Mit Ocw: 18.703 Modern Algebra Prof. James Mckernan
Mit Ocw: 18.703 Modern Algebra Prof. James Mckernan
Mit Ocw: 18.703 Modern Algebra Prof. James Mckernan
turns out that every maximal ideal is of the same form (that is, the set
of functions vanishing at a point).
Example 18.12. Let R be the ring of Gaussian integers and let I be
the ideal of all Gaussian integers a + bi where both a and b are divisible
by 3.
I claim that I is maximal. I will give two ways to prove this.
Method I: Suppose that I J R is an ideal, not equal to I.
Then there is an element a + bi J, where 3 does not divide one of a
or b. It follows that 3 does not divide a2 + b2 . But
c = a2 + b2 = (a + bi)(a bi) J,
as a + bi J and J is an ideal. As 3 does not divide c, we may nd
integers r and s such that
3r + cs = 1.
As c J, cs J and as 3 I J, 3r J as well. But then 1 J
and J = R.
Method II: Suppose that (a + bi)(c + di) I. Then
3|(ac bd)
3|(ad + bc).
Suppose that a + bi
/ I. Adding the two results above we have
3|(a + b)c + (a b)d.
Now either 3 divides a and it does not divide b, or vice-versa, or the
same is true, with a + b replacing a and a b replacing b, as can be
seen by an easy case-by-case analysis. Suppose that 3 divides a whilst
3 does not divide b. Then 3|bd and so 3|d as 3 is prime. Similarly 3|c.
It follows that c + di I. Similar analyses pertain in the other cases.
Thus I is prime, so that the quotient R/I is an integral domain. As the
quotient is nite (easy check) it follows that the quotient is a eld, so
that I is maximal. It turns out that R/I is a eld with nine elements.
Now suppose that we replace 3 by 5 and look at the resulting ideal J.
I claim that J is not maximal. Indeed consider x = 2 + i and y = 2 i.
xy = (2 + i)(2 i) = 4 + 1 = 5,
so that xy J, whilst neither x nor y are in J, so that J is not even
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