J Path 168001526
J Path 168001526
J Path 168001526
5, May 2006
Copyright American Society for Investigative Pathology
DOI: 10.2353/ajpath.2006.050603
Analyzing the effects of cytotoxic compounds on malignancy is currently limited to vertebrate models, which are
expensive to maintain and highly regulated. Alternatively,
studies of naturally occurring cancers in nonmammalian
model organisms that are inexpensive to maintain can
yield important data about molecular mechanisms that
are held in common with human diseases.
A number of explanations have been proposed to account for the cytoplasmic sequestration of p53 in mam-
LCH in Vitro
To prepare LCH for in vitro experiments, hemolymph was
obtained from the pericardial sinus of freshly collected
fully leukemic clams (100% leukemic) and then centrifuged. Pelleted LCH were resuspended in 10 ml of chemically defined culture medium7 to which 10% heat-inactivated fetal bovine serum was added. LCH were seeded
(4 to 7 104 ml1) in 100- to 150-ml spinner flasks at 32
rpm in an environmental chamber maintained at 8 to
10C. Penicillin, ampicillin, and streptomycin were also
added to all media at 200 U ml1, 25 g ml1, and 200
g L1, respectively.
Walker et al
AJP May 2006, Vol. 168, No. 5
Figure 2. Western blot of NCH and LCH showing nuclear and cytoplasmic
distribution of Map53 in the former and cytoplasmic sequestration of p53 in
the latter. A larger p53 family member protein is also identified in LCH.
Figure 4. a: Romanovski-stained cytospin of freshly collected LCHs; inset shows similarly stained cytospin of LCHs maintained in vitro (arrows point out mitotic
divisions). b: Cytospin of several LCHs showing localization of -tubulin using indirect immunofluorescence (dark complex to one side of the nucleus). c e:
Quantum-dot immunocytochemical localization in LCH of Mamot (c, notice concentration near the centriole, light green dot), of Map53 (d) and merge to show
cytoplasmic co-localization of Mamot and Map53 (e, yellow indicates co-localization of the two proteins). f: Disruption of Mamot and Map53 binding and
translocation of some Map53 to the nuclei of cells treated with 3.5 mol/L MKT-077. N, nucleus in all figures. Scale bars, 20 m.
Walker et al
AJP May 2006, Vol. 168, No. 5
In this study, immunocytochemistry, co-immunoprecipitation, and subcellular localization of clam p53 (Map53)
and clam mortalin (Mamot) proteins before and after
treatment with MKT-077 were determined for normal
(NCH) and leukemic (LCH) clam hemocytes in vivo and in
vitro. We show that Map53 and Mamot proteins formed
complexes in the cytoplasm of LCH and not in NCH and
that mortalin-based cytoplasmic sequestration of Map53
could be disrupted by MKT-077.
Cytoplasmic sequestration of Map53 protein is a characteristic feature of the phenotype of LCH,10 and Map53
and Mamot are often concentrated near the centriole or
mirror that of the well developed microtubular array. This
distribution of Map53 protein reflects the pattern established by mortalin protein tethers in mice and humans.
Cytoplasmic sequestration leads to inactivation of p53
family proteins in all of these organisms and is especially
common in human lymphomas and neuroblastomas (up
to 96% in undifferentiated neuroblastomas).11,12 Cytoplasmic tethering of p53 is also mediated by mortalin
and/or Parc protein anchors in undifferentiated neuroblastoma cells in mice and humans.13
In mammals, reversal of cytoplasmic sequestration of
wild-type p53 protein can be achieved by a variety of
means all of which result in translocation of p53 to the
nucleus. Because these are wild-type proteins, their renewed presence in the nucleus reactivates them to direct
p53-related transcriptional activities, usually resulting in
apoptosis of the cancer cells. In all cases so far observed, reversal of cytoplasmic sequestration and resultant nuclear function of p53 protein requires either a reduction in the amount or availability of the cytoplasmic
anchoring protein or in DNA damage-dependent overproduction and activation of p53 family proteins.
In leukemic clams, treatment with the rhodocyanin dye
MKT-077 results in translocation of some Map53 protein
from the cytoplasm to the nucleus and ultimately in apoptosis of LCH. Competition between Map53 and MKT077 for the mortalin p53 binding site explains this response after treatment with MKT-077. This treatment
results in a reduction of the effective concentration of
Mamot in LCH. Because Map53 is sequestered in the
cytoplasm, co-localizes with Mamot (which has a binding
We thank Drs. John Hranitz and Kris Brubaker from
Bloomsburg University for their help with the detection of
co-immunoprecipitated Mamot using chemiluminescent
Western blots; Brian Ricketts for accomplishing the early
sequencing of the Mamot cDNA; and Dan Aird and Kristin Rier for performing the affinity purification of the
Mamot antibody.
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