Spina Bifida
Spina Bifida
Spina Bifida
Normal Anatomy
Brain Stem
Spinal Cord
Build up of CSF
compresses brain
Chiari II Malformation
Back of brain is pulled
down out the skull into
top of the spinal canal
Protruding meninges
and spinal cord
Inclusion Guidelines
Myelomeningocele defect must start between
T1-S1 (may extend below S1)
Chiari II malformation by MRI
Normal fetal karyotype
Gestational age at referral between 19 to 26 weeks
Exclusion Guidelines
Multifetal pregnancy (twins, triplets, etc)
Maternal contraindications to surgery or anesthesia
Morbid obesity
Kyphosis (curve in the spine) in the fetus 30
Other fetal problem not related to the spina bifida
Current or planned cerclage or documented history
of incompetent cervix
Short cervix (< 20 mm)
Preterm labor in the current pregnancy
Placenta previa or placental abruption
Maternal-fetal isoimmuization
Uterine anomaly
Inability to comply with travel or follow-up