Articulo Cue Mart Plu
Articulo Cue Mart Plu
Articulo Cue Mart Plu
Carlos Armando Cuevas Vallejo
Magally Martnez Reyes
Franois Pluvinage
Departamento Matemtica Educativa
CU UAEM Valle de Chalco
Institud de Recherche sur
lEnseinement ds mathmatiques. Stras.
Resumen: Esta es una propuesta para promover una mejor comprensin de los conceptos del
clculo diferencial en un primer curso universitario, mediante la introduccin de las
tecnologas digitales bajo un marco didctico y con una aproximacin epistemolgica.
Presentaremos algunos resultados.
Abstract. We propose a way to promote a better understanding of the concepts of differential
calculus in a first course for undergraduate students, by introducing digital technologies
under a didactic outline in accordance with an epistemic approach.. We present some results
of the experiment carried out in a University in Mexico.
Words key: differential calculus, digital technologies, didactic, epistemic
equation). We hope to compensate these deficiencies, not with remedial courses, which
never have satisfactory effects, but with the adequate use of the computing resources.
2. A historical perception
Traditionally, the ordered subjects in the first course of differential calculus at an
undergraduate level are: Real numbers; Real functions; Concept of limit; Derivate of a real
function in a point; Rules and results of derivation; Derivate applications . Nevertheless
history shows that the development of the concepts is quite different form the way in which
the curricular contents of the calculus course are currently presented. History on the XVIII
and XIX centuries teaches us for example, that the complete study of the real numbers was
tightly related with the resolution of problems found with functions, i.e. the fact that a
simple convergence condition is not sufficient for a succession of continuous functions to
have a continuous function as a limit. This is why the order of appearance of the calculus
subject is opposed to the needs that originated its study and formalization. On the other
hand, the exploration of the kind of problems that originated the calculus is lost: The
drawing and description of the behavior of a curve where it is possible to demonstrate the
need of the concepts like monotony, maximum and minimum, concavity, etc.; and the
geometrical intuition and calculus important results which emerge from the resolution of
curves problems are neglected again. Resuming, it can be stated that the content and
historical order of the studies in the calculus course developed between the XVI and XIX
centuries is as follows: Polynomial variations and a polynomial derivative; Relation
between a tangent to a curve and a derivative (Barrow); Derivative of the algebraic
functions and calculus birth (lHopital); Trigonometric and transcendent functions
(logarithm and exponential) and their derivative (Newton, Leibniz), development of Taylor
and series; General consideration of real functions by Euler, without giving a formal
definition of the object function; Study of the problems of convergence of series and
continuity (Fourier); Formal definition of real numbers and of derivate in a point as limit
From comparing both progressions we find a strong incoherence, which can clear up some
of the observed difficulties in calculus teaching. We find two particularly difficult concepts,
limit and derivative, determining a lack of comprehension from an important portion of the
students, above all in those careers that are not only scientific (i. e. engineering and social
sciences). Obviously the concept of limit was not absent in the mathematics before
Weierstrass, because it was presented since the Greek age in algorithmic and geometrical
contexts, or in the study of movement (kinematics) i. e. anthypheresis related to
developments in continuous fractions, Zenons paradox, tangent as limit position in a chord.
Descartes analytic geometry has established a bridge between geometry and calculus
without reducing both dominions to a unique kind of mathematic thought. A tool which had
an important historical role, the reasoning of geometric form aside, was tabulation: to
calculate results, numerical value tables were used. Moreover, until the computing age, the
use of trigonometric and logarithmic tables, were taught.
Some guides, for the differential calculus teaching, result from the study and analysis of
history. One guide is that, must not be constructed the first differential calculus course over
a previous knowledge of formal definitions of the function concept and of the notion of
limit, which emerged at the end of their creation. But to be supported on the numerical
calculus stages (e. g. interpolation) and on the algebraic calculus (e. g. Newtons binomial
and development of an bn ) and even to exploit ideas coming from geometrics or the
movement study.
"Even if education has other means than to reproduce the meanders of history, to give
sense in concepts and theories which it teaches -we could not afford it- it is clear that we
must know how to draw the lessons of these epistemological characteristics and accept that
calculation can spread and help to construct a mathematical world, even though its objects
are not, and can not be, perfectly defined yet" (Kahane, 2002).
3. The experimental project of teaching calculus in Mexico
In order to develop the experiment, a permutation on the subjects of the traditional study
program and use of technology has been proposed. The change in mathematics education,
with the introduction of the technology, is today something unquestionable and makes a
considerable challenge for the educators. But not only introducing a new form of teaching,
as efficient as for instance the ACE cycle in cooperative learning in the C4L project, 2004,
can not produce the desired improvement, without a correlative change in the cognitive way
of approach.
From this point of view, two realizations seem to us essential: To understand that
computation in calculus is different from the previous algebra, by the game which it
institutes between "local " and "global", to understand that it inserts in a fundamental
manner the notion of order of magnitude (Kahane, 2002, p. 241, translated from French by
the authors).
This is why visualizing a differential calculus course without the use of technology would
make the teacher unable to take advantage of one of the most important resources he can
count on nowadays. But also it would be naive to think that the technology use would by
itself resolve all the teaching and learning problems. It is advised in this sense that the
teacher will have to be careful on the hidden mathematical processes and the new
representations of formulas, number and data produced by the software (Lagrange 2005).
Our position is then for using technology under a careful didactic scheme. So we have
introduced essentially two kinds of programs in a differential calculus course, the first has
didactical scenarios which simulate a natural phenomenon. These scenarios, where the
student is able to manipulate things, are created in Cabri and Java in order to be later
converted in applets of free use on the net. The second kind, its a tutorial systems which
share the teaching job with the teacher.
For the first part of the course which corresponds to basic concepts of function, dependent
and independent variable, parameter and equation, the project of concrete action, named
Project pulleys, was designed. This project has three applets simulating the movement
transmitted by a pulley. Additionally we create a whole work environment for the students,
including: Directed instructions for the teachers with the description of the objects of study,
the necessary time prevision and organizational instructions; working instructions for the
students, Questionnaires, with presupposed spaces, for the students who are conducting the
activity; Interactive files (mathematical laboratory), with the inclusion of programs in
Applet form which run through a Java motor in any navigator.
The sheets of question-answer are useful for teachers, in order to control the students
activities, as well as for the students to be able to see, through the interactive files, the
directions where to lead their experiments. The activity addresses the students to consider
the fundamental ideas for the study of functions, which are independent variable, dependent
variable and parameter, as well as the concepts of domain and range of a function. Globe
project was created with these same characteristics (Cuevas, Moreno & Pluvinage, 2005).
This scenario provides the student with virtual scenario, where we have a balloon tied to the
bottom of a cylinder with certain amount of liquid. The student must choose a certain
amount of liquid, at the beginning, and starts to inflate the balloon. The problem is to find
the balloons radio when it is tangent to the liquids surface. The student and the teacher
propose the equation through a guided activity of a questionnaire, resulting in a cubic
polynomial and in order to solve it, the system CalcVisual is used.
CalcVisual (Cuevas and Meja, 2003; Martnez, 2006 ) proposes a new kind of learning
environment in mathematics, it is called New Intelligent Tutorial System (NITS) and it
inherits part of the traditional architecture of an Intelligent Tutorial System (ITS), but it
weakens the two fundamental paradigms which according to our approach have impeded the
development of the ITS. The first modification of CalcVisual consists in that the tutorial
module, does not seek the teacher's total substitution. We intended to design a system that
shares with the teacher the responsibility of a course. The second contribution corresponds
to modify student's model module. In this case we propose a model of the student's
statistical error (SES). It does not mean to have a virtual student who is susceptible to do all
the possible student's errors and successes, on the contrary, it is the creation of a structured
bank of data that contains the most frequent errors made by students when solving a
problem. In order to live the experience with CalcVisual (see figure 1), two hours were
devoted to work attending the lesson and using the traditional resources (blackboard, chalk,
diagrams, exercises in pencil and paper, etc.) with the teacher. The other two, were used in
working with CalcVisual without the teacher. In some cases they acted as an assistant
teacher but like observer in the Keskessas sense. This is, observer's function should be to
speak with the teacher essentially about the organization of the activity of the student and its
progress related to a setting previously established (Keskessa, 1994). Laboratory work was
designed as collaborative; two students per computer attended the Vigotskys socio-cultural
theory that states the importance of the environment for knowledge acquisition. He
mentions the teacher works as a mediator between knowledge and student, in such a way
that when incorporating the collaborative work among students, each one of them, in
different moments, takes that mediator role. Thus, this work scheme, where two students
interact in a computer, allows interchanging questions and reducing the zone of proximal
development. The latter allows covering the content of curricula faster, easier and in the
dynamic of an efficient work..
Figure 1. CalcVisual Interface, note that the main menu has been modified.
While the design of a local experiment authorizes some adaptations of the didactic proposal
to the public and to the context as they appeared during the application period, the design of
a curricular proposal that has robustness sufficient to experience it at a more important
scale, supposes a strict observation of didactic principles. Hence, we have selected the
1. Due to the students heterogeneity in previous mathematical knowledge, application of a
spiral teaching accordingly with the principle of proximal development (Vigotzky) in order
to avoid remedial courses.
2. Designing and implementing modeling activities to promote the concepts, in accordance
to the RMI scheme (real mathematical instruction), in the form of concrete action projects
(Cuevas &Pluvinage, 2003).
3. To favor the control of the students over their own learning, systematization of the use of
diverse registers of semiotic representation (tabular, graphic, algebraic), with which the
functions are represented and promote the conversions between registers in both ways.
4. First observed results
For the first time in 2003, the CalcVisual software is installed in a calculus course, in a high
level career. The aim to conjugate using this NITS with applying exercises in classroom
produced improvement in the calculus, its study resulting more conceptual than operative,
although the mathematical concept is not formalized before a further stage.
Before the use of the NITS in the institution the failure rates were of 80%. The traditional
pattern of evaluation consists in: exam written 50%, homework 30%, activities works 10%
and participation 10%, so that all students that approved the course should have punctuation
in each item. Gradually through the last three years this failure index has diminished to
25%, maintaining the traditional pattern of evaluation. Given that the evaluation depends on
the teacher's approach even when the parameters settle down, we decided to carry out a
quantitative analysis in statistical terms, to confront the results obtained in a diagnostic
exam (pretest) with the results of a posttest and find out if they show an improvement. Both
exams were applied to LIA (administrative engineering) and ICO (computing engineering)
groups; and on time, they will show that in some aspects a promotion is observed in the
learning of the students. Although many of the questions have to do more with pre-calculus
than with the characteristically contents of the calculus, it is observed that when developing
activities for the promotion of the basic concepts of calculus, the algebraic handling
improves later on, without need of special courses. If we examine each case, we see that the
use of the tools provided by the NITS facilitates the activity of algebraic factoring by means
of the tools that the software presents, which is its purpose. A known problem for the
college students is the deficiency in the algebraic handling and in particular in the factorized
polynomials. When developing activities in each register of semiotic representation
(algebraic writing, table and graph) for seeking roots of a real valued function and
interpreting them like in a decomposition of binomials, the system allows the student to
overcome the algebraic obstacles.
5. Conclusions
The use of the technology lowers didactic limits shows flattering results when diminishing
the time of present class substantially, besides reducing the number considerably of having
failure. Additionally, in the last years we have diminished in other courses of mathematics
of the same plan of studies this index of having failure. At the present time, this project has
extended to six universities more than the country, adding proposals of curricular change
that include proposals of court epistemological; we are while waiting for the results that
they are obtained
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