Omni-Channel Merchandising Shares Spotlight With Marketing and IT
Omni-Channel Merchandising Shares Spotlight With Marketing and IT
Omni-Channel Merchandising Shares Spotlight With Marketing and IT
Omni-Channel Merchandising
Shares Spotlight with
Marketing and IT
When retailing was a far more product-centric industry, merchandising
was the principal way a retailer established its brand, its positioning,
and to a large extent its relationship with its customers. But in todays
omni-channel retailing world, its the customers themselves who are defining the relationship with retailers. The move to omni-channel retailing, with store, online, mobile and social channels all viewed and managed as touchpoints within a common shopping/brand experience, has
created new complexities in merchandising. New sources of customer
data, the demand for more accurate forecasts, the need for enterprisewide inventory visibility and the desire to create tailored, localized
product assortments has todays merchants working closely with newly
empowered marketing and IT departments. But while merchandisings
clout within the retailing organization may have diminished, its impact
3 Applying Insights
Across Channels
4 Unifying Shopping
6 Bigger Roles for Marketing
7 Digital Merchandising
on the overall business has in many ways expanded. Even in a customercentric world, products and how they are presented are still basic pillars
of a retailers ongoing success.
In partnership with
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Omni-Channel Choices:
Merchandising decisions now include
choosing which products to offer and promote in store, Web, mobile and emerging social channels, while still providing a
consistent customer experience
One result of these converging trends has been that within the
new omni-channel retail organization, merchandisings once
pre-eminent role must now be shared with some co-stars, primarily marketing and information technology.
Marketing departments now have charge of the all-important
storehouse of customer data, collected from an increasing number of touchpoints, thats needed to feed todays merchandising
processes. Marketing also has ownership of the communication
vehicles to reach customers not just through traditional mass
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Figure 1
8%12% 16%
12% 4%
Updating now
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(Continued on page 6)
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I nd u s t r y
I nsi g h t
Merchandising Challenge:
Marry Channel-Specific View with
Unified Shopping Experience
Hari Shetty, Vice President and Head of Retail, and Ronojoy Guha, General Manager
and Head of Retail Consulting, Wipro Technologies
Q: Traditionally, merchandising has been a powerful force within the retail organization. Overall, how
is the move toward more omni-channel operations
changing merchandisings role?
HARI SHETTY: The traditional retail model was much more
product-centric, while the new model is more customer engagement-centric. And we do see a huge shift in how merchants
traditionally did their work versus how theyre expected to do
it going forward, a change thats more visible in specialty retailing than in other verticals. One key development is in the
relationship between marketing and merchandising. They had
worked together before, but without close alignment. Now the
relationship between merchandising and marketing has to be
extremely close, to make sure their strategies are aligned to
deliver a unified customer experience. Marketing has established a lot of dominance, and that will continue to increase.
Q: What are some of the specific merchandising-related challenges retailers are facing as they become
more omni-channel in nature?
SHETTY: For most of the customers that we work with, a
big challenge is that historically each of their channels was
operated by a different business unit. On a big-picture level,
integrating these business units and building unified systems
around merchandising whether for forecasting, visibility,
supply chain or logistics has been a key issue. Many people
look at this as a technology issue, but I believe its really
more of an organizational change issue.
RONOJOY GUHA: Lets take the supply chain as an example. Most retailers manage replenishments to the store
and the e-commerce channel separately. This made operating
sense in a multi-channel world, where each channel operated
independently of each other and focused on different capability sets, i.e. store replenishment was built around providing
palletized orders while e-commerce fulfillment was focused
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on picking and packing individual orders. In the new omnichannel world, however, retailers will need to focus on building unified supply chain capabilities that can handle both
e-commerce and store demand simultaneously, allowing customers to order, receive and return product regardless of the
channel they use.
In the new era of customer engagement-centricity, the relationship between merchandising and marketing has to be extremely close,
to make sure their strategies are aligned to
deliver a unified customer experience.
Hari Shetty, vice president
and head of retail,
Wipro Technologies
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I nd u s t r y
I nsi g h t
Q: Retailers have tried to forecast what customers will want in making their merchandising decisions. How is the omni-channel trend, and the proliferation of new customer data sources, affecting
these processes?
SHETTY: Some retailers have used their customer relationship
management (CRM) systems as information sources and also for
customer engagement, but were seeing that traditional CRM systems are inadequate for meeting next-generation retailing needs
particularly in the area of customer engagement. In part thats
because CRM systems have depended on collecting customer data
primarily from within the retailers four walls.
We are now seeing the opportunity to use social media listening platforms that provide data from outside those four walls.
Retailers will be able to mix and match this with intelligent data
from within their enterprise to gain deeper insight into effective
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Figure 2
Improve quality of
merchandise presentation
Other Channels
Advanced IT solutions are also critical for what many industry experts identify as a basic building block of omni-channel
merchandising: enterprise-wide inventory visibility, delivered
in real time. Knowing which products are where (e.g. en route
from a supplier, in a distribution center, en route to a store, in
a stores back room, on the shelf or already sold) at any given
time provides retailers with an omni-channel view of the impact
of merchandising decisions that have already been made.
Such visibility also opens the door to adjusting merchandising
execution based on updated forecasts or real-world events, e.g.
transferring product to a store (or channel) conducting a pro-
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Arrive at an optimal mix of 'Standard'
and 'Precision' merchandise
Merchandising Priorities
Another key priority is creating tailored, localized merchandise assortments as a way to meet the needs of specific stores,
customer groups and categories. Such assortments are created
using data analytics-led processes that include purchase histories, demographics, product affinity identification and personalization, in addition to traditional product attributes. Retailers
can also apply store tiering or clustering analysis, creating assortments that go beyond the simple A, B, C store designations that sufficed in the past.
Non-store channels are ahead of brick-and-mortar channels in
the race to localize: only 18% of the former identify creating
tailored assortments as a top strategic action, less than half
the 39% for store channels. This is explained by the fact that
non-traditional channel assortments have always been more
personalized as the digital media has features such as site navigation, search, and other ways of capturing customer behavior
data, writes Aberdeens Anand.
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Figure 3
Other Channels
Retailers increasingly understand that the days of the Merchant Prince have passed, and successful merchandising truly
resides in a combination of technology AND the informed opinions of not only merchants, but also marketing, store operations,
e-commerce personnel and other Line of Business executives,
according to Paula Rosenblum and Steve Rowen. (Twenty-first
Century Merchandising Takes Hold, RSR Research, August 2011.)
E-commerce channels also outstrip stores in generating metricdriven reports for evaluating merchandisings effectiveness,
73% to 52%. Theres an even wider gap in the ability to interface purchase history and demographic data with a merchandise
management system: 48% for stores, 82% for non-stores.
All in all, theres a growing recognition that omni-channel merchandising and information technology are already inextricably
linked. In 2010, 24% of retailers responding to an RSR survey
about their merchandising plans for the coming three to five
years said they were moving away from home-grown systems
toward an integrated suite; in 2011 the figure rose to 29%.
There were also increases in those seeking greater integration
between point solutions (27% in 2010, 29% in 2011) and those
seeking more innovative delivery models such as Software as a
Service (16% vs. 19%).
Non-store channels also have the lead over their brick-andmortar brethren in a number of technology-enabled capabilities. Just over half (55%) of store channel respondents have a
single, centralized product/merchandise data repository, compared to 91% of non-store channel respondents. (See Figure 3.)
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Most tellingly, in 2010 nearly one in five (18%) said they had
no merchandising system plans at all in 2010. By 2011 that
figure had dropped to zero. (See Figure 4.)
As the number and type of decisions around merchandising multiply along with new channels and customer touchpoints, and
as executing on those decisions becomes a greater challenge,
retailers will turn to both sophisticated marketing tools and
advanced IT solutions. Merchandisings clout within the retailing organization may have diminished as retailing itself has
changed, but merchandisings impact on the overall business
has in many ways expanded. Even in a customer-centric world,
products and how they are presented are still basic pillars of a
retailers ongoing success.
Figure 4
A b o u t
No plans
W i p r o
Wipro Technologies, the global IT business of Wipro Limited (NYSE:WIT) is a leading Information Technology, Consulting and Outsourcing company, that delivers solutions to enable its clients to do business better. Wipro Technologies delivers winning business outcomes
through its deep industry experience and a 360 degree view of Business through Technology helping clients create successful and
adaptive businesses. A company recognized globally for its comprehensive portfolio of services, a practitioners approach to delivering
innovation and an organization wide commitment to sustainability, Wipro Technologies has over 120,000 employees and clients across
54 countries.
With over 25 years in the global delivery of technology services, Wipro Technologies provides best in class retail solutions for transforming and managing your business through a comprehensive set of offerings in e-business, Stores, Multi-Channel Retailing, Supply Chain,
Merchandising and Analytics/BI for the retail industry. We bring additional value to clients and nurture innovative solution development
through our investments in Centers of Excellence in Supply Chain Planning and Execution; Merchandizing and Pricing, RFID, Pharmacy in
Retail, Store Operations and Data Analytics. For more information, please visit
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