Virtues of Salam

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Allah (‫ )سبحانه وتعالى‬mentions in the Holy Qur'an, "O you who believe, do not enter homes other

than yours without permission from their inhabitants, and without greeting them. This is better for
you, that you may take heed" - (24:27) and in another verse Allah (‫ )سبحانه وتعالى‬mentioned
"And when you are greeted with a greeting, then greet back with a better greeting or at least return
it. Surely Allah takes account of all things". - (4:86)

Respected brothers and friends, we are living in an era in which the challenges and difficulties of
the Ummah are increasing by the day, both on a personal as well as a communal (collective) level.
In fact, our problems are also ever increasing on a national and international level. Amongst our
communal problems we find that there is no more love in our societies; our communities are in
turmoil due to the mutual conflicts and inner fighting's, in short, there is no unity at all amongst the
Ummah, and on a personal level we are always complaining of the lack of Baraka in our lives.
These are only examples of the few challenges we face. Many might wonder that are there solutions
in Islam for all these problems? It might come as a surprise to know that in light of the Qur'an and
Hadith, the solutions to all these problems lie in an extremely simple and easy Sunnah of Nabi ( )
This is such a Sunnah which each and every one of us sitting here can practice with total comfort.
Which Sunnah is that? It is non other that the Action of Salam. A sufficient amount of solutions to
all our problems lie in Salam. For example, we complain of the disunity in the Ummah, Nabi ( )
has predicted this challenge and also provided the solution.

In Tirmidhi there is a report where Nabi ( ) has said, 'from amongst the spiritual diseases which
the nations before you were afflicted with, two diseases will creep into this Ummah, those two
diseases will creep into this Ummah; jealousy and hatred.'. Thereafter Nabi ( ) said. 'these are
diseases which will cut off Iman from your hearts.'

Further, Nabi ( ) gave the solution to this problem by saying should I not show you such an action
which by virtue of practising on it, it will inculcate and imbibe mutual love amongst yourselves and
thereafter mentioned Make Salam a common practice amongst yourselves. - (Al-Adab al-Mufrad

From this Hadith we learn that Salam is a catalyst of unifying the hearts and strengthening the bond
between fellow Muslims.

When it comes to personal problems, then if we complain of the lack of blessings in our homes,
then consider the following advice which Nabi ( ) mentioned to Anas (‫)رضي ا عنه‬, Oh my
beloved son, when you enter your home then offer greetings, there will be blessings for you and for
you entire family.

In another Hadith Nabi ( ) has mentioned, three people are such that Allah has taken responsibility
of them, if they live there sustenance will be taken care off and if they die they will enter paaradise.
Who are those three groups of people? It is a person who goes out in the path of Allah (‫سبحانه‬
‫)وتعالى‬, whoever leaves for the Musjid and whoever makes Salam when entering his home.

Imagine Allah (‫ )سبحانه وتعالى‬takes responsobility for the sustenance of a person in this world
and the and Jannah in the hereafter merely beacuse of Salam.

the solution and method of attaining protection from calamities is also in Salam. Al-Bara' reported
that the Prophet ( ), said, "Make the greeting common practice among you and you will be safe." -
- (Al-Adab al-Mufrad Al-Bukhari)
In Tirmidhi there is a narration where Nabi ( ) has enumerated five qualities which will lead to
Jannah, and one of them which he mentioned was Salam.

In another Hadith of Abu Dawud, Nabi ( ) mentioned those who make Salam are from the closest
people to Allah (‫)سبحانه وتعالى‬.

From all these Ahadith we can see that although outwardly Salam seems so insignificant, it is
enough for happiness in this world and our success in the hereafter. The importance of Salam can
further be understood from the fact that Allah (‫ )سبحانه وتعالى‬made mention of it in the Qur'an.

May Allah (‫ )سبحانه وتعالى‬instill love and unity in the Muslim Ummah and give us the ability to
spread Salam. Ameen

Mufti Luqman Hansrot

Thornton Heath Musjid & Islamic Centre

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