Digitalization - What Is and Why Being Digital
Digitalization - What Is and Why Being Digital
Digitalization - What Is and Why Being Digital
and processes might become online dialogues between parties that were not previously directly
Digitalization, by contrast, refers to the adoption or increase in use of digital or computer
technology by an organization, industry, country, etc.
A new year means new possibilities, and as the digital marketplace continues to groweach and
every year, the physical customer experience of brick-and-mortar stores is changing to
accommodate more digital tools, as well.
Business today doesnt happen from9 to 5, Monday through Saturday. In a world that is fueled
by the Internet of things, today businesshappens during all the time 24x7x365. Customers and
prospective customers are searching and browsing and shopping and asking and talking and
reviewing all day, every day. And customer service, its never been more important. Thats why
harnessing the power of technology to deliver a digital customer service experience whenever
and wherever customers need it is integral to your success. This is true of enterprise level
companies as it is for small to midsize businesses.
The way of doing business in current era has been changed, the organisations understand the
need to transform to digital business apart from this leaders are struggling to make it core part of
their business.
According to Forrester analysts Hopkins and Gillett, "connectivity will enablecompetitive
differentiation and will transform business models based on service, not just product."Delivering
emails and ads that are customized based on the websites consumershave visited, the social
networks they use, or the loyalty programs they belong to is quickly becoming the norm in
Customer behaviour and customer expectations are shaped by trends in the economy and society
and advances in technology.
The digital revolution has impacted consumers and businesses alike. Over the past decade
technology and the way it is used has changed drastically. The Internet, once purely a source of
information has become a place where people meet to share their stories and experiences, a
platform for discussion and debate, a source of entertainment and much more.
Furthermore, the Web has several important marketing aspects that enable companies to boost
their performance: 24 hours online; multimedia compatible; globally available; interactive;
micromarketing compatible; integration ready. (Rowley, 2004, p. 26)
Communication across continents now takes seconds, not weeks. When consumers experience
your brand through the web (positively or negatively) the impact is immediate. Nutella is a
perfect example; when many passionate consumers began creating online communities around
the brand the company intervened preventing consumers from using the Nutella name and
the company suffered as a result (Cova & Pace, 2006).
Kwak, Lee, Park and Moon (2010) present an empirical study of Twitter and how information
spreads across the service. The authors analyzed 41.7 million users, 1.47 billion social relations,
4,262 trending topics and 106 million tweets. During the research the authors noted a tendency
on Twitter; contact between similar people occurs at a higher rate than among dissimilar people.
Twitters homophily can benefit businesses that establish their Twitter presence and start
building a follower database. It enables companies to reach out to the right people and be sure
that the information will be passed on and reach people with similar interests who could be
potential clients. When looking deeper into how Twitter operates and spreads information the
authors noted that any re-tweeted tweet reaches an average of 1000 users no matter the number
of followers had by the original tweet. Reaching a thousand potential customers by only one
click is undoubtedly a valuable opportunity for businesses. The article presents a good
description of how Twitter operates and how tweets reach masses. However the article, though
valuable, is purely scientific and very limited as it does not address how the business world is
making use of this potentially profitable tool.
The paper searches the various dimensions attached to the concept of digital marketing. It looks
into some of initiatives taken in India, and the opportunities ahead. This paper is a descriptive
study, where examples are cited based on the references from some secondary material available
and some from the personal experiences of the authors. The study suggests why and how
companies can improve their marketing strategies to increase customer satisfaction by being
The primary objective of taking up this study is to analyze various aspects of digital marketing in
India, and to reveal the necessity of using digital marketing as a marketing strategy by the
companies for the marketing of their product and services.
Being digital means using digital channels leveraging digital platforms such as e-chats, forums,
FAQs, personal accounts, virtual assistants, & social media instead of traditional channels such
as phone, vendor, mail/fax, and click to call.
A company focusing on Digitalization, might aim to realize more effective outcomes from those
processes by improving the customer engagement.
Customers are finally getting the importance they deserve.Customers buy a zinger from KFC and
the bill he got advertises a 15% discount for feedback on their website, similarly many Airways
sends their customers a mail after customers flight asking how they experienced. Even the new
government has announced that it will use social media as a tool for participative governance.
The digital tsunami is changing customer expectations, and the Prime Minister of India Sri
Narendra Modi has aimed to make India a Digital India.
Being digital doesnt only mean to set up a company Facebook or Twitter account so that
customers can post their complaints to you. Being digital is a complex and ongoing process,
which integrates the delivery of customer service and support via the web and the social
networks into the very fabric of your organization. Hence, in simplistic terms, digital marketing
is the promotion of products or brands via one or more forms of electronic media.
The time is right for Indian companies to pursue digitalizationwhereby digitized resources,
such as cloudbasedsoftware and machines equipped with digital sensors, are transformed into
new sources of profitable revenue.
McKinsey in mid-2012 conducted a survey on 2000 respondents of French customers of the
main telecom operators in that country and found that a purely digital journey drives higher
customer satisfaction.
A new year means new possibilities, and as the digital marketplace continues to grow each and
every year, the physical customer experience of brick-and-mortar stores is changing to
accommodate more digital tools, as well.
In a recent BCG study it was found that 9% of urban Indian consumers use the internet during
the purchase process. This number will grow to 29% in the current year 2016 with their main
activities being searching for information and social networking. A bulk customer is concentrated
in pre-purchase activities.
An un-favourable review is enough for a potential customer to turn their back on you. For most
products and services, word of mouth is a key influencer, many times more important than
traditional media.
While a lot of this is offline, online recommendations and feedbacks are public, permanent and
uncontrollable.Not listening can create long term damage the companies.
For example, A leading American airline had refused to pay $3500 for a broken checked in
guitar, and the Airlinelose $180million in market cap over four days when a YouTube video of
song posted by an unhappy customer got half a million views.
The solution is of course listening to customers. But it's not simple for a variety of reasons.
Today consumers use multiple devices as part of their buying decision process such as
Discovery, research, comparing, asking peers for recommendations or reading reviews. Then
consumers bought something and have a different journey with the company purchased from.
Consumers might have questions, Consumers might need support, and Consumers might have
problems. Consumers might want to upgrade or buy more of something. Consumers might want
to recommend to someone else. Many of those things all Consumers do as part of the customer
path to purchase are across multiple channels. These are the few reasons why it is being
necessary to be digital in current era.
Some of the key forms of digital tools for being digital are listed below:
The digitization of everything is a step change even greater than the invention and adoption of
the internet, primarily because of its scale and pace of change. What we describe today as
digital in a few years, time will have no need for the descriptive word.
A digital camera is already a mere camera to those who know no different. In the same way, a
digital strategy will become business as usual strategy. This is why it is so important to get a
head start and learn while there is still time.
Digital is changing the world, and progress is not linear. In a world where a smartphone is no
longer just a smartphone, but a potential revolution8, we invite organisations to explore what
digital advances mean for them and their stakeholders.
We support the opinion of executives who view digital much more as an opportunity to be tapped
than as a risk to guard against. Not every digital initiative will work for every organization, and it
is important to assess capability and capacity for change before deploying a digital strategy. It is
believed that those who act holistically, and act now, stand to gain the greatest competitive
[1] Singh S. N., Dubey A. K., & Kumar Pavan (2015). Digital Marketing: Necessity and Key
Strategies to succeed in current era. Paper presented and published in International conference,
Gyanodya 2015, 247-252.
[2] Cova, B., Pace, S. (2006). Brand Community of Convenience Products: New forms of
customer empowerment the case My Nutella The Community. European Journal of
Marketing. 40, 1087-1105.
[3] Kwak, H., Lee, C., Park, H., and Moon, S. 2010. What is Twitter, a social network or a news
media? In Proceedings of the 19th international conference on World wide web (WWW '10).
ACM, New York, NY, USA, 591-600.