Bazooka W2DU 1
Bazooka W2DU 1
Bazooka W2DU 1
ground, the input impedance of the average 40-meter or 80-meter amateur dipole
generally runs from 50 to 80 ohms of resistance at resonance. Thus, at resonance,
the mismatch on a 50-ohm line is generally quite low, from less than 1.1 to around
1.6 at worst. On either side of resonance,
the mismatch increases rapidly because
of the reactance appearing in the dipole
impedance. With the addition of the coaxial reactance-compensating shunt
stubs, the dipole reactance should be either canceled at best, or at worst, reduced
somewhat by the opposite shunt reactance
provided by the stubs.
Fig 18-1Showing the impedance transformation for (A) 4.95-ohm center coaxial section,
and (B) 50-ohm center section. At both A and B, the SWR without coaxial stubs is 5.04:1;
with stubs at A it becomes 4.24:1, and in the practical case at B, 4.9:1.
Chapter 18
(Eq 18-3)
Chapter 18