Module 8: Numerical Relaying I: Fundamentals: Sampling Theorem
Module 8: Numerical Relaying I: Fundamentals: Sampling Theorem
Module 8: Numerical Relaying I: Fundamentals: Sampling Theorem
Sampling theorem.
In the previous lecture, we have discussed the step - 1 in detail. In this lecture we discuss the next step.
At this point, a worthwhile observation is that direct analog signal processing is conceptually much
simpler. However, advantages of digital processing far outweigh analog processing. Some of the
advantages of digital processing are as follows:
Operation of digital circuits do not depend on precise values of digital signals. As a result, a digital circuit
is less
sensitive to tolerances of component values.
A digital circuit has little sensitivity to temperature, aging and other external parameters.
In terms of economics of volume, a digital circuit can be reproduced easily in volume quantities. With
VLSI circuits, it is
possible to integrate highly sophisticated and complex digital signal processing systems on a single chip.
In DSP, accuracy of computation can be increased by increasing word length. With the availability of
floating point
arithmetic in digital signal processors, dynamic ranges of signal and coefficients can be increased.
A signal processor can process many signals, reducing processing cost per signal.
Digital implementation allows the realization of certain characteristics not possible with analog
implementation; such
as polygon in R-X plane for distance relaying.
Digital signals can be stored indefinitely without loss of accuracy.
There are also some disadvantages with DSP. One of them is that DSP contains active devices. Active
devices are less reliable than passive components. Passive components consume less power than active
devices. However, advantages of digital relays (i.e. relaying using digital signal processing) are far more
significant than the disadvantages. In what follows, we discuss digital signal processing for relaying.
28.2 Sampling
Consider a continuous time domain sinusoid signal as, x(t) = sin(2 0 t) .The sine wave has frequency
0 e.g. 50 Hz. Let the waveform x(t) be sampled at a rate of s samples/sec, i.e. with time period ts = 1/
s sec. Let the sampling process start at time
Because of periodicity of sine wave, it is not possible to distinguish two samples with a phase difference
equal to 2m , where
is an integer. Therefore,
If we choose
to be an integer multiple of
above equation transforms into the following:
28.2 Sampling
Consider a continuous time domain sinusoid signal as, x(t) = sin(2 0 t) .The sine wave has frequency
0 e.g. 50 Hz. Let the waveform x(t) be sampled at a rate of s samples/sec, i.e. with time period ts = 1/
Because of periodicity of sine wave, it is not possible to distinguish two samples with a phase difference
equal to 2m , where
is an integer. Therefore,
If we choose
to be an integer multiple of
above equation transforms into the following:
Fig 28.4 shows a signal with frequency content between B Hz . Such signals are said to be band limited
signals. Note that because
component of a real life signals have typically an even symmetry around dc signal. By the observation
made in the previous slide that a signal of 0 Hz can be aliased to ( 0 s ) Hz { = 1, 2,--- } , it
follows that post sampling in frequency domain, we will see repeating lobes (replicas) of original signal,
each lobe being displaced by s Hz. In other words, after sampling we cannot distinguish the signal lobe
from other replicated lobes.
An interesting analog can be drawn by considering a room having many mirrors each reflecting image
from one to another. It is seen that if a person is standing in such a room, another observer cannot
distinguish him from his image. The difficulty can be resolved if the observer has an idea of location or
coordinates of the real person. In the same manner, we can identify the original lobe from replicated
lobes if we have an idea of the frequency content of original signal. In fig 28.5, notice that lobes are
distinctly separated because s > 2B Hz . On the other hand, if s = 2B Hz , then as seen in fig 28.6,
lobes will just touch each other. If however, s < 2B Hz, then lobes will overlap (fig 28.7) and this will
lead to distortion of replicated frequency spectrum. Thus, it is necessary that s the sampling frequency
should atleast equal to 2B Hz.
Sampling at a rate
Sampling at a rate
Sampling at a rate
When sampling frequency, s< 2B, then there is an overlapping effect around frequency s/2, known as
the folding frequency. As a consequence of superposition, the frequency domain information is
distorted. Thus, we should choose s > 2B. This important result is a part of sampling theorem stated
below in two equivalent ways.
A band limited signal of finite energy, which has no frequency component higher than
Hz, is completely
by specifying the values of the signal at instants of time separated by
A band limited signal of finite energy which has no frequency component higher than
per sec.
recovered from the knowledge of its samples taken at a rate of
The sampling rate of 2B samples per sec is known as Nyquist rate.
Hz may be
In practice, even a band limited signal will contain noise. Noise reflects as high frequency component in
Hz, we cannot
the overall spectrum, (fig 28.8). Thus, even if we sample the signal at a rate say
reconstruct the correct frequency domain information. Noise is aliased to lower frequency. It distorts the
frequency domain information by superposing an alias of noise on the original signal. To avoid this, in
practice it is necessary to pass the continuous signal first through an analog low pass filter. Such a filter
is known as anti-aliasing filter. Fig 28.9 illustrates this concept.
28.2 Sampling
Review Questions
A 40 kHz signal is sampled at 49 kHz. What is the minimum frequency to which this signal will be aliased.
Sampling theorem.