Bazooka W2DU 1

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Chapter 18

The Broadband Double-Bazooka

Antenna How Broad Is It?
(Adapted from Technical Correspondence, QST, September 1976)

Sec 18.1 Introduction

he increasing interest in using

the coaxial dipole (sometimes
called the Double-Bazooka antenna) for its questionable increased bandwidth is disturbing, especially in view of the results of an analysis
and some experiments I performed and
published several years ago. The antenna,
with its inner section of coax and its end
sections of open-wire transmission line
(ladder line), was popularized for amateur
use by Charles Whysall, W8TV, with an
article in July 1968 QST (Ref 29). It appears in several editions of The ARRL
Handbook, although it has never appeared in The ARRL Antenna Book. The
results of my analysis and experiments
indicate that the coaxial stubs in the coaxial-dipole configuration in general use
by amateurs cannot provide the degree of
bandwidth that users of the coaxial dipole
appear to be measuring. Thus, it appears
that features other than the shunt-compensating reactance provided by the coaxial stubs within the dipole must be responsible for achieving the bandwidth
credited to the coaxial feature.
Heres why the shunt-reactance compensating feature cannot make any significant contribution to bandwidth when
the feed-line impedance is the usual ZC =
50 ohms. Depending on the height above

ground, the input impedance of the average 40-meter or 80-meter amateur dipole
generally runs from 50 to 80 ohms of resistance at resonance. Thus, at resonance,
the mismatch on a 50-ohm line is generally quite low, from less than 1.1 to around
1.6 at worst. On either side of resonance,
the mismatch increases rapidly because
of the reactance appearing in the dipole
impedance. With the addition of the coaxial reactance-compensating shunt
stubs, the dipole reactance should be either canceled at best, or at worst, reduced
somewhat by the opposite shunt reactance
provided by the stubs.

Sec 18.2 Reactance

Although youll see later why it cant
be, lets first assume hypothetically that
complete cancellation of the reactance can
be achieved by the shunt reactance of the
coaxial stubs. This means the cancellation is obtained by a parallel-connected
reactance, which raises the series resistance of the dipole impedance to its
equivalent parallel-circuit value, which is
much higher. And here is the crucial
point. When you use a feed line having
an impedance which already matches the
dipole terminal resistance rather well at
resonance, the higher mismatch off resonance caused by the dipole reactance will
not be significantly different, whether it
is caused by the reactance of the uncompensated dipole or by the increased resis-

The Broadband Double-Bazooka Antenna How Broad Is It?


Fig 18-1Showing the impedance transformation for (A) 4.95-ohm center coaxial section,
and (B) 50-ohm center section. At both A and B, the SWR without coaxial stubs is 5.04:1;
with stubs at A it becomes 4.24:1, and in the practical case at B, 4.9:1.

tance received in exchange for the canceled reactance.

To illustrate with an example, consider an 80-meter dipole at a height which
yields a resonant terminal impedance of
55 + j0 ohms at 3.75 MHz. The mismatch
is 1.1 referred to 50 ohms. At 3.55 MHz,
200 kHz below resonance, the series im18-2

Chapter 18

pedance of the dipole is approximately 50

j90 ohms, which yields a 5.04:1 mismatch. Now a 90-ohm inductive reactance
placed in series with the dipole terminals
would cancel the 90-ohm capacitive dipole
reactance, and would leave the terminal
resistance at 50 ohms. And we would indeed have a perfect match.

Unfortunately, the reactance provided by the stubs in the coaxial dipole is

in parallel with the dipole terminal impedance, not in series. And what a difference this makes! The values of the equivalent parallel-circuit components of the
dipole impedance at 3.55 MHz (50 j90
ohms) are RP = 212, and XP = 117.8 ohms,
as shown in Fig 18-1A. When the 117.8
ohms of capacitive dipole reactance is completely canceled by an equal inductive
reactance in parallel with the dipole impedance, the resulting impedance is 212
+ j0 ohms. Bad news! The terminal resistance of the dipole made resonant at 3.55
MHz by the shunt inductive reactance is
now 212 ohms, raised from 50 ohms by
the parallel connection! Canceling the dipole reactance with parallel circuitry has
raised the resistive component by a factor of 4.24 from 50 ohms up to 212 ohms,
and coincidentally, the mismatch is now
212/50 = 4.24:1. This is the lowest mismatch obtainable with any type of parallel compensation, because even though
the dipole reactance has been completely
canceled, were still stuck with the 212ohm dipole terminal resistance.
Obviously, a reduction in mismatch
from 5.04:1 to 4.24:1 is hardly worthwhile,
even if it could be accomplished. But it
cant. Why? Because a canceling reactance
of 117.8 ohms would require a coax having a characteristic impedance ZC of only
4.95 ohms for the stubs impractical to
build. Heres more bad news: Stubs made
from 50-ohm coax yield a reactance ten
times too high useless. What about 75ohm coax? 1.5 times worse. Incredible,
you say? Example continues: A short-circuited stub, /4 resonant at 3.75 MHz
made from 50-ohm coax, yields an inductive reactance of 595.4 ohms at 3.55 MHz,
again 200 kHz below resonance. These
values are calculated from the following
equations below at 3.55 MHz.

Stub length = 3.55 90 = 85.2

3.75 MHz
(Eq 18-1)
Shunting reactance per stub
(Eq 18-2)
X = ZC tan = 595.4 ohms
when stub ZC = 50 ohms, and = 85.2
Stub impedance required, each stub
ZC = X cot = 4.95 ohms

(Eq 18-3)

when X = 117.8 ohms, and = 85.2

The stubs in each dipole half (595.4
ohms each) are connected in series with
each other through their center conductors, so the total inductive reactance of
the series combination is twice the value
of the single stub, or 1190.8 ohms. This is
the value appearing in parallel with the
dipole impedance when using 50-ohm
stubs. (Stubs of 75 ohms would yield
1786.3 ohms.) The combined parallel components of the dipole impedance and
shunt-stub reactance (RP = 212 ohms and
XP = 117.8 ohms in parallel with stubs of
+1190.8 ohms) yield total parallel-circuit
component values of RP = 212 ohms and
XP = 130.7 ohms. The series-equivalent
dipole input-terminal impedance is now
58.4 j94.7 ohms, also shown in Fig 18-1
at B. The result? A whopping big reduction in mismatch from 5.04 without stubs,
all the way down to 4.9:1 with stubs! Going still further, using the impractical
4.95-ohm stubs that would cancel all the
dipole reactance, the resulting non-reactive dipole terminal impedance of 212 +
j0 ohms would still yield a 4.24:1 SWR on
the 50-ohm feed line. Conclusion? Isnt it
obvious that the stubs are ineffective? And
shouldnt it be disturbing?
So you ask what other features can
be responsible for the lower mismatch
values that appear to be measured by

The Broadband Double-Bazooka Antenna How Broad Is It?


many coaxial-dipole users. Ill give you a

number of possibilities.
First, the mismatch values shown
here are those which appear at the junction of the feed line and the antenna, while
values measured at the input of the feed
line will be somewhat lower because of
line attenuation.
Second, increased radiator thickness,
especially when the stubs are constructed
from RG-8, reduces the dipole characteristic impedance, resulting in less reactance than with the thinner wire dipole
for the same frequency excursion away
from resonance. (But who wants to hang
125 feet of RG-8?)
Third, the extensions for building out
from the shortened, short-circuited ends
of the coax stubs to obtain an external half
wave are usually of multiwire construction such as ladder line, which further
increases the effective radiator thickness.
Such is especially helpful at the outer ends
of the dipole, where the voltage and the
electric field are high. This reduces the
off-resonance reactance still further.
Fourth, the external dielectric material covering the stub coax increases both
dipole capacitance (increasing the electrical length) and effective diameter of the
radiator. However, indications under investigation suggest this increase in effective diameter is also accompanied by increased ohmic loss in the external dielectric, which decreases the Q, and thus increases the bandwidth at the expense of
And fifth, in the range above 3:1,
many SWR indicators show readings considerably lower than the true value. If you
are interested in pursuing the subject further, I invite you to read my paper entitled, A Revealing Analysis of the Coaxial Dipole Antenna, appearing on page
46 of Ham Radio for August, 1976 (Ref

Chapter 18

Sec 18.3 Resistive Losses

Since I wrote the Technical Correspondence item on which the above information is based, the true reason for the
increased dipole bandwidth obtained with
the Double-Bazooka has been discovered.
But the reason is not a happy one. Frank
Witt, AI1H (ex-W1DTY), with the aid of a
computer, has discovered that the increased bandwidth of the Double-Bazooka
obtained by many amateurs actually
arises from the previously undetermined
resistive loss due to the shunt conduction
of the internal dielectric material in the
coaxial cable used to form the stubs, and
not by reactance cancellation from parallel-connected coaxial stubs (Ref 122). In
other words, the reduction in SWR obtained by those who use the Double-Bazooka is from lossy resistive loading, and
not from reactance cancellation. Unfortunately, the resistive loading results in a
reduction in radiated power, power lost
in heating the stubs. Thus the users of
this antenna are trading radiated power
for a lower SWR on the feed line.
This turn of events is ironic for two
reasons. First, as I showed earlier, the
reactance available in the coaxial stubs
in the Double-Bazooka is insufficient to
obtain any practical amount of reduction
in the SWR-producing antenna-terminal
reactance, much less total cancellation.
And second, even if the stubs could provide sufficient reactance to obtain complete cancellation, the improvement in
bandwidth would still have been inconsequential as a result of the cancellation,
as I proved mathematically.
Earlier in this chapter, and in my coaxial dipole analysis (Ref 62), I pointed
out the reason no bandwidth improvement
is possible from parallel-circuit reactance
cancellation when the feed line impedance
is 50 ohms. Youll remember, this is be-

cause the parallel-circuit form of the stub

connection used in the cancellation raises
the effective terminal resistance as the
reactance is lowered, resulting in a negligible reduction of mismatch. I also pointed
out in the analysis that an improvement
in bandwidth could be achieved with parallel-circuit reactance cancellation by using a feed line having an impedance
higher than the resonant terminal resistance of the dipole, and then accepting a
corresponding increase in mismatch at the
resonant frequency of the dipole. I showed
that by using a 144-ohm feed line to feed
a dipole having a resonant terminal resistance of 72 ohms (yielding a 2:1 SWR
at resonance), the 2:1 SWR bandwidth
could be improved from 165 kHz (on 50ohm line with no stubs) to 565 kHz by
canceling the off-frequency dipole reactance with 19.7-ohm stubs. This results
in a bandwidth improvement factor of 3.4.
This arrangement is particularly appealing for the 80-meter band, because it
achieves an SWR of less than 2:1 across
the entire band, except at the center frequency where it is exactly 2:1.
In my analysis I offered no concrete
suggestion for practicing this arrangement, except to suggest the use of two 75ohm coaxial lines side by side resulting

in a 150-ohm balanced feedline. However,

I considered using a lumped-constant capacitor and inductor at the feed point for
an impedance transformer to obtain the
required increase in feed-point impedance, and for reactance cancellation. But
I decided it was impractical to use, so I
discarded the idea. On the other hand,
Frank Witt came up with the same idea
and made it work! (See Ref 122.) In addition, he also came up with a very clever
method of using a shorted /4-stub impedance transformer to obtain both the required step-up of impedance and the reactance cancellation (Refs 123 and 124).
His method uses the larger RG-8, or RG213 coaxial cable for the /4 stub, ensuring optimum bandwidth improvement by
reactance cancellation but with minimal
loss in the cable stub. The Snyder dipole
(Ref 130) uses a somewhat similar method
of broad-banding, but with higher loss
than with Witts method, because the
Snyder dipole uses the higher-loss RG-141
coax for the reactance cancellation.
For anyone wishing to build a true
broad-banded 80-meter dipole, the Witt
articles referenced above provide all of the
necessary details, plus the explanation of
how it works.

The Broadband Double-Bazooka Antenna How Broad Is It?


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