Birla Institute of Technology & Science, Pilani First Semester 2015-2016, Computer Programming (CS F111) Lab #1

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Birla Institute of Technology & Science, Pilani

First Semester 2015-2016, Computer Programming [CS F111]

Lab #1
Week #1
OBJECTIVES Introduction (Computing Machine, Operating System, UNIX)

Getting started with UNIX

UNIX treats everything as Files!!!

Print Working Directory (pwd command)

List the contents of current directory (ls command)
Creating a Directory (mkdir command)
Changing to a different Directory (cd command)
File creation, display, and deletion.


A computer is a machine, capable of performing a set of predefined operations. It is

programmable i.e. it can be programmed to perform - arbitrarily long - sequences of
operations chosen from predefined set. Its basic components - referred to as the hardware
provide for the predefined operations and its programmability is achieved using software
i.e. instructions that tell the hardware to perform a sequence of these operations. A block
diagram of a typical personal computer (PC) is shown below in Figure 1 with its typical
hardware components marked.

Figure 1
Exercise 1.1 (Trivial): Spot the corresponding physical parts in the computer in front of
you. [Some parts such as the speaker may be missing.]
The PC tower is just a collection of various components connected together and
ergonomically packaged into a box. The internals of a typical PC tower are shown in

Operating System
The operating system is software that manages the hardware and helps you to interact with
the computer. There are several Operating Systems available on the market today for PCs.
Some of the most popular ones are:
Windows (Windows XP, Windows Vista, and Windows 7) produced by Microsoft.
Unix/Linux (AIX produced by IBM, Fedora produced by RedHat, HP-UX produced
by HP etc.)
3. Mac OS (produced by Apple).
We will be using UNIX/LINUX for our lab work.

What is UNIX?
UNIX is an operating system originally developed at AT&T Bell Laboratories. It became very
popular among the scientific, engineering, and academic communities due to its multi-user
and multi-tasking environment, flexibility and portability, electronic mail and networking
capabilities, as well as the numerous programming, text processing and scientific utilities
available [If you do not understand few words here, don't worry].
Unix does not refer to a single operating system but to a family of operating system i.e.
there are many flavors (aka. variants, types, or implementations) of Unix available. Linux is
a modern day variant developed originally by Linus Torvalds and several implementations
of Linux are supported today by the open source community. Although based on a core set
of Unix commands, different flavors have their own unique commands and features, and
are designed to work with different types of hardware.
The following is some of the well-known Unix flavors,
1.Ubuntu (Linux variant)
2.Fedora (Linux variant)
3. Debian (Linux variant)
4. Free BSD (One of the old Unix variants still available)

We will be using Fedora v8 in our lab.

Linux systems have two basic modes for a system to run in:
1. Text console mode, in which user interaction happen through commands typed using the
keyboard and the display is text only.
2. Graphical mode, in which the display is rich in pictures, frames, windows, and
interactive elements (such as menu items) and in which the user interaction happens
choices made using mouse clicks.
We will be primarily using Text console mode.
Your Desktop will look as in Figure 5 (the Graphical mode)

Figure 5.
Go to Application on top of the Desktop and click on System Tools. Then click on
Terminal. You will see a window as in Figure6, on which you will learn /practice /
program throughout this course by typing text commands.

Figure 6

UNIX treats everything as Files!!!

Everything in UNIX is either a file or a process (dont bother to understand the term process
at this stage, not a big deal anyway). A file is a (logical) collection of data irrespective of
where it is stored (in a hard disk, a CD ROM, a memory stick etc.). Contents of a file may be
a sequence of characters (in which the file is referred to as a text file) or a sequence of bits
(0s and 1s) in which case the file is referred to as a binary file.
All the files are grouped together in an (inverted) tree-like structure. The root (denoted by
/) is at the top. A collection of files is referred to as a directory in Unix as it forms an index
for the collection of files. In Unix each directory is also stored as a file and therefore a
directory may contain other directories (each of which is stored as a file).

Top-level Directory Structure in UNIX systems

Once you are logged in, you will most likely be in the directory named by user. But how
do I verify this???
Print Working Directory (Command Name: pwd)
Type pwd at the prompt
[user@localhost:~] $ pwd
You get the path name of your home directory. A path is a sequence of edges (or lines) from
the root to a specific file or directory. A pathname is a collection of names of the
directories encountered in the path ending in the specific file or directory. For example in
the above case: the path starts at /, then goes via home to user. The / character is also
used to separate the directory names in the path.
What is Home Directory???
When you first login, your current working directory is your home directory. Your home directory
has the same name as user.

You would like to find out what is inside your home directory.
List the contents of the current directory (Command Name: ls)
Do you see the following prompt?
[user@localhost:~] $

Type ls at the prompt

[user@localhost:~] $ ls
You will get the prompt, it will list nothing. You will immediately see the prompt back
[user@localhost:~] $
Your home directory is empty!!! Its empty because you didnt create anything. But how can we
make sure, that my home directory has nothing hidden? We can still find it out.
[user@localhost:~] $ ls a





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Observe the result of our previous command ls a : all the files listed as result start with a DOT (.)
These files are hidden files. (Do not fiddle with these files now!!!). Also observe the first two results.
A Single dot (.) in UNIX means the current directory and two consecutive dots (..) means the parent
of the current directory.
[Note: There is a space between the command name ls and the option a. Most commands in UNIX
have options and optional arguments. Each option is usually preceded by a space and then a hyphen
(-) End of Note]
Type the following commands, and observe the outcomes.
[user@localhost:~] $ ls .
[user@localhost:~] $ ls ..

Creating a Directory (Command Name: mkdir)

We will create a subdirectory within our home directory to hold the files we will be creating and
using during the lab hours of CP. We name the new directory as exercises.
The command is as follows
[user@localhost:~] $ mkdir exercises
You will immediately get back the prompt, without any other messages, as
[user@localhost:~] $
But, how do we make sure that if the directory named exercises is created or not??? We have ls
command for it.
[user@localhost:~] $ ls
How do we go to the directory created??? (See next section)
Changing to a different directory (Command Name: cd)
The command cd directory means change the current working directory to 'directory'. The current
working directory may be thought of as the directory you are in, i.e. your current position in the
file-system tree. We want to change the current working directory to exercises. We do it as follows
[user@localhost:~] $ cd exercises
[user@localhost:~/exercises] $

1. Try the following commands now (and try to understand the results too)
ls ~
ls ~/exercises
ls ./..
ls ~/..
2. Create two subdirectories test1 and test2 under exercises
Observe the two prompts above.

Before you enter the command you can see a ~ symbol towards the end of the prompt

Once you entered the command you can find the ~ symbol is replaced by exercises.
exercises is the present working directory. Then what does the ~ symbol mean?

~ symbol stands for your home directory

Consider you are in your home directory. Change to the exercises directory.
[user@localhost:~] $ cd exercises
Now create a new directory exercise1 in exercises directory
[user@localhost:~/exercises] $ mkdir exercise1
Create a directory inside exercise1 with a name exercise2
[user@localhost:~/ exercises] $ mkdir exercise1/exercise2
Go to exercise2
[user@localhost:~/ exercises] $ cd exercise1/exercise2
Create a directory inside exercise2 with a name test
[user@localhost:~/exercises/exercise1/exercise2] $ mkdir test
Try to execute the following commands and observe the results
(a)[user@localhost:~/exercises/exercise1/exercise2] $ ls .
(b)[user@localhost:~/exercises/exercise1/exercise2] $ ls ./..
(c)[user@localhost:~/exercises/exercise1/exercise2] $ ls ./../..

Recall that '.' indicates present working directory and '..' indicates the parent of present directory.
1. In this section you will learn various options which can be used with ls command to provide
various file related information.
a) ls command when used with a option lists all the files in your directory including those that
start with a dot(.), such files are hidden files. Execute the following command
[user@localhost:~/ Lab2]$ ls a
(Please give a space between ls, and a), observe the output
b) ls command when used with l option displays Unix file types, permissions, number of hard

links, owner, group, size, date, and filename. Execute the following command

[user@localhost:~/ Lab2]$ ls l
(Please give a space between ls, and l), observe the output
1. The clear command- Used to clear the screen.
2. The date command displays todays date. Execute the following command and observe
the result. You will see todays date.
[user@localhost:~/ Lab2]$ date
3. The who command displays all the users who are currently logged in your system
(online). Execute the following command and observe the result.
[user@localhost:~/ Lab2]$ who
4. The who am i command displays your own identity. Execute the following command and
you will be able to see output as your own user identity.
[user@localhost:~/ Lab2]$ who am i
5. The cal command It is a standard program on UNIX and UNIX-like operating systems
that prints an ASCII calendar of the given month or year. Execute the following commands
and see the output.
a. [user@localhost:~/ Lab2]$ cal 2010 (give space between cal, 2010)

b. [user@localhost:~/ Lab2]$ cal 2 2010 (give space between cal, 2, and 2010)
6. The man command- provides reference information on topics, such as commands,
subroutines, and files. The man command provides one-line descriptions of commands
specified by name. The man command also provides information on all commands whose
descriptions contain a set of user-specified keywords. This is the command which you will
be using to get any information about inbuilt functions while writing C programs.
Example: Type the following
[user@localhost:~]$man ls
You will see the following

Which tells you details how to use ls command. Letter or string starting with '-' are optional
with ls command.
Use Ctrl z to come out of manual page.
So what you understand here is, the structure of UNIX command is

<command name><space><option1><space><option2>.

So, play with man command to understand UNIX commands in detail. Try out the options you can
use with the commands you have already learnt. What happens when you type man man ?

File Related Operations & Commands

In this session we will learn how to create files, display its contents and file maintenance
commands. Apart from this we will learn some more UNIX commands.
First create a directory named Lab1 using mkdir command. Now go to directory Lab1 using cd
command and start working on files as shown below. Type the following commands in sequence
Step1:[user@localhost:~/ Lab1]$ cat > first.txt
This is CP first lab and I am creating the file
Learning commands is fun
Hard to memorize,
Practice makes me perfect
Step 2: Press Ctrl + d
Step 3: [user@localhost:~/ Lab1]$ ls
You will see file called first.txt.
Step4: [user@localhost:~/ Lab1]$ clear
Step5:[user@localhost:~/ Lab1]$ cat first.txt
You will see whatever you typed previously on the screen.
Step6:[user@localhost:~/ Lab1]$ Similarly create another file called second.txt with some
new text.
Step 7:[user@localhost:~/ Lab1]$ cat first.txt second.txt
You will see the contents of the two files one after the other.
[The command named cat short for concatenate concatenates contents files named as
arguments and displays their contents on the display. If no argument is given the input is taken
from the standard input (keyboard). In the first step, the output of cat is then redirected (by the >
operator) to the file named first.txt. Ctrl+d is the End-of-File character.]
Logging out of your computer
(a) Type the command logout. The command window will be closed.
(b) Go to the System menu at the top of the desktop and click Logout user. You
should see the login screen if you are successfully logged out.

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