Positive Behaviour Policy
Positive Behaviour Policy
Positive Behaviour Policy
Individual class systems such as raffle tickets or smiley faces (used mostly at the beginning of a new
term to help establish routines)
School Rules
Children move down the behavior policy for breaking the 5 rules
1. We do as we are asked the first time
2. We listen when others are talking
3. We wait or put our hand up when we wish to say something
4. We care for others in the things we do and say
5. We move sensibly and quietly at all times around school
All the rules will be discussed regularly in class sessions and assemblies so that all children know
what is acceptable/not acceptable. All staff apply the policy with due regard to their knowledge of
individual children. Ensure that the child understands what they have done wrong and what they
need to do to enable them to be emotionally well and able to continue to participate in their
1. Warning Stage
This involves the child/children being informed of what you expect, re-stating the rule, asking which rule
they have broken and asking for an explanation. Move childs name to the right hand side of the green.
2. Formal warning name moved to Amber
As stage 1, this involves . . . . . . . . . . . explanation.
3. Time out for 5 minutes reflection (Amber)
Child is sent to another area of the classroom. Discuss as Stage 1 and Stage 2.
4. Time out for 10 minutes reflection name moved to red
Child is taken by a Teaching Assistant to another classroom to sit on a chair and look at the behavior
policy/classroom rules. Discuss as Stage 1.
5. Child is taken to the Inclusion Manager
Name is recorded in purple behaviour log book, child remains for a period of time and is then taken back to
the classroom by the Inclusion Manager.
6. Child is taken to the Inclusion Manager
Parents are contacted by the Inclusion Manager. The child will stay in with the Inclusion Manager for a
period of time and is then taken back to the classroom by the Inclusion Manager
If further rules are broken by the child after the 6th stage, they will be taken to the Inclusion Manager
who will then instruct the teaching assistant (where possible) to take him/her to another room for the
rest of the session.
If parents are contact 3 times in any week, they will be requested to attend a meeting with the
1. Warning
2. Pupil requested to stand next to an adult for 5 minutes or adult on the door.
3. Sent to Inclusion Manager and name recorded in purple behaviour log. Parents contacted and child to
stay in the following day.
If parents are contacted 3 times in a any week, parents will be requested to attend a meeting with the
Head Teacher.
Every day is a new start! Children should not be reminded constantly of past indiscretions.
Staff must send a written note with details of the behaviour to the Headteacher/Inclusion Manager with
the child.
Fighting violently with other children
Swearing aggressively
Refusal to cooperate
One day internal exclusion with the Inclusion Manager and parents invited into school to discuss the
matter with the Headteacher.
Persistent offenders may then receive a half day external exclusion at the discretion of the Headteacher.
Exclusions and Preventions
Exclusion is a last resort that Fagley Primary School wish to undertake. A positive and supportive plan will
be put in place before an exclusion is considered.
If allowing the pupil to remain in school would seriously harm the education or welfare of the pupils or
staff in the school
The Governing Body of Fagley Primary School will ensure that this policy continues to promote good
behaviour and discipline for its pupils with consideration of guidance that may come from the Secretary of
January 2016
Print name
Chris Parfitt
C. Parfitt
March 2016
Mike Whitehouse
M. Whitehouse
March 2016
Head Teacher
On behalf of
Governing Body
Outstanding Behaviour
Good Behaviour
Inappropriate Behaviour
Stage 4: Ten minutes time out
Stage 5: Child taken to the Inclusion Manager
January 2016
Print name
Head Teacher
On behalf of
Governing Body