Online Marketing
Online Marketing
Online Marketing
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We chose this subject because in the times that we live in, the internet
has a very important role in our everyday life. The internet has influenced
our way of communicating with each other, the way of purchasing the
things we need, the way we find out what happens in the world, the way we
study and many other things.
In this day, approximately 40% of the whole worlds population uses
the internet on a daily basis. This percentage is growing faster and faster
with each year that passes.
Because of the big number of people that are using internet,
marketing had to adapt, giving birth to a new concept named online
marketing. Many companies are now using online marketing, knowing that
most of their clients are connected to the internet.
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From the point of view of marketing, social media sites are defined as
a websites that use social media tools such as email, instant messaging,
blogs, micro-blogs, vlogs, forums, sending files or RSS feeds to meet its
main goal: promoting the company's image.
"In marketing, it's all about building relationships, and relationships
begin with communication." (Thomas, 2011, p.100). As we have established,
communication is most important activity for marketing, all of the
marketing processes relying on it. Relationships are based on
communication and they could not be created without communication and
could not survive without it.
Social sites promote communication between people. In this way it
appears the situation where people discuss thoughts about certain products
or companies, they share their opinions whether positive or negative,
compared or promote goods, services or brands.
Social media allow marketers to establish a public voice and presence
online. They can cost-effectively reinforce other communication activities.
Because of their day-to-day immediacy, they can also encourage companies
to stay innovative and relevant. Marketers can build online communities,
inviting consumers and creating a long-term marketing asset in the process.
The benefits that social media offers are: reduced or non- existent
costs, the possibility to increase the sphere of consumers, feedback, trust
and customer proximity to the brand, communication and interaction
between the company and customers with less efforts.
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Companies must design web sites that embody or express their purpose,
history, products, and vision and that are attractive on first viewing and
interesting enough to encourage repeat visits.
Visitors will judge a sites performance on ease of use (if the site
downloads fast; if the first page is easy to understand and easy to navigate;
pages open quickly) and physical attractiveness (the layout of a page is
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clean, there are not many clusters of information content in the same place,
fonts are readable, pleasant colors).
If a company wants to create a successful web site, it must focus on the
7Cs (design concept made by Jeffrey Rayport amd Bernard Jaworski).
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Its disadvantages are: the possibility of not being received or seen; the
possibility that the content will not be displayed properly, especially for
emails containing images; the difficulty of maintaining interest; frequency of
If you want to maximize the value of your emails you have to:
The newest and fastest-growing channels for communicating and
selling directly to customers are digital. The Internet provides marketers
and consumers with opportunities for much greater interaction and
Online marketing offers companies, marketers and consumers the
possibility to be permanently in contact with each other, the have access to
key information, feedback and to easily communicate.
Nowadays, it is very important for companies to have a personal web
site where they showcase their products, their values and objectives, their
brand; to always be connected to a social media website where people can
keep in touch with them and find out the latest news about
products/events/important people form the company.
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