Learn Python and Automate Network Tasks: Build Your Own Apps
Learn Python and Automate Network Tasks: Build Your Own Apps
Learn Python and Automate Network Tasks: Build Your Own Apps
I. Strings
Given the following string, answer the questions below.
my_string = a0:12:90:00:80:43
1. What character is returned by my_string[0] ?
2. What character is returned by my_string[10] ?
3. What character is returned by my_string[-1] ?
4. What character is returned by my_string[19] ?
5. What string is returned by my_string[-3] * 3 ?
6. What string is returned by my_string[4:7] ?
7. What string is returned by my_string[-4:] ?
8. What string is returned by my_string[:-4] ?
9. What string is returned by my_string[::3] ?
10. How can you extract the 90:00 substring using a slice and positive indexes?
11. How can you extract the 90:00 substring using a slice and negative indexes?
12. How can you get the number of colons (:) in my_string using a string method?
13. How can you remove the colons in my_string using a string method?
14. How can you get a list where each element is an octet of the MAC address in my_string
using a string method?
15. How can you concatenate the elements in the list obtained at question 14 using a dot (.) as
a separator (a0. using a string method?
II. Numbers
1. How would you raise 5 to the power of 3 in the Python interpreter? Hint: You can do it in 2
2. What would be the result of the following operation in the Python interpreter? 30 % 8
3. What will the Python interpreter return when entering the following expression? 25 != 52
Learn Python and Automate Network Tasks: Build Your Own Apps
June 10, 2015
4. What will the Python 2.x interpreter return when entering the following expression? 50 / 15
5. What will the Python 2.x interpreter return when entering the following expression? 50 / 15.0
6. What will the Python 2.x interpreter return when entering the following expression? abs(-11)
7. What will the Python 2.x interpreter return when entering the following expression? max(5,y)
III. Booleans
1. What would be the result of: "nortel" == "nOrtel"?
2. What would be the result of: (10 == 10) and (20 == 30)?
3. What would be the result of: (211 == 210) or (7 == 7)?
4. What would be the result of: bool(0.0)?
5. What would be the result of: bool('y')?
6. What would be the result of: bool(0j) or bool(2015)?
IV. Lists
Given the following list, answer the questions below.
my_list = [10, 'x', 20.02, 'y', 30j, 'z', 10L, False]
1. What would be the result of: my_list[-1]?
2. What would be the result of: my_list[0]?
3. What would be the result of: my_list[:]?
4. What would be the result of: my_list[5]?
5. What would be the result of: my_list[3:6]?
6. What would be the result of: my_list[-4:-2]?
7. What would be the result of: my_list[::3]?
8. What would be the result of: my_list[:-5] * 5?
9. What would be the result of: type(my_list[6])?
10. What would be the result of: type(my_list[7])?
Learn Python and Automate Network Tasks: Build Your Own Apps
June 10, 2015
11. How would you add the following element to my_list? 'new element'
12. How would you delete element 'x' from my_list? Do it in 3 ways.
13. How can you find the index of element 20.02 in my_list?
14. Remove the 30j element and sort the my_list list in ascending order using 2 methods.
15. Remove the 30j element and sort the my_list list in descending order using 2 methods.
V. Sets
Given the following sets, answer the questions below.
set1 = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10}
set2 = {2, 4, 6, 9}
1. How would you add the following element to set1? 500
2. How would you remove the following element from set1? 7
3. How would you remove a random element from set1?
4. How would you get the common elements of set1 and set2?
5. How would you get the elements in set1 which are not in set2?
6. How would you unify set1 and set2?
7. How would you clear set2?
VI. Tuples
Given the following tuple, answer the questions below.
my_tuple = (1, 2, 3, 'a', 'b', 'c', [4, 5, 6])
1. What would be the result of: my_tuple[-3]?
2. What would be the result of: my_tuple[0]?
3. What would be the result of: my_tuple[:2]?
4. What would be the result of: my_tuple[3]?
5. What would be the result of: my_tuple[3:5]?
Learn Python and Automate Network Tasks: Build Your Own Apps
June 10, 2015
6. What would be the result of: my_tuple[-5:-3]?
7. What would be the result of: my_tuple[::2]?
8. What would be the result of: my_tuple[-1] * 5?
9. If my_tup1 = (1, 2, 3) and (a, b, c) = my_tup1 then who is b?
10. If (x, y, z) = (15, 25, 35) then what is the result of y % x?
VII. Dictionaries
Given the following dictionary, answer the questions below.
my_dict = {1: "Cisco", 2: "HP", 3: "Juniper", 4: "Arista", 5: "Avaya"}
1. How would you add a 6th element to my_dict, having the value of "Nortel"?
2. How would you delete the previously added element, by specifying its value?
3. How can you check if the 4 key exists in my_dict?
4. What would be the result of len(my_dict) == 4 in the Python interpreter?
5. What would be the result of max(my_dict.keys()) ?
6. What would be the result of sorted(my_dict.values())[2] ?
7. What would be the result of my_dict.items()[-1][1] ?
Learn Python and Automate Network Tasks: Build Your Own Apps
June 10, 2015
VIII. If/For/While/Nesting
Given the following code, answer the questions below.
if x < 10:
for i in range(1, 5):
print x * i
elif x > 10:
while j < 5:
print x * j
print x ** 10
205 T#1
Learn Python and Automate Network Tasks: Build Your Own Apps
June 10, 2015
2. What will this code block return in the Python interpreter?
Hint 1: For a better view on a single line copy the code in Notepad.
Hint 2: Be careful at the number of spaces in the string. Count them using your mouse.
Hint 3: The definition of a is the same for questions 2-13. Only the argument of group() differs.
import re
a = re.search(r"(.+?) +\d\d(\d)\.([0-9]{2,})\.([0-9]{1,3})\.(\d) +(.+)1 +(\d{3}) +(\w{1})#.+S(\s+)
(\w)\w +(.*)", my_regex_str)
3. What will this code block return in the Python interpreter?
import re
a = re.search(r"(.+?) +\d\d(\d)\.([0-9]{2,})\.([0-9]{1,3})\.(\d) +(.+)1 +(\d{3}) +(\w{1})#.+S(\s+)
(\w)\w +(.*)", my_regex_str)
4. What will this code block return in the Python interpreter?
import re
a = re.search(r"(.+?) +\d\d(\d)\.([0-9]{2,})\.([0-9]{1,3})\.(\d) +(.+)1 +(\d{3}) +(\w{1})#.+S(\s+)
(\w)\w +(.*)", my_regex_str)
5. What will this code block return in the Python interpreter?
import re
a = re.search(r"(.+?) +\d\d(\d)\.([0-9]{2,})\.([0-9]{1,3})\.(\d) +(.+)1 +(\d{3}) +(\w{1})#.+S(\s+)
(\w)\w +(.*)", my_regex_str)
6. What will this code block return in the Python interpreter?
import re
a = re.search(r"(.+?) +\d\d(\d)\.([0-9]{2,})\.([0-9]{1,3})\.(\d) +(.+)1 +(\d{3}) +(\w{1})#.+S(\s+)
(\w)\w +(.*)", my_regex_str)
Learn Python and Automate Network Tasks: Build Your Own Apps
June 10, 2015
Learn Python and Automate Network Tasks: Build Your Own Apps
June 10, 2015
12. What will this code block return in the Python interpreter?
import re
a = re.search(r"(.+?) +\d\d(\d)\.([0-9]{2,})\.([0-9]{1,3})\.(\d) +(.+)1 +(\d{3}) +(\w{1})#.+S(\s+)
(\w)\w +(.*)", my_regex_str)
13. What will this code block return in the Python interpreter?
import re
a = re.search(r"(.+?) +\d\d(\d)\.([0-9]{2,})\.([0-9]{1,3})\.(\d) +(.+)1 +(\d{3}) +(\w{1})#.+S(\s+)
(\w)\w +(.*)", my_regex_str)
14. What will this code block return in the Python interpreter?
import re
a = re.search(r"(.+?) +\d\d(\d)\.([0-9]{2,})\.([0-9]{1,3})\.(\d) +(.+)1 +(\d{3}) +(\w{1})#.+S(\s+)
(\w)\w +(.*)", my_regex_str)
15. What will this code block return in the Python interpreter?
import re
a = re.search(r"(.+?) +\d\d(\d)\.([0-9]{2,})\.([0-9]{1,3})\.(\d) +(.+)1 +(\d{3}) +(\w{1})#.+S(\s+)
(\w)\w +(.*)", my_regex_str)
16. What will this code block return in the Python interpreter?
import re
my_regex_str = "Ethernet Routing Switch 3549GTS-PWR+"
a = re.findall(r"(.{5}).+ (.+?)\s(\d{2,4}).+-(.{4})", my_regex_str)
Learn Python and Automate Network Tasks: Build Your Own Apps
June 10, 2015
17. What will this code block return in the Python interpreter?
import re
my_regex_str = "Ethernet Routing Switch 3549GTS-PWR+"
a = re.findall(r"(.{5}).+ (.+?)\s(\d{2,4}).+-(.{4})", my_regex_str)
18. What will this code block return in the Python interpreter?
import re
my_regex_str = "Ethernet Routing Switch 3549GTS-PWR+"
a = re.findall(r"(.{5}).+ (.+?)\s(\d{2,4}).+-(.{4})", my_regex_str)
19. What will this code block return in the Python interpreter?
import re
my_regex_str = "Ethernet Routing Switch 3549GTS-PWR+"
a = re.findall(r"(.{5}).+ (.+?)\s(\d{2,4}).+-(.{4})", my_regex_str)
20. What will this code block return in the Python interpreter?
import re
my_regex_str = "Ethernet Routing Switch 3549GTS-PWR+"
a = re.sub(r"[0-9]", "5xy", my_regex_str)
Learn Python and Automate Network Tasks: Build Your Own Apps
June 10, 2015
The result should be: [10, 20, 30, 40, 50]
3. Write a list comprehension that interates over both [1, 2, 3, 4, 5] and [10, 11, 12] and
multiplies each element of the first list with each element of the second list.
The result should be: [10, 11, 12, 20, 22, 24, 30, 33, 36, 40, 44, 48, 50, 55, 60]
4. Write a list comprehension that interates over both [1, 2, 3, 4, 5] and [10, 11, 12] and
multiplies each element of the first list with each element of the second list that is less than or
equal to 11.
The result should be: [10, 11, 20, 22, 30, 33, 40, 44, 50, 55]
5. Write a lambda function that takes two parameters and multiplies them.
The result should be similar to: my_lam(10, 5) -> 50
6. Write a lambda function that takes three strings as parameters and concatenates them,
inserting a space character between each word.
The result should be similar to: my_lam("Python", "Network", "Programming") -> 'Python
Network Programming'
7. Write a lambda function that takes a dictionary as a parameter and returns the keys of that
dictionary in a list, sorted in reverse order (descending).
The result should be similar to: my_lam({1:'a', 2:'b', 3:'c'}) -> [3, 2, 1]
8. Having the lambda x: x / 100 function, use map() to apply it to the list generated by range(0,
1000, 100).
The result should be: [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9]
9. Having the lambda x: x % 100 == 1 function, use filter() to apply it to the list generated by
range(0, 1000, 100).
The result should be: [] (because the remainder of dividing each element in the list by 100 is 0)
10. Calculate the result of multiplying all the integers starting from 1 up to and including 10 using
the reduce() function.
The result should be: 3628800
Hint: You should also check out http://www.pyschools.com/ for more Python practice.