Areez Leis
Areez Leis
Areez Leis
Explain the key dimensions of the social psychological approach to studying people.
Social psychology is primarily based on social cognitive perspective that stresses the
importance of not only looking at explanations or theories that account for the external
influences on behaviour and experience but at ways people perceive and interpret their
environment. It is important to look at a persons cognitive and emotional process to
understand their behaviour and experience. Psychological approaches require the use of
psychological attributes such as personality traits, attributes, values, moods and emotions.
However, no psychological attribute can ever be directly observed. It can be inferred on
the basis of what we can see of peoples behaviour.
2. What is the difference between an external definitional vantage point and an internal
definitional vantage point when it comes to studying people and their leisure?
Type of phenomenon
Behavioural participant
Experimental - participant
3. Define what is meant by non-experimental research and make a list of the nonexperimental research methods outlined in the chapter. In addition, describe an
example of a non-experimental research method used frequently in leisure research
Non experimental research looks within the individuals cognitive and emotional process in
order to understand their behaviour and experiences. A common non experimental research
used is the development of explanations and theories about peoples behaviour and
experience called empirical research. Empirical means based on observations and requires the
use of various methods for gathering information or data.
Week 4:
(a) In your own words describe the features of Deci and Ryan's 'basic needs theory' being
sure to explain each need in order of importance.
BNT elaborates the concept of psychological needs and their relations to psychological health
and well-being. BNT argues that psychological well-being and optimal functioning is
predicated on,
Autonomy : need to feel in control of their life
Competence : need to be effective in dealing with the environment
Relatedness : need to have loving relationship with family and friends
Contexts that support versus thwart these needs should invariantly impact wellness. The
theory argues that all three needs are essential and that if any is thwarted there will be distinct
functional costs.
(b) Describe the overlap between Deci and Ryan's needs theory and Fiske's understanding of
psychosocial needs?
Fiskes five core social motives are,
Belonging, Understanding, controlling, enhancing self and trusting. The needs for
understanding, controlling and self enhancement all fall under the need for relatedness
according to Deci Ryans BNT.
2. (a) What is meant by 'perceived freedom' and why is it the primary attribute of leisure?
The perceived freedom is a state of mind where one freely chooses to perform an activity any
activity because one "wants to do it". If an individual is involved in an activity that offers only
intrinsic reward and perceived freedom, that person is said to be at leisure. However, if the
activity involves only extrinsic reward and the absence of perceived freedom, leisure is not
(b) What is likely to constrain leisure choice? In addition to those identified in the textbook
give an example that is personally relevant.
Leisure is a state of mind. It has only one condition of perceived freedom. Any activity done
with perceived freedom for the intrinsic reward alone is considered a leisure activity. If one is
forced into an activity due to peer or parental pressure then it cannot be considered as leisure
as there is no perceived freedom. Eg: learning to play an instrument because parents force
you to.
3. What is self-actualisation and how does it relate to leisure?
Self-actualization according to Maslow is "the full realization of one's potential", and of one's
'true self'. This cannot happen until the lower order of needs according to Maslow are
fulfilled. It is know as the master motive or the driving force.
Push motivation: related to negative factors eg :unemployment
Pull motivation: related to positive factors eg: realising a goal
Week 5:
The SDT has many mini theories in it. Some of them are
(i) Basic needs theory: states that autonomy, relatedness and competence are basic human
(ii) Orgaismic integration theory: Is concerned about how variations in certain motivations
affect the other.
(iii) Cognitive evaluation theory: evaluates how a person currently motivated intrinsically be
motivated extrinsically and vice-versa.
Intrinsic motivation toward knowledge: defined as performing an activity for the pleasure
and the satisfaction that one experiences while learning, exploring, or trying to understand
something new
Intrinsic motivation toward accomplishment: defined as engaging in an activity for the
pleasure and satisfaction experienced when one attempts to accomplish or create
Intrinsic motivation toward experiencing stimulation: defined as engaging in an activity
in order to experience stimulating sensations (e.g., sensory pleasure, aesthetic
experiences, as well as fun and excitement) derived from one's engagement in the activity
Personally, while playing a game of tennis I would be more motivated to score the next point
if I have won the point preceding it.
Week 8:
Normative history graded influences are influences that are common to people of a particular
generation due to historical circumstances. Eg: the Vietnam war.
I was born in December 1994 and am currently 21 years old. As such I am considered a part
of Gen Y. My generation is generally referred to as the echo boomers or the millennials.
We are born in the late eightys to the early 2000s. My generation is incredibly sophisticated
technology wise and immune to most traditional marketing and sales pitches. This is because
we have not only grown up with it but we have seen it all and been exposed to it since early
My generation is much more racially and ethnically diverse. We are also highly segmented as
an audience due to the rapid expansion of cable TV, internet and radio.
We are generally less brand conscious and brand loyal. The internet has led us to be flexible
and changing in styles and outfits quite often.
Gen Y is more focused on leisure. As compared to older generations, gen Ys are more
inclined to ask for leisure time form work to do things they like. However as the current job
market is saturated with Gen X and baby boomers who did not value leisure as much, Gen
Ys are forced into the same pattern. Over the years as the older generations retire, Gen Ys
will acquire significant bargaining power to push their agenda.
Generation Ys preferred leisure activities include going to the cinema, watching online
videos, listening to music, working out at the gym, clubbing etc.