This Week' S Schedule:: TODAY - Sunday, March 13th
This Week' S Schedule:: TODAY - Sunday, March 13th
This Week' S Schedule:: TODAY - Sunday, March 13th
We are so glad you have joined us today! Our desire is that God
would bless and direct this time together. Worship is an
interactive, participatory experience and our prayer is that the
service today would strengthen and encourage you on your
spiritual journey. Whether you are new to faith, just coming back
to church, or a long-time follower of Jesus, we hope you find your
time with us engaging and meaningful.
Worship: a time to connect with God through song and prayer.
Feel free to stand and sing with us as we praise God through
singing by following the on-screen lyrics. A typical service lasts
about 65 minutes.
Offering: We give tithes and offerings as a part of worship in
obedience, celebration, and thanksgiving to the Lord. Its also just
our way of saying, We love our church and we want to support
it! If you are a guest, you are not expected or obligated to give.
Children: We have a fully-staffed Nursery for ages three and
below. Kids ages 4-12 will be dismissed during the service to the
childrens chapel to be taught by Pastor Linda and her staff.
Message: The teaching time seeks to communicate biblical truth
in compelling, relevant ways. All of our messages are available
as podcast on our website or through iTunes.
TODAY: March 13
March 6, 2016
Office Hours:
Monday - Thursday,
8:30 AM - 2:30 PM
Friday, 8:30 AM - 11:30 AM
Community Easter Egg Hunt - March 19th
If you can volunteer, please fill out the form in the bulletin
and place in the offering plate TODAY.
We are still in need of 5000 candy filled eggs. You may also
make a monetary donation. Mark your check Easter Egg
Hunt and place in the offering plate.
abortion groups like Planned Parenthood? On one side of the street, the
Supreme Court was debating common sense clinic regulations -- and on the
other, a panel of House members was getting to the bottom of Planned
Parenthood's black market of baby body parts. Both events hold tremendous
sway in the future of the abortion business, which has been under heavy
scrutiny since last year when undercover videos caught the industry's
owner joking about the dark world of baby organ harvesting. "There is
something going on," said Select Investigative Panel Chairman Marsha
Blackburn (R-Tenn.), "something that deserves investigating and that
demands our best moral and ethical thinking." The GOP brought up some of
the more disturbing documents they found through their investigation,
including an email where a researcher specifies his/her need for a "first
trimester human embryo, preferably around 8 weeks, and up to 10 weeks
gestation." Rep. Diane Black (R-Tenn.) was disgusted by the chain. "This is
not dignity. This is not respect for human life," she said. "I want to ask the
panelists -- have we reached a point in our society where there effectively is
an for human parts, including entire babies?" Hopefully, that's a
question the panel will be able to answer as it continues its work. In the
meantime, we applaud the House for placing a priority on human dignity -- not
a price on it, as Planned Parenthood has done.