  2
R g
M – VII: Orbital velocity:
Gm gR2
10. a) orbital velocity  0   .
R h  R  h
h  height of the orbit.
Gm 4
b) If h    R then  0  gR  GDR2
R 3

Gm g 4
c)If h    R orbital angular velocity w0   GD
R 3
R 3

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d) Time period of the satellite
2 R R3 3
T  2  2  2
w 0
g GM 4 GD
M – VIII: Escape velocity:
2Gm 8 2
11. Escape velocity  c   2gR  GDR2
R 3
vc  2 v0
M – IX: Energy of a satellite:
GMm GMm
12. PE  KE  (r = radius of the orbit; r = R + h).
r 2r
Total energy E  PE  KE  .
13. Work done in shifting a satellite from orbit of r 1 to another orbit of radius r2 is
given by
GMm  1 1 
w  E2  E1    
2  r1 r2 
14. Work done by lifting a body to a height h (h is comparable to R0 = change in PE)
 h  GMm  h 
w  mgR    R R  h 
R  h   
15. If a body is projected with a velocity v from the surface of the earth, then the
height raised by the body can be found by
1  h 
m2  mgR  . v  comparable to ve . If v  ve ; h  
2 rh
If v > ve then velocity at infinity can be found using law of conservation of
energy i.e.,
1  GMm  1
m12     m 2 .

2  R  2
v1 = Velocity of projection.
v2 = Velocity at infinity.

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11. S.H.M

M – I: Displacement, Velocity and Acceleration:

1. Displacement after t sec, y = r sin  wt    . If particle starts from mean
position the   0;y  r sin wt.
If particle starts from extreme position   90;y  rcos wt.
2. Velocity after t seconds V  r w cos wt.
Velocity when the displacement is y,   w r2  y2 .
At mean position v = rw (maximum)
At extreme position v = 0 (minimum)
3. Acceleration a = -rw2 sin wt
i.e., a = - w2y.
at E.P a = rw2(maximum).
At M.P a = 0 (minimum).
4. Force F = ma = mrw2 sin wt.
= mw2y
at M.P = F= 0 at E.P F = mrw2
2 y
5. Time period T   2 .
w a
1 w a
6. Frequency n    2
T 2 y
7. In y  r sin  wt   
 wt    is called phase
 is called phase cons tan t.
M – II: Energy of the particles:
8. KE  1/2mw2  r2  y2 
At M.P KE  mw2r2  maximum 
AtE.P KE  0  minimum 
KEmax  KEmin 1
Average KE   mw 2r2
2 4
9. PE= ½ mw2 y2
At MP PE = 0 (minimum)

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Average PE = ¼ mw2 r2
At EP PE = ½ mw2 r2 (minimum).
10. Total energy E = ½ mw2 r2
1 2m2r2
 KEmax  PEmax  E  mw2r2  2m2n2r2  .
2 T2
M – III: Time period of a simple pendulum:
11. Time period of a simple pendulum T  2 .
 T l T
T2 l T g1
  2, 2 
T1 l1 T1 g2
12. For a simple pendulum, in a lift moving up with an acceleration or coming down
With a deceleration, T  2
13. In a lift moving up with deceleration or coming down With a acceleration, time
period of simple pendulum T  2
In a freely falling lift geff = 0. So the pendulum does not oscillate. The time
period is infinity.
14. For a pendulum of infinite length, (or) for a body dropped in tunnel along the
diameter the time period T  2  84.6min .
15. Time period of a seconds pendulum is 2s.
l1 l
Time period remains same if  2 .
g1 g2
Its length is l  2 .

A seconds pendulum is taken from one place to another place then the Change in
g2  g1
the length of the seconds’ pendulum l  .
So that time period remains constant
16. If the simple pendulum is in a cart moving horizontally with an acceleration a
then time period T  2
g  a2

If the cart is moving along a circular path of radius r with a speed v then a = v 2/r

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If the cart is sliding down an inclined plane, inclined at angle  with the
horizontal, T  2 .
gcos 
17. When two simple pendulum of lengths  1 and  2 are get into vibration in the
same direction at the same instant with same phase.
Again they will be in same phase after he shorter pendulum has completed n
oscillations. To find the value of n,
n Ts = (n - 1) T1 and T  1
n T n 1
    or   .
n  1 Ts n 1 ls
S = shorter;  = longer
18. Two pendulum of lengths l1 and l2 (l1 > l2) start vibrating from the mean position in
the same phase. They will be again in the same phase at the mean position after
larger pendulum completes n oscillations and the shorter one completes (n + 1)
oscillations. Then
n1 l1  n2 l2 .
n l
 n l2   n  1  l1   2.
n 1 l2
19. Two simple pendulum of time period, T1 and T2 start vibrating from the mean
position in same phase. The phase difference between them after t sec. is given
 2 2  1 1
  w2 t  w1t      2t    .
 T2 T1   T2 T1 
They will be in same phase after a time t  .
1 2
T1  T2
M – IV: Time period of a loaded spring:
20. Time period of a loaded spring  2 where k = F/x.
M  m 
Taking the mass of the spring m into consideration  
T  2  .
Time period of the spring, T  2 , where x is elongation under the load.
21. If a spring is cut in n equal parts the spring constant of each part is k 1 = nk.
Then time period of each part under the same load is given by

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T1  N1  nN.
22. If a spring of spring constant ‘K’ and length ‘  ’ is cuts in to two springs of
lengths ‘  1’ and ‘  2’ then the spring constants of the two parts is
K  1  2  K  1  2 
K1  and K2  .
1 2
23. When two spring of force constants K1 and K2 are connected in series. Then the
effective force constant is
K 1 2 .
K1  K2
24. When two spring of force constants k 1 and k2 are connected in parallel. The
effective spring constant is K = k1 + k2 .
25. T1 and T2 are the time periods of two springs, under same load.
If the springs are connected in series and the same load is attached.
Time period T  T 21  T 22 .
If the springs are in parallel, Time period T  .
1 2

T  T 22

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Re storing Force F
1. Stress   .
Area A
2. a) Longitudinal strain  percentage change in length = longitudinal
strain x 100.
b) Shear strain
Lateral displacement between two layers l
 
Perpendicular dis tan ce between two layers l
c) Volume strain  .

Shear strain = 2 x longitudinal strain, volume strain = 3 x longitudinal strain.
M – I: Young’s modulus:

Longitudinal stress Fl mgl

3. Young’s modulus Y    2 .
Longitudinal strain Ae r e
F  Applied force; A  Area of cross section
L  Original length; e  Elongation
R  Radius of the wire.
Fl e1  F1  l1   r22  Y2 
4. Elongation e          .
Ay e2  F2  l2   r21  Y1 
If F and Y are same
l l2 m
e 2   4 . If young’s modulus = stress then strain = 1 and final length
r m r
= 2 x initial length
m  mass of the wire.
e1 l21 r42
 
e2 l22 r41
 if m is same 
e1 m1

e2 m2
 if r is same 
e1 m2
  if l is same 
e2 m1
When two wires are connected in series and same force is applied then
a) Stress is same in both wires
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b) Ratio of the strains = Y2/Y1
c) Total elongation e = e1 + e2
When two wires are connected in parallel and same force is applied then
a) Strain is same in both the wires
b) Ratios of the stresses = Y1/Y2
c) Total force F = F1 + F2
5. When a rubber cord is suspended vertically from a support it elongates under its
own weight.
elangation e  .
Breaking Force
6. Breaking stress 
F1 A1 r21
Breaking force F  A    .
F2 A2 r22
Maximum possible elongation  .
Length of a wire required to break under its own weight
Breaking stress B.S
l  .
dg dg
Rigidity modulus
Trangential stress F
7. Rigidity modulus n  
shearingstrain A
  Shearing strain
8. A tangential force F is applied on a cube of side a. if  a is the lateral
displacement of the top face w.r.t the bottom face
Then Shear stress  2
a F
Shear strain  n
a aa
M – II: Bulk Modulus:
Volume stress VP
9. Bulk Modulus K  
Volumestrain V
i) If a block of coefficient of cubical expansion V is heated through a rise in
temperature of , the pressure to be applied on it to prevent its expansion
 K where K is its bulk modulus.
ii) When a rubber ball of volume V bulk modulus K is taken to a depth h in water
decrease in volume V 

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(d = density of material)
10. When a pressure p is applied on a substance its density changes. New density
d’ = dk/ (k - p )
11. Compressibility: The reciprocal of bulk modulus is called Compressibility
For incompressible substances C = 0, k = :
M – IV: Poisson’s ration & relation between Y, n and k:
lateral contraction strain
12. Poission's Ratio    
longitudinal elongation strain

transverse strain % decrease in radius
 r 
longitudinal strain l % increase in length
i) Poisson’s ratio has no unit and no dimensions
ii) Theoretical limits of  :  1 to 0.5
iii) Practical limit of  : 0 to 0.5
iv) If   0.5 the substance is perfectly incompressible.
13. Relation among elastic constants Y, n, K, 
9 1 3
i)   ii) y  2n  1   
y k n
3k  2n
iii) y  3k  1  2  iv)  
2  n  3k 
14. Percentage change in volume of a wire due to elongation
(%V) = (%1) +2(%r)
% change in volume = % change in length + 2 (% change in radius)

M – V: Strain Energy;
15. Work done ins stretching wire = strain energy stored in the wire
= ½ x Force x elongation = ½ F x e
1 YAe2  YAe 
w  S.E  F 
2 l  l 
1 Fl2
 Fl 
  e  lA 
2 AV
 
16. If two material of same material are stretched by same amount i.e. e is same

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A r2 r4 m
w    2
l l m l
w1 r 4
w l2
 1 4  If m is same  1  22
w2 r2 w2 l1
w1 m w m
 2 if r is same 1  1 if 1 is same.
w2 m1 w2 m2
17. If two wires of same material are stretched by same force then
l l l2 m
w  2   4
A r m r
18. Elastic strain energy = ½ stress x strain x volume
Strain energy per unit volume = ½ stress x strain
 stress  2 Y 2
   strain  .
2Y 2
19. If l1 and l2 are the lengths of a wire under tensions T1 and T2, the actual length
l1T2  l2T1
of the wire  .
T2  T1
Thermal stress developed in a body due to change in temperature  Y   t

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M – I: Force due to S.I:

Force F
1. Surface tension T   .
Length l
work done w
 
increase in Area A2  A1
 w  T  A2  A1 
2. a) Force in addition to weight required to lift a thin wire of length l from liquid
surface is F = 2l x T = 2Tl.
b) Force required to lift a think circular plates of radius R from liquid surface is
F  2R xT  2RT.
c) Force in addition to weight required to pull a circular ring from water surface
is F  2T  r1  r2 
r1 and r2 are internal and external radius.
If it is a thin ring then F  4 rT .
d) Force required to pull a think rectangular plate of length 1 and breadth b is
from liquid surface is F  21xT  2b x T  2T  1  b  .
e) Force required to pull a think rectangular frame from liquid surface is
F  2 x 2T  1  b   4T  1  b  .
f) Force required to pull a capillary tube from water surface is F  4 RT.
3. If a small drop of water is squeezed between two plates the force required to
separate the plates
F A.
A= Area of water lawyer. d= Thickness of water layer.
4. A metallic wire of density d floats horizontal in water. The maximum radius of
the wire so that the wire may not sink, will be (surface tension of water = T).
5. A metallic wire of density d is laying horizontal on the surface of water. The
maximum length of wire so that it may not sink, will be
(surface tension of water = T)

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M – II: Surface energy:
work done w
6. Surface tension  T   w  TA
increase in area A
This work will be stored as surface energy E  T.A .
7. a) Work done in forming a liquid drop of radius R  4 R2T.
b) Work done in forming an air bubble of radius r is w  8r2T.
c) Work done in increasing the radius of a liquid drop from R 1 to R2
w  T  A2  A1   4T  R22  R12 
d) Work done in forming of a soap film of size l x b is = 2T lb
e) Work done in increasing the radius of a soap bubble from R 1 to R2
w  T  A2  A1   8T  R22  R12 
8. When a big drop of radius R is split in to n identical drops each of radius r.
a) R = n1/3 r.
b) Increase in surface area  A   n 4 r  4 r   4R  n  1  .
2 2 2 1 3

c) Work one in splitting the drop  4R T n  1 .
2 1/3

d) If this process takes place under adiabatic conditions, the temperature of `
3T  1 1 
the drop decreases by t   .
ds  r R 
9. When n identical small drops each of radius r combine to from a big drop of
radius R then
a) R = n1/3 r.
b) Decrease in surface area   n 4 r  4 R   4R n  1 .
2 2 2 1/3
 
c) Energy released in this process  4R T n  1 .
2 1/3
 
d) If this process takes place under adiabatic conditions then the temperature
3T  1 1 
of the drop increases by t  
ds  r R 

. [4 R2T n1 / 3  1  msT] 
2 1/3

e) If the energy converts into KE then 4 R T n  1  1/2mv .

6T  1 1 
V   .
d  r R 
10. Two drops of radii r1 and r2 combine in vacuum under isothermal conditions. Then
if r is the radius of the drop formed, r  r 1  r 2 .
3 3 3

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11. When two bubbles of radii r1 and r2 in vacuum combine, under isothermal
conditions, the radii of the bubbles formed r  r21  r22 .
A film of water is formed between two straight parallel wires each of length
1. The work done in increasing the separation between then by xm is w = 2Tlx.

M – III: Capillary rise:

9. When a capillary tube of radius r is dipped in a liquid of surface tension T and
density d then height of the liquid in the capillary tube is given by
2T cos 
g  0; h  
Note: in gravity free space the liquid rises to the full lengths of the capillary to be
but it will not over flow.
1 1
a)h b)h
r g
 h1r1  h2r2 h1g1  h2g2
10. When a capillary tube is dipped vertically the capillary rise is h. when it is
inclined by an angle  to the vertical, capillary rise = 
cos 
If  is taken with horizontal capillary rise 
sin 
Weight of liquid in capillary tube = force due to surface tension.
11. Weight of the liquid in the capillary tube  mg  T cos  x2r.
12. A vessel has a small hole of radius r at the bottom. The maximum height to which
water can be poured inside the vessel without leakage in
h .
13. A U tube has two vertical limbs of radii r1 and r2 when liquid is poured in to it the
2T  1 1 
difference in levels in h    .
d  r1 r2 
M – IV: Excess of pressure:
14. Excess of pressure inside a liquid drop of radius r  P  .
Excess of pressure inside a soap bubble P  .
Where P  Pi  Po .
Excess of pressure inside a bubble in a liquid  P.
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If P0 is outside pressure, total pressure inside =P0 + excess pressure

15. If two bubbles of radii r1 and r2 are in contact, the radius of curvature of the
interface is r  r  r .
1 2

2 1

16. An air bubble of radius r is at a depth h is water.

P 
Inside pressure Pi  Pa  hdg  .
1/3 1/2
P1 r2  V2  A 
17.     2 .
P1 r1  V1   A1 
18. A bubble of radius r1 is inside another bubble of radius r2. The radius of a single
bubble whose excess pressure is equal to difference in pressure between inside
of inner bubble and out side the outer bubbles is
1 1 1  4T 4T 4T 
     
R r1 r2  R r1 r2 
19. A long capillary tube of radius r is filled with water and placed vertically. The
height of water column remaining the capillary tube  .

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M – I: Viscous force:
 
1. Viscous force F  A  Velocity gradient.
x x
Force required to drag a plate placed on an oil layer of thickness t with a

velocity v is given by F  A
  Area of the plate.
M – II: Poiseuille’s equation:
2. Volume of liquid flowing through a capillary tube in unit time is given by
 Pr4   hdg  r
V  h   r4  l   
V   1   1   4 1  2  2  .
8l 8l V2  h2   r 2  l1  1 
P  Pressure difference across the tube. P = hdg.
r  Radius of the capillary; 1  Length of the tube.
 V (if P and  are same).

P 8l
Also V  where R  4 it is known as fluid resistance.
R r
3. When two capillary tubes are connected in series then
V1  V2  V;
P  P1  P2
P1  Pressure difference across the first tube.
P2  Pressure difference across the second tube.
P1 l1  r2 
   .
P2 l2  r1 
If the two tubes are replaced by a single tube of radius r then

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l l l
 14  24
r4 r1 r2
1 1 1
if 11  12  12 then  4  4
r4 r1 r2
4. When two capillary tubes are connected in parallel
P1  P2.
V  V1  V2

V1  r1 4 l2 
 . 
v2  r2 4 l1 
If the two tubes are replaced by a single tube of radius r
r4  r1 r2 
4 4

 .  (If r1 = r2 = r)
l  l1 l2 
1 1 1
Then  
l l1 l2
M – III: Stokes formulas:
5. When a spherical body of radius r is moving through a fluid with a velocity V
then the viscous force acting on body is given by F  6rv.
F  r  V 1 / 3  m1 / 3
After some time the body attains constant velocity called terminal
velocity in this case.
mg  6rvT  if buoyancy is neglected 
m 2 2/3
VT  r V .
If n identical drops moving with terminal velocity v. Combine to form a signal dmp
then terminal velocity of the big drop V = n 2/3 v

M – IV: Continuity equation:

6. V  a1v1  a2v2  r12v1  r2v2 .
Volume of liquid flowing through a tube in unit time (or) volume flux q = av.

M – V: Buoyant force:
7. If a body of volume V, density ds is immersed in a liquid of density d1 then,
a) Buoyant force acting on the body V1d1 g where V1 is the volume of the body
inside the liquid.
b) If the body is floating then V1d1 g = mg.

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 Vd
1 1 g  Vds  Vd
1 1  Vds .

c) Apparent weight of the body w1 = mg – Fb.

i)Ifds  d1 ; w1  0.
ii)Ifds  d1 ;w1  vg  ds  d1 
 mg  1  d1 / ds  .
Note: With increase in temperature tb decreases hence w1 increases.
M – IV: Bernoulli’s theorem:
P1 V12 P2 V22
8.   gh1    gh2 (all are in SI units)
d 2 d 2
P  N / m2 also P  hdg.
If the liquid is flowing horizontally then
P1 V12 P2 V22
  
d 21 d 2
V22  V12 P1  P2
Change in KE per day unit mass   .
2 d
9. If P1 and P2 are pressures at the top and bottom of the wings of the aero plane
then the dynamic lift on the aero plane F   P2  P1  A;A  Area of the wings.
 V22  V12 
P2  P1    Where V1 and V2 are the velocities at the top and bottom of
 2 
the wings and d is density.

M – V: Torricelli’s theorem:
10. A vessel filled with a liquid up to a height H has a small hole near the bottom. If
h is depth of the hole then.
a) Velocity of efflux from the orifice is v  2gh
b) Volume efflux Q = aV
2  H  h
c) Time taken by the water to touch the base level t t 
d) Horizontal range R  2 h  H  h 
e) R is maximum if h = H/2
Rmax = H
A 2H
f) Time taken for emptying the tank t  h
a g

g) Time after which the level falls from h 1 to h2 is t 

A 2
a g  h1  h2 
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1. Linear expansion 1  1 t.

l l
  2 1  12  11  1  t 
l1  t2  t1 
dQ ldQ
If same amount of heat given then t  then l 
ms ms
l 1
l  2  r  radius of the rod  .
m r
Aral exp ansion A  A t.
A2  A1
  A2  A1  1  t 
A1  t2  t1 
Volume exp ansion V  Vt.
 2  1
  V2  V1  1  t 
1  t2  t1 
% change in length  t x100
% change in area  2t x100
% change in Volume  3t x100
2. Loss or gain of a pendulum clock due to a change in temperature per day is
  T2  T1   86400 sec.
3. If two rods of different material have equal lengths of 1 and at temperature T 1
as the temperature is increased to T2 different in their final length is
1  1  2  1   T2  T1  .
4. For an anisotropic substance if  x ,  y , and z are the coefficients of linear
expansion in three perpendicular directions then    x   y  z .

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5. When a bimetallic strip is heated it bends. Then the radius of curvature of the
bimetallic strip
R .
 2    1  T2  T1 
Where d is the thickness of each strip.
 T2  T1  is change in temperature,
1 , 2 are coefficients of linear expansion of the two metals.
5 5
6.  in per 0F   in per K 0  in per 0F   in per 0C.
9 4
7. Thermal stress developed in a rod heated, when it is prevented from expansion
is called thermal stress  Y   T2  T1  .
Force developed  YA   T2  T1  .
A wire is bent in the form of a ring with a small gap of length x1 at t1 C. on
heating to t2 C, if the gap increase to x2 in length, then the coefficient of linear

expansion of the wire material

x2  x1
x1  t2  t1 
9. If two rods of different materials have the difference between their lengths at
all temperatures, then 11 1  12 2 or 11 /12  2 / 1
x2 x1
l1  and l2 
1   2 1  2
10. The change in moment of inertia of a body due to rise in temperature
I  2It
11. Metal tapes:
a) Metal tape shows correct reading only at a temperature at which it is
b) A metal tape is graduated at t1 C and is used at t2 C.
0 0

i) If t2 t1 , distance between the divisions decreases, then

a) Observed reading L is less than actual value
b) Correction to be applied, C  L  t2  t1 
c) Correct reading  L  C.
ii) It t2 < t1, distance between the divisions decreases, then
a) Observed reading L is greater than actual value
b) C  L t
c) Correct reading  L  C.
12. Variation of density with temperature
d0  dt  1     or  dt  d0  1  t 

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13. A mercury barometer has a metal scale which is calibrated at 0 0C, the pressure
as read by it at t0C is Ht. Then the pressure at 00C will be given by
H0  Ht 1  (  R  )t 
 R is coefficient of real expansion of mercury
 is coefficient of linear expansion of metal


1.  R   a     a  3 relation between  R and  a .

2. From specific gravity bottle experiment,
mass of liquid exp elled
a 
mass of the liquid remained  change in temperature
 w2  w3  m1  m2
a   or  a 
 w3  w1   T2  T1  m2  t2  t1 
m1  m2
m1 is nearly equal to m2 and hence it can be written  R  m t  t .
2 2 1

3. If d1 and d2 are the densities at temperature t1 and t2,

d1  d2 1   R  T2  T1  
d0  dt  1   R 
dt 
 1  t 
d1  d2
R 
d1t2  d2t1
4. The unoccupied volume in a container remains same if the volume expansion of
the container and that of liquid are same. The condition for this is V1 1  Vs  s .
5. The temperature at which the density of liquid is x% less than at
0 0 C is .
 100  x  R
6. If a liquid column of height h1 at temperature t1 balances another liquid column
of height h2 at temperature t2.

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h2  h1
a  .
h1  t2  t1 


M – I: Volume and pressure coefficient of a gas.

V  V0
1. Volume coefficient    V  V0  1  t 
V0 t
V2  V1
 (at constant pressure).
1 2  V2t1

P  P0
2. Pressure coefficient    P  P0  1  t 
P0 t
P P
 2 1 ( at constant valume).
1 2  P2 t1

3.     1/273  0.00366/ 0 c.  for any gas 

M – II: Boyle’s law:

4. AT constant temperature P .  or  PV  C  PV
1 1  P2V2
5. Two vessels of volume V1 and V2 filled with a gas at pressure P1 and P2 are
1 1  P2V2
connected the common pressure P  V  V .
 1 2
6. If the pressure of the gas is increased by x% then the % decrease in volume at
constant temperature is .
100  x
7. If 11 and 12 are the length of the air column with open end upwards and
 l2  l1 
downwards respectively, then  H  h  11   H  h  12.  H  h  
 l2  l1 

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H  atm. Pressure.
h  length of mercury thread.
8. When an air bubble at the depth h in a lake rises to the top, its volume
increases. Assuming the temperature to be constant
If the volume becomes n times
h = H (n – 1) (H + h) V1 = HV2
And if radius becomes n times,
h  H  n  1   H  h  r13  Hr23

Where H = 1 atm  10 m depth of water = 76 cm of Hg.

 H  h  V1  HV2
If temperature is constant then
T1 T2
M – III: Charle’s law:
9. At constant volume P  T (for a given man of a gas)
 or   cons tan t  1  2 .
T T1 T2
10. At constant pressure V  T (for a given man of a gas)
 or   cons tan t  1  2 .
T T1 T2
M – IV: Ideal gas equation:
11. If one gram of gas is considered.
PV = rT (r = gas constant).
If one mole of gas is considered
PV  RT  1 1  2 2 . r  for n moles PV = nRT.
T1 T2 M
12. Difference forms of ideal gas equation.
a) PV = nRT
b) PV = (m/M)RT
c) P = (dRT)/M
m – mass of the gas, d – density of the gas, M – molecular weight.
For a given gas.
P1 P
 2 (if V and T are constant).
m1 m2
P1 P P1 P
 2 (if V is constant).  2
m1T1 m2T2 d1T1 d2T2
P1 P
If T is constant  2.
d1 d2
If P is constant d1T1  d2T2 .

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13. % change in T = % change P + % change in V.
14. When n1 moles of a non reacting gas in the state (P 1 V1 T1) is mixed with n2 moles
of gas in state (P2 V2 T2), if the resultant mixture is in the state (P, V, T).
1 1
 2 2  .
T1 T2 T
15. If two different gases of same mass occupy same volume at same pressure then
M1/T1 = M2/T2 (M1, M2 are molecular weights)


M – I: Joule’s law:
1. The work done on a system (w) is directly proportional to heat produced in the
w  Q or w  JQ; J  4.2 j/ cal, J  1 in SI system
2. A body of mass falls from height h and if it is potential energy converts into
heat then
mgh  ms t  t 
 S. should be in S.I units 
If x % of energy is converted into heat then
 x  mgh  mst.
 
 100 
3. An ice block of mass M falls from a height h and if its energy converts into heat
Mgh  mL  m
L  SI Units.
m  mass of the ice melted
The ice completely melts if h = 33.6 km.
4. When a body of mass m moving with velocity v is stopped and all its KE converts
into heat energy then
1 2
m2  mst  t 
 S  S.I units  .
5. If a body of mass m is dragged on a rough surface through a distance x then

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mg  mst  t 
If it is an ice block then mgx  m L.

Mass of the ice melted m  .

M – II: First law of thermodynamics:

6. dQ = du + dw.
dQ  + ve if heat is supplied to the system.
- ve if heat is absorbed from the system.
du  + ve if temperature increases. -ve if temperature decreases.
dw  P  v2  v1    ve if work is done by the gas.
- ve work is done on the gas.

M – III: Cp' Cv and relation between them:

7. A gas at constant
1 d
Specific heat at constant pressure cp  (at constant pressure).
m dt
1 d
Molar Specific heat at constant pressure Cp 
n dt
1 d
Specific heat at constant pressure c 
m dt
1 d
Molar Specific heat at constant pressure C  .
n dt
Cp  Mcp ; Cv  Mcv .
8. Cp  Cv  R  cp  cv  R / M.
9. The following table show the values of ,Cp , & Cv .

Type of the gas Cv Cp 

Monoatomic 3 5 5
R R  1.67
2 2 3
Diatomic 5 7 7
R R  1.4
2 2 5
Polyatomic 6 8 4
R R  1.33
(Tri-higher) 2 2 3

M – IV: Constant volume process: (Isochoric)

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P1 P
b)  2
T1 T2
c) dw = 0.
d) dQ = dU = n CvdT.

M – V: Constant pressure process: (Isobaric)

V1 V2
10. a) 
T1 T2
b) du = nCv dT.
c) dw = P  V2  V1 
d) dQ = nCp dT.
11. The fraction of heart energy supplied which is stored as internal energy
du 1
 .
dQ 
12. The fraction of heat energy supplied which is used in doing external work
dw 1
1 .
dQ 

M – VI: Isothermal process:

13. a) PV
1 1  P2V2 .

b) du = dT = 0.
v2 P1

c) d  dw  nRT loge v1
 nRT loge P2


 PV loge v1


 2.303 nRT log10 . v1

d) Cp  Cv  R; Cp/ Cv  r; Cv  R /    1  ; Cp  R    1 
e) Slope of isothermal curve = -P/V.
f) Isothermal bulk modules = .P.

M – VII: Adiabatic process:

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 
14. a) PV   cons tan t  PV
1 1  P2V2
  
b)TV 1
 Cons tan t  TV
1 1
 T2V2 1

     
c)T P1  Cons tan t  T1 P11  T2 P21
d)dQ  0, Cp  Cv  0
1 1  P2V2
nR  T1  T2 
e)dw   dU   .
 1  1
f)Adiabatic bulk modulus  P.
Slope of adiabatic curve  P /V.
n1Cp1  n2Cp2 n1C1  n2C2
15. For a mixture of two gases Cp  C 
n1  n2 n1  n2
  Cp/ Cv
16. Heat capacity or thermal capacity or water equivalent (ms) = Q / t


Qa Qr Q
1. Absorptivity a  , Re flectivity r  , Transimitivity t  t
2. Energy emitted by a block body from unit surface area in unit time is given by
E  T 4 .
E is also called emissive power.
For the bodies E  eT where E  emissivity.

3. Total energy emitted by a body in a time t is given by

E  eAT 4 t.
For a sphere E  e  4 R  T t.
2 4

i.e., E  R T .
2 4

4. The net heat lost or gained by a body at temperature T in unit time

E  e  A T4  Ts 4 . 
5. Newton’s law of cooling   TB  Ts  .
TB  Temperature of the body.

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Ts  Temperature of the surroundings.
6. If the temperature of a body decrease from T1 to T2 in a time t then according
to Newton’s law of cooling.
T1  T2  T  T2 
K 1  Ts  .
t  2 
7. 
If m is the wavelength corresponding to maximum monochromatic emissive
power of a body at temperature T the  m   or   mT  b (b is a constant).
b = 2.93 x 10-3 mk.
8. For a spherical body at temperature T
dQ dQ
c) Rate of heat loss  eAT 4  R2 . (If T is same).
dt dt
d) Rate of cooling is given by
msdT dT eAT 4 dT 1
 eAT 4    
dt dt ms dt R
(If T is same)

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