Austroads Technical Report
Austroads Technical Report
Austroads Technical Report
Update of Double / Double Design for Austroads Sprayed Seal Design Method
Published May 2013
ISBN 978-1-925037-06-7
Austroads Project No. TT1357
Austroads Publication No. AP-T236-13
Project Manager
John Esnouf, VicRoads
Prepared by
Steve Patrick, ARRB Group
This document was prepared by a working group from the
Bituminous Surfacing Research Review Group comprising:
Walter Holtrop, Australian Asphalt Pavement Association (Convener)
Robert Busuttil, Department of Planning, Transport and Infrastructure, South Australia
John Esnouf, VicRoads
Jason Jones, Department of Transport and Main Roads, Queensland
Kym Neaylon, ARRB Group Ltd.
Steve Patrick, ARRB Group Ltd.
Austroads believes this publication to be correct at the time of printing and does not accept
responsibility for any consequences arising from the use of information herein. Readers should
rely on their own skill and judgement to apply information to particular issues.
Sydney 2013
About Austroads
Austroads purpose is to:
provide expert technical input to national policy development on road and road transport
Austroads membership comprises the six state and two territory road transport and traffic
authorities, the Commonwealth Department of Infrastructure and Transport, the Australian Local
Government Association, and NZ Transport Agency. Austroads is governed by a Board consisting
of the chief executive officer (or an alternative senior executive officer) of each of its eleven
member organisations:
The success of Austroads is derived from the collaboration of member organisations and others in
the road industry. It aims to be the Australasian leader in providing high quality information, advice
and fostering research in the road transport sector.
This document is an update of the design of double/double sprayed seal surfacing. The
information contained within this document supersedes that found in Austroads Update of the
Austroads Sprayed Seal Design Method (Austroads 2006), and replaces Sections 6, 7 and 8 in
that document.
The design has been considerably extended, and includes a table which guides the selection of
sprayed seals. To design suitable rates of application of binder and aggregate for the service
conditions, it is essential that, as a first step, an appropriate treatment be selected. Failure to do
so may result in a treatment that cannot provide the surfacing characteristics and performance
The design philosophy follows previous Austroads methods that are loosely based on the concept,
as originally proposed by Hanson in 1935, that to achieve a satisfactory sprayed seal, the voids
within the sealing aggregate mosaic should be filled to about one-half to two-thirds with binder.
Adjustments for differing aggregate shape and traffic are applied to develop a basic binder
application rate. To this, further allowances are applied to cater for the surface texture of the
underlying substrate, embedment of the seal into the underlying substrate, and any binder
absorbed by either the sealing aggregate or the underlying substrate.
Individual sections cater for the design of:
double/double seals with C170, C320 or multigrade bitumen and little or no trafficking
between applications
Austroads 2013
1 INTRODUCTION ..................................................................................................................... 1
1.1 General .................................................................................................................................... 1
1.2 Design for Little or No Trafficking between Applications ........................................................... 1
1.2.1 Use of Cutter ................................................................................................................... 1
1.3 Design for Second Application Delayed ................................................................................... 1
1.4 Selection of Appropriate Double/Double Seal........................................................................... 2
1.5 Aggregate Size Combinations .................................................................................................. 2
2.1 General .................................................................................................................................... 3
2.2 Design Procedure for First Application ..................................................................................... 3
2.2.1 Design Procedure ........................................................................................................... 3
2.2.2 Basic Voids Factor for First Application (Vf1) .................................................................. 3
2.2.3 Adjustments to Reduced Basic Voids Factor (Vf1) .......................................................... 5
2.2.4 Design Voids Factor (VF1) .............................................................................................. 5
2.2.5 Basic Binder Application Rate (Bb1) ............................................................................... 5
2.2.6 Allowances Applied to Basic Binder Application Rate (Bb1) ............................................ 6
2.2.7 Design Binder Application Rate (Bd1) ............................................................................. 6
2.2.8 Aggregate Spread Rates................................................................................................. 8
2.3 Design Procedure for Second Application ................................................................................ 9
2.3.1 Design Procedure ........................................................................................................... 9
2.3.2 Basic Voids Factor (Vf2) ................................................................................................. 9
2.3.3 Design Voids Factor ........................................................................................................ 9
2.3.4 Basic Binder Application Rate ......................................................................................... 9
2.3.5 Design Binder Application Rate (Bd2) ........................................................................... 10
2.3.6 Aggregate Spread Rate ................................................................................................ 10
3 DOUBLE/DOUBLE SEAL WITH PMB................................................................................... 11
3.1 General .................................................................................................................................. 11
3.2 Design for Little or No Trafficking Between Applications ........................................................ 11
3.2.1 First Application Using a PMB ....................................................................................... 11
3.2.2 Second Application Using a PMB .................................................................................. 11
3.2.3 Second Application Using C170, C320, Multigrade Bitumen ......................................... 12
Austroads 2013
Table 2.1:
Table 2.2:
Table 2.3:
Table 2.4:
Table 2.5:
Table 2.6:
Table 3.1:
Table 5.1:
Table 5.2:
Table 5.3:
D/D seal design adjustment to basic voids factor (Vf1) for aggregate shape (Va) ......... 5
D/D seal design adjustment to basic voids factor (Vf1) for traffic effects (Vt)................. 5
Surface texture allowance for existing surfacing, As (L/m2) .......................................... 7
D/D seal design aggregate spread rates for first application seal .................................. 8
D/D seal design basic binder application rates for size 7 mm and smaller
aggregates.................................................................................................................. 10
D/D seal design aggregate spread rates for second application.................................. 10
D/D seal design PMB factors ...................................................................................... 12
D/D seal design surface texture allowance and time between seals ........................... 14
D/D seal design aggregate spread rates for first application ....................................... 15
D/D seal design aggregate spread rates for second application.................................. 15
Figure 2.1:
Figure 2.2:
Figure 2.3:
D/D design basic voids factor (Vf) traffic volume 0 to 500 v/l/d................................. 4
D/D design basic voids factor (Vf) traffic volume 500 to 15 000 v/l/d ........................ 4
Embedment allowance for initial treatments (Ae) ........................................................ 8
Austroads 2013
This document is an update of the design of double/double sprayed seal surfacing. The
information supersedes that in Update of the Austroads Sprayed Seal Design Method (Austroads
2006), and replaces Sections 6, 7 and 8 in that document.
A double/double seal consists of two successive applications of binder, each followed by an
application of aggregate. Double/double seals may be selected and designed by one of the
following methods:
both applications placed with little or no traffic between applications, usually on the same or
consecutive days
The basic design procedure described in Section 2 refers to the design of double/double seals with
Class 170 and Class 320 bitumen or multigrade bitumen when both seal applications are placed
with little or no trafficking between applications, usually on the same or consecutive days.
Specific guidance on the design of double/double seals using polymer modified binders (PMBs)
and bitumen emulsion binders is provided in Sections 3 and 4 respectively.
Placing of double/double seals with little or no trafficking between applications is the preferred
option and is more reliable than delaying the second application and opening to traffic as this has a
risk of early loss of texture due to flushing, and/or damage by heavy traffic.
Use of Cutter
To minimise potential flushing it is recommended that minimal cutter is used in the first application
seal, generally in the order of 2 parts/2% for unmodified binders and 4 parts/4% for PMBs and
crumb rubber.
The second application seal is cut back as per a single/single seal, or at a slightly higher
concentration if the aggregate size is 7 mm or smaller, and the rates of application of the binder
are less than 0.6 L/m.
Refer to Section 5 when the second application is delayed, preferably by more than 12 months.
Care must be taken when determining the surface texture allowance for the second seal. It is
suggested that the surface texture allowance be reduced by between 30 and up to 50% from the
standard allowances to minimise the risk of bleeding or flushing due to:
lack of warm weather (in this case the allowance may be reduced).
Austroads 2013
To design suitable rates of application of binder and aggregate for the service conditions, it is
essential that, as a first step, an appropriate treatment be selected. Failure to do so may result in a
treatment that cannot provide the surfacing characteristics and performance expected.
A selection table updated for current and relevant practices is included in Appendix A.
This selection table supersedes Table 11.1 of the Update of the Austroads Sprayed Seal Design
Method AP-T68-06 (Austroads 2006). The updated seal selection table addresses the selection of
sprayed seals for high stress applications and introduces the concept of an eXtreme stress seal
(XSS) for pavements where a particularly robust seal is required for very high traffic volumes, high
stress locations and/or high pavement temperatures. XSS treatments may comprise a PMB
(S20E, S45R of S15RF) in both applications.
Double/double seals are designed to provide a robust seal able to cope with high traffic stress or
as part of a geotextile reinforced seal. To achieve the design outcome, the second application
should have an aggregate size no larger than half the nominal size used in the first application.
Recommended combinations are:
10 and 5 mm mainly for urban type locations where noise may be an issue and traffic
speeds are relatively low.
In this approach, combinations of aggregates such as 14/10 or 16/10 mm, where the second
aggregate application is greater than half the size of the first, are not recommended.
In such cases, the second aggregate can bridge over void spaces in the first aggregate making it
difficult to correctly design the binder application rate that will fill the voids in the first layer and hold
the aggregate in the second layer. This situation increases the risk of stripping, particularly of the
smaller aggregate. Increasing the second application of binder to compensate for texture in the
first aggregate application leads to a very high combined total binder application rate and
consequent risk of not achieving adequate surface texture.
Where the second application is delayed, the design procedure is comparable to a normal
single/single seal followed by a single/single reseal, and the selection of the second aggregate size
is less critical. Designers must, however, recognise the risk of flushing and bleeding associated
with resealing before adequate aggregate reorientation and hardening of the binder in the first seal
has occurred. If practical, the second application should be delayed for 12 months or more. This
delay should allow sufficient time for traffic to roll the aggregate to its final orientation and provide a
reasonable indication of the aggregate mosaic and surface texture allowance to adopt in the
design of the binder application rate for the second seal.
Delaying the second application seal is less important where the second application involves the
light application of binder and an aggregate, of size 7 mm or smaller, designed to occupy the gaps
between the larger aggregate particles in the first application (sometimes referred to as a pin down
seal). The binder application rate is designed to just hold the aggregate in place and a nil
allowance is made in this design for the surface texture in the first application seal.
Austroads 2013
Where, as recommended, the second application is to be applied immediately after the first with
little or no trafficking between applications, the following design procedure is used.
Note: This design section only applies for double/double seals using C170, C320 or multigrade
Design Procedure
The first application seal is designed using the same procedure as for a single/single seal, but
taking into account the fact that the voids in this layer will be reduced by the smaller aggregate in
the second application seal. The design process is as follows:
The voids relationship in the first application seal of a double/double seal is affected by the use of
the smaller aggregate in the second application, which partially fills and therefore reduces the air
voids. The reduction in air voids varies from about 10% at high traffic to 30% at very low traffic
volumes. This is compensated for by reducing the basic voids factor compared to a single/single
seal. The basic voids factor (L/m/mm) is related to the design traffic and can be determined from
Figure 2.1 or Figure 2.2 depending on traffic volume, and should be read to the nearest 0.01.
Note: These plots only apply to double/double seals constructed on the same day or both seals
applied consecutively with minimal trafficking of the first application seal.
Austroads 2013
Figure 2.1: D/D design basic voids factor (Vf) traffic volume 0 to 500 v/l/d
Figure 2.2: D/D design basic voids factor (Vf) traffic volume 500 to 15 000 v/l/d
Austroads 2013
As for a single/single seal the adjustments for aggregate shape and traffic effects also apply in this
design of the first application seal.
Table 2.1: D/D seal design adjustment to basic voids factor (Vf1) for aggregate shape (Va)
Aggregate type
Aggregate shape
Flakiness index
Shape adjustment Va
Very flaky
> 35
Not crushed
26 to 35
0 to 0.01
15 to 25
< 15
0 to +0.01
Table 2.2: D/D seal design adjustment to basic voids factor (Vf1) for traffic effects (Vt)
Adjustment to basic voids factor (L/m2/mm)
Flat or downhill
* Channelisation a system of controlling traffic by the introduction of an island or islands, or markings on a carriageway to direct traffic into predetermined paths,
usually at an intersection or junction. This also applies to approaches to bridges and narrow culverts.
** See Key Point below.
N/A Not applicable.
EHV equivalent heavy vehicles, (EHV = heavy vehicles + large heavy vehicles 3).
If adjustments for aggregate shape and traffic effects result in a reduction in the basic voids factor
of 0.4 L/m2/mm or more, special consideration should be given to the suitability of the treatment
and an alternative treatment should be considered. Note that the recommended minimum design
voids factor is 0.10 L/m2/mm in all cases.
The design voids factor, VF1 is determined by adjusting the basic voids factor (Vf1) for aggregate
shape (Va) and traffic effects (Vt), refer to Table 2.1 and Table 2.2 (Equation 1).
Design voids factor (VF1) = (Vf1 + Va + Vt) L/m2/mm
The basic binder application rate is calculated by multiplying the design voids factor (VF1) by the
ALD for the first layer, as follows (Equation 2):
Basic binder application rate: Bb1 = VF1 x ALD (L/m2)
Austroads 2013
The following allowances are determined to the nearest 0.1 L/m2 and are cumulative. They must
be added to, or subtracted from, the basic binder application rate Bb1 to determine the design
binder application rate, Bd1 (L/m2).
Allowances, in L/m2, are made for the following:
Refer to Figure 2.3 for allowance for aggregate embedment into existing surface (for sealing
over primed or primersealed treatments only). Pavement surface hardness should be
determined in accordance with AG-PT-T251 Ball penetration test (Austroads 2010).
This applies only to initial treatment work over porous pavements, such as limestones or
sandstones, and is generally based on local experience of the pavement materials being
used. For a correctly primed pavement it is generally not expected to exceed +0.1 L/m2 to
+0.2 L/m2. For an unprimed pavement it will be higher. Priming is recommended to reduce
the risk of the seal not adequately bonding to the pavement surface.
The design is based on using conventional bitumen such as C170, C320 or multigrade bitumen as
the binder. The design binder application rate, Bd1, is determined by the following Equation 3:
Design binder application rate: Bd1 = Bb1 + allowances (L/m2 rounded to nearest 0.1)
For example: Bb1 = 0.94 L/m2 and surface texture allowance is + 0.3 L/m2
Bd1 = 0.94 + 0.3 = 1.24 = 1.2 L/m2
Design binder application rate (Bd1) is in L/m2, rounded to nearest 0.1 L/m2.
Note: If the design binder application rate Bd1 is less than 0.1 x ALD (L/m2) then the seal has a
high risk of being damaged by traffic and should not be opened to traffic until the second seal has
been applied.
Austroads 2013
Measured texture
depth (mm)
Surface texture
allowance (L/m2)
Aggregate size of
proposed seal
5 or 7 mm
10 mm
14 mm
5 or 7 mm
10 mm
14 mm
Measured texture
depth (mm)
Existing: 5 or 7 mm seal
0 to 0.3
0.4 to 0.6
0.7 to 0.9
1.0 to 1.3
1.4 to 1.9
2.0 to 2.9
> 2.9
0 to 0.3
0.4 to 0.5
0.6 to 0.7
0.8 to 0.9
1.0 to 1.3
1.4 to 1.8
> 1.8
0 to 0.3
0.4 to 0.5
0.5 to 0.6
0.6 to 0.7
0.8 to 0.9
1.0 to 1.3
1.4 to 1.8
> 1.8
Existing: 10 mm seal
0 to 0.3
0.4 to 0.9
1.0 to 1.4
1.5 to 2.0
2.1 to 2.7
> 2.7
0 to 0.3
0.4 to 0.7
0.8 to 1.1
1.2 to 1.7
> 1.7
0 to 0.2
0.3 to 0.6
0.7 to 0.9
Note 1
Note 2
Note 3
Note 3
1.0 to 1.2
1.3 to 1.7
> 1.7
Note 3
5 or 7 mm
10 mm
14 mm
0 to 0.3
0.4 to 0.9
1.0 to 1.5
1.6 to 2.2
2.3 to 3.2
> 3.2
0 to 0.3
0.4 to 0.7
0.8 to 1.1
1.2 to 1.8
> 1.8
0 to 0.2
0.3 to 0.6
0.7 to 0.9
1.0 to 1.4
1.5 to 2.0
> 2.0
Existing: asphalt/slurry surfacing
0 to 0.1
0.2 to 0.4
0.5 to 0.8
0.9 to 1.4
> 1.4
Note 1
Note 1
Note 3
Note 1
Note 1
Note 1
Note 3
Note 1
Austroads 2013
See note
-0.3 L/m2
-0.2 L/m2
-0.1 L/m2
Note: It is recommended that the following alternatives be considered where the ball embedment
value exceeds 3 mm:
If due to moisture, defer sealing to allow the surface to harden as it dries back. The surface
should be retested once it has dried sufficiently.
Apply a small aggregate seal as the first seal to act as an armour-coat and to minimise the
amount of embedment of the larger aggregate applied at a later date, say after about
12 months.
Primerseals with cutback bitumen primerbinder should not be sealed for at least 12 months
after placement. If a primerseal must be sealed sooner, it should not be covered within
6 months, including at least 3 months of hot weather. A shorter curing period applies to
primerseals using bitumen emulsion.
A surface primed with cutback bitumen should be allowed to cure for a minimum period of
3 days prior to sealing. Otherwise, the possibility of absorption of binder and the potential
cutting back effect of the cutter in the primer must be taken into consideration. Bitumen
emulsion primers (specialty grades) can often be sealed after 1 or 2 days curing depending
on prevailing drying conditions.
As for a single/single seal, the design aggregate spread rate is also based on ALD, but reduced by
about 10% to provide a slightly more open mosaic to allow the second application of aggregate to
firmly interlock. Aggregate spread rates for the first application of a double/double seal are shown
in Table 2.4.
Table 2.4: D/D seal design aggregate spread rates for first application seal
Design traffic (v/l/d)
> 200
950 / ALD
900 / ALD
Austroads 2013
Design Procedure
Apply adjustments Va for the second application of aggregate and the same Vt as used in
the design of the first application.
Determine allowances allowances are generally nil for the second application. The only
allowance that could be considered is binder absorption into the aggregate, but this is
unlikely for normal aggregates.
The design traffic is the same for both layers but for the design of the second application seal there
is nil reduction in the air voids. The basic voids factor Vf2 can be determined from Figure 2.1 or
Figure 2.2 depending on traffic volume and should be read to the nearest 0.01 L/m2/mm.
The design voids factor, VF2 is determined by adjusting the basic voids factor (Vf2) for:
traffic effects (Vt), use the same as for the first application seal design (Equation 4)
Design voids factor Vf2 = (Vf2 + Va + Vt) L/m2/mm
Austroads 2013
Table 2.5: D/D seal design basic binder application rates for size 7 mm and smaller aggregates
< 100
1.0 to 0.8
100 to 600
0.9 to 0.7
601 to 1200
0.8 to 0.6
1201 to 2500
0.7 to 0.5
> 2500
The lower of the basic binder application rates should be selected for use with flaky aggregates (FI > 25%). The higher of the basic binder application rates
should be selected for use with more cubically shaped aggregates.
The lower of the basic binder application rates should be used where traffic includes HV of 15% or higher.
If not certain of the conditions and traffic composition, but it appears to be normal, it is recommended the mid-point basic binder application rate be selected.
If the smaller aggregate is part of the second application of a double/double seal applied within say two months after the first application, then it is recommended
that the lower of the basic binder application rates be selected and no allowances added.
Allowances for surface texture, embedment or pavement absorption, are not applied for the second
application seal binder design rate and therefore (Equation 6):
Design binder application rate Bd2 = Bb2 (L/m2)
Aggregate in the second application is normally no more than half the size of the first application,
and the spread rate is just sufficient to fill the voids in the first application. Aggregate spread rates
for the second application are shown in Table 2.6 as a guide to design the appropriate aggregate
spread rates.
Table 2.6: D/D seal design aggregate spread rates for second application
Aggregate size
Number of aggregate
7 (ALD known)
5 or 7 (no ALD)
250 to 300
5 or 7 (no ALD)
175 to 225
Note: For the second application seal the design aggregate spread rate may be up to 30% less
than for a normal single/single seal design.
These aggregate spread rates are based on C170 requirements and should be amended as
appropriate for PMBs.
Austroads 2013
This section covers the design of a double/double seal using polymer modified binder (PMB).
The procedure to design the rates of application for a modified binder seal is based on the design
of a normal double/double seal. In general, polymer modified binders are used in situations where
the conventional binder cannot cope, such as in areas with high to very high traffic stresses and/or
cracked pavements. The polymer modified binder is more viscous than conventional binder, and
should be applied at increased rates of application for effectiveness. To achieve this, the design
includes polymer factors (PF) for the various applications.
Note: A double/double is not recommended as a SAMI treatment.
Double/double seals with polymer modified binder are described by the following types:
HSS2 PMB in first or both applications for medium traffic loading (M500/170, S10E, S15E,
S35E, S45R or S15RF) and heavy traffic loading (S10E, S15E, S20E, S35E, S45R or
XSS with a medium to highly modified PMB in both applications (S15E, S20E, S45R and
Note: As for a conventional double/double seal, the recommended design approach is most
appropriate for both applications to be applied on the same or consecutive days with little or no
trafficking between applications.
Where the second application is to be applied immediately after the first with little or no trafficking
between applications, the following design procedure may be used.
Determine the basic binder application rate (Bd1) using the same procedure as for the first
application of a conventional double/double seal as shown in Section 1.
Then determine the basic modified binder application rate (Bbm1) using the polymer
modified binder factors in Table 3.1.
Add the normal allowances for surface texture and embedment to determine the design
modified binder application rate (Bdm1).
The aggregate spread rates are about 10% less than for a normal single/single PMB seal.
Determine the design binder application rate (Bdm2) using the same procedure as for the
second application of a conventional double/double seal as shown in Section 1.
Determine the design modified binder application rate (Bdm2) using the polymer modified
binder factors in Table 3.1.
Austroads 2013
The aggregate spread rate should be just sufficient to fill the voids in the first application
(Table 2.6).
Table 3.1: D/D seal design PMB factors
Only applicable for PMB grades: S10E, S35E, S15E, S20E, S45R, S15RF
Polymer factor
Recommended for lower design traffic volumes (less than 1000 v/l/d) where the main purpose is
as a SAM to reduce crack reflection with EHV generally less than 15%
D/D seals are strong robust seals by virtue of the mechanical interlock of the large and smaller aggregates and as such do not rely as much on the binder as an
S/S seal to cope with high traffic stress.
Performance of D/D seals applied on heavily trafficked roads, in periods of hot weather, or in high temperature regions have indicated it is desirable to not
increase the design binder rate by more than 10% to minimise potential bleeding and provide adequate surface texture over the life of the seal. For example,
using this approach 14/7 and 16/7 combinations on very heavily trafficked roads still had between 2.2 and 2.5 mm texture after 3 years.
Determine the design binder application rate (Bd2) using the same procedure as for the
second application seal of a conventional double/double seal as shown in Section 1.
If the aggregate is size 7 mm or smaller, and an ALD is not supplied, determine the basic
binder application rate from Table 2.5.
The aggregate spread rate should be just sufficient to fill the voids in the first application
(Table 2.6).
Austroads 2013
The design of double/double seals using bitumen emulsion binders follows the same design
procedure as double/double seals using C170, C320 or multigrade bitumen (Section 1) or for
polymer modified binders (Section 3) as shown below:
Emulsion factor in general a factor of 1.0 to 1.1 for bitumen emulsions of 70% or higher
bitumen content may be used depending on design traffic, percentage heavy vehicles and
prevailing weather.
PMB factor use the PF factors as shown in Table 3.1 for the appropriate grade of PMB
supplied as an emulsion, e.g. S10E.
Note: Consider the potential to vary the relative proportions of binder sprayed in first and second
seal applications to cater for the flow characteristics of standard bitumen emulsions.
This is a technique particularly applied to the use of standard bitumen emulsions (60% binder
content) where binder run-off places limitations on the size of aggregate that can be used in the
first application seal.
When using this technique, the total amount of binder is determined for both applications, but
the binder application rate for the first application is reduced to a maximum of 0.8 to 1.0 L/m2
of residual binder depending on the texture of the existing pavement surface and grade or
cross fall.
The balance of the total amount of binder is then applied as the second binder application
followed by the application of the smaller sized aggregate.
This procedure can only be used where there is no trafficking of the first application of
aggregate prior to the second application.
Austroads 2013
If the second application cannot be applied within a period of a few days, or up to several months
after the first application, and the seal will be trafficked during this period, the outcomes become
more difficult to predict. Designers must modify binder application rate allowances for surface
texture, as well as aggregate spread rates, depending on the extent of trafficking of the first
If unsure, it is recommended that the second application be delayed for 12 months, or longer if
practical, to allow the first application to settle down and provide a reasonable indication of final
orientation of the aggregate and surface texture of the mosaic.
The design procedure is as follows:
First application Design the first application as a single/single seal as appropriate for C170,
C320, multigrade bitumen, emulsion or PMB binder based on whether it is a normal seal,
HSS or SAM treatment.
30 to 50%
50 to 75%
12 months to 24 months
75 to 100%
The longer the delay, the more texture allowance is applied. After about 12 months, the full
allowance is generally applicable. The texture must be measured each time the design is being
considered, and the appropriate allowance determined.
Note: It is preferable to delay the second application up to 12 months to let the first application
settle down, and this should provide a better indication of any texture allowance that should be
applied. If the binder is still lively in the first application, the surface texture allowance should be
reduced, possibly to about 75% of the value given in Table 2.3.
Austroads 2013
> 200
> 300
> 200
Second application the aggregate spread rate for the second application is also based on a
single/single seal, generally size 10 mm and smaller, as shown in Table 5.3.
Table 5.3: D/D seal design aggregate spread rates for second application
Type of binder
Bitumen emulsion
900/ALD to 850/ALD
900/ALD to 850/ALD
200 to 250
750/ALD to 800/ALD
7/5 ( No ALD)
160 to 200
700/ALD to 750/ALD
160 to 200
Austroads 2013
Austroads 2006, Update of the Austroads sprayed seal design method, AP-T68-06, Austroads, Sydney,
Austroads 2008, Modified surface texture depth (Pestle method), test method AG-PT-T250, Austroads,
Sydney, NSW.
Austroads 2010, Ball penetration test, test method AG-PT-T251, Austroads, Sydney, NSW.
Austroads 2013, Guide to the selection and use of polymer modified binders and multigrade bitumens,
AP-T235-13, Austroads, Sydney, NSW.
Austroads 2013
Table A 1 is a preliminary guide to select an appropriate seal, and specialist advice should be sought to manage variations based on local
experience. This table supersedes Table 11.1 of the Update of the Austroads Sprayed Seal Design Method AP-T68-06 (Austroads 2006).
> 45
< 15
> 5000
> 45
< 15
> 45
< 15
> 45
> 45
Climate* hot
Equivalent heavy
vehicles %
< 200
< 15
Table A 1:
Small radius curves,
roundabouts, driveways,
turning lanes,
Grades# > 5%
Cracked pavements
SAM preferred SAM is a S/S (14 or 10 mm) but a D/D may be required where there are also high stress conditions.
Austroads 2013
steeper grades or combinations of extreme events may lead to unsatisfactory performance and may require alternative treatments.
Austroads 2013
Austroads, 2013, Update of Double/Double Design for Austroads Sprayed
Seal Design Method, Sydney, A4, pp. 21. AP-T236-13
Sprayed seal, design, design traffic, average least dimension, embedment,
surface texture, geotextiles, polymer modified binders, emulsions, single/single
seal, double/double seal, chip seal.
This document is an update of the design procedure for double/double sprayed
seal surfacing. The information supersedes that in Update of the Austroads
Sprayed Seal Design Method (Austroads 2006), and replaces Sections 6, 7
and 8 in that document.
These are based on the philosophy of filling voids in the aggregate matrix with
binder to a depth of about one-half to two-thirds the height of the aggregate
when lying on its least dimension. Adjustments and allowances are
incorporated in the procedures to cater for aggregate shape, traffic level,
embedment, existing surface texture, hardness of existing surfaces and
absorption of binder by either aggregates or the existing substrate.
The design procedures cover double/double seals with Class 170 bitumen,
Class 320 bitumen, multigrade binder, polymer modified binder and emulsions.
A preliminary sprayed seal selection table is also included.