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The engineering which involves in modifying the existing buildings for structural
behavior without hampering its basic intent of use is termed as retrofitting. It becomes necessary
to improve the performance of structures including those facing loss of strength due to
deterioration or which have crossed their anticipated lifespan. The realization of retrofitting
depends on the authentic cause and measures adopted to prevent its further deterioration. This
development includes repair, retrofit, renovation and reconstruction wherever required. A
proper load path has to be analyzed by a structural engineer and a decision has to be taken if any
additional member like shear walls, etc needs to be added. The engineering analysis, design and
construction of any necessary retrofitting must be carried out bearing in mind the following

Functionality aspect: The basic function/ operation of the structure should not be
Structural safety Aspect: The susceptibility of the structure to an earthquake event
has to be within acceptable standards.
Importance Level Aspect: Historic buildings with immense archeological
importance are sometimes beyond the cost factor for retrofitting. Such structures have
to be rehabilitated without changing its elegance.
Construction Methodology Aspect: The retrofitting has to be performed using latest
construction techniques that have the minimal impact on usual functioning of the
Economy Aspect: The entire cost of construction has to be practical and logical
towards extended life of the structure.
Skilled labour availability: The retrofitting practices need unusual construction
method and is highly technical job and calls for utmost care to implement it. A very
skilled workmanship must be provided to instrument the suggested measures.

Different Retrofitting options for Buildings

Based on the intensity of the repairs needed and calculations done, various retrofitting options
listed below are used to enhance the structural strength

Replacement of structurally fragile concrete,

Grouting and crack repair,
Crack repairs and Patch repairs,
Replacement of carbonated concrete near steel reinforcement,
Cleaning and passivating corroded steel reinforcement,
Concrete overlays with normal low or highly fluid concrete, latex modified concrete
and corrosion protection such as jacketing, etc.,

Re-alkalization of carbonated concrete,

Electro chemical removal of chloride from concrete, and
Water proofing / or protective coating.

Post Retrofitting tests and measures on the building

An independent assessment to check the stability of the strengthened structure is suggested post
the rehabilitation work is done. A Live Load test using concepts of Sand bags or similar arranged
all over the floor in order to replicate the Live Loading condition may be used. The structure has
to be assessed for strength and serviceability cases of design.
Rehabilitation of structures embroils contribution of high end technology, advanced skills and
calculations. This is a very responsible job to be done to save hazardous failure of structures due
to deterioration. The success of this subject totally depends on gaining expertise in the field and
day to day advancements. Rehabilitation is highly recommended for age-old buildings showing
signs of decent and save human lives from failures.

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