IV Insertion Checklist Competency

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Procedural Checklist

Intravenous Catheter Insertion

Performance Criteria
1) Wash hands
2) Apply tourniquet proximal to proposed puncture
site. Tie in a manner such that the tourniquet can
be released by pulling on one end. If the veins
are not prominent, instruct the patient if able to
open and close hand several times.
3) Select appropriate venipuncture site and use
the most distal branch of the vein selected.
4) Release tourniquet.

5) Prepare the site with Chlora-Prep swab in a

checkerboard motion and allow to dry.
7) Reapply the tourniquet.
8) Draw the skin just below the insertion site taut
using the thumb of the non-dominant hand.
9) Puncture the skin parallel to the path of the
vein with the bevel up and the needle at a 30 to
45-degree angle.
10) Advance the needle until resistance is met.
Next, reduce the angle of the needle and slowly
pierce the vein. Observe for blood in the catheter
hub (flashback chamber) or tubing of winged
infusion set. Continue to insert the needle
approximately inch into the vein.
11) Release the tourniquet
12) Advance the catheter device.
13) Place a 2X2 gauze pad under the catheter
hub and remove the stylet while holding the hub
14) Properly dispose of sharp
15) Connect primed IV administration or flushed
saline lock tubing to catheter hub
16) Secure catheter with transparent semi
permeable dressing, and tape
17) Label dressing with date, time, catheter
gauge and length, and initials. (Dressing should
be changed every 72 hours if pt admitted or IV
staying in place)
18) Discard supplies in appropriate container and
wash hands.

Reduces transmission of microorganisms
Impedes venous return to the heart and produces
venous distention. Proper application of the
tourniquet allows for the quick, one-handed release
of the tourniquet.
Multiple factors determine the success of securing
and maintaining a patent venous access site.
Prolonged vein distension causes undue patient
discomfort and impairs circulation to the extremity.
In addition, a tourniquet left on for more than 1 to 2
minutes may result in hemoconcentration or
variation in blood test values if blood is to be
collected during the procedure.
Limits the introduction of potentially infectious skin
flora into the vessel during the puncture.
Produces venous distention.
Immobilizes the vein for insertion of the IV line.
Causes the least amount of discomfort.
Limits the risk of puncturing the posterior wall of the

Reduces the risk of rupturing the vein

Reduces the risk of rupturing the vein
Provides absorption of any blood that may escape
when stylet is removed.
Limits the risk of needle stick injury and exposure
to blood borne pathogens.
Prompt connection maintains patency of vein and
Prevents early access of microorganisms to
bloodstream and stabilizes catheter, reducing
irritation to the intimal lining of the vein
Provides information related to catheter insertion.

Reduces transmission of microorganisms.

I have received information about and have been able to ask questions about the above topics. I have completed the procedural
checklist as outlined above.
Signature: __________________________________________

Date: ________________

Mentors Signature: __________________________________

Date: ________________


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