IWS Survey Requirements
IWS Survey Requirements
IWS Survey Requirements The in-water survey is to be carried out with the ship at light draught in sheltered water preferably
with weak tidal streams and currents. The in-water visibility is to be good and the hull below waterline is to
be sufficiently clean to permit meaningful examination. IRS is to be satisfied with the methods of
localisation of the divers on the plating, which should make use where necessary of permanent markings
on the plating at selected points. The in-water survey is to be carried out by a person who is a skilled diver and trained to carry out
in-water survey, or a qualified diver under surveillance of a Surveyor. The diver has to be employed by a
firm approved by IRS. The equipment, procedure for observing and reporting the survey are to be
discussed with the parties involved prior to the in-water survey and suitable time is to be allowed to enable
the diving company to test all equipment beforehand. When professional divers are employed, the Surveyor is to be satisfied with the method of pictorial
representation, and a good two-way communication between the Surveyor and divers is to be provided. If the in-water survey reveals damage or a deterioration that requires early attention, the Surveyor
may require that the ship to be dry docked in order that a detailed survey can be undertaken and the
necessary repairs carried out. The condition of the coating is to be confirmed at every dry docking for continuance of the