Frugalmom. Brings You : Frugal Mom
Frugalmom. Brings You : Frugal Mom
Frugalmom. Brings You : Frugal Mom
31. Limbo
Have 2 adults each hold a side of a rope. Beginning at childrens shoulder level,
allow the children to one at a time pass under the rope by bending backward.
After each child has taken a turn lower the rope. The one who can limbo the
lowest wins!
32. Memory Game
Place a variety of 15 - 20 objects on a tray. Cover the tray with a cloth. Have the
children all sit in a circle. Place the tray in the middle of the circle for all children
to see. Remove the cover. The children have 60 seconds to look at all objects
on the tray. Cover the tray and remove from circle. The children must write
down as many objects as they can remember that were on the tray. The winner
is the one who remembered the most items.
33. Mother may I (or Father may I, or whatever fits your party theme!)
Line all children up on a start line and put one child on the finish line who is
Mother. Mother will then tell each child, one at a time, to take one giant step
forward or do 3 spins forward or take 2 baby steps forward. That player must
then say Mother May I? Mother then gives permission to take the steps. If a
child forgets to say, mother may I? then that child must return to the start line.
The first child to cross the finish line wins and gets to be the Mother next.
34. Mummies
Divide the children into teams of 3 players. Give each a roll of toilet paper and a
roll of Scotch tape. Two of the children must wrap their third teammate, the
mummy, with the roll of toilet paper as fast as they can. The winning team is the
one who has the best-wrapped mummy. Remind the children to just wrap the
mummies bodies and not their faces.
35. Musical Chairs
Arrange chairs in a line with every chair facing a different direction than the one
next to it. There should be one less chair than children. As the music starts, the
children march around the chairs in a circle. When the music stops, each child
should quickly find a seat. Who ever is left without a seat is out. For the next
round another chair is removed. This continues with each round having one less
chair than child. The child who is left sitting at the end wins!
Variation: Tape an inflated balloon to the seat of each chair. As the
children sit, they must pop the balloon!
56. Switch
Divide the children into 2 teams. Team 1 stands in front of team 2 for 1 minute
so that team 2 can carefully look at how team 1 is dressed. Team 1 then goes
into a different room and each person on the team switches various articles of
clothing or accessories with each other. Team 1 then returns to team 2 and team
2 must guess all of the switches, which have been made. The game is repeated
with team 2. The team that guessed the most switches is the winner.
57. Telephone
Sit the children down in a circle. To begin, whisper a long phrase to one person.
They, in turn, whisper what they heard to the next person, and so on. The last
person announces what they heard.
Variation: The first player draws an object on a piece of paper. The
second player is allowed to view it for 10 seconds, and then draws the
similar object on his sheet of paper, shows it to the third etc. The players
then compare the first drawing with the last.
58. Three legged race
Divide the children into teams. Arrange each team side by side on the
starting line and designate a finishing line 25 feet or so away. As the
teams stand side by side holding hands, their adjacent ankles are tied
together. When the whistle blows, the teams make their way to the finish
line. The first to cross wins!
59. Treasure Hunt
Children love to collect things making this game a favorite at parties. Give
children their own bag or basket. A scavenger hunt works much like an Easter
egg hunt. The children go in search of the hidden treasures. Some ideas are:
coins, candy, or prizes.
60. Tunnel Tag
One child is it. They must try to tag the other children. If a child is tagged, they
must freeze, standing up, with their feet apart. The only way that they can
become free is if someone crawls through their legs. The game is over when all
of the children have been tagged and there is no one left to tunnel through. The
first person tagged is then it.
72. Who am I
This is a good game to play as children arrive to a party. A piece of paper is
pinned to the back of each child. On the paper is the name of a character or
famous person. The child will then go around to other guests and ask them
questions to find out the name of their character or person. The questions must
only be questions that can be answered with a yes or no answer. At the end of
the allotted time, the children must each guess who they are.
Variation with younger children: Instead of using the name of a character
or person, tape the picture of a farm animal or object.