Ecological Engineering: Fengmin Li, Lun Lu, Xiang Zheng, Xiuwen Zhang
Ecological Engineering: Fengmin Li, Lun Lu, Xiang Zheng, Xiuwen Zhang
Ecological Engineering: Fengmin Li, Lun Lu, Xiang Zheng, Xiuwen Zhang
Ecological Engineering
journal homepage:
College of Environmental Science and Engineering, Key Laboratory of Ministry of Education, Ocean University of China, Qingdao 266100, China
School of Environment and Natural Resources, Renmin University of China, Beijing 100872, China
a r t i c l e
i n f o
Article history:
Received 3 September 2013
Received in revised form 13 January 2014
Accepted 25 March 2014
Horizontal subsurface ow constructed
Dissolved oxygen
COD removal
a b s t r a c t
Improving nitrogen removal in wastewater treatment is necessary for the extensive and effective use of
constructed wetlands (CWs) in rural areas. Six different three-stage horizontal subsurface ow (HSSF)
CWs were designed to examine the effects of articial aeration and aeration location on the treatment
of organics and nitrogen. In a typical conguration (unaerated surface and subsurface ow), single-stage
CWs fail to support aerobic and anoxic environments simultaneously. To adjust the distribution of dissolved oxygen (DO) in CWs and to improve the efciency of sewage water purication, typical HSSF CWs
were divided into different sections with enhanced functions. The treatment efciency of the proposed
HSSF CWs was compared with that of typical HSSF CW. Results show that the removal efciencies of
chemical oxygen demand (COD), ammonium nitrogen (NH4 + -N), and total nitrogen (TN) in typical HSSF
CW were 70.3%, 18.4%, and 24.6%, respectively, whereas the removal efciencies of CW1 with front and
rear aeration and anoxic treatment were 90.1%, 99.7%, and 51.3%, respectively, at average inuent COD
and NH4 + -N concentrations of 184.6 and 21.7 mg L1 , respectively. Furthermore, front aeration greatly
improved organics and nitrogen removal compared with middle aeration and rear aeration. The oxidized
conditions in the HSSF CWs could facilitate efcient biological and biochemical reactions, thus resulting in
efcient organics and NH4 + -N removal. However, high DO level and lack of carbon resources might restrain
denitrication even though NH4 + -N removal was enhanced due to aeration. Therefore, TN removal has
potential for improvement.
2014 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
1. Introduction
China is in the midst of a water shortage. The average amount
of water resources per capita in China is only 23002400 m3 /year,
which is approximately 1/4 of the world average level (Webber
et al., 2008). Given the rapid urbanization and economic growth of
China, water scarcity due to water pollution is prevalent in most
parts of the country, thus limiting the water supply for agricultural,
industrial, and municipal use (Changming et al., 2001). According to
the National Water Resources Development Plan (20112015), the
effective farmland irrigation areas were only 62.097 million ha by
the end of 2011, which account for only 51.05% of the arable land in
the country. The availability of tap water is only 72.1% in rural areas
in 2011 (National Bureau of Statistics of China, 2013). Rural water
pollution is characterized as non-point source pollution and mainly
Ammonium N
Ammonium N
Nitrite N
Nitrate N
Fig. 1. (a) Schematic of the laboratory HSSF CWs, take CW1 as an example. (b) Sketch map of the HSSF CWs.
Fig. 2. DO distribution along the sampling points following the ow direction in six
HSSF CWs. Error bar are standard deviations of the mean.
Table 1
Inuent parameters (mean standard deviation) in constructed wetland.
COD (mg L1 )
TN (mg L1 )
NH4 + -N (mg L1 )
NO3 -N (mg L1 )
NO2 -N (mg L1 )
T ( C)
184.6 33.1
23.8 2.6
21.7 2.8
0.25 0.17
0.02 0.10
7.2 0.3
24.7 0.3
Fig. 3. (a) COD efuent concentrations among six HSSF CWs. Error bar are standard
deviations of the mean. (b) COD removal efciencies among six HSSF CWs (along
the ow direction).
while the average efuent COD was 50.6 mg L1 in CW2 without aeration during
the same period. This nding indicates that HSSF CWs with alike
structures had signicant differences in COD removal (p < 0.01)
because regardless of aeration. The same results, which the average
COD removal of aerated CWs outperformed non-aerated CWs, were
observed in concentrations of 32.7 mg L1 for CW3 and 52.9 mg L1
for CW4, as well as in 35.8 mg L1 for CW5 and 44.4 mg L1 for
CW6. The average COD removal efciencies of six different HSSF
CWs all exceeded 65%, that is, 90.1%, 69.4%, 72.8%, 65.4%, 76.5%,
and 70.3% for CW1, CW2, CW3, CW4, CW5, and CW6, respectively. The aerated wetlands (CW1, CW3, and CW5) outperformed
the non-aerated wetlands in the removal of organics, indicating
that articial aeration can improve COD removal efciency. Similar results were also demonstrated by Ouellet-Plamondon et al.
(2006), who tested the contribution of articial aeration on pollutant removal with a combination of planted, unplanted, aerated, and
non-aerated mesocosms in treating reconstituted sh farm efuent. Results showed that the COD removal in aerated mesocosms
was more effective than that in non-aerated mesocosms in both
planted and unplanted units.
The effects of aeration sites on COD removal rates along
the direction of the water ow are shown in Fig. 3(b). COD
was effectively reduced at the front areas of the CW systems
and then steadily improved along the ow direction. The fast
degradation rate of organics might be attributed to the easily
biodegraded sucrose as carbon source and the relatively high temperature (Table 1), which promoted the decomposition of organic
Fig. 4. (a) NH4 + -N removal efciencies among six HSSF CWs. (b) NH4 + -N removal
efciencies among six HSSF CWs (along ow direction).
compounds (Fan et al., 2012; Kayser and Kunst, 2005). CW1 (front
and rear aeration) facilitated COD removal more effectively than
CW2, CW4, CW6 (non-aeration), and CW3 (rear aeration) did, indicating that aeration in the front part of HSSF CW had a better effect
on the COD removal efciency compared with middle-aeration
Fig. 6. Variations of NH4 + -N, NO3 -N, and NO2 -N in the HSSF CWs (along ow direction). (a) CW1; (b) CW2; (c) CW3; (d) CW4; (e) CW5; (f) CW6.
4. Conclusions
The performances of different types of multi-stage aerobicanoxic HSSF CWs were investigated to determine the effects of
articial aeration and aeration location on the treatment of organics
and nitrogen. The results show that articial aeration can establish
aerobic conditions in HSSF CWs. High COD and NH4 + -N removal
was simultaneously obtained in the aerated HSSF CWs, which
remarkably outperformed the non-aeration HSSF CWs. For example, COD, NH4 + -N, and TN removal efciency levels were 70.3%,
18.4%, and 24.6%, respectively, in CW6, and 90.1%, 99.7%, and
51.3%, respectively, in CW1. Aeration in the front end was found to
improve organics and nitrogen removal better than middle aeration
and rear aeration. With proper application, the aeration strategy
could help increase the application and popularity of HSSF CWs
in the future. In addition, low COD/NO3 -N may restrain denitrication though nitrication performed well given sufcient oxygen
supply. Thus, TN removal may still be improved as long as proper
DO distribution and sufcient carbon are available.
This study was supported by Major Science and Technology Program for Water Pollution Control and Treatment
(2012ZX07203004) and Program for New Century Excellent Talents
in University (NCET-11-0468).
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