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Fixing PID

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Fixing PID

Proportional-integral-derivative controllers may be ubiquitous, but theyre

not perfect.
Vance VanDoren, PhD, PE for Control Engineering



Although the PID algorithm was first applied to a feedback control

problem more than a century ago and has served as the de facto
standard for process control since the 1940s, PID loops have seen a
number of improvements over the years. Mechanical PID
mechanisms have been supplanted in turn by pneumatic, electronic,
and computer-based devices; and the PID calculation itself has been
tweaked to provide tighter control.
Integral action or automatic reset was the first fix introduced to
improve the performance of feedback controllers back when they
were equipped with only proportional action. A basic P-only
controller applies a corrective effort to the process in proportion to the
difference or error between the desired setpoint and the current
process variable measurement.
When the setpoint goes up or the process variable goes down, the
error between them grows in the positive direction, causing a P-only
controller to respond with a positive control effort that drives the
process variable back up towards the setpoint. In the converse case,
the error grows in the negative direction and the controller responds
with a negative control effort that drives the process variable back
A P-only controller is intuitive and easy to implement, but it tends to
reach a point of diminishing returns. As the error decreases with each
new control effort, so does the next control effort. That in turn slows
the rate at which the error decreases until it ceases to change
altogether. Unfortunately, that steady-state error is never zero. A Ponly controller always leaves the process variable slightly off the

setpoint. See the Steady-state error graphic for a demonstration of

why this happens.

In this simple example of a

generic control loop, a proportional-only controller with a gain of 2
drives a process with a steady-state gain of 3. That is, the controller
amplifies the error by a factor of 2 to produce the control effort, and
the process multiplies the control effort by a factor of 3 (and adds a
few transient oscillations) to produce the process variable. If the
setpoint is 70%, the process variable will end up at 60% after the
transients die out. The error remains nonzero, yet the controller stops
trying to reduce it any further.
Integral action operating in parallel with proportional action eliminates
that steady-state error. It increases the control effort in proportion to
the running total or integral of all the previous errors and continues to
grow so long as any error remains. As a result, a proportional-plusintegral or PI controller never gives up. It continues to apply an
ever-increasing control effort until the process variable reaches the
Unfortunately, the introduction of integral action causes other
problems that require their own fixes. Arguably the most significant is
an increased risk of closed-loop instability where the integral actions
persistence does more harm than good. It can grow so large that it
forces the process variable to overshoot the setpoint.
If the controlled process happens to be particularly sensitive to the
controllers efforts, that overshoot will cause an even larger error in
the opposite direction. The controller will eventually change course in
an effort to eliminate the new error but will end up driving the process
variable back the other way, ending up even further from the setpoint.
Eventually, the controller will start oscillating from fully on to fully off in
a vain effort to reach a steady state.
The simplest solution to this problem is to reduce the amplification
factor or gain by which the controller multiplies the integrated error to
generate the integral action. On the other hand, reducing the integral
gain risks increasing the time required for the closed-loop system to
reach a steady state with zero error. Hundreds of analytical and

heuristic techniques have been developed over the years to

determine values for the integral and proportional gains that are just
right for a particular application.
Reset windup
Integral action can also cause reset windup when the actuator is too
small to implement an especially large control effort requested by the
controller. That can happen when a burner isnt large enough to
supply the necessary heat, a valve is too small to generate a high
enough flow rate, or a pump reaches its maximum speed. The
actuator is said to be saturated at some limiting valueeither its
maximum or minimum output.
When actuator saturation prevents the process variable from rising
any further, the controller continues to see positive errors between
the setpoint and the process variable. The integrated error continues
to rise, and the integral action continues to call for an increasingly
aggressive control effort. However, the actuator remains stuck at its
maximum output, unable to affect the process any further, so the
process variable doesnt get any closer to the setpoint.
An operator can try to fix the problem by reducing the setpoint back
into the range that the actuator is capable of achieving, but the
controller will not respond because of the enormous value that the
total integrated error will have achieved during the time that the
actuator was saturated fully on. That total will remain very large for a
very long time, no matter what the current value of the error happens
to be. As a result, the integral action will remain very high, and the
controller will keep pushing the actuator against its upper limit.
Fortunately, the error will turn negative if the operator drops the
setpoint low enough, so the total integrated error will eventually start
to fall. Still, a long series of negative errors will be required to cancel
the long series of positive errors that had been accumulating in the
integrators running total. Until that happens, the integral action will
remain large enough to continue saturating the actuator, no matter
what the simultaneous proportional action is calling for. See the
Reset windup graphic.
Several techniques have been devised to protect against reset
windup. The obvious solution is to replace the undersized actuator
with a larger one capable of actually driving the process variable all
the way to the setpoint or selecting setpoints that the existing

actuator can actually reach. Otherwise, the integrator can simply be

turned off when the actuator saturates.

In this example, the operator has tried

to increase the setpoint to a value higher than the actuator is capable
of achieving. After observing that the controller has been unable to
drive the process variable that high, the operator returns the setpoint
to a lower value. Note that the controller does not begin to lower its
control effort until well after the setpoint has been lowered because
the integral action has grown very large during the controllers futile
attempt to reach the higher setpoint. Instead, the controller continues
to call for a maximum control effort even though the error has turned
negative. The control effort does not begin to drop until the negative
errors following the setpoint change have persisted as long as the
positive errors had persisted prior to the setpoint change (or more
precisely, until the integral of the negative errors reaches the same
magnitude as the integral of the positive errors).

In this case, the operator has

repeated the same sequence of setpoint moves, but this time using a
PID controller equipped with reset windup protection. Extra logic
added to the PID algorithm shuts off the controllers integrator when
the actuator hits its upper limit. The process variable still cant reach
the higher setpoint, but the controllers integral action doesnt wind up
during the attempt. That allows the controller to respond immediately
when the setpoint is lowered.

Reset windup also occurs when the actuator is turned off but the
controller isnt. In a cascade controller, for example, the outer-loop
controller will see no response to its control efforts while the inner
loop is in manual mode. If the outer-loop controller is left operating
during that interval, its integral action will wind up as the error
remains constant.
Similarly, when the burner, valve, or pump is shut down between
cycles of a batching operation, the process variable is prevented from
getting any closer to the setpoint, again leading to windup. Thats not
a problem while the actuator remains off, but as soon the actuator is
reactivated at the beginning of the next batch, the controller will
immediately call for a 100% control effort and saturate the actuator.
The obvious solution to this problem is to turn off the controllers
integrator whenever the actuator is turned off or to eliminate the error
artificially by adjusting the setpoint to whatever value the process
variable takes between batches. But theres another approach that
not only prevents reset windup between batches but actually
improves the controllers performance during the next batch.
Pre-loading freezes the output of the controllers integrator between
batches so that the integral action starts the next batch with the total
integrated error that it had accumulated as of the end of the previous
batch. This technique assumes that the controller is eventually going
to need the same amount of integral action to reach the same steady
state as in the previous batch, so theres no point in starting the
integrated error at zero. With pre-loading, the integral action
essentially picks up right where it left off at the end of the previous
batch, thereby shortening the time required to achieve a steady state
in the next batch.
Pre-loading works best if each successive batch is more-or-less
identical to its predecessor so that the controller is attempting to
achieve the same setpoint under the same load conditions every
time. But even if the batches arent identical, it is sometimes possible
to use a mathematical model of the process to predict what level of
integral action is eventually going to be required to achieve a steady
state. The required integrated error can then be deduced and preloaded into the controllers integrator at the start of each batch. This
approach will also work for a continuous process if it can be modeled
prior to the initial start-up.
Bumpless transfer

One potential drawback to pre-loading is the abrupt change it can

cause in the actuators output at the beginning of each batch.
Although the actuator wont immediately slam all the way open if preloading is used to prevent reset windup, it will try to start the next
batch at or near the position it was in at the end of the previous
batch. If that causes an abrupt change that is likely to damage the
actuator, the controllers integrator can be ramped up gradually to its
pre-load value.
A similar problem can occur when a controller is switched from
automatic to manual mode and back again. If an operator manually
modifies the control effort during that interval, the controller will
abruptly switch the control effort to whatever the PID algorithm is
calling for at the time automatic mode is resumed.
Bumpless transfer solves this problem by artificially pre-loading the
integrator with whatever value is required to restart automatic
operations without changing the control effort from wherever the
operator left it. The controller will still have to make adjustments if the
operators actions, changes in the process variable, or changes in the
setpoint have created an error while the controller was in manual
mode, but less of a bump will result when the controller is
transferred back to automatic mode.
Still more windup problems
All of these windup-related problems are compounded by deadtime
the interval required for the process variable to change following a
change in the control effort. Deadtime typically occurs when the
process variable sensor is located too far downstream from the
actuator. No matter how hard the controller works, it cannot begin to
reduce an error between the process variable and the setpoint until
the material that the actuator has modified reaches the sensor.
As the controller is waiting for its efforts to take effect, the process
variable and the error will remain fixed, causing the integral action to
wind up just as if the actuator were saturated or turned off. The most
common fix to this problem is to de-tune the controller; that is, reduce
the integral gain to reduce the maximum integral action caused by
The same effect can be achieved by equipping the integral action
with its own deadtime so that windup does not begin until at least
some of the process deadtime has elapsed. This in turn lowers the

total integrated error that the controller can accumulate during the
interval that the error is fixed.
Deadtime-induced windup can also be ameliorated by making the
integral action intermittent. Let the proportional action do all the work
until the process variable has settled somewhere close to the
setpoint, then turn on the integral action only long enough to
eliminate the remaining steady-state error. This approach not only
delays the onset of windup, it gives the integral action only small
errors to deal with, thereby reducing the maximum windup effect.
But wait, theres more
This only scratches the surface of the many ways engineers have
sought to improve control performance. The PID algorithm has also
been modified to deal with velocity-limited actuators, time-varying
process models, noise in the process variable measurement,
excessive derivative action during setpoint changes, and more.
Future installments of this series will look at the effects these
problems cause and how they can be avoided.
Vance VanDoren, PhD, PE, is Control Engineering contributing
content specialist. Reach him at controleng(at)msn.com.
Related News:
Tuning PID control loops for fast response - 01.07.2014
Fixing PID, Part 2 - 28.04.2014 14:20
PID math demystified, part 1 - 06.05.2013 14:02
Fundamentals of lambda tuning - 16.04.2013 11:28
Evolving PID tuning rules - 13.03.2013 14:33
Feedback controllers do their best - 16.10.2012 10:27
Disturbance-Rejection vs. Setpoint-Tracking
Controllers - 26.09.2011 12:47
Applying gain scheduling - 25.02.2011 11:51
Back to Basics: Closed-loop stability - 17.08.2010 13:27
The Three Faces of PID - 01.03.2007 07:00

Fixing PID, Part 2

Proportional-integral-derivative controllers may be ubiquitous, but theyre
not perfect.
Vance VanDoren, PhD, PE



Part 1 of this series (Control Engineering, Nov.

2012) looked at several issues that limit the performance of the
theoretical PID algorithm in real-world applications of feedback
All of these problems are exacerbated by uncertainty. Sometimes the
controller lacks sufficient information about the controlled process to
know how much and how long to apply a control effort. Sometimes
the controller can't even tell if it's done a good job or how to do a
better job in the future when sensor placement, physical limitations of
the sensing technology, or measurement noise make the process
variable hard to measure.
Measurement noise is particularly troublesome for a PID controller's
derivative action. To compute the "D" component of its next control
effort, the controller computes the latest change in the error (the
difference between the process variable and the setpoint) and
multiplies that by the derivative gain or rate parameter.
When random electrical interference or other glitches in the sensor's
output cause the controller to see fictitious changes in the process
variable, the controller's derivative action increases or decreases
unnecessarily. If the noise is particularly severe or the derivative gain
is particularly high, the controller's subsequent chaotic control efforts
may be not only unnecessary, but also damaging to the actuator and
perhaps even to the controlled process itself.

The simplest solution to this problem is to reduce the derivative gain
when measurement noise is high, but doing so limits its
effectiveness. The measurement noise itself can sometimes be
reduced by fixing the sensor or by filtering the process variable
measurement mathematically. A process variable filter essentially
averages the sensor's most recent outputs to produce a better
estimate of the process variable's actual value.
However, process variable filters have their limitations. They only
work if the measurement noise is truly random, sometimes increasing
and sometimes decreasing the sensor's output in equal measure. If
those positive and negative blips also occur with equal frequency,
then the filter's averaging operation will tend to cancel them out. But
if the measurement noise tends to skew the sensor's output
consistently in one direction or the other, the filtered process variable
will tend to run consistently too high or too low, thereby deceiving the
controller into working too hard or too little.
A process variable filter also slows the controller's reaction time. If the
filter is configured to average a particularly long sequence of sensor
outputs, it will do a better job of cancelling out random blips, but it will
also tend to miss the most recent changes in the actual process
variable. The filter needs to see a sustained change in the sensor's
output before it can report a new value of the process variable to the
controller. The controller can't even see, let alone react to rapid,
short-term changes in the process variable, as discussed in the
"Filtering" section below.
As a compromise, some PID controllers can be configured to filter the
process variable to differing degrees when computing the
proportional, integral, and derivative actions. The derivative action
requires the most filtering since that's where measurement noise
causes the most problems. The proportional action may benefit from
less filtering (that is, a filter incorporating a shorter sequence of
sensor outputs) in order to remain responsive to short-term changes
in the process variable. And since the integral action itself serves as
a filter, it may require no process variable filtering at all.
Alternately, a filter can be applied to the control effort instead of the
process variable. Doing so permits the measurement noise to enter
into the PID calculations (especially the "D"), but the noisy control
effort that results is smoothed by the filter before reaching the
actuator. A filter can also help slow down the control effort to prevent

overly dramatic fluctuations in the process's behavior in cases where

the process is particularly sensitive to the actuator's movements.
On the other hand, a filter on the control effort can make the process
appear more sluggish than it really is. An operator looking for faster
closed-loop performance might try re-tuning the controller to be more
aggressive without realizing that the problem is the damping effect of
the filter, not the process. The controller tuning and the control effort
filter sometimes end up battling each other unnecessarily when
different operators have implemented one without checking for the
The effects of measurement noise can also be mitigated by simply
ignoring insignificant changes in the sensor's output under the
assumption that they're probably just artifacts of the measurement
noise and are too small to make a difference in the controller's choice
of control efforts anyway. So long as the error between the process
variable and the setpoint remains within a range known as the
deadband, the controller simply does nothing.
The trick is determining how much of a change in the error is small
enough to ignore. If the deadband is set too large, significant
changes in the behavior of the process may be overlooked. But if it is
set too small, the controller will react unnecessarily to every fictitious
blip in the sensor's output, even if the actual process variable has
already reached the setpoint.
Unfortunately, a deadband also glosses over small changes in the
setpoint. If an operator tries to move the process into a higher or
lower operating range that falls within the current deadband, the
resulting change in the error will be ignored and the controller will do
nothing. If the deadband is too large, the controller's precision will
suffer. That is, it may be able to make a refrigerated space five
degrees colder, but not just one.
Related News:
Tuning PID control loops for fast response - 01.07.2014
Fundamentals of lambda tuning - 16.04.2013 11:28
Fixing PID - 30.11.2012 16:23
Feedback controllers do their best - 16.10.2012 10:27

Disturbance-Rejection vs. Setpoint-Tracking

Controllers - 26.09.2011 12:47
Back to Basics: How gain scheduling works - 21.12.2010
Back to Basics: Closed-loop stability - 17.08.2010 13:27
Understanding Derivative in PID Control - 01.02.2010 07:00
The Three Faces of PID - 01.03.2007 07:00

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