Table Hopping Newspaper May 2010

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MAY 2010






Dining Out Golf Section 2010

10 See 24-25
Club Scene
Limp Lizard MUSIC & EVENTS
36 pages 41-43

All Mothers 299-5747

Receive a
Free Rose on 472-7831 See ad
on pg 37
Family Dining Mothers Day!
See our ad on Back Page (While supplies last) For All Occasions ... Let Us Bring the Party to You!

people of interest
by: Alisha Tondro

Just a short drive from Lake Ontario, set in with the many hosting live music
trees the Sterling Stage Kampitheater is a venue unlike any events in 1995. In
other. As a family-oriented camping ground, it provides festival the past 15 years,
goers with a unique musical experience not found anywhere Sterling Stage has
else. The setting provides an intimate musical experience. With presented Rock and
campgrounds that provide a perfect view of the main stage, it’s Roll Hall of Famers,
easy to settle in with the crowd. Grammy winners,
Eric McElveen describes his venue as a unique business. bluegrass legends,
“There haven’t been a lot of small festivals in recent years,” and legendary guitar
McElveen states. “Other venues either don’t last very long or heroes, along with
they turn big very quickly.” hundreds of regional
When the Kampitheater started back in 1995, the original and local musicians.
influence was just a bunch of friends getting together outside of Located on Kent
the garage to listen to bands. “We’ve been described as a cross Road in Sterling,
between Bob Sterling Stage is
Dylan and having its sixth annual
Pink Floyd,” Folkfest soon. The
McElveen Folkfest will take
says. And place May 27-30,
now the Kampitheater 2010. New to the lineup this year are Gandalf Murphy & the Slambovian
has been open for 15 Circus of Dreams, Nate Wilson Group, Buffalo Killers, Jamie McLean
years. Band, Leroy Justice, and Lucid. Also returning to the stage are some
Oswego County’s favorites including Natural Breakdown, The Buddhahood, The Family
Sterling Stage is an Dawgz, BuzzUniverse, Tim Herron Corporation, House on a Spring,
old Christmas tree Sophistafunk, and many more. In all, over 30 performers will take the
farm that began Continued on page 4

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May Specials
Sunday 1. ChiCken ParMigiana with baked rigatoni
Cup of wedding soup, & salad.

2. roaSt Loin of Pork $11.95

with homemade stuffing, garlic mashed potato, pork gravy, hot
apples & spices, cup of wedding soup, & salad.

Monday PriMe rib

Slow cooked to perfection –– the best you’ll ever have!!
With choice of potato or spaghetti, & salad.

tuesday Char griLLeD 20 oz. DeLMoniCo Steak

served w/ garlic mashed potatoes, buttered Julienne veggies
$14.95 Join us sunday May 9th for
& dinner salad.
Mother’s day at doMinick’s
Wednesday ChiCken & eggPLant ParMigiana
with angel hair pasta & salad.
& Bel Posto (r B P ro eservations equired
at el osto nly)

thursday ChiCken ParMigiana With bakeD ziti

& salad.
1370 BURNET AVE., SYRACUSE, NY Exit 690 at Teall Ave.
One Block to Burnet, Turn Right One Block Up
friday 1. goLDen frieD boSton haDDoCk
with mac & cheese, & salad.
$11.95 315-471-4262 • Hours: Mon-Thurs 11a.m.-11 p.m.
Fri & Sat 11a.m.-Midnight • Sun noon-11p.m.
Happy 2. StUffeD broiLeD boSton haDDoCk
With oUr oWn Crab Meat StUffing with cheese sauce
choice of potato & salad.
Mother’s 3. SaUteeD ShriMP & SCaLLoP SCaMPi $14.95
with sundried tomatoes over linguini & salad.
Day! 4. bakeD bUtterCrUMb haDDoCk $12.95
with choice of potato or pasta & salad.

Saturday SLoW CookeD PriMe rib aU JUS

with choice of potato or spaghetti & salad.

Visit us on the web at!


Mention Table Hopping Continued from page 2
& get 10% off any meal stage in
w/ the purchase of a 2nd meal! this four-
(Of Equal or Lesser Value)
day musical

Restaurant Steakhouse

been close

We Serve BreakfaSt!
to 12
years since
I’ve been
Steaks playing at
Seafood Large Fluffy Pancakes Sterling and
Chops it’s probably
Pasta Fresh Cut Homefries safe to say
Made to Order 3 egg omelets that I’ve
Steaks are our Homemade Grilled Muffins
played more
specialty! & More!
shows then
that’s had the pleasure to perform amongst the trees of Sterling,” said
Feature 20 oz. Bone in Rib Eye Tim Herron, one of the performers during the Folkfest.
“I never considered what I did up there as work, it’s always been

Open Mother’s Day! me playing for my friends and community. I am looking forward to
making more friends up there and having the pleasure to sing songs for

• Cornish Game Hen Mothers get a FREE While the music certainly is the main attraction of the folkfest, the
breakfast w/ purchase of weekend is not limited to the abundance of musical talent. Sterling
• Seafood Pasta 2nd breakfast or Stage offers concertgoers a unique experience, complete with music,
comfortable festival style camping, a family camping village, craft and
10% off lunch w/
• 8oz. Sirloin Steak purchase of 2nd lunch
food vending, art installations and a second line parade. “It will make
Folkfest more than just four days of music, but four days of coming
together and creating a synergy of positive intentions through music, art,
Rt. , Cazenovia, NY • 655-5534 and social gathering,” McElveen says excitedly. 
Patrons are
encouraged to make
every day
every nite Pasta Dinner their own campsites
99 ¢
the homey. This includes
drafts $4.99 being able to have
a small campfire,
grills and coolers
are permitted, which
means patrons
bringing their own
food, and just
basically moving in
for the weekend.
Although in some
cases there are tickets
available for one night of the festival, patrons are encouraged to stay for

Mother’s Day Brunch the whole weekend.

Advance sale weekend passes are available for only $60 until May
26. Tickets can be purchased online at, or at
11 am- 3pm select ticket outlets around Upstate New York (for a full list of outlets
visit As always, children 12 and under are free.
• Scrambled Eggs • Sausage • Bacon • French Toast Gate passes can be purchased for $75, but are subject to availability.
• Muffins • Carved Prime Rib • Tossed Salad • Fruit Cup • Fresh Rolls One-day passes are also available at a reduced rate. 
• Crab & Scallop Stuffed Sole with a Citrus Cream Sauce • Rice Pilaf General lot parking is $12 per vehicle for the weekend and includes
re-entry. A limited number of on-site vehicle passes will be available for
• Oven Roasted Chicken • Garlic Mashed Potatoes • Penne & Vodka $30 each. RV and auto/tow-behind combos are available for $50 each. To
Sauce • Sausage & Meatballs • Vegetable Medley reserve an on-site vehicle parking or an RV pass, send a request and the
$18.95-Adults • $10.95-Children under 12 • Children under 5 FREE fee with the ticket mail order or send via an email reservation request to
Now Booking for Graduation, Free festival-style tent camping is included with all tickets. Portable
Briadal Showers, Rehersal Dinners toilets, water, and hand washing stations are provided free of charge and
are regularly serviced throughout the weekend.
& All Your Summer Parties! For complete Sterling Stage information, including band lineups and
schedules, ticket outlets, and directions, please visit the website at www. To reach Sterling Stage by phone, please call (818)
2 Oswego Street • Baldwinsville, NY • (315) 638-3342 • 212-9489.
Photo by Jim Johnson

by: Jack O. Bocchino

VOLUME 31, No. 5

What can I say about MAY 2010
the former author of Table
Hopping’s “Sounds of Syracuse”
music column? I had heard of PUBLISHER
Lisa Gentile through several Shawn Fresina
songwriter friends who described
her as a terrific songwriter. High

Photo by Jack O. Bocchino

praise indeed, coming from her
fellow songwriters. However, 02......................................... People of Interest • Alisha Tondro
I had yet to have the pleasure 05....................................Sounds of Syracuse • Jack O. Bocchino
of experiencing one of her 06................................................................... Theatre • Bill West
performances. 08............................................................. Vidiots • Brian Miller
In 2007, with much 10.......................................... Dining Out • Nadine VandeWalker
anticpation, I finally got to see 12..................................................... Now Playing • Brian Miller
her. She opened her set with a 14........................................ Word on the Street • Bill McClellan
cover of Bob Dylan’s “Don’t Think 15........................................................................Tipp Hill Section
Twice, Its Alright”. While I enjoy Bob Dylan and love this song, quite frankly my first thought 17 - 19............................................ Downtown Syracuse Section
was to wonder why Lisa was doing a cover tune, when she reportedly had written so many good 20..................................... Exercise & Fitness • Jennifer Nastasi
songs. She answered that question while it was still an infant thought in my head. She performed 23.................................................... Computers • Nancy Roberts
that song in a way that I have never heard it done before. She did an awesome job, arranging 24................................................... Tee Shots • Patrick E. Fuller
the song into a more serious commentary of a breakup than Bob Dylan had ever intended. 24 - 25................................................................... Golf Section
Admittedly, I went on to wonder what Lisa was going to do to top a Dylan cover tune. She did 27................................. Beauty & Fashion • Maryann McKinley
not disappoint there either. She went on to perform original after original. Each song better than 27....................................................... Beauty & Fashion Section
the song before. 30 - 31............................................... Special Occasions Section
Shortly after I met Lisa at that performance, she went on to organize and manage an open 32............................................. The Write Stuff • Nancy Roberts
mike which would later be called the Music Mavericks. Like many open mikes, this was visited by 33................................................................Sylvan Beach Section
an eclectic group of 34............................... Tales From The Vine • Cathy Millspaugh
individuals of varied 36......................................................Club Scene • Alisha Tondro
talent levels. While 37 - 39.............................................................Nightlife Section
most open mikes are
full of supportive
Sporting Clays… like “golf” with a shotgun! 41 - 43................................................................Music & Events
44............................................. Preventive Medicine • Dr. Barry
people, the muscians 44................................................................................Classifieds
at the Music Mavericks 45........................................................................................Recipe
supported each other Feeling adventurous?
Literary Consultant
in ways I had not seen Nancy Roberts
before. I watched this Exciting outdoor
Account Executives
79 - 2009

open mike grow from adventure, Patrick Downs, John Gadaleta

supportive to much
much more. Lisa’s whatever Graphic Artists
MaryLou Singer, Harvey Fonda, Steve Voutsinas
friendly and nurturing
attitude led to more
your skill level!
and more attendees. The Table Hopping Newspaper is published the first week of every
Many of these Join Our Summer League month by Table Hopping Inc. Business hours are Monday through Friday
musicians ended up 9am-5pm. 40,000 copies are delivered to over 988 locations throughout
collaberating in pairs
and trios.
Now Booking Ask about
our Group
Wounded Warrior Project Central New York. Display advertising rates may be obtained by calling

Lisa then took Corporate Parties! Discounts! 2nd Annual Benefit Shoot
her vision to another
level. Why not rent
• Client Outings, Team Building, May 23, 2010 • 10am 1129 North State Street • Syracuse NY 13208
Company Picnics, Sales Spiffs & more! • 100 Bird Sporting Clays Event PHONE 315.474.1011 • FAX 315.474.7072
out the Redhouse and
• $100 Entry (6 Man Team – $500)
put on a full blown • Bachelor Parties, Birthday Parties, • Side Games, Raffles, Auction,
concert? It was a great Any Occasion or No Occasion! NSCA Goodie Bags, Special Guests & More!
Table Hopping, Inc. will not knowingly accept or publish advertising which is fraudulent or misleading
in nature. The publisher reserves the right to reject or cancel any advertising. The opinions, views and
success that featured Registered • Instructional Clinic on Saturday comments expressed in this publication are not necessarily those of the publisher. The contents of this

many terrific acts. The • Make it an Overnight Event! Event $250/AM Session – $175/PM Session – $350/Both
publication are protected by copyright and may not be reproduced without express written permission
from the publisher.
concert lasted over Many nice accommodations & © 2010 Table Hopping Inc.

four hours. This night nightly entertainment nearby After you shoot, relax in the comfort of our brand new club house!
It’s a blast!
even saw the sales
of a compilation CD for the June Issue of Table Hopping is
Call Ron Acee at
of songs recorded
at previous Music
Vernon National Shooting Preserve (315) 796–4587 May 23rd
Located just minutes from the NYS Thruway for more information
Mavericks open mikes. CALL 474.1011
Continued on page 9 To Reserve Your Ad Space, Today!

by: Bill West

It was enterprising of Rarely Done Productions to stage Leonard at the office. He is full of himself. Meanwhile, Dinah bemoans her inner
Bernstein’s short opera, Trouble in Tahiti, last month at their venue, Jazz loneliness and the neglect she feels, and in the end goes to see the
Central, 441 E. Washington St. It was also exciting. Jazz Central proved second-rate movie rather than attend her son’s play. Such is the sorry
to be a perfect setting for such an intimate domestic opera. For, exotic state of their marriage that “escape” seems to be the only answer. In the
though the title may sound, the trouble isn’t in Tahiti but at the very end he suggests to her that they might bury the hatchet for awhile and
American home of a couple who are at odds with each other. Tahiti go to a movie together, suggesting Tahiti, and the opera ends with Dinah
is the Pacific island the wife ‘visits’ when attending the movies one just going along with it, as if agreeing to a temporary truce.
afternoon to escape the incessant squabbling that goes on between her It was a real pleasure to see two fine local artists in the leading roles,
and her overbearing husband. Bernstein is said to have based the story both of whom this reviewer had not seen on stage for a long while.
on his own experiences growing up in Lawrence, Massachusetts, where Melanie Brunet Relyea sang the role of Dinah with real feeling, and her
he witnessed his father subjecting his mother to countless humiliations. long aria, “There Is a Garden,” was a highlight of the show; she filled
He keeps his father’s name, Sam, in the opera but changes his mother’s Bernstein’s melodious lines with such tenderness and regret. If this was
name to Dinah. an image of Bernstein’s mother and how he felt about her, then Brunet
Bernstein’s skill is in setting such a domestic conflict in what Relyea certainly did the composer justice. The music seemed to look
was regarded at the time as middle-class suburban bliss; this was the forward to that other lovely melody by Bernstein, “Somewhere,” which
early 1950s, just before Eisenhower assumed the presidency (also the features in West Side Story. It had the seem feeling for ‘what might have
frightening Cold-War - McCarthy era but that doesn’t enter into this been.’
opera). Our Greek Chorus of three singers is there to comment, as an Phil Eisenman, who has the most expressive baritone timbre, had
ongoing commercial might, about the material delights of settling down his big moment later on in his “Shower Aria,’ when Sam boasts of his
in America’s ever-expanding and affluent suburbs. Yet – inside those masculine prowess as the handball winner, while also showing off his
spacious homes – what really goes on? Bernstein lets us see a little of trophy. He and Brunet Relyea also shone in their “Duet of Estrangement”
this. before they each go their separate ways.
Dinah and Sam argue about attending their son’s school play that Then there were the Trio of singers who commented upon the action
afternoon. In the end, neither of them goes. He rushes off to play in his and sometimes participated in it – David Cotter, Peter Irwin and Abigail
handball tournament and then proceeds to boast about it in the shower. Ottenjohn. They also provided mellifluous transitions from scene to
He is also proud of a mild flirtation he may have had with a secretary scene. Most telling were their commentaries on the supposed delights
of suburbanite living!
Above all, however,
Dinners From they shone in the

Brae Loch Inn

wonderful send-up of
$899 the movie, Bernstein’s
satire on Hollywood
Fine Dining Seven Nights a Week escapist trash. As
Dinah sings of the
terrible movie she
has just seen – good
old escapist fantasy
- the aforesaid Trio
Crab hilariously strutted
Buffet across the stage in
Every their grass skirts
Thursday Night
mimicking those
exotic scenes we older

folks remember so
Nadine Cole, the
Serving Lunch
& Dinner Specials
is almost here! Musical Director,
worked well with her

7 days a week Look for our new summer menu cast, ensuring that the
diction was clear and
with extensive tavern menu!
The Biggest Little Place in Syracuse! precise; there was no
need for super titles
Rt. 11 • North Syracuse • 458-1662 • OPEN 7 DAYS A WEEK Outdoor Dining 7 Nights a Week! here. In the small
Live Music on the Lawn every Fri. space of Jazz Central
(Weather Permitting) we could hear every
word of what was
Don’t forget to make your Mother’s Day Reservations! being sung, and Cole’s
Join us for our fabulous Sunday Buffet 10:30-4:00 piano accompaniment

The Biggest Little Place in Syracuse! was always kind to the
singers. The Bernstein
5 Albany Street, Cazenovia, NY 13035 idiom that we would
Rt. 11 • North Syracuse • 458-1662 • OPEN 7 DAYS A WEEK 655-3431 hear later on in the
1950s in such musicals as Wonderful Town, Candide, and West Side Story ending, with the Empress having to concede that those bad old days are
was readily discernible, but I am not sure if it was a good idea before gone forever (wishful thinking still, perhaps, in many parts of the world).
the opera began and during the intermission to remind us of those more Navazad Dabu proved to be a handsome and debonair young hero
famous tunes from the later operas. The melodies of Trouble in Tahiti as Aladdin, one who easily transforms himself from the poor unkempt
in this production could stand on their own two feet, a testament to the young man at the outset to become a gentleman entirely fitted for his
future genius of West Side Story. role as Prince. He has a wonderful companion and accomplice in Adam
The next Rarely Done Productions show will be Scream Queens, June Sukert’s Genie who is as exotic as they come, clothed in his fine regalia.
4 – 19. Sukert and Dabu ‘play off’ each other very well, with Sukert always a
H H H lively and exuberant presence on stage (the children loved him).
Lauren Gruenberg was every inch the overweening and arrogant
MAGIC CIRCLE CHILDREN’S THEATRE TAKES YOUNGSTERS Empress. Gruenberg has a strong voice and her articulation was fine;
INTO THE EXOTIC WORLD OF ALADDIN FOR THE she could just be a little more varied in her portrayal of arrogance – her
EARLY SUMMER MONTHS forays against her daughter were sometimes just a little over-the-top. As
Every fairy- for Harper Carroll’s Princess Jade, well, she was charming and strong-
tale has to have a minded in her determination to challenge her overbearing mother, but
villain. In the case again there could have been a little more variety in her willfulness.
of Magic Circle’s Altogether though, these young actors delighted the children
last production, and their families on April 24, and there will be plenty of further
Beauty and the opportunities between now and June 26 to see the 45-minute show at the
Beast, the villain Spaghetti Warehouse, 689, N. Clinton St. in the Franklin Square district of
was transformed central Syracuse.
ultimately into the The producers of these shows, Hope and Dick Mancini, always
‘good guy,’ and of ensure that there is a good deal of audience participation, with the
course there was children offering advice to the characters on stage, helping them out
a happy marriage when they are in some dilemma, and with the actors getting them to
at the end. Now sing along and dance. To their credit, the actors pay due regard to
we are swept the ‘wisdom of a child!’ At the close, children’s birthdays are always
into the exotic celebrated and then there is the photo-op. with the actors.
regions of the old For the adults there are often allusions to contemporary matters, but
Ottoman Empire these, while amusing for us older ones, never interfere with the ongoing
with Magic Circle’s early summer production of Aladdin - a world of children’s story, and there are certainly many moments that will amuse
Turkish sultans and their minions. Aladdin happens to be the ‘good guy’ all the young at heart throughout Aladdin’s exotic adventures.
here, confronting the horrible Empress who’s in charge while her Sultan/ Performances are on Saturdays at 12:30 pm. It is advisable to arrive
husband is away (probably he has many wives, but she’s definitely the at the Spaghetti Warehouse a good half-hour before the show begins. Call
dominant one); and (315) 449-3823 for further information.
this Empress Armina
has it in her mind
to marry off her
daughter, the Princess
Jade, to an eligible
Now Open For
and wealthy prince
called Omar. After
all, such a politically
Lunch & DINNER!
astute marriage will Carry Out,
help the Empire. The
Austrian Habsburgs in Dine In,
particular were very & Delivery Dinner
good at those kinds of prepared
political deals. available
on Hibachi
Of course,
Princess Jade isn’t
Call tables by a
interested at all. As Ahead: master chef while
with the later heroines you watch or sit
of Jane Austen, she is 449-9377 Serving at our Sushi Bar.
wedded (forgive the
pun) to the notion CNY
that one should marry
for love – such an since
outrageously new- 1975
fangled idea for the
Empress to swallow!
Then, along comes the
poor, ordinary kind
of guy Aladdin, and, Du(Hibachi Chef) & Chris(Sushi Chef)
with his Magic Lamp
and Genie, wins the
Reservations Appreciated
heart of the Princess.
Thus we have a very
Mon-Tue: 11am-4pm Wed-Fri: 11am-8pm Sat: 11am-9pm (315) 457-0000
7076 Cedar Bay Rd., Fayetteville, NY 302 Old Liverpool Road, Liverpool
‘democratic’ and very
American happy Visit our Facebook page

by: Brian Miller

It’s been nearly 18 years since BAD LIEUTENANT shocked both audiences and critics alike with
its uncompromising content. Rated NC-17 during its initial theatrical run, the Harvey Keitel vehicle
was chock full of sex, drugs, and violence. Arriving on DVD in April was the sequel (of sorts) to that
groundbreaking project, BAD LIEUTENANT: PORT OF CALL NEW ORLEANS. Sharing none of the
same characters, setting, or storylines, it exists as a new incarnation of the Bad Cop tale.
In the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina, detectives Terence McDonagh (Nicolas Cage) and Stevie
Pruit (Val Kilmer) enter a flooded police station in an effort to retrieve some personal property for
another officer. While there, they discover that there is a prisoner still locked in one of the holding
cells. Going against his original instincts (and the wishes of his partner), he takes off his jacket, and
jumps in the water. Though it is unclear exactly what happened in the bowels of the station, it’s
apparent that something went horribly wrong. With a back injury that will result in a life of ever-
lasting, excruciating pain, the doctor informs him that he will need to have a permanent prescription
of Vicotin. Despite his vow to his co-workers and superiors that he will only take what he has been
prescribed, McDonagh quickly becomes addicted to much harder narcotics. Which drugs does he start
to abuse, you may ask? Well, that answer is simple. All of them.
With an affinity for pain pills, crack, heroin, and weed, McDonagh struggles to keep his head
straight while spearheading an investigation into the brutal slaying of an entire family. Toss in his
complicated love affair with a prostitute named Frankie (Eva Mendes) and you have a man whose
entire existence is spiraling out of control.
Director Werner Herzog’s film is a bit of an enigma; intriguing in one moment, and infuriating in
another. The story is entertaining and intense, and the seedy New Orleans backdrop works perfectly
for a tale such as this. Cage is phenomenal, making McDonagh’s deterioration achingly realistic. His
physical transformation is legitimately believable, and his ability to portray the Lieutenant’s mental
collapse evokes many of the actor’s greatest performances. It was exciting to see Cage get back
into the same groove as we saw in LEAVING LAS VEGAS, 8MM, and FACE/OFF, and not the one
we suffered through in NEXT and WICKER MAN. And while Cage thrives throughout, the content
itself is baffling at
times. Whether we

R.F.H.’s are subjected to


Hide-A-Way Restaurant Breakfast surreal, ill-conceived

Special hallucinations, or
privy to his sadistic
(315) 695-2709 $1.99 sexual exploits, there
Between Phoenix & Fulton on Rt. 57 •1058 County Route 57 Mon-Fri are times when
Phoenix, NY 13135 (10 minutes from Great Northern Mall) 6am - 10am BAD LIEUTENANT

Mothers day
screeches to a
Only grinding halt. It is in
Featuring “All you can eat” these moments were
• Carved Prime Rib Au Jus $16.99 1900 Brewerton Rd. one can’t help but
• Boston Baked Haddock Mattydale • 454-9961 feel a glimmer of
• Fried Shrimp
under 12 Under NEW Ownership disappointment and
resentment, and long
• Swedish Meatballs
for the film to get
• Baked Ham Call for back to the brass
• Baked Ziti Reservations tacks that had made it
• Chicken & Biscuits please Call 695-2709 so homemade daily great.
• Mashed Potatoes w/ gravy
• Full Salad Bar & much more
Serving Begins
@ 11:30 am lUNCH specials! There will be
those who will love
Holbrooks Motel Herzog’s film, but
695-3500 Starting @ $4.95 many who will find it
(Located behind RFH’s) Planning a party difficult to watch. The
Clean Comfortable rooms OPEN 7 DAYS A WEEK movie is as a “hard-R”
Call us at 695-2709
6am - 2pm that Hollywood has
or see our site at
We offer seen in quite some
• 35 Years Experience • Competitive Pricing
for 100 or more • Banquet Rooms for groups of 20 to 135 TAKEOUT time, gratuitously
showering the
• Catering at your location
Call Now! •We aim to make your occasion
something to remember
AvAilAblE viewer with graphic
depictions of sex and
drug use. Having said that, it is the type of
MAKE YOUR RESERVATIONS TODAY movie that stays with
you long after it is done, and one that will prove to be unforgettable to
all those who take it in.

It’s not often that a

documentary features the
narration of a dead man, but
that’s exactly how Barbara
Schroeder’s extraordinary
begins. Throughout the
years, there have been
countless feature-length
doc’s and television exposes
that have investigated the
sordid lives of senseless
killers. Out of all these, you
would be hard pressed to
find another murder that
was more puzzling and
pointless than that of Brian
Barrett. In Schroeder’s
captivating feature, we learn
how and why the 22-year-
old was gunned down by a
46-year-old co-worker over
an 18-year-old woman that
neither man had ever met.
In a quiet suburb outside
of Buffalo, a quiet man
named Thomas Montgomery seemed to be living the typical American
life. The ex-marine was married, had two young daughters, and a steady
job at a local factory. From the outside looking in, he was your average
Continued on page 46

Continued from page 5
In addition to the Music Mavericks, Lisa has produced a series called
“Naked.” In the “Naked” series, she featured herself and other singer/
songwriters; performing their music in a stripped down setting. In most
cases, this meant the songwriter themselves, alone on stage with their
voice and their instrument of choice.
Lisa was not resting with the Music Mavericks or with the Naked
series. She was also out and about, performing both solo and with
a full band. In the summer of 2007, she collected her first SAMMY
(I’m guessing it won’t be her last) for her CD called “A Very Country
Not content to sit back and enjoy her successes, Lisa was taking her
passion and her compassion to higher levels at every opportunity. Lisa
could be seen performing at many charity events. And if this was not
enough, Lisa started her own charity organization called “Music Heals
CNY,” to bring music to the bedsides of patients in local hospitals. This
includes recorded music as well as live bedside performances.
There are many other lines in the resume of Lisa Gentile. Many of
her accomplishments were accumulated outside of Central NY. The fact
that Lisa returned to her hometown of Syracuse to perform, nurture and
enrich speaks volumes. We are fortunate to have her in our community
and I am blessed to have her as a friend. I look forward to seeing
yet another live performance, to hearing a future recording or simply
bumping into her while she is out supporting other local musicians.
Visit for more information on Lisa. You don’t
want to miss an opportunity to hear her perform.
While Jack O Bocchino has become established as a strong supporter
of live and local music scene, he prefers to consider it partial payment to
the local music community for the support and entertainment they have
given him over many years. He dabbles in amateur photography and
posts many photos of local musicians on a Facebook page, which can be
found by searching on his name.

dining out
by: Nadine VandeWalker

Have you ever pulled up to a

restaurant you’ve never been to before,
and just known you were going to have
a great dinning experience?
This is just what happened to
me when I arrived at Hullar’s in
Nestled in the middle of town,
this place is a gem! We arrived on a
warm Thursday evening in early April
around 6:30 pm. The bar was so full all
I could think was this must be a great
place to meet friends for a drink and
dinner. There was a contagious energy,
laughter and chatter that made you
want to just pull up a stool and join the
fun at the bar! Not to mention it would
be a great place to catch a game on
one of the two large flat screen TV’s on
both ends of the bar.
Hullar’s has been in the family
since 1911. It’s currently owned and
operated by Jake Hullar III and his
family: Maria, Susan, Nanette and Nadia. when you enter and
Shannon and I were seated in the main dining area. The atmosphere your waitress will
is casual and family friendly. Specials are always on the chalkboard be glad to go over
them before you
make your dinner
Open March- Family Owned selections. Diane
September Since 1946 was our delightful,
attentive waitress
for the evening
and was quick
to mention that
the roasted red
pepper soup
($2.49 a cup) was a must-try. We ordered
78 Co Rte 89
Oswego, NY
343-2671 our drinks and waited for the soup to arrive. As we studied the menu
for our entrées, I noticed that you could order appetizers, soups, salads, hot or cold sandwiches, burgers, entrées that included seafood and
meats, and a nice selection of children’s meals. There is something for
Local Summertime Favorite Our soup arrived piping hot and smelling like heaven. It had a
rich red color and a creamy texture with tiny pieces of smoked Gouda

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Located One Quarter Mile West of SUNY Oswego!
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Mother’s Day! Park Street

su pp
Free grub with stub
Free Appetizer or Kids Meal
w/ Purchase of Adult Entree
let’s go chiefs!
nice attention to details!
Hullar’s accepts reservations for any day, except on Friday evenings
Owner Maria Hullar only for parties of six or more, and Diane let us know that the fish
served here on Friday nights is almost famous!
Our salad plates were replaced with our dinner entrées. My mouth
cheese, and a was watering before the plate hit the table. The aroma was a delicious
little Italian- blend of savory garlic, lemon and the sea. Over half of my plate was
seasoned filled with sweet succulent shrimp and scallops cooked to perfection
tomato in the and served with an amazing butter garlic sauce. I had a side of French
background Continued on page 15
that all hit
your palate at
different times.
It was one of
the best soups
I have ever
eaten. I wish I Serving you for Over 100 Years! Enjoy Home Cooked Food in a Casual Dining Atmosphere.
had ordered a
bowl instead of
a cup!
*NEW* 19th H le Pub Menu
had decided
to order
3pm-5pm Monday-Thursday
the Chicken
Beer Battered Cheddar $1.00 OFF a Pint
($12.99) and Pints Cheese Curds of our weekly micro brew
I chose the Half Dozen Jumbo Wings when ordering a pub menu item
Shrimp and
Scallop platter Happy Hour Burger Week of May 3rd:
($14.99). All Beer Battered Onion Petals Edmund Fitzgerald Porter
of the seafood Week of May 10th:
Loaded Wafffle Fries
and land- Saranac Pomegranate Wheat
lovers entrées are served with your choice of soup or dinner salad and Happy Hour Duo Week of May 17th:
a choice of potato or rice pilaf. I couldn’t help but notice all of the food
coming out of the kitchen. Every plate looked more inviting than the RESTAURANT: Souther Tier IPA
one before, and each plate was overflowing with huge portions.
Our salads were delivered with some fresh Italian bread and room Open Mon-Sat Week of May 24th:
Smithwicks Irish Ale
temperature butter. I’ve said it before, but I’m always happy when a
restaurant pays attention to this detail. There is nothing more frustrating COFFEE SHOP: Open 7 days a week
than trying to spread cold butter on a piece of fresh bread.
The salads were fresh iceberg lettuce with cherry tomatoes, slices
of cucumber, shredded carrot, and purple onion served with homemade
crunchy, buttery croutons. Among the many salad dressings made here
at the restaurant are Italian, Thousand Island, and Ranch. I had the
Creamy Peppercorn and Shannon had the Italian with crumbly blue
cheese. The portions are over sized and I love the crisp lettuce. Again,

Now playing
by: Brian Miller

For those heading into CLASH OF THE TITANS looking for another
stunning, entertaining, mind-blowing, effects-driven masterpiece
(a la AVATAR), I hate to ruin the suspense so
early in the review, but you are not going to
find it here. While there is an endless stream of
special effects in the film from start to finish,
it never feels like the dazzling display you had
hoped to find.
Serving as a remake of the 1981 classic,
the story is a familiar one. A young boy named
Perseus is found floating in the sea, only to
be picked up by a fisherman and his wife.
Accepting the infant as if he were their own, he
is raised to be a hard-working, honest young
man. But, when a group
of humans declare war on
the Gods, Perseus’ (Sam
Worthington) family is
accidentally (well, sort of)
killed by the Underworld
God Hades (Ralph

Breakfast, Lunch & Dinner

Fiennes) in the aftermath.
Disenchanted and devastated

Served 24 Hours & Holidays!

by what he
has seen,
he listlessly
Homemade Soups & Pies; Generous Portions follows the
Wednesdays: as they
Italian nite make their
“Best Lasagna around” way back
FrIdays: Argos.
seafood nite While
Haddock or shrimp specials there,
saturdays: Mother’s Day Special Perseus
comes face to face
steak nite
*Prime Rib Dinner with Hades. It is during this meeting that Hades
sundays: *Chicken & Biscuits announces to the masses that Perseus is the son of Zeus (Liam Neeson),
dinner specials noon-6pm and that if Princess Andromeda is not sacrificed to the Kraken (an
ancient, unbeatable, insatiable creature), Argos will be destroyed.
ALL ITEMS AVAILABLE TO GO To explain the finer points of the plot is rather pointless, as eyes
FREE tend to glaze over when they read words like Acrisius, Cepheus, and
Stygian. The bottom line is this: Perseus is upset that his parents have
ATM been killed, decides to save the human race by defeating the Kraken,
Gas & Diesel and will battle a whole slew of mythical creatures on his way to ever-
I-81 • Exit 33 • 3039 Co. Rt. 26 Parish, New York 13131 • 625-7691 lasting glory. From giant scorpions to the evil Medusa, he slices and
View our menu at: dices his way through a number of undefeatable foes, despite that
fact that he has never been in battle, and has lead an unquestionably

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Mother’s Day
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peaceful existence.
Whereas that beginning of CLASH Noon - 5pm
OF THE TITANS will make every
single one of your brain cells cry out
for mercy, if you are able to sit back
and laugh along with the cheese, you
• 3 Appetizers
may be able to discover a sense of
enjoyment in this otherwise worthless • 6 Main Courses
feature. The action sequences (with
the exception of the surprisingly
engaging Kraken finale) are listless and
• 3 Desserts
uninspired, evoking the unshakable
feeling of déjà vu. While the beasts are
new, and the actors are different, you
Check out our
have seen it all before. Men and swords
fly about, goo sprays from the innards website for menu
of CGI-created creatures, and secondary
characters offer witty little quips while brandishing their swords. A romance of sorts develops
between Perseus and Lo (a fellow demigod),
items & prices
Happy Hour
providing CLASH with the unneeded, yet
typically clichéd glimmer of love that fuels a
man who is trying to defeat a God.
It’s hard to believe that movies such as
these will ever cease to exist, but one can’t Wed, T hurs, Fri 4pm-9pm
help but hope that in this post-AVATAR
world, the quality will somehow improve. The
gauntlet has been thrown down, and the bar Serving
has been raised. So when you fork over your 5 Star Catering
hard-earned money to see something like this,
it’s difficult to not be disappointed. CLASH OF
THE TITANS proves to be the same big-budget
brain buster that has been produced countless NOW SERVING
times over the past decade. And trust me when
I say it’s just as bad now as it was then.
Mother’s Day
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word on the street

by: Bill McClellan

(In Auburn, New would never take lightly nor reduce to

York the Government is rhetoric, nor redefine the intent, of our
confiscating land, home founding words. I would know why
and business from the and believe, yes believe in why such
struggling and giving it to words were written. I would understand
the rich - The fancy name the accumulation of usurpations that
is Eminent Domain. The demanded our origins and I would
truth is American Shame) respect their elimination.
Disgust is a very If I were a Politician involved in an
ugly word. It is indeed act that clearly resembles the tyrannies of
dismal, that those trusted era gone by, I would think of my future
to lead this land would and the hearts of those sign carrying
behave in such a fashion protesting Americans. I would take heed.
as to engender such crude You will find greatness in those American
emotion. What else is left hearts, long ago forged in a Declaration
when government, without of Independence by such words as: “We
vision or sense of self and have warned them from time to time of
mission, recklessly violates attempts by their legislature to extend an
American Freedom? unwarrantable jurisdiction over us.” (and
If I was a politician when they went unheard):
and I saw severely “When a long train of abuses and
distressed American usurpations, pursuing invariably the same
Citizens donning hats and shirts of red white and blue, not to celebrate object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is
our land, but to protest against it, I would take very serious note. their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government.”
I would take the time to evaluate with great care and justice, the In the United States their have been over 10,000 instances of
thinking of Americans that feel their freedom is being trampled. I government taking property from a person of lesser means, and giving it
to another in just the
last five years. A few

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notable examples of
this unholy alliance
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Continued from page 11
fries. They were hot with a crunchy outside and a fluffy delicate potato inside and
there was still a side squash & green peppers sautéed with butter and delicate herbs.
Shannon’s plate was just as full as mine, with a sautéed chicken breast seasoned
with a hint of garlic and covered with tomatoes, artichoke hearts, and black olives.
She also had a side of the sautéed vegetables but with a side of the garlic mashed
potatoes and her plate was just as full as mine. I had to try her mashed potatoes
because my boss had
told me they were the
best he had ever had.
I wasn’t disappointed!
They were creamy with
the little bits of flavorful
garlic that enhanced the
potato flavor.
Just when we
thought we couldn’t eat
another bite. Diane came
out with a dessert menu.
We were tempted with
several of the choices, but finally decided on the Caramel Apple Pie. This was a deep
dish pie, and you could taste the butter in the crust. The apples were seasoned with
brown sugar and the perfect amount of cinnamon. The best part was the rich salty
sweet caramel that was generously drizzled all over the top of the pie.
Hullar’s is an enchanting family restaurant with cuisine that will keep you coming
back for more!

word on the street

Continued from page 14
hotel. The cause of the tragedy here is that Auburn has a leadership
willing to violate American Principle by blurring the Fifth Amendment.
The bar is set extremely low for this seizure. So low that it is clearly
incompatible with Constitutional intent. Harm is being inflicted on
citizens and grave principle is being violated for minor gain, clearly
incompatible with Constitutional intent. Local authorities would do well
to recall that the ancestors of such deed inspired a revolution.
When Americans feel violated and rally by the hundreds in a
Roadside Food small town, leaders should take note. Something is wrong. When
Latin-American Style! these same Americans gather on the steps of City Hall and recite the
Pledge of Allegiance to remind their leaders that this is America, maybe
leaders should remember who we are. When homes and businesses
The CriTiCs have spoken! are threatened for invalid reason and American’s rise and say: What
is next, our lemonade stands, just maybe something is wrong. When
“Burritos the size of a small football… these Americans sound out with words like furious, disgust, ridiculous,
fast…inexpensive.” Post Standard, 2/07 heartless and unfair, well, just maybe leaders ought to realize who their
charge really is. (All of this happened in Auburn)
“Great food…flavor feast on a paper plate.” We have evolved into a land of monopoly and goliath corporations.
When our founders words are redefined tyrannically under the
Post Standard, 3/07
conditions of today, only the powerful are safe. Just maybe when people
“The kind of ‘roadside style food’ that are being thrown out of their businesses and homes for rich people.
government might recall over two centuries if crimson sacrifice to
entices you to pull over just from the protect against just such deed.
aroma.” Table Hopping, 8/07 The days of our origin were a time of honor and duels and strong
religious beliefs and
“The difference in taste will knock you out it was thought the
educated would easily
of your seat…real tacos.” Dewitt Times, Eagle News, 7/08 understand the justice
and purpose of each
“ignites a fiesta of the senses.” Syracuse New Times, 11/08 article and amendment
in our Constitution.
“Freshest ingredients…home cooked meal Our founders could not
in two to three minutes.” Post Standard, 2/08 foresee the rise of the
conglomerate forces
“smokin’ good…enormous and fabulous. of today. They never
dreamed of corporate
Gives any Mexican entrée in town a run power manipulatively
for its money.” The Max, Post Standard, 5/08 exceeding that of
government. They
“a bustling eatery in the ‘roadside’ dining never dreamed that
style.” Table Hopping, 4/09 clear intent would be
redefined by greed,
ignoring the great hope
for the American course.
The wording
in the Declaration
of Independence
prompting the Fifth Amendment is glaringly clear. Noting that the King,
Availabl along with other unsavory endeavors, “has endeavored to raise the
e ! conditions for the appropriations of new lands.” The Fifth Amendment
was designed to protect citizens against just such abuse. The first
paragraph reads in part “nor shall private property be taken for public
use without just compensation.” Clearly the intent was to protect
Beware the Imitators against any seizure of land without clear and eminent importance to
are Coming! the people, especially in a time of war. The wording acknowledges rare
circumstance. To assist troops when your country is invaded or the
need to build a damn that would prevent flooding of a town and so on.
Now Open at NOON on Saturdays! The absurdity of government seizures of property for lesser reasons or
the of taking of private property for private use (poor to rich) was not
Mon-Wed: 7AM-9PM • Thurs: 7AM-11PM even considered, as such King sanctioned tyrannies are what led to the
Fri: 7AM-3AM! • Sat: Noon-3AM!! revolution in the fist place. Such deed sent Americans for their muskets.
3800 New Court Ave. 218-0294 It was these very absurdities that the amendment was written to prevent. Yet today these absurdities are practiced with reckless, merciless
abandon. Auburn is blatant. A tyrannical absurdity.
Everyday for nearly 10 years the blood of young Americans has
seeped into the sands of the Middle East. A son, a daughter brought up
to believe in greatness. How dare we forget who we are?

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by: Jennifer Nastasi

Measuring weight loss is essential when determining whether the

weight you’re losing is really coming from fat. High levels of body
fat have been linked to many of the diseases affecting our society
today. You may be surprised to hear that size is not always the best
measure. A large athlete (who generally weighs much more than the
average person) can easily throw off various tests dependent upon his/
her weight. On the other hand, it is possible to drop weight without
affecting body fat. We all know at least one person who has lost a
significant amount of weight, but still has an unhealthy amount of fat
on their body. Consequently, the result is sagging skin, no muscle tone,
and a level of body fat that can lead to a number of health risks. What
the body looks like on the outside can be very misleading, especially
when looking at muscle to fat ratios. Compare these five common
assessment tools to see what they do (and don’t do) to tell you
about what’s happening inside your body.
What do weighing scales tell you?
Step on. Step off. Step on again. The scale usually displays a
number you don’t want to see. A scale can only tell you how much
you weigh in total. It never gives you any indication if the weight
you’ve gained or lost is from water, muscle, or fat. The scale is good
when used as a warning sign. It gives you a heads-up when you’re What does the Body Mass Index (BMI) tell you?
gradually gaining weight (before things get out of control), but if you’re Body Mass Index is an expression of a height-to-weight ratio
truly interested in seeing how much fat you’ve really lost, avoid the and closely relates to body fatness. High BMI numbers are linked to
scale. If you have to weigh yourself, try and do so no more than once a hypertension, high blood pressure and heart disease. Use the following
week. formula to convert your height and weight into meters and kilograms,

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and then calculate your BMI:
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What is the waist-to-hip ratio
(WHR) and what does it
mean? selection of vitamins/
Waist to hip ratio is a supplements & savings
way to look at regional fat
distribution to see whether or not you’re more prone to heart disease and diabetes. Apple shaped
individuals store fat in their abdominal region while pear shaped people tend to store more fat
in the thighs and hips. Waist to hip ratios above .95 for men and over .85 for women suggest an SAVE everytime you SHOP

increased risk for heart disease.
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The good news is, as you begin to lead a healthier lifestyle and strive to be in better shape, on
8% your
your waist to hip ratio will go down. Find out your WHR is by using the following formula:
• Measure against the skin or with minimal clothing $30 next
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Continued on page 22 Mon - Sat 9am - 8pm • Sun 10am - 5pm



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Colors shown may not match publication colors.


Continued from page 21
Taking your measurements to
record weight loss
You can use a tape measure to
record the circumference of different
areas of the body. This allows you to
see at an instant when you’re losing
weight, gaining weight, or staying
the same. Tape measurements are
good when you’re just starting
out because you’ll see a definite
improvement within the first four to
six weeks. Clothes will start to fit
better and you’ll see the numbers
gradually get smaller and smaller.
However, over time, measurements will not tell you what
changes are happening on the inside. Someone who is a size 12
can remain a size 12, but have a significant amount of muscle
inside their body. This will result in little or no movement on the
scale. They may even see an increase in the numbers on the scale.
Another person who is also a size 12 can do no strength training,
remain at the same weight, and be what I refer to as a “skinny fat
person.” This is someone who appears to be thin on the outside,
but still has a significant amount of body fat on the inside. Looking
at measurements alone can be very misleading, especially if you’re
concerned about health risks.
It’s also possible to estimate body fat by measuring the upper
arm, wrist, and hip. Measurements are then recorded and inserted is carrying in comparison to muscle
into a formula to estimate body fat percentage. For those who are over- and water (including all the blood,
or under-weight, this method is usually not very reliable. intracellular fluids, and other moisture
Body fat testing components). The lower the body fat,
Body fat testing helps you see what percentage of fat your body the more muscle your body will have.
For men, body fat levels should read
from 12-18%. For women 21-25%.
Body fat can be tested in a

Try Us! number of ways. One technique is

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Hydrostatic weighing. The premise is
You’ll be glad that fat displaces water at a different
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Continued on page 26

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by: Nancy Roberts Avicolli’s
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This morning, I’m
getting ready for work.
I have a little laptop
nearby, and I was
checking emails, and
there was notification
in my Gmail that a
shared spreadsheet had
been altered by one of
its owners.
Clicking the Come enjoy our old world
email open, I learned food & hospitality
what values on the
spreadsheet had been
changed. So I got
double, no, triple...
wait, quadruple!
notification: the sheet
had been adjusted; I
knew who did it; what
was done, and I knew
what time it was done.
Wow.  Named one of
I’ve been using Google Docs for a long time, and if this is an application you haven’t
discovered, I can only tell you to give it a try.
Google Docs supplies the full functionality of word processing, spreadsheets, and
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share them with others for viewing or editing. This last is, of course, the feature of Google Docs
that makes them most powerful. “Avicolli’s is a double treat for diners
The people with whom you share a Google Doc don’t need any software to open, view, of all ages looking for a clever setting
and edit your document. There are no “version” issues (whenever Microsoft, for example, issues for good Italian food with super service
a new version of PowerPoint or Word, and a user saves a document using a new version, there and moderate prices”
are potential conflicts when another user tries to open (and edit) that same document using an The Post-Standard
older version of the program in question). There are no problems with version control (this is
another use of the word “version,” referring to the problem of two people opening and editing a Sept. 2006
document at the same time, usually not knowing someone else is editing it. Microsoft and other
program makers try to overcome this by locking a document when it’s open for editing by Person
A, but Person B can just open a copy and go right ahead and edit!). Google Docs handles version
control by first being web-based, meaning, editing can go on simultaneously by two or more
people because it’s all real time. I don’t save the document to a drive, it’s stored online - so if I
change a word, that word is changed right then and there.
In addition Google Docs tells me that someone else is online with that document open,
making changes to it. In fact, it will even notify me who it is, and what cell of a spreadsheet
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Another great
feature of Google Check us out on the web
Docs is that any
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Tee shots
by: Patrick E. Fuller

For beginners being introduced to the game of golf, to the experts second season
in the sport, the question is “just what should we have in our golf bag on the links, it
as the long-awaited start of the golf season is rapidly approaching.” will be better
The equipment required for a beginner golfer, or higher for you to
handicapped golfer will change dramatically as it relates to a medium concentrate
to lower handicap player, or professional in the field of golf. For the and focus on
golfer who is just starting the game, or who may be entering their purchasing
and mastering
much easier-
Now Scheduling Golf Outings...BOOk YOurS NOw! to-hit clubs
such as

Two For hybrids, off

set or wide

ONE bottom flange

iron sets,
Buy 1 Round along with a

Weekday Special
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driver such

as an 11 or
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2 Golfers 9 hole w/ Cart!
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$ Cart Rental Required
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you to get a
higher ball
200 Waring Rd., Syracuse • 445-0963 • flight, or to
the driver


all together
and go with
a three wood
off the tee,
and in the fair
way. I personally believe that most beginners and year two players
should not carry a driver in their bag until they are proficient and

Weekday Special comfortable hitting a three wood.

My advice for the beginner to high handicapper as it relates to

“what’s in your bag” is to carry with you the basics as I have listed
18 Holes with a Cart per person below, to include a favorite club in which you are very comfortable
hitting whether it be a hand-me-down three wood or a forty-year old
Tee Off Before 11AM putter. “If you hit or play it well, leave it in your bag!”

18 Hole Golf Course • Practice Holes

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Golfers in the mid to lower handicap range will most likely elect
to play the latest in hybrid technology, allowing them to eliminate
carrying a two, three, or even four iron in their bag, which until
recently was always a part of a full iron set purchased “off the shelf”
at any and all retail golf merchants. Mid to lower handicap golfers will
be looking at newly designed and tested drivers and three woods, that
offer a higher Moment of Inertia (MOI), larger heads, better launch
angles, and new light weight and technically advanced shafts. As we
continue to develop and improve our golf game, we soon come to
realize that the “short” game (100 yards in and closer to the green to
include putting) accounts for more than 70 percent of your total score,
therefore leading to the realization just how important different lofted
wedges are to your game. Many experienced players will carry 4-5
wedges in their bag ranging in lofts from 48 to 64 degrees, all to be
used at various yardages to the green and lie angles. As new advances
in clubs and club technology continue to move forward at a rapid
pace, please keep in mind that per the U.S.G.A., no more than 14 clubs
may be located in your bag at any given time during play. Remember,
choose your clubs wisely do you need 4-5 wedges in your bag? or
would one or two extra hybrids be more beneficial?
Low handicapped players will also be looking for the latest and
greatest tested and proven “new” drivers and higher tech hybrids, or
may be looking for newer forged or bladed irons allowing the better
player to” form” there own shots to include draws, power fades,
knock downs, etc. Experienced and or lower handicap players will
also be looking into purchasing different degrees in wedges as stated
above to help them improve there game from 100 yards in to the
green, keeping in mind that the U.S.G.A. has initiated a new rule for
Continued on page 28

Visit our website:

We are a regulation Par-35 Course Seneca Golf Course
7439 Canton St. Rd. May Special & Driving Range
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9 holes & a Cart (for 2) T.G.I.F 2 Person Deal
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Call for availabilty.
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Weekday Special
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Continued from page 22
and used to calculate an average percentage of body fat. Be sure to have Which method is best for
someone skilled in this technique do the test because accuracy of this measuring weight loss and
measure is highly dependent on it. fat loss?
Bioelectrical impedance sends a weak electrical current (you don’t To know what’s really
feel it at all) through your body. Fat and muscle resist this current at happening with your body
different rates. The result is a body fat percentage number that shows inside and out, and to
how many pounds of your current body weight is muscle, and how achieve the best results,
much is fat. This is the number you want to stay focused on. If your use several of the above
fitness and nutrition program is effective, body fat should decrease and measurements. Health is
muscle mass should increase. These changes may or may not change more important than size!
along with the actual size of your body, especially if you are not very I’ve always told my clients
heavy. that being healthy should be
their number one priority.
Of course it’s important to
set realistic and obtainable

A Taste of weight loss goals. Who

wouldn’t want to go from
a size 24 to a size 12, but

Philadelphia est. 1976

leading a healthier lifestyle is so much more important. Aim for lower
body fat levels and a more even distribution of body weight. If your
weight loss program doesn’t focus on weight loss AND the reduction
of body fat, it’s NOT a very good one. Nobody wants to be a “skinny
Our Cheesesteaks Hit a fat person.” The best way to achieve both is through a balanced aerobic
exercise and resistance training program. Asking a fitness professional at
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2533 James St. (Eastwood)  I am currently certified by the National Sports Conditioning
Association, Apex Fitness Group, and the International Sports Science
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discuss please e-mail me at If you would like to set up a free consultation with one of our certified fitness professionals
please call Champions Fitness at 452-5522.

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Beauty & Fashion

Beauty & fashion
by: Maryann McKinley

Every girl I know complains about her the source and sewn together into some
hair. It’s too thin, too thick, too straight, too sort of extension. Depending on the quality
curly, too short…but I don’t know anyone of the hair and how it’s put together, your
who complains that their hair is too long. I extensions may or may not be able to be
mean, if it’s too long, you just go have your re-used.
hair person take care of it! But any or all of All extensions have to have some sort
those problems have a quick fix. Miserable of foundation that connects the individual
over an ill-advised short do, or just want to strands together, called a weft, that come
look like a rock star temporarily? As anyone in a variety of widths. You can add
who follows Britney Spears, Jessica Simpson, individual tails throughout the head,
or Paris Hilton knows, it’s all about hair or an entire layer that goes around
extensions. You don’t have to actually have the whole head in one piece. The
your own luscious locks. You can just add possibilities are endless. The weft is
them as needed: a braid, ponytail, bangs, sewn, bonded or clipped into the
long hair, or a splash of bright color just for client’s natural hair to add fullness
fun. or length. Sewn-in wefts are woven
There are a few different types of into the hair with thread, usually
extensions, and it’s important to understand close to the scalp, and grow out as
the difference. Hair extensions are basically the natural hair grows out. If it’s too
mini-wiglets, available in many colors, tight, the tension can actually cause
lengths, and configurations. The important you to lose your own hair, so find
distinctions are price, convenience, how long the best technician you can.
they last, how they feel. So many variables, so Bonded extensions are glued
important on a date! or sometimes clamped into the
Let’s start with the quality of hair you’re hair, and again, grow out as the
looking for. Obviously, human hair is best. natural hair grows. If you get tired
It’s also very expensive. Human hair has the of them, the temptation might be to try to remove
advantage of superior texture and the ability to them yourself. Don’t. You can do serious damage to your own hair,
style. But you can damage it if you’re not careful, just like your own and even cause bald spots. Go to a professional, preferably the person
hair. And you can color it, but again, you can make it unusable if you who put them in to begin with.
abuse it too much. A full weave can cost hundreds of dollars and take hours to
Synthetic hair is exactly as it sounds. Basically, it’s spun from accomplish, and has to be adjusted by a professional anywhere from
polyester or the mysteriously named “modacrylic,” and “monofiliment.” a few weeks to a couple of months, depending how fast your hair
Heck - tweak it a bit, dye it silver, and it could be Christmas tree Continued on page 29
tinsel! Technology is a wonderful thing, and synthetics make possible
purple and blue swatch highlights, or hair lengths from a few inches
to several feet. But as with most fakes, it’s just not the real thing.
Low quality extensions are pretty obvious, with a weird sheen and
plastic texture. Some look like they might actually squeak when you
fiddle with them. Higher quality synthetics can be quite good, though.
8114 Rt. 11, Cicero
Bear in mind that you pay for what you get. Human hair is expensive,
and good quality fakes are practically on the same scale. It definitely Airbrush Tanning 698-0980
pays to shop around, and if you find a brand that works for you, head
straight to the Internet for the best possible price.
Has Arrived! per session • All Mens Cuts $13
Human hair comes from a variety of sources, mostly other
• Womens Cuts Start at $28
continents. You can find a large variety of lengths and colors (within
fairly obvious limits), with a range of textures and processing. Hair
from China or India is very common because of its natural strength
Ball & Prom Goers:
Call for Special Rates! 5go to our website
with this ad!
and ability to stand up to processing used to make it softer, smoother, OPEN 7 DAYS A WEEK! for more info
and different colors. Eastern European countries supply a variety of MON - Fri 10AM-6PM
softer and naturally wavy hair. “Virgin” hair means that the hair is in SAt & SUN 11AM-4PM
its original shape, with no coloring or processing at all. It’s cut from

Continued from page 25
professional players who participate in American and European tour • 9-iron, wedge, sand wedge
events that bans the use of existing square grooved wedges, which will • Putter
make it more difficult to spin the golf ball out of the rough. This new These Clubs should be all that you require to allow you to get a
ruling will not affect amateur player status until January 2024, at which “feel” for the game, and allow you to “have fun” and move forward at
time all square grooved irons, wedges, will not be labeled as acceptable your own pace.
to use in sanctioned events, to include golf leagues. Golf manufacturers Mid Handicap Players:
are now required to adhere to this new requirement by the U.S.G.A. on • Driver 10.5 – 12 Degrees
all new production as of January 2010. • 3-wood. 13.5 -16 Degrees
Please review below the clubs that I feel you should have “in your • 4-5-6- Hybrids
bag” as it relates to your abilities in the sport of the golf. • 7-8-9- cavity back and or off set irons.
Beginner Golfers to High Handicappers: • Wedge, Sand wedge
• 3-Wood 13-16 Degrees • Putter
• 5-6-and 7 Hybrid Lower Handicap Players:
• Driver 9-10.5 Degree
❀❀❀❀❀❀❀❀❀❀❀❀❀❀❀❀❀❀❀ • 3-wood
Give A Gift That Will Last Forever... • 3-4 Hybrid

❀ Carmelo’s Ink City ❀

• 5-6-7-8-9- forged or “blade” irons
• Wedges, 54, 58, 60, 64 Degrees to include sand
Tattoos & Body Piercings • putter
❀ • All Piercings are $25 or 2 for $40 ❀ As a lower handicap player, you will know what the strong assets
of your game are, what clubs you feel confident in using, what works,
❀ • All name, one word phrase, ❀ what doesn’t, course management, when to press, when not to, that
Chinese Symbol Tattoos are ONLY $40 certain “touch” you have around greens, and of course reading putts.
❀ • All other Tattoos are 10% OFF
❀ In closing, here are a few more suggestions of items you may want
❀ • Buy a Gift Certificate of $120 or more ❀ to consider having in your bag or on your person:
& receive a FREE piercing. • Use only inexpensive, shag balls, or slightly damaged golf balls
❀ 705 Wolf Street • Syracuse, NY 13208 • 315-214-8187 ❀ early in the year, as you will experience lost balls, plugged balls,
Between 2nd North & Grant Blvd. miss hit etc.
❀ • ❀ • Wear older golf shoes, why damage newer shoes on wet and
❀❀❀❀❀❀❀❀❀❀❀❀❀❀❀❀❀❀❀ muddy fairways and or bunkers.
• Be prepared for in climate weather i.e.; rain, wind conditions,
SNOW flurries…Make sure you have a breathable, water repellent
rain suit, top and bottom. Winter hat, all weather golf gloves, and
proper cool weather gear.
• Plenty of tees!
• Divot tool…Please keep our greens in shape! (Ever try and putt
your ball over a ball mark that was not repaired?)
• Umbrella
• First aid kit
• Water, or energy drink, to include energy bars
• Golf gloves...(more than one)
• Polarized glasses.
Until next month, happy golfing.


Continued from page 27
grows. An experienced technician can add fullness all temptation to go too hot is always there,
through the existing hair, or strategically place locks especially if the extension isn’t too close
for a special look. You can match your color or contrast to your scalp. And you have to be careful
with highlights in a rainbow of shades. A temporary that you don’t pull hairs out of the piece.
and easily removed option is to buy individual clip-in The first rule of cleaning for all
pieces, which are much less expensive and don’t require hair extensions is…be careful. Resist
the commitment that professionally done extensions the temptation totally for clip-ins, and
involves. they will last far longer. For permanent
Care and styling cam be a bit problematic for both extensions, shampooing is obviously
real and synthetic extensions. Synthetic hair is designed a must, since your head can get pretty
to retain its original style and can’t be changed without itchy and kind of gross. Synthetics don’t
the risk of serious and permanent damage to the piece. absorb conditioner, and often should
That means blow dryers, hot rollers, curling irons and be cleaned with special wig shampoo
flat irons are out. You have to be careful, even around for best results. Mild is the word for
hot ovens and outdoor all extension care, from shampoo to
grills. Polyester melts! And combing to any styling. If you invest
the longer the extension, major dollars in a weave or permanently
the easier it is to catch it attached extensions, make sure you get
on zippers or clothing that really good care instructions from your
can pull out or warp the stylist.
hair fibers. Hair extensions can be your ticket to versatile style – short and
Human hair extensions preppy for your professional life, long and wild for nighttime, or a
can be cut, styled, special ‘do for your most special occasions. It’s not all heaven, of
processed or colored, course. You can feel the extensions in your hair, and if they get pulled
since they are porous out, ouch. But for a change of look, they can’t be beat. Always go
and able to do most to a technician with a good reputation, or buy clip-in hairpieces and
everything you can do to experiment on your own. It’s a great way to get the look you want
your own hair. You can without the commitment (except for the dollars!). Live a little!
use the aforementioned styling implements. If you wash it, the extension Questions? Comments? Email me at And have
actually has to be restyled, but carefully, since it’s probably already been a great month!
processed like crazy. You really have to be careful to not damage it. The

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The Write stuff

by: Nancy Roberts

The Secret History

By: Donna Tartt
Published by: Vintage Contemporaries, 1992
My friend Nadine lent me this
book about a year ago, and urged
me to read it.
I started it, and had every
good intention, and then it got
put aside because I had to read
something else to review. And it
wasn’t demanding my attention. Then
another, and another, and another
book got in the way.
Finally, nearly a year later, I was
going on vacation, and would have
several hours on the plane each way,
so it seemed like an ideal time to start
What took me so long?
The book is one of those wonderful
discoveries you want to make
again and again. While I admit
that it’s slow to get started,
once you’re at about page
60 it becomes impossible to
put down. You’re drawn in,
enveloped, cocooned. In short,
you become just like our hero,
Richard Papen, who is adopted
into a strange little clique of
classical scholars at Hampden
College, and is literally seduced
into evil.
The evil isn’t deliberate,
which makes it all the more
frightening - but I get ahead of
Richard is a boy from lower
middle-class Plano, CA. His
family is distasteful to him: a kind of classless bohemian group of whom
he is profoundly ashamed, and who don’t understand his intellectual’s
fascination with Greek literature and history. Determinedly, he finds a
way to manage a scholarship to Hampden College, with which he has
fallen in love. There, he reinvents his past, and longs to become a real
part of the small group of preppy friends that comprise the Classical
Studies students, and acolytes to charismatic professor, Julian Morrow.
His acceptance, or quasi-acceptance, is, as Tartt describes it,
voluptuous, rich, intoxicating.
Held just slightly out of reach, becoming part of the Greek studies
program is all the more desirable; the students (including Richard) can
chatter to one another in a “secret” language that few can understand;
their professor teaches them that they literally do enter a “secret” society
when they become adept at Greek. And he invites them into this society:
“I hope we’re ready to leave the phenomenal world,” he says, “and enter
into the sublime?”
The Greeks, so far as we know, practiced mystery, or cult religions.
Among the more notorious was the Dionysian cult of the Maenads,
the female followers of Dionysus. Using intoxicants, dance, song, and
sexuality, this cult would engage in periodic frenzied rites, which,
according to legend, frequently resulted in not only orgiastic nights, but
Continued on page 47

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tales from the vine

by: Cathy Millspaugh

The freshness
of spring is upon us Cayuga Ridge Estate Winery’s
with the blooming new copper oven
of springtime flowers,
the budding of trees
and that familiar smell as “MJ,” food, land, and
of spring. On the wine are inter-connected.
Cayuga Lake Wine She says, “I grew up at
Trail in the heart of the winery, and now The
the Finger Lakes new Copper Oven will work
ideas are popping with my family’s business,
up everywhere. Last Cayuga Ridge Estate. It is a
month we talked about natural connection – food and wine.”
Chef Sam’s specialty cooking classes at Sheldrake New for Thirsty Owl Wine Company is the addition
Point & Simply Red Bistro where you prepare the meal to their tasting room. The construction features an additional
and then you get to enjoy your creation paired with tasting bar overlooking their Cabernet Sauvignon, Pinot Noir,
Sheldrake’s fine wines, her next class is June 24. Syrah, and Malbec vineyard. The addition also has a small private tasting
Cayuga Ridge Estate Winery is introducing their new Copper Oven room with a balcony on the second floor to take in those breathtaking
that can bake a pizza in 90 seconds. Mary Jane Challen Kircher, co- views of Cayuga Lake for miles looking East, North and South.
owner and chef will rotate the menu of pizzas culling fresh produce from Construction plans are anticipated to be completed by May 1.
her own garden and other local farms. Each day will feature two pizza Awards come naturally for the wineries along the Cayuga Wine Trail.
selections showcasing homegrown veggies, artisan cheeses and optional At the Golden Nose Award Competition organized by the New York
meat toppings. “My goal is to provide guests with straightforward, Wine & Culinary Center, Thirsty Owl Wine Co. took the highest award
local ingredients, combined in an exciting new way, in a friendly and Best of Class for their 2008 Riesling. This Riesling is characteristic Well
scenic atmosphere,” says Kircher, who owns The Copper Oven with her balanced with flavors of citrus & grapefruit and a mouthwatering finish.
husband, Seth. For Kircher, who is known around the farm and winery Knapp Winery and Vineyard Restaurant was the first to win two Double
Gold medals at the recent Finger Lakes International Wine Competition,
a rarity. The award winning wines were their 2008 Vidal Blanc and their
2008 Estate Block 4 Vidal Ice Wine. I’ve had the pleasure of tasting both
these wines and the fruity finishes are spectacular as if you plucked the
grapes straight from the vine. 
The wineries are open for Mother’s Day on May 9. At Sheldrake
Point Vineyard & Simply Red Lakeside Bistro, enjoy a Mother’s Day
Brunch with Chef Sam’s cuisine, Sheldrake Point wines and glorious
views! Sunday, 11am - 3pm. Knapp Vineyard Restaurant celebrates
with a special buffet that includes carved top round of beef or pork,
French Toast with wild berry cream cheese filling, Eggs Benedict, pastas,
seasonal vegetables topped with fresh fruit. Each woman receives a
complimentary glass of champagne along with a special chocolate
creation from our chef’s table. Buffet hours-10:30am to 3:30pm. At
Americana Vineyard relish in their Sunday Brunch off the menu 11:00-
Continued on page 46

Bottle of Wine
• Wine Tasting Parties Get One
The new addition at Thirsty Owl Wine Company features an
Fun, Simple & Delicious!
Monday - Friday: 5pm-7pm
Saturday: 10am-5pm
877 State Fair Blvd
(of equal 30 Bottles!
or lesser value)
additonal tasting bar and scenic balcony. Syracuse, NY 13209
table_hoppingAD2010.pdf 4/23/10 4:14:50 PM (315) 572-4763 Some Restrictions Apply Expires 6/2/10

Taste SPRING at the 16th Annual

Sample signature foods and beverages from Central New
York restaurants, wineries and breweries. Bid on sought after
auction items and enjoy live music from Frenay & Lenin as
we celebrate the best the area has to offer.
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Cazenovia College - Hubbard Hall
Call 655-KIDS for ticket information.

Club Scene
by: Alisha Tondro

With a slogan like “good grub, cold beer, good

times,” The Limp Lizard Roadside Cantina is worth the
drive to North Syracuse. Located at 224 N. Main St.,
Limp Lizard is a great venue to stop by. But be careful
you don’t look the wrong way, because you just might
miss it.
There are strings of white lights hanging over the
red umbrella topped picnic tables on the patio at the
front of the restaurant. Inside are four golden tables
with green trim. Set up at these tables are simple
wooden kitchen chairs, for a total seating for 14
people. The outer walls have a long bar with six tall
backed bar stools.
More of the inner décor includes a small set of
antlers, a large animal skin on the wall, and several
old fashioned license plates tacked to the wall around
the ordering counter.
The cantina is located in a small building that
looks like an old drive up diner. With this setting the
Cantina is best described as a local watering hole with
the feel of a roadhouse. However, the Cantina is so
much more.
The cantina is an expansion of the Limp Lizard
Bar and Grill run by Chuck and Robin Orlando. The
grill opened about five and a half years ago. The
Cantina, which is run by Chuck’s cousin Frank Yaizzo,
opened in December.
“We’re doing
pretty well for an
expansion in just
that short of time,”
explains Yaizzo.

Mother’s Day Specials When asked about

the restaurant, Yaizzo
Sunday, May 9th Serving 2pm - 8pm explains, “We’re not
a restaurant, but a
Chicken Supreme $14.95 Delmonico Sizzler $17.99
lemon peppered boneless
barbeque joint. Putting
delmonico steak served on a
chicken breast topped with sizzler platter with sautéed
it this way let’s us
diced tomatoes, mushrooms, portabella mushrooms, served get away with a lot

Enter to
and cheddar cheese served with choice of side along with of stuff we couldn’t
over a bed of rice topped with soup and salad bar otherwise.”
hollandaise sauce served with

“We love to do
a side of broccoli Haddock Provo $14.95 what we do,” Yaizzo
broiled haddock topped with states. “And we just
Seafood & Seaweed $15.95 spinach, roasted red
shrimp and scallops sautéed love to have fun.”
peppers, kalamata olives,
in olive oil and garlic, served and provolone cheese
The Cantina,
over Italian greens, and as well as the Grill,
topped with romano cheese Lobster Tail Market are all run and
owned by family.
6 Chiefs baseball tickets Scallops Carbonara $16.95
scallops and bacon tossed
From Chuck’s mom
in a light alfredo sauce with
working a register
Send in your name, address & phone number to: fettuccini pasta and taking orders,
to his cousin, David,
Table Hopping every wednesday

Huge crab
in the kitchen and
even Donna Baker,

1129 N. State Street Yaizzo’s girlfriend, as
Syracuse, NY 13208
the manager of the
only /lb. Cantina, everything
Entries must be received by OPEN 7 DAYS A WEEK
stays in the family.
The menu consists
May 22nd, 2010 FOR LUNCH & DINNER of many homemade
rt. 49 • cleveland, ny • on c4 trail • 675.3950 Continued on page 40

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some restrictions apply. Expires 6/2/10


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2 pulleD pork sanDwiCHes $37.97 + Tax
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Continued from page 36
barbeque favorites. Limp Lizard has specialty sauces for everything. They
even bottle four of their sauces for sale to the public.
The Cantina was just issued its liquor license, so they now serve

natiOn beer and wine. They have eight beers on tap, featuring Syracuse’s own
Middle Ages beer as their specialty.
From an “almost world famous” Philly cheese steak at $8.49 to the
homemade chili and jalapeño corn bread, there is a taste for everyone.

SmOke ShOp The Cantina also sells Tex-Mex as well as ribs, and even jambalaya.
The Cantina also features “family take away dinners.” These dinners
feed up to four people. The most extensive meal consists of one half
chicken, one full rack of ribs, two pulled pork sandwiches, and two
sides and cornbread all for $37.97.
And with frequent diner cards, patrons come back as often as they
beSt can.
The Cantina serves a lot of bikers, which is why they have derived
priceS their logo from the well-known Harley Davidson logo. However, the

50 OFF
Cantina, as well as the Grill, serves mostly the locals.


Not only is Limp Lizard a great restaurant, but they also cater. They
tOwn! offer custom full-service, drop-off, or pick-up catering. Limp Lizard also

does clambakes and picnics. They can do any event, big or small. From
office parties, luncheons and dinners to anniversaries and weddings,
“make it better with mouth watering Limp Lizard BBQ!”
Last year the grill catered over 500 parties. This year, the Cantina
is joining that number, havingrestrictions
already booked apply. Expires
five weddings for the6/2/1

New Second Location:

your guests
roll up and
see our mobile
pit smokin’,

224 N. Main St. (Rt.11)

they’ll instantly
know they’re
in for a great
SUN 12PM-11PM PH 299-5747 time!” brags the
website www.
limplizardbbq. Take ouT only

we Offer a great
The Limp
Lizard Roadside

Family Take away Dinners

brand SelectiOn
Cantina is
closed on
however, they
available #1
nOwhere elSe!
- 2 HalF CHiCkens & Full raCk are open
$34.99 + Tax
Tuesday through
Saturday from
ts #2 - 4 coupon
Manufacturers pulleD pork sanDwiCHes 11am to 9pm.
They are also
$25.99 + Tax
#3 - 2 Full
discount cigarettes, raCks
open on
Sundays from
noon to 8pm.
$34.99 + Tax
and other#4 - 1
tobacco HalF CHiCken & 1 Full raCk
tions Apply
Conveniently located2 pulleD pork
1/8 of a mile
off Route 81. Take Rt. 81 to exit 16.
sanDwiCHes $37.97 + Tax
ings! choice
Go North on of 2 large
State sides plus
Route 11. 4 pieces of cornbread • each dinner package feeds 4 people
We are on the right, just past the
- Onondaga Nation Arena.

Luck 315-469-6932

Project Benef it Shoot: Paul Taylor: Zombie Prom:
Vernon National Shooting Parker's Auburn Westcott Theater Syracuse
Preserve Vernon FRi 5.7 The Critics w/ Paul Taylor:
Thu 5.27 Trivia Night: Cortini Brothers: Paging River BBQ Oswego
Thu 5.6 Midget Wrestling: Meaghan MacMurphy's Monirae's Pennellville Smokin: Yesterday's
Monirae's Pennellville Liverpool Sons of the Queen: Royal Sylvan Beach
Trivia Night: SuN 5.30 Bikini Contest: Limp Lizard Syracuse SuN 5.9 Sevendust:
Meaghan MacMurphy's Pfohl's Beachouse Letizia & The Z Band: Westcott Theater Syracuse
Liverpool Sylvan Beach Edgewater Grill Baldwinsville Kim Fetters &

SaT 5.8 Treasure hunt & Live Chain 13: andy Rudy:
Remote w/ Movin' Back on Track Again Swifty's Auburn
100.3/96.5: Brewerton Los Blancos:
Chris Flowers Liverpool SaT 5.1 Kat Tale: Syracuse Symphony Empire Brewing Co Syracuse
MoN 5.10 Party Lite Bingo Edgewater Grill Baldwinsville Presents-The Magical MoN 5.10 Jeff Jones:
Margarita Party: hendy: Music of disney: Dinosaur BBQ Syracuse
Monirae's Pennellville Pizza Man Pub Baldwinsville Civic Center Syracuse TuE 5.11 open Jam w/ Big d:
Thu 5.13 Trivia Night: Fully Loaded: Reissues: Dinosaur BBQ Syracuse
Meaghan MacMurphy's Mountain View Preble Dinosaur BBQ Syracuse WEd 5.12 dave hawthorn:
Liverpool MC Music: The disco Biscuits: Woody's Jerkwater Mattydale
FRi 5.14 Nexstar Regional Back on Track Again Westcott Theater Syracuse Watermelon Slim:
Championship: Brewerton Easy Star all-Stars: Dinosaur BBQ Syracuse
On Center Syracuse Jane Zell & da Westcott Theater Syracuse Thu 5.13 david allen:
SaT 5.15 Sinbad: Zelltones: Los Blancos: Limp Lizard Syracuse
Turning Stone Casino Verona CJ's Pub Weedsport Papa Gallo Fayetteville harper:
Nexstar Regional Sweet adelines: SaT 5.8 F-5: Monirae's Pennellville Dinosaur BBQ Syracuse
Championship: Civic Center Syracuse Mike & Stan: Joe donelan:
On Center Syracuse horndogs: Limp Lizard Syracuse Tavern on the Lock Fulton
SuNY ESF Dinosaur BBQ Syracuse Soul Mine: FRi 5.14 Mickey Vendetti &
Convocation: SuN 5.2 aaron austin Project: Edgewater Grill Baldwinsville The Goodtime Band:
On Center Syracuse Swifty's Auburn Mcardell & Westers: Vernon Downs Casino
SuN 5.16 Nexstar Regional MoN 5.3 Miss E duo: Pizza Man Pub Baldwinsville Vernon
Championship: Dinosaur BBQ Syracuse Chain Reaction: El Kabong:
On Center Syracuse TuE 5.4 Jesse dee: Mountain View Preble Limp Lizard Syracuse
TuE 5.18 Rosamond Gifford Dinosaur BBQ Syracuse Emerald City: Wynonna:
Lecture Series-Jeffrey WEd 5.5 Jordin Sparks: Hotch's Cicero Turning Stone Casino Verona
Toobin: Turning Stone Casino Verona Chalk Line Memories: Fabulous Ripcords:
On Center Syracuse dave hawthorn: Back on Track Again Edgewater Grill Baldwinsville
WEd 5.19 Taste of Cazenovia: Woody's Jerkwater Mattydale Brewerton Cellar door:
Cazenovia College Cazenovia Black Earth Band: Four on the Floor: Woody's Jerkwater Mattydale
25th annual house of Dinosaur BBQ Syracuse CJ's Pub Weedsport 3 inch Fury:
Providence dinner: Thu 5.6 2 hour delay: Syracuse Symphony Hotch's Cicero
On Center Syracuse Dinosaur BBQ Syracuse Presents-The Magical Syracuse Symphony
Thu 5.20 Trivia Night: Red Elvises: Music of disney: Presents-The Firebird:
Meaghan MacMurphy's Westcott Theater Syracuse Civic Center Syracuse Civic Center Syracuse
Liverpool Joe donelan: dark hollow: Rock & Roll Night
SuN 5.23 Wounded Warrior Tavern on the Lock Fulton Dinosaur BBQ Syracuse w/ Mechanical Bull

deadline is May 22nd for the June issue


Rides: Paul taylor: Hotch's Cicero Tavern on the Lock Fulton

Monirae's Pennellville Tavern on the Lock Fulton the Noisy Boys: FRi 5.28 Folkfest:
All Paul Show: WEd 5.19 dave Hawthorn: CJ's Pub Weedsport Sterling Stage Sterling
Dinosaur BBQ Syracuse Woody's Jerkwater Mattydale the Shakedown: tJ Sacco:
Big Eyed Phish: Splenderglass: Dinosaur BBQ Syracuse Limp Lizard Syracuse
Westcott Theater Syracuse Dinosaur BBQ Syracuse Soul Risin': the Edge:
Bright Lights & tHu 5.20 Satisfaction: Westcott Theater Syracuse Edgewater Grill Baldwinsville
Country Music: Turning Stone Casino Verona Hodson & donelan: Cellar door:
The Amber Inn Marietta under the Gun w/ Castaways Brewerton Woody's Jerkwater Mattydale
Smokin: Fulton Polish the Reissues: Los Blancos: the Bomb:
Home Fulton B'ville T Party Baldwinsville Asil's Pub Fairmount Pfohl's Beachouse
SAt 5.15 Frank & Burns: the Barrigar Brothers: Smokin: Dilaj's Auburn Sylvan Beach
Limp Lizard Syracuse Kosta's Bar & Grill Auburn Cousin Jake: Amethyst:
Crime Scene: Andrew Jr.: Wander Inn Constantia Back on Track Again
Edgewater Grill Baldwinsville Dinosaur BBQ Syracuse Soul Mine: Brewerton
Wannabees: Joe donelan: Yeserdays Royal Sylvan Beach turnip Stampede:
Pizza Man Pub Baldwinsville Tavern on the Lock Fulton SuN 5.23 tuff Luck: Dinosaur BBQ Syracuse
One Hard Krank: FRi 5.21 Z-Bones: Swifty's Auburn Andrew Greacen:
Hotch's Cicero Limp Lizard Syracuse Los Blancos: Westcott Theater Syracuse
Chris taylor Band: travis tritt: Harpoon Eddie's Sylvan Beach Paul taylor:
Back on Track Again Turning Stone Casino Verona MON 5.24 John McConnell: Calypso Cay Central Square
Brewerton Fulton Chain Gang: Dinosaur BBQ Syracuse SAt 5.29 3 inch Fury:
Phil Petroff & Edgewater Grill Baldwinsville tuE 5.25 Gary Frenay & Monirae's Pennellville
Natural Fact: Rhythm Method: Arty Lenin: Folkfest:
CJ's Pub Weedsport Back on Track Again Dinosaur BBQ Syracuse Sterling Stage Sterling
Syracuse Symphony Brewerton WEd 5.26 dave Hawthorn: Ripcords:
Presents-the Firebird: Chief Big Way: Woody's Jerkwater Mattydale Limp Lizard Syracuse
Civic Center Syracuse Dinosaur BBQ Syracuse Mike Estep Band: Emerald City:
Fabulous Ripcords: Local H: Dinosaur BBQ Syracuse Edgewater Grill Baldwinsville
Dinosaur BBQ Syracuse Westcott Theater Syracuse tHu 5.27 Folkfest: Hendy:
Max Creek: Smokin: Sterling Stage Sterling Pizza Man Pub Baldwinsville
Westcott Theater Syracuse Paddock Club Watertown Sugardaddys: Beach Party w/
Papa Joe: Old Friends: Limp Lizard Syracuse Spanky's dilemma:
Tavern on the Lock Fulton Kitty Hoynes Syracuse One Hard Krank w/ Pfohl's Beachouse
Los Blancos: SAt 5.22 One Hard Krank: Kat tale: Sylvan Beach
Harpoon Eddie's Sylvan Beach Monirae's Pennellville B'ville T Party Baldwinsville under the Gun:
Mark Hoffmann Jam: tuff Luck: Kim Fetters & Pfohl's Beachouse
Inn Complete Syracuse Limp Lizard Syracuse Andy Rudy: Sylvan Beach
SuN 5.16 the Jam Bones Kane: Kosta's Bar & Grill Auburn donna Colton &
Swifty's Auburn Edgewater Grill Baldwinsville West Genesee High the troublemakers:
Los Blancos: Greg & Sarah: School Kaleidoscope: CJ's Pub Weedsport
Empire Brewing Co Syracuse Pizza Man Pub Baldwinsville On Center Syracuse Miss E Band:
MON 5.17 Sean Patrick taylor: Chris taylor & the Phil Petroff & Dinosaur BBQ Syracuse
Dinosaur BBQ Syracuse Custom taylor Band: Natural Fact: Los Blancos:
tuE 5.18 Bobby Paice: Mountain View Preble Dinosaur BBQ Syracuse Village Tavern Marcellus
Dinosaur BBQ Syracuse Whiskey Mae: Joe donelan: Bright Lights &

fax your event schedule or band listings to 315.474.7072


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Country Music: Alliance Bank Stadium Syracuse EVERy Karaoke w/DJ Smegie:
Sterling Creek Camp Ground Sytacuse Mon 5.24 Syracuse Chiefs Vs. Mon Singers Syracuse
Sterling SaT 5.8 onondaga Redhawks Toledo: EVERy Karaoke w/DJ Streets:
Kevin Minnoe: vs. allegany Alliance Bank Stadium TuE Singers Syracuse
Avicolli's Seneca Falls Box Lacrosse: Syracuse Karaoke Krew w/
F-5: Onondaga Nation Arena TuE 5.25 Syracuse Chiefs Vs. ormond
Lakeview Lanes Fulton Nedrow Toledo: Entertainment:
Sun 5.30 Folkfest: uSa Black Belt Alliance Bank Stadium Mac's Bad Art Bar Mattydale
Sterling Stage Sterling Championship: Syracuse EVERy Karaoke w/
Beach Party w/ LaValles Liverpool FRI 5.28 onondaga Redhawks WED Dr. Fantastic:
Saddletramp: Syracuse Chiefs Vs. vs. Rochester Singers Syracuse
Pfohl's Beachouse Gwinnett: Box Lacrosse: Karaoke w/ DJ Mike:
Sylvan Beach Alliance Bank Stadium Onondaga Nation Arena The Mill Syracuse
Dave Hanlon's Syracuse Nedrow Karaoke Krew w/
Cookbook: Sun 5.9 Syracuse Chiefs Vs. SaT 5.29 Syracuse Chiefs Vs. ormond
Swifty's Auburn Gwinnett: Scranton-Wilkesberre: Entertainment:
Los Blancos: Alliance Bank Stadium Alliance Bank Stadium Rain Lounge Syracuse
Al's Whiskey Bar Syracuse Syracuse Syracuse EVERy High Energy Karaoke
Mon 5.31 Beach Party w/ Mon 5.10 Syracuse Chiefs Vs. Sun 5.30 onondaga Redhawks THu w/ DJ octane:
Phil Petroff & norfolk: vs. Buffalo Singers Syracuse
natural Fact: Alliance Bank Stadium Box Lacrosse: Karaoke Krew w/
Pfohl's Beachouse Syracuse Onondaga Nation Arena ormond
Sylvan Beach TuE 5.11 Syracuse Chiefs Vs. Nedrow Entertainment:
Just Joe: norfolk: Syracuse Chiefs Vs. Joe Reddick's Sports Bar
Dinosaur BBQ Syracuse Alliance Bank Stadium Scranton-Wilkesberre: Dewitt
THu 6.3 El Kabong: Syracuse Alliance Bank Stadium EVERy Happy Hour Karaoke
Limp Lizard Syracuse WED 5.12 Syracuse Chiefs Vs. Syracuse FRI w/ DJ Fixx & The

3 Inch Fury w/ norfolk: Karaoke "Big Show"
The Empty V's: Alliance Bank Stadium w/Dr. Fantastic & Mr.
B'ville T Party Baldwinsville Syracuse automatic:
Dave Hawthorn: THu 5.13 Syracuse Chiefs Vs. WED 5.5 The Wizard of oz: Singers Syracuse
Kosta's Bar & Grill Auburn norfolk: Civic Center Syracuse Happy Hour Karaoke

Sports Alliance Bank Stadium THu 5.6 The Wizard of oz: w/ ormond
Syracuse Civic Center Syracuse Entertainment:
SaT 5.15 onondaga Redhawks FRI 5.7 The Wizard of oz: Johnny B's Jukebox Syracuse
SaT 5.1 onondaga Redhawks vs. Tonawanda Civic Center Syracuse Karaoke Krew w/
vs. Pinewoods Box Lacrosse: SaT 5.8 The Wizard of oz: ormond
Box Lacrosse: Onondaga Nation Arena Civic Center Syracuse Entertainment:
Onondaga Nation Arena Nedrow Sun 5.9 The Wizard of oz: Bosco's Village Pub Solvay
Nedrow SaT 5.22 Syracuse Chiefs Vs. Civic Center Syracuse Karaoke:

THu 5.6 Syracuse Chiefs Vs. Toledo: Mountain View Preble
Gwinnett: Alliance Bank Stadium EVERy Karaoke Dance Party
Alliance Bank Stadium Syracuse SaT w/ Hippy Dave & DJ
Syracuse Sun 5.23 Syracuse Chiefs Vs. EVERy Karaoke "new Songs Scotty: Singers Syracuse
FRI 5.7 Syracuse Chiefs Vs. Toledo: Sun nite" w/ Daniel Jack: SaT 5.15 Singers Prom night:
Gwinnett: Alliance Bank Stadium Singers Syracuse Singers Syracuse

deadline is May 22nd for the June issue


by: Dr. Barry

Let me clarify if I may. I’m not in particular complaining about

the Lamaze technique. I’m not in any way shape or form suggesting
that men shouldn’t be supportive of their wives while pregnant or
around the delivery. What I object to for many reasons is this sad
sick idea of the husband being in the delivery room for the birth of
their children.
Oh, I know men who have said it was a pleasant experience. I
am sure it was memorable. But pleasant? I don’t meet many of those
people and I don’t know how to characterize them. They’re obviously
not gay nor are they obviously slow or all French for that matter. Not
that there is anything wrong with any of the above. My point is my
opinion is obviously not universal, although really it probably should
be and let me elaborate why.
First off let’s talk about the pregnancy. Imagine my wife’s shock
and surprise when the gynecologist at our first meeting opined that
she shouldn’t have chocolate or coffee. Now those of you that know
my wife know she likes her chocolate and her coffee. I’m glad it
was the baby and not me that was coming between my wife and
her two rather innocent vises. As the doctor delivered this advice I
thought I noticed a small tic at the corner of her mouth. This was

the only deviation from her somehow
now pained smile expression. This was
going to be hard to handle.
Imagine then, if you will, my
Hood-MaRT.CoM: Used restaurant hoods, exhaust fans, make-up air fans, and dismay when the gynecologist
suggested that we should restrain
Fire Suppression systems. Installation can be provided. Call Kurt Noll at 422-3333. from further intimacy during the rest
liQUoR liCenSe ConSUlTing: The liquor license application process is very time of the pregnancy. Did you just say
no more sex doctor? I didn’t read
consuming and frustrating. The NYS Liquor Authority now confiscates the filing fee if the application this in my study of obstetrics and
is deficient. We prepare liquor license applications for owners, attorneys and accountants. We also offer gynecology...this is never advice I had
certified NYS Liquor Authority training, TIPS training, Smart server training and ID Scanners. For a free heard before ... are you a man hater
consultation with retired SLA investigators call 315-567-1165
in general or you do just hate me?
Usually people have to spend a little
FoRTUnaTo’S: Seeking Booth Rentals or Hairdressers, Call Ann 491-2808 time with me before they hate me.
This, too, was going to be hard to
diSCoveR the latest, hottest, most profitable, home business opportunity in America. FREE 24-page handle or not handle as the case may be. Somehow we survived.
Report. Write Zaken Corp., Suite 55384, 2610 Conejo Spectrum St., Thousand Oaks, CA 91320. Lamaze or not, we took some pre-birth classes which consisted of
line Cook wanTed: Call Euclid at 622-2750 deep breathing exercises, alternative birthing positions and my rubbing
my wife’s back and feet. I like rubbing. Rubbing is good. Rubbing
waTeRFRonT ReSTaURanT FoR leaSe: On Tuscarora Lake. Seats 45 indoors, probably got us into this situation in the first place. But one way
30 on patio, plus seating at bar, overlooking gorgeous 160’ of waterfront. 10 minutes S.E. of rubbing is no good. Couldn’t a brother get a little neck rub in between
contractions? This line of discourse did not go well with the instructor.
Cazenovia. Fully operational, includes all equipment. $1500/mo. Snowmobiling & cross country Nonetheless we prepared for that blessed day together.
in winter, boats & kayaks in summer! Call Laurie at 315-447-3636 for more details. Delivery date. My wife gave birth without so much as the benefit
of a Tylenol. No C-section, no epidural, no morphine drip ... nothing.
SaleS: Looking for reliable, motivated, enthusiastic individual to join the Not even a rice patty to squat in. This was childbirth 101. That was
Table Hopping sales team. Outside sales experience a plus! Send Resume to: apparently the joint decision of her and her obstetrical team.
Table Hopping Newspaper, 1129 N. State St., Syracuse, NY 13206 or fax to Even when everything goes absolutely perfect, it’s still, let’s say, a
pretty messy business. There is nothing glamorous about childbirth.
315-474-7072. There is blood and amniotic fluid and placental tissue and umbilical
gRapHiC deSigneR: Looking for reliable, motivated, enthusiastic cords and let’s not think about what else. Why in the world would any
individual to join the Table Hopping team. Part time, flexible hours. Send man want to be involved in that process? I’ll be out here on the other
side of the door while the doctor we’re paying will do his job and then
Resume to: Table Hopping Newspaper, 1129 N. State St., Syracuse, NY 13206 after all the evidence is cleaned up let’s get back together again. I don’t
or fax to 315-474-7072. need to be there for your pelvic. I certainly don’t need here to be there
Reach over 170,000 people with your classified ad; for this. Really, whose idea was it for me to share this with you?
I liken it sometimes to torturing a prisoner of war in Vietnam.
only $20 for 5 lines! Apparently when they really wanted to torture someone they tortured a
Call Table Hopping Today aT 474-1011 comrade. A fighter pilot might see his navigation officer tortured. This
was how I felt when
my wife gave birth. My
partner, my life mate is
in real pain and there

is not a bloody thing I
can do about it.
Did I mention
the blood? Even if
your wife is heavily Month’s
medicated and the
process is reduced to
the sterile atmosphere
of a C-section
operating room where
you are relegated to
the anesthesia side of
the drapes, this is not an uplifting process. Sure it’s nice when the baby
cries for the first time, but most of the stuff before that I would hit the
fast forward switch.
And some people want to videotape this process? This is an Almond Soba Noodles
American fad to have the man in the delivery room. I don’t think you
see it anywhere else in the world. You’re not in the operating room
when your wife has her hysterectomy. Why would you be there when
with Edamame
she has her delivery? I know for my wife, after the contractions started Not all pasta is Italian-Here is an Asian Spring dish!
no amount of foot rubbing or back rubbing that I did made a difference. 2 ounces dried soba (buckwheat) noodles,
I stood by feeling helpless as I imagine most husbands do whilst the
team does their thing. I’m not sure my wife knew I was there.
½ cup shelled edamame (may use frozen)
This is supposed to be a medical column not just my ranting board 1 tablespoon almond butter
so let me give you two clear cut medical reasons to not have the man in 2 teaspoons rice vinegar
the delivery room. This increases the risk of infection to the baby. More 1 medium clove garlic, crushed then minced
people in the room equals more chance of transmission of infection. Sea salt
Simple math. We need now more than ever to protect the baby. Also, 1 scallion, white and light-green parts,
and we all know it happens, if the husband gets faint or gets ill that will
distract the medical team from their primary focus and that’s not a good cut into thin slices
thing. So, besides the fact that as a loving partner I can’t bear to see ½ medium red or yellow bell pepper, cut
my wife in any kind of pain from a tooth extraction to delivery, there lengthwise into thin slices
are more straightforward scientific reasons as outlined above, but also 1 tablespoon almonds, toasted, then coarsely chopped
psychological reasons as I will now outline.
Please bear with me as I try and phrase this right. It’s about Bring a large pot of salted water to a boil over medium-high
feeling inadequate. Imagine your own quiet little hunting preserve. heat. Add the soba noodles and cook according to package di-
Now imagine that same preserve with a four lane super highway going rections, about 6 minutes. Transfer the cooked noodles to an
through it. Can any man not feel inadequate when he sees careening individual-serving bowl, reserving the cooking water in the pot;
down from out of this most sacred place the head and body of your return water left in pot to a boil. Add the edamame and cook
offspring...far dwarfing anything previously transiting thereabouts. until tender (about 5 minutes. Drain and add to the noodles. To
Sorry, but it’s a romantic buzz kill! How am I supposed to make any make the dressing just combine the almond butter, rice vinegar,
impression on my wife after that bowling ball sized love child has been garlic and crushed red pepper flakes in a small bowl. Add the
through? Will it ever be the same? Is it just me with these thoughts?
hot water as needed to reach the desired consistency, stirring to
So psychologically, on two different counts, it’s a bit of a downer
watching the birthing process. So ladies, if you really love your mate mix well. (I used a few spoonfuls of hot water from the pot to
you will let them park the car and pick up flowers whilst you get your get it to the right consistency) Add salt to taste.Mix the dress-
birthing process on. We love you the way we imagine you. Why do you ing with the noodles and edamame, along with the scallion, bell
have to go all reality on us? Let us have our illusions. We will love you pepper and chopped almonds; toss to combine. Serve at room
all the more! temperature.

All Ingredients can be found at our store in Liverpool 715-4402

Check for FREE cooking classes!

Continued from page 9
Joe. Behind closed doors, however, things were a little askew. Tom and relationship. Scrolling through each line of dialogue as if it were
his wife had grown distant from one another, rendering the middle- an actual conversation, you watch as the two forge an immediate
aged man impotent. Rather than working on the relationship with his connection. This seemingly arbitrary detail is vital in building the ever-
wife, he retreated into the world of online gaming. He enjoyed the escalating sense of suspense, intensity, and disbelief that permeates
companionship and sense of anonymity that the rooms provided, and throughout the entire film. What begins as casual and playful banter
spent his time chatting with his fellow competitors. It was in one of evolves into talk of sex, love, and relationships. The young girl fell so
these chats that a player using the screen name “Talhotblond” contacted hard for her “19-year-old” online lover, that she began mailing him
him. She introduced herself as 18-year-old Jessi, a rural college bound photographs, jewelry, and even a pair of her panties. The couple began
student from West Virginia. Like any reasonable, honest, and clear having cybersex, and saying, “I love you” to one another. Tom became
thinking adult would do, Montgomery told her that his name was obsessed with the young girl, and was devastated when his wife finally
Tommy. And, that he was a 19-year-old marine. discovered his secret. He was even more distraught when she contacted
From this point on, using actual text from their intimate Jessi and exposed him for what he truly was. Finally, Tom’s world came
conversations, the film brilliantly chronicles the formation of their crashing down when his beloved teen began chatting with one of his
fellow co-workers, Brian Barrett.
What unfolds from this point on is as suspenseful, puzzling,
and unbelievable as any Hollywood plotline. The dissolution of
Montgomery’s psyche is falling, and the creation of his private fantasy
world is downright frightening. It was as if he had whole-heatedly
convinced himself that he was a teenage, marine sniper named Tommy,
and he even wrote a letter to himself acknowledging this transformation.
This is only one of the many disturbing revelations that unfold in this
riveting tale. Featuring interviews from nearly all of the individuals
involved with the case (including Brian’s parents, Jessi’s father, a clinical
Congratulations psychologist, and even Montgomery himself), this is an enthralling
mystery that has you glued to your seat from start to finish.

David Buselli
If ever there were a time to pick up a film that you may never have
heard of, this it. Running at a concise 72 minutes, it is a perfectly paced,
impeccably directed, and flawlessly executed documentary. This is a
story that needed to be told and proves to be as riveting and thrilling
for winning 6 Chiefs tickets! as anything else you are likely to find on the shelf. The quintessential
embodiment of a “hidden gem,” Schroeder’s masterful work is an
undeniable gem.


Continued from page 35
was our Lucky Winner for
2:00pm and then later on from 4:00-6:00pm appreciate the performance
April’s Day at the spa/Night on the Town Contest. of “Ironwood”. Concerts are held every Sunday.
On May 15, at Knapp Winery and Vineyard Restaurant take pleasure
He chose in one of their themed wine and food paring dinners. This month’s
dinner is titled “Of the Ocean Blue Wine Dinner” where seafood is in
Edgewater Grill abundance. Think crustaceans, blue potatoes, eggplant and blueberries
for dinner and will arrive in style in a limo from transformed into savory and delectable foods served alongside delicious
premium Knapp wines. At Swedish Hill Vineyard, on May 15 & 16, join
Express Limousine. them as they celebrate their 24th Anniversary with annual porch sale
and deep discounts.
One day a year, King Ferry Winery is all about the chocolate at their
“I Love Chocolate” Day on May 22 from 10:00-5:00pm. Award-winning
Treleaven wines paired with a selection of rich chocolate desserts is a
match made in heaven! Tickets are $7.00 with live music from the “The
Common Taters” and food from Mo’s BBQ & Cowboy Cuisine. On the
same weekend on May 22 & 23, Cayuga Ridge Estate Winery, is hosting
their first “Flowers, Tips & Tricks to Grow a Bountiful Garden.” It’s
the perfect way to welcome in the new season with special gardening
guests. Learn about composting, soil composition, heirloom seeds and
how to plan the perfect garden.
Thirsty Owl Wine Company, on May 29 and 30 is hosting their
8th Annual Bistro Opening and the Edition I of the 2010 Artist Series.
Join them to kick off another great season featuring live music on the
Check us out on Facebook/cayuga wine trail for updates and on
every Tuesday we host a wine trivia quiz. Become a fan and see if you
can be our next lucky winner.
Photo does not represent actual winners. Cathy Millspaugh is the Executive Director of the Cayuga Lake Wine
Trail. To learn more, visit

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your document is stored “in the cloud,” (that is, on Google’s servers) n’s
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And this is the nature of the evil into which Richard is drawn.
The little group of friends is comprised of the twins, Camilla and

Charles: sweet, attractive, and clever; Bunny: a poseur, both intellectually

and socially, a rich boy in habits if not in reality; Francis, also privileged,
gay, and reserved; and Henry, the authentically rich, brilliant, preppy Mon-Thurs: Bachelor 6720

young man who leads them. Idle, smart, snobby, privileged, and prone Townline Rd.
to excesses (in alcohol, study habits, and isolation from the “real”
Noon-2AM Parties
world), the group (minus Richard) apparently kill a local while testing Fri: Noon-3AM Welcome Dewitt
out a Bacchanalian rite. And as Bunny deteriorates emotionally, and at Sat: 7PM-3AM
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Henry up for ever greater payoffs of money, gifts, travel, and high Bunny Jazzmine Porsha Felicia Jenna Dallas Lidia
living), the plan to kill Bunny seems inevitable.
The truth is, there isn’t much plot to the book. I’ve pretty well
outlined it for you here. What holds you to the narrative - demands that
you turn one more page, even in the wee hours of the morning - is your
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fascination with the characters, the rich detail of the writing, the sheer Couples Welcome
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Either way, while I have to admit I get tired of F. Scott Fitzgerald’s Available
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