PopExpert Petition

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Case: 16-30390

Doc# 1

Filed: 04/12/16

Entered: 04/12/16 12:37:21

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Case: 16-30390

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Case: 16-30390

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Case: 16-30390

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The undersigned, who is the sole member of the board of directors (the
"Board") of PopExpert, Inc., a Delaware corporation (the "Company"), does hereby CONSENT
TO, APPROVE AND ADOPT the following resolutions pursuant to the Companys bylaws
and the Delaware General Corporate Law:
WHEREAS, the Board has considered the financial condition and circumstances
of the Company, including without limitation the assets and liabilities of the Company, the
strategic alternatives available to the Company, and the impact of the foregoing on the
Companys operational performance;
WHEREAS, the Board reviewed, considered and received the recommendations
of the Companys management and professional advisors as to the relative risks and benefits of
a bankruptcy proceeding; and
WHEREAS in the judgment of the Board, it is desirable and in the best interests
of the Company, its creditors, its equity holders and other stakeholders, that the Company be
authorized and empowered to file, at such time, if any, as is deemed appropriate by an
authorized officer of the Company, a voluntary petition for relief (a "Petition) under
chapter 11 of title 11 of the United States Code (the Bankruptcy Code) in the United States
Bankruptcy Court for the Northern District of California (the Bankruptcy Court), for the
purpose of initiating a bankruptcy case (the "Bankruptcy Case") for the Company and
restructuring its financial affairs and for all other lawful purposes under the Bankruptcy Code.
NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that, in the judgment of the Board,
taking into consideration factors and information deemed relevant by the Board, it is desirable
and in the best interest of the Company, its creditors, its equity holders and other stakeholders,
that the Petition be filed on behalf of the Company;
RESOLVED FURTHER, that filing of the Petition on behalf of the Company
be, and the same hereby is, approved and adopted in all respects and that Ingrid Sanders and
any other officer or person designated and so authorized to act (each, an "Authorized Officer"
and collectively, the "Authorized Officers") acting alone or together, be, and each is hereby
authorized, empowered and specifically directed on behalf of, and in the name of, the
Company, (i) to execute and verify the Petition as well as any other ancillary documents and to
cause the Petition to be filed with the Bankruptcy Court, and (ii) to perform any and all such
acts as are reasonable, advisable, expedient, convenient, proper or necessary to effect any of the
RESOLVED FURTHER, that in connection with the foregoing, each of the
Authorized Officers, acting alone or together, is hereby designated as the individual with
primary and/or sole responsibility for handling matters in the Bankruptcy Case;


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RESOLVED FURTHER, that each of the Authorized Officers is authorized and

empowered, on behalf of and in the name of the Company to execute, verify and file with the
Bankruptcy Court, or cause to be executed, verified and/or filed with the Bankruptcy Court (or
direct otliers to do so on his or her behalf) all necessary documents, including, without
limitation, the petitions, schedules, lists, motions, applications and other papers and documents
necessary or desirable in connection with the Bankruptcy Case and to take any and all other
actions deemed necessary, proper, or desirable in connection with the Bankruptcy Case, with a
view to the successful prosecution of the case;
RESOLVED FURTHER, that each of the Authorized Officers is authorized and
empowered to retain on behalf of the Company, the law firm of Sheppard Mullin Richter &
Hampton LLP as bankruptcy counsel, to render legal services to, and to represent the Company
in connection with such proceedings and all other related matters in connection therewith, on
such ,terms as the person retaining such firm shall approve;
RESOLVED FURTHER, that each of the Authorized Officers is authorized and
empowered to retain on behalf of the Company, A. Kyle Everett of Development Specialists,
Inc. as Chief Restructuring Officer for the Company in connection with such proceedings and
all other related matters in connection therewith, on such terms as the person retaining such
firm shall approve;
RESOLVED FURTHER, that each of the Authorized Officers is authorized and
empowered on behalf of, and in the name of, the Company to retain such other professionals to
assist in the Company's Bankruptcy Case on such terms as are deemed necessary, proper, or
RESOLVED FURTHER, that any and all actions taken by any of the
Authorized Officers pursuant to the foregoing resolutions are hereby approved; and
RESOLVED FURTHER, that any and all past actions heretofore taken by
officers or directors of the Company in the name of or on behalf of the Company in furtherance
of any or all of the preceding resolutions be, and the same hereby are ratified, approved, and
Dated: ,April 12, 20 16



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Fill in this information to identify the case:

Debtor name

Check if this is an

PopExpert, Inc.

United States Bankruptcy Court for the

amended filing

District of California

Case number (if known)

Official Form 204

Chapter 11 or Chapter 9 Cases: List of Creditors Who Have the 20 Largest
Unsecured Claims and Are Not Insiders


A list of creditors holding the 20 largest unsecured claims must be filed in a Chapter 11 or Chapter 9 case. Include claims which the debtor
disputes. Do not include claims by any person or entity who is an insider, as defined in 11 U.S.C. 101(31). Also, do not include claims by
secured creditors, unless the unsecured claim resulting from inadequate collateral value places the creditor among the holders of the 20
largest unsecured claims.
Name of creditor and complete
mailing address, including zip code

Name, telephone number, and

email address of creditor

Nature of the claim

(for example, trade
debts, bank loans,
services, and

Indicate if
claim is
or disputed

Amount of unsecured claim

If the claim is fully unsecured, fill in only
unsecured claim amount. If claim is partially
secured, fill in total claim amount and deduction
for value of collateral or setoff to calculate
unsecured claim.
Total claim,
if partially

1 322 Presidio Ave., Unit 1
San Francisco, CA 94115

for value of
collateral or


Aaron Kahlow
Convertible and
Cash Promissory Disputed
aaronpkahlow3@gmail.com Note


Pacific Sequoia Holdings LLC

250 University Avenue, #400
Palo Alto, CA 94301

Alan Chang

Convertible Note


Learn Capital
20 E. 3rd Avenue
San Mateo, CA 94401

Paul Strange

Convertible Note


EVC Twenty Holdings LLC

250 W. 57th Street
4 Room 1401
New York, NY 10107

Ryan Melohn

Convertible Note


Mike Walsh

Convertible Note


Joseph Garner
6 3668 Mississippi Street
San Diego, CA 92104

Scott Chisholm

Convertible Note


SD Squared Holdings Limited

7 301 Mission Street
San Francisco, CA 94105

Sachin Duggal
Convertible Note


Adam Rothenberg


Rockstar Group
720 California Street
San Francisco, CA 94108

Box Group LLC

41 Union Square West
New York, NY 10003

Convertible Note



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PopExpert, Inc.

Case number (if known)


Name of creditor and complete

mailing address, including zip code

Name, telephone number, and

email address of creditor

Nature of the claim

(for example, trade
debts, bank loans,
services, and

Indicate if
claim is
or disputed

Amount of unsecured claim

If the claim is fully unsecured, fill in only
unsecured claim amount. If claim is partially
secured, fill in total claim amount and deduction
for value of collateral or setoff to calculate
unsecured claim.
Total claim,
if partially


63 Madison Avenue
9 28th Floor
New York, NY 100101
Summit Mountain Holding
Group LLC
10 3632 N. Wolf Creek Drive
Eden, Utah 84310
Cooley LLP
101 California Street
11 5th Floor
San Francisco, CA 94111

for value of
collateral or


Noah Goodhart

Convertible Note


Greg Mauro

Convertible Note


Peter Werner

Trade Payables


Leland Investments Inc.

12 509 7th Street NW
Washington, DC 20004

Mark Ein
Convertible Note


Jonathan Segal
13 20659 Rockcroft Drive
Malibu, CA 90265

Jonathan Segal

Convertible Note


Justin Dangel

Convertible Note


Nick Winstone

Convertible Note


Billing Department
Credit Card Debt


Jeremy Hinman
Convertible Note


Michael Chasen
18 8917 Holly Leaf Lane
Bethesda, MD 20817

Michael Chasen

Convertible Note


Miki Agrawal
19 163 N. 6 Street #B14
Brooklyn, NY 11211

Miki Agrawal

Convertible Note


Radha Agrawal

Convertible Note


Jed Investments LLC

14 91 Beacon Street, Unit 1

Boston, MA 02108
Derek Handley
P.O. Box 106294
15 Auckland City, Auckland, 1143
New Zealand
American Express - Credit
16 P.O. Box 360001
Fort Lauderdale, FL 33336
Jeremy Hinman Revocable
17 1755 Filbert Street
San Francisco, CA 94123

Radha Agrawal
20 101 Bedford Avenue, B306

Brooklyn, NY 11211



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Fill in this information to identify the case and this filing:

Debtor Name


United States Bankruptcy Court for the:

District of


Case number (If known):




Official Form 202

Declaration Under Penalty of Perjury for Non-Individual Debtors


An individual who is authorized to act on behalf of a non-individual debtor, such as a corporation or partnership, must sign and submit
this form for the schedules of assets and liabilities, any other document that requires a declaration that is not included in the document,
and any amendments of those documents. This form must state the individual's position or relationship to the debtor, the identity of the
document, and the date. Bankruptcy Rules 1008 and 9011.
WARNING -- Bankruptcy fraud is a serious crime. Making a false statement, concealing property, or obtaining money or property by fraud in
connection with a bankruptcy case can result in fines up to $500,000 or imprisonment for up to 20 years, or both. 18 U.S.C. 152, 1341,
1519, and 3571.

Declaration and signature

I am the president, another officer, or an authorized agent of the corporation; a member or an authorized agent of the partnership; or
another individual serving as a representative of the debtor.u:t this case.
I have examined the information in the documents checked below and I have a reasonable belief that the information is true and correct:

Schedule AlB: Assets-Real and Personal Property (Official Form 206A/B)

Schedule 0 : Creditors Who Have Claims Secured by Property (Official Form 2060)

Schedule ElF: Creditors Who Have Unsecured Claims (Official Form 206EIF)

Schedule G: Executory Contracts and Unexpired Leases (Official Form 206G)

Schedule H: Codebtors (Official Form 206H)

Summary of Assets and Liabilities for Non-Individuals (Official Form 206Sum)

Amended Schedule


Chapter 11 or Chapter 9 Cases: List of Creditors Who Have the 20 Largest Unsecured Claims and Are Not Insiders (Official Form 204)

Other document' that requires a declaration

Executed on



Chief Executive Officer

Position or relationship to debtor

Official Form 202

Case: 16-30390

Declaration Under Penalty of Perjury for Non-Individual Debtors

Doc# 1

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United States Bankruptcy Court

Central District of California
In re

PopExpert, Inc.

Case No.




Following is the list of the Debtor's equity security holders which is prepared in accordance with rule I 007(a)(3) for filing in this Chapter ll Case

Number of Securities

Kind of Interest

Stock and
FF Preferred



Ingrid Sanders
2426 Greenwich Street
San Francisco, CA 94123

Stock and
FF Preferred



Geoffrey Skow
2656 Van Ness Avenue #6
San Francisco, CA 94109
skowgeoffreyw@ gmail.com




Jere my Thomas
2912 Steiner Street
Apt. #4
San Francisco, CA 94123
jgrahamthomas@ gmail.com

'c ommon
Stock and
FF Preferred



P.O ..Box 1200
Palo Alto, CA 94302
tom@ apercent.com

Series Seed



Name and last known address or place of

business of holder
Rob Cameron
1200 Regatta Court
San Marcos, CA 92078
cannikinn@ gmail.com

Security Class


I, the undersigned authorized officer of the corporation named as the debtor in this case, declare under penalty of
perjury that I have read the foregoing List of Equity Security Holders and that it is true nd correct to the best of my
information and belief.

April12, 2016



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List of Equity Security Holders

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A Limited Liability Partnership
2 Including Professional Corporations
ORI KATZ, Cal. Bar No. 209561
3 ROBERT K. SAHYAN, Cal. Bar No. 253763
MATT R. KLINGER, Cal. B<g No. 307362
4 Four Embarcadero Center, 17 Floor
San Francisco, CA 94111-4109
5 Telephone: 415-434-9100
6 Email:
rsah yan@ sheppardmullin.com
mklinger@ sheppardmullin.com
8 Proposed Counsel for Debtor, PopExpert, Inc.



In re

Case No. 16-

PopExpert, Inc.,

Chapter 11






Pursuant to Federal Rule of Bankruptcy Procedure 7007.1, the undersigned

19 authorized officer of the above-captioned Debtor, certifies that the following is a

20 corporation other than the Debtor, or a governmental unit, that directly or indirectly owns

10% or more of any class of the corporation's equity interests:

22 Name:
23 Address:

P.O. Box 1200
Palo Alto, CA 94302

25 Dated: April12, 2016



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Fill in this information to identify the case and this filing:

Debtor Name

PopExpert, Inc.

United States Bankruptcy Court for the:

_N_o_rt_h_e_r_n______ District of California


Case number (If known):

_1_6_-_ _______

Official Form 202

Declaration Under Penalty of Perjury for Non-Individual Debtors


An individual who is authorized to act on behalf of a non-individual debtor, such as a corporation or partnership, must sign and submit
this form for the schedules of assets and liabilities, any other document that requires a declaration that is not included in the document,
and any amendments of those documents. Th is form must state the individual's position or relationship to the debtor, the identity of the
document, and the date. Bankruptcy Rules 1008 and 9011.
WARNING -- Bankruptcy fraud is a serious crime. Making a false statement, concealing property, or obtaining money or property by fraud in
connection with a bankruptcy case can result in fines up to $500,000 or imprisonment for up to 20 years, or both. 18 U.S.C. 152, 1341 ,
1519, and 3571 .

Declaration and signature

I am the president, another officer, or an authorized agent qf_the corporation ; a member or an authorized agent of the partnership; or
another individual serving as a representative of the debtor in this case.
I have examined the information in the documents checked below and I have a reasonable belief that the information is true and correct:

Schedule AlB: Assets-Real and Personal Property (Official Form 206AIB)

Schedule 0 : Creditors Who Have Claims Secured by Property (Official Form 2060)

Schedule El F: Creditors Who Have Unsecured Claims (Official Form 206E/F)

Schedule G: Executory Contracts and Unexpired Leases (Official Form 206G)

Schedule H: Codebtors (Official Form 206H)

Summary of Assets and Liabilities for Non-Individuals (Official Form 206Sum)

Amended Schedule

Chapter 11 or Chapter 9 Cases: List of Creditors Who Have the 20 Largest Unsecured Claims and Are Not Insiders (Official Form 204)


Other document that requires a declaration

Corporate Ownership Statement

- - - - - - - - - . - - - - - - - - - -- - -- - - - - - - - - - -

I declare under penalty of perjury that the foregoing is true and c

Executed on


Chief Executive Officer

Position or relationship to debtor

Official Form 202

Case: 16-30390

Declaration Under Penalty of Perjury for Non-Individual Debtors

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Alexandra Erman
1501 Albany Terrace,
Albany, CA 94706

2459 So. Ammons St
Lakewood, CA 80227 USA

PO Box 204112
Dallas, TX 75320-4112

Clayton Wood
1822 Page Street
San Francisco, CA


Peter Werner
Cooley LLP
101 California Street, 5th Floor
San Francisco, CA 94111-5800

Elixiter Inc
135 E. Main
Bozeman, MT 59715

Noah Hopton
Foresight ASG, Inc.
699 Mississippi St., Apt 104
San Francisco, CA 94107

Margaret Johnson
Genoo LLC
1405 N. Lilac Drive #215
Golden Valley, MN 55422


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Erin Karp
Karp Business Law
5516 17th Ave. NW
Seattle, WA 98107

Krutilla & Associates

350 N. Wiget Ln; Ste 150
Walnut Creek, CA 94598

Laura Sampson
250 Somerset Street
San Francisco, CA 94134

Monkey Brains
635 Potrero Ave
San Francisco, CA


James Taylor
P3 Music LTD
Incheoch Cottage, Alyth
Perthshire PH118HJ, UK

Gabe Luna Ostaseski

Upshift Partners
1550 17th Street
San Francisco, CA 94107

Ingrid Sanders
2426 Greenwich Street
San Francisco, CA 94123

Jeremy Thomas
2912 Steiner Street
Apt. 4
San Francisco, CA 94123


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Geoff Skow
2656 Van Ness Avenue, #6
San Francisco, CA 94109

Rob Cameron
1200 Regatta Ct.
San Marcos, CA 92078

Wiggin LLC
Attn: Tom van Loben Sels
P.O. Box 1200
Palo Alto, CA 94302

Emily Slade
1023 Elkgrove Ave #4
Venice, CA 90292

Aaron Kahlow
322 Presidio Ave, Unit 1
San Francisco, CA 94115

Kate Shields
267 Central Ave
San Francisco, CA


Lianna Turchin
100 Varennes St, Apt 2
San Francisco, CA 94133

Kenneth La
2523 42nd Ave
San Francisco, CA



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Alyssa Andrade
1943 Page Street #4
San Francisco, CA 94117

Jason Bliss
2045 Barry Ave
Los Angeles, CA


Mike Angiletta
265 W. Grand Avenue
Astoria, OR 97103

Rolando Garcia
HRG Works
24310 Copperhead Circle
Murrieta, CA 92562

Randall Potter
Intentionally Blank LLC
307 Serrano Drive
San Francisco, CA 94132

Andrew James Benson

A Happy Project LLC
576 Guerrero #2
San Francisco, CA 94110

Sean Sullivan
Today College Tour Inc.
198 Judah St
San Francisco, CA 94122

Emily Everett
3 Hampton Ave #26
Northamton, MA 1060


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Alesia Brady
1824 C St
Forest Grove, OR


Justin Harris
2852 Bryant Street
San Francisco, CA 94110

Kodiak Drewry
PO Box 531
Forest Knolls, CA

Amelia Cary
PO Box 273
Rancho Santa Fe, CA



Michelle Cameron Donaldson

388 Old Clyde Park Rd
Livingston, MT 59047

Falisa Gmbh Frank Schmidt

Auguststrasse 50 b
BE 10119

Susan Erway
7009 Evans Town Center Blvd.
Evans, GA 30809

Laura Hunt
PO Box 1338
Decatur, IL 62525


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Heather Ayris
182 Pamlico Lane
Mooresville, NC 28117

Alexandre Kota
3009 Ira Young Dr Apt 505
Temple, Texas 76504-6311

Meghan Brockmeyer
154 North 7th Street
Brooklyn, NY 11249

Jennifer Holmes
320 Sussex Drive
Ottawa, ON K1A0G8

Joe Chen
4f., No.70, Zihyou St., Yonghe Dist.
New Taipei City, Taiwan 23445

Alexander Sinclair
447 Ronning St
Edmonton, AB T6R1Z2

Ariana Nikora
Level 2, 18 Stanley Street
Parnell 1010 NZ

Jill Shippy
39600 Orchard Hill Place
Novi, MI 48375


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Hua Wan
No.4555 Yindu Road, Minhang Industry
Park, Sandvik International Trading
(Shanghai) Company Limited
Shanghai, Shanghai 201108, CN

Mark Bentum
109-20 Falstaff Avenue
Toronto, ON M6l 2C8

Diane Allen
400 Pennington Ave
Trenton, NJ 08618

Dawn Thompson
6108 Beckett Station Court
West Chester, OH 45069

Amy Wolf
65 Allschwillerweg
Binningen, BL 4102 CH

Seble Seyoum
45580 Shepard Dr #13
Sterling, VA 20134

Rebecca Vilky
4600 Silver Hill Road
Washington DC 20233

Lalonie Farnell
3980 G Airport Blvd
Mobile, AL 36608


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Kenya Halliburton
3602 McEwen Dr
Huntsville, AL 35810

Rebecca Levinson
1847 Havens Drive
Woodstock, IL 60098

Nguyen Anh Tuan

20c Hoa Lu
Nha Trang
Khanh Hoa 84 VN

Nicholas Wilson
11 Stanwix, 5th Floor
Pittsburgh, PA 15222

Anne Fischer
23 Orchard Road
Skillman, NJ 08558

Colby Villa
3734 E Kristal Way
Phoenix, AZ 85050

Kimberley DeLauro
1278 Rocky Point Dr.
Oceanside, CA 92056

# 57/C, 31st Cross, 2nd Main
7th Block jayanagar
Bangalore, KARNATAKA 560082


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Dawn Rutkoski
PO Box 339
Masonville, NY


Muhammad Tanveer Iqbal

P.O. Box 3533
Al Ma'ather Street
Riyadh, Riyadh 11481 SA

Brad Monaghan
PO Box 229
Darlinghurst, NSW

1300 AU

Suzanne Ross
8600 W. Bryn Mawr
Chicago, IL 60631

Teresa Jefferson
Box 571253
Washington, DC 20007

Ana Maria Henao

1450 Brickell Avenue Suite 3400
Miami, FL 33131

Shahram Sani
13671 Georgia Ave
Silver Spring, MD


Jennifer Webb
7593 Winding Way
Fishers, IN 46038


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James Meacham
204 East Innes Street, Suite 120
Salisbury, NC 28144

Irene Dobies
211 Oak St.
Lakewood, NY


Michelle Aldred
1818 St. Albans Drive
Suite 104
Raleigh, NC 27609

Hadid Huque
2909 - 5 Concorde Place
Toronto, Ontario M3C3M8 AE

Steven Kraiss
2975 Lone Oak Drive Suite 180
Eagan, Minnesota 55121

Alexis Nascimento
2390 Black Oak St.
Turlock, CA 95382

Sharon Strauss
3101 Manhattan Ave
Hermosa Beach, CA 90254

Kerry Benik
1501 West Cleveland Street
Tampa, FL 33606


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Patrick Guillory
330 Marietta St NW
Atlanta, GA 30313

Victoria Frantz
22285 N. Pepper Rd.,
Suite 307
Lake Barrington, IL 60010

Karen Hatfield
1568 Independence Ave.
Glenview, IL 60026

Belinda Speedy
13428 Maxella Ave #508
Marina Del Rey, CA 90292

Evan Minskoff
335 Carroll Street, 4c
Brooklyn, NY 11231

Tony Neesham
20 Thompson Road
Branford, CT 06405

Julie Smithey
5525 Reitz Ave
Baton Rouge, LA


Napasorn Poopichpong
11th floor, Unit 1101, 1104
Exhange Tower, 388 Sukhumvit Rd.
Klongtoey Bangkok Klongtoey 10110


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Suzanne Paulisch
Emdalavgen 14
Lund, Skane 22369 SE

Dalia Masad
450 Seventh Avenue Suite 1509
New York, NY 10123

Dawn Williams
Raffin House
Castletown Kp
Navan, Meath 0 IE

Kent Keilback
12285 Yonge Street
Richmond Hill, ON L4E 3M7

Trevor Hanes
701 B Street Ste.100
San Diego, California


Tanya Baughman
300 Barks Rd. E.
Marion, OH 43302

Franca Spano
10423-101 Street
Edmonton, AB T5H 0E7 CA

Zac Parsons
10423 101 Street NW
Edmonton, AB T5H0E7 CA


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Susan D Groveman
2066 East Mountain Street
Pasadena, CA 91104

Leena Munjal
Parkes Street
Parramatta, NSW

2150 AU

Heather Schultz
2550 S 170th Street
New Berlin, WI 53151

Pamela Paz
Calle 5 Surco
Lima, Lima
Lima 33 PE

Jill Buck
6976 Winter Ridge Lane
Castle Pines, CO 80108

Melessia Jones
1540 Genessee Street
Kansas City, MO 64102

The Thang Tran

343 Tran Cung
Tu Liem, Ha Noi

84 VN

Jennifer Wallis
426-119 West Pender Street
British Columbia 6VB IS5


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Claudia Alvarez
343 Gold Street
Brooklyn, New York


Nikki Sakelliou
90 N Coasy Hwy 101
Encinitas, CA 92024

Robert Barnes
Suite 9.1 Graphix Row
160 Bourke Road
Alexandria, NSW 2015 AU

Ilene Tanen
12 S. Main Street
Norwalk, CT 6854

Charlene Bailey
3 Evergreen Drive
Bethel, CT 6801

Stephanie Fuller
1400 Independence Ave., SW
Washington, DC 20250

Christopher Apuzzo
36 Summit Avenue
Gillette, NJ 07933

Marshall Hoffman
P.O. Box 1196
Tres Pinos, CA 95075


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Kelly Kowalchuk
2200, 10423 101 Street
Edmonton, AL T5H 0E7

Richard Lindner
120 Granite Lane
Austin, TX 78737

Andrea Cole
5825 Carnegie Blvd.
Charlotte, NC 28209
Shannon Enochs
254 W. Harvard Blvd. Ste B
Santa Paula, CA 93060

Wilma Lopez
4770 Buford HWY
MS F61
Atlanta, GA 30341

Ashlie Hannah
8760 Orion Place
Suite 100
Columbus, OH 43240

C S Wohlfarth
815 Central Ave
Nebraska City, NE


Kelly Kowalchuk
2200 10423 101 St
Edmonton, AL T5H 0E7


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Zac Parsons
10423 101 Street NW
Edmonton, AB T5H0E7

Aaron Kahlow
322 Presidio Avenune, #1
San Francisco, CA 94115

Marla Hoskins
21455 Hot Springs Rd.
Desert Hot Springs, CA


Brittany Liddon
8208 Hangar Loop Dr
MacDill AFB, FL 33621

Karen Christensen Araujo

388 S. York St.
Elmhurst, IL 60126

Nona Tajanlangit
6th Floor, 1880 Avenue Bldg.,
Eastwood City
Quezon City, Metro Manila 1110

Whitney Kane
515 Post Oak Blvd
Suite 300
Houston, TX 77027

David Barak
2753 Crescent Street
Astoria, NY 11102


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Rachael Parker
2405 Woodlake Drive
Okemos, MI 48864

Santiago Garces
4500 Biscayne Blvd.
Miami, Florida 33137

Wilma Lopez
4770 Buford HWY
MS F61
Atlanta, GA 30341

John Pitrus
804 Woburn Street
Wilmington, MA 01887

Elaine Mikesell
1530 South State Street, #506
Chicago, IL 60605

Ron Irvin
3122 Fire Road Suite 202
Egg Harbor Township, New Jersey


Trevor Hanes
701 B Street, Ste 1000
San Diego, California 92101

Veronica Micklin
8600 W. Bryn Mawr Avenue
Chicago, Illinois 60631


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James Brown
200 Public Square STE 3900
Cleveland, OH 44114

Wendy Soucie
Parker-Hannifin Corporation
6035 Parkland Boulevard
Cleveland, OH 44124-4141

Corporate Secretary
Parker-Hannifin Corporation
6035 Parkland Boulevard
Cleveland, OH 44124-4141

Alan Gaffney
Parker-Hannifin Corporation
6035 Parkland Boulevard
Cleveland, OH 44124-4141

Sharon Hasebein
Parker-Hannifin Corporation
6035 Parkland Boulevard
Cleveland, OH 44124-4141

Venus Lanzot-Lewis
Metropolitan Property and Casualty Insurance Company
700 Quaker Lane
P.O. Box 350
Warwick, RI 02887

Marina De La Torre
4051 Broad Street, Suite 220
San Luis Obispo, CA 93401

General Counsel
4052 Broad Street, Suite 220
San Luis Obispo, CA 93401


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Annie Woo
4052 Broad Street, Suite 220
San Luis Obispo, CA 93401

Cortney Vanier
Harlequin Enterprise Limited
225 Duncan Mill Road,
Toronto, Ontario, M3B 3K9

Brent Lewis
Harlequin Enterprise Limited
P.O. Box 5190
Buffalo, NY 14240-519

Lesly Simmons, Pres.

Digital District Group
635 Clayton Street #1
San Francisco, CA 94117

Ryan Phelan
Acxiom Corporation
601 East Third Street
Little Rock, AR 72201

Carol Gronlund
200 E. Randolph St., 52nd Floor
Oak Park, IL

John Kerr
111 Somerset Road #08-03
Singapore 238164

Ali Rothrock
200 E. Randolph St., 52nd Floor
Oak Park, IL 60601


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Lisa Smitn
Tata Communications
700 Airport Boulevard
Burlingame, CA 94010

Nancy Willis
LinkedIn Singapore
10 Marina Boulevard,
Marina Bay Financial Centre Tower 2 Level 30
Singapore 18983

Sharon McCooey
LinkedIn Ireland
Gardner House Wilton Place, Wilton Plaza
Dublin 2

John Baker
J Walter Thompson
466 Lexington Avenue, 4th Fl.
New York, NY 10017

Laura Agostini, Chief Talent Officer

J Walter Thompson
466 Lexington Avenue, 4th Fl.
New York, NY 10017

Martha Velasquez,
J Walter Thompson
466 Lexington Avenue, 4th Fl.
New York, NY 10017

Rohit Prabhakar
McKesson Corporation
One Post Street, 11th floor
San Francisco, CA 94104

Ulli Muenker
McKesson Corporation
One Post Street, 11th floor
San Francisco, CA 94104


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Adam Ferenzi
1305 Four Points Drive, Building II, 3rd Floor
Austin, TX 78726

Robert Alvarez
1305 Four Points Drive, Building II, 3rd Floor
Austin, TX 78726

Corey D. Pennington
501 SW Jefferson Ave.
Peoria, IL 61629

Jeffrey Bowman
100 Northeast Adams St.
Peoria, IL 61629

Karen MacKenzie
100 Northeast Adams Street
Peoria, IL 61629

Barbara Henricks
Cave Henricks Communicaitons
3006 Bee Cave Rd
Austin, TX 78746

Stephen Corsi
Lewis PR
575 Market Street Suite 1200
San Francisco, CA 94105

Gina Nykerk
Colorado American Marketing Association (CO+AMA)
PO Box 460155
Denver, CO 80246


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Galle Callnin
Colorado American Marketing Association (CO+AMA)
PO Box 460155
Denver, CO 80246

Katie Carlson, katie@womma.org

Word Of Mouth Marketing Association (WOMMA)
65 E. Wacker Place, STE 500
Chicago, IL 60601

Minyen Tan
50 amber road #21-03
Singapore Singapore 439888 SG

Jessica Sauceda
161 Business Park Dr
Virginia Beach VA 23462

Christopher Faville
6512 Bayview Dr
Oakland CA 94605

Josh Harmon
1048 Irvine Ave Suite 519
Newport Beach CA 92662

Aaron Arter
2211 Chaseford Lane
Powder Springs GA 30127

Marie-Laure Susset
Rue de Malagny 19
1196 CH


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Brent Taylor
4039 Wilkens Avenue
Baltimore MD 21229

Nuno Barata
Centro de Negcios da Maia
Rua Albino Jos Domingues,
581 Maia Porto 4470-034 PT

Jeanne Idoni
69 Glen Road #2D
Eastchester NY 10709

Jessica Kim
9552 Montanza Way
Buena Park CA 90620

Kirsty Mills
The Town House
114-116 Fore Street
Hertford AL SG14 1AJ

Leighton Campbell
Suite 20, Technology Innovation Center,
UTECH 237 Old Hope Rd
Kingston 6 Kingston JMAAW15

Madeline Komar
7 Lee Blvd
Malvern PA 19355

Matt McLaughlin
5311 Western Ave.
Boulder CO 80301


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Shana Ellington
8817 S 3780 W
West Jordan UT 84088

Susan Smedley
3000 Page Street
London ON N5V 5H3

Liz Meyer Brenden

3553 Crittenden St
St Louis MO 63118

Lynn Malsby
3757 Valleybrink Rd.
Los Angeles CA 90039

Kathie Gisonni
72 S. Regent Street
Port Chester NY 10573

# 57/C, 31st Cross,
2nd Main 7th Block jayanagar
Bangalore KARNATAKA 560082

Mary Meyer
600 Gray Street
Saint Charles IL 60174

Gaetan Drossart
234 rue de la Louvatiere
St jean de Gonville Ain 1630


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Hillarie Holcomb
121 Amberleigh Dr. #303
Wilmington NC 28411

Lenny Valdberg
320 Mill Road
Edison NJ 08817

Devin Bartley
202 Patchen Ave Apt 1
Brooklyn NY 11233

David Elliott
12 Clewer Hill Rd
Windsor Berkshire SL44BS GB

Deborah Floyd
10201 Broadway Ext.
Oklahoma City OK 73114

Claudia Francis
3670 Trousdale Parkway
Los Angeles CA 90089

Graham Glass
290 Lombard St. Suite 41
San Francisco CA 94133

Jennifer Soto
333 N. Hill
Pasadena CA 91106


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Yoichi Kinoshita
Komachi 2-6-27
Kamakura Kanagawa 248-0006 Japan

Brad Dunshee
8 10th St., Apt. 1804
San Francisco CA 94103

Bruce Lustigson
1630A 30th St. Suite 177
Boulder CO 80301

Basil Sanders
4/A1 albert ave Chatswood
Sydney NSW 2067 Australia

Christine Estevez
520 N. Croft Ave, apt #304
West Hollywood CA 90048

Mansoor Abulhoul
POBOX 1155
Dubai Dubai 1155 AE

Brett Feinstein
1011 East Main Street Suite 224
Richmond VA 23219

Ahmed Kaki
Madina Road
Jeddah Western 21446 SA


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Michael Iversen
Nordborgvej 81
Nordborg DK 6430 DK

Josef Akkawi
Al Garhoud Star, Office 107
Dubai Al Garhoud 30057 AE

Michael McKay
17403 N 167th Dr
Surprise AZ 85374

Swastie Maharaj
19 Crocodile Road Emmarentia
Johannesburg Gauteng 2195 ZA

Vanessa Leon
2415 N. Albany Ave. Unit 1
Tampa FL 33607

Iris Montgomery
1470 Alice Street #401 401
Oakland CA 94612

Scott Walton
338 Scott St
San Francisco CA 94117

Gal Biran
6 HaNehoshet st.
Tel Aviv Israel 6971070 IL


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Camille Bloch
148 Avenue des aubpines
Bruxelles Uccle 1180 BE

Ravi Chiripurapu
5118 Sunburst way 202
Mason OH 45040 US

Chris Holder
PO Box 305
Eastman GA 31023

David Demer
3308 Winthrop Cir
Marietta Ga 30067

Caroli Young
1 Clarkson Lake Ct
Chesterfield MO 63017

Steven Laird
3676 Rawhide Circle
Castle Rock CO 80104 US

Charmalan Wrencher
1000 Queen Anne Ave N #301
Seattle WA 98109

Keith Doerge
1492 Oddstad Drive
Redwood City CA 94063

Larry Wedgewood
80 Belmead Gardens
Edmonton AB T5T1J1 CA


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Ching Liang Fung

16 Caballeros Road
Rolling Hills CA 90274

Malcolm Davidson
27D Short Loanings
Aberdeen Aberdeen AB25 2TA GB

Myrna Haykal
Jal el Dib Mezher Jal el Dib
Mount Lebanon 961 LB

Miguelina Estevez
192 Lockwood Avenue
Yonkers NY 10701 US

Rachel Whitworth
1127 West Chester Pike
West Chester PA 19382

Jill Leaym
217 Grandville Ave SW Suite 302
Grand Rapids MI 49503

Giacomo Alpago
19 Draycott Avenue
London London SW3 3BS GB

Hanou Amendah
190 Chignal Road
Chelmsford Essex Cm1 2JE GB


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Barbara Walbank
Pittman Way Fulwood Preston
Lancashire PR2 9ZD GB

Michael Freedman
152 Madison Avenue Suite 1003
New York NY 10016

Cheryl Agoglia
31 W Main Street
Freehold NJ 7728

Diogo Vidigal
Rua Dr Jos Joaquim
Almeida N38D - 2Esq
Oeiras Lisbon 2780-337 PT

Joseph Williams
123 W. Bloomingdale Ave #421
Brandon FL 33511

Maurizio Capuzzo
1 Vista Montana Apt 5414
San Jose' CA 95134

Taylor Jones
2549 Eastbluff Dr #251
Newport Beach CA 92660

Rick Crain
6815 Prestonshire LN
Dallas TX 75225


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Dada Yarborough
824 Morningwood Lane
Kennesaw GA 30152

Michael DiNapolis
432 E Redbud Drive
Slidell LA 70458

Jeffrey Brantley
5694 Somerset Blvd
Bargersville IN 46106

Jayne Okoronkwo
19 Adekunle Fajuyi Crescent Ikeja
Lagos Lagos 100282 NG

Mohammad Nezami
2 TW Alexander Drive
Durham NC 27709

Dan Nol
Rue Louis Favre 34
Neuchtel NE 2002 CH

Marc Bane
46 Sexton Street
Sudbury MA 01776

Elaine Schoch
747 S. Corona St
Denver CO 80209


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Margaret Ross
PO Box 2261
Peachtree City GA 30269

Charlene Vital
P.O. Box 1873
West Covina CA 91793

Robert Bielecki
PO Box 745
Suffield CT 06078

Awad Sayeed
1160 Battery Street, Suite 40
San Francisco CA 94111

Tim Doyle
515 Post Oak Blvd.

Erin Speakman
40501 Calle Medusa
Temecula CA 92591

Debra Wegrzyn
1517 Potter Drive
Columbia TN 38401

Stacy Sherman
213 E Highland Ave
Fort Atkinson WI 53538


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Chelsea Walters
1910 Mcyntyre
Regina SK s4t 2p5 CA

Na'im McKee
2199 South University Blvd 122
Denver CO 80210

Scott Macaluso
1761 W. Hillsboro Blvd Suite 409
Deerfield Beach FL 33442

Alia Gebelin
1894 Whispering Cir
Henderson NV 89012

Karen Reilly
119 Edge Hill Dr
Fort Mill SC 29715

Margaret Steimer
1022 Texan Trail #1108
Grapevine TX 76051

Janet Nicholas
21 Adams Drive
Stow MA 01775

Scott E. Lee
902 Morse Ave
Schaumburg IL 60193


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David Witt
125 State Place
Escondido CA 92029

Kedra Hood
8515 E. Orchard Rd.
Greenwood Village CO 80127

Claudia Paul
Sommerstr. 42
Mnchen BY 81543 DE

Bryan Peguero
3034 Gomer St
Yorktown Hts NY 10598

Rebecca Ball
4136 South McCann Court
Springfield MO 65804

Scott Mullins
1160 Battery Street
San Francisco CA 94111

Tracy Woodall
52B Jopena Blvd
Hoschton GA 30548

Laxman M
10/11 Erande Garden, 24 Shivalay
Society Pashan Sus Road Pune
Maharashtra 411031 IN


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Kelly Collins
537 W. 149th Street Apt. 31
New York NY 10031

Doug Houlahan
30 Verissimo Drive
Novato CA 94947

Jon Burkhart
67 Woodfield Road
London London W51SR GB

Vinod Pillai
1/11 Eulogy Place, Randwick Park
Auckland Auckland 2105 NZ

Ailsa Leadbetter
Munterslaan 15
Haarlem Noord Holland 2015KA NL

Jeff Spicer
21 Uranus Terr
San Francisco CA 94114

Nicole Johnson
158 West 29th
New York NY 10001

Ilya Portnov
3233 Judah street
San Francisco CA 94122


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Timothy Rote
24790 SW Big Fir Rd
West Linn OR 97068

Sue Robbins
81 Reeve Drive
Markham ON L3p6c5 CA

Deirdre Anne Fitzpatrick

Unit 7-8 Linden House 96 Beechill Road
Belfast County Antrim BT8 7QN GB

Sandra Niebak Pedersen

Stentpoftvej 1
Vildbjerg DK 7480 DK


Rua Dr. Diogo de Faria 775 CJ 121
Sao Paulo SP 04037-002 BR

Karen Brown
65 Loverock Road
Reading Berkshire RG30 1DZ GB

Dominique Carmel-Tremblay
369 Berri
Montreal QC H2Y 3E1 CA

Geoffrey Groff
7957 W Bayhill Ct.
Boise ID 83704


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Michael Wilson
3208 Mynah Ave
McAllen TX 78504

Vincent Giglotti
23284 Morning Walk Dr
Ashburn VA 20148

Laura Patten
PO Box 565
Boulder CO 80306

Sabrina Keilch
1875 Jacqueline Way
Concord CA 94519

Wiladys Castillo
871 Coronado Center Drive, Ste 200
Henderson NV 89052

Shane Donofrio
12343 Helen Fowlers Pl
Hughesville MD 20637

Russell Porter
2 Ardsley Place
Rockville Centre NY 11570

Ryan Weckerly
308 Merry Oaks Dr.
Sycamore IL 60178-1060


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Felipe Servin
225 Bush Street Floor 12
San Francisco CA 94104

Nathalie Dupont
1000 SE 4th Street Apt 127
Fort Lauderdale FL 33301

Fred Mouawad
Itorama Consulting, 431 Soid Pradu 1,
Bangkholeam, Bangkok 10120 TH

Lauren Davidson
39821 Foxglove Ct
Lovettsville VA 20180

Lisa Davis
13 Frere Pilgrim
Christ Church Barbados 17003 BB

Shana Thomas
5000 Quorum Drive Suite 700
Dallas TX 75254

Donna Greulich
14 Westridge Drive
Hampton NH 03842

Jeffrey Brewer
3124 Corte Hermosa
Newport Beach CA 92660


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Rock Dehon
Rue des Anciens-Etangs 55
Brussels NY 1190 BE

Serina Jones
13200 Moorpark St 102
Sherman Oaks CA 91423

Milina strm
Observatoriegatan 17 c/o cron
stockholm sweden 1329 SE

John Coe
11567 Desert Willow
Scottsdale AZ 85255

Rafael Ochoa
8 Old Flint
Hockessin DE 19707

Roberto Jasinski
Italia 5043 Nordelta Tigre
1621 AR

Suzan Sugar
3851 Gilbert Dr.
Shreveport LA 71104

Leona Griffin
1866 Colonial Village Road Suite 106
Lancaster PA 17601


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Lauren Burke
8611 W. Knights Griffin Road
Plant City FL 33565

Paul Lanyi
518 Whiting Street
El Segundo CA 90245

Joseph Hutchison
3048 Charlwood
Rochester Hills MI 48306

Belinda Suntop
1716 Gladstone Ave
San Jose CA 95124

Kristin Hanley
181 Warren Ave Apt 1
Boston MA 02116

Yi Sze Jee
Blk30 Bukit Batok Street 21 #10-08
Singapore Singapore 659636 SG

Mike Manning
2128 Surrey Lane
McKinney TX 75070

Shawn Schaefer
517 Lowe Dr
Placentia CA 92870


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Charles Denyer
2897 N. Druid Hills Road Suite 355
Atlanta GA 30329

Eddie Burnett
634 N Jackson
Kewanee IL 61443

June Koppelman
19723 E Harvard Dr
Aurora CO 80013

Angie Harris
13411 Briar Forest Drive #3071
Houston TX 77077

Zara Martirosyan
The Views
Dubai Dubai NA AE

Joachim Bochmann
BBS-ITS Marketing, Sales &amp;
Leverkusen NW 51368 DE

Nicholas Jankowski
50 Fountain Plaza Suite 1400
Buffalo NY 14202

Bruno De Angeli
Silvestre Blanco 2524 /103
Montevideo Montevideo 11300 UY


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Charis George
493 Haight St. #306
San Francisco CA 94117

Paola Realpozo
1387 Fairport Road Building 900
Fairport NY 14450

Philip Kendall
191, Newtown Road
Bedworth UK CV12 8QG GB

Danielle Darby
5186 Fulton Street NW
Washington DC 20016

Michelle Post
20320 True Vista Circle
Monument CO 80132

Christopher Kramer
82 Elmwood Rd
Verona NJ 07044

Elizabeth Green
12415 NE 65th Lane
Kirkland WA 98033

Denise Wu
307 Atlantic Ave Apt 3B
Brooklyn NY 11201


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Ann Wiens
10937 S. 93rd E. Ave.
Tulsa OK 74133

Dianne Lowe
108 Myrtle St 6th Floor
Quincy MA 02171

Rosemary Wright
109 Shamrock Street
Concord NC 28025

Virginia Whitehead
7 Deer Valley Lane Unit 3
Vernon NJ 07462

Paola Garcia Isaak

Pinnemanstraat 20
Lokeren Flanders 9160 BE

Darryl Peddle
6939 14th Avenue
L6B 0C7 CA

Micah Cooksey
2709 NE McDonald Ln
McMinnville OR 97128

Daniel Lewis
495 Vincente Ave.
Berkeley CA 94707


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Stefan Vikstrm
Bror Nilssons Gata 5, 4tr
Gteborg Vstra Gtaland 41755 SE

Scott Millar
6092 Cormoran
Brossard QC J4Z0C4 CA

Bonnie Richards
1 Balwyn Place
Bala Cynwyd PA 19004

Katherine C Byrne
82 Estates Dr.
Orinda CA 94563

Paula Ilabaca
109 E 42nd Street
New York NY 10023

James Catherall
5 Alwyn Close
Mold Flintshire CH7 1sh GB

Julia Henning
42285 Business Park Drive Ste 220
Temecula CA 92590

Jairo Boekhoudt
Paradera Matividiri 17a
Oranjestad AA 0 AW


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Zed Williamson
73100 E Stadium Dr
Covington LA 70433

William Antoskiewicz
5748 Bartlett Blvd
Mound MN 55364

Robert Romine
1250 Executive PL Suite 601
Geneva IL 60134

Jackie C Weber
1818 Marilyn Drive
Clearwater FL 33759

Gabriel Perez Benlloch

Ronda de Nelle
A CORUNA A Coruna 15005 ES

Fang Martin
4705 S Jackson Ave
Joplin MO 64804

Malecia Marzo
3896 Ridgewood Dr. SE
Smyrna GA 30080

Mary Camacho
1629 Downing Street
Denver CO 80218


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Christina Park
425 Aviation Blvd.
Santa Rosa CA 95403

Myriam Joseph
120 Pleasant Street
Cambridge MA 02139

David Rigg
4652 Allen Drive
Carmel IN 46033

Suzanne Eikel
265 Stetson Drive
Danville CA 94506

Deirdre Walsh
5011 Avenue F Unit B
Austin TX 78751

Kevin Andersen
14355 Raneys Lane
Orland Park IL 60462

Patsy Russell
7251 Alabama Hwy 75
Horton AL 35980 US

Urania Li
Hong Kong Hong Kong 0 HK


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Stephanie Cohen
2400 Latham Court
Midlothian VA 23113

Mallory Thomas
3326 Bent Grass Dr
Valrico FL 33596

Dhriti Khattar
CU-74, Pitampura, Delhi.
Delhi New Delhi 110034 IN

John Seeker
12900 Senlac Dr., Suite 100
Dallas TX 75234

Nancy Willis
6A Seymour Road, Flat 2A
Hong Kong None 0 HK

Jason Broyles
1901 10th St.
Plano TX 75074

Natasha Howes
6, Thorney Road
Streetly West Midlands B74 3HT GB

Michael Quillerat
58 Aquarius Drive


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Kurt Keesy
264 Remington Loop
Danville CA 94526 US

Thi Xuan An Nguyen

Mntylntie 3F84
Joensuu Karelia 80220 FI

Gabriela Martorell
Blvd Diaz Ordaz #270
Monterrey Nuevo Leon 64650 Mexico

Sandrina Micale
Danislaan 26
Beersel Flemish Brabant 1650 BE

Jeannette Abboud-Niemczyk
5100 Township Line Rd.
Drexel Hill PA 19026

Leo Nagata
8400 Oceanview Ter. Apt. 202
San Francisco CA 94132

Rob Johnston
31 Fairleigh Crescent
Hamilton ON L8M2l1 CA

Anna Sowik
Chodna 51
Warszawa Mazowieckie 00-867 PL


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Martina McCann
9600 Garsington Road
Oxford Oxfordshire OX4 2DQ GB

Julie Wisdom
711 SW Alder Suite 200
Portland OR 97205

Douglas Breuer
3155 Medlock Bridge
Norcross GA 30071

Roberto Palomo
13 Calle Pte #4427 Col Escalon
San Salvador San Salvador 1188 SV

Leslie Smith
1165 Tallgrass Court
Kennesaw GA 30152

Wendy Gomes
3475 Dalwood Drive
Suwanee GA 30024

Brett Ward
2 The Collonades 17 London Road
Pulborough West Sussex RH20 1AR GB

Khurram Mughal
73 Thatch Leach Lane
Lancashire Manchester M45 6EN GB


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William Harrison
PO Box 110
Colton CA 92324

Manuel Morales
P.O. Box 195434
San Juan PR 919 PR

Serge Daigneault
1355 Chemin du Grand Ruisseau
St-Sauveur QC J0R 1R1 CA

Suthesh Kumar
8-3A-2, Block 8, Bukit OUG Condominium,
Jalan 3A/155 Kuala Lumpur
Wilayah Persekutuan 58200 MY

Nicole Malik
3239 Satellite Blvd
Duluth GA 30096

Fanette Singer
1711 General Electric Road
Bloomington IL 61704

Karen Cooper
1284 Brennan Court
Erie CO 80516

Riyaz Lakhani
RH10, Princeton Town, Kalyani Nagar
Pune Maharashtra 411006 IN


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Christopher Sendi
5425 Duke Street
Alexandria VA 22304

Ritesh Shah
8 Kahan Nagar Society N C Kelkar Road
Dadar West Mumbai maharashtra 400028 IN

Alan Rihm
205 Cypress Lane
Hatboro PA 19040

Paul McMeekin
17609 Corby Circle
Omaha NE 68116

Shi Bu
3525 43rd East St.
Minneapolis MN 55406

Humaira Bourne
715 East Lawn
Celebration FL 34747

Caroline Mues
3717 Coit Avenue NE
Grand Rapids MI 49525

Sherry Osegueda
5385 Peachtree Dunwwody Rd #1131
Altanta GA 30342

Steven Johnson
Level 2 122 Pitt Street
Sydney NSW 2000 AU


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James Anderson
480 W 900 N
Pleasant Grove UT 84062

Meryem Grtun
Esentepe Yolu 10.km
Girne Girne Mersin 10 TR

Patricia Graner
303 S. Broadway, Suite 200-410
Denver CO 80209

Sonali Engineer
230-4005 Don Mills Road
Toronto ON M2H 3J9 CA

Wendy Rigoux
13 Rust Street St Clair
Port of Spain Port of Spain 0 TT

Brian Oleksa
4060 S. 500 W. Ste 6
Salt Lake City UT 84098

Bradley Chesla
10 Ella Mae Lane
Enniskillen ON L0B1J0 CA

Mallory Hansen
802 West Bannock Street Suite 1400
Boise ID 83702


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Patrick Lui
Hong Kong
Hong Kong Hong Kong 0 HK

Diane Rutledge
548 Tomahawk Court
Palm Beach Gardens FL 33410

Dexter Wilson
841 Smith Street
Providence RI 02908

Steven Bass
17460 N. 79th St.
Scottsdale AZ 85255

Patrice Gianni
2900 West Horizon Ridge Parkway Suite 200
Henderson NV 89052

Boris Stoitchkov
46 Gen. Skobelev blvd.
Sofia Sofia City 1606 BG

Roland Frasier
4330 Gaines Ranch Loop, Suite 120
Austin TX 78736

Xiaoya Ma
1658 25TH AVE
San Francisco CA 94122


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Samir Jhaveri
209, Laxmi Plaza
New Link Rd, Andheri W,
Mumbai MH 400053 IN

Jeannette Yee
55 Hope Street Apt 507
Brooklyn NY 11211

Nmcghee Osse
1628 North Hermitage
Chicago IL 60622

Giovanna Cracchiolo
1470 Lincoln Ave., #5
San Rafael CA 94901

Emily Lebowitz
6725 Ridgecliff Drive
Solon OH 44139

Aldo Febro
7201 SE 29 ST
Mercer Island WA 98040

Dirk Nicol
1403 Timber Wolf Dr
Durham NC 27713

Chris Cavanaugh
10789 Calle mar de Mariposa
San Diego CA 92130


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Amy Hicks
1447 Peachtree Street NE, Ste. 850
Atlanta GA 30309

Sachin Patil
C1 #806 Rahul Park Warje Pune
Maharashtra 411058 Pune
Maharashtra 411058 IN

Genna Gallegos
2450 Larimer St. Suite 100
Denver CO 80205

John Homer
108 Forest Lane
Cheshire CT 06410

Andre Schindler
33 N. Garen Ave, Suite 975
Clearwater FL 33755

Brie Rogers
137 Commerce Park Drive
Westerville OH 43082

Beverley DCruz
23 Rean Drive
North York ON M2K0A5 CA

David Fesperman
2750 E Southlake Blvd, Ste 150
Southlake TX 76092


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# 57/C, 31st Cross,
2nd Main 7th Block Jayanagar
Bangalore KARNATAKA 560082

Scott Walton
338 Scott St
San Francisco CA 94117

Jonathan Gross
1344 Silas Deane Hwy
Rocky Hill CT 06067

Alison Branco
5456 Dumfries St
Vancouver BC V5P 3A4

Keri Aroesty
976 S Westgate Avenue
Los Angeles CA 90049
Iris Patten
1470 Alice Street #401
Oakland CA 94612

Bala Subamanian
Itihad rd deira dubai

Allie Stark
325 Park View Terrace# 25
Oakland CA 94610


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Andia Winslow
The Fit Cycle
PO Box 30137
New York New York 10011

Barbara Biziou
3 Sheridan Square, 10H
New York New York 10014

Cate Costa
Venture Catalyst Consulting, LLC
4445 Corporation Lane, STE 264
Virginia Beach VA 23462

Celia Ward-Wallace
4206 Halldale Avenue
Los Angeles CA 90062

Chris White
7229 Wilton Avenue
Sebastapol CA 95472

Christine Hassler
Christine Hassler, Inc.
318 S. Kenter Ave
Los Angeles CA 90024

Frances Cole Jones

Cole Media Management
PO Box 61
Bridgehampton NY 11932

Holli Thompson
PO Box 2033
Middleburg VA 20118


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Jennifer Osbon, Inc

3001 Prestwyck Haven Drive
Duluth GA 30097

Kenneth Folk
3 Wendover Ln
New City NY 10956

Kerri Glassman
353 Lexington Ave, Suite 704
New York NY 10016

Lili Balfour
Atelier Advisors
155 Harriet Street #2
San Francisco CA 94103

Miki Agrawal
163 N. 6th Street, #B14
Brooklyn NY 11211

Neal Schaffer
14271 Jeffrey Road, Suite 117
Irvine CA 92620

Nitika Chopra
Bella Life, Inc.
109 West 82nd Street
New York, NY 10024

Paula Rizzo
333 East 66th Street, Apt. 12K
New York, NY 10065


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Rochelle Schieck
1042 Oakwood Ave
Venice CA 90291

Rohit Bhargava
Influential Marketing Group
2902 Dorian Drive
Oakton VA 22124

Ryan Weiss
1306 1/2 North Harper Ave.
West Hollywood CA 90046

Shauna Shapiro
116 Belvedere Drive
Mill Valley CA 94941

Stephan Labossiere
1085 Lewis Ridge Circle
Lawrenceville GA 30044

Terri Trespicio
243 West End Ave, Apt. 514
New York, NY 10023

Wendy Walsh
Puspowpro, Inc.
171 Pier Avenue, Suite 393
Santa Monica CA 90405

California State Board of Equalization

Account Reference Group MIC 29
P.O. Box 942879
Sacramento, CA 94279-0029


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CA Employment Development Dept.

Bankruptcy Group MIC 92E
PO Box 826880
Sacramento, CA 94280-0001

CA Franchise Tax Board

Special Procedures Bankruptcy Unit
PO Box 2952
Sacramento, CA 95812-2952

California Franchise Tax Board

PO Box 942857
Sacramento, CA 942857-0501

California Secretary of State

1500 11th Street
Sacramento, CA 95814-5701

Chief Tax Collection Section

Employment Development Section
PO Box 826203
Sacramento, CA 94230-0001

Franchise Tax Board

Bankruptcy Section MS A340
PO Box 2952
Sacramento, CA 95812-2952

Internal Revenue Service

Centralized Insolvency Operations
PO Box 7346
Philadelphia, PA 19101-7346

Internal Revenue Service

PO Box 7346
Philadelphia, PA 19101-7346


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Office of the U.S. Trustee/SF

235 Pine Street
Suite 700
San Francisco, CA 94104-2745

Secretary of State of California

Business Entities
PO Box 944228
Sacramento, CA 94244-2280

State of California Franchise Tax Board

Bankruptcy Section, MS: A-340
PO Box 2952
Sacramento, CA 95812-2952

Securities Exchange Commission

Attn: General Counsel
100 F Street NE
Washington, DC 20549-2001

Securities Exchange Commission

Attn: Bankruptcy Counsel
444 South Flower Street, Suite 900
Los Angeles, CA 90071-2934

U.S. Attorney
Civil Division
450 Golden Gate Ave.
San Francisco, CA 94102-3661

United States Attorney General

U.S. Department of Justice
950 Pennsylvania Avenue NW
Washington, DC 20530-0009
Health Net
Health Net File #52617
Los Angeles, CA 90074-2617


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IPFS Corporation
P.O. Box 100391
Pasadena, CA 91189-0391

Principal Financial Group

P.O. Box 10372
Des Moines, IA 50306

Startcapps Mobile S.L

C/ Isable Colbrand 10
Madrid, 20850 Spain

The Hartford 2
P.O. Box 660916
Dallas, TX 0916

BlackWater Ops
356 S. Farmer Ave.
Tempe, AZ 85281

2459 So. Ammons Street
Lakewood, CO 80227

Dances With Light

1020 Ebert Street
Oakland, CA 94602

Influential Marketing Group

2902 Dorian Drive
Oakton, VA 22124


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Insider News Group

P.O. Box 459
Malvern, PA 19355

Jake Schiff
965 Sapphire Street
San Diego, CA 92109

901 Mariners Island Blvd.
San Mateo, CA 94404

Alex Karp
One Designation AB
Aplerod 144
Odsmal 44496 Sweden

Rogers Joseph ODonnell

311 California Street, 10th Floor
San Francisco, CA 94104

One Market Street, Suite 300
San Francisco, CA 94105

Visual Medial Alliance

P.O. Box 7239
San Francisco, CA 94120

Aaron Kahlow
322 Presidio Ave., Unit 1
San Francisco, CA 94115


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Pacific Sequioa Holdings, LLC

Attn: Alan Chang
250 University Avenue, #400
Palo Alto, CA 94301

Learn Capital
Attn: Paul Strange
20 E. 3rd Avenue
San Mateo, CA 94401

EVC Twenty Holdings LLC

Attn: Ryan Melohn
250 W. 57th Street
Room 1401
New York, NY 10107

Rockstar Group
Attn: Mike Walsh
720 California Street
San Francisco, CA 94108

Joseph Garner
3668 Mississippi Street
San Diego, CA 92104

SD Squared Holdings Limited

Attn: Sachin Duggal
301 Mission Street
San Francisco, CA 94105

Box Group LLC

Attn: Adam Rothenberg
41 Union Square West
New York, NY 10003


Attn: Noah Goodhart
63 Madison Avenue
28th Floor
New York, NY 100101


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Summit Mountain Holding Group LLC

Attn: Greg Mauro
3632 N. Wolf Creek Drive
Eden, Utah 84310

Leland Investments Inc.

Attn: Mark Ein
509 7th Street NW
Washington, DC 20004

Jonathan Segal
20659 Rockcroft Drive.
Malibu, CA 90265

Jed Investments LLC

Attn: Justin Dangel
91 Beacon Street, Unit 1
Boston, MA 02108

Nick Winstone
PO Box 106294
Auckland City, Auckland 1143
New Zealand

Michael Chasen
8917 Holly Leaf Lane
Bethesda, MD 20817

American Express Credit Cards

Attn: Billing Department
PO Box 360001
Fort Lauderdale, FL 33336

Jeremy Hinman Revocable Trust

1755 Filbert Street
San Francisco, CA 94123


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Radha Agrawal
101 Bedford Avenue, B306
Brooklyn, NY 11211

Alt Option Return, LLC

Attn: David Kidder
Bionic 4 Columbus Circle
New York, NY 10019


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Fill in this information to identify the case and this filing:

Debtor Name

PopExpert, Inc.

United States Bankruptcy Court for the :

Case number (If known):'

_N_o_rt_h_e_r_n______ District of California



Official Form 202

Declaration Under Penalty of Perjury for Non-Individual Debtors


An individual who is authorized to act on behalf of a non-individual debtor, such as a corporation or partnership, must sign and submit
this form for the schedules of assets and liabilities, any other document that requires a declaration that is not included in the document,
and any amendments of those documents. Th is form must state the individual's position or relationship to the debtor, the identity of the
document, and the date. Bankruptcy Rules 1008 and 9011.
WARNING Bankruptcy fraud is a serious crime. Making a false statement, concealing property, or obtaining money or property by fraud in
connection with a bankruptcy case can result in fines up to $500,000 or imprisonment for up to 20 years, or both. 18 U.S.C. 152, 1341,
1519, and 3571.

Declaration and signature

I am the president, another officer, or an authorized agent of the corporation; a member or an authorized agent of the partnership; or
another individual serving as a representative of the debtorift this case.
I have examined the information in the documents checked below and I have a reasonable belief that the information is true and correct:

Schedule AlB: Assets-Rea/ and Personal Property (Official Form 206AIB)

Schedule 0 : Creditors Who Have Claims Secured by Property (Official Form 2060)

Schedule ElF: Creditors Who Have Unsecured Claims (Official Form 206E/F)

Schedule G: Executory Contracts and Unexpired Leases (Official Form 206G)

Schedule H: Codebtors (Official Form 206H)

Summary of Assets and Liabilities for Non-Individuals (Official Form 206Sum)

Amended Schedule

Chapter 11 or Chapter 9 Cases: List of Creditors Who Have the 20 Largest Unsecured Claims and Are Not Insiders (Official Form 204)

~ Other document'that requires a declaration.__C

_ a_il_in_g::..._M_a_t_r_

Executed on


Chief Executive Officer

Position or relationship to debtor

Official Form 202

Case: 16-30390

Declaration Under Penalty of Perjury for Non-Individual Debtors

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