Openwrt Build

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On Ubuntu 14.04 LTS Trusty Tahr/Debian 7.7.0/Mint 17

sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get -y install git openssl libssl-dev unzip buildessential binutils flex bison autoconf gettext texinfo
sharutils subversion libncurses5-dev ncurses-term zlib1g-dev
git clone git://
git clone git:// #koristio ovaj
cd openwrt
./scripts/feeds update -a
./scripts/feeds install a
wget -O .config
make defconfig
make prereq
make menuconfig
< > vsftpd............................. A fast and secure FTP serve
< > vsftpd-tls............................ A fast and secure FTP se

All it takes is a make at this point. I like to use make V=s because I like to
watch it do its thing
make V=s

make V=99

make V=s -j1

#koristio ovo

Skipping failed packages

If you are building everything (not just packages enough to make a flashable image) and build
stops on a package you don't care about you can skip failed packages by using

IGNORE_ERRORS=1 make <make options>

make clean

#ovo kad zabrlja

deletes contents of bin and build_dir directories.

make dirclean

deletes contents of /bin and /build_dir directories and additionally /staging_dir and
/toolchain (=the cross-compile tools). 'Dirclean' is your basic "Full clean" operation.

make distclean

Compiling OpenWrt from source

25 October 2015 on programming, openwrt 0 Comments

OpenWrt is an open source firmware project targeting routers and systems of almost any
architecture. Knowing how to build from source is important for developers and others that
want to change the default installation image. For example we can change the QoS
algorithms, include LuCI by default, or create an openflow switch (using Open vSwitch or
CPqD's OpenFlow). The purpose of this article is to show you how.
The compilation process is involved and a mistake (or a bug) can brick your router. I haven't
encountered an issue yet, but you should know how to debrick just in case.

Prerequisites for Compiling OpenWrt

The first step is look at the OpenWrt Source Repositories page for your preferred version of
OpenWrt. I'll be using the latest binary release, currently Chaos Calmer 15.05, but definitely
use a newer version if it exists and adapt the following instructions to your version (or trunk if
you're daring).
Next you'll need to find your router's configuration (config.diff or config_generic) at the
OpenWrt Downloads page. I'm compiling OpenWrt 15.05 for the X86, and here is that config.
If you have a different board: save the link, we'll use it later. Note that you don't need this file
but it makes the process easier since usb and things are typically included.
The last required item is an Ubuntu build machine. A simple VM works fine, and I'm using an
AWS EC2 c3.4xlarge "spot request" instance (16 core, 30GB RAM, ssd) to build in about 20
minutes. The AWS spot requests are much more cost efficient than the reserved instances but
you might get booted if costs rise.

Compiling the Source

We're ready to begin our journey. Install some required tools, make the build directory, and
clone the source:
sudo apt-get -y install git openssl libssl-dev unzip buildessential binutils flex bison autoconf gettext texinfo
sharutils subversion libncurses5-dev ncurses-term zlib1g-dev
mkdir ~/openwrt-chaoscalmer/ && cd ~/openwrt-chaoscalmer/;
git clone git://;
cd openwrt;
Now for some background on the configuration and feeds...

Background on Configuration
The build configuration (.config file) controls the target platform, packages to compile into
firmware, packages to compile for opkg install, and many other options.
In the .config, a package is in one of three states:

y means it is compiled and included in firmware

m means it is compiled and not included in firmware

n means the package is not compiled

Since we can download and install packages post-flash using opkg, we'll transition all m
packages to n. NOTE: DO NOT USE SPACEBAR to disable packages, use the n on the
keyboard; spacebar switches the inclusion state which can unintentionally include (many)
other packages. Disabling these makes the build MUCH faster. Read more about
configuration at OpenWrt's build wiki here.

Background on Feeds
OpenWrt describes feeds as "additional predefined package build recipes for OpenWrt
Buildroot", where each feed resides on a remote host and are downloaded (from, say,
GitHub). The scripts/feeds script is used to fetch and enable ("install") the packages in
menuconfig, making them visible for selection.
It's easy to enable custom feeds to make your own packages or include others. In a later post
I'll use feeds to include CPqD's OpenFlow 1.3 userspace module or Open vSwitch (OVS) to
talk to a controller (such as Floodlight or OpenDaylight). Those controllers let us manage lots
of switches from a centralized location.
Enough about feeds here, and read OpenWrt's wiki on feeds if you need more information.

Build, Build, Build!!

Now install feeds, fetch the config file, select your target profile, disable compile-only
packages, and verify that you have prereqs:
# Fetch feeds from remote repositories
# and make them visible to menuconfig
./scripts/feeds update -a
./scripts/feeds install -a
# Get the configuration for YOUR router if you found it
wget -O .config
make defconfig
# Select YOUR router's profile
# Mine is TP-LINK TL-WR1043N/ND
make menuconfig


< > vsftpd............................. A fast and secure FTP serve

< > vsftpd-tls............................ A fast and secure FTP se

# Disable the compile-only packages AND disable the SDK (for fast builds)
# and make sure we have build prereqs
sed --in-place=.bak -e 's/=m$/=n/g' -e 's/^CONFIG_SDK=y$/CONFIG_SDK=n/'

make prereq #ovo koristio prije make menuconfig

That was a ton of setup and configuration. But hey, we're ready to build! Use -j to run
parallel jobs and V=s to capture the output.
time make V=s -j20 2>&1 | tee build.log | grep -i error

Build issue tip: Just retry the build if it fails. If it continues to fail use V=s -j1 and check the
active tickets; my build failed because the gdb-linaro download url changed so if you have
that issue, look at this ticket for a workaround.
After the build is done, scp the file to your router and use sysupgrade <build>.bin (with -n
to clear the config files). Read up on how to configure OpenWrt and have fun!
I'll make another post soon on how to include openflow in the build and configure for
OpenDaylight or Floodlight controllers.

I hope this reply doesn't come too late for you, but I ran into the same problem, in my case:

error: ext4_allocate_best_fit_partial: failed to

allocate 1579 blocks, out of space?
I solved the problem by increasing the root filesystem partition size from 48
(MB) to 96. You should be OK by only increasing to 64 or fewer MB, since
you're only shy by 13 blocks.
Make the change by running "make menuconfig", go to "Target Images", "Root
filesystem partition size (in MB)"
< > vsftpd............................. A fast and secure FTP serve
< > vsftpd-tls............................ A fast and secure FTP se
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