Personalization Course
This document is for informational purposes only and is subject to change without notice. This document and its
contents, including the viewpoints, dates and functional content expressed herein are believed to be accurate as of its
date of publication. However, Epicor Software Corporation makes no guarantee, representations or warranties with
regard to the enclosed information and specifically disclaims any applicable implied warranties, such as fitness for a
particular purpose, merchantability, satisfactory quality or reasonable skill and care. As each user of Epicor software is
likely to be unique in their requirements in the use of such software and their business processes, users of this document
are always advised to discuss the content of this document with their Epicor account manager. All information contained
herein is subject to change without notice and changes to this document since printing and other important information
about the software product are made or published in release notes, and you are urged to obtain the current release
notes for the software product. We welcome user comments and reserve the right to revise this publication and/or
make improvements or changes to the products or programs described in this publication at any time, without notice.
The usage of any Epicor software shall be pursuant to an Epicor end user license agreement and the performance of
any consulting services by Epicor personnel shall be pursuant to Epicor's standard services terms and conditions. Usage
of the solution(s) described in this document with other Epicor software or third party products may require the purchase
of licenses for such other products. Where any software is expressed to be compliant with local laws or requirements
in this document, such compliance is not a warranty and is based solely on Epicor's current understanding of such laws
and requirements. All laws and requirements are subject to varying interpretations as well as to change and accordingly
Epicor cannot guarantee that the software will be compliant and up to date with such changes. All statements of
platform and product compatibility in this document shall be considered individually in relation to the products referred
to in the relevant statement, i.e., where any Epicor software is stated to be compatible with one product and also
stated to be compatible with another product, it should not be interpreted that such Epicor software is compatible
with both of the products running at the same time on the same platform or environment. Additionally platform or
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Epicor has no responsibility for compatibility issues which may be caused by updates, patches and/or service packs
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Epicor Software Corporation.
Revision: July 25, 2014 2:37 a.m.
Total pages: 63
Personalization Course
Personalization Course...........................................................................................................6
Before You Begin....................................................................................................................7
Environment Setup..........................................................................................................................................7
Workshop Constraints..............................................................................................................................8
System Personalization........................................................................................................11
Switch Between Classic and Modern Shell Menu............................................................................................11
Use Configuration File............................................................................................................................11
Use Runtime Argument..........................................................................................................................13
Classic Style Menu.........................................................................................................................................14
View Menu.............................................................................................................................................14
Workshop - Access the View Menu.................................................................................................14
Log Into the Application...........................................................................................................14
Remove View Menu Options....................................................................................................15
Review the Status Bar...............................................................................................................15
Navigate Using the Full Tree View.............................................................................................16
Navigate Using the Menu Items Pane........................................................................................17
Turn On the Large Icons Option................................................................................................17
Navigate Using the History Toolbar...........................................................................................17
Options Menu........................................................................................................................................18
Workshop - Explore the Options Menu............................................................................................18
Access the Options Menu.........................................................................................................18
Adjust Application Preferences.................................................................................................19
Change Styles..........................................................................................................................20
Return the Layouts to the Default Setting.................................................................................20
Favorites Bar...........................................................................................................................................20
Favorites Groups..............................................................................................................................21
Workshop - Add Programs to the Favorites Bar.........................................................................21
Workshop - AutoLoad Your Group...........................................................................................23
Modern Shell Style Menu...............................................................................................................................24
Personalize the Home Page.....................................................................................................................24
Workshop - Add Custom Tiles.........................................................................................................24
Log Into the Application...........................................................................................................24
Launch the Wizard...................................................................................................................25
Select Program Link..................................................................................................................26
Complete the Wizard...............................................................................................................28
Personalization Course
Program Personalization......................................................................................................42
Workshop - Set Up Program Options......................................................................................................43
Access the Options Window............................................................................................................43
Modify General Options..................................................................................................................43
Assign a Hot Key.............................................................................................................................44
Change Dialog Options...................................................................................................................45
Adjust the Tree View.......................................................................................................................45
Modify Global Options....................................................................................................................46
Program Layouts............................................................................................................................................47
Workshop - Change the Program Layout................................................................................................47
Modify the Sheet Order...................................................................................................................47
Dock a Sheet...................................................................................................................................49
Create a Floating Sheet...................................................................................................................49
Auto-Hide the Tree View.................................................................................................................50
Restore Default Positions.................................................................................................................50
Grid Layouts..................................................................................................................................................50
Workshop - Arrange the Grid View.........................................................................................................50
Personalization Mode.....................................................................................................................................52
Mode Setup............................................................................................................................................53
Assign Personalization Rights...........................................................................................................53
Disable Themes...............................................................................................................................53
The Control Properties Window..............................................................................................................54
Sheet Properties..............................................................................................................................55
Workshop - Modify Sheet Properties.........................................................................................55
Grid Properties................................................................................................................................57
Workshop - Modify Grid Properties...........................................................................................57
Move Elements and Adjust Tabs......................................................................................................57
Workshop - Adjust Elements....................................................................................................57
Export and Import Personalizations.........................................................................................................58
Personalization Course
Personalization Course
Personalization Course
Personalization Course
This course covers how to personalize the Epicor application by adjusting the views, options, and toolbars to best
suit your business needs. It also explains how to modify program interfaces to match your preferences.
Upon successful completion of this course, you will be able to:
Review the personalization options on the Classic Style Menu.
Review the personalization options on the Modern Shell Style Menu.
Personalize sheets, grid layouts, toolbars, and the tree view.
Save and return personalizations to their default setting.
Modify program layouts to match your preferences.
Export and Import personalizations.
Delete personalizations.
Personalization Course
Specific audiences will benefit from this course.
All Users
To complete the workshops in this course, the necessary modules must be licensed and operating in your training
environment. For more information on the modules available, contact your Epicor Customer Account Manager
at It is also important you understand the prerequisite knowledge contained in other
valuable courses.
Navigation Course - This course introduces navigational aspects of the Epicor application's user interface.
Designed for a hands-on environment, general navigation principles and techniques available in two user
interface modes - Classic Menu and Modern Shell Menu. Workshops focus on each of these modes and
guide you through each navigational principle introduced.
Environment Setup
The environment setup steps and potential workshop constraints must be reviewed in order to successfully
complete the workshops in this course.
Your Epicor training environment, in which the Epicor demonstration database is found, enables you to experience
Epicor functionality in action but does not affect data in your live, production environment.
The following steps must be taken to successfully complete the workshops in this course.
Verify the following or ask your system administrator to verify for you:
Your Epicor training icon (or web address if you are using Epicor Web Access) points to your
Epicor training environment with the Epicor demonstration database installed. Do not complete
the course workshops in your live, production environment.
Note It is recommended that multiple Epicor demonstration databases are installed. Contact
Support or Systems Consulting for billable assistance.
The Epicor demonstration database is at the same service pack and patch as the Epicor
application. Epicor's education team updates the Epicor demonstration database for each service pack
and patch. If your system administrator upgrades your Epicor application to a new service pack or patch,
he or she must also download the corresponding Epicor demonstration database from EPICweb > Support
Personalization Course
> Epicor > Downloads and install it. If this is not performed, unexpected results can occur when completing
the course workshops.
Your system administrator restored (refreshed) the Epicor demonstration database prior to
starting this course. The Epicor demonstration database comes standard with parts, customers, sales
orders, and so on, already defined. If the Epicor demonstration database is shared with multiple users
(that is, the database is located on a server and users access the same data, much like your live, production
environment) and is not periodically refreshed, unexpected results can occur. For example, if a course
workshop requires you to ship a sales order that came standard in the Epicor demonstration database,
but a different user already completed this workshop and the Epicor demonstration database was not
restored (refreshed), then you will not be able to ship the sales order. Epicor's education team has written
the course workshops to minimize situations like this from occurring, but Epicor cannot prevent users
from manipulating the data in your installation of the Epicor demonstration database.
Workshop Constraints
In order to complete the workshops in this course, you must obtain your network User ID and Password from
your system administrator. In the Epicor Education environment, you can use the User ID and Password of
Personalization Course
Each user has different needs. Some users want the columns on a grid placed in a different sequence. Others
need different options available on a program status bar. You set up the application to reflect your individual
Use the personalization tools in the Epicor application to modify each program interface. You can personalize
each program you use in order to refine the interface to better match the tasks you perform daily.
Tip Personalizations are saved with your User ID and do not affect other users within the application. If
you wish to change a program interface and make it available to multiple users within the company, you
must customize the program. To learn more, review the Embedded Customization and Advanced Embedded
Customization courses; you can also review the application help and the ICE Customization User Guide.
Personalization Course
Personalization Course
System Personalization
System Personalization
You personalize the main interface to give you quick access to programs you commonly use and display the
interface functionality you need. The features available are different depending on whether you use the Classic
Menu or the Modern Shell Menu.
System Personalization
Personalization Course
Modern Shell Style -- To run the application using the Modern Shell application, modify the sysconfig file
as follows:
<LaunchType value="Shell" options="Shell|MainMenu" />
On the Login dialog, users have an option to override launching the Modern Shell Style by pressing the Classic
Style check box. When selected, this option persists on the client machine.
Example The following is an example of the Modern Shell Style login dialog.
Personalization Course
System Personalization
Example The following is an example of the Modern Shell Style application menu.
System Personalization
Personalization Course
Add /classic parameter as a runtime argument to your desktop shortcut to launch the menu using the Classic
C:\Epicor\Epicor10\Client\Epicor.exe /classic
When used, the Login window does not display the option to launch the Modern Shell Style interface.
Modern Shell Style
Add /shell parameter as a runtime argument to your desktop shortcut to launch the Modern Shell Style using
the shell application.
C:\Epicor\Epicor10\Client\Epicor.exe /shell
When used, the Login window does not display the option to launch the Classic Style interface.
View Menu
Use the View Menu to select the panes you want to display by default on the main interface.
The selections you make on this menu become the default look of the main interface each time you log in with
your user name and password. You can also define how you prefer the program icons to display.
Personalization Course
System Personalization
System Personalization
Personalization Course
Workstation - Shows your Workstation ID. Workstations, or packing stations, are created in Workstation
Maintenance and are useful for establishing the scale and manifest interface for each pack station.
Solution - Displays the list of solutions which are packages of custom items such as custom programs,
business objects or new dashboards you can distribute from one Epicor application server to another
application server.
Tip To provide a user with ability to track solutions, launch User Account Security Maintenance
and assign this user rights to this feature set.
Personalization Course
System Personalization
System Personalization
Personalization Course
Options Menu
The Options menu is the main window you use for personalizing each program.
The Options menu on the main interface level contains several commands that allow you to personalize your
Personalization Course
System Personalization
Tab Caption
Web Browser
Content Description
Company ID
Epicor Education
Site ID
Tab Caption
Payment Tracker
Dashboard - assembly
Content Description
Payment Tracker
Company ID
Epicor Education
Site ID
9. Click OK.
10. Above the Contents Pane window, view the new Epicor (web browser) sheet
The Epicor Software Corporation website displays.
11. Now click on the Payment Tracker (dashboard) sheet.
12. Use this tracker to find and select a payment.
System Personalization
Personalization Course
Change Styles
The Epicor application installs with some different styles that change the colors and fonts of the application
windows. During this exercise, you review the available styles.
1. Click Options > Preferences.
The Preferences window displays.
2. If you want to deactivate the styling functionality, select the Disable Theming check box.
If your user account has Personalization rights, you can now launch a program in Personalization Mode
and change its colors and fonts. Through this feature, you can personalize the look of programs as you
need. You will explore Personalization Mode later in this course.
3. Click the Theme drop-down list and select the Clean Room option.
4. Click OK.
5. Check to see how the program windows display in this style. Navigate to Marketing List Maintenance.
Menu Path: Sales Management > Customer Relationship Management > Setup > Marketing List
Tip The CRM menu path is: Customer Relationship Management > Sales and Marketing Management
> Setup > Marketing List
Important This program is not available in the Epicor Web Access.
6. Leave Marketing List Maintenance open and try a different style. Click Options > Preferences again.
The Preferences window displays.
7. Click the Theme drop-down list and select the NightWing option.
8. Return to Marketing List Maintenance to see how it looks using the selected style.
Repeat these steps to view the application in the other available styles.
Favorites Bar
The Favorites Bar displays your internal and external program shortcuts.
You can set up the Favorites Bar to give you direct access to the programs you frequently use on your computer
and network. Use this toolbar to rapidly access an internal program without having to open its folder path through
the main interface. Through the Favorites Bar, you can also link to external programs and files, such as Microsoft
Personalization Course
System Personalization
Shortcuts provide direct access to a specific program or file. You place shortcuts on the Favorites Bar. These
shortcuts are organized on this toolbar through Favorites Groups.
You can create shortcuts for internal programs and for external programs, such as Microsoft Word, AutoVue,
a graphic program, and other programs of your choice.
Tip You can set up your entire workflow through shortcut icons. You can create shortcut icons for the
programs you frequently use and also create a Favorite Group for external and internal programs you use
less frequently.
Favorites Groups
Favorites Groups organize your internal and external program shortcut icons. You place related shortcuts
together under one favorite group.
System Personalization
Personalization Course
3. In the Menu Items pane, right-click the Customer icon and select Add to Favorites Bar.
4. On the Main Interface, navigate to the Favorites sheet and verify the new shortcuts display under the
XXX Group (where XXX are your initials).
Personalization Course
System Personalization
9. You can also remove the external shortcut from your favorites group. To do this, right-click the Microsoft
Word icon; from the context menu, select Remove from Shortcut Bar.
This external program shortcut is removed from your favorites group.
Use the AutoLoad feature to improve the performance of programs you use the most. Through this feature,
you can automatically load favorites group programs into your workstation's memory. To do this, activate
autoloading for a specific favorites group.
When you launch the application, programs within an autoloading favorites group are initialized in the background,
into your computer's memory through memory caching. When you later launch one of these selected programs,
it will display faster. Each program can then be pre-loaded into memory during the current session.
Important Be sure you only autoload internal Epicor programs. Do not include external programs (such
as Microsoft Word) to an autoload group. Because these programs activate through an external file, the
Epicor application will not be able to autoload them.
Tip You can use a run time argument to disable autoloading on your client installation. This prevents the
selected programs from loading automatically. To do this, add the /AUTOLOADSUPPRESS argument to
your application icon's Target field. To learn how to use this argument, review the Run Time Arguments
topic in the application help.
System Personalization
Personalization Course
This feature is a terrific way to launch programs, but you should only autoload a few you frequently use. Memory
caching takes resources from the system, and also uses other resources -- including user objects. A limited number
of user objects are available on each client, and when a client reaches that limit, the Epicor application can become
unstable. It can vaporize or deliver strange messages. The default limit is 10,000 user objects, and a program like
Customer Maintenance can use 1,800 user objects. if you need, your system administrator can increase the
number of user objects available on your client, but be aware that 64,000 user objects must remain available for
the Windows operating system.
Note you can have the same program open multiple times. One instance of the program can have memory
caching active, while another instance of the program can turn off this function. You can then personalize (or
customize) the program while its cached version is still in use. To do this, launch another instance of the program
by pressing Shift; memory caching is turned off for this instance of the program.
Tip Specific programs can also be permanently selected for memory caching; this check box is available
on each program's Options window. The Memory Cache check box displays on the General sheet. This
feature will be discussed later in this course.
Personalization Course
System Personalization
into your training environment with an account that has these privileges, or have your System
Administrator update your account with these privileges.
System Personalization
Personalization Course
Personalization Course
System Personalization
System Personalization
Personalization Course
4. You want to add a Customer Maintenance tile. Start typing in the What form would you like to open?
field to display the list of Epicor forms.
5. Select the Customer form.
6. Accept the default link title of Customer.
7. For the Company Context, leave the default value of Epicor Education.
8. Click the Right Arrow button.
Personalization Course
System Personalization
Tip To display the snapshot of a website on the tile, select the URL Snapshot option and enter the
valid website address. You can also place a custom image of your choice on the tile by selecting the
Image option.
The following example displays a custom image used on a Company Configuration form tile.
5. Click Save.
The Customer tile now displays within your Home Page.
6. Click the tile to verify the Customer Maintenance form opens.
7. Exit the Customer Maintenance form.
8. Click and drag the Customer tile and position it in a different position on the Home Page.
You can move the tiles on the Home page, so you can modify this screen to display the icons you need the
most each time you launch the Epicor ERP application.
System Personalization
Personalization Course
2. In the bottom right hand corner, click the Add Tile button.
The Add a new tile screen displays.
8. Click Search.
9. Find and select the zAPInvDtl query and click OK.
10. Select the Should the BAQ tile be periodically refreshed? check box.
A field displays that defines the refresh interval.
11. In the Refresh interval (minutes) field, enter 10.
This indicates the data pulled into the selected BAQ will check the database every ten minutes. If a record
changed, the BAQ displays the updated data.
12. You are next asked which columns you would like to display in the BAQ Gadget tile.
Select the following options (Scroll down to locate all the columns):
Personalization Course
System Personalization
Our Qty
13. Click the Right Arrow.
14. The next screen asks you what you would like to open when a BAQ line is clicked. Select the Epicor Form
radio button option.
15. You are now asked what form you would like to open. Click the drop-down list and select A/P Invoice
Tip You can quickly locate the form by entering "A/P" in this field. Select A/P Invoice Entry from the
System Personalization
Personalization Course
Favorites List
Use the Favorites List tile to create a placeholder of your favorite Epicor forms.
Example You are a sales person, so you create a tile that has favorite links to the quote, sales order, and
Customer Relationship Management programs you use the most.
Personalization Course
System Personalization
System Personalization
Personalization Course
Personalization Course
System Personalization
Using these settings, the default tile size of 1x1 (125x125 pixels) and the expanded size is 2X2. This indicates
the tile is doubled when you expand it.
11. To complete the wizard, click Save.
On the Home Page, a blank Favorites List tile named Epicor Programs is now placed within the Tile Group
named MyGroup. In the following exercise, you will add programs to the Favorites List tile.
Add Programs
Use the following steps to add menu items of your choice into the Favorites List tile.
1. On the Home Page, click the Menu tile to access the Main Menu.
2. Navigate to Attribute Maintenance.
Menu Path: Sales Management > Customer Relationship Management > Setup > Attribute
Tip The CRM menu path is: Customer Relationship Management > Sales and Marketing Management
> Setup > Attribute
System Personalization
Personalization Course
You can add a menu item to the Home Page or you can make it part of the Favorites group. In this workshop,
you add Attribute Maintenance to the Favorites List tile.
4. Click the Add to Favorites Icon.
5. You are asked if you would like to select a different Company context; verify Epicor Education - Main
6. A list of favorite tiles displays, select Epicor Programs radio button option.
7. Click Save.
8. Repeat steps 2 - 5 to add a few more programs of your choice.
9. Once complete, click the Home button in the top right corner to navigate back to the Home Page.
10. View the Epicor Programs favorites list is now populated with the programs you added.
11. Within the Epicor Programs tile, click the bottom right arrow to expand it.
The programs you added to this tile display.
12. Click one of the program tiles; the selected program launches.
Tip You can also click and drag tiles from one group to another group. When you do this, you can remove
all the tiles so that you can display an empty group on the Home Page. You can then delete the group.
Use this feature when you want to consolidate tiles so they display more closely together on your Home
Personalization Course
System Personalization
Now that you have added the tiles on your Home Page, you can next customize them.
2. Right-click a tile you want to modify.
3. From the context menu that displays at the bottom of the page, click the Edit Tile (the Wrench on the right
side of the window) icon to change the tile settings.
The Change tile settings wizard displays.
4. Select a different color for the tile.
5. Notice you can select a different network path to the program executable or document file.
6. In the What is the link title? field, enter IE Shortcut or Word Shortcut.
7. Click the Save.
System Personalization
Personalization Course
Use the Settings screen to control your current environment settings such as changing a user or language,
selecting a preferred color scheme or configuring your Epicor Social Enterprise login parameters.
The following topics discuss the options found on the Settings screen.
Personalization Course
System Personalization
Change Password - Click this link to change your password for logging into the Epicor application.
Change Workstation - Workstations, or packing stations, define the scale and manifest interface for
each pack station. Click this link to change the workstation used for shipping on this client installation.
You create workstation records using Workstation Maintenance.
4. Click on Preferences... link. The Preferences window displays. Notice this window has nearly the same
features as the Preferences window in the Classic Style Menu, and it also has a couple styling features:
a. Select the Disable Theming check box to prevent themes from being applied to the interface. The next
time you log into the Epicor ERP application, the windows will display using the base style.
b. Click the Theme drop-down list to select a different theme. The next time you log into the Epicor ERP
application, the windows display using the theme you selected on this drop-down list. You previously
explored these styles.
5. If you have customization rights, you would click the Developer Mode option to activate the customization
Tip You use the customization tools to modify a program and make this customization available to
users in the whole company. Customization is beyond the scope of this course. To learn more, review
the Embedded Customization and Advanced Embedded Customization courses; you can also review
the application help and the ICE Customization User Guide.
6. Likewise if you have Localization rights, you can click the Translation Utility option.
The Translation Utility displays. Use this utility to modify strings to reflect local translation needs. For more
information on this program, review the application help or the ICE Customization User Guide.
System Personalization
Personalization Course
Personalization Course
System Personalization
Program Personalization
Personalization Course
Program Personalization
You can personalize each programs interface so it displays the configuration that works best for you.
Areas of a program interface you can personalize:
Options - You define the internal personalizations you want for a program on the Options window. The
options you select become the default for the program each time you launch it.
Toolbars You can adjust the toolbars positions within the program window.
Sheets Each program comes with two or more sheets. By clicking and dragging each sheets tab, you can
change the order in which these sheets display. Likewise, you can pull a sheet completely out of the program
so it displays as a floating window.
Grids Some sheets contain grids, which display information through a combination of rows and columns.
You can manipulate the order columns appear within each grid, as well as modify each grid.
Tree View You can cause the programs tree view to automatically hide or display within the program.
Personalization Mode - Launch this mode to move controls and modify control properties within the current
program. You can also import and export personalizations, so you can share personalizations with other users
within your system.
You define personalizations for a program in the Options window.
Personalization Course
Program Personalization
Program Personalization
Personalization Course
8. Click the down arrow next to the Zone Indicator drop-down list; select Custom and then select a Blue color.
9. Select the Required Field check box.
When you activate this option, fields that need data before a new record is saved are highlighted on the
10. Click the down arrow next to Required Field and select Web > Green.
11. Click OK.
Review the changes on the Part > Detail sheet. Notice the required fields are highlighted in green and the
Standard toolbar is now replaced with a ribbon. Click on the Main, Links, and Support tabs to display different
ribbon options.
Personalization Course
Program Personalization
Program Personalization
Personalization Course
Personalization Course
Program Personalization
Program Layouts
You can personalize the program interface so it displays in a layout configuration that makes it easier to use.
A sheet is a layer of a programs interface that contains related functionality. Much like you can reorganize sheets
of paper connected with a paper clip, you can also reorganize the default positions of the sheets within a program.
Once you save your personalized sheet layout, the sheets appear in this new position each time you launch the
You can also change how the tree view pane displays. It can be automatically locked in place. You can also unpin
the tree view so it hides in the left side of the program window.
Program Personalization
Personalization Course
This indicates you will save docking position changes you make for the sheets in this program.
4. Click OK.
5. Navigate to the Billing > Credit sheet.
6. Click the Credit sheet and drag and drop it before the Bill To sheet.
The Credit tab is now between the Detail and Bill To tabs to the left of the program.
Personalization Course
Program Personalization
Dock a Sheet
1. Now click the Credit Detail sheet and drag it just below the Global Credit tab until you see a rectangular
outline display horizontally.
2. Release the sheet.
The Credit Detail sheet is docked above the Global Credit and National Account Credit sheets. These
two sheets are now child sheets of the Credit Card Detail sheet.
3. Now select the Credit sheet again and drag it to the left until it displays a vertical outline next to the tree
4. Release the sheet.
Now the Credit Card Detail sheet displays next to the Global Credit and National Account Credit sheets.
Now when you click the Credit tab, these sheets display side by side each other.
Program Personalization
Personalization Course
Grid Layouts
Grids display information through a series of columns and rows. Each column displays a category of information,
such as Part Number or Postal Code, while each row displays data from individual records.
You can personalize a grids columns in two ways.
Change the Column Order You can adjust the columns into the sequence you need. You can, for example,
move the columns you want to see the most towards the left side of the column, so they automatically appear
when you first view the grid.
Adjust the Column Width You can also adjust the width of each column. You can then see more of the
data contained within the column.
Personalization Course
Program Personalization
Program Personalization
Personalization Course
Personalization Mode
You can further modify a program interface to reflect your needs. If you have personalization rights, you can
move the interface controls where you want them and adjust control properties such as font, color, tab stop
order, text, and so on.
To do this, you activate Personalization Mode. The Control Properties window displays when you activate a
program in the Personalization mode, and you use the window to move controls and adjust their properties.
Example Within Sales Order Entry, you want the Terms field to follow the Order Date field in the tab
order. You enter sequential numbers in each field's TabIndex property. Now when you tab through the
fields on this form, the cursor jumps from the Order Date field directly to the Terms field.
When you finish personalizing the form, you can also use the Control Properties window to export the
personalization. This makes your personalizations available to other users. Your personalizations are saved within
an Export folder. When other users are in Personalization Mode, they can import your personalization and use
it. Likewise, if you no longer need a personalization, you can use the Control Properties window to delete it.
Tip If you need to make a change to a program interface that your entire company needs to use, create
a customization of this program instead. For more information, review the Embedded Customization
and Advanced Embedded Customization courses or the ICE Customization User Guide.
Personalization Course
Program Personalization
Mode Setup
To use Personalization Mode, you need to first grant personalization privileges to the user account you will use.
You then need to disable the themes.
2. Click the User ID... button to find and select the Epicor Demo User account.
The Epicor Demo User account record displays.
3. Click the Options tab.
4. Select the Allow Personalization check box.
5. Navigate to the Company > Detail sheet.
6. Verify this user has access to at least one company. If not, click the Down Arrow next to the New button;
select New Company.
7. Click the Company drop-down list. Select the company you want to assign to this user.
8. Click Save.
9. Exit User Account Security Maintenance.
The next time Beverly logs in with this user account, she will be able to switch a program to Personalization Mode.
Disable Themes
You next need to turn off the application themes. You can then display the personalization changes you make
to a program.
1. From the Home Page, click the Settings tile.
The Settings page displays.
2. Verify the General Options are selected; then click the Preferences... link.
The Preferences window displays.
3. Select the Disable Theming check box.
4. Click OK.
5. You now need to refresh the application with your setting. Close the Epicor ERP application.
Program Personalization
Personalization Course
Personalization Course
Program Personalization
Sheet Properties
A sheet is a layer of a programs interface that contains related functionality. Most programs contain at least two
sheets - A Detail sheet and a List sheet.
You can modify several features on each sheet:
BackColor - This feature defines the color of the items background. This option displays the available colors
in a list. You may select a color defined for your current Windows color scheme, a custom colors list, or a list
of web colors.
Font - Use this field to change the font style -- including bolding and italicizing the font.
ForeColor - Defines the color of the items text.
When selected, this option displays the available colors in a list. You may select a color defined for your current
Windows color scheme, a custom colors list, or a list of web colors.
Location - Defines the exact position of the control or element on the sheet. The location is indicated through
X and Y axis numbers.
Size - Indicates the height and width of the selected element.
TabStop - Indicates whether you want this item to be included as you navigate through the sheets within
the program. True indicates you can tab through this element; False indicates a tab will skip over this element.
TabIndex - Use the TabIndex to decide the order in which you will move through the fields as you press the
<Tab> key. Enter a number to indicate the order in which this control activates. For example, if you would
like this control to be last in the tab order, enter 9999.
Text - Use this field to change the actual text that displays on the form.
Program Personalization
Personalization Course
8. In the Control Properties window, click in the Text field, and change this value to just display "Quote...",
and click out of this property.
Notice the Opportunity / Quote button now only displays Quote... for its button text.
9. In the Control Properties window, expand the Font node.
10. In the Bold field, select True.
Notice the Opportunity / Quote button text is now bold.
11. In the Italic field, select True.
Notice the Opportunity / Quote button font is now italicized.
12. In the Control Properties window, click OK.
Remain in Opportunity/Quote Entry for the next workshop.
Personalization Course
Program Personalization
Grid Properties
You can also use the Control Properties window to hide or add columns to a grid.
Program Personalization
Personalization Course
Personalization Course
Program Personalization
Tip You can select any folder accessible by your client machine. Typically you would export your
personalization to a network folder so other users could import your personalization.
Program Personalization
Personalization Course
Personalization Course
Program Personalization
Delete a Personalization
While you are in Personalization Mode, you can also delete a personalization.
Personalization Course
Congratulations! You have completed the Personalization course.