How To Use The Power of Numbers in Witchcraft

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How to Use the Power of Numbers in

When you practice witchcraft, you attempt to influence the flows of energy in the universe.
Numbers are an enhancer with which you can strengthen and clarify your willpower, which is the
bow that shoots the arrow of your spell.
First, let me explain why your spells depend upon enhancers such as herbs or phases of the
moon. Energy flows everywhere like water. It splits into countless currents that sweep us along
and toss us into various situations. What sets the energy flows into motion? Almost everything
from a tiny individual casting spells to a huge event such as karmic debt being repaid to a
population through a mass disaster. As an individual, your small intent can be overwhelmed by
stronger influences working at cross-purposes to your spell however unaware they may be of
you. To boost the signal on your spell to drown out conflicting influences, you may need an
enhancer such as numbers.
Numbers have powerful symbolism throughout most world cultures. Numerology is a form of
divination that uses this symbolism. In numerology, numbers assigned to letters of the alphabet
are plugged into simple equations that reduce ones full name and birthdate to a value between 1
and 9 with a metaphysical meaning. Here are the symbolic meanings of numbers in numerology:
Number 1 Independence, leadership. My interpretation: Use this number for spells involving
leaving home, leaving a friendship or relationship, learning to stand on your own, becoming
more assertive, and strengthening your willpower to reject a bad habit or learn a good habit.
Number 2 Balance, partnership. My interpretation: Use this number to attract love and
friendship into your life and to reduce friction between yourself and another. Use this number to
enhance any mutually beneficial collaboration between you and someone else for business,
school, or creative endeavors.
Number 3 Creativity, communication. My interpretation: Use this number to attract inspiration
into your life and to enhance your creative, artistic, and communication skills.
Number 4 Stability, building, health. My interpretation: Use this number for protection spells,
spells to improve your health, spells to bring stability to your life, and spells to help you
transform your inspiration from potential into finished product.
Number 5 Change, fluidity, risk-taking. My interpretation: Use this number in spells of
destruction (for example, ridding yourself of bad influences or negative emotions such as anger
and hatred), and to invite positive change into your life (for example, opening up through dreams
of divination to new opportunities.

Number 6 Family, community. My interpretation: Use this number in spells promoting

harmony and goodwill between groups or groups and the individual.
Number 7 Spirituality, introspection. My interpretation: Use this number in spells that involve
seeking spiritual knowledge, such as connecting with your patron god and goddess.
Number 8 Power, wealth. My interpretation: Use this number in spells for prosperity and to
help you strengthen your skills, whether metaphysical or mundane.
Number 9 Transformation and completion. My interpretation: In numerology, the number 9
refers to evolution from one spiritual plane to the next, which may not apply to situations outside
of divination. When using the number 9 as an enhancer to your spell, think of it as a multiple of
the number 3. Number 9 magnifies your energy work with spells that involve creativity, art,
inspiration, and communication.
So what do you do with all of this? How do you implement numeric symbolism into your spells?
There are many ways to enhance a spell or ritual with numeric symbolism. It may take some trial
and error on your part to find what feels right to you. From the list that follows, you can choose
only those suggestions that appeal to you, or you can use as many as possible simultaneously for
maximum effect. For the purposes of example, assume that we are working with the number 5.
Candles Light five candles on your altar.
Chanting Chant your spell five times.
Essential oils Use five drops (or a multiple of five such as ten) for anointing, burning, or
Incense Light five sticks of incense on your altar. Burn incense made of five different herbs.
Motion Circle your altar five times. Your spell determines whether you go clockwise or
Objects Place five objects on your altar that represent destruction or change.
Repetition Cast your spell every day for five consecutive days.
Time / Day Cast your spell on the fifth day of the week (Thursday) on the fifth day of the
month at 5:00.
Writing Create a spell that has five verses.
This is only a short list, intended to stimulate your own imagination. Only you can say if an
enhancer such as numbers will connect with you and your personal style of spellwork. If you

hated math in school or you find numbers to be energetically inert, no worries. You can always
work with a different type of enhancer such as herbs, colors, and phases of the moon. The more
enhancers with which you are familiar, the more options you have when it comes to witchcraft.

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