Spina Bifida

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Spina Bifida

Fetal Surgical Repair of Myelomeningocele

Spina bifida is a congenital defect consisting of an opening in the spinal
column. The most severe form is called myelomeningocele. Most children
with this birth defect survive, but can be left with many disabilities, including
paralysis, difficulty with bowel and bladder control, Chiari II malformation,
hydrocephalus (excessive fluid in the brain), and learning disabilities. The
higher the spinal opening occurs on the back, the greater the impairment.
Infants with myelomeningocele have always had surgery shortly after birth
to protect the spinal cord by closing the normal tissues of the back. Often,
a ventriculoperitoneal (VP) shunt was also placed to treat hydrocephalus.
Due to the success of the MOMS Study, fetal surgery is now considered to
be a treatment option for some cases of myelomeningocele.
What is the MOMS Study?
MOMS Study is a NIH-sponsored multicenter clinical trial evaluating the
best treatment for myelomeningocele: fetal surgery or surgery after birth.
The trial results showed prenatal surgery significantly reduced the need to
divert, or shunt, fluid away from the brain; improved mental development
and motor function; and increased the likelihood for a child to walk unassisted. The trial proved some of the problems, like Chiari II malformation
and hydrocephalus, develop during the second half of pregnancy. Repairing the defect early may allow some nerve function to be restored in
pregnancy, and reverse the development of condition.
Fetal Surgery
Prenatal repair of myelomeningocele involves a multidisciplinary team of
fetal surgey experts. An incision, just large enough to repair the defect, is
made in the mothers abdomen and uterus.
This is much like a cesarean section but the
fetus remains in the womb. The neural tube
and other layers of the back are surgically
closed by the neurosurgeon. After the procedure, the incisions in the mother are closed.
After surgery, patients will remain in the hospital for 45 days, cared for by
skilled nurses with years of experience in fetal surgical care and the fetus
will be monitored via ultrasound. Upon hospital discharge, the mother is
required to stay locally for at least 10-14 days. Travel home is determined
by the mother's condition and the availability of medical services.
Components of UCSF Evaluation
Level II anatomic survey for fetal anomalies
Fetal echocardiagraphy for structural integrity and functional pathology
Fetal brain/spine MRI for presence and severity of Chiari II Malformation
Consultation with our multidisciplinary team: anesthesia, fetal surgery,
neurosurgery, nursing, perinatology, neonatology, and social work
How to Make an Appointment or Referral
Patients who wish to consider fetal surgery at UCSF for the treatment of
spina bifida, and providers making a referral please call us at 1-800-RXFETUS. Patient medical records should be faxed to 415-502-0660.
More info is available at: http://fetus.ucsfmedicalcenter.org/spina-bifida

Normal Anatomy
Brain Stem
Spinal Cord

Build up of CSF
compresses brain
Chiari II Malformation
Back of brain is pulled
down out the skull into
top of the spinal canal
Protruding meninges
and spinal cord

After Fetal Surgery

Decreased need for
Chiari II Malformation
Brain moves back into
more normal position
Spinal cord protected

Inclusion Guidelines
Myelomeningocele defect must start between
T1-S1 (may extend below S1)
Chiari II malformation by MRI
Normal fetal karyotype
Gestational age at referral between 19 to 26 weeks
Exclusion Guidelines
Multifetal pregnancy (twins, triplets, etc)
Maternal contraindications to surgery or anesthesia
Morbid obesity
Kyphosis (curve in the spine) in the fetus 30
Other fetal problem not related to the spina bifida
Current or planned cerclage or documented history
of incompetent cervix
Short cervix (< 20 mm)
Preterm labor in the current pregnancy
Placenta previa or placental abruption
Maternal-fetal isoimmuization
Uterine anomaly
Inability to comply with travel or follow-up

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