BIIJ - HDR Brachytherapy QA

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doi: 10.2349/biij.2.2.e34

Biomedical Imaging and Intervention Journal


High dose rate (HDR) brachytherapy quality assurance:

a practical guide
DA Wilkinson, PhD
Department of Radiation Oncology, Cleveland Clinic Foundation, Cleveland, United States
Received 9 March 2006; received in revised form 16 June 2006; accepted 19 June 2006


The widespread adoption of high dose rate brachytherapy with its inherent dangers necessitates adoption of
appropriate quality assurance measures to minimize risks to both patients and medical staff. This paper is aimed at
assisting someone who is establishing a new program or revising one already in place into adhere to the recently issued
Nuclear Regulatory Commission (USA) regulations and the guidelines from the American Association of Physicists in
Medicine. 2006 Biomedical Imaging and Intervention Journal. All rights reserved.
Keywords: High dose rate brachytherapy, quality assurance


Within five years of its discovery by the Curies in

1898, Ra-226 was being successfully used in
brachytherapy [1]. For the next 50 odd years, radium was
the isotope of choice for brachytherapy applications,
finally yielding to reactor-produced nuclides such as
cobalt, cesium, and iridium with much shorter half-lives.
These -ray emitters, known as radium substitutes,
were at first used in low dose rate (LDR) implants (< 200
cGy/hr; typically 40 to 80 cGy/hr). More recently, the
ability to produce high specific activity Ir-192 sources
combined with developments in computer controlled
after loader technology has led to widespread adoption of
high dose rate (HDR) techniques, i.e. > 1200 cGy/hr [1].
The advantages of HDR treatments include
greater ease and comfort for the patient (often

Present address: Department of Radiation Oncology, Cleveland Clinic

Foundation, Cleveland, OH, 44195, United States. E-mail: (David Wilkinson)

as an out-patient),
more precise dose delivery,
easier dose shaping, and
less exposure to medical personnel.
However, because of the dangers of using a source
with very high activity (10 Ci), it is of utmost importance
to have proper quality assurance (QA) procedures in
place along with the required dosimetric and planning
equipment, and appropriately trained staff. This guide
focuses primarily on the first (QA procedures) and the
third (training) in this list. It is intended to assist those
who are in the process of establishing a program in HDR
Since each country regulates its own medical use of
radioactive material, it is the duty of the medical
physicist to establish a quality management program to
satisfy those regulations. The focus of this review is
regulations of the US Nuclear Regulatory Commission,
as contained in 10 CFR Part 10 (medical use of
byproduct material) [2] and recommendations made by
the American Association of Physicists in Medicine

DA Wilkinson. Biomed Imaging Interv J 2006; 2(2):e34

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The Cleveland Clinic Foundation


The Cleveland Clinic Foundation

The Cleveland Clinic Foundation

HDR Fletcher-suit

Figure 1 Examples of HDR applicators used for lung, rectal, and gynecologic diseases.

(AAPM). The latter are intended to provide the medical

physicist in the USA (and it is hoped other nations as
well) the proper guidance to ensure that brachytherapy
procedures are carried out safely and with due attention
to these rules. There are two AAPM task group (TG)
reports that are particularly relevant to HDR QA. They
are TG 56: Code of practice for brachytherapy physics
[3], and especially TG 59: HDR brachytherapy treatment
delivery [4]. Another useful reference for brachytherapy
quality assurance has been published by ESTRO and is
available on their website [5]. This paper will provide
details about HDR QA as it is performed in our radiation
therapy department (on a Nucletron Microselectron
system) and how the QA program is related to the NRC
regulations and the task group recommendations.


Prior to the initial use of a new (or replacement)

applicator, it is necessary to verify that the source dwell
positions correspond to the radiographic marker
positions used in simulation and treatment planning. TG56 recommends that coincidence of dummy and
radioactive sources be checked annually as well. There
are many standard applicators; photographs of several of
those used in our institution are shown in Figure 1.
The method we employ to verify coincidence of
autoradiography. An applicator is taped securely to a
sealed film envelope (Figure 2) and the HDR after loader
is programmed to send the source to a few appropriately
chosen dwell positions for less than 1 second (e.g. 0.3 s
for 0.31 GBq source). Next, the film plus applicator is
transferred to a diagnostic X-ray source such as a
simulator, the dummy source markers are placed in the

DA Wilkinson. Biomed Imaging Interv J 2006; 2(2):e34

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Figure 2 Photograph of a ring applicator secured to a base plate

with film taped securely in place.

applicator and the film exposed and developed (e.g. 125

kVp, 125 mAs for Kodak XV film). An example of this
is shown in Figure 3. TG-56 recommends that the
coincidence of dummy and active sources be within 2
mm; the NRC regulations call for 1 mm.


The new NRC regulations require a periodic spotcheck of each HDR unit prior to the first use on any
given day that the after loader is in operation and after
each new source installation. These spot-checks need not
be done by the authorized medical physicist, but the
latter must review the results and notify the licensee in
writing of his findings. Table 1 lists the checks that must
be performed at a minimum to assure proper operation of
the unit according to NRC Regulations 10 CFR Part 35.
A convenient way of implementing and recording
the above quality assurance is by using a checklist such
as the one our clinic uses as shown in figure 4.
Certain tests require only a simple inspection to
ensure that materials are present, viz. User manual,
Removal kit, Emergency instructions, Bailout pig,
Radiation alarm setting, and Printer paper. Switching on
the system allows the tests in item 7 to be performed.
The source activity comparison can be made using a
table generated by the medical physicist (Figure 5). This
will also satisfy the requirement (see Full Calibration
below) for performing decay correction which must be
done by the authorized medical physicist. Agreement
should easily be within 1 percent tolerances.
For the remaining tests, the active source will need
to be deployed. For this, the system can be programmed

Figure 3 Autoradiograph of a 3 cm ring showing 5 dwell

positions (1,5,9,13,17) as well as the intervening
dummy markers (unnumbered arrows). Dwell positions
are for the 0.5 cm step-size.

manually each time or a standard program recalled from

the system memory. A single dwell time of 20 to 30 s
suffices to test the door interlock, the interrupt button,
and the emergency off button as well as to verify that the
appropriate exposure indicators and radiation monitors
are functioning properly. The spot check form requires
testing of the functioning of the meter in the treatment
room (Figure 6) under battery power alone. Its alarm
setting of 4 mR/hr was established so as to be above
exposure levels in the room due to an adjacent linac
therapy suite. As an additional safety measure, we have a
calibrated GM meter that is carried by hand by personnel
upon entering the treatment room. It is checked using a 1
mCi Cs-137 source that yields a 10 mR/hr contact value.
The remaining item is an estimate of timer accuracy. For
this, a stopwatch is used to time a 30 s dwell. Typical
error estimates are well below 1 second.


A full calibration is mandated for several different

circumstances, e.g. before first medical use, following a
source change or any major repair, etc. Since the source
in most, if not all, modern HDR after loaders is Ir-192
with a half-life of approximately 74 days, the
requirement for quarterly calibration [2] does not
formally apply. However, it is usual to replace an iridium
source four times a year so as to maintain reasonable
dose rates and treatment times. Quarterly QA testing of
HDR after loaders was recommended in the report of TG
56. The components of a full calibration as defined in
NRC Regulations 10 CFR Part 35 are listed in Table 2.

DA Wilkinson. Biomed Imaging Interv J 2006; 2(2):e34

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Figure 5 Source decay on physicist-generated spreadsheet (left)

and printout from the HDR control console (right). The
actual numbers for the particular treatment date are
36772 and 36754 mGy m2 h-1 (respectively).

Figure 4 Spot-check form used each day of patient treatment. A

downloadable version is available at http://www.biij.

The form we employ for the full calibration is on an

Excel spreadsheet (Figure 7) which allows convenient
calculations of source activity and positioning as well as
timer accuracy and linearity. The activity of the source is
measured using a well chamber and electrometer having
calibrations traceable to the National Institute of
Standards and Technology (within 2 years as indicated
by the dates on the form). The electrometer needs to be
calibrated in both current and charge (integral) modes.
The source is programmed to go to a series of positions
within the well chamber and the maximum current
reading is used to calculate the activity in air kerma units.
This value is then compared to the manufacturers stated
activity decayed to the day of measurement. Agreement
is typically within 2%. The regulations allow a 5% range.
If equipment calibrations traceable to a national standard
are not available, dosimetry system constancy checks can
be performed using a long-lived source such as Cs-137
[5]. This is not a desirable substitute for proper
Positioning accuracy is measured using a special
ruler supplied by the manufacturer (Figure 8). The
programmed position (e.g. 995) is for the center of the
source, hence the correction (one-half of the source
length, or 2.15 mm) for the leading edge. The one mm
criterion may not be satisfied if there is much curvature
in the measuring system (see Figure 9). Thus, some care

must be taken to ensure that the transfer tube is

reasonably straight and horizontal.
We perform the battery back-up test by shutting off
the AC power to the after loader while a source has been
deployed. This makes it a somewhat different test
compared to the one in the spot-check where the
emergency off button is pushed. That the source has been
retracted is printed out at the control console and is
verified by the radiation monitor indicating exposure
rates below the set value (4 mR/hr).
Timer error and linearity are measured using a
technique established for teletherapy sources. Charge is
collected and measured in the well chamber for a set of
predetermined times. The pass/fail criteria we adopted
seem both reasonable and reproducible and well within
the capability of the system.
We test the integrity of the transfer tube/applicator
system in three ways.
Once a program has been loaded into the
control unit, a transfer tube + applicator is
attached to Channel 1 but the indexer ring is not
The second test has the transfer tube removed
from Channel 1 and the ring locked.
The final test has the transfer tube inserted into
Channel 1, the ring locked, and an applicator
with an obstruction in it attached. It should be
added that in the Nucletron system, failure to
connect the transfer tube to the applicator
properly will usually generate the same error
code as an obstruction.

DA Wilkinson. Biomed Imaging Interv J 2006; 2(2):e34

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Nucletron MicroSelecton HDR S/N 9213

December 5,2005



Chamber: Standard Imaging HDR 1000 Plus; S/N A943623
Electrometer: CNMC K602; S/N 51090
Source #

Stated activity


Reference date
C t,p:
Calibration factor:
Electrometer factor:

Check date

Decayed act


Calibrated: Apr 05
Calibrated: Oct 04

Electr. rdgs
Rdg (Amp E-08)



Measured activity (U)

Ratio: measured/stated activity

8.68 Ci

_____ within 5%


Distance (mm)

Figure 6 Exposure rate meter mounted on a wall in the treatment

room so as to be visible from the entrance way.

Distance (mm)

(Mode 13)
Distance (-2.15mm)


_____ within 1 mm

_____ Source retracted from treatment position when power to the unit was interrupted
_____ Printout indicated failure due to power interruption and gave source out time and position


(changes < 1 mm)
_____ transfer tubes for flexible applicators_____ transfer tubes for rigid applicators
_____ transfer tubes for gyn applicators


Time (s)




_____ applicators

d = 950mm
Slope = Q/T

Timer Error =



_____ timer error < 1 s


It is standard practice in external beam radiotherapy

to have a second, independent check of the treatment
plan and monitor unit calculations. This may take the
form of a simplified algorithm using data from phantom
measurements or dose measurements inside a suitable
phantom (especially for IMRT plans). For brachytherapy,
the independent check is also desirable (but not
mandated by NRC regulation), but there is no generally
accepted method for doing it. Some characteristic
parameter(s) of the plan must be compared to an
expected value; however, what the characteristic
parameters should be and how to arrive at the expected
value are left to each medical physicist or institution.
TG-59 addresses these issues and lists several
approaches that have appeared in the literature [6-8].
Typically, the dose is calculated at representative points
by the treatment planning system and then compared to
the results from a second independent system (perhaps a
spreadsheet or nomogram). It remains unclear what
agreement is acceptable. Our method has been to use a
plot of treatment time x source activity/ dose versus the
global parameter of treatment volume for various
applicator types. This is similar to the Paterson-Parker
tables from the days of radium sources. It has been
described previously [9] and will be summarised below.
The treatment volume (usually V100 in our
experience) is obtained from the dose volume histogram
(DVH). Several plans were run on both the Plato and a
second treatment planning system and the respective
DVHs compared to lend credibility to the use of this
parameter. We, then, used data from 20 to 30 patient
plans for each of several applicator types (vaginal
cylinder, tandem/ring, endobronchial tube) to construct
the T*A/D vs V100 plots. Several cases for each

Figure 7 Full calibration spreadsheet with actual calibration data.

A downloadable version is available at http://www.biij.

applicator were double planned with a second treatment

planning system (ROCS or Pinnacle) for verification
purposes. The data on each graph were then fitted to
either a straight line or a second order polynomial using
statistical methods. The result was then used for
checking new patient plans to ensure consistency. A
summary of the initial use of this method for two types
of applicators is shown in Table 3.
Clearly, the agreement is better when a polynomial
is used for fitting the reference data. A similar situation
is found for other types of applicators as well.
Perhaps an even more important aspect of treatment
plan quality assurance is to have a second trained person
inspect the plan and compare it with the written directive.
The comparison should include such items as the dose
prescription (per fraction and per course of treatment),
the step size, dwell positions, etc. A more complete list is
to be found in the report of TG-59. A check-list that is
part of the patients chart is a practical method to ensure
that this aspect of quality control is performed.
Examination of other input data such as simulator films
and comparison with the treatment plan is also essential.
In our institution, specially trained radiation therapy
technologists and the authorized user physician check the
treatment plan.

DA Wilkinson. Biomed Imaging Interv J 2006; 2(2):e34

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Figure 8 Source position ruler showing white plastic indicator (red circle).

Figure 9 Source position accuracy test showing a well-aligned ruler, transfer tube, and afterloader (left) and a setup with a large curvature.


The clinical personnel involved in an HDR program

include the authorized user physician, authorized medical
physicist, radiation safety officer, dosimetrist, nurse, and
radiation therapy technologist. Some of these roles may
be combined into one. For example, the medical
physicist may act also as the radiation safety officer and
do the treatment planning in lieu of a dosimetrist. The
authorized physician and medical physicist should be
certified by the appropriate medical specialties board and
have had special training in brachytherapy. Of prime
importance is the radiation safety training that all
personnel involved in HDR treatments undergo. This is
administered to new personnel and then annually for all
those in the HDR program. Included is training in the
proper response to a major emergency, in particular,
failure of the source to be retracted into the after loader
safe upon completion of treatment or upon power outage.
The daily spot check should ensure that proper
equipment (removal kit and bailout pig) is in place and
that simple emergency instructions are posted so as to be
readily available. If the source has to be retracted
manually, the standard precepts of radiation safety, viz.
time, distance, and shielding, should be followed. If
operation of the hand crank is unsuccessful, then the

applicator containing the stuck source has to be removed

from the patient. Once again, speed is crucial as is
having such items as long forceps and a flashlight on
hand. With the applicator plus source placed in the
bailout pig and the patient and medical personnel
removed from the treatment room, the HDR suite should
be secured and a service engineer contacted for repair.
We find it useful at the time of the annual training to
review and discuss in detail what each member of our
brachytherapy team would do in various emergency




Corbett PJ. Brachytherapy in carcinoma of the cervix: The state of

the art. Martinez AA, Orton CG, Mould RF, eds. Brachytherapy
HDR & LDR. Columbia: Nucletron, 1990:100-9.
U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission [Web Page]. Available at
Nath R, Anderson LL, Meli JA, et al. Code of practice for
brachytherapy physics: report of the AAPM Radiation Therapy
Committee Task Group No. 56. American Association of
Physicists in Medicine. Med Phys 1997;24(10):1557-98.
Kubo HD, Glasgow GP, Pethel TD, et al. High dose-rate
brachytherapy treatment delivery: report of the AAPM Radiation
Therapy Committee Task Group No. 59. Med Phys

DA Wilkinson. Biomed Imaging Interv J 2006; 2(2):e34

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Venselaar, J, Perez-Calataynd, J, eds. A practical guide to quality

control of brachytherapy equipment [Web Page]. 2004; Available
Kubo HD, Chin RB. Simple mathematical formulas for quickchecking of single-catheter high dose rate brachytherapy treatment
plans. Endocurietherapy/Hyperthermia Oncology 1992;8:165-9.
Ezzell GA, Luthmann RW. Clinical implementation of dwell-time
optimization techniques for single stepping-source remote after
loaders. Williamson JF, Thomadsen BT, Nath R, eds.

Table 1



Brachytherapy Physics. Madison: Medical Physics Pub, 1995:61740.

Rogus RD, Smith MJ, Kubo HD. An equation to QA check the
total treatment time for single-catheter HDR brachytherapy. Int J
Radiat Oncol Biol Phys 1998;40(1):245-8.
Wilkinson DA, Clouser E, Fleming PA. A method for checking
HDR brachytherapy treatment plans. Radiother Oncol
2004;71(supp 2):S47.

Mandated periodic spot-checks.


Electrical interlocks at entrance to room


Source exposure indicator lights on the after loader, control console, and in the


Viewing and intercom systems


Emergency response equipment


Radiation monitors to indicate source position


Timer accuracy


Clock (date and time) in units computer


Decayed source activity in units computer

Table 2

Full calibration measurements (as applicable).


Output within 5%


Source positioning accuracy to within 1 mm


Source retraction with backup battery upon power failure


Length of the source transfer tubes


Timer accuracy and linearity over the typical range of use


Length of the applicators


Function of the source transfer tubes, applicators, and transfer tube-applicator


Table 3

Percentage difference between newly created plans and our reference data.

average difference

average difference

vaginal cylinder









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