Essentials of A Valid Offer

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Offer must be capable of creating legal relations. The offeror must intend the creation of legal
relations. He must intend that if his offer is accepted a legally binding agreement shall result.
Eg :A accepts an invitations to dine at Bs place on a certain date but fails to turn up on the
appointed date, A cannot be sued for breach of a contract, because in contracts regulating social
or domestic arrangements the presumptions is that parties do not intend legal consequences to
follow from breach of contract.


Offer must be certain, define and not vague. No contract can come into existence if the
terms of the offer are vague or loose and indefinite. Both the parties should clear about the


Offer must be communicated to the offeree. There can be no offer by a person to himself. It
must always be communicated to the offeree. If there is no communication of an offer, there
is no acceptance resulting in the contract.


Offer must be made with a view to obtaining the assent of the other party. An offer must be
distinguished from mere expression of intention.


An offer may be conditional. An offer can be made subject to a condition. In that case can
be accepted only subject to that condition. A conditional offer lapses when the condition is
not accepted


Offer should not certain a term the non-compliance of which would amount to acceptance.
One cannot say while making the offer if the offer is not accepted before a certain date, it will
be presumed to have been accepted.
Example: A writes to B, I offer to sell my house for Rs. 40000. If I do not receive a reply by
Monday next, I shall assume that you have accepted the offer. There will be no contract if B
does not reply.


Lapse of an offer. An offer lapseIf either offeror or offeree dies before acceptance.


If it is not accepted within

The specific time, or


A reasonable time, if not time is specified


If the offeree does not make a valid acceptance, for example makes a counter or conditional
acceptance or if a particular manner of acceptance has been requested, he accepts in some
other manner.


An offer can also lapse by revocation.

An invitation to offer is not an offer. An offer must be distinguished from an invitation to
offer. In the case of an invitation to offer the aim is merely to circulate information of
readiness to negotiate business with anybody who on such information comes to the person
sending it. Such invitations are not offer in the eyes of law and do not become promises on

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