Social Constructivism Theory

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Social Constructivism Theory

A statement indicating how your project is underpinned by evidence-based

learning theory.
Social constructivism is a theory based around the way in which people learn, it
is about students constructing their own understanding and knowledge of the
world, through having the opportunity to experience different things and
reflecting upon these experiences (Macnish, 2016). It is about students being the
creators of their knowledge and asking questions, exploring these and reflecting
upon the answers.
The way in which we have underpinned our Biome Exploration with the social
constructivist theory was through following the five attributes of constructivism
as shown below.

Active: We have allowed for students to manipulate their knowledge of

World Biomes into a variety of different displays of information. Through
the use of ICT they are putting their both prior and developing knowledge
onto a structured mind map as well as a more visual interactive poster. In
addition to this they are then writing a creative piece on what it might be
like to experience a day in their Biome. All of the above allows for students
to observe their learning and stimulate a greater understanding. Active:
Manipulation of information and observation of results to stimulate greater

Constructive: Choosing a topic of geography and more specifically Biomes,

which is specific to the year 4 HASS Curriculum, allows for students to
build upon their already existing knowledge of what a Biome is and this
might affect different communities of flora and fauna.

Authentic: We have created a project which is in a real-work context, being

that we are all affected by our climate, some being harsher than others.
Often living in Australia we are unaware of Biomes such as Tundra and the
Savanna Grasslands so introducing students to these early on allows them
to develop an understanding of how large and dissimilar the world really
Cooperative: Through the use of several motivation activities we have
allowed for students to work cooperatively in groups, through the use of a
Biome quiz and a QR quiz. Both activities allow for students to interact
with one another and knowledge is often given greater meaning and
depth. As as this the project itself integrates a significant amount of
discussion both at the commencement of lessons along with the lesson
Intentional: The way in which we have made the learning intentional is
setting out four separate explorations. These are introduced to the
students in the very first lesson, allowing them to see how the learning will
progress and more importantly what will come as a result. This will allow
them greater control of their learning and the opportunity to articulate
their goals.

Macnish, J. (2016) Social Constructivism Class Notes. Retrieved from

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