The Instructor: Tragicomedies in Pawn Endgames
The Instructor: Tragicomedies in Pawn Endgames
The Instructor: Tragicomedies in Pawn Endgames
Herewith, I offer proof that these words, spoken by a famous expert on pawn
endings, are true. Without commentary, I give below the final moves of some
actual games, and offer the readers the chance to comment on them, to uncover
all the mistakes committed by both players. The endgames you will be dealing
with here are not all that difficult; but still, the players on both sides have
provided you with plenty of opportunities for critical commentary.
1...Kf8 2. Qf5+ Qxf5 3. gf Kg7 4. c4
f3 5. h6+ Kxh6 6. c5 dc 7. f6 Kg6
White resigned.
Mark Dvoretsky
The Instructor
The Instructor
This move does not improve, but rather
significantly worsens, Blacks position,
by giving his opponent the opportunity to
exchange a pair of kingside pawns, and
to create a passed h-pawn.
Black can win by undermining the
enemy queenside pawns.
1...Kd7! 2. Kf3 Kc7 (2...Ke7 3. Ke4
Ke6 4. Kf3 Kd5 5. c6 Kd6 6. Ke4 a6-+
is also good; or 4. h4 Kd7! 5. Kf3 Ke7
6. Ke4 Ke6, working the same triangulation maneuver again and again, until
his opponent runs out of pawn moves) 3. h4 Kc8 (but not 3...Kb7 4. Ke4
a6? at once, in view of 5. ba+ Kxa6 6. c6! Kb6 7. Kxe5 f3 8. Kd6 f2 9.
c7=) 4. Ke4 Kb7 5. h3 Kc8 6. Kf3 Kc7 7. Ke4 Kb7 (zugzwang) 8. Kf3
2. Kf3??
A mistake in move order. After 2. h4! gh 3. Kf3 Kd5 4. c6 Kd6 5. Kg4 a6
6. ba Kxc6 7. Kxh4 Kb6 8. Kg4 Kxa6 9. h4, its White who wins.
2...Kd5 3. c6 Kd6??
3...e4+! 4. Kg4 Kd6-+ was necessary. It is curious that both players errors
on the 2nd and 3rd moves have not been discovered in any commentaries I
know of - for example, in Belyavsky and Mikhalchishins book, Winning
Endgame Strategy.
4. Ke4??
For the fourth time, the evaluation of the position changes by 180 degrees.
White would win by 4. h4! gh 5. Kg4.
4...a6 5. ba Kxc6 6. Kf3 Kb6 7. h4 (too late!) 8. Kg4 Kxa6 9.
Kxh4 Kb6 10. Kg4 Kc6 11. h4 Kd6 White resigned
Horowitz - Denker Philadelphia, 1936
M. Zinar, the well-known pawn-endgame
specialist, has shown that, from here on
in, every move by both players was
wrong, except the very last. His analysis
1) White should not have stuck his king
in the corner. The right plan for realizing
his advantage was that of expanding the
base of operations. This is what we call
the technique of exchanging pawns, in
order to secure a route for the king to the
opposite wing.
The Instructor
The Instructor
Black draws with 2...Ke7! 3. f4 Kf7, reaching the Maizelis position with
White to move.
3. Kg4??
The comedy of errors continues! Of course, 3. f4 or 3. Ke5 was correct.
3...Kf6 4. Kf4 Kf7??
Once again, instead of the saving move (4...Ke6! 5. Kg5 Kf7=), Black
makes a losing one.
5. Kf5??
And again White misses his opportunity: 5. Ke5! Ke7 6. f4, and Black is in
5...Ke7 6. Ke5 Kf7 7. Kd6 Kf6 8. Kd7 Kf7!
Near the finish, Black defends accurately. 8...Kg5? would be a mistake, in
view of 9. Ke6+-.
9. h6 (9. f4 Kf6 10. Ke8 Kf5 11. Kf7 Kxf4 12. Kg7 Kf5 13. Kxh7 Kf6=)
9...Kg6! 10. f4 (10. Ke6 Kxh6 11. f4 Kg7 12. Ke7 Kg6!=) 10. ...Kf7! (of
course not 10...Kxh6? 11. f5+- - but now, Whites in zugzwang) 11. f5 Kf6
This example demonstrates how both players moves can sometimes seem
senseless, when they are unacquainted with the ideas of the position.
In conclusion, I would like to show my readers a rather recently played
endgame which gave me a great deal of pleasure. True, both players
operated on about the same level as the players in our preceding examples;
but the solution demonstrated by F. Lindgren in Chess Informant is
instructive and quite pretty.
Laveryd - Wikstrom Umea, 1997
Black to move
What should be this games proper
outcome? On the queenside, the position
is one of mutual zugzwang: it looks as
though whichever side runs out of pawn
moves first will lose (and we would
expect that to be Black). So the correct
answer - that the position is drawn appears paradoxical.
The first question is: How does Black
avoid immediate loss, since 1...f6? (or
1...f5) is completely hopeless, due to 2.
ef gf 3. g4!
It turns out that the natural 2. h4? would not place Black in zugzwang, but
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The Instructor
The Instructor
47. a4?
A purposeful move (in some lines, it is
useful to advance this pawn to a5), but
badly timed. As Belyavsky shows, White
wins after 47. g4! However, his analysis
does contain one serious inaccuracy.
47...a5 (Whites task would be simpler
after 47...Kd6 48. f5 gf+ 49. Kxf5 c4
50. bc+ bc 51. Ke4, or 48...g5 49. a4!
Kc6 50. ab+ ab 51. Ke5) 48. a4 b4 49.
Kd3! Kd5 50. g5! (zugzwang) 50...Ke6
51. Kc4 Kf5 52. Kxc5 Kxf4 53. Kb5
Kxg5 54. Kxa5 Kf4 55. Kxb4 g5
Here, the grandmaster continues with 56.
a5 g4, ...and White reaches a queen
ending with a b-pawn - and every chance
of a win. In fact, the practical winning
chances in such endgames are quite high:
the defensive task is a difficult one.
Nevertheless, according to objective
authority - the endgame Database - the
position is drawn. Besides, White has an
easy win with 56. Kc3(c4)! g4 57. Kd3!
Kf3 (57...g3 58. Ke2) 58. a5, when the
White pawn queens with check, after
which Black cannot avoid the exchange
of queens.
47...Kd6 48. f5?? gf+ 49. Kxf5 Kd5??
Belyavsky and Mikhalchishin point out that 49...c4! wins immediately, and
wonder - quite rightly - why Mednis book, How To Beat Bobby Fischer
gives Blacks last move an exclamation mark.
50. g4 Kd4! 51. g5
Here or on the preceding move, it would have been simpler to have
exchanged pawns at b5. Still, a question mark on Whites last move would
be unjustified, since it too leads to an elementary draw.
51...c4 52. bc b4 53. c5??
Of course, he had to play 53. g6 b3 54. g7 b2 55. g8Q b1Q+ 56. Kf6(e6)=.
53...b3, and White soon resigned.
Well, after reading the article, we shouldnt be surprised at the extremely
low level of play exhibited by both sides in this pawn endgame - but this
example seems a bit much to me. In fact, it turns out that half of the errors
we have noted are more likely due to a misprinted text of the game.
According to a computer database, the game actually went differently:
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The Instructor
The Instructor
extra tempo he needs to secure the opposition. Which, of course, does not give
him the excuse to lose the game with 56...g5??
Inasmuch as I have referred several times to Belyavsky and Mikhalchishins
endgame booklets, I think this would be a good time to give a short impression
of these works. While they contain many interesting examples - some well
known, some taken from recent events - unfortunately, they fall short in
execution, with generally superficial commentaries. Heres an example of the
authors (and Batsfords editors) carelessness in preparation of these books:
curiously, the two examples which lead off the chapter of Winning Endgame
Strategy that deals with pawn endgames: Kuzmin - Petrosian and Cruz Seirawan (page 19) are later presented again as exercises, on pages 30 and 33.
And the version of the latter game presented here in fact differs from what
happened in the actual game. The endgame Klovan - Elistratov is presented as a
pawn endgame exercise twice! (Nos. 7 and 25). True, the h-pawn is in a
different location in each case; but this affects neither the play in this game. nor
the actual result.
Copyright 2001 Mark Dvoretsky. All rights reserved.
Translated by Jim Marfia
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