Parasitology Done
Parasitology Done
Parasitology Done
The egg on the left was found in the feces of an individual that
The worm was found attached to the wall of the small intestine of
recently arrived from Puerto Rico. The egg measured about 52
a patient undergoing intestinal surgery for another matter. You are
micrometers long x 22 micrometers
viewing the buccal cavity of the parasite. What species does it
wide. What species does it
Ancylostoma duodenale.. Note the large, ventral cutting teeth (top)
The eggs of Trichuris (Trichocephalus)
trichiura are very distinctive with the
smooth wall and bipolar plugs
The eggs on the left were found using the scotch tape test on a
The microfilaria on the left was seen
6 year old Florida boy visiting relatives in Kansas. The eggs
in a blood smear of a graduate
measured about 55
student native to Africa. You note that
micrometers long x 25
it is sheathed, fails to possess tail
micrometers wide. What
nuclei, and measures about 290
species does it represent?
micrometers in length by 8.5
Enterobius vermicularis. The
micrometers in width in the fixed
eggs of Enterobius vermicularis
smear. What species does it represent?
(and Enterobius gregori) are
Wuchereria bancrofti. Mosquitos are the
smooth and slightly flattened along one side.
The egg on the left was found
The egg on the left was found in the
in the feces of a Manhattan,
feces of a 19 year old Kansas State
Kansas resident. A friend of
University student who hails from
yours sent you the fecal sample
Alabama. The egg measured about 70
gratis (yes, this happens often
micrometers long x 38 micrometers
when you are a parasitologist).
wide. What species does it represent?
The egg measured about 45
Necator americanus. Eggs of
micrometers long x 40
Ancylostoma duodenale tend to be
micrometers wide. What species
slightly shorter and less elongate, but in
is represented?
reality the eggs of the two are very difficult to tell apart. Necator
Ascaris lumbricoides. This is a corticated,viable egg that simply
americanus is far more common in North America than
has odd, lumpy projections of the outer protein coat.
The worm on the left was
The worm on the left was passed in the
passed in the stool of a 6
stool of a small child in Manhattan, Kansas
year old child. It measured
in 1966. The entire worm measured about
10 mm in length. What
23 cm (9 inches) in length. What species is
species does it represent?
Enterobius vermicularis. Female Enterobius vermicularis and
Ascaris lumbricoides. This female roundworm
Enterobius gregori are impossible to distinguish.Note the distinct
was indeed passed by a child in Manhattan,
posterior esophageal bulb and attenuated tail of this female worm.
KS and is typical of the truly large size of the
adult female ascarid.
The egg on the left was found in the
The egg on the left was found in
feces of an individual returning from
the feces of a college professor in
Bolivia after a 2 month research field
Manhattan, Kansas. The egg
trip. The egg measured about 90
measured about 60 micrometers
micrometers in length x 45
in length x 45 micrometers in
micrometers in width. What species
width. What species does it
does it represent?
Ascaris lumbricoides. This is an
Ascaris lumbricoides. This is a
unfertilized egg; the outer surface is oddly mammillated to a degree so that the
fertilized egg; the outer surface is
surface is lumpier than the fertilized egg. The inner embryonic layers are
mammillated and the cytoplasm
lacking so that the cytoplasm inside is highly disorganized.
within enclosed by distinct membranes.
The egg on the left was found in the feces
This woman is suffering from what
of a young girl in Manhattan, Kansas.
parasitic condition resulting in the
Other eggs with thicker, more mammilated
swelling of the lower extremities as
walls and of similar size were noted. The
egg measured about 60 micrometers in
Elephantiasis. Wuchereria bancrofti, a
length x 45 micrometers in width. What
lymphatic filarid, is the principle agent that
species does it represent?
initiates chronic elephantiasis below the
Ascaris lumbricoides. This is a fertilized egg;
waist. The swelling is due (primarily) to
the outer mammillated surface has been
chronic fibrosis over many years.
stripped away which occasionally occurs.
The worm on
the left was
one of several
passed in the
stool of a Manhattan resident following antiparasitic therapy.
The worm measured nearly 18 cm (7 inches) in length. What
species is represented?
Ascaris lumbricoides. This worm was passed in 1944 by a
Manhattan resident and is a male, as noted by the hooked tail.
The photograph on the left is from a stained,
parvum. Oocysts of
histological section of the brain of a Texas man. He
died following a rapidly progressing neurological
spp. stain reddish
disease that included smell and taste disturbances,
with the acid fast
coma, and finally death. What species may be
stain. Living oocysts
measure about 5.2
Naegleria fowleri. This species, like Balamuthia mandrillaris and some Acanthamoeba spp.,
micrometers in
are capable of entering the brain through the nasal passages and olfactory nerves. The
length x 4.6 micrometers in width. The bluish
progress of the disease is extremely rapid and usually fatal. Balamuthia mandrillaris and
structures are bacteria (rods) or yeast (spheres). Acanthamoeba spp. form cysts in the brain whereas Naegleria fowleri does not.
The photograph is a
The black and white
stained blood smear
photographmicrograph on the left
from a Brazilian student
was presented to you by a
who has never left the
physician here in town and is of a
Western hemisphere.
sporulated oocyst derived from the
Always keep in mind
feces of an AIDS patient. The
that a fixed red blood cell oocyst measures about 30 micrometers in length, was passed in the
measures about 7
feces unsporulated and required about three days to fully sporulate,
micrometers in diameter. What species is represented?
and represents what species?
Trypanosoma cruzi. Note that the trypomastigote has died in the
Isospora belli. Isospora belli measures 25-32 micrometers in length, is
characteristic C- or ?-shape, and that the kinetoplast is relatively
passed unsporulated, and once fully infective contains two sporocysts each
large in proportion to the body.
with four sporozoites.
The photograph on the left is of a blood smear from an
individual periodically undergoing spikes in fever at
photograph on
approximately 48 hour intervals. The stained (bluish)
the left is of a
structures were found in slightly less than 2% of the
blood smear
red blood cells. Most infected cells had parasites that
from an
were at a similar stage of development. What species is
most likely represented?
infected with
Plasmodium vivax. Plasmodium vivax has 48 hour
Plasmodium vivax. What type of stage does the
paroxysms, has segmenters with about 16 (12-24) merozoites, and tends to only affect
structure represent?
reticulocytes (about 2% of the blood cells; Duffy antigen positive).
Gametocyte. The parasite is a female gametocyte
of Plasmodium vivax.
The photograph on the left is of a
The photograph on the
blood smear from an individual
left is of a human blood
periodically undergoing fever spikes at
smear. You have no
approximately 72 hour intervals.
other information
Parasite numbers were extremely low,
available. You note that
with very few cells on the slide
the slide contains very
appearing infected. Multiple smears
few parasite stages, but
over several days revealed the ring
some stages reveal the
forms to be present for up to 48 hours
"band-like" pattern as shown. What species is most likely
before developing into more advanced stages. What species does this
Plasmodium malariae. The band stages are common in
Plasmodium malariae. Plasmodium malariae has a 72 hour cycle of
Plasmodium malariae infections, and immediately succeed the
paroxysms, the ring stage is often very prolonged, and very low numbers of
ring stage.
red blood cells become infected.
The photograph on the left is of a blood
The photograph on the left is from
smear from an individual undergoing
a fecal smear of an individual with
approximately 48 hour fever spikes. You
diarrhea and abdominal
note that about 2% of the red blood cells
cramping. The parasite measured
are infected. What species is most likely
140 micrometers in length x 110
micrometers in width. What
Plasmodium ovale. Mature segmenters of
species is represented?
Plasmodium ovale should have about 8 (6-14) merozoites, however, and the
Balantidium coli. Balantidium coli is the only parasite of
segmenters shown on the left have more nuclei than 8.
the human intestine with the large macronucleus as shown.
An individual complains of fatigue, irritability,
The photograph on the left was taken
and muscle pain and weakness. You perform a
from a fecal smear of a child at a day
biopsy, and inject a small amount of the tissue
care center in Manhattan, Kansas.
into a laboratory mouse (xenodiagnosis).
The ellipsoidal cyst measures about
Several months later you necropsy the mouse,
10 micrometers in length by 7-8
grind a portion of the brain in a tissue grinder,
micrometers in width. Can you figure
and observe the cyst on the left under the microscope. It
out why this child may have periodic
measures approximately 60 micrometers in diameter. What
bouts of diarrhea?
species is represented?
Giardia lamblia. The stage shown here is a mature cyst. Although all
Toxoplasma gondii. The living cyst on the left contains thousands of are not in the plane of focus, the cyst should contain 4 nuclei and 2
Siamese twin trophozoites.
The photograph on the left is from
The photograph on the left is an acid fast stain
a histological section of brain
from a fecal smear of an AIDS patient with
tissue. The structure measures
periodic bouts of diarrhea and abdominal