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VHDL Implementation and Verification of Arinc-429 Core: Gudlavalleru Engineeringcollege, Gudlavalleru, Jntu, Hyderabad

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*Prof.M.Kamaraju, * Dr A.V.N.Tilak, **Dr K.Lalkishore, *K.Baburao

*Gudlavalleru EngineeringCollege, Gudlavalleru, **JNTU, Hyderabad
Modern Avionics are controlled by sophisticated mission
components in the Aircraft. The control function is implemented
via a standard ARINC-429 bus interface. It is a two-wire point-topoint serial data bus for control communications in Avionics. The
bus operates 12.5 or 100kb/sec, the implementation is envisaged
for one transmits and receive channel respectively. Further the
code can be modified for more no of independent Tx and Rx
channels. An on chip memory allotment on the FPGA will provide
a buffer bank for storing the incoming or outgoing data. For this
purpose SRAM based FPGAs are utilized. This flexible
ARINC429 solution gives exactly what is needed for real time
applications. The IP can be programmed to send an interrupt to the
host and also prepare it to process the data. Majority of the
hardware function of digital natures are embedded into a single
FPGA by saving in terms of PCB board space, power consumption
and volume results. This paper deals with the development,
implementation, simulation, and verification of ARINC_429
formats. The IP core development is described in VHDL.

(Keywords: ARINC429, Independent Transmitter

& Receiver, On chip memory)

1.1 ARINC 429 Overview
ARINC 429 is a two-wire; point-to-point data bus that is
application-specific for commercial and transport aircraft.
The connection wires are twisted pairs. Words are 32 bits in
length and most messages consist of a single data word.
The specification defines the electrical standard and data
characteristics and protocols. ARINC 429 uses a
unidirectional data bus standard (Tx and Rx are on separate
ports) known as the Mark 33 digital Information Transfer
System (DITS). Messages are transmitted at 12.5, 50
(optional), or 100 kbps to other system elements that are
monitoring the bus messages. The transmitter is always
transmitting either 32-bit data words or the Null state. Each
ARINC word contains five fields: Parity, Sign/Status Matrix,
Data, and Source/Destination Identifiers, Label. In Fig.1, the
parity bit is bit 32 (the MSB), SSM is the Sign/Status Matrix
and is included as bits 30 and 31, bits 11 to 29 contain the
data. Binary Coded Decimal (BCD) and binary encoding
(BNR) are common ARINC data formats. Data formats can
also be mixed. Bits 9 and 10 are Source/Destination
Identifiers (SDI) and indicate for which receiver the data is
intended. Bits 1 to 8 contain a label (label words) identifying
the data type. Label words are quite specific in ARINC 429.
Each aircraft may be equipped with different electronic
equipment and systems needing interconnection. A large
amount of equipment may be involved, depending on the
aircraft. The ARINC specification identifies the equipment ID,
a series of digital identification numbers. Examples of
equipment are Flight Management Computers, Inertial

Reference Systems, Fuel Tanks, Tire

Monitoring Systems, and GPS Sensors.


Fig. 1 ARINC Data Bit Positions

1.2 Transmission Order
The least significant bit of each byte, except the label, is
transmitted first, and the label is transmitted ahead of the
Data in each case. The order of the bits transmitted on the
ARINC bus is as follows: 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, 9, 10, 11, 12,
13 32.

2. Core 429 Overview

Core 429 provides a complete and flexible interface to a
microprocessor and an ARINC 429 data bus. Connection
to an ARINC 429 data bus requires additional line drivers
and line receivers.Core429 interfaces to a processor through
the internal memory of the receiver. Core429 can be easily
interfaced to an 8-, 16- or 32-bit data bus. Look-up tables
loaded into memory enable the Core429 receive circuitry to
filter and sort incoming data by label and destination bits.
Core429 supports multiple (configurable) ARINC 429
receiver channels, and each receives data independently.
The receiver data rates (high or low speed) can be
programmed independently. Core429 can decode and sort
data based on the ARINC 429 Label and SDI bits and stores
it in FIFO. Each receiver uses programmable FIFO to buffer
received data. Core429 supports multiple (configurable)
ARINC 429 transmit channels and each channel can
transmit data independently.

2.1 Functional Description

The core has three main blocks: Transmitter, Receiver, and
CPU interface. The core can be configured to provide up
to 16 transmit and receive channels.
2.1 (a) Rx Block: The Fig.2, Rx block is responsible for
recovering the clock from the input serial data and performs
serial-to-parallel Conversion and gap/parity check on the
incoming data. It also interfaces with the CPU. The Rx
module contains two 8-bit registers. One is used for control
function and the other is used for status. The CPU interface
configures the internal RAM with the labels, which are used
to compare against the incoming labels from the received
ARINC data.If the label-compare bit in the receive control
register is enabled, then the data which matches its labels
with the stored labels will be stored in the FIFO. If the label
compare bit in the receive control register is disabled, then
the incoming data will be stored in the FIFO without
comparing against the labels in RAM.
The core supports reloading label memory using bit
7 of the Rx control register,set bit 7 to initialize the label
memory, the old label content still exists, but the core keeps

2.1 (c) CPU Interface

The CPU interface allows access to the Core429 internal
registers, FIFO, and internal memory. This interface is
synchronous to the clock.

Fig.2 Core429 Rx (receiver) block Diagram

track only of the new label and does not use the old label
during label compare. The FIFO asserts three status signals:
rx_fifo_empty: FIFO is empty, rx_fifo_half_full: FIFO is filled
up to the programmed RX_FIFO_LEVEL, rx_fifo_full: FIFO is
full Depending on the FIFO status signals, the CPU will
either read the FIFO before it overflows, or not attempt to
read the FIFO if it is empty. The interrupt signal int_out_rx is
generated when one of the FIFO status signals
(rx_fifo_empty, rx_fifo_half_full, and rx_fifo_full) are high.
2.1(b) Tx Block: Fig. 3 shows core 429 Tx bock converts
the 32-bit parallel data from the Tx FIFO to serial data. It
also inserts the parity bit into the ARINC data when parity is
enabled. The CPU interface is used to fill the FIFO with
ARINC data. The Tx FIFO can hold up to 512 ARINC words
of data. The transmission starts as soon as one complete
ARINC word has been stored in the transmit FIFO.

Table 1 CPU Interface Signals

3. Implementation
3.1 VLSI Design Flow
The whole design is implemented in VHDL using
Altera Quartus II software. The following steps are followed
in the whole design. Make use of Cyclone targated board
(Fig.5),ARNIC core 429 tested and verified successfully.

Fig.3 Core 429 Tx (transmitter) block diagram

The Tx module contains two 8-bit registers. One is used for
a control function and the other is used for status. The CPU
interface allows the system CPU to access the control and

Fig. 4 VLSI Design Flow

status registers within the core. The Tx FIFO asserts

three status signals: tx_fifo_empty: Tx FIFO is empty,
tx_fifo_half_full: Tx FIFO is filled up to the programmed
TX_FIFO_LEVEL, tx_fifo_full: TX FIFO is full Depending on
the FIFO status signals, the CPU will either read the FIFO
before it overflows, or not attempt to read the FIFO if it is
empty. The interrupt signal int_out_tx is generated when one
of the FIFO status signals (tx_fifo_empty, tx_fifo_half_full
and tx_fifo_full) are high.

Fig. 5. Implementation board


Fig.8b. Receiver Top Level Results 2

5.2 Flow summery,Floor planner,Chip view of

ARINC core429
Fig.7a. Transmitter Top Level Results 1

Fig 9 Flow summary of core 429

Fig.7b. Transmitter Top Level Results 2

Fig. 10 Floor planner of core 429

Fig.8a. Receiver Top Level Results 1

Fig. 11 chip view of core 429

5.3 RTL schematics of

Transmitter, Receiver & core 429

Fig.14 Core 429 RTL VIEWER


Fig.12 Transmitter top level RTL Viewer

ARINC-429 is standard communication protocol used to

link devices having this interface. In the course of executing
project work the required hardware for data reception &
transmission have been designed using VHDL and implemented
on simulated FPGA. Provision has been given for 16
transmit/receiver channels but only one channel of Transmit
/Receive is simulated. This can be duplicated for implementing
channels in excess of one. The ARINC-429 data format are
followed in implementing the logic.
Based on the simulation carried out, it is hereby
conclude that the logic can be implemented in any standard FPGA
device. Minor adjustments in Floor planning may be required with
respective the FPGA manufacture by various vendors like Xilinx,
Altera, Actel or any other sources.
An ASIC (Application Specific Integrated Circuit) may be made
from the implemented logic. If the ASIC is made in numbers the
cost of manufacturing can be reduced.
[1] ARINC Specification 429P1-15, September 1, 1995
ARINC Specification 429P2-15, March 6, 1996
[2] Principles of Avionics Data Buses, Editorial Staff of
Avionics, Communications Inc., Leesburg, VA
[3] AEEC Letter 97-013/WIL-03, January 24, 1996
[4] ARINC Digital Data System Compendium, ARINC Report
419-3,November 5, 1984
[5] ARINC Airborne Computer Data Loader, ARINC Report 6152, June 1, 1991
[6] ARINC 629 P1-4 Multi-Transmitter Data Bus, Part1,
Technical Description, December 1995
[7]. J. Rose, A.E. Gamal, and A. Sangiovanni Vincentelli,

"Architecture of Field-Programmable Gate Arrays," Proc.

IEEE, vol. 81, no. 7, July 1993, pp.1013-102
Fig. 13 Receiver top level RTL Viewer

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